



(北京相对论研究联谊会会员 李学生)


笔者认为作为一位当代科学工作者,要想实现自己的爱国情怀,首先应该努力把中华传统文化与西方现代科技融合起来,李政道曾经指出:现代物理学的许多新发现,跟中国古代的太极阴阳二元学说很相似.卢鹤绂院士曾经讲过:“王竹溪教授以毕生精力编纂的《新部首大字典》,是代表二十世纪中华文明的一座里程碑。它雄辩地证明了中华民族五千年文明结晶的汉字,有着强大的生命力。在不远的将来,汉字定能成为国际性通用文字之一。中国传统京剧宣扬的是忠孝仁义,赞颂的是仁义礼智信、温良恭俭让,这些做人的道理不能一概抛弃,人若弃之岂非混同于畜牲?京剧是中华文化艺术的瑰宝。两百年来它发展成普及全国的大剧种,30年代开始出现在欧美舞台,也受西方重视。作为一个中国人为这传统文化宝库中的珍品感到自豪。”科学发展永无止境,科学理论不可能穷尽自然界和人类社会的一切真理,科学中心也不可能永远停留在某一个国家。由于现代科学技术的发展存在越来越大的惯 1

性,目前还没有明显的迹象表明世界科学中心将转移出美国,并转向哪一个国家,但随着新兴国家和地区经济、科技迅速发展的势头,世界科学中心可能呈现多中心的局面。因此,对中国来说,既是挑战又是机遇,我们应按照世界科学中心转移的规律,高瞻远瞩,审时度势,制定积极的应对政策,凭借中华民族的勤劳和智慧,期待在21世纪或者更长远的未来成为下一个世界科学中心。 20xx年6月23日新加坡《联合早报》撰文指出:“总体上来说中国在世界知识链上仍然处于低端。中国知识产品的数量极其庞大,但是附加值非常低。”我们很多方面的科学研究只是在追综国际上的重大原始创新进一步的延伸而已,而真正由本国科学家自己原创的东西比较少,这方面我们和西方发达国家不能比,与一些西方幷不很强的国家也有差距。不可否认,我们也有些科学家在某些学术领域的科研做得比较好,在国际上一定影响,但仅此而已,这是我们国内相当多的科学家的现状。有影响,做了相当不错的工作和进行了重大的工作,和原始创新是两个概念?。。。科学上的原始首创,就是一个科学的现象,一个科学的效应,一个科学的规律在别人还没有认识到或者发现的时候能够从他那里产生,这个相对来说就要难得。江泽民同志 19xx年在党中央国务院召开的全国教育工作会议上强调:“在我们这样一个有近十二亿人口、资源相对不足、经济文化比较落后的国家,依靠什么来实现社会主义现代化建设的宏伟目标呢?具有决定性的一条,就是把经济建设转到依靠科技进步和提高劳动者的素质上来,??”自然科学的基础研究,对于一个国家的长期可持续发展是绝对重要的。基础研究是技术创新和经济发展的源泉,可以提高国家的综合国力和国际威望。基础研究也是培养优秀人才的摇篮,并且能提高全体国民的智力素养。自然科学的基础研究也可以看做是一种文化,因为基础研究是以追求真理为最终目标的。

杨振宁认为:一个人才的横空出世并不像预言那样简单,中国学术界若不能解决掉自身的种种问题,那么中国人还将会10年、20年永远等下去。基础科学的研究进度较慢仍是中国政府和科学界不能回避的问题。如今中国基础科学的发展,无论哪一门学科,和美国、日本、欧洲强国都还有相当的距离。这不仅是政府的管理问题,中国传统的社会结构和价值观在某些方面对于基础科学的发展有不利的地方。这和中国的教育哲学,教育体制也有直接关系。中国的家长式教育机制的弊端是顶尖人才容易受到各方面环境的制约,跳跃的思维总受抑制,飞跃难以实现。总之,中国有特点,但有些特点不利于基础科学的发展。展望21世纪,杨振宁认为中国将于21世纪中叶成为世界科技大国。 “我这样说原因有四:一、中国有数不清的绝顶聪明及可塑造性强的年轻一代,这是科技发展之首要前提。二、中国传统的儒家思想在重人伦和勤俭的同时,也重视教育,势必令上述人才大有可为。三、中国在过去一百年的发展中已经走出了固步自封的模式,取而代之的是对近代科学的热忱。四、中国 2

