English report


1、 TED Conference

Held annually on the West Coast of North America, the TED Conference is at the heart of TED. More than a thousand people attend this five-day

conference about Technology, Entertainment and Design -- as well as science, business, the arts and the global issues facing our world. Over 70 speakers appear on the main stage to give 18-minute talks and shorter presentations, including music, performance and comedy.

2、 TED2015

Truth & Dare is a week-long conference about ideas, happening March 16-20 in Vancouver and Whistler, Canada. Onstage, speakers will challenge our notions of truth -- and dare to imagine the future.

3、 topic


In our fast-changing world, a reliable grasp on the truth is hard to come by. We search for deeper truth, richer understanding, better questions. We will find the minds best capable of reframing our most familiar beliefs and concerns ... and leave time in the program to challenge them in turn, to test their logic, to dig deeper.

4、 ... and Dare

We will also be inviting some of the most exciting creators of the future to share their visions with us. Inventors, Designers, Explorers, and Change Makers of all stripes. We're at a time of significant global challenge. Yet our political and economic systems seem barely capable of

responding appropriately. And meanwhile, astounding new technologies may be creating alarming unintended consequences and complexities. Who has the ideas that will create a future we actually want? They're out there. And we need to hear from them like never before.

5、 program

Session 1: Opening Gambit

Session 2: What Are We Thinking?

Session 3: Machines That Learn

Session 4: Out of This World

Session 6: Radical Reframe

Session 7: Creative Ignition

Some speeches

2、David Eagleman (chief introduction)


Main idea As humans, we can perceive less than a ten-trillionth of all light waves. “Our experience of reality,” says neuroscientist David Eagleman, “is constrained by our biology.” He wants to change that. His research into our brain processes has led him to create new interfaces — such as a sensory vest — to take in previously unseen information about the world around us.

3、Dame Stephanie Shirley(chief introduction)

Entrepreneur and philanthropist

Main idea Dame Stephanie Shirley is the most successful tech

entrepreneur you never heard of. In the 1960s, she founded a pioneering all-woman software company in the UK, which was ultimately valued at $3 billion, making millionaires of 70 of her team members. In this frank and often hilarious talk, she explains why she went by “Steve,” how she upended the expectations of the time, and shares some sure-fire ways to identify ambitious women …

4、Monica Lewinsky(chief introduction)

Social activist

Main idea "Public shaming as a blood sport has to stop," says Monica Lewinsky. In 1998, she says, “I was Patient Zero of losing a personal

reputation on a global scale almost instantaneously.” Today, the kind of online public shaming she went through has become constant — and can turn deadly. In a brave talk, she takes a hard look at our online culture of humiliation, and asks for a different way.

5、Bel Pesce(chief introduction)


Main idea All of us want to invent that game-changing product, launch that successful company, write that best-selling book. And yet so few of us actually do it. Brazilian entrepreneur Bel Pesce breaks down five

easy-to-believe myths that ensure your dream projects will never come to fruition.

第二篇:English business report


管理滞后,中国的酒店业相较于西方的起步要晚。所以要不断的吸取西方的管理经营等经验,很多高规格酒店不惜花重金从海外请一些高级管理人才。其成本可想而之,为了节约成本,用了几个月之后就觉得自己学完了别人的东西,踢走了那些国际联号的经理人。如何真正的与国际接轨?Some of the tourists come here to have their vacation but they don’t choose to stay at the hotel.


To: David Lincoln,

General Manager

From: Manager of the Marketing Department

Date: 27 April 2009

Sub: Proposal to increase occupation rate and to boom profits.

Thank you for meeting with me to discuss the idea of writing a proposal to improve the situation of our vacation resort. The following proposal describes the current problem, outlines the investigation we have done, details the actions we will take.

Now, we can find that there is a reduction of tourist living in the hotel provided by our vacation resort. The result of a research into the occupation rate and the profit during the past 9 months surprises me greatly, which shows the rate and the profit are the lowest. In order to find out the causes, a market survey have been conduct during which a lot of different people, including adult, children, tourist, our working man and so on, are inquired about every aspect of our hotel as well as the tour in out vacation resort. Through the data we got, we have found that the number of tourists decreases, and some of the tourists come here to have their vacation but they choose not to stay at the hotel. That is to say our hotel and resort are encountering a severe problem

The analyzing of the problem lead us to find out some factors which have an important role in this problem. Firstly, the global economic

crisis obviously has a bad influence on people’s lives. The money they spend on the vacation reduces, and the times they go on vacation decreases. Secondly, the service provided by our hotel and resort still has some deficiencies, such as the high price with little privilege, the taste and diversity of our food not satisfactory, the amusement is limited, which will make the tourists unwilling to stay at our hotel. Thirdly, the people would choose to drive themselves in one-day tour, therefore they don’t need to live in the hotel. As the private car has been more universal, it is more convenient for them to drive themselves.

According to the analyzing above, some means to improve the situation are threw out. First of all, improving the management of the hotel and the vacation resort is crucial. If the management fell behind, the speed of the development would slow down. Besides, try our best to provide the best service to the tourist. Being a service industry, the success of hotel management lies in offering the most satisfactory service to our customers.

Dear Mr. Lincoln:

The following is a proposal, which describes the current problem in our resort, outlines the investigation we have done, details the actions we will take.

A research into the occupation rate and the profit during the past 9 months surprises me greatly, which shows the rate and the profit are the lowest. In order to find out the settlement, a market survey has been conduct during which a lot of different people are inquired about every aspect in our vacation resort. The date shows our resort is encountering a severe problem.

The analyzing of the problem leads us to find out some causes. Firstly, the global economic crisis obviously has a bad influence on people’s lives. The money they spend on the vacation reduces, and the times they go on vacation decreases. Secondly, the service provided in our hotel and resort still has some deficiencies, such as the high price with little privilege, the taste and diversity of our food not satisfactory, the amusement is limited, which will make the tourists unwilling to stay at our hotel. Thirdly, the people would choose to drive themselves in a one-day tour, therefore they don’t need to live in the hotel. As the private car has been more universal, it is more convenient for them to drive themselves.

According to the analyzing above, some means to improve the situation are threw out. First of all, improving the management of the

hotel and the vacation resort is crucial. If the management fell behind, the speed of the development would slow down. Besides, try our best to provide the best service to the tourist. Being a service industry, the success of hotel management lies in offering the most satisfactory service to our customers. Finally, we should publicize our resort to the public to attract them.

In conclusion, in order to increase the occupation and to boom profits, we need to supply the hospitality service.

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