


手机影响学习吗(Do Mobiles Distract Study)

wherever you are, you can see many people equipped with mobile phones. it seems that the world becomes smaller nowadays. you could be found wherever you are so long as you take the mobile phone with you. and mobile phones are also becoming a new scene on campus.

students think it is extremely convenient for them to communicate with the outside world by using mobile phones, especially when they are hunting for jobs, so they call it an essential investment.

education experts analyze the entry of mobile phones into campus as an indication of social progress. and mobile phones have been considered advanced for its attractive functions. the youth of today send messages, surf on the net, listen to music and even take photos by using their mobile phones. to some extent, it reflects that college students are more and more involved in this modern society, rather than pedants in the “ivory tower”.

as a coin has two sides, the mobile phone, while providing convenience, causes trouble too. in classrooms, the untimely ringing interrupts lectures and destroys the atmosphere of study, so it prompts many complaints. and the mobile phone users themselves also suffer.

therefore, we need to think more about how to integrate mobile phones properly into our lives.


如何对待残疾人(How To Treat Disabled People)

living in the world, everyone dreams of being great and wise. have some of us ever dreamt of being a normal person? i’m sure that all students will answer “no”, and you’ll question me, “why do you ask such a silly question?” as a matter of fact, people who are disabled just wish that they themselves would one day be a healthy and normal person as us. then how should we treat disabled people?

the majority of us will claim to show respect for them and not to look down upon them. it is true. most people have got a shock at their diligence. at present, a large quantity of the blind is learning the traditional chinese treatment, such as massage and acupuncture. and after opening a shop, they can usually get well paid. some people without arms have learned writing with their feet. what’s more, people with a moving handicap can do work very well, even if they can only move their head and mouth. not to mention hawking for example. so far as i know, not long before it is reported such two persons. both of them do very well in computer. one is a girl, who is just round twenty years. with a pen in her mouth, she makes flash. in spite of her disability, she still gets tens of thousands yuan per month. the other is a forty-year-old man. he manages the computer as well as the girl. anyway he has succeeded in making a programme, which recorded his own language.

never is the way for disabled people to success easy. apart from hard work, they need special patience and will, which are the key to success. often we’re moved by their experiences. then we will respect them and help them.

as the god seems as if not equal to disabled people, we should help them. some day when you meet a blind person in the street, go to help him/ her cross the street or show him/ her the way; some day when you meet a disabled person in a bus, give your seat to him/ her; some day you meet a disabled beggar, offer him some money; some day when you talk with a disabled person, encourage him/ her and let him/ her know the world is still beautiful. not only should we treat disabled people equally, but even more well!



如何面试成功(HOW to Succeed in a dob Interview)

when applying for a job, many people, school graduates in particular, have to have an interview with the employer before they are offered the job. many graduates, however, do not know how to succeed in such an interview. the following are some of the rules to abide by.

to succeed in an interview, the applicant should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities. since much of the first and lasting impression of a person is the clothes he wears, the applicant should take care to appear well but modestly dressed, avoiding the extremes of too elaborate or too casual clothes. besides, he should pay close attention to his manner of speaking, which should be neither showy nor familiar but rather straightforward, granmatically accurate, and friendly. in addition, he should be prepared to talk knowledgeably about the requirements of the position for which he is applying in relation to his own professional experience and interests. and finally, a really impressive applicant must convey a sense of serf confidence and enthusiasm for work, a factor that att interviewer value highly. the applicant who displays these characteristics, with just a little luck, witt certainly succeed in the typical personal interview.

if you can bear these rules in mind, chances are that you will succeed in a job interview.



