








论文题目:An Analysis of Sydney Carton's Fate in A Tale of Two Cities






An Analysis of Sydney Carton's Fate in A Tale of Two Cities

Ⅰ. Thesis statement

Sydney Carton is one of the main characters in A Tale of Two Cities , a masterpiece of Charles Dickens. Sydney is a representative of humanism and his affection for Lucie Manette impresses many. His fate in the novel is closely related to these feelings. An detailed analysis of his love would also benefits us young much in dealing with love affairs.

Ⅱ. Table of caontent

Ⅰ. A brief introduction of the novel A Tale of Two Cities

Ⅲ. A introduction of Sydney Carton's

a. The story of Sydney Carton

b. Factors influenced Carton's fate

1. Social backgrounds: the France Revolution, a dark and crazy time

2. Personal factors: kindhearted, condiderate but self-denial and melancholy

3. Social intercourse factors: deep affection toLucie, sincere relationship with the family

Ⅳ. Influences of Carton's feelings to Lucie on his fate

A. Carton's views on love related to his fate

1. Before Lucie's marriage: silent love

2. Before Charles Darnay's arrest: blessing

3. After Darnay's arrest: consideration

4. While Darnay's final sentence: sacrifice

B. The significance of Sydney Carton's love to Lucie

Ⅴ. The influence on people’s concept of love

Ⅵ. Conclusion

Ⅶ.List of reference

Ⅲ. Significance of the research

A Tale of Two Cities is a renowned work of Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. It is one of the only two historical novel by Dickens, and it is a key representative work of humanism. A number of studies and researches have been conducted about it, including topics on the humanism, the revenge, the benevolent spirit, and so on. However, few have focused particularly on a most moving figure——Sydney Carton, who is perfect as well as miserable. Carton is generally regarded as a great man who bore a spirit of humanism and benevolence, who is kindhearted, mild, and thoughtful. This has greatly enlightened

and encouraged people in both learning the history and living real life. Actually, in Carton there are some other aspects would enlighten us enormously. That is Carton's views on love, his affection, blessing, consideration, and sacrifice. This undoubtedly a specific reflect of Carton's benevolence and humanism spirit.

Carton's love for Lucie is throughout the whole story, and in different periods it takes different appearance. This affection has greatly affected his final ending in the story. This essay will focus on Carton's different feelings to Lucie in different periods and the effects of them on Carton's "tragic fate" at the end to get a better understanding of the novel. What's more, this research can also be some helpful for people's conducts in love affairs and other fields.

Ⅳ. Feasibility of the research

As mentioned above, a large numbers of scholars have had researches and studies on this topic, there are a variety of available reference media

Ⅴ. Approach/ methods

Making analysis and listing systematically, as well as summarizing, on basis of referring to substantive and document materials and research reports in the library and on the on-line database.

Ⅶ. List of reference

1. (美)霍桑(Nawthorne,N.)著;余士雄译. 红字. 北京:中国书籍出版社,2005.1

2. 张冲.新编美国文学史.上海:上海外语教育出版社.2000

3. 常耀信.美国文学史.天津:南开大学出版社.1998.10

4. 徐颖果.文化研究视野中的英美文学.北京:人民文学出版社.2008.1

5. 丁芸.New Vistas for the Study of British & American Literatures.杭州:浙江大学出版社,2005.10

5. 梁亚平.美国文学简介.上海:东华大学出版社.2006.6

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7. 梁亚平.美国文学研究.上海:东华大学出版社.2004.12

8. 章波.《红字》——美国文学史上第一篇象征手法创作的小说——小议《红字》的象征手法.江西师范大学初等教育/高职学院.时代文学(下半月) , 20xx年 03期

9. 党颖颖. 小议《红字》中人名的象征意义. 厦门大学外文学院. 科教文汇(上旬刊) , The Science Education Article Collects, 20xx年 03期

10. 高婷. 神秘的红字A——浅析小说《红字》. 经济学院外国语学院. 科技信息 , 20xx年 S1期

11. 胡燕. The Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter. 四川职业技术学院. 海外英语 , Overseas English, 20xx年 07期

12. WANG Xiao. Symbolic Meaning of Letter "A" in The Scarlet Letter. Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics. Journal of Ningbo University of Technology, 20xx年 01期

13. ZHAO Huan. Analysis of the Symbolic Meaning of the Letter "A" in the "The Scarlet Letter".Department of Foreign Language; Educational Institute of Jilin Province. Journal of Educational Institute of Jilin Province, 20xx年 09期

14. ZHANG Wen-si. A study of symbolic meanings of The Scarlet Letter. Fudan University. Journal of Changchun Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition), 20xx年 01期


Ⅰ. A brief introduction of the novel A Tale of Two Cities

Ⅲ. A introduction of Sydney Carton's

a. The story of Sydney Carton

b. Factors influenced Carton's fate

1. Social backgrounds: the France Revolution, a dark and crazy time

2. Personal factors: kindhearted, condiderate but self-denial and melancholy

3. Social intercourse factors: deep affection toLucie, sincere relationship with the family

Ⅳ. Influences of Carton's feelings to Lucie on his fate

A. Carton's views on love related to his fate

1. Before Lucie's marriage: silent love

2. Before Charles Darnay's arrest: blessing

3. After Darnay's arrest: consideration

4. While Darnay's final sentence: sacrifice

B. The significance of Sydney Carton's love to Lucie

Ⅴ. The influence on people’s concept of love

Ⅵ. Conclusion

Ⅶ.List of reference

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