内地、香港、台湾近年来经济的迅速发展为科技发展提供了强有力的后盾。” 创建世界一流大学是北京大学的发展目标,而学校提出的“以交叉学科为重点”无疑是世界一流的一个重要突破口。所谓跨学科或和学科交叉,不仅涉及认知和知识层面,同时也涉及学术的组织层面。应当看到,学术跨学科发展趋势在不断地冲击着大学传统的以学科为基础的院系组织结构,许多国家大学的改革也都对这种发展趋势进行了组织方面的回应。就是说,跨学科和学科交叉的发展必须有相应的体制来支撑,否则,发展“交叉学科”以进行学术创新的战略只能流于形式。 跨学科研究是知识、智慧和技能高度集中的研究领域。近年来,这一研究领域已经成为科学研究和高等教育的一个新亮点,同样,也是研究生教育战略发展的一个突破口。跨学科是一种多学科之间相互作用,相互补充的合作研究。目前,跨学科已经形成适应、前沿和问题三种模式。研究生培养要解放思想,更新观念;借助跨学科研究以提高质量,优势整合,拓宽知识面;采取导师和导师组集体培养相结合,加强综合能力的培养;鼓励跨学科跨专业报考。研究生教育,是知识、智慧、智能、人格高度统一的高级专门人才教育,具有高等院校、高级科研机构传承学术、发展科学、服务社会的主要功能。纵观当今社会、科学、技术、经济与文化迅猛发展,其相互影响和相互作用日趋复杂。这种科学技术发展的高度综合性,一体化的趋势,给我们提出了越来越多的各种跨学科问题,也在客观上提出了用多学科综合研究方法去获得新的知识和智慧,用跨学科的研究方法去寻求解决理论和实际问题的重大课题,展示了跨学科研究的各种可能途径。在新的科技形势下,重视和加强研究生教育中跨学科研究,是解决研究生教育中封闭型、滞后性、空泛化的有效措施,是研究生教育中一个亟待解决的急迫课题。

李约瑟认为:“现代科学的成就,不能成为古代科学的最后历史审判庭,因为科学的发展还远远没有到头。中国古代在经验技术的发展水平上远远超过西方,但为什么近代科学却首先在西方诞生,而中国反而远远落在西方后面呢?中国文献清楚地向我们展示了一个又一个不平凡的发明与发现,考古证据或绘画实物证实,中国的发明与发现比欧洲类似的或照搬采用的发明与发现一般往往领先很长一段时间。不管探究哪一项,中国总是一个接一个地位居‘世界第一’。 中国思想“从来不把人和自然分开,而且从未想到社会之外的人”。 近代科学只兴起于17世纪的欧洲,那时找到了作出发现的最佳方法;但当时及其后的发现和发明在许多情况下都有赖于以前许多个世纪内中国在科学、技术与医学方面的进步。” 所谓“作出发现的最佳方法”,包含着三个要素:一是将研究对象从系统中抽出来研究的隔离法,一是精确计量并且用方程表述的数学法,一是可以由任何人重复验证的实验法。李约瑟曾指出,中国古代天文学“缺少理论是缺少演绎几何学的不可避免的结果。”其实还应进一步说 3




近代科学诞生以来,科学发展史揭示了这样一条基本规律:在每一个历史时期,总有一个国家成为世界科学中心,引领世界科学技术发展的潮流,经过大约近一个世纪后转移他国。科学史家的研究还表明,如果某个国家的科学成果数占同期世界总数的25%以上,这个 4





19世纪的德国成为第四个世界科学中心。德国科学的兴起始于19世纪初,首先进行了大学改革,把教学与科学研究紧密结合起来,使德国成为世界上第一个创立导师制的国家。德国全新的科研教育体制,吸引了许多世界最优秀的科学人才,成为科学研究的乐园,德国科学家不仅创立了细胞学说、相对论、量子力学等重大科学理论和学说,还为世界贡献了爱因斯坦、玻尔、欧姆、高斯、李比希、霍夫曼等一大批顶尖科学家。德国还特别注重科技成果的应用,使德国在19世纪70年代一跃成为世界工业强国。德国先进的电气工业和光学工 5