择业注意事项(Things to Consider in Applying for a Job)

many students consider applying for job very important after graduation. they think it will affect their course of lives, their circle of friends, and even their choice of spouses in the future. the following are two suggestions that you should consider when looking for a job. first, you should have an awareness of yourself, your personal interests in particular. generally

speaking, your interest supplies your motivation and energy for work. if you don't have any interest in the job, you are sure to be bored by it even if it is a highly paid one. second, you should have knowledge of the job itself. the job you are looking for should neither be beyond your reach nor should it be too easy. instead, it should bring your abilities into full play. going to work that is too difficult may only lead to frustration and failure. going to work that is too easy, however, will be a waste of your knowledge, and you will soon lose interest in it. besides, you should think of the prospect of the job. will you have a promising future if you take the job? do not be misled by the present salary it offers. think of its future development. it is important to weigh the immediate advantages against the long term prospects of the job. at this point, it is always advisable that you turn to your parents, your teachers, and your friends for help if you cannot make the decision. they are the people who know you the best. you can also ask some job advisors for advice. they are usually experienced and can give you some valuable hints. of course, it is you who have to make the final decision.



怎样面对压力(How to Deal with Stress)

stress is a state of being upset that happens when we are under pressure. both our feelings and our bodies get upset. we can even get emotionally and physically sick if we have too much stress for too long.stress can come at us from every direction.for instance, it can come from fights with other people. it can come when we have too many things to do and too little time to do them. it can also come when we do not have enough money to pay for what we want.since stress can make us sick, we have to learn how to deal with it. there are good ways and bad ways to do so. we should deal with stress in good ways, of course. good ways to cut down on stress include changing our lifestyles. for example, we can learn either to get along with people or to stay away from them. we can decide what to do now, what to do later, and what to leave off doing forever. we can also figure out how to get money or we can cut down on what we want.

we should not deal with stress in bad ways because bad ways to cut down on stress just lead to more troubles, for example, skipping out and leaving our work undone, blaming our problems on someone else, stealing or cheating.



就业时选择高薪还是好的职业(Do You Prefer High Salary or A Promising Job?)

when it comes to the choice of career, some people prefer the job with high salary. why? their reasons run as following: to begin with, high salary can bring them happy life; in addition, with high salary, they can do whatever they want.

but some others prefer to choose a job with promising future. they base their choice on the following reasons: on one hand, a promising job itself means a raise and promotion in the future; on another hand, job with a bright future will bring them honor and sense of pride.

as for me, if i’m left to make the choice, i’ll not hesitate to choose a promising job. first of all, i appreciate the honor and challenge it brings to me. at the same time, if i work hard, it will offer me a lot of opportunities including high salary, good position, etc.



摘要:英语四级考试写作时间如何分配呢?很多考生拿到作文题目之后直接就动笔开写,这是一个误区。 英语四级考试写作时间如何分配呢?很多考生拿到作文题目之后直接就动笔开写,这是一个误区。其实30分钟的写作时间绝对绰绰有余,如果直接开写,很容易会造成跑题,或写到一半发现无话可说的现象,导致考生开始绞尽脑汁的编句子,凑字数。






























大学英语四级写作提分技巧:使用同位结构 20xx年11月07日17:38





例 Nature was addressed for the first time in a universal and international language, the precise and quantitative idiom of mathematics, a tongue which every man and woman, irrespective of color, creed or race, can use and master if given the proper training.

注: "the precise and quantitative idiom of mathematics" 和 "a tongue which every man and woman can use and master" 是同位语。

Awkward: Today, transistors and other solid state devices, such as personal computers, cellular telephones, and precision controls, to name a few, are the foundation of industries unknown a few decades ago.

Better: Today, transistors and other solid state devices are the foundation of industries unknown a few decades ago - personal computers, cellular telephones, and precision controls, to name a few.

(注意: industries unknown a few decades ago = personal computers, cellular telephones, and precision controls)

Awkward: Coolidge was a taciturn, morose New England farmer who did not seem to have apparent talents, but, he appeared to the country to symbolize such old American virtues as frugality, honesty, hard work and religious faith.

Better: A taciturn, morose New England farmer of no apparent talents, Coolidge nevertheless appeared to the country as a symbol of old American virtues: frugality, honesty, hard work, and religious faith.

Loose: Biotechnology is defined as the use of a natural biological system to produce a product or to achieve an end desired by human beings. The subject is not new.

Better: Biotechnology, the use of a natural biological system to produce a product or to achieve an end desired by human beings, is not new.

