

Nach 5 ?bungen: Tempo


Aufgabe 1: 6-7 S?tze 8 S?tze

1 Satz – 5 W?rter 30S.


***:Hintergrund 出现在叙述里

***:题目要求:黑体字 几个要求 Alle Punkte umsetzen

*****: Aufgabe 4,5,6,7, Vorteile, Nachteile, / Thema A3, A6 出现在叙述中

,1, 2, 3


einen Film über die Stadt / Landschaft

Stadt gefallen



Aufgabe 2: 15 S?tze – 1Min.


Sag mal, gibt es bei euch auch eine sch?ne Stadt?

Also Katja, bei uns in China gibt es bestimmt viele sch?ne St?dte. Das ist ganz ?hnlich wie in Deutschland.

Ich habe auch viele Filme gesehen, die die Landschaft informieren.

Und einige St?dte sind ganz sch?n wie K?ln.

z.B. meine Heimatstadt liegt auch beim Fluss. Die Landschaften sind so sch?n wie K?ln, wie Rhein.

Aber andere St?dte sind nicht gleich wie in Deutschland. Z.B. Lasa in Tibet, ein Stadt in Bergen.

Frage 2:

Du m?chtest auch wissen, in welcher Landschaft diese St?dte liegen.

Es gibt viele. Ich bevorzuge immer die Stadt am Fluss.

Der Besuch hat doch viele Gründe, wie das Klima, die Luft, oder unsere Chinesen.

Tja, ich kann mich vieles Sch?nes in meiner Heimat erinnern. Ich kann dir sp?ter noch mal erz?hlen.




Andere Chinesen leben nicht so. – 1.Beipiel



Das kann ich dir genau vorstellen. 2.Beipiel

Teil 3: Frag3 ist auch sehr interessant, z.B. 3. Beispiel


Teil 1: 分组 manche 题目中的Hintergrund

Manche Chinesen sind ?hnlich wie in Deutschland.读题:背景内容

3-4 S?tze

Teil 2: in China .... 6-8 S?tze 4 S?tze 过渡句

Aber wei?t du, China ist sehr gro?. Viele Leute sind ganz anders. ___主题词第二遍__________

Kannst du dir vorstellen,

Du m?chtest noch wissen, - Frage 2读题 in welcher Landschaft liegt meine Heimat?(Frage) Am Fluss

Ich m?chte dir besonders (die Spezialit?ten) empfehlen.

Teil 3: 3 S?tze 结束语

Du m?chtest noch wissen, ________(题目中的Frage) Das wei? ich nicht genau. Das ist sehr interessant. Ich kann auch andere fragen, sp?ter erz?hle ich dir.

Aufgabe 3: 15 S?tze Sprechzeit: 1M30S. 数据标上号码 2-4Daten 1. 2.

Teil 1: 4 S?tze

Titel: Die vorliegende Grafik hat den Titel ____________

(Die Grafik besteht aus 2 Teilen)

Thema: Dabei geht es um ______(题目中的Thema照读,文字)

Quelle: die Daten wurden von ___ ver?ffentlicht.

Die Daten stammen von _______(Quelle / nach)

(2Listen )

Hier werden folgende (3 Familientypen) aufgelistet: n?mlich __________

Au?erdem kann man auch erkennen(Liste 2) die Familien mit einem Kind, mit 2 Kindern -----

有可能说2个Listen 20 S. – 30S.

Teil 2: Daten


对比:(die Familientypen sind ganz unterschiedlich)

趋势:Man kann die Tendenz im Zeitlauf (mit dem Alter) erl?utern.

Man kann die unterschiedlichen Tendenzen mit dem Alter erkennen.

A zeigt sinkende Tendenz von ... auf ...(第一对数据)

Im Gegenteil pr?sentiert B steigende Tendenz


Für M?nner geht die Tendenz steigend / aufw?rts, von ______ auf _____ (说完趋势马上说数字) die Anteile der M?nnern zeigen steigende Tendenz, von ... auf ...

Aber das ist ganz anders/ ?hnlich bei Frauen. 过渡句

Die Anteile der Fraune pr?sentieren eine sinkende Tendenz.

Die Tendenz ________ von __ auf __

有些词必须出现:Rangfolge:Man kann die folgende Rangfolge erkennen.

6-8 S?tze: 50S.

