


刚刚读完了《悲惨世界》这部小说,我合上书,文章描绘的悲惨世界依稀浮现在我眼前,而在黑暗的世界中,文中的爱与善,却照亮了整本书,也把流浪在 黑暗中的我领入了一个光明的境界。

小说讲述了主人公冉阿让因为偷了一个面包而变苦役犯,并坐了十九年的牢。无家可归、受人们惧怕与鄙视的冉阿让心里承受这巨大的负担和痛苦。后来他遇到了卞福汝主教,主教不顾别人劝阻毫不犹豫地收下他并慈爱地让他与自己共进晚餐,甚至让他这个苦役犯、这个四度越狱的“危险分子”睡在与他近在咫尺的地方!而在冉阿让内心矛盾无法自我时,主教再一次宽容了他,他说:“冉阿让,我的兄弟您再不是坏人了,我已经洗净了您的灵魂,把他献在主的面前。”——温和而震撼!当时法国的社会黑暗但更多的是阴郁与无情,不管冉阿让拿出多少钱,摆出多少条件,只因为他偷了一个面包,只因为他是苦役犯,连马厩也容不下他!而主教是高贵的代名词,却收留了这么一个“神憎鬼恶的恶人”。他的和善,他的坦然大度,他的纯洁、善良、平等,让心灵空虚、干旱的冉阿让在黑暗中重新感到了爱,看到了善。他在无尽的温暖里找到了自我。 然后小说的描写对象变成了芳汀——这个穷苦交加的妇人,她把孩子存在德纳第夫妇家里。丧尽天良的德纳第夫妇一面向芳汀索要大笔大笔的赡养费,一面惨无人道地虐待着芳汀不谙世事的小女儿珂赛特。另一边,流言缠身的芳汀失去了工作,为了付清赡养费,她甚至出卖了自己的全部!直到马德兰——这里的市长拯救了她。马德兰市长力大无穷,并且和卞福汝主教一样和善、平等、善良、宽容,他像主教拯救冉阿让一样拯救了陷入绝望的芳汀。而这一位自称曾是卞福汝主教家男仆的老人——马德兰,而他竟也是冉阿让!多么戏剧性的结果!——“冉阿让,我的兄弟您再也不是坏人了,我已经洗净了您的灵魂,把他献在主的面前。”再次重温这句话,卞福汝主教做到了。他是真主的使者,他救赎了一个法国社会的牺牲品,用爱,用善,他让冉阿让的灵魂中也有了大爱,大善,也拯救了一个被摧残的灵魂!

为了拯救被冤枉的老人,功成名就的马德兰市长,不,冉阿让站了出来,说出了自己的身份。他拼命逃避无情的警探的追捕,仅为了要把芳汀的小女儿珂赛特从德纳第夫妇那里赎回——而这一事情也是不艰难的,二十六苏,十几法郎到一千五百法郎,贪婪无度的德纳第夫妇不断向冉阿让索要着赎金,冉阿让一次次解囊——仅为一个死去的普通妇女!仅为她的遗愿!然后,在法国大革命的战场之上,两鬓斑白的冉阿让又一次冲锋陷阵??他所做的一切,他从一个苦役犯到圣者的蜕变,震撼着每一个人,这使他在去世的那一刻,如天使一样,他灵魂放射的光彩,让在场的每个人,让还在看着这本书我——感到温暖,洁净,安详! 这是大爱,这是大善,唯有用道德感化才是医治社会的良方——作者证明了这一点,爱与善会滋润一切。相信爱,相信善,让爱与善深深地融化在这个现实残酷的世界中!这将不是一个悲惨世界!

第二篇:悲惨世界读后感 英文500字。

About The Les Miserables

I spent several days finally finished reading this novel- Les Miserables , one of the most famous novels in the French literature as well as a representative work of Victor Hugo. This novel describe a story: a young man named Jean Valjeanoriginally wasa poor family background

worker,because had not get enough money that one time stole a bread just for his hungry young niece,then he was arrested and put in prison, suffering the dark 19 years in the prison. After getting out prison, he receives people's discrimination, nobody answered him. At last, he was in desperate. However, the wonder appears, one

kind-hearted bishop changed valjean life by his mercy and kindness.

I have something to say after finishing reading this book, following are my point of view.I believe that human nature can be changed, when I first contact with this book I feel sympathy tovaljean. With his closing for 19 years, inhis forties he was released, it not only let my heart sank, seems unlikely in the surface. When he was released

from the prison, people only have discrimination to him. In the end, only the kind bishop regarded him as normal people. Environmental change the nature of man, during prison time he had formed manybad habit. At the beginning, he was not changed under the influences of the kind bishop ,but instead he had stolen the bishop's silver. To our surprise, the bishop forgave valjean, and send the silver he had stolen as a gift to the valjean. Finally valjean came to thought, he changed his name and decided to become a good person with the warmth and light given by the bishop, and settled in France north. He lived in the city with all his heart, people were moved at what he had done, hebecame the city's minister.Destiny always torments people. Valjeandid not end his lifewith this kind of ending. His fate torment him so much that he escape on the way again.

Valjean although later do his best to help others, want to do more good things to atone for his SINS committed before, when people know that he was a labor before, still not to accept his offer, in people's eyes it is still a unpardonable bad people. But valjean doesn't mind, still with that kind of heart to help others. He ultimately

deadsadly, this fully reflect the society at that time how unfair, isn't the one makes a mistake, never changed? Valjean’s life makes people think deeply, a man go bad completely from a piece of bread, then change into a thoroughly good man- a mayor. This is what a shock change! His body shows up two kind of human nature. The poor social will produce two kinds of people: the first is the lowly. Their ugly, selfish and greedy nature can no longer be hidden. As the Gardner in the book, in order to own the money at all for fraud, claims to be an actor for a while, then becomes a painter a short while,but he can not hide his ugly nature finally. In fact in today's society there are some people who will stop at nothing to immediate interests of dirty dogs. As some of the functions and powers effort by corruption; In important competition to get good grades and the doping; And small to cheat in the exam ...... Any deliberately disguise will be found, false may not permanent.The other is in no matter what

circumstance can keep the light, good, tolerant noble people. Changed valjean become more larger, kind and influence the one who callous, stubborn, had blindly

pursuing him - changshawei. Iagain shock by the tremendous power of human nature repercussions.

I wish our side will appearmore good people who like the angel of light bishop, more people can join to the team whose task is to help people warmly. The social needs men, the world needs they too, only in this way can we create our life and create a kind, harmony, light world!

We should keep a sincere heart to treat all people, to believe in other people, so you can get the confidence of others. If you has evil intentions, that you will never get any the confidence of others, only by suspicion, left out in the cold. To devotion, to help people with fun, be enthusiastic treats people, so that you will be welcome.

The Britain professor Smith had ever said: "Good books are one of the most valuable wealth of life," we should treat reading as an essential part in our life.















20xx平凡的世界 读后感









