


我于20xx年1月17日至20xx年2月8日在地质矿产勘查开发局、滇西测试所、云南黄金股份公司进行实习,主要是在实习单位参与与本专业有关的会计相关工作。在实习期间,通过对三家单位的了解,并根据我自己的工作情况,对三家单位进行了分析,以下是我收集的一些资料、相关情况以及自己的一些看法。 SWOT分析模型简介




优劣势分析主要是着眼于企业自身的实力及其与竞争对手的比较,而机会和威胁分析将注意力放在外部环境的变化及对企业的可能影响上 。在分析时,应把所有的内部因素(即优劣势)集中在一起,然后用外部的力量来对这些因素进行评估。

1、 机会与威胁分析(OT)




2、 优势与劣势分析(SW)




















二. 资料分析

在党的十一届三中全会以来,在邓小平理论指引下,在改革开放的鼓舞下,中国矿业取得了空前的大发展。目前,就云南全省而言,大小不一的测试所已经有数十家;就全国而言 ,像滇西测试所这样规模的有上百家。由此可见,在矿业化学检测分析市场,竞争如此激烈,滇西测试所面临着许多强劲的竞争对手。

三. 评估滇西测试所












二. 资料分析



三. 评估云南省地质矿产勘查开发局







20xx年5月18日,公司正式更名为“云南黄金矿业集团股份有限公司”。 作为一家集矿产勘查、开发和加工为一体的资源型矿业企业,集团公司现有员工1500人。其中:博士生3人,硕士研究生39人,高级专业技术人员120人,中级专业技术人员288人,是一支专业技术配套、装备优良、研发能力强、善打硬仗的专业技术队伍。




二. 资料分析




三. 评估云南黄金矿业集团股份有限公司




































刚走出校门,一切都是新鲜的,一切又都是陌生的,学生时的豪情和对美好未来的憧憬会造成很大的失落感。毕竟,一个真正的职业人需要更全面的打造,需要重新认识社会、认识职业、认识工作。这也是一个很重要的时期,前三年的工作,是基础,是认识社会的第一步,正确的心态、务实的学习总结、良好的习惯是这一时期需要注意的很重要的。有很多人因为第一个职业选择的不恰当,造成心理的阴影,从而造成了对工作的偏见和失望,不能以积极的心态面对工作。而有的组织则提供了一个很好的成长环境,积极、合作、上进,这样的一个氛围给了每个人温暖的感觉,而且会对工作、对生涯充满信心,养成一个积极的心态。 很多人都是从出纳做起的,从管理货币资金、票据、有价证券等的进进出出、填制和审核许多原始凭证做起,这些都是会计的基础工作。做好出纳工作并不是一件很容易的事,它要求出纳员要有全面精通的政策水平,熟练高超的业务技能,严谨细致的工作作风,以及良好的职业道德修养。很快,都会做到会计的岗位,此时,自己的知识特点就应该及时作出调整,从原先的基础工作调整到计核算和会计监督的职能上,学习职业素养的完善、人脉关系的理解、团队协作的意识等。一个职业人,最基本职业素养就是职业化、职业诚信以及职业口碑。

前三年的时间,着重放在基础工作的夯实上。全面、扎实的做好本职工作,认真研究本行业的特点,养成良好的学习、工作、生活的习惯,培养自己的人脉意识,学会有效的沟通,培养自己的职业人意识,这些基础知识都是对以后进一步发展具有决定性作用的,这也是实现从一个学生到职业人的转变的重要条件。 从普通会计到财务经理——第二个三年



财务经理是专业较强的工作,但现代企业对财务管理的要求越来越高,财务经理不但要有丰富的专业知识,还要熟悉企业全面的经营管理工作,并积极介入企业各项决策,这样的角色使很多习惯于传统会计角色的财务人员不太适应。 所以做一个现代的财务经理必须掌握更加全面的知识,基本的理财能力、沟通能力、领导能力、财务决策能力、协作能力、时间管理能力、创新能力、学习总结能力等构筑出一个优秀的财务经理的能力结构。









Career design experience report

I in January 17, 2007 and February 8, 2007 in geological mineral exploration development authority, western yunnan test, yunnan gold stock company in practice, mainly in the internship units with this specialized related to participate in the accounting related work. During the internship, through three units of understanding, and according to my own work of three units, are analyzed, the following is my collection of some material, relevant situation and some of his own opinions.

Introduction of SWOT analysis model

In today's strategic planning report, the SWOT analysis should be a well-known tools. From McKinsey, a consultancy, SWOT analysis, including analysis enterprise advantage (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity presented, Opportunity) and Threats ((Threats).