Teil 3:

Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, etwas zeigt Hochkonjunktur / (weniger) Beliebtheit

准备时间:1 分钟:2-4数字 标号


Aufgabe 4:

Teil 1:

Zur Zeit ist _______ ein heftiges Thema黑体字第一行Stichwort(vorschlag, Plan后面是讨论主题): Ich halte den Vorschlag für sinnvoll / umstritten.

Teil 2:

Denn diese Ma?nahme kann eine ganze Reihe von Vorteilen schaffen. / Manche würden sagen, diese Ma?nahme k?nnte eine ganze Reihe von Vorteilen schaffen.

Der erste Vorteil von Deutschlernen in Vorlesungen besteht darin ___先说题目中的优点___(说题目中的优点:几个优点)

Dafür spricht / Das liegt daran: ________ (原因: Praxis, Selbstst?ndigkeit; Aufsicht, Betreuung,)


Aber nicht alle Leute sind dafür. Einige Kritiker sagen, diese Nachteile sind nicht zu ignorieren / übersehen. Z.B. _______(分组论证) diese Ma?nahme kann nicht alle begünstigen. Ein kleiner / gro?er Teil profitiert davon. Z.B. je ..., desto ..../ 数字举例 je mehr Ausl?nder mit Sprachproblemen in Vorlesungen vorhanden sind, desto depressiver sind die deutschen Studenten.

Teil 3:

Von oberen Argumenten stehe ich bei den Anh?ngern(sinnvoll) / Kritikern(umstritten). Denn das ist besser/ schlimmer für die Interessen der Mehrheit. (另外一个论点)

Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass aus der Sicht der Meisten die Regierung / Hochschule diese- andere Ma?nahme treffen sollte 20S. 审题,切题,优缺点尽量来自题目

Aufgabe 5:

过渡句 50%, 题目内容 50% - 其中一半背过渡。

优点 Zukunft – Persektive, gut bezahlte Stelle, / Campusleben – Betreuung gewinnen,


Fremde Umgebung, keine Hilfe von Bekannten erhalten, zu lange dauern, du leidest immer unter Geldmangel

Termine verschieben, den Studienplan ver?ndern musst


Ich kann mir vorstellen, wie wichtig das für dich bedeutet. Wie 举例 wie die gut bezahlte Stelle in Zukunft 短语

Ich kann verstehen, wie schwer man darunter leiden wird.

Deine Familie und deine Eltern sind stolz darauf. Sie freuen sich darüber.

______ bringt die Aufstiegschancen in der Zukunft, deshalb lohnt sich die Mühe.

Aufgabe 6:

Teil 1

Mein heutiger Vortrag befasst sich mit dem Thema _______(读题) Dazu zeigt die vorliegende Grafik _____Thema_____(读题)。Ich muss betonen, eine steigene/sinkende Tendenz ist dabei erkennbar. (die ungleiche Verteilung ist erkennbar,扇形图: ___ tr?gt den Hauptteil. --- am meisten) - 30S.

Teil 2:

Ich m?chte zu dieser Entwicklung/Verteilung die folgenden Gründe erl?utern.

Früher, ___________ 回到题目/数据图

:deshalb ist die Rate im 1950 sehr niedrig.

Heute ist es stark ver?ndert.

4 S?tze

W?hrend des sozialen Wohlstands m?chten immer mehr Menschen die Bequemlichkeit genie?en. Wie neue Sachen einkaufen / Lebensmittel / medizinische Versorgung

W?hrend der globalen Digitalisierung – steigen die Anforderungen auf dem Markt.

W?hrend Globalisierung sind die Erwerbst?tigen international einzusetzen.

Somit ist die Tendenz im Jahr _2010__ sehr auff?llig. 回到图

Teil 3:

Von oberen Ph?nomen kann ich die Zukunft (im Jahr 2050数据图未来的时间) vorhersagen. Diese Tendenz wird fortschreiten (auf ....数据图的数据).

Das zeigt unterschiedliche Auswirkungen. Einerseits (im sozialen Aspekt) ___(Arbeitspl?tze schaffen)___positiv, andererseits ist die negative Auswirkung in Umwelt immer schlimmer. Wie Luftverschmutzung. Die Ma?nahme sind n?tig, z.B. Kontrolle der Sch?den. Das pr?gt die Nachhaltigkeit.

Aufgabe 7: 背诵过渡句


pro ____ Ich glaube, das ist eine gute Wahl.

kontra: Das ist nicht mein Geschmack.

Ich kann dir einige Tipps geben. / Ich muss dir raten ... am besten .... sonst w?re es peinlich/umst?ndlich / l?stig, 建议20-30S.



