

Catering business plan format

第一章企業概況Chapter Company Profile

一、企業基本情況First, the basic situation of enterprises

1、專案業主資訊2、公司歷史沿革3、公司組織結構4、公司人員構成1, the project owner information 2, Company History 3, the company organizational structure 4, the composition of the company

二、企業經營業績Second, the business performance

三、公司管理團隊Third, the company's management team

1、主要團隊管理人員1, the main team management personnel

2、團隊素質2, the quality of the team

第二章企業產品及服務Chapter enterprise products and services

一、企業經營模式First, the business model

二、企業主要服務產品結構Second, enterprises are mainly service the product structure

三、中心餐飲與直營餐飲Third, the central dining and catering Direct

1、中心餐飲店規劃2、餐飲店設計3、餐飲運營管理4、直營餐飲運作計畫1, the center planstworestaurants, food shops design3, 4food and beverage operations management, operational plans Direct catering

四、加盟餐飲Four, joining catering

1、加盟餐飲經營模式2、加盟業務操作與流程3、加盟成本費用和投資預測4、加盟商利益分析1, joining catering business model 2, joined the business operations and processes 3, joining costs and investment forecasts 4, franchisees benefit analysis

五、增值服務Fifth, value-added services

1、電子商務服務2、物流服務1, 2e-commerce services, logistics services

七、服務品質控制第三章行業和市場分析Seven, the service industry, quality control and market analysis Chapter

一、行業現狀及發展前景First, the industry status and development prospects

1、行業現狀2、行業發展前景1, the industry status quo 2, industry prospects

二、客源市場分析1、市場潛力2、市場增長預測3、目標市場4、市場份額Second, the tourist market analysis1, 2market potential and market growth forecaststhree, fourtarget markets, market share

三、市場競爭及對策Third, the market competition and Countermeasures

1、市場競爭情況2、競爭對策1, the market competitiontwocompetition measures

四、政府產業政策第四章行銷戰略與CIS計畫Fourth, the government industrial policy chapter planned marketing strategy andCIS

第三章行銷Chapter III Marketing

一、行銷目標First, the marketing objectives

二、行銷策略Second, the marketing strategy

1、品牌策略2、服務市場定位與組合策略3、價格策略4、銷售方式與管道行銷策略5、廣告策略6、促銷策略7、公關策略1, Brand Strategy 2, the service market positioning and portfolio strategy 3, pricing strategy 4, sales methods and channels marketing strategies5, 6advertising strategy, marketing strategy 7, PR strategy

三、行銷隊伍建設計畫Third, the marketing team building program

四、CIS計畫1、企業CIS戰略2、餐飲統一CIS系統Four,CISplansanenterpriseCISstrategy 2, catering unifiedCISsystem

五、售後服務體系Five, after-sales service system

1、服務宗旨2、售後服務體系及基本功能1, the service tenet 2, after-sales service system and the basic functions

六、飲食文化活動行銷策略Six, food culture event marketing strategy

餐飲投資計畫書Dining investment plan

餐飲投資計畫一:“餐飲店”的現狀和發展餐飲業的火鍋和中餐發展幾乎達到飽和。Catering Investment Plan One: "restaurants" status quo and development of Chinese catering industry development fondue and almost reached saturation.所以我們在投資時,從幾方面的考慮和調查分析得出,,換回大的效益,再以回籠的資金擴大市場,發展經濟。So we invest time, from a few considerations and investigation concluded that, in exchange for a big benefit, and then to return the funds to expand the market and economic development.


學生,學生和上班一族就是本店的顧客,應該怎樣服務于顧客,首先,要吸引學生和年輕上班一族的注意目光。Fast autonomous market economy has a very wide field of development, consumer spending is also very simple, relatively external market competition to small, self-employed simply to a small investment mainly serve the young office workers and college students, students and work Our family is a customer, how to serve customers, first, to attract students and young working people's attention attention.讓他們能在最短的時間來光顧本店,所運用的行銷方法是多種途徑的;其次,是怎樣讓第一次光顧的顧客變為潛在的顧客、常客、種子顧客,所運用的行銷方法也是多種多樣的在成都有很多以這形式開店的成功的案例。So that they can in the shortest possible time to shop, and by the use of marketing methods are a variety of ways; secondly, how to make the first visit of the customer into potential customers, regulars, seed customers, but also by the use of marketing methods In Chengdu, there are many diverse forms in this shop success stories.比如金漢斯。Such as gold Hans.巴西燒烤。Brazilian barbecue.咖喱咖喱速食。Curry curry fast food.都是成功案例。Are success stories.最重要的是新都沒有一家是這種形似店,競爭就等於無。Most importantly, this is the shape of the new capital is not a store, the competition is equal to none.餐飲投資計畫二:新都周邊的市場調查從周圍餐館的分析:1、大多數餐館都是以普通小型中餐經營,沒有多大特色,菜品都是以川味和火鍋為主. 2、周圍有兩家西餐速食為主的店在經營,一家是韓國燒烤。Catering Investment Plan two: the new capital market research from around the surrounding restaurants analysis: 1, most restaurants are run by ordinary small Chinese food, there is not much character to Sichuan and fondue dishes are based. 2, surrounded by two home-based Western fast food shops in the business, one is Korean barbecue.一家是德克士。One is Keshi.兩店經營都算不錯,但味道已經過時,最重要的兩個都個致命缺點,就是性價比不高。Two shop operators are quite good, but the taste is outdated, the two most important are a fatal disadvantage is that cost is not high.兩家想要吃飽最少一個人花費在50元左右,在36/人的價位上我們能做出更好品質的菜品和更高的服務。Two want to eat at least one person spend50yuan,36 /person price, we can make better-quality dishes and higher service.3、周圍的餐館很少用到行銷策略,除德克士有很多策略都可以象德克士學習。3, the surrounding restaurants rarely used marketing strategies, in addition there are many

