

Nowadays senior high school students get more and more pocket money. According to the chart, we can learn that most students spend 42% of their pocket money buying snacks. Less than 30% of the money is used to buy books, such as novels, magazines and so on. Only 8% of the pocket money is saved.

Many students don’t know how to use their money sensibly. So they choose to buy food or play video games. It just wastes money and time. We can do more meaningful things. For example, we can donate some pocket money to the Red Gross to help those who are poor and in trouble. In addition, some students often complain that they have no money to buy what they need because of its high price. Saving money is a good choice for them. This not only helps them buy those expensive things but also helps them control themselves.

On the whole, it is important for the students now to learn how to use their pocket money properly.

With the development of people’s living conditions, students get more and more pocket money. But the ways they use the money are worth studying.

From the pie chart, we can learn that almost 42% of the money is used for snacks. And lots of students use it to play video games. As we all know, snacks are harmful to our health. Many students are overweight because of too many snacks and little rice. Moreover, we cannot concentrate on our study while playing video games.

On the other hand, we are happy to see that there’s 27% of the pocket money paid for books. Students will learn something by reading useful books.

In my opinion, pocket money may have more uses. We may donate some to the Red Cross for charity. We can save more for further use. If we make full use of it, it will help us a lot!

With the living standard improving, more and more students have their own pocket money and use it in their own ways.

According to the survey, we can find most of the pocket money is spent on snacks, which makes up 42 percent. And next to snacks, 27percent of the money is for books. Besides, 17 percent of it is used for games and 8 percent is saved.

In my opinion, letting students use money freely is not bad because it can help them learn how to manage money matters. But how to use their money reasonably is very important.

On one hand, students can spend their money on some meaningful things, such as books, stationery and so on. Or sometimes they can use it for such relaxations as CDs, movies and games. But it cannot occupy too much.

On the other hand, I think we should set aside some of it for future use. Everyone must know saving money is a good virtue. Furthermore, when it is necessary, we can donate some money to those who really need it. Then our world will be more harmonious.

Therefore, we students should use our pocket money in a reasonable way and lear

n how to manage money early. It will be helpful to us.





1、你认为一周需要多少零用钱? ( )

A、10元以内 B、10-20元 C、20-30元 D、30-50元 E、50元以上

2、你是怎么得到零用钱的? ( )

A、做家务,父母作为奖励 B、学习好,父母作为奖励

C、父母不定时或固定给 D、过年亲戚、长辈给自己的压岁钱

3、你的零用钱主要用来干什么?( )

A、买学习用品,如书籍或杂志 B、买零食

C、用来上网,出去逛街等 D、买小饰品 E、其他(你可以写出来吗?)

4、每个月的零用钱用多少?( )

A 、通通用完 B、用完不够,还向父母拿 C、 有计划的存一部分 D、很少用

5、你对父母给自己的零用钱数目满意吗?( )

A、很多 B、太少了 C、过得去,刚刚够用

6、父母会干涉你如何用零用钱吗?( )

A、会限制我如何用 B、不会,随自己花

C、他们认为用得有意义就行 D、他们会建议我怎么用

7、剩余的零用钱怎么处理?( )

A、存起来 B、买自己喜欢的东西 C、用来做有意义的事,如捐款

8、你花零用钱是一种什么消费心理?( )

A、大手大脚,反正父母会给 B、用之有度,因为父母不会多给

C、偶尔会奢侈一下,平时都很合理用 D、很节俭,觉得父母的钱来之不易

9、你对零用钱的使用是否有长远计划? 多久? ( )

A、1个星期 B、1个月 C、数月 D、更长 E,没想过

10、若出现特殊情况,你将有一个月得不到零用钱,对你来说: ( )

A、没什么大碍 B、这个月对你将很难过 C、使用以前剩下的零用钱

11、你觉得你用零用钱合理吗?( ) A、合理 B、不合理 C、不知道

12、你有储蓄零用钱的习惯吗?( ) A、有 B、没有

13、你使用零用钱后会记帐(记载)吗? ( ) A、会 B、不会

14、您对钱的态度? ( )

A、身外之物,看得很淡 B、虽不感冒,但必不可少 C、多多益善,爱财之人


A、咬咬牙买下 B、较理智,不买 C、积攒一段时间后再买 D、要求父母买

16、您每周有盈余吗:( ) A、没有 B、有,但不多 C、有,很多

17、你购物时还价吗? ( ) A、还价 B、不知或不会还价 C、从不还价

18、你购物时看中什么? ( )

A. 追赶时尚 B. 重品牌 C. 商品质量 D. 既重外表也重质量

19、 购物的目的 ( )

A、根据自己需要 B、逛街时看中 C、追求时尚 D、由朋友推荐

20、购物倾向 ( ) A、自我决定 B、听从他人意见 C、随大流

21、购物方式 ( ) A、一个人去 B、同学相伴而行 C、由家长陪同

22、在花钱时,您首先想到的是:( )

A. 钱来之不易 B. 钱该花就花 C.,不花白不花 D. 几乎什么都不想

23、您个人认为,在衣食住行方面,您的主要标准是:( )

A、以经济实惠为主 B、尽量追求高标准 C、兼顾实惠和高标准 D、不清楚



小学生零花钱调查报告 500字作文