Teilnehmernummer Datum 7. April 2012

Seite 3 右上角

Anleitung 不许翻页 要带手表


Unit1 What’s In a Name?

1. Is it important to get a good name? Why? Do you want to change your name?

As a person's particular words, name will be accompanied by a person's life until the end of life. Nowadays, many people believe that the name is just a simple tag, but it is far from it. I think a deceptively simple notation has rich connotations, and it will impact on your life in the past, present and future.

Many people choose names to their babies ,and the names maybe sounds very good ,such as “chao” 、“wei” 、“zheng” and so on. If the parents want their children to be beautiful when their babies grow up,they will give “mei”、“fang”to their children’s names.

As far as I’m concerned, a name is no more than a sign, it’s just what people call me. I will never change my name, because the name is my symbol, it makes who I am.

2. Sometimes people ponder for months just to think of a good name for their children or for their business. Does a name really important?

As far as I’m concerned, a name is no more than a sign, it’s just what people call you. It is not really important. People don’t like you or like you not because of your name. Its purpose as long as it is conveniently by others.

I don’t agree with you .I think name is very important. First, a name makes someone special. My name makes me special. I wouldn’t like to know someone who had the same name as me. Second, a name with a certain degree can create a vivid image in people’s mind. Third, a nice name can give you a glorious future.

3.But when you find that someone had the same name as you or others say that your name is not perfect, do you want to change you name?

If I met this situation, I must change my name, because a good name is very important. In some extant, a good name will give you more opportunities. For example, when you have interview, a nice name will give the interviewer a good impression. So you will have more opportunities to access to success.

In a certain sense, name is very important, but someone wants to get success, the ability is the most significant. From my own perspective, changing my name means changing who I am. I would never change my name. My name is part of me.

Unit 2 English: a global language?

1. Give three examples to support the view that English is a global language.

First, English is the main language of science and business.Second, many people study English because they need it for their daily lives.Third, English is used as a common language for international sporting events and meetings.

2. Give three examples to support the view that English is not a global language.

First, many people do not use English for daily communication.Second, many people use English only for specialized job situations but don’t speak it fluently.Third, many people don’t speak English even in countries where English is the official language. 3. Why are you studying English?

In the first place, English has become an international language. If you know English, you can communicate with foreigners and you can make a trip round the world.

In the second place, most valuable books, newspapers and magazines are written in English. If you wish to get knowledge directly, you must learn English.

In the third place, you can find your job in a foreign company and even work abroad. Here English is not only as a tool of your communication but also a way to make your living.

4. In your own words, what does it mean to say that English is a global language?

First of all, English is the dominant language of business,travel,and science. When people need a common language, they often use English.

The second major reason that people believe English is a global language is that it is official language of more that seventy-five countries.

The third reason to support the global argument is that every year about 1 billion people study English.

5. In what situations do you need or will you need English?

When we abroad we must use English, it’s not a surprise that we should communicate with foreigners in English, we shouldn’t count on foreigners to speak to us in Chinese. In that situation if you can’t speak English you just like a mute! Second, when we play video games or we watch foreign movies, there are many English words in them, in that situation we need English very much too.

6. What jobs in your country require English?

①We work in foreign-owned enterprises.

②We take part in translate works.

③When we do business with foreign merchants.

Unit 3 High Anxiety:Phobias

1. Why do you think people have phobias?

One theory is that a phobia is learned. This means something happens that causes someone, or in s sense“teaches someone”to feel afraid. For example, Ali could have learned to be afraid of dogs if he was attacked or injured by one as a child. People can also have learned to have phobias by watching how others react. In fact, doctors find that phobias tend to run in families, Learned either by direct experiences or by watching the reactions of others.

The second theory says that a phobia is only the sign of a deeper problem. This means that the phobia is not the whole problem. Let’s take another example. A boy was very afraid of the dark, according to this theory, he was really showing his fear of something else. In therapy, it was revealed that he was afraid of his father.

2. Something I am afraid of is/ something someone in my family is afraid of is dogs/ snakes/ swimming/ spiders/ dark/ alone in a big house/ sleeping alone.

3. Hypno means sleep, so a fear of sleep is hypnophobia.Cyno means dog, so a fear of dog is cynophobia. Aerophobia is a fear of flying.

4. As you probably know, a Phobia isn’t a normal fear, it is an extreme fear—a very strong fear. Nowadays, it is a fairly common kind of psychological problem, some are not so serious, like a fear of cats or of insects, and others are more serious.