最后用爱因斯坦的一段话结束本文:“ 西方科学的发展是以两个伟大的成就为基础的,那就是希腊哲学家发明形式的逻辑体系(在欧几里得几何学中),以及通过系统的实验发现有可能找出因果关系(在文艺复兴时期),在我看来,中国的先哲们没有走上这两步,那是用不着惊奇的,令人惊奇的是,倒是这些发现在中国全部都做出来了。”



On the East-West cultural exchanges关于东西方文化交流来源:21世纪中外文化交流论坛作者:DAVID LEE(大卫·李) 21 Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges by China to move toward the future and the situation changes and constraints. From the current pattern of China to observe, there are two points can be certain: First, the general direction of China's modernization will not change and will accelerate the pace of the second is the integration of the world economy will become increasingly high, the economic ties越来closely in future. This will inevitably extend by two points on a basic conclusion: the 21st century will be more cultural exchanges between Chinese and foreign expansion, the breadth and depth of the exchange is the history of any period can not be compared. The reason is very simple, modern means to the world, is a closed nation can never achieve modernization. The higher the degree of China's modernization, and the world more closely linked with other countries in the world more and more on expanding cultural exchanges, as long as the pace of modernization of China's non-stop, we will make efforts to promote cultural exchanges with the world. Moreover, China is a big country, a culture of inclusiveness stronger. With the increase of our national strength and embrace the vision of world culture will be more broad. To remain the pursuit of a modern China, absolutely not going to the big Men Guanshang the exchange. And China's modernization, reform and opening up reciprocal causation, the world of China's growing demand will increase. One of the world economy and China's economy will Nanfennanjie to admixture, to cross-cross-to China and the Chinese foreign multinational companies in the world will China's economic integration into the world economy as part of the future changes in China's economy will directly West and the world in relatively large impact on China's market will become increasingly attractive to foreign countries, the world will become increasingly dependent on China's strong, and China's exchanges will become increasingly urgent; two self-China cultural, historical A long, broad and unique in the world's cultural pattern, is bound to cause the peoples of the world's attention and extensive research. Classical Chinese culture in the world in the process of modernization although hardly surprising charm, but does not mean that Chinese culture will lose the impetus to the process of human civilization. Cultural temporarily out of date does not mean that the culture of useless. Has been archived in the classical culture of human development in different periods will be different levels of concern, the classical culture of radiation on human progress, stressing some ways is eternal, as time is different from the perspective of care are different. Chinese culture in modernization of infants may be low, while in the post-modern people may be affected by favor. In short, the inherent ch

arm of Chinese culture, the world's countries to strengthen cultural exchange with China laid the foundation. Coupled with the modern means of communication, the advent of the information age, 21 Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges between the prospect of unlimited broad. Can we have a communication development, the development will have variation. Therefore, in the 21st century, the Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges, inherent in Chinese culture can not be faced with new challenges. One of the challenges is how to deal with the modern Chinese culture and heritage of. This is thousands of years especially since the 1840 Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges in the face of an old issue, but also Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges in the future must be resolved good a new problem. Nearly a half century, China's new culture for both modern and tolerant, to accept a good tradition, raised a variety of models. Such as "to the main secondary school, supplemented by Western learning"; "for the new school of the old school to use", "building to Chinese culture-based new culture" and "the full modernization of Chinese culture" and "wholesale westernization," and so on . These models are trying to build a new culture in China in science and find a permanent color with the same framework, but both contain highly subjective factors. Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges in the surging new culture is not people's will. That is not to advance on a man-made paradigm. When stressed that "in schools", often restricted to absorb foreign culture when the call for "wholesale Westernization", will be forgotten the traditional Chinese culture. In fact, Chinese and foreign cultural exchange is a free choice. To share things, naturally be together; does not have the culture together, artificially to promote, also see little results. Sun Yat-sen in the West during the Revolution of 1911 from the introduction of the Republic of the theory of multi-party politics, is more than just energy, but China has not implemented the social conditions, still ended in failure. Moreover, culture is a free will of the people to create, but also by the people to choose the free exchange and so many people to the press of a paradigm to carry out cultural exchanges and options can only be whimsical. Therefore, only fully grasp the cultural characteristics of freedom, can we achieve true cultural exchange. To the vast open mind, toward modernization, the world and the future, make foreign things serve China, with only the general rules of cultural exchange. Designated primary and secondary, the proportion of the way is simply impossible, is necessarily a misleading. In the 21st century for Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges, China's reform and opening up the basic national policy, will be an open attitude to the wave of the future cultural, and with the realization of China's modernization, culture will gradually modernized. In Chinese culture in the process of moderniz