大学英语四级写作提分技巧:独立主格结构 20xx年11月07日17:48




独立主格结构指带主语的动词分词、介词、或副词词组。 何谓独立主格结构?

它是指与主语之间无任何语法关系的名词或代词加上一个分词的结构。它不修饰单个的词,而修饰整个句子。独立主格结构可位于句子的任何部位。它构成一个单独实体,并具有如下两种功能:(1) 解释原因或情景 (2) 提供主句中重点部分的相关细节。

例 Freud distinguished three kinds of anxiety, each arising from a different source of perceived danger.

"each" 是独立主格结构,"arising from"是动词短语。注意这个独立主格结构是一个"干巴巴"的句子。通过改变动词形式,它的面貌可焕然一新:Each arises from a different source of perceived danger. 再看以下例句

Before: His nose was running and his hands were shaking. He left the theater like that. Interesting: His nose running and his hands shaking, he left the theater.

Before: He is known for his bad temper, so I fear the encounter.

Interesting: I fear the encounter, his temper being what it is.

Plain: If the weather is favorable tomorrow, we will spend the entire day climbing Huang Shan. Good: Weather permitting, we will spend the entire day tomorrow climbing Huang Shan. Plain: Let’s pray that the Southeast Asian economy will soon return to normal. Good: The Southeast Asian economy, God willing, will soon return to normal.

Plain: Early radio reports exaggerated the success of the raid on the Embassy. Some even indicated that the Vietcong had occupied several floors of the building.

Better: Early radio reports exaggerated the success of the raid on the Embassy, some even indicating that the Vietcong had occupied several floors of the building.

Plain: Even though the drug controversy was still festering around him, in the end, defending Australian Open champion Petr Korda walked away with a salute to a cheering crowd.

Better: In the end, defending Australian Open champion Petr Korda, the drug controversy around him still festering, walked away with a salute to a cheering crowd.


分词连同它所修饰的名词或代词可构成独立主格结构。同位语和插入语有时也被认为是独立主格结构 有用句型

During the early years of the Cultural Revolution, dried mushrooms on dinner tables were an unheard-of luxury, and pork chops unthinkable.

We see Van Gogh in the role of prophet in "Self Portrait," his emaciated, luminous head with its burning eyes set off against a whirlpool of darkness.

Professor Wang’s handwriting was precise, fussy, spidery, his notepad pale mauve.

大学英语四级写作提分技巧:松散句 20xx年11月07日17:58





Rambling: The plane was ready to take off; having never traveled by plane before he suddenly felt nervous as the sky ominously turned from gray to black, and threatening bolts of lightning shot across the sky, and thunder echoed in the distance.

Better: The plane was ready to take off. He had never traveled by plane and suddenly felt nervous as the sky turned ominously from gray to black. Threatening bolts of lightening shot across the sky, and thunder echoed in the distance.

Rambling: We regret to inform you that inclement weather conditions in our area have caused us to reschedule all deliveries for the month of February so that we must also reschedule shipment of your order to February 16.

Better: I’m sorry to let you know that a winter storm will delay shipment of your order until February 16.

松散句经常有很多"and"。在口语中,尚可多用几个"and" 但若过多地出现在书面英语中,则令人难以接受。取代"and"的方法是改用逗号或从属结构,或者干脆省略。

Plain: The Governor of Hong Kong descended the long and winding staircase. Interesting: The Governor of Hong Kong descended the long, winding staircase.

Plain: My grandparents spent long summer hours under the old, tall and shady tree in the courtyard.

Interesting: My grandparents spent long summer hours under the old, tall, shady tree in the courtyard.

Plain: By attending this workshop, you will learn just which cosmetic essentials you need and which formulas are just your style.

Interesting: By attending this workshop, you will learn just which cosmetic essentials you need, which formulas are just your style.

Plain: To a man harassed by a nagging wife and undisciplined children, work away from home can be a great blessing, and a welcome escape.

Interesting: To a man harassed by a nagging wife and undisciplined children, work away from home can be a great blessing, a welcome escape.

Ineffective: The Yangtze River is one of the longest rivers in the world, and in the springtime it occasionally overflows its banks, and many people are endangered.

