

Topic one : Some people say that children should obey rules while other people think children who are controlled too much will not be well-prepared for their adult life. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

controlling children’s behaviours and even mind can cause harm to their healthy

the education from parents or in schools in people’s early life. children cannot make proper decisions, the advice from parents or teachers Many successful individuals who achieve much on carrer and in life will thank for their early education.

rules of others but tend to lose themselves and cannot make any decisions both in their childhood and in their later the abilities such as controlling and independence need to be teachers have admittedly enough experience and knowledge, at least part of them do, children are accordingly supposed to take their advice and follow their rule, at least to part of them.

during the early years of one’s life, parents and teachers do provide much information, experience and even knowledge for receiving and perceiving.

? 通常认为电影和电视应该提供大量的信息和娱乐,这已被认为是无需质疑的事实。 ? 然而,有些人却认为,电影和电视的一些画面和内容带来比以前更大的弊端。

? 确实应该承认和接受的事实是,以电影和电视为主的国际媒体确实起了很多积极作用, 如


? 曾经,在这个世界没有现代媒体工具的时候,人们生活在一个几乎与世隔绝的世界里,获


? 许多现代商人都把自己事业上的成功归于先进媒体的传播和交流。

? Be attributed to/ attribute A to B

? 然而,一个严重的事实不能忽略,就是由于媒体的广泛交流,也带来了许多弊端,如欺骗,


? 而且,从个人隐私更可能被侵犯的角度上,媒体的广泛发展确实起着推波助澜的作用,许


? 幸运的是,大多数人能合理有效地利用媒体如电影和电视的优势并且能理解人与人之间的



Topic two: In the future the museum and galleries shold be replaced by computers and the internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree with it?

various kinds of museums and galleries. sit home before cold screens

feelings and shock given by a real object in museums or galleries will be presented only by standing before it. The color of a painting, the layer of ink of a sketch and the sense of space achieve the master’s inspiration on a piece of work, acknowledged about the relative details,

economy. Travelling resources in developed and in undeveloped areas as well. Museums and galleries are the main representatives of travelling resources.

? 也许一些人选择使用私人交通工具如小汽车,主要目的是为了节省时间和寻求舒适。 ? 但还有人更愿意乘坐公共交通工具如公共汽车和地铁,他们认为这样更节省能源和环保。 ? 我认为,虽然我们享尽私人交通工具的好处,但公共交通工具的优势也越来越明显。 ? 明显的是,公共交通所提供的舒适和快捷不及私人交通工具。

? 但私人交通工具也可能带来更多的环境污染和交通堵塞。

? 因此,鼓励公共交通的建设和使用是很有价值的。

? 但也没有必要完全取代私人交通工具而全部使用公共交通工具,这也许是未来的一个趋势,



Topic three the government should stop putting money in self-defense and use money to improve public facilities and help the poor people instead. Do you agree or disagree?

many international competitions. taxpayers the ways and aspects of using money by the government.

strength of a nation. Naturally, there was a time when many factories produced weapons and many use taxpayers’ money and how much to use.

policy from the government to put more and wonderful ways. public on many aspects.

It goes without saying that there need and must be However, I agree that the government should put more proportion of money on the issues of the public.

? 全球一体化已是这个世界的一个主要标志,体现在几乎所有领域如商业往来,政治对话及


? 就是因为这种更多的交流互换,人们陷入了一种迷惑和争议中,不知是否某些文化的同化


? 于是,人们更加关注甚至怀疑国际交流给我们带来了什么。

? 随着国际政治,经济发展的复杂趋势,各国无论发达或不发达国家都把全球一体化视为自


? 各国文化交流的强大后盾是经济的发展和政策的支持。

? 也许大多数人期待着国家之间的不同文化交流得以促进,及国家政府会投入更多的资金和


? 不论如何,文化交流体现在人们生活和工作的方方面面。

? 政府有责任和义务去促进这方面的发展。

? 然而,在广泛的文化交流中,一些文化确实失去了优势并消失不见,如一些语言会因为减


? 尽管我们试图平衡任何两个可能的矛盾之间的平衡,但新的问题也一定会不断产生。 ? 只要地球上存在着各种各样的文化现象,那么交流就是一个必然及积极的趋势。 ? 我同意,尽管会有一些必然的牺牲,但国际交流仍然是重要的。


Topic four: some people argue that advertising in the media only improves sales of products not quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

, in newspapers, from

function, the price and other details can the comfort and convenience of people’s daily life.

many function and the effects of some product, they may ignore the real quality only in order to increase the sales quantity. producers definitely tend to add the expense on ads onto the cost of the products, then accordingly customers will pay for that.

and exaggerating ones and even producers themselves. (模板166字)

? 无论我们走到哪,到处可以看到科技的进步对人类生活和工作所带来的巨大影响。

? 随着一些传统沟通工具如书信逐渐不被人们使用,对于科技给交流带来更多的好处还是坏


? 首先得承认的是,科技的发展与进步确实促进了我们的沟通与交流。

? 对比没有现代沟通工具的过去与交流日益发达的今天,我们能明显地发现,沟通的效率有


? 除了效率高,我们也可能获取和理解更多,更宽广的信息和知识,从这点来看,现代化的


? 无论如何,尽管科技给人类的沟通带来的优势我们不可或缺,但越发明显的事实就是,它


? 不幸的是,许多人沉浸在高科技所带来的效率与舒适里,他们往往忽略了传统的交流方式


? 可想而知,面对面的交流减少了,彼此的感情疏远了很多。

? 有一点也必须指出,由于科技手段的代劳,人们的手动实践能力也减弱了,成了机器的奴


? 我们不能说,传统的沟通方式没价值或甚至我们根本不再需要它们。事实上,那些传统的



Topic five: Environmental problems should be solved with international efforts instead of one or a few countries. Do you agree or disagree?