Therefore, the SWOT analysis is actually of enterprise internal and external conditions will every aspect content, and synthesized and summarized the advantages and

disadvantages of the analysis organization, facing opportunities and threats of a kind of method.

By means of SWOT analysis, can help enterprise resources and action gathered in their own strengths and has the most opportunity place.

Means of SWOT model is introduced

Analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of focus primarily on enterprise itself and its rivals strength, and opportunities and threats comparison analysis will focus on changes in the external environment and to enterprise's may affect. In the analysis, we should put all the disadvantages of internal factors (i.e. lumped together, then) with external strength come to evaluate these factors.

1, opportunities and threats of analysis (OT)

As economy, society, and technology etc., especially the rapid development of economic globalization and integration process of the world of global information network

accelerated, the establishment and consumer demand diversity, enterprise surroundings more open and unrest. This change of almost all enterprises produced profound effect. Because of this, environmental analysis become an increasingly important enterprise functions.

Environmental development trend are divided into two kinds: one says environmental threats, another said environment opportunities. The environmental threat refers to an adverse environment is formed by the development trend of the challenge, if not taken decisive strategic behavior, this kind of adverse trends will lead the company's competitive position weakened. Environment opportunities for company behavior is the field, attractive in this field, the company will have a competitive advantage.

The analysis of environment also can have different Angle. For example, a brief analysis of the method is the PEST, another, more common method is to potter's five competitive forces analysis.

2, advantage and disadvantage analysis (SW)

Identify environment is the attractive opportunity is one thing, have the opportunity that is essential to success in the competition ability is another. Every enterprise shall regularly check their advantage and disadvantage, this can pass "enterprise management review form" way. Enterprise or business the consultation institutions are available outside the format check enterprise's marketing, finance, manufacturing, and organization skills. Each element has to do in a strong, strong, medium, somewhat weaker or especially weak grade.

When two enterprise is in the same market or they have the ability to the same customer groups provide products and services, if one of the enterprise have higher win rate or profit potential, so, we think the enterprise more than another enterprise competitiveness. In other words, the so-called competitive advantage refers to an enterprise beyond their competitive ability, the ability to help the enterprise to realize the main goal - a profit. But it is worth noting: competitive advantage does not necessarily reflect completely in high win rate, because sometimes enterprise more hope to increase market share, or reward management personnel or more employees.

Competitive advantage can refer to consumer eyes a company or its products is different from its rivals any superior thing, it can be product line width, product size, quality, reliability, applicability, style and image and service timely, attitude enthusiasm, etc. Although the competition advantage actually refers to an enterprise than its competitors have strong comprehensive advantages, but explicitly enterprise what advantages where a more meaningful, because only such, ability can foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, or with real strike falsely.

Because enterprise is a whole, and competitive advantage source is very extensive,

advantages and disadvantages, and in doing so from the value chain analysis must each link, enterprise and the competitors will be detailed contrast. If the product is novel and manufacture process is complicated, sales channels, and unblocked price is competitive, etc. If an enterprise in one or several advantages is the industry enterprise should possess the key success factors, so, this enterprise comprehensive competitive

advantage maybe is strong some. As noted, the measure of a enterprise and its product is competitive edge, can stand on existing potential user Angle, rather than standing in the point of view of the enterprise.

Enterprise in maintaining the competitive advantage process, must profound

understanding of its own resources and abilities, take appropriate measures. Because an enterprise once in a hand with a competitive advantage, certainly will will attract the attention of the competitors. Generally speaking, the enterprise after a period of efforts, the company has established a competitive advantage; Then in maintaining the

competitive advantage of the situation, rival gradually began to make reaction; Then, if

competitors directly attacking enterprise's advantage, or take other more powerful strategy, will make this advantage weakened.

And affect the duration of enterprise competitive advantage, mostly three key factors: 1, how long does it take to build this advantage?

2, can obtain advantages have how old?

Three, competitors make strong reactions need how long?

If the enterprise analysis clearly this three factors, will define their competitive advantage in establishing and maintaining the status.

Obviously, the company should not to correct it, nor all the disadvantages of its

advantages in galilee not. The main problem is the company should study, it should be limited in what is already has the advantage of the opportunity, or go to acquire and

develop some advantage in order to find better opportunities. Sometimes, the enterprise develops slowly not because its departments lack of advantage, but because they are not in good coordination. For example, there's a big electronics company engineers contempt, regard them as a salesman "knew nothing about technology engineers"; While sales

people are looked down upon service department personnel, regard them as "no business salesmen". Therefore, evaluating internal departments working relationship as an internal audit work is very important.