strategies you can Keshi Keshi like to learn.餐飲投資計畫三:“餐飲店”的發展計畫現在成都是新特區.新都是成都的重點發展對象.我們要以“誠信﹑服務”為宗旨,“別具一格”為發展的首要舉動,“餐”“飲”“樂”“閑”為發展目標。Catering Investment Plan III: "food store" is a new development plan is now in Chengdu, DC. Chengdu are focused on the development of new object we want to "integrity, service" for the purpose, "unique" for the development of the first move, "meal" "drink", "music", "free" for the development goals.開一家餐飲店為首要發展方式,創造出自己的品牌,Restaurants open a primary mode of development, to create their own brands,

在以“多元化發展戰略”在新都經濟發展快速的時候更上潮流,擴大自己的市場。In order to "diversified development strategy" in the new capital, when more rapid economic development on the trend, to expand their market.爭取在一兩年時間內,賺取本金後還有一部分利潤,用這部分利潤來擴展市場。Fight in two years' time, there after the principal part of the profits earned with this part of the profits to expand the market.餐飲投資計畫四:店鋪主要策劃1、找一兩百帄方的店鋪.最好在二手市場買一些桌椅和沙發,九成新,具有一定的特點。Catering Investment Plan IV: planningamajor shop, looking for a two hundred square feet of shops. Preferably in the secondary market to buy some tables and chairs and a sofa, almost new, with certain characteristics.2、招聘三名廚師和4名服務員,在學校招收一到兩名學生做兼職。2, recruiting three cooks and four attendants, one to two in the school to recruit students to do part-time.3、裝修一定要大方得體,有一種別距特色的感覺,抓住消費者的消費視覺,先是吸引視覺,後是味覺,最後綜合成感覺。3, the decoration must be decent, there is a feeling not at specialty, to seize the consumer's visual, first attracted vision, the latter is the taste, and finally integrated into the feeling.4、在為開張之前,有一定的廣告宣傳.自己先給朋友介紹請他們免費品嘗親身的感受,不用說,他們都會給你做一個活宣傳。4, for the opening before, there is some advertising. Their friends ask them to give free tasting of personal feelings, needless to say, they will give you a live propaganda.另一個也節約了經費.還有就是在人口密集的區和各大校園門口發送傳單,招數雖然有些過時不過效果好很實惠。Another also saves money. There is in densely populated areas and major campus entrance flyers, tricks although somewhat outdated but good results very affordable.5、服務員最主要的工作是清理餐桌和店鋪的衛生,隨時都是一層不染,沒有油膩的

感覺,給顧客留下深刻的印象,對每一個職員要求先把自己的衛生處理好,才能更好的服務于顧客,如果有顧客或者出現不乾淨的事物或環境馬上處理,賠禮道歉重新更換食物或者打掃衛生,如顧客還不滿意可以以陪賞進行道歉。5, the waiter's main job is to clean up the table and shops hygiene is always a layer of non-staining, no greasy feel, to impress customers, staff requirements for each deal to put its own health in order to better service to customers, if a customer or appear dirty things or the environment handled immediately and apologize to replace food or cleaning, if customers are not satisfied with an apology can accompany the tour.6、我們的品質﹑服務﹑環境要做到一流的,7、為了提高服務品質,就得抓好員工這一關,讓他們真正的容入到服務中來,以“良好的服務,積分制”如果積分越多,在月末的時候獎金就越多,賞罰分明不管誰做錯了都要自己負責要不馬上走人。6, our quality, service, environmental to do first-class, 7, in order to improve the quality of service, you have to do a good job this off employees, so that their real capacity into service in the past, with "good service, points system "If more points at the end, when the more bonus, reward and punishment no matter who did wrong should be responsible for their own or else leave immediately.8、在經營中,可以在某一個時期,進行行銷活動,來吸引更多的顧客8, in the business, you can in a certain period, to conduct marketing activities to attract more customers