If one of my friends is suffering a phobia, for example, she may be afraid of dogs. Usually, people avoid whatever it is they are afraid of. So, my friends avoid them. As her friend, I will spend with her when she see a dog, hold on her hands and tell her that she is safe. Encourage her to get over it .if the phobia is serious, and she need a doctor, I would help the psychologist treat her.

Unit 4 TV

Television Is Good for People

TV may be a vital factor in holding a family together where there are, for example, economic problems and husband and wife seem at breaking point. The dangerous influence is surely no more than what all of us are exposed to every day... in advertising, in the press.

Primary and secondary education has improved out of all recognition since the arrival of TV in the home and this is not only because of programmes designed for schools. Through TV a child can extend his knowledge and it provides vital food for his imagination.

Television Is to Blame

TV passes on to children the orrupting values of a corrupt society. It’s only a matter of time before we can give statistical evidence of how many criminals society has given birth to in front of the TV on Saturday night. You can blame TV for the fact that children take longer to learn to read these days and barely see the point any more of acquiring the skill. In my opinion watching TV should be strictly confined to "treats"

Does television play a positive or negative role in the modern word?


1. Television is now playing a very important part in our lives.

2. Television is not only a convenient source of entertainments\, but also a comparatively cheap one.

3. Television keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics and offers an endless series of programmes which are both instructive and entertaining.

4. A lot of television programmes introduce people to things they never thought of before and have never heard of before.

5. Television series have done a great job in popularizing many literary masterpieces.

6. Television has been good company to those who do not work, like housewives, lonely old people, etc.

7. With television people are still free to enjoy other "civilized pleasures", or even more.

8. There is a considerable variety of programmes on television. The viewer is always free to choose whatever he wants to see.

9. Television provides enormous possibilities for education, like school programmes via closed-circuit television

10. Television provides special broadcasts for those in TV university, or open university. It also offers specialized subjects like language teaching, sewing, cooking, cosmetics, etc.

11. Television does the job of education in the broadest sense. Instructive programmes achieve their goal through entertaining the viewers.

12. Television provides an outlet for creative talents.

13. People all around the world are no longer distant and isolated from each other. The most distant countries and the strangest customs are brought right into one’s sitting-room.

14. Compared with the radio, everything on television is more lifelike, vivid, and real.

15. Television may be a vital factor in holding a family together where there are, for example, economic problems and husband and wife seem at breaking point.


1. Television is a great time-waster.

2. People who don’t watch television are happier than those who watch it because television goes with the kind of life which leaves the viewer nothing to spare, nothing left.

3. television makes the viewer completely passive because everything is presented to him without any effort on his part.

4. The very danger of watching television lies in the fact that the viewer takes no initiative. He makes no choice and exercises on judgment.

5. Television passes on to children the corrupting values of a corrupt society.

6. Television is to blame for the fact that children take longer to learn to read these days and barely see the point at al of acquiring the skill.

7. Television takes up too much of our time. We no longer have enough time for hobbies, entertaining activities, and other outside amusement like theatres, sports, etc.

8. Unfortunately all our free time is now regulated by television.

9. People rush home, gulp their food, which is often as simple as sandwich and a glass of beer, and start watching the TV programmes.

10. The monster, i. e. television, demands absolute silence and attention. No one dares to open his mouth during a programme.

11. People have grown addicted to television, often neglecting the necessary and more important things meals, sleep and even work.

12. A lot of parents use television as a pacifier for their children. They put their children in front of eh set and don’t care whether the children are exposed to rubbishy commercials or spectacles of violence as long as the children are quiet.

13. Most of the television programmes are bad and they do not keep pace with the high demand of viewers and do not maintain high quality.

14. The wide coverage of television programmes has reduced society to the conditions in pre-literate communities: we are utterly dependent on the most primitive media of communication: pictures and spoken words.

15. What the viewer receives from television is nothing but secondhand experience. He is completely cut off form the real world.

16. The more the viewer watches television, the lazier he becomes. He is glued to the set instead of going out.

17. Television prevents people from communicating with each other. It has done a lot of harm to the relationship between family members.

Unit 5 Learning Differently

1. Some people have learning problems, what kind of learning problems are there?

1. How to study effectively?

2. We do not no how to create one’s own end? (我们不知道怎么设立自己的目标)

3. We do not clear that which knowledge we learned is helpful for our development in the further?

2. People have different learning styles ,if you wanted to know how to program a new cell phone ,what would help you most, watching a video ,reading the directions ,or trying to do it?