Improved: The Yangtze River, one of the longest rivers in the world, occasionally endangers many people during the springtime by overflowing its banks.

Ineffective: The village had a population of seven thousand, and a typhoon struck it, and it was practically demolished.

Improved: The village, with its seven thousand people, was struck by a typhoon and practically demolished.

Ineffective: He was the mayor of the town, and he was a genial fellow, and he invited the four young boys into his study.

Improved: The mayor of the town, a genial fellow, invited the four young boys into his study. Ineffective: The central plain holds Switzerland’s major manufacturing facilities and many of them specialize in high-quality and precision products.

Improved: The central plain holds Switzerland’s major manufacturing facilities, many of them specializing in high-quality, precision products.

Plain: I had always wanted to go to college, and I had always wished to become an engineer, and so I enrolled at Dalian University of Science and Technology

Interesting: Because I had always wanted to enter college and prepare myself to become an engineer, I enrolled at Dalian University of Science and Technology.

Or Better:

I enrolled at Dalian University of Science and Technology to achieve my double purpose of attending college and becoming an engineer.

Plain: Near the center of the campus of our university a new building has been erected, and it is constructed of red brick.

Better: A red-brick building has been erected near the center of our university campus. 或Near the center of our university campus is the brand new red-brick building.

大学英语四级写作提分技巧:巧用倒装 20xx年11月07日18:17




To be or not to be: that is the question.

--William Shakespear

Never before have we had so little time to do so much.

--美国前总统 Franklin D. Roosevelt

Plain: We sat on the cliffs by the sea, watching the sunset.

Interesting: On the cliffs by the sea we sat, watching the sunset.


Normal: The professor walked in.

Reversed: In walked the professor.


Normal: Jeremy scorned honest men.

Reversed: Honest men Jeremy scorned.


Normal: Although I am fond of my children, I hope they won’t grow up spoilt.

Reversed: Fond as I am of my children, I hope they won’t grow up spoilt

Normal: He never gave up certain habits of his youth, and one of them was that he liked to inspect his clothes thoroughly for wrinkles before he stepped out of the door.

Reversed: Certain habits of his youth he never gave up, and one of them was that he liked to inspect his clothes thoroughly for wrinkles before he stepped out of the door.

Normal: Stephen was a bungler then.

Reversed: A bungler Stephen was then.


Normal: We shall never feel secure.

Reversed/Interesting: Secure we shall never feel.


Normal: This is a lost generation.

Reversed: This is a generation lost.

Plain: The immense expanse of the Gobi Desert stretches before us.

Interesting: Before us stretched the immense expanse of the Gobi Desert. (介词短语-谓语-名词)

Plain: He wasn’t cut out to be a peacetime officer. He wanted glory, he wanted the excitement of war. No one, except possibly himself, has ever doubted his physical courage (or any other kind of courage).

Interesting: He wasn’t cut out to be a peacetime officer. He wanted glory, he wanted the excitement of war. His physical courage (or any other kind of courage) no one, except possibly himself, has ever doubted.

Normal: Nobody knows why lands sink under the sea and rise again.

Reversed: Why lands sink under the sea and rise again nobody knows.

Normal: I dare not trust her.

Emphatic: Trust her I dare not.

Normal: I never thought he would return alive.

Emphatic: Never did I think he would return alive.

Loose: History has proved amply that mere numbers may be defeated by smaller forces who are superior in arms, organization, and morale.

Better: That mere numbers may be defeated by smaller forces who are superior in arms, organization, and morale history has amply proved.

Plain: I hate taxes and tax collectors equally.

Interesting: Taxes and tax collectors, I hate equally.

(宾语- 主语- 谓语)

Normal: This is more noticeable in Kaohsiung than anywhere else in Taiwan.

Emphatic: Nowhere in Taiwan is this so noticeable as in Kaohsiung.

Normal: Like most Irishmen, Samuel was quick-tempered.

Reversed: Samuel was quick-tempered, as are most Irishmen.

Normal: A man lay beside the road, waiting hopelessly for help.

Reversed: Waiting hopelessly for help, a man lay beside the road.

