


温暖如晨曦之光,温暖煦抚万禾成长;温暖如潇潇暮雨,甘甜滋润百花心房;温暖,如一艘小船,带我驶向成功彼岸。温暖正如那杯甘甜的梨水,沁人心脾。 我的妈妈,她没有那样美丽的容貌,没有大量的金钱,有的只是岁月留下的条条皱纹和一个平凡的家庭。




想到这,我不禁鼻子一酸,泪水浸满了我的眼眶,几丝温暖爬上了我的心头。 “慈母手中线,游子身上衣”,春秋十四载,母亲含辛茹苦、任劳任怨地养育我。母亲那濛濛细雨般的爱,温暖着我。
















乡村或许是我童年中最熟悉不过的地方,在那里或许留下了我最天真的笑。 奶奶给我印象最深。每到夏天是我最快乐的时候,因为那时我会和奶奶一起下地干农活。早晨伴随着清晨的露水和小鸟欢快的歌声出发了。由于拎不动锄头,我只负责帮奶奶拿一个小瓷盆,里面装着白花花的粉。走到地里,放下小瓷盆,便等不及和奶奶一起比赛,看谁挖出的小坑多,当然我没有奶奶娴熟,她挖出的小坑像是用某种工具事先弄好的。挖了半天,再一抬头便到了正午,太阳公公当空照,我已无力对它笑。奶奶娴熟地撒下种子,我呢就负责再把掉到外面的小豆子放回坑中,并且把坑埋平。我小,动作又慢,这时奶奶当然不能浪费时间,不知从哪拖出一根长长的水管,因此加快了速度。我心里想:要有什么更有趣的事情发生了吧。拖起水管,等一开闸门,白花花的水从水管中流出,在阳光的照耀下,显得格外灿烂。小豆子们“喝”饱水,我端起小瓷盆,把白粉一把一把撒出去,黑色的泥土上仿佛披上了一层白纱。盆中的粉越来越少,可是不知道为什么我越来越想抓,最后抓的手指头红肿起来,看着发福的手指,不禁哈哈大笑。这时奶奶会把小盆洗干净,接好水,把我的小手放在水中,慢慢地揉。这时我心中涌起一股暖流,很暖。奶奶还会把我的小手放在手帕里擦干,此时我的小手已经不红了,虽有些微凉,但又感觉暖暖的,因为有爱在心头。













记着偶然间,从书架最顶端打开了尘封的记忆。拿下它,抚去灰尘。是李清照的词集呢!已经很久没有读到了。那一刹的欣喜与怦然心动,只有我能体会到。记忆在时间的支流里流淌。自从在书店第一次碰到她开始,我便离不开她了,她让我第一次了解了古典文艺,也了解了她,感受着她带给我那怀旧的温暖。 时光倒流,早春时节,轻轻的风挽起轻纱薄帘,几声鸟鸣将宁静打破,在春风中荡漾着九曲回环,一个女子独自坐在窗前,望着小桥流水,她就是李清照,她脸上显现出春的生机。文学气息的家庭背景带给了她天资,此时的诗便是她的精神写照。而在这边,我慢慢地读着诗句,略显稚嫩,黑色的字迹蔓延到我的心里。现实与古代的碰撞,让我领会到李清照富有的人格魅力,暖暖地、慢慢地流进心间。谁说温暖只有火炉?那时,我分明感受到了从书中散发出的温暖。那是敬佩的温暖。

当我稍稍长大,便开始读更多的诗词,在古典文学这片蓝色的橱窗中扮演一朵无暇的云。渐渐的,我发现我了解的李清照已经不是那个原来的她了。请看《夏日绝句》中的“生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄”。还有《一剪梅》中的愁情思绪。原来怎奈金兵南下,兵戈交锋,北宋已经名存实亡,李清照心系国家危亡,又遭遇人生不幸,已不再是原来那个“坐看小桥流水人家”的人了。但她并没有放弃自己,而是在诗词中诉说对社会的不平。当时是一个寒冬的夜晚,我在昏暗的灯光下看着她的词,期中考试考得很差,我几乎已经对自己失去了信心,但当看到李清照的诗句时,我差点掉下眼泪。在我最困难最无助的时刻,她告诉我在遇到困难时,不能放弃自己。她仿佛在一片漆黑的夜里为我点燃了一盏明灯,耀眼的光引导了未知的方向。直到很久以后,我才明白,那一刻耀眼的光,是她给予我的温暖,感动的温暖。 一杯茶水已经凉了,灯光依旧温暖,我走到窗前,夜已经笼罩了大地,不留一点痕迹。我伸出手,掌心的纹路化作漫天思绪,显现出那些曾经的,慢慢的,温暖的。不管以后我身处何地,处境如何,我都不会忘记李清照给予过我的那种温暖,那种无法忘怀的温暖。






Dear Peter

   I’ve been here for half a year. The life of students here is different from that of London though they have something in common.

