

Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.

Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m standing here is a growth. If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that’s passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for me.

When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job.

Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future.

How to say future? Maybe it’s a nice wish. Lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.

It is a distressing and oppressive duty, gentlemen of the Congress, which I have performed in thus addressing you. There are, it may be, many months of fiery trial and sacrifice ahead of us. It is a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful people into way, civilization itself seeming to be in the balance. But the right is more precious than peace, and we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts─for democracy, for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their government, for the dominion of right by such a concert of free peoples as shall itself at last free. To such a task we can dedicate our lives and our fortunes, everything that we are and everything we have, with the pride of those who know that the day has come when American is privileged to send her blood and her might for the principles that gave her birth and happiness and the peace which she has treasured. God helping her, she can do no other.


  In the last analysis, every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondly on institution such as courts of justice and police. This holds for nations as well as for individuals. And the basis of trust is loyal give and take.

--From Albert Einstein:"Peace in the Atomic Age"



I will sum up my words as follows:

  The Juvenile movement of Youth China, as I expect, is a movement for bilingual remolding of essence, is a movement for remolding spirit and material, for breaking the intellectual classes movement, for joining in the Labor Union, for small organization groups on the bases of villages, and still for enlarging the reliance.

  The Children of Young China, and the Juvenile movement is the movement of remolding the world. Young China's juveniles are the Youth of the world.

--From Li Dazhao:"The Juvenile Movement of Youth China"




--选自李大钊《"少年中国"的"少年运动" 》



                    英语组   吴  媛  易茶花  陈丽娟



    1、真正落实新课标所提到的“真正转变师生关系,课堂教学突出学生的主体地位”,充分发挥学习小组的作用,调动学生的积极性和潜能,训练学生 的听,说,读,写的能力。





 The arrival of the year 1999 has brought with a near perfect opportunity to take a look back at the last one thousand years, assess man’s successes and failures, and look forward with our predictions of the third millennium. (网 中 网公文)

  Already this afternoon you’ve heard many assessments and you’ve heard a variety of predictions. A variety so vast, ranging from Lewis Carol’s depiction of celebratory life, to the Irish celebration of death. So vast a variety that it’s difficult to find any common ground amongst the contestants here today. Perhaps the only thing that we all share is that we are indeed discussing millennia, the old and the new and the turn of the millennium, and we’re all discussing it in the same language.(语文网中网摘录,版权属原作者)

  A few hundred years ago to have held an event like this it would have been imperative that we were all fluent in a number of different tongues, for the approach of combating the language barrier was simply to learn many different languages. Of course people back then had an ulterior motive: that was to ensure that different languages held their different societies or positions, or as King Charles V of Spain put it, “ I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men and German to my horse.”(网中网友情提示:发表论文请选择正规刊物)

  Today our approach is somewhat different. Instead of trying to vastly spread our verbal ability across the board, we’ve chosen rather to focus it, concentrating on our ability to master one particular language, the English language. Time magazine recently suggested that by the turn of the millennium, English will be the Lingua Franca for one quarter of the world’s population. Already today sixty percents of the world’s television and radio broadcasts are produced and delivered in English. Seventy percents of the world’s mail addressed in English. And it is the language of choice for almost every bite of computer data sent across the globe.


  But why English? There are no clear linguistic reasons for its suggested global dominance, certainly the grammar is complicated, the spelling peculiar and the pronunciation eccentric, to say the very least. One would need only look through the dictionary to find the vast list of amusing paradoxes in the English language?quicksand that works slowly, a boxing ring that is in fact square and a guinea pig that’s really neither from Guinea nor is it a pig. Doesn’t it seem odd that one can make amends but not one amend. Or go through the annals of history but not one annal. The reason, ladies and gentlemen, is simple. English is strange, but no where near as strange as some of our alternatives.