Boston consulting company, can put forward the company is obtaining company win the enterprise internal advantage, rather than just grab the company core ability. Every

company must manage some basic procedures, such as new product development, raw materials procurement, on the order of customer orders sales guidance, the cash realize, customers to solve the problem of time, etc. Each program is to create value and need internal department work together. Although each department can have a core ability, but how to manage these advantages capacity development is still a challenge.

(a) the western test

Information collection.

Located in western test reports guangshan, yunnan green is a state-owned enterprises. With a long history, rich mineral analytical testing experience and advanced, complete and system equipment.

The western testing departmental formerly yunnan third geological brigade laboratory, was founded in 1981, built early in yunnan province, only a third geological brigade

small-scale laboratory internal, technical force is weak, equipment, environmental humble. But, in national economic construction for more than fifty years, especially in the reform and open policy the thirty years, as the country to the mineral resources development value, and constantly introduce new professional and technical personnel, and gradually improve technology level. After the time of experience, until today, with lab personnel quality improvement, equipment is perfect, has become the largest western yunnan

mineral inspection agencies. Currently personnel on the already 60% of engineers more, various testing equipment amounted to more than 100 sets of).

The 2008 integration and yunnan departmental central laboratory, now renamed

geological mineral exploration of authorities in yunnan province, western yunnan central lab tests that it not only the change in mechanism of its scale, and prove it has become a vital western mineral resources development of the organization.

For many years, because the detection results test that western yunnan, accurate, objective by unanimous favorable comment of customer, in western yunnan and the province have got good reputation and have achieved good economic benefit and social benefit.

2. The data analysis

Since the third plenary session, guided by deng xiaoping theory, reform and opening-up, China mining inspired by the big development has achieved unprecedented. At present, yunnan province, size is differ in the test has some dozen; Just as a whole, the scale of the western test such has about 100. Therefore, in mining chemical testing analysis market, such fierce competition, the western test facing the many strong competitors. Three. Assessment test that western yunnan


It occupies the western testing terrain and climate,.

1 days

From 2005 national to improve and standardize mineral resources development work in yunnan province started, the order of adopted a "mining area as point, minerals, points for the line by line unexpectedly., belt surface" form, steadily and surely with provincial industry and pimp mining area integration. According to 2005 statistics bureau, yunnan province, the mining production value of yunnan province, which accounts for 12 million yuan, total industrial output value of mining investment accounted for 37% of the industrial investment 1/3. In non-ferrous metal and phosphorus chemical primarily in the mining industry plays an important role of economic and social development, yunnan, the outline of the tenth five-year plan for the mining determine one of five mainstay industries. Yunnan 10 households mainly non-ferrous metals enterprise, advocate business wu income and profits more than 77 percent of scale, production enterprise 75%.

So, in the western test survive such environment is comfortable in possession.

2. Right

Yunnan cross of the Eurasian, India, Pacific 3 major parts, but also with the gathering area, south into mines and Yang zi jiang, sanjiang (nu river, the river) metallogenic belt handover regions. Special regional tectonic mineralization environment, the tectonic movement of complex, frequent volcanic, magmatic activity bermudagrass, types of sedimentary build, complete for yunnan variety of metallogenic series digenic creating good conditions. Yunnan is the development of the west regions of important energy base.

The big, minerals mineral reserves all high economic value, known as China's

"non-ferrous metal kingdom". The development of several major mining area of yunnan province, and even the whole country in not only has taken an important position. For example: diqing of copper deposits, the orchid, a old tin ore, etc.

The western test location just occupy the geographic advantage.

3. And

Due to the western test were geological three brigades internal lab, and geological three brigades in the last two decades of geoscientific enterprise training for the produced a galaxy of geological exploration backbone talents, this group of people has now become the large western many mineral enterprise backbone strength. Because these people to understand and western testing in mineral chemical analysis of cognitive, inspection, they will choose to enterprise recommended that the western test. The western test through these people, plus commend itself consummate technique and abundant experience, perfect equipment, providing a high quality analysis report for their wins a good reputation. Disadvantage backup talents's lacking is currently facing the western test the primary problem. Since laboratory with over 30 years of history, so the old and new alternate in personnel on appears especially important, new forces could not soon took over work, many of them did not have enough experience timely processing of special problems emerging in the work.


Since 2006, China to improve and standardize mineral resources development order of three goals, including lock on specified minerals mining, the current total amount control, promoting integrate small ore mineral compensation systems for use of resources. -- to increase mineral resources to the comprehensive construction affluent society's safeguard ability. Increase mineral resources exploration and development of effective investment, to extend exploration and development fields and depth, strengthen the protection of the mineral resources, increase the supply of mineral resources. Expand opening to the outside world, actively participate in international cooperation. Establish strategic resource reserve system, and the people's livelihood to the strategic mineral resources relationship of reserves, ensure necessary economic security and minerals continued safety state supply.