In Hangzhou,_________________________________________________________________

   Please write to me soon!

Yours,              .Jenny

One possible version:

Dear peter,

  I’ve been here for half a year. The life of students here is different from that of London though they have something in common.

In Hangzhou, the weather is often sunny. The students speak Chinese and most of them go to school by bike or by bus. They sometimes get together to have fun. And teachers have many rules for the students. The students usually have much homework to do after class. However, in London, it rains a lot. The students there speak English because English is their mother language and they go to school on the school bus. They often get together to make them relaxed and teachers are less strict. They give the students more freedom. The students have less homework at home. It’s interesting, isn’t it?

   Please write to me soon!

Yours,              .Jenny







参考词汇:get good grades,exercise more,go to the movies,visit grandparents,do the dishes

One possible version:

Spring festival is coming. I have a lot of New Year's resolutions. I am going to work harder in school this year to get good grades. I want to eat more vegetables and exercise more to keep healthy. On the first day of the spring festival. I am going to visit my grandparents. I will help them do the dishes and sweep the floor. In the evening, I am going to the movies with my friends. I can't wait the spring festival because I’m enjoying this festival. 





    2.do chores

    3.visit grandparents


Dear Peter,

  Thanks a lot for your e-mail.

The winter vacation is coming.I have some plans for it.First,_______________________


I’m looking forward to the winter vacation!


                                                             Li Qiang

One possible version:

Dear peter,

   Thanks a lot for your e-mail.

   The winter vacation is coming. I have some plans for it. First, I will read more English every morning to improve my English and study math because I'm not good at math. Second, I will spend more time with my parents and help them do the chores, such as cleaning the room, doing the dishes, making the bed and taking out the trash. Third, I will visit my grandparents and stay some days with them. What’s more, I'm going to take part in more activities so that I can help others better. I'm sure I'll have an interesting but busy winter vacation. I’ll make myself happier and healthier.

   I'm looking forward to the winter vacation.


                                                             Li Qiang


上星期天,你们学校进行了一次学校旅行,你一定有很多感想。请根据表格内容,以“A Trip to an Aquarium”为题写一篇80词的文章。开头结尾已给出,不计入总字数。

A Trip to an Aquarium

We had a great time on the school trip last Sunday.We went to an aquarium.

One possible version:

A Trip to an Aquarium

     We had a great time on the school trip last Sunday. We went to an aquarium. It was sunny in the morning. At seven thirty, we took a bus there. We went to the Visitors’ Center to watch a seal show. It was very funny and interesting. Everyone laughed to tears. We took a lot of photos there. In the afternoon, it began to rain. We went to a big room to see a movie about sharks. It was also wonderful. We also played games after that. We didn’t come back until it was 5 o’clock. I really enjoyed the trip to the aquarium. It was exciting and relaxing.




Dear Jenny,

   I’ve got good news to tell you.This winter vacation my parents and I are driving to visit Hangzhou._____________________________________________________________________

I’m looking forward to seeing you.


Zhang Peng

One possible version:

Dear Jenny

   I’ve got good news to tell you.This winter vacation my parents and I are driving to visit Hangzhou. We are going to leave for Hangzhou on the morning of January 20 and stay in Hubin Hotel which is 2 kilometers away from West Lake. Next day we’ll have more activities. In the morning we’ll go to West Lake to go sightseeing and go to the zoo to enjoy the monkey show in the afternoon. In the evening, I think I am free that time, so we’d better meet to have fun Can we meet then? We plan to go back to Shaoxing on January 22.

I’m looking forward to seeing you


Zhang Peng



要求:1. 文章必须包括表格中的全部内容;语言准确得当,条理清楚。


Lucy is my best pen pal.She is from America._______________________________________


I’m looking forward to coming.

One possible version:

Lucy is my best pen pal. She is from America. She was born on June 18,1998. Lily is her twin sister. They look the same, but Lucy is more outgoing and stronger than Lily. She has a healthy lifestyle. She exercises every day and eats lots of vegetables and fruit. The school is about 2 kilometers from her home. It takes her 30 minutes to ride a bike to school. She likes China very much. Next week she is going to Beijing with her family. They will stay there for a week. They are going sightseeing and eating Beijing Roast Duck in Beijing. Do you think it’s great?

 I’m looking forward to coming.