  Perhaps I should give you a few idiomatic examples. In English we say “once in a blue moon”. The Italian choose instead “every death of a Pope”. Irish doesn’t like our “drop dead”, replacing it rather with the slightly more obscure “you should lie in the earth.” And if you wanted to tell someone off in Spanish our relatively obvious “go fly a kite” would be better served by the phrase “go fry asparagus”. English’s primary advantage is that of flexibility. On the one hand it has the largest vocabulary of all modern languages, allowing us, as its users, to say exactly what we want in exactly the words we choose to use. On the other, globalization has insured the introduction of a business English, a sort of trimmed down variety of the language we’ve all come to know and love.

  It’s interesting to know that the simple list of just ten words, words like “a”, “and”, “have” and “the”, combined to form one quarter of all those ever used in modern communication. Perhaps the real test is: will the global adoption of English as a master language insure the eradication of any misunderstandings that happen today? The answer is not as simple. Russell Hoven once asked: “How many people speak the same language even when they speak the same language?” But one can only hope that our only aim and our only chance of insuring that we communicate effectively with each other is to make sure that we do speak one universal language. In a thousand years time Western clocks will hopefully have ticked onto the year 2999 and we can be assured that scientists, academics and futurists will convene, much like we’ve done today to look back at the third millenium and offer their predictions for the successes of the forth.

  It’s impossible to imagine what they might say, impossible to imagine what technology they’ll have available or even which planet they’ll hold the meeting on. In fact, quite possibly the only thing we can say for sure is that they’ll be discussing the issues in one common universal language. And that will be the language of the third millennium. And that language without any doubt looks set to be English. Thank you.




  1999年的到来给我们带来了一个回顾过去千年的好机会,评价人类的成与败,展望第三个千年的前景。 (语文网中网摘录,版权属原作者)







  但为什么是英语?对于它的全球化没有明确的语言学的原因。诚然它的语法是复杂的,拼写是独特的,发音是古怪的。就拿最基本的说,只要查一查字典,你就能发现一大串逗人的似非而是的隽语??quicksand反而慢腾腾,boxing ring 原来是方的,guinea pig不是来自几内亚,也不是猪。一个人可以说 “make amends”,但却不能说 “one amend”,这不是很奇怪吗?你可以翻阅一本史册,但却不能把“一本史册”说成 “one annal”。其中的原因,女士们,先生们,是很简单的,英语够奇怪的了,但是对于另外一些说法就更奇怪了。(语文网中网文秘频道)

  也许我该给大家举出几个成语例子。“千载难逢”用英语我们说“once in a blue moon” 。在意大利语中则成了“every death of a Pope”。爱尔兰人不喜欢把“死亡”说成 “drop dead”,而用 “you should lie in the earth”表达得更委婉。如果你想用西班牙语指责某人“放空头支票”,那么最好是用 “go fry asparagus” ,而不是相对较直白地说 “go fly a kite”。英语最基本的优势在于它的灵活性。一方面,它有着所有现代语言中最丰富的词汇表,允许我们这些使用者能用最恰当的词汇恰如其分地表达出我们的所想。另一方面,全球化使得商业英语的介入成为必然,一种我们都将能懂得和喜爱的简化语言。

  有意思的是,简单的十个词,如 “a”, “and”, “have” 和“the”,组合起来就是能形成现代交际中所用的词汇的四分之一。也许真正的问题是,作为一种主要语言的英语的全球化真能消除今天的种种误解吗?答案并不是那么简单。拉塞尔·霍文曾问道:“即使是在说同一种语言,有多少人说的是相同的语言呢?”但有一点可以确定的是,确定我们相互之间能有效地沟通的唯一的目的和机会,就是我们在说同一种世界语。在一千年内,西方的时钟将滴答着走向2999年,我们也将肯定,科学家、学者和未来主义者将集合起来,就像我们今天所做的,回顾第三个一千年,并展望第四个一千年的辉煌成就。

  他们将说些什么,将掌握什么样的科技,将在哪个星球上开会,是无法想象的。实际上 ,我们唯一敢肯定的事情是,他们将用一种共通的世界语讨论事务,这就是第三个一千年的语言。毫无疑问,这种语言即是英语。谢谢大家。

Thanks for the contestants' excellent performance, thanks for the judges' suitable and marvellous comments, thanks for the audience's patient and attentive listening , I hope all the contestants will get a good score and everyone here could really enjoy today's wonderful performance .And ,I do hope that all the students here not only learn something from the speeches, but also they learn to be brave and confident, so next time, more and more students will stand on the stage to give us terrific speeches. At last, thank you all!