Today, it is widely acknowledged one’s learning should be efficient so that he may enjoy comforts in his study. Therefore, a lot of attention has been drawn to the development of efficiency for the sake of enjoy comfort in the study and future. However, as for this phenomenon, opinions vary from person to person.

Some people insist that watching a video is the best way to learn new things, they say the video will tell you which place you should pay attention, and in this way, you may learn more quickly than others. However, many other people assume that reading the directions is better, they say reading is the perfect method to remember the things by your heart. And some others even go so far as saying there are also some important figures who achieve great success but with little education, not to speak of watching videos.

From my perspective, it is not necessarily sensible for us to watch too many videos for the sake of learning new things, on the one hand, if you have already known something, the video will waste your time because you can not concentrate to the things you do not known. On the other hand, you should find out which method can takes you learn quickly. Hence, not every thing has a corresponding video. What is more not every video makers are as profession as experts.

3. Everyone has different levels of learning problem .Some children have difficulties in reading, writing, spelling, handwriting, and sometimes in arithmetic. What kind of learning problem do you have?

A: Hello everyone, I think we can get started now. As we have studied in school, there are many different ways of learning, and there are many different learning problems. What kind of learning problem do you have?

B: I think all of us may be not have the learning problem like dyslexia. That is not mean we don't have the learning problem at all. For me, I don't like to pay attention in class. Because I like to learn it myself, choose what I like.

C: Yes, that is not dyslexia, just an attitude problem. You may miss important information if you are not used to concentrate yourself in class. I also have the problem about math .I don't like the math calculus, I often ignore the calculus, just concern the results.

D: You mean you don't like calculus, not you can't learn it, may I ask you a question?

B: please.

A: Do you find it is very hard to calculate the math problems? I mean that sometimes do you feel helpless about math.

B: Helpless? Oh, don't look down upon me, I am very good at it, just I don't like it now. You know it, before ours entrance school there is an exam about math, which is National College Entrance Examination. Do you forget it?

C: No, I know, take it easy. I know you now, you also have the attitude and preferences problems.

D: Ok, there are problems someone with dyslexia may have because a dyslexic person's brain works differently from other people’s. Of cause, there is no doubt that every one of us does not have the brain problems. What we have is just the attitude and preferences problems. But I think we must overcome these problems.

4. As is all known, some students have learn problem .they need our concerns and encourage. Now, let us make a discussion “ How can we help them ?”

A: I believe that an effective system should be established of helping them discover their learn problem and providing a suitable method for them which is beneficial to overcome their difficulties.

B: We should arouse their awareness and confidence of conquering difficulties their facing with learn problem, because, from another perspectives, they could find a better way to solve their problem.

C: Yes, you are all right, and I believe that it will be appropriate to contact students’ interests with their learning, you know, what they are interested stands for their ability in this aspect, so, we should start from individuals and discover their interests.

D: From what has been discussed above, I agree with C’s viewpoint very much. As the saying goes, interest is the best teacher.

A: We could separate those whom have learned problems from others and develop a special teaching program which will be used to teach them.

B: I consider that we should take individuals into consideration, for example, if one couldn’t write but read, we can require him read, if one couldn’t read but heard, we could read for them. Therefore, reading writing and listening are taught as separate skills.

Unit 6 Immigration

1.Which country do you want to immigrate to? And why?

2.Why do so many people immigrate to America?

3.How do you think about immigration waves to the U.S.? Did you ever consider immigrating there? Why or why not?

Nowadays, many people choose to live in a foreign country, which has aroused great concern. Many people, especially some intellectuals and celebrities, immigrate to some developed countries, such as the America, Britain and Canada. In addition, there are also many people studying and working in foreign counties struggling for “green cards”.

To immigrate means to move from one country to another. It’s a permanent move. Immigration happens all over the world. Most people do it to improve their economic or social situation. Life was difficult, and some people did not survive, but people felt it was worth the risk to have a better life.

There are many reasons accounting for this phenomenon. Among all these factors, pursing high-quality life, which is guaranteed in wealthy countries, play a critical role.

They are searching for better living conditions, such as better jobs and better life.

Besides, most people immigrate to some foreign countries in the hope that their children can receive better education and have a more promising future there. As we all know, Countries like America and Britain have many world-renowned universities, such as Harvard, Yale and Oxford. They offer first-rate education. Moreover, some people move abroad just wanting to experience a different culture.