ation, of course going to deal with alien culture and Chinese traditional culture, modern natural to use the concept of the modern value of re-analysis and judgement to inherit Chinese traditional culture. China's natural and cultural heritage in the process of modernization can be realized. Therefore, modern and resolve the issue of inheritance, it should be a modern master memory, the last to the modernization of traditional culture as the end result. However, the real science to do Yikaifangcu exchanges in order to promote the exchange of modernization in order to promote the modernization tradition, very difficult. Often speak of modernization, they overlook the traditional inheritance; developing national traditions, and culture against modernization. Ignore the traditional inheritance, will lead to foreign culture inaccurate choice; forgotten modernization, and the possible exclusion of foreign culture. As a result, in the 21st century, the Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges in the clear to the attention of modern processing and transmission of the relationship, it is very necessary and worthwhile long-term study. The second challenge is how to deal with Chinese culture in the development of the global and national character. The so-called culture of "world" means the advanced nature and culture of the times. Specifically, refers to a country or culture to maintain the advanced position, keep up with the progress of the world, and always maintain a high potential of the culture. This world, no cultural exchanges can not be achieved and maintained, especially in the world has become a "global village" in the 21st century, more so. Therefore, the 21st century Chinese culture, the only fully global, can we have the spirit of the times. Judging from the present, the most important point is to manage well the relationship between Chinese and Western cultures. In addressing this issue, since the Ming and Qing Dynasties It has been nearly 500 years of journey, but still not handled properly. May 4th Movement period, the number of high-level thinkers to study the relationship between Chinese and Western cultures, and made many valuable solutions. However, the majority of people in the East and the West trying to find a simple formula that is what the Western culture, Chinese culture and how, and learning from, and naturally the combination of the two cultures together in this combination of Chinese culture in naturally with the Times. This mode of thinking so that they Kusimingxiang in a vain attempt to use the words or a few words summed up Chinese and Western cultures. Such as Li Dazhao explicitly pointed out: "things are fundamental differences between civilizations, that is the main static Oriental civilization, Western civilization is also active." "One for natural and man-made one for, one for the rest, for a war ; As a negative, one positive, one for dependent, one independent, one of the Gouan, one into the process; one for the Yinx

i, to create; as a conservative, to the creation of a ;…… One of the natural world domination, a natural for the world to conquer. "[1] such a distinction, it seems reasonable, but as long as careful consideration to, it will find many loopholes and a lack of scientific and accuracy, into the Simplified the error. Because, regardless of oriental culture or Western culture, are ambitious and Boza, not a few words can be summed up in. Oriental culture can cite many examples to prove his is a positive, not negative; Western culture can also find many examples, pointing out that the negative elements on its not all positive. The correct way of thinking should be seriously and comprehensively to study Eastern and Western culture, with a broad mind to promote East-West cultural exchanges, in the collision and fusion to create a new culture. Li Dazhao in the "New Youth" in an article put good: East and West, "is a new, one old. However, such activities in the spirit must be metabolism, not fixed, it is fitting And not separate, useful only in evolution. "[2] Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges in the metabolism, so that we can have the Chinese culture worldwide. But the reality is very difficult to operate. In the 1980s when the reform and opening up processes, and intellectual circles in the period May 4 to repeat the old thinking, have spent great efforts to discuss the pros and cons of the East and West, are trying to use the words or to say a few words of a clear difference between the two cultures . This, of course, can not do so. Therefore, Chinese and Western cultures in the research and the exchange of some or effort would simply some are unrealistic. Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges, history has proven that only hard and lasting for the Study of Chinese and foreign cultures, lasting and tireless efforts to promote cultural exchanges between Chinese and foreign, can China's new culture and the world track before we can have the culture of the times and advanced. Of course, we can not ignore the culture of the national character. Foreign culture in China really take root, must have China's national characteristics, could become a reality. Matteo Ricci and other Western missionaries has long been recognized to this point, several thousand Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges have proved this point. Nationalism is the existence of alien culture in the form required. On the contrary, the ethnic culture, only with the advanced nature of the times, or after, before they can spread and development. Culture or the advanced nature of the times is the core, is the national character and cultural forms. Times must rely on the national character to survive; Nationality only sustenance in order to maintain the spirit of the times. If the two cars of the two, the two wings of birds, one can not do. The third challenge is the improvement of the quality of the people, that is, we often say the transformation of the national problem. Any beautif