Plain: In the President’s office, there was a pale, thin, sandy-haired man in his early thirties with the President. He was wearing a rumpled suit and looking completely out of place.

Better: In the office with the President was a pale, thin, sandy-haired man in his early thirties, wearing a rumpled suit and looking completely out of place.


Strange as it may sound?

Little did I know...

To your right...; and to your left ... as in "To my right is a large a lake, partially hidden behind the hill.

Off we go...

Down with ... as in "Down with the Gang of Four."

Happy will be the day...

Reverse the sequence for effect




例 Wrong: Those who teach rarely get rich.

这个句子含义模糊,分辨不出是 "teach rarely" 还是 "rarely get rich?"

Reversed/ Correct:Rarely do those who teach get rich.

Reversed/Correct:Rarely do people get rich by teaching.








Plain: The children at school were familiar with many games, but Li Hua had never even heard of them.

Interesting: The children at school were familiar with games Li Hua had never even heard of. Plain: The room was silent, but suddenly there was a clap of thunder outside.

Interesting: The silence of the room was broken by a sudden clap of thunder outside. Plain: They were passionate lovers not only onstage but also off stage.

Better: They were passionate lovers onstage and off.

Plain: Outside the cinema, she lit a cigarette, not necessarily because she had a desire to smoke, but because she felt the need for warmth.

Better: Outside the cinema, she lit a cigarette, as much from the need for warmth as from any desire to smoke.

Plain: It was meant to be a brief kiss, but it turned into a long, lingering one.

Interesting: What was meant to be a brief kiss turned into a long, lingering one. Plain: Music lightens life, but literature deepens it.

Interesting: Music lightens life; literature deepens it.

Plain: The film "Chariots of Fire" is about some young runners, but it is more than just that. Interesting: The film "Chariots of Fire" is much more than just a story of young runners. Plain: It is not his height but his weight that prevented him from competing in the race. Interesting: His weight, not his height, prevented him from competing in the race.

Plain: Susan seemed unsuitable for the part, but she turned out to be the best actress in the production.

Interesting: Susan seemed unsuitable for the part, yet she turned out to be the best actress in the production.

Plain: Old Wang is often described as a happy-go-lucky person, but the last half hour of the hike home he was interested in nothing but a bath and a bed.

Interesting: Old Wang, an otherwise happy-go-lucky person, thought of only two things the last half hour of the hike home: a bath and a bed.


除了"but"从句,很多学英语的人还会过多使用"if ? then"或是"if"从句。这些从句本身并不是不好。但我们这里讨论的是多样性及其必要性。看看下例: Before: If you fail to pass the drug test, we will have to dismiss you from your job. After: Failure to pass the drug test will result in job dismissal.


Plain: If one imitates, one cannot expect to be great.

Interesting: No person ever yet became great by imitation.

Plain: If we want to end a war quickly, we must lose it.

Interesting: The quickest way to end a war is to lose it.

Plain: If we were directed from government bureaucracy when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread.

Interesting: Were we directed from government bureaucracy when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread.

Plain: Several staff members have checked the manuscript to see if it is accurate and easy to use.

Interesting: Several staff members have checked the manuscript for accuracy and ease of use. Plain: If words are taken out of context, they are not very likely to mean the same as they do when they are in context.

Interesting: Words taken out of context do not always mean what they do in context.

另一个被广为使用的从句是"even though"或"although"。请注意在此谈论的并不是句子的错误,我们强调的是文体风格问题。

Plain: Although they were very important in California, laundries were even more significant in other parts of the United States, for laundering was one of the four "pioneer" occupations that enabled Chinese to move eastward across the continent.

Interesting: Important as they were in California, laundries were even more significant in other parts of the United States, for laundering was one of the four "pioneer" occupations that enabled Chinese to move eastward across the continent.

Plain: Even though the summer of 1889 was the warmest on record, the winter of the same year was cold.

Interesting: The summer of 1889 was the warmest on record, followed by a cold winter.


关于"so...that..."或"such... that..."或"so..."从句


Plain: The comedian was so funny that as soon as he started talking people laughed. Interesting: The comedian soon had them all laughing.