- promoting mine ecological environment improvement. Mining of mineral resources to reduce and control of resources such as production links smelt environmental damage and pollution, realize the exploitation of mineral resources and ecological environment protection virtuous circle. Perfecting the mine environment protection laws and regulations, strengthen the mine ecological environment of the law enforcement inspection and supervision of prevention and cure. Strengthen the propaganda education and improve the mine enterprise and the whole society's resources and environment protection consciousness.

-- create the development environment of fair competition. According to the establishment and improvement of the socialist market economic system requirements and mineral resources exploration and development operation rule, further perfect the laws and

regulations of the mineral resources management, adjust and perfect the policy of mineral resources, improve the investment environment and provide good information services, create market main body equal competition and publicly, orderly, perfect unity of market environment.

First two decades of the 21st century, China will have the comprehensive construction well-off society, the total demand for mineral resources will continue to expand. China will strengthen the investigation, mineral resources exploration, development and planning, management, conservation and reasonable utilization, implementing the strategy of sustainable development and take a new road to industrialization, and strive to improve mineral resources for economic and social development support capacity. China will continue to be paid, supply and demand balance in accordance with orderly, structural optimization, intensive efficient request, through the implementation of effective mineral resources policies, maximize mineral resources economic benefits and social benefits and environmental benefits.

In the country of mineral development adjustment, the new policy enacted, the perfection of the market, followed by is more mineral enterprises need to further improve the quality of their mineral analysis report, and the western test is an authoritative institutions, there is enough capacity for these mineral enterprises provide high quality chemical inspection report. Therefore, the nation of mineral exploitation system is the perfect test that brings the western greater opportunities.

Challenge opportunity arrival, also with the western test will face more challenges. Because the country is in this respect, the improvement of the system of the peer will attract more people to participate in the competition, especially in the technology rapid development of hi-tech means today, more use would gradually emerging market, so the western test will face challenges will be more big.

(2) yunnan geological mineral exploration development authority

Information collection.

Geological mineral exploration of authorities in yunnan province in mineral resources exploration and development as its main business, engineering survey and construction, construction, real estate, jewelry and so on three produces service industry as pillar industries.

Main business scope: geological exploration, mineral development, minerals

management; Mineral resources consulting and services; Mineral exploration,

development of new technology, new product research; Conduct engineering survey and construction, real estate, construction, hotel, three industrial services. Contracting and international bidding projects inside China; For the overseas engineering equipment, materials, exports; Foreign dispatch engineering, production and service industry labor personnel. Business and the import and export agent, processing trade, barter trade and

transit trade. Contracted overseas and domestic engineering geology, geoscientific

international bidding projects; For the overseas engineering equipment, materials, exports; Dispatched field necessary for the overseas projects of labor personnel.

Main responsibilities: take the geological mineral exploration, geological scientific research; Management of state-owned assets and subordinate geological exploration team; Organization of geological exploration units subordinate economic development. In recent years, around key mineralization zones, successively found and proved the army pulled copper, orchid white sheep eco-concerned silver polymetallic deposit, simao Pacific palm cu polymetallic deposits, shangri-la perlong copper, vientiane, Laos, a large number of sylvite large and superlarge deposit. Southwest "sanjiang" copper, gold polymetallic mineralization system and exploration and evaluation of 2005 national science and technology won first prize.

By the end of 2007, global subordinate 28 units. Global mutual worker 18886 people,

among them, retired 12328 on-the-job 6558. On-the-job worker of all kinds of professional and technical personnel, accounting for 2838 43.3% of the total number of on-the-job worker.

2. The data analysis

Yunnan geological mineral exploration of authorities, institutions at the provincial

government is a membership, founded in 1956, the original is in yunnan corp. related institutions, mainly engaged in geological prospecting and within the state plan geological prospecting. In 1990, and perform DeKuangTing brand use province province

geoscientific administrative functions, execute two signs TingJu a set of institutions. In 1999, according to the state council ShuDeHua management requirements of the people's government of yunnan province danzhou-tunchang management. Main

responsibilities: management of land and resources in our province province placed the assets of geology and mineral resources exploration of authorities, team; Responsible for the pro bono, strategic geological work, assume the geology survey, mineral prospecting, geological science research, etc; Organization of geological exploration units subordinate economic development, gradually realize enterprise management.