(一)  准备工作做得很充分,使比赛进行的十分顺利。


(二) 比赛严格按照各项程序进行,体现了“公平 、公正、公开”的原则。                                        


   (三) 此次英语演讲比赛不仅得到了广大同学和初二年级组主任潘老师及各位班主任的支持,而且也得到了学校领导的大力支持与肯定。



                       初中部英语组   张杰坤

英语演讲比赛:My teacher

本文曾北京电视台、教育部举办的 My teacher 英语演讲比赛优胜奖。在以“我的老师”为主题的演讲会上,这篇演讲出人意料地将计算机称作的老师,以吸引听众的注意。然后又用事实与推理证明计算机确实是“老师”,从而赢得了听众的共鸣。某些语言上的之处点评修改如下:




(4)help sb. (to)do,不用 doing。

  Ladies and gentlemen,

I have had a lot of teachers in my school who have given me much help in my study. For their help I will never forget them. But today I am going to talk about a special teacher of mine. This teacher is not a human being and its name is“Computer”. It has been teaching me a lot of knowledge and I appreciate it very much.

With the development of modern science and technology, computers are widely used in every teritories [every field](1) including education. How can a computer be my teacher? How does a computer teach me? Multimedia(多媒体)helps a lot in this aspect in recent years, and computer-based training (CBT) has become a popular educational medium (手段). Even before the multimedia come [came](2) up, many different learning systems appeared, using the components and techniques we now associate with the term “multimedia”. Multimedia components, such as graphics (动画) , animations , sound and video, make the learning process easier through visualization. Animations can present many complex subjects dynamically, but human teachers can not do this on blackboards. Multimedia makes our study more lively and interesting. For example, a CD-ROM disk named “Encarta Encyclopedia” contains 650 MB information including images, graphics, music clips, video clips, animations , texts, hotwords, and database search functions. Fields involved includes physical sciences, performance arts, social sciences, politics, military, education and so on. When pressing a button, I can hear American President Clinton's speech clip. I may enjoy playing all kinds of musical instruments in the world. I can also see the animation of many physical phenomena. This makes physical concept to be understood deeply [ concepts understood better](3). The audio features of multimedia can greatly help me learning [learn] (4) foreign languages. With its speech output capabilities, I'm no longer dependent on an instructor for proper pronunciation.

How can I interact with a computer? There are many ways, including keyboard, mouse pointer, and touch screen. I often use a keyboard. When I press right keys, I can see and hear whatever I want. Information world is at my fingertip. I wish that true speech input-output system would be invented one day.

As teachers,  computers have a lot of virtues: They are positive, they have good memories and never lose any information stored in them.  They have much knowledge in every field.  They can let out all kinds of sounds, and can also improve the efficiency of our study.  For example,  if I want to,  I can skip some chapters so that I can study at my own pace.

Although computers will never take the place of human teachers, they are welcomed by more and more learners.  Computers will continue to evolve(发展)with the aid of modern technologies.  Computers are so powerful, helpful and important that everybody needs it, especially  in   the   future!     I love  my  computer teacher!

Thank you.

北京市第十五中学高中  秦  燕


Thanks for the contestants' excellent performance,thanks for the judges'suitable and marvellous comments,thanks for the audience's patient and attentive listening ,I hope all the contestants will get a good score,and everyone here could really enjoy today's wonderful performance .And ,I do hope that all the students here  not only learn something from the speeches,but also,they learn to be brave and confident,so next time,more and more students will  stand on  the stage to give us terrific speeches. At last thank you for giving me this chance to make a short speech,thank you all!

