Plain: This is such an indispensable book that anyone who wants to speak and write with clarity, effectiveness, and individuality should possess one.

Interesting: This is an indispensable book for anyone who wants to speak and write with clarity, effectiveness, and individuality.

Plain: The professor was so quick-witted and so knowledgeable of the theater that he was instantly recognized as the best critic in his country.

Interesting: The professor’s quick wit and his awesome knowledge of the theater had won him instant recognition as the best critic in his country.

Plain: Jackie Chan was such a wonderful singer that his songs held eleven thousand people breathless.

Interesting: Jackie Chan’s songs held eleven thousand people breathless.

Weak: Many people in Shanghai used to live in attics, so they could see only a blank wall surrounding them.

Better: Many people in Shanghai used to live in attics, their only vista* a blank wall. Plain: It was such an exhilarating experience that he felt dazed the whole evening, well after the concert.

Interesting: It was an exhilarating experience, one that left him dazed the whole evening, well after the concert.

避免过多适用"in order to ..."

Plain: In order to advance his or her career, a genius needs strong financial support. Interesting: All geniuses need a millionaire to further their careers.

Plain: During rush hours in Hanoi, cars often scoot into bike lanes in order to get ahead of the traffic jams. This forces bikers to hug the curbs*.

Interesting: During rush hours in Hanoi, cars often scoot into bike lanes to cut through traffic jams, forcing bikers to hug the curbs.

Plain: In order to prepare for millions of visitors for millennium celebrations, the city has launched many projects, some ambitious, some modest, to beautify and modernize itself. Better: Some projects are ambitious, others modest, and all will beautify and modernize a city expecting millions of visitors for millennium celebrations.

不要过于依赖"because ..."从句

Plain: We decided to take a taxi because we missed the bus by a second.

Interesting: Missing the bus by a second, we decided to take a taxi.

Plain: Because my schedule was so busy, I was not able to attend Susan’s birthday party. Better: My schedule did not allow me to attend Susan’s birthday party.

Plain: Because I am dealing with the subject at the moment, let me give you a few statistics. Better: While I am on the subject, let me give you a few statistics.

Plain: Deng Xiaoping initiated the responsibility system in the countryside and because of that he took the rural reform program to the next step.

Better: Deng Xiaoping initiated the responsibility system in the countryside and furthered the cause of rural reform.

英语四级写作提分技巧:平行结构 20xx年11月07日18:30




No: The school bus skidded, turned sideways, then comes to a stop.

Yes: The school bus skidded, turned sideways, and came to a stop.


No: I don’t know why I married someone who is miserly, sloppy and a bore.

Yes: I don’t know why I married someone who is miserly, sloppy and boring.


No: In the wreck the circus lost a panda and elephant.

Yes: In the wreck the circus lost a panda and an elephant.


No: I debated whether I should give the beggar money or to offer him food.

Yes: I debated whether to give the beggar money or to offer him food.


No: They would lie on the battlefield for hours and sometimes days.

Yes: They would lie on the battlefield for hours and sometimes for days.


No: Michael’s vacuum cleaner squealed loudly, shook violently, and dust filled the air. Yes: Michael’s vacuum cleaner squealed loudly, shook violently, and filled the air with dust. (并列谓语)

No: The mechanic explained the problem, method, and the tools that he was going to use. Yes: The mechanic explained the problem, method, and tools that he was going to use. (并列带有定冠词"the"的名词)

No: He retired respected by his associates, admired by his friends, and his employees loved him.

Yes: He retired respected by his associates, admired by his friends, and loved by his employees.


No: As a young man he had been to Shanghai, fighting in the Anti-Japanese War, and following the Nationalist Party to Chongking.

Yes: As a young man he had been to Shanghai, had fought in the Anti-Japanese War and had followed the Nationalist Party to Chongking.


No: Jane is pretty, with brown hair, and has a graceful manner.

Yes: Jane is pretty, brown-haired, and graceful.


No: He left the city because of his lack of success in business, the departure of his friends and because his health deteriorated rapidly.

Yes: He left the city because of his lack of success in business, the departure of his friends and his rapidly failing health.