protect our environment and make reasonable use of natural

one country or a couple of countries, the task to protect or to improve the environment cannot be fulfilled. any one mountain or any one river does not belong to one country. We all share the resources on the earth. If we only enhance one part of the nature rather than the whole, chain effects must emerge subsequently. Then, the international issues to improve our environment. Those developed countries have the duty to make some contributing measures to help the undeveloped regions.

natural resource and human resource as well to cope with these environmental problems.(模板65字)

? 虽然国际交流如今越来越普遍,但语言的不同,文化的差异仍然是交流的主要障碍。 ? 越来越多的人投入到对国际语言如英语的学习和使用中。

? 这对促进不同国家的经济,政治,文化及教育都是积极及必然的趋势。

? 诚然,地球是不可分割的一体的,因此,只有通过一个国家的努力,一种文化的传播是不


? 一个普遍接受的明显的事实就是,越来越多的人投入时间和精力去学习适合自己的多种语


? 掌握一门外语似乎是很有价值的。

? 从学习语言也可以提高智商的角度来看,初级教育的课程中就应该安排语言课程。 ? 政府也有责任和义务采取促进的措施来提高语言的学习。

? 总之,一个广泛接受的真理就是,语言不仅是文化的载体,也是各国交流的必备环节。 ? 明智的是,选择有效的方法来提高语言学习的效果和培养语言学习的氛围。


Topic six: In recent years, many young people decide to furhter their study abroad. What are the benefits and drawbacks of studying abroad?

While some public planners believe that it is advantageous to encourage the exchanges of education among countries, I think that the drawbacks brought by studying abroad are unneglective in spite of the benefits commonly admitted by the public. In my essay, this issue will be discussed in details.

Firstly, independence is obviously the most beneficial impact a student can achieve to study abroad. During the childhood, a child usually depend on his parents to deal with the problems in both living and studying. There are even some reports in which some school children cannot tight their shoelace, let it alone to cook by themselves once in a while. However, studying abroad, a student can gradually learn to think , make a decision by themselves and take good care of themselves. Maybe many parents send their children abroad with the main goal to develop the ability to live and study independently.

Furtherly, different culture and tradition can be admittedly achieved during studying abroad. Apart from the specific knowledge and the ability of independence, students can also know various culture and tradition quite different from their own countries, accordingly widening their horizons and enriching their lives overseas. It will be more obvious and impressive to experience abroad by themselves than to seek some information before screens or with words.

The fact cannot be easily ignored that when students look for something kind of new and fresh, they may meanwhile waste time and energy nacessary for their studying abroad. Typical examples can explain that many overseas students are addicted in feeling the difference, making foreign friends and visiting places with the imaginable result that they may fail to achieve their degrees on time. Also, studying abroad gives more possibility to suffer loneliness and homesick, which has to be called a drawback.

Anyway, it is an opportunity to study abroad for the youth, not only receiving knowledge but also enriching views. It will be more beneficial from studying abroad as long as we cope with the possible problems on it.


Topic seven : the life expactancy is longer in many countries. However, there is not enough respect for the elderly people. What are the cuses and what are your solutions?

long life expactancy of human the improvement of medical technology, the whole increase of living standard and the attitude and the awareness of people is obviously decrease on communication among people, particularly between family members due to the rapid improvements of modern technology like cell phones and the Internet. Many tasks can be fulfilled without people face to face. The anti-social behaviours and indifference among the public are increasingly obvious. Many young people even donnot know what can be called respect for seniors.

To raise the public awarenes of what perceive the knowledge and the experience from the senior. To respect them is naturally admitted as a virtue. Increasing the education for the youth or for the whole society as to the importance to others ? 许多因素促成了人们对待教育问题的忽视,如政府缺乏投入及个人经济状况。

? 教育的发展本该是积极的趋势,然而现在却存在着一些问题。


? 许多孩子流离失所,经常逃学甚至辍学。

? 这些问题似乎迫切需要解决了,至少我们要引起人们的重视。


? 造成这些问题有许多方面,首先,家庭的破裂,缺少父母的指引和关爱是首要的原因。 ? 虽然整个社会对待教育的问题越来越重视了,但具体的措施并未有详细的步骤。 ? 学校方面也应给学生提供一个良好的学习和生活环境。

? 老师应多接受相关培训,并提高对教育的意识和对教育方法的改善。

? 没有教育,人类社会甚至似乎在倒退。


Topic eight: some people think schools shold only teach students academic knowledge. Others think they should teach students to judge what is right and wrong. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Any successful individual who achieve much on carrer or in life will thank to their school education. The definition on the roles and functions of school can be surely admitted among the public. Maybe schools are now expected to teach students academic knowledge, but also the judging rules and other views on value

Schools are typical places where students can learn much knowledge and theory related to some major. It is a natural rule for students in schools to follow the advice and receive the knowledge and experience from teachers. Only by receiving the academic theories on some majors can students make full preparation for the future employment, especially those positions which need specific knowledge superior theorically.

However, due to the lack of communication between family members and the whole effects from from the changes in many aspects of this society, students particularly those younger children still fail to achieve the direct guide on whether their behaviors and mind are right or wrong. On this issue, schools should play an indispensiblly contributing role to fully prepare students for their future life and work after graduation. Admittedly, famlies, teachers and the whole society should all do their beneficial parts.

To conclude, no one could deny the fact that the true meanig of education is presented with the ability to tell the right from the wrong in aspecs of not only knowledge but also moral standard. We are expecting one day when people could all realize the importance and indispensibility of education.








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