Bureau of geology and mineral resources in yunnan provincial party committee and government will be under the correct leadership of geological exploration efforts to

implement "made bureau, mineral development JiangJu, talent science and technology bureau, and the harmonious development of the" four development strategies, enriching for economic and social development in yunnan province make greater contribution. Three. Evaluation of geological mineral exploration of authorities in yunnan province advantage

1, the company size is opposite bigger, in all kinds of policy formulation, implementation and flexible can effectively;

2, the company has certain scientific research development and after-sales service resources;

3, the company has the product innovation skills

4, company team comparative harmony

A certain popularity at home and abroad, is higher geological mineral exploration development authority, which has high qualification.

Some quality is good, the positive saleman employees; A group of foreign

Devices that quality is better

Got government resources

Disadvantage 1, enterprise's strategic management and development of conflict. On the one hand is the enterprise decision-making emphasize only tactics and strategy, ignored the long-term strategic, annihilation in daily business things, not all view overall situation; On the other hand to deal with complex changeable environment enterprises lack of

enterprise operation strategy planning personnel. The problem is the current enterprise to realize sustainable development, the core of keep long-term competitiveness.

2, the enterprise internal innovation and development of conflict. Facing the planned economy of functional business flow, management mode, organization mode has presented with fast development does not adapt, and gradually become geological prospecting participating in regional competition restricts the main factor. ERP,

management and organizational patterns of innovation and enterprise features to the construction of the living environment is implementing enterprise development strategy should consider focal point question.

3, the existing infrastructure cannot provide for the customer the characteristic services. Exploration work mostly not according to the market's actual need, but in order to meet the needs of universal service.

4 information feedback, less publicity, external liaison enough extensive, initiative. opportunities

1 for many for development projects, including and foreign cooperation projects; Be able to innovation, has the ability to execute the domestic and foreign project; Still can

multi-faceted establishing an effective incentive system and management development system.

2 to adjusting mechanism, and establish handsomely hiring talent for unit to motivate their contribution development

Challenge with the market economy, into industry enterprises increase of a blowout, because this type of the threshold is lower, industry increased entrants, will increase competition situation

(3) yunnan gold mining group Co., LTD

Information collection.

Yunnan gold mining group Co., LTD. (formerly yunnan geoscientific resources inc.) by yunnan geoscientific corporation (group) as the main sponsors, the joint Shanghai

kingdom gold investment Co., ltd., yunnan metallurgy group corporation, kunming golden horse source biological engineering Co., LTD, China university of geosciences, Beijing mining and metallurgy research institute, a joint effort in 2001 was formally established on August 29.

In 2007, the new following increases endowment spread, at parkway investment Co., LTD and three shareholders. At present, yunnan geoscientific corporation (group), shenzhen big at parkway investment Co., LTD. Respectively is the company's two big shareholders. May 18, 2009, the company officially renamed as yunnan gold mining group Co., LTD. ". As a collection of mineral exploration, development and processing for the integration of resources mining enterprise, the group company employees 1,500 people. Among them: doctoral 3 people, graduate student 39 people, senior professional and technical

personnel 120 people, intermediate professional technical personnel, is a professional 288 and excellent technical facilities, equipment, research and development ability, good get professional technical team.

Group company owns the perfect corporate governance structure, fine, the assets

structure sole-funded exploration subsidiary five, the production of mining nine, holding the son (sun) company and home (including in Indonesia and Peru each have a holding company a), share company's 16.

With gold industry as the leading, the group company has eight gold mines, exploring gold reserves first, yunnan province front in the whole country. Gold processing, marketing system is complete, in 2004 Shanghai gold exchange obtained integrated membership. Group company subordinates kunming golden purification processing center wet refining technology occupies the national advanced level, and is listed as national torch project, with the gb 1 gold and 2 gold production capacity. April 2005 Shanghai gold exchange obtained issue "can provide standard authentication certificate of bullion enterprises, of which the application for registration on its own brand", "yunnan gold bullion to market to provide standard. In 2008, the company production of "dian golden" is regarded as one of the delivery of the performance hkfe bullion.

In addition to its outside, group company gold exploring and mining mineral ores also includes platinum and palladium, silver and other rare metals, copper, lead, zinc,

nonferrous metals such as tungsten, molybdenum, black metal iron and HuangLongYu etc nonmetalliferous ore.

2. The data analysis

Based on yunnan, is in favor of strengthening the base's intrinsic request, is to rely on the existing team and existing resources, will existing business and stronger, laying solid foundation, first to achieve the company good development.

Facing the whole country is profound insight into China resources industry development, the challenge and opportunity in access to resources, talents, capital operation, etc all can

use the full use of domestic the favorable conditions, to achieve the company and the development of steady and fast.

Towards the world, is must fully realize China resources endowment limitations and global mining development of good opportunity, keep pace with The Times, in the proper time to implement walked out strategy, make the company, nice and fast development. Three. Assessment yunnan gold mining group Co., LTD


Companies in the rapid growth of the expanding, gold business mainly through modification improve mineral gold production, purchase group assets thickening performance two ways.