As far as I am concerned, though I would like to experience varies cultures all over the world, I won’t immigrate to another country. On the one hand, I hate to live far from my friends and my relatives who have been with me for more than twenty years. And I firmly believe in the saying that “Easy or west, home is best.” On the other hand, the preparation before moving to another country would be a tough task. Last but not the least, we all know we have our own language and own culture, if we choose to immigrate to US, we have to adapt to the new culture which has big difference from our culture. And language, of course, is the main barrier. Overcoming this barrier is a very complicated task, especially to adults. For me, learning a foreign language is really a torture. According to these, my choice is no.

If I have a chance to immigrate, I will choose the Unite states, which is the gather place of the elites. Firstly, in the country, there are excellent colleges and facilities that will help me to learn more and find a good job. Secondly, it has a very powerful society welfare such as unemployment insurance. What is more, I can experience the atmosphere of modern city.

Unit 7 Who’s Calling the Shots?

How to be a good manager? What quality should a good manager have?

A: Hi, I have not seen you for a weak. What are you doing recently?

B: I am busy looking the job. I find it is too difficult to me to find a good job.

C: Me too. I want to ask for the position of manager, but I have no idea about how to pass the interview.

Can you give me some advice?

D: Styles of being a good manager vary from country to country, company to company, and from person

to person .In my view, the most important things is that you must understand how to be a good manager and I think team building is only part of what makes someone a good manager. When team building, the manager does things to help employees work together effectively as a group, as a team. A: Yes, I can’t agree with you more .this is based on the idea that the manager's job isn't simply to tell

people what to do, but to help solve problems together. This approach emphasizes employee relation, and it benefits the company.

B: what's more, In order to build a strong team, a good manager must know that different people are

good at different things and values the special skills that each employee brings to the company .a good manager need to find way to let the employees know that their particular skills are important to the company.

C: you mean that the employee will do their best when they feel valued. Indeed, a good manager must

know how to help each employee do their best work o a good manager should have this quality as follow: first and the most important quality is a strong manager knows how to build a team of employees who help each other do their best work. Second, a good manager should encourage employees to share ideas which is about you management and you plan, at the same time, you must be a good listener. Third, you admit you mistakes when you find out you plan can’t work out, and try hard to correct you mistakes.

What is team building and why it becomes very important?

A: Hi, I have not seen you for a weak. What are you doing recently?

B: I am busy looking the job. And during the interview I fail to answer a question which leads me lost my


C: Really, that’s sound terrible .what's the question are you asked for?

B: my question is that what is team building and why it becomes very important.

D: Yes, that’s sound difficult. As far as I concerned, team building is the manager does things to help

employees work tighter effectively as a group, as a team. This is based on the idea that manager’s job isn’t simply to tell people what to do, but to solve problems and help people communicate so they work well.

A: Why it becomes very important? Not so many years ago there was a attitude in American companies,

of ”What the manager says, goes”, and under this situation ,companies realized that employees don’t do their best work when they’re treated like this.

C: Hence, we can get the information: when the employees work in a team, when they are valued for their

special skills, the employees are then more likely to do their best.

B: Oh I get it. Let me make conclusion: the reason of team building becoming very important is that team

building can improve employees’ efficiency and benefit companies.

Unit 8 Right and wrong on the net

1.Is copy-online a type of cheating method? How can we eliminate this phenomenon?

2.How to use the computer properly? How to use the information from others properly? How to use the computer in internet communication?

3.Is copying some information without noting the writer a plagiarism? What can be done to stop plagiarism in internet?

As is known to all, computers have become more and more important in the daily life. Surfing in internet, chatting with friends or strangers, playing online games, watching newly films, download popular songs and so on, computers play an indispensable role. As a student of science technology, we need search for professional information to prepare our paper often. Therefore, it is normal and convenient to share information and ideas on the net. And it is normal to copy and imitate others’ ideas as well.

There is a surprising phenomenon that above half papers in the academic field are involved with plagiarism. Plagiarism, in other words, means cheating. To be honest, plagiarism happened everywhere. For example, when we don’t have enough time to finish the work or it is difficult to understand the class, we will choose to copy others’ work somehow on the net. Maybe, we copy some words or some sentences, even copy the whole tasks without the author’s permit ion.

In fact, it is wrong no matter on laws but also on moral. We should realize the severity of plagiarism and increase the awareness of the ethical issues.

Firstly, the government and institutions should to apply some policies to prevent plagiarism and to protect the authors’ rights. Secondly, colleges should train students on logical thinking and establish their own creative arguments. The last, publish should be taken when necessary.
