No: They bought the house for location and affordability.

Yes: They bought the house because of its location and its affordability.


No: Why did you make Xiao Zhang feel useless and as if he was unimportant?

Yes: Why did you make Xiao Zhang feel useless and unimportant?


No: This could be a problem for both the winners and for those who lose.

Yes: This could be a problem for both the winners and losers.


No: The prisoner was not only found guilty of bribery but also adultery.

Yes: The prisoner was found guilty not only of bribery but also of adultery.



Awkward: I admire Tennyson for the ideals in his poems but not his style.

Improved: I admire Tennyson for the ideals in his poems but not for his style.

Awkward: The sentences are difficult to understand, not because they are long but they are obscure.

Improved: The sentences are difficult to understand, not because they are long but because they are obscure.

Awkward: He explained that the advertising campaign had been successful, business had increased more than forty per cent, and additional capital was sorely needed.

Improved: He explained that the advertising campaign had been successful, that business had increased more than forty per cent, and that additional capital was sorely needed.



Our recommendations for improving computer-user comfort are as follows:

· Anti-radiation screens should be available for computer monitors.

· Wrist supports should be used to help maintain proper wrist position during computer use and possibly reduce the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome.

· Employees need adjustable chairs with a stronger back support.


What makes me different from other job applicants?

· Ability to converse in English, Japanese in addition to my native Mandarin

· Completion of two-month customer satisfaction training

· Impeccable medical report card

· Outgoing personality and eager desire to help


Awkward: At Yi Xin Associates, we have 15 years of combined legal experience in all types of injury cases one can think of. Other areas we handle are wrongful death, automobile accidents and medical malpractice. If you slip and fall in a public building, we can represent you in filing a law suit against the owner. Also, our clients come to seek our help in handicap discrimination and denial of insurance claim cases.

Better: At Yi Xin Associates, we have 15 years of combined legal experience in:

· All injury cases

· Wrongful death

· Automobile accidents

· Medical malpractice

· Slip and fall

· Handicap discrimination

· Denial of insurance claims

Incorrect: The duties of the Executive Secretary of the Administrative Committee are: · To take minutes of all meetings (不定式短语)

· The Executive Secretary answers all the correspondence; and (句子)

· Writing of month reports. (话题)

Correct: The duties of the Executive Secretary of the Administrative Committee are: · To take minutes of all meetings;

· To answer all the correspondence; and

· To write monthly reports.


Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe1 alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans, born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

So let us begin anew, remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and that sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.

Now the trumpet summons us again - not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need2; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are3; but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, a year in and year out "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation," a struggle4 against the common enemies of man: 5 tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.

And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you6; ask what you can do for your country.

--美国前总统John F. Kennedy



(2)例 1.头韵;例2&3. "We need arms"和 "We are embattled"为倒装结构;例4.同位语;例5.见冒号的用法。

在句中使用 "and" 或"on"时, 须连接结构相同的部分。总的原则是:词与词相配, 短语和短语相配,从句和从句相配 ,句子则和句子放在一起。所有这些搭配必须是平行结构,它们应采用相同的形式。 No: My parents went to Tibet, to Mongolia, and they even saw Hong Kong and Macau. Yes: My parents went to Tibet, to Mongolia, and even to Hong Kong and Macau.

No: Jonathan noticed the way Stephanie talked and how she kept fidgeting with her fingers. Yes: Jonathan noticed how Stephanie talked and how she kept fidgeting with her fingers. 一些连词,如 both/and, either/or, neither/nor,和not only/but also.常用于连接平行结构。 No: That conference was both helpful and contained a lot of information.

Yes: That conference was both helpful and informative.

No: Here we either turn left or right, but I forget which.

Yes: Here we turn either left or right, but I forget which.

No: Fu Chong, the pianist, was heavily influenced both by his mentor and his parents. Yes: Fu Chong, the pianist, was heavily influenced by both his mentor and his parents. No: Elizabeth’s overcoat is at either the theater or her dormitory.

Yes: Elizabeth’s overcoat is either at the theater or in her dormitory.
