参考词汇:review lessons复习功课

The winter vacation is coming. Paul is thinking about what to do during the vacation._______

One possible version:

The winter vacation is coming. Paul is thinking about what to do during the vacation. He is going to play computer games on Internet. He is also going to a movie with his friends. He is going to read English in the morning and play basketball in the afternoon. He thinks it’s good for his health. As for me, I am going to review the lessons for I didn’t do well in the final exams. I’m also going to help my parents do the housework. I am going to exercise for an hour every day during the vacation. At the same time, I’ going to practice playing the piano because I like music very much. I want to be a pianist when I grow up. I will have a very meaningful vacation.



Mary’s Winter Vacation Plan

1.每天花半个小时(spend half an hour)锻炼。

2.帮助父母亲做家务活(do chores)。比如说:洗餐具、打扫房间。

3.(when)当天气晴朗的时候,骑车去图书馆看书(read books)。

4.春节(Spring Festival)打算全家去哈尔滨旅游(travel)。顺便去看看表兄(cousin)一家。

One possible version:

Mary’s Winter Vacation Plan

  Winter Holiday is coming.Mary planned to have a different holiday this year. She is________

Mary’s Winter Vacation Plan

   Winter Holiday is coming. Mary planned to have a different holiday this year. She is going to spend half an hour exercising every day. And she’s going to help her parents do chores, such as sweeping the floor, doing the dishes, cleaning the floor and so on. When it is sunny, she is going to the library to read books. She’s going there by bike, because she thinks it is a good way to keep healthy. During the Spring Festival, she’s going to travel to Harbin with her family. She’s also visiting her cousin there. And they are going skating there. I think she will have a good holiday.



   以下词组仅供参考:have…lessons, find a part-time job, make money, visit…, stay at home…


   Everybody has their own plans for the coming winter vacation. As for me, ______________

One possible version:

Everybody has their own plans for the coming winter vacation. As for me, I'm going to learn an instrument this year. So I’m going to have some piano or drum lessons. If possible, I’m going to find a part-time job to make some money. Then I can buy something I like and also buy something for my parents as their New Year’s gifts. And of course, I’m going to visit my grandparents. I love them a lot and I want to spend the Spring Festival with them. What’s more, my family are going to have a trip this winter vacation. It’s so exciting. I hope to go somewhere warm. Sanya sounds like a fantastic place. When I come back, I will stay at home and get ready for my new term. It must be a nice vacation. I can’t wait!




Different people have different dream jobs. I want to be a singer when I grow up. __________

One possible version:

Different people have different dream jobs. I want to be a singer when I grow up. So I am going to take singing lessons. My New Year’s resolution is to learn to play the piano. My friend Jim is going to be a soccer ball player. So he is going to play soccer every day. And he is planning to teach other students to play in New Year. As for my another friend Ken, he wants to be a computer programmer. And he is going to try his best to learn math. His New Year’s resolution is to ask teachers for help. I hope our dreams will come true.







▲春节(Spring Festival)里好好休息,学会放松



▲参加社会活动(social activities),帮助他人

One possible version:

The winter holiday is coming. I’m going to have a good rest and learn to relax myself in Spring Festival. I will read more useful books because reading is not only interesting but also can make me learn more knowledge. I will try to spend more time in chatting with my parents and help them to do some housework. I am going to take part in the social activities so that I can help others. If possible, I’d like to go to India with my parents. I'm sure I'll have an interesting and meaningful winter holiday.


1.(台州市期末统考题)以My father为题,写一篇短文。





One possible version:

My father

     My father is a teacher. He was born on January 5, 1963, He is a tall man. He works very hard. Three years ago, he worked in a middle school in the countryside. He often went to work by bus. He stayed at school from Monday to Friday. On weekends he came home. In school he often  played basketball with his students. All the students like him very much. Now he works in the No. 5 Middle School in the city. He walks to school to work. He's very busy every day. He always works late in the evening. I love my father.

2.(湖州市期末统考题)提示写作:假设你是Michael,你得了重感冒,医生叫你休息一周、多喝开水、照顾好你自己。所以你必须待在床上,你想请一周的假,你希望能早日康复、返校。如果你想向Mr. Hu请假,那么请根据所提示的单词写一张60词左右的请假条。(开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数)

   be sorry to tell you that,have a bad cold,the doctor told me to have a rest,one week,drink more boiled water,look after myself,must stay in bed,would like to ask for one week’s leave,hope,get well,return to school soon

Dear Mr. Hu,


Yours sincerely,


One possible version:

Dear Mr. Hu,

   I'm sorry to tell you that I have to ask for one week's leave because I have a bad cold, Yesterday I went to see a doctor. He told me that I should have a good rest for one week. And he also told me that I need to look after myself carefully. I should drink more boiled water and have to stay in bed for some days. I hope I can get well and return to school soon. Could you please let me have a week off.