The company existing self-owned gold production as scheduled expansion project Recent global financial market turbulence trigger gold hedging purposes,

The company existing gold reserves domestic front row. The company's long-term potential large;

With gold as main production enterprises at home and abroad, resource expansion by government support in the company.

The gold production cost disadvantage company will remain stable. The current gram of gold cost in the industry at high levels, with gold scale and grade improve production cost will decline, but due to the acquisition costs rose gold

In the last two years since, gold prices vary considerably

Slow project operation in expectations or company asset injection progress slower than expected, it will affect the company's products production and sale scale and its self-sufficiency rate of gold mineral resources.


Financial environment unrest and political stability and economic situation is not unexpected events of the phased outbreaks gold prices rising

The company has a contingent of scientific research team, in the tricky gold ore biological oxidation technology, complex deposits mining technology and deep well drilling technology accumulated more experience

Gold production costs than expected challenge. Ore grade fluctuations can cause gold production cost of change

The main products of the company include gold, copper, acid and other products price fluctuation is larger

Accounting career planning

"Professional" one word has more than one meaning. From the most common sense, it can refer to development (his career progressed well), professional (she chose in

accounting career) or lifelong job course (his career course included in six different

organization for 12 position). Here we use professional (career) this concept is defined as a man it in her lifetime post successively course assumes.

There are two kinds of career design approaches to realize the organization for the

employee career development, the design and employee itself, professional development, this paper mainly refers to the latter. If employees for their own personal development road for good design, not only benefit to the organization and the society. And the staff to my job will take a long-term view, not for short-term benefits for future deluded, win wider development space, realize effective human resource allocation and efficient use.

"Non-bordered professional" refers to the development of the career employees and to the organization the formation of important skills loyalty, and market value, is by the individual rather than the organization decided to.

"Crosswise development", today's career has been different from the past. "The traditional opinion, career is in 1-2 home was realized by enterprises in the process, or is upward progress in a professional in the field of stable jobs won."

Now, it's more like "career pour drive by the individual rather than the organization. And will also be driven individual and environment with employees. The situation changes by employees of its design personal again." In this case, the enterprise and employees of the psychological contract between changed. In the past, employees with loyalty in "exchange gain job security"; And today, as competition intensifies, environmental shocks,

"employees are using their own job performance in exchange for help keep their market competitiveness of a series of training, learning and personal development opportunity." Thus, not only the employee behavior meet the organization's interests, and conform to the long-term interests of employees. So that employees can use their own potential. "Overall development". Marx discusses the development of social progress and people who think: when pursue social progress lies in one's own destiny1 development, its

highest goal is the comprehensive development of man. "Everyone's comprehensive and free development" is the harmonious development of human and nature as precondition. Man's all-round development means that person's personality the richness and diversity of ability. It makes the person in a complicated social life can cope. Show more strong initiative and creativity. Therefore has more freedom.

"Learning theory". By American MIT professor Peter & # 39; Holy auspicious, as a

representative of the western scholars, absorbing western management culture, and puts forward the essence of uniting with "five item is the base of the learning organization theory. The essential characteristics of the learning organization is "good at learning", mainly including four: life-long learning, learning, learning and whole employees keep learning ability.

Human resources development, its main purpose is to improve the future of organization and individual performance, thus development is actually mining beyond the current

employees will need to work, make its have the potential to future need skills and abilities. Accounting professional characteristics

The quality of accounting personnel should possess the characteristics and performance with the modern viewpoint, the traditional view each have different opinions.

(a) traditional idea

It is traditionally think accounting personnel stubborn inflexible, conservative, skilled in calculation, lack of flexibility. This may and accounting standards for accounting personnel of some principles of ideas and behavior has severe restriction role in relevant, is largely determined by the nature of the work. As public quest for engaged in a professional personnel have often generalizes the stereotype, such as doctors should be careful and earnest, actor should be active, good performance, etc. Similarly, the western developed country to accounting personnel cognition and the Chinese are very similar. In Holland career personality and working environment of accounting in matching theory, such a description personnel personality obedient, efficient and practical, lack of flexibility, lack of imagination and. In short, the advantages and disadvantages collection in a body.

(2) the modern viewpoint

Under the background of economic globalization. Enterprise worldwide launched

competition. To talented person's competition for talent is more intense, also had higher and newer demands. Request accounting personnel is not only professionals, and mastering many skills while specializing in general, is; Not only can do enterprise

accounts. Provide all kinds of statements, and in time for enterprise financing, financing developments. Provide professional advice for executives. Therefore, requests the enterprise accounting personnel not only to their own professional to very familiar, but also should have enterprise management knowledge, understand enterprise development situation and social economic and financial policy change trend of the change. Accounting personnel career design

According to relevant career design theory and accounting personnel own professional characteristics, the author designed for accounting personnel three development path mode to choose from.

