

Of Dream(关于梦想的英语演讲稿)

A dream is to a man what wings are to a bird. A man with a dream is like a warrior armed with ambition and courage,who dares to step into an journey of adventure. Dream shows one’s hope or with in deep heart. In fact, dream stands for the aim of the life.

Does everyone know exactly what he want to get the life? Does everyone know clearly which kind of person he want to be? The fact is many of us have not yet find the dream that belongs to us. Without the dream, we do things just for following the time’s pace. We do what we are expected to do----study, take exam and get diploma, then find a job and so on……

But, my dear friend, just ask yourself : is that the life you’d like to lead? There is a very famous passage in the novel “ How the Steel Was Tempered”, which we have learned from the mid-school text book, that is ,the most precious thing for a person is life. Life belongs to person and just comes once. A person’s life should be passed like this : when he looks back on past time, he would not feel regretted because of having wasted his best years, and also would not feel ashamed because of idling about. If we have no dream, we have no our own aims. In this condition, who we are studying for? What we are getting high score for? Several years ago, I have even thought about these questions. At that time, I had the wrong opinion

that “because my mother brings me up, because I exist in the society, I just have to go on--- go on doing things which the Jungle Law requires”. But as I grow up gradually, I get to know that there are great differences between existence and life. Our motherland has developed greatly so that the people in China can dress warmly and ear our fill. As a Chinese, what we pursue should not be to exist with enough food and warm clothes anymore----we need to lead a happy life. Recently I saw an interesting formula on a book :happiness =health+pursue+love (Health plus pursue plus love come up to the happiness)That is to say, having a dream is a necessary condition for happiness.

So, now you know how important the dream to humans.



Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m standing here is a growth. If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that’s passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for (= what will happen to) me. 

When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job. 

Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future. 

How to say future? Maybe it’s a nice wish. Lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.


my youth , my dream

We all want to believe that we are capable of great feats , of reaching our fullest potential .


We need dreams . 我们需要梦想。

They give us a vision of a better future . 它会给我们展现一番更好的前景。 They nourish our spirit ,they represent possibility even then we are dragged down by reality .

它能滋养我们的灵魂,梦想代表一种可能性,尽管它会受到现实的羁绊。 They keep us going . 梦想让我们勇往直前。

Most successful people are dreamers . 多数成功人士都是梦想家。

Dreamers are not content with merely mediocre ,because no one ever dreams of going half way .


When I was a little girl , I didn’t dream of a life of stryggle and frustration . 孩提时,我不曾梦想过自立而充满挫折的生活。

I dreamed of doing something big and splashy ,something significant . 却梦想做一些轰轰烈烈而有意义的大事。

I dreamed big .我梦想成为伟人。

But now , I become realistic . 但是现在,我很现实。

I have a dream that I can have my own firm one day .


Because I major in economic , I can use my special knowledge to run the company .


When I have a lot of money , I will donate some of them to help others . 将来有了钱,我会捐出一部分帮助其他人。

My dreams are worthless , my plans are dust , my goals are impossible . 我的梦想毫无价值,我的计划无足轻重,我的目标遥不可及。

All are of no value unless they are followed by action .


Action is the food and drink which will nourish my success .


If I don’t take any actions to realize my dream , it will become a fantasy . 如果我不采取行动实现我的梦想,它就会变成空想。

When I was little , I dreamed big .孩提时,我梦想成为伟人。

It’s a pity for me that I didn’t do anything to approach it .


I always think that when I grow up , I can take some actions .


But when I grow up truly , I forget my dream and my ambition .


So I will not avoid the tasks of today and charge them to tomorrow . 我不会逃避今天的责任,而把它们推给明天。

For I know that tomorrow never comes .因为我知道明天永远不会到来。

Let me act now even though my actions may not bring success for it is better to act and fail than not be act and flounder .


Success will not wait . 成功不会等待。

If I delay , she will become betrothed another and lost ti me forever . 如果我迟疑,她会投入别人的怀抱,而我将永远失去它。

I will take every effort to accomplish my dream .i won’t let it become a fantasy , it is just my dream .maybe some years later , it will become true .








I have a dream关于梦想英语演讲稿





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英语演讲稿 梦想