                                                            Yours sincerely,



All students=100%    Most students=51%一99%

Some students=1%一50%    No students=O%


One possible version:

Different people have different resolutions. We made s survey on the students’ New Year’s resolutions in our school. Here are the results. All students are going to work harder in school because they all want to get better grades. Most students are going to exercise more to keep fit. Some students want to eat healthier food, such as vegetables and fruit. A few students are going to  learn to play an instrument for they want to be musicians when they grow up. But none of the students are going to watch more TV. What about your resolutions? Could you write to us?



One possible version:

Winter vacation is coming soon. I am very happy because I’m going  to Hainan for a week with my family. Because time is short, we will go there by plane. We can go fishing there and we    all like the delicious sea food. We are enjoying the sunshine on the beach there. Also, we are going to visit some places of interest. Not only is the weather fantastic, but also the people there are friendly. I hope we will have a relaxing vacation there. I can't wait to go there.





Dear Class,

Good morning! Now let me report the discussion work about housework in our group._____


That’s all. Thanks for listening!

One possible version:

Dear Class,

Good morning! Now let me report the discussion work about housework in our group. Here are the results. Wu Jun cleans up rooms once a week because he wants to keep the room clean. And Jia Mei loves her mother, so sometimes she helps her morn cook dinner. Besides, Wang Xiaoping thinks doing chores can make her strong, she usually washes clothes by herself. As for me, I often help set the table. I think doing housework can help us learn some useful skills. Also, it can show our love to our parents. What’s more, we won’t spend too much time playing computer games because doing chores is much better than playing too much computer games.

That’s all. Thanks for listening!

6.(衢州中考题)假设你是李华,上周末你参加了一次郊游(outing),请根据下面表格中的提示信息写一篇题为A Pleasant Outing的英语短文,参加某英文报纸的征文比赛。


参考词汇:go for an outing;climb the hill;have a picnic

One possible version:

A Pleasant Outing

   Last weekend, I went for an outing with my classmates. At 7:30 in the morning, we met at our school gate. We went to the North Hill Park by bike. On the way, we were so excited that we sang loudly. When we arrived there, we started to climb the hill at once. We had a picnic on the top of the hill. After that, we walked down and had a rest. Later, some girls danced under the trees and some boys played games happily. We didn't go back until 4:00 pm. We were tired but very happy.

   What a pleasant outing it was!



    This winter vacation is coming. In my family, we have different resolutions. My parents are too busy and____________________________________________________________________

    A good plan is half done. We’re sure we will have a wonderful winter vacation.

One possible version:

This winter vacation is coming. In my family, we have different resolutions. My parents are too busy and tired because of their work. So they decide to take a long vacation to relax. As for me, I’m weak in English. So I’m going to do a lot to improve my English. I decide to practice speaking English. Also, I’m going to listen to English tapes and songs. I think it’s a great help for my English. And I think it’s a good way to ask teachers for help. Besides, I’m going to watch English TV programs. What’s more, I’m going to read some English stories.

    A good plan is half done. We’re sure we will have a wonderful winter vacation.

8.(杭州市余杭区期末统考题)请你根据下面的图示,以My Lifestyle为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文,谈谈你的生活方式。




My Lifestyle

Now Let me tell you something about my lifestyle.___________________________________

One possible version:

Now let me tell you something about my lifestyle. I have a healthy lifestyle. I like eating fruits and vegetables. I drink milk every day. And I eat less meat. I never drink coffee or eat junk food. As for sports, I do morning exercises every day to keep healthy. I like running and swimming. So I do some running every morning. I think they are relaxing and helpful. What’s more, I never spend much time playing computer games. I know it’s bad for my eyes and my study. My healthy lifestyle helps me have a strong body and get good grades.


  l. 读书、学习、旅游;  2. 帮父母做家务;   3. 探望祖父母并给他们介绍保健的方法等。

Dear Peter,

   Thanks a lot for your e-mail.

The winter vacation is coming. I have some plans for it.______________________________


I’m looking forward to the winter vacation!


Li Qiang

One possible version:

Dear Peter

   Thanks a lot for your e-mail.

The winter vacation is coming. I have some plans for it. First, I’m going to travel and get relaxed. Then I’m going to read some books and work hard at math, because I’m not very good at it. I’m weak in English. So I’m going to do a lot to improve my English. I decide to practice speaking English. Besides, I’m going to help my parents do some chores at home. I also want to see my grandparents in the countryside. I’m going to tell them something about keeping healthy, like good eating habits and regular exercise.

I’m looking forward to the winter vacation!


Li Qiang
