(a) fore-and-aft development mode

This is a traditional development mode, it is to point to accounting personnel from assistant accountant, accountants, registered accountants, international as a certified public accountant (CPA) are mainly ACCA and two) gradually promotion professional development road. In our country, the actual situation is, assistant accountant and accountants number. But chartered accountant, a very small number with international certified public accountants. International CPA in our country the influence is the certified public accountant (CPA) and the chartered accountant (ACCA). Each kind of accountants has its characteristics, adapt to different types of personnel. The first kind, assistant

accounting and accountants. Advantage is the exam is relatively easy to, but its weakness is the requirement has a rich practical experience with limited incomes, belong to general professionals, and in became assistant accountant before need through the accountant card exam; province organization The second type, certified public accountants, the

employment direction for listed companies and accounting firms, the advantage is high income and easy to find an ideal job, but its weakness is difficult test.

Less than 10% year passing exams; The third kind. International CPA its career choice is a foreign-owned enterprise or chinese-foreign joint venture enterprise. Advantage is high income, treatment is good, defect is in addition to the accounting work required strong ability but also requires high English ability. Therefore, every man should according to his own ability and potential choose different professional level.

Here. Special need to emphasize that the accounting personnel learning ability, because in the context of globalization change will become eternal. For example, our country from the planned economy to the socialist market economy and popularization of the computer, the transformation of the promulgation of the new accounting rules require accounting personnel, according to the changes of the environment and business growth needs, the concept of life-long learning, continuing to improve its ability to learn, update their knowledge structure. To keep pace with The Times, to promote the harmonious development of its enterprise. Another example, the balanced scorecard has four measures: financial, customers, business processes and enterprise growth. Want to

enterprise continuous growth, we first need to staff grow unceasingly, the staff will grow to need to have never dried up learning ability.

(2) crosswise development mode

This is a more challenging modern pattern, is refers to the accounting personnel in have a certain accounting knowledge and skills to the position of management after. From the vertical development pattern analysis, we can clearly understand to, in the professional development way, for some people may not appropriate. It need to meet certain constraints. For example, CPA requirements through difficult test, the certified

international accountant need solid English skills, so, restricted the development of accounting personnel of height. Once in the theoretical analysis, knowable, accounting personnel can also choose horizontal development road. If someone knowledgeable,

interpersonal ability, new ideas, ideas, and good at innovation, risk-takers to management positions development is more suitable. He (she) can make full use of his former accounting knowledge and ability to do enterprise management. So, accounting

personnel in the work not only play the original technological advantages. And in the new period, and accounting personnel using technology advantage expand knowledge and professional skill areas, expanded itself development space. If the accounting personnel become management personnel, can good implementing cost control, and make full use of investment and financing function, good for enterprise capital operation. In the modern 500 enterprises, example of this is a lot of.

Also, the Chinese finance already under the situation of awakening consciousness of financial management personnel, the social needs will be taking geometric type speed increases, accounting personnel can creating family financial management of financial, direction, seek new development opportunities.

(3) oblique development model

This is a more agile development pattern, it is to point to accounting personnel neither walk oneself professional road. Also don't walk, but walked suits road management to change my way. Because professional road limited conditions, and the company's management position also is finite, also involves whether possess management skills. Enterprise mobilize or individuals in their original automatic looking for career

development space and roads not to pursue another work, such choice not only help enterprise to reduce human cost, also can help staff personal growth.

Work the ability in the human resources management theory and organizational behavior of the match of capability to develop staff inspire work enthusiasm motivation theory tell us: the person to do the first report of job decision was career choice. Idealized career choice, that you want to get from living the and your interest and ability and market of the chance to maintain optimal matching. Good career choice, should be able to bring you a series of opportunity, let you can very well kept finding his position, and thus make you a wish to keep their own chosen career, and feel work brings you highly satisfaction between work and personal life and the appropriate balance. A word, matching appropriate profession is that will enable you to generate a positive self-concept, induce you to do think very important work, and equip you to earn a longed for that kind of a lifestyle choice. For me, accounting, is a relatively special industries, is the most important each

organization, and responsible for the post of mandalore. Organizational lifeline Every accounting people in this profession planning his career route, so-called career planning, means: a person liable for its life journey anticipated and duties successively plans, including a person's study, to a career or organization's productive contribution and eventually retired. Accounting people are its particularity, but also to have certain rules, through our with different accounting personnel in the process of the communication, also found that some of these rules, here we call accounting people career trilogy.