ul design, any elaboration of the principles and policies, ultimately to the implementation of specific people, to be completed by the people. Moreover, culture is created, cultural exchanges, the construction of a new culture, and even the level of the characteristics of people's quality in a closely linked together. Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges of the past history has proven that the quality of cultural exchange is determined by the character. 21 Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges will continue to prove this point. In view of this, the people of insight have always pay attention to improving the quality of the nation and the people of the transformation. Liang Qichao's life called for the development of their wisdom, and Lu Xun's life to the people of anatomy, dedicated to the transformation of national character. Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges in the future, the Chinese nation will be in an invincible position, whether through cultural exchanges to promote the modernization of Chinese culture, in the final analysis depends on the quality of the national level. However, improving the national quality, the transformation of national character, is a very difficult thing. Saying stresses, Jiangshan easily changed, Benxingnanyi. The transformation of national character to a variety of factors to consolidated operating, we must create a culture in the process of realizing the improvement of people's instinctive. That person for the transformation of "transforming" the practice of relying on "the depths of the soul Naoge Ming" approach, not only can improve people's quality, but will make matters worse. The people of a nation change, only with the people prosperous and social progress and change. At present, as is the pace of modernization and progressive development. Modernization is the cornerstone of solving all problems. Moreover, with improving the quality of the people, in turn, promote the modernization process. Modernization and people's quality is complementary to the dialectical relations. The quality of Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges and is also such a dialectical relationship. High quality of the national culture, we can think globally, will introduce a high level of culture to China, but also spread to the world the best of Chinese culture, Chinese and foreign cultural exchange and remain invincible. This high-quality, high level of cultural exchange will cause a large number of people in both Chinese and Western academic, Chinese and foreign cultures on to a new realm. The final analysis, saying that the 21st century the face of major Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges by the Chinese people's quality to decide.21世纪的中外文化交流受今后的中国走向和世纪风云变化所制约。从当前的中外格局去观察,有两点是可以肯定的:一是中国走向现代化的大方向不会变,而且会步伐加快;二是世界的经济一体化程度会越来越高,各国的经济




托于时代性才可以保持。二者如车之两轮、鸟之两翼,缺一不可。   挑战之三是国民素质的提高,也就是大家常讲的国民性的改造问题。任何美妙的设计,任何精心制定的方针政策,最终都要人来具体实施,都要由人来完成。何况文化是人创造的,文化的交流,新文化的建设,就更和人的水平、人的特性、人的素质密不可分地联系在了一起。以往的中外文化交流的历史已经证明,人的素质决定着文化交流的风貌。21世纪的中外文化交流还将继续证明这一点。有鉴于此,历来的有识之士都注重民族素质的提高和国民性的改造。梁启超一生呼吁开发民智,鲁迅毕生去解剖国民性,致力于国民性的改造。在今后的中外文化交流中,中华民族能否立于不败之地,能否通过文化交流促进中华文化的现代化,归根到底要看民族素质的高低。但是,提高民族素质,改造国民性格,是相当难的一件事情。俗话讲,江山易改,本性难移。国民性的改造要多种因素去综合运作,还必须在创造文化的过程中去实现人的本能的提高。那种为改造人而“改造”人的做法,靠“灵魂深处闹革命”的办法,不但提高不了人的素质,反而会更糟。一个民族国民性的变迁,只能随着人民的富裕和社会的进步而变迁。在当前,就是随着现代化的步伐而逐步发展。现代化是解决一切问题的基石。而且,随着人的素质的提高,又反过来推进现代化的进程。现代化和人的素质是相辅相成的辩证关系。人的素质和中外文化交流也是这样的辩证关系。民族文化素质高了,既可以放眼全球,将高水平的文化引进到中国,又可以向世界传播优秀的中国文化,在中外文化交流中永远立于不败之地。这种高素质、高水平的文化交流还会造成一大批学贯中西的学术大家,将中外文化的研究推向新的境界。归根到底一句话,21世纪中外文化交流的面貌主要是由中国人的素质来决定的。

















爱国的名言警句与诗句 1







