business report 写作指导



(Investigative Reports)、意见调查报告(Survey Reports)、周报告(Weekly Reports)、月度报告(Monthly Reports)、进展报告(Progress Reports)、市场调查报告(Market Research Reports)、可行性研究报告(Feasibility Reports)等。尽管这些报告都有自身的特点,但它们都遵循商务英语报告总体写作原则。



? 内容准确无误:报告的正确性不仅仅是指英语语法、标点符号和拼写,更重要的是其内容要叙述的正确。报告的事实陈述部分既不能因哗众取宠而夸大其词,也不能因其涉及的令人不愉快的消息而低调陈述。实事求是、准确无误是报告写作的重要原则。

? 内容简明扼要:报告的长短一般取决于报告的内容及其正式程度。正式报告篇幅一般较长,而非正式报告则较短。不论何种报告,报告的语言必须简洁、流畅,切忌陈词滥调。一份拖沓冗长的报告不仅写时费力,对方阅读更浪费时间。撰写商务英语报告时要尽量避免罗嗦,用尽可能较少的文字,完整、清楚地表达需要表达的意。

? 结构清晰明了:用数字、符号标明段落、层次、要点等,加强逻辑性,使读者一目了然。 ? 建议明确果断:多数报告都有结论和建议部分,是报告的核心。撰写时,应确保报告的结论和建议是经过充分论证而得出的,而且应明确果断,切忌模棱两可。


(一)摘要(Executive Summary)


? 尽量限制段落的数量,一般可用三段式:报告的目的、报告的调查结果和结论、报告的建议。

? 摘要写作的时态用一般现在时,因为报告已经存在。如"This report shows..."属于正确表达,而"This report will show..."则不妥。

? 报告摘要中无需引用具体数据。可用"by and large总的来说、the vast majority、only a few"等语言表达大概的数据或趋势。


报告的标题应尽可能概括报告的内容,因为它是整篇报告的信息浓缩,而且标题应该准确、客观,不应像报刊文章标题那样为了吸引读者的注意力而别出心裁。此外,标题应该是名词短语或动名词短语。如以下几例:"Report on Improving the Training Methods of HDC、Report on the Proposed Incentive Scheme、Report on the Adoption of Flex-time Working Systems"。

(三)导言(Introduction/ Terms of Reference)


? The report examines / explains...

? The purpose of this report is to... investigate / evaluate / study... ? The objective of this report is to... recommend / analyze / give...

? The aim of this report is to... feedback / estimate / assess...

? Enclosed is a report about...



? The findings of the investigation indicate that...

? It was proposed / found / felt / discovered that...

? It was generally the case that...

? Most people thought / suggested that...

? A number of people mentioned that...

? Several changes were put forward.

? Several staff members expressed the view that...


? The table / chart / graph / diagram / figure / statistics shows / describes / illustrates that...

? As it can be seen from the table / chart / figure...

? It is clear / apparent from the table / chart / graph / diagram / figure / statistics that...

? The number of... increased / jumped / rose suddenly / rapidly / dramatically

? The number of...decreased / dropped / fell greatly / significantly sharply

? The number of...fluctuated slowly / slightly

? The number of... remained steady / stable (stayed the same) ? There was a (very) sudden / rapid / dramatic / significant increase / jump / rise in the number

? There was a (very) sharp / steep / steady / gradual / slow / slight decrease / drop / fall in the number

? The monthly profit / figures peaked in December at 10%.

? The monthly profit / figures reached a peak / a high (point) in December at 10%. ? The monthly profit / figures bottomed out触底in December at 10%.

? Sales witnessed a great rise / increase / drop / fall







第二篇:雅思 report 模板 范文

What is it in the mass media that has negative effects on teenagers and what measures should governments take to solve this problem?

The 20th century has witnessed unprecedented advancement in virtually all fields of daily life, and the mass media is no exception. However, everything comes at a price. While we enjoy all the conveniences brought by new ways of disseminating information, our teenagers are adversely affected. There is too much in the media that is harmful to young people.(58)

To begin with, the mass media has become a source of violent scenes and gruesome reports. Today’s television programs, for example, are filled with violence and gory sights. Studies have shown that by the age of 18, children, on average, have watched 7000 robberies, 5000 murders and 3000 car chases on TV. What is more, crimes and criminals are often glorified; the victims and sufferings are usually ignored in those programs, for audiences are more interested in the fighting action than the dire consequences. (84)

Also, the availability of adult-only videos and sexually explicit pictures on magazines and various websites contributes greatly to the increase in teenage sexual activities and abortion rate. Girls, as well as boys, are now influenced by stories where teenagers fell in love at first sight and enjoyed passionate love affairs without any commitment, responsibility or health concerns. As a result, they start to experiment with sex at an ever-earlier age. (70)

Impulsive and easily influenced as young people are, they are constantly tricked by advertisements in all forms of media to purchase unnecessary products or spend hours practicing some new ways of keeping fit, which lead to a vast waste of time and money. Moreover, the omnipresent adverts tempt youngsters to pursuit luxurious lifestyles, which are not only unrealistic but also likely to lead teenagers astray.(65)

Prompt measures should be taken to minimize the harmful effects of the media. Stricter censorship code should be implemented regarding the content of television programs and other forms of media. Besides, access to pornography is to be strictly controlled. For instance, children should be barred from Internet cafés and denied access to certain websites. Most importantly, governments should conduct massive educational programs to inform teenagers of the truth about sex, crimes and advertising. Children need to be taught how to distinguish realities from illusions.


Example Business Report英文公司报告范例


Business Report


Business Report


Business report


Business report


Business report的introduction


Business Report


business report


business Report


business report sample1


Business Report




business report (34篇)