Accounting because of its industry and particularity of prudence principle also limit the some basic characteristics of accounting people, rigorous, pragmatic, earnest,

confidentiality, responsible for accounting people also formed the image characteristic, also just because there are these characteristics, many accounting people communicate, bad words character shortcomings became some limited factors. Here we emphatically from different periods of the structure of knowledge of accounting people adjust the

characteristics of elaborates the accounting people, hope to be able to every reader has little to help.

From students to professional people - former for three years

Just out of school, everything is fresh, everything again are strange, student of good the lofty sentiments and future will cause great loss. After all, a true professional people need more comprehensive building, the need to recognize social, understanding occupation, know work. This is also a very important period, before 3 years work, is the foundation, the first step is to recognize society, the right mentality, pragmatic study summary, good

habits is this period need to be aware of very important. A lot of people for the first career choice caused not appropriate, the shadow, causing the psychological for work, not

prejudice and disappointed with positive attitude faced with work. And some organization

provided a good growth environment, positive, cooperative, progresses, such an atmosphere gave everyone warm feeling, but also to work, to develop a career full of confidence, a positive attitude.

A lot of people are starting from the, from management cashier monetary funds, bills, securities comings and goings, fill the original vouchers and audit many start, these are the basis of accounting work. Completes the cashier work is not a easy thing, it requires the teller to have comprehensive proficient in policy level, skilled excellent business skills, careful meticulous work style, and good professional morals. Soon, will do accounting jobs, right now, their own knowledge characteristics should adjust, from previously adjusted to the basic work of accounting and accounting supervision plan, learning vocational accomplishment functions of the perfect, connections understanding, team cooperation consciousness, etc. A professional person, the most basic professional quality is professional, professional integrity and professional reputation.

The time before 3 years, and emphatically on the basic work of ramming. Overall, solid completes the work, study the characteristics of the industry, develop good study, work and life habit, cultivate your own contacts consciousness, learning effective

communication, cultivate your own professional consciousness, these basic knowledge of further development is of decisive role after, this also is the realization from one student to professional transformation of the important condition.

From normal accounting to finance manager - the second three years

Three years later, basic work has basic familiar, the basic professional quality also has developed, will face the second change, also is the second part of his career.

This three years, should gradually from normal accounting change of the role of the role of the managers. That is, from ordinary accounting to financial manager of change, uniting the three previous years, basic knowledge of the business has skilled, can be competent for his post. But judging from his ascension route and to get further development, must adjust their own knowledge structure, supplement the necessary knowledge of further development.

Financial manager is professional strong work, but modern enterprise to the financial management requirements more and more high, financial manager not only should have abundant professional knowledge, more familiar with the enterprise comprehensive management work, and actively involved in enterprise all policy decisions, such a role which many used to traditional accounting role financial personnel not too orientation. So do a modern financial manager must master more comprehensive knowledge, basic financial ability, communication skills, leadership, financial decision-making ability,

cooperation ability, time management ability, innovation ability and summarize the study ability build out a good financial manager's ability structure.

The first is management consciousness training, standing in a manager terms, financial, Angle different emphases different accordingly. How to coordinate the relations, how to create superior training team, how to auxiliary CEO outside.bettering this period, are the key to exercise and training.

Second is in its own summarize the study, timely summary successful experience and failure, and constantly improve problem in the work, continuously progress. The second three years, professional knowledge is still important, but the comprehensive quality of ascension is play a decisive causes, a good financial manager first is this expert in the field, followed by a good manager.

From a financial manager to the financial director -- the third three years

Director of finance is the financial personnel in the career success, not only means that a symbol of high position and has high treatment of the marketplace is a wanted man. "" Many people engaged in accounting staff will finance director as their career objectives. International enterprise financial department usually called a chief financial officer. Chief financial officer to comprehensive management and leadership enterprise financial work, provide rational for enterprise profits for enterprises, and decision-making basis are mainly responsible for the financial work. Chief financial officer as the top talent in the financial field, must have what comprehensive quality? Management and leadership

financial ability, social resource advantages and enterprising spirit, is the financial director necessary comprehensive quality. Chief financial officer must be good at 11 management ability, namely: financial organization construction ability, enterprise internal control building ability, structured finance ability, investment analysis decision-making and

management ability, tax planning ability, the financial budget capacity, cost control ability and analytical ability, financial affairs ability, financial prewarning ability and social resources.

During this period, comprehensive quality often to of the further development of his career play a decisive role, a good financial director, must have higher comprehensive

management skills and resource conformity ability. This is also realize from the financial executives to finance the leap of director of prerequisite. Chief financial officer as is not only enterprise financial officers role, but a enterprise policymakers role.
