餐飲專案規劃大綱Dining Project Planning Outline

餐飲項目規劃大綱近年來,餐飲業發展非常迅速、據有關方面的統計,餐飲業的增長率比其它行業高出十個百分點以上。Catering project planning outline recent years, the restaurant industry is developing very rapidly, according to official statistics, the food and beverage industry growth than ten percentage points higher than other industries.可以說是正迎來一個餐飲業大發展的時期,市場潛力巨大,前景非常廣闊。Can be said is ushering in a dining Goes development period, the market potential is tremendous, the prospects are very bright.但從另一個方面來看,餐飲需求又是複雜多變的,其消費者口味和消費心理,都可能隨著社會環境的變化而變化。But from another perspective, food demand is complex, and its consumer tastes and consumer psychology, may with the social environment changes.餐飲企業必須根據自身條件和環境條件的要求,看清餐飲市場的發展趨勢選擇適當的特色餐飲經營方法,才有可能在激烈的市場競爭中獲得成功。Catering enterprises must

be based on their own conditions and environmental conditions, see the food and beverage market trends selecting the appropriate specialty catering business methods, be possible in the fierce competition in the market to be successful.在下面的正是現在市場需要的帶有民族文化,地方特色,全綠色,回歸自然化的餐廳經營策劃方案經營理念:弘揚民族文化,發展地方特色產業,以高層次的享受滿足顧客。It is now below the market needs with national culture, local specialties, all green, regression naturalizing restaurant business planning program philosophy: promote national culture, the development of local industries, in order to enjoy a high level of customer satisfaction.特色//美味//健康。Features/ /delicious/ /health.經營戰略:走高端餐飲性價比與大眾性餐飲低檔次的市場空區。Business strategy: take the high food cost and mass market of low-end catering empty area.以區域基地為中心,擴散式向市場布點。A regional base for the center, diffused distribution to the market.在市場空間發展良好下,迅速擴店。Good spatial development in the market, the rapid expansion of stores.營運目標:一年內建立餐飲品牌形象。Operational objectives: one year, established restaurant brand image.五年內分店超過10家並上市。Within five years, more than 10 branches and listing.遠景目標:成為上市的大規模民族文化餐飲集團。Vision: to become a large-scale national culture Listed Restaurant Group.經營方式:由顧客自選菜品,混合底湯調料等,並以特色速食為主的多元化發展。Mode of operation: the customer choice dishes, soup seasoning mix base, etc., and to feature instant-based diversified development.區域開發:首家模範店在海澱區域內。Regional development: the first model shop in the Haidian area.輻射周邊市場。Radiation surrounding the market.餐品定位為:肉類//特色雲南美食//高湯類//速食類//雲南特色飲品類。Food products defined as: meat/ /Features Yunnan cuisine/ /broth class/ /fast food category/ /Yunnan specialty drinks categories.主要消費群體:政府官員、企業家、外地旅客等高檔次消費群體。Major consumer groups: government officials, entrepreneurs, foreign visitors high-end consumer groups.裝修特點:雲南特色為主、明亮,乾淨,方便,清爽。Decoration Features: main characteristics of Yunnan, bright, clean, convenient, refreshing.裝修格式為野生雲南色調為主。Decoration format is wild Yunnan color tone.經營管理程式;總部---策劃部—籌建部—財務部—營運管理部—市場部---研發部-- -加盟部---人力資源部。Management procedures; Headquarters---Planning Department-Ministry of

preparation-Finance Department-Operations Management Department-Marketing---joined the Department of Research and Development Department--- ---Human Resources.公司總部:分店營運報表管理//分店考核標準//分店激勵措施//分店財務審核管理//分店人力資源管理//分店細節回饋處理機制//分店負責制度//加盟要求與標準//品牌戰略//擴展計畫。Corporate Headquarters: branch statements of operations management/ /branch assessment criteria/ /branch incentives/ /branch financial audit management/ /branch HRM/ /branch details feedback handling mechanism/ /branch is responsible for system/ /joining requirements and standards/ /Brand strategy/ /expansion plans.

生產加工程式:接單電腦處理//採購標準//清潔標準//切分標準//剩料處理機制//上線整理程式//分流處理標準//庫存管理//配送制度//衛生監控管理體系//資訊回饋處理//菜品技術開發創新分店管理體系:訂貨排班標準//千元用量統計//培訓制度//崗位標準//品質標準//晉升標準//服務標準//成本管控//團隊建設//值班管理//資訊回饋制度//財務核算體系//安全設施管理制度。Production and processing procedures: orders computer processing/ /procurement standards/ /Clean Standard/ /segmentation criteria/ /leftover material handling mechanisms/ /on-line consolidation program/ /Split handling standard/ /Inventory Management/ /distribution system/ /health monitoring and management system/ /FEEDBACK processing/ /Dishes technological development and innovation management system stores: Order Scheduling Standard/ /thousand Yuan usage statistics/ /training systems/ /Post Standard/ /quality standards/ /promotion criteria/ /service standards/ /cost control/ /team building/ /duty management/ /information feedback system/ /financial accounting system/ /safety management system.品牌化連鎖經營模式作為企業的領導人,在規劃做品牌建設時,要延長發展期和成熟期,從而讓企業的品牌更加鞏固,贏造更多的忠誠客戶,將企業的利潤推到最大化。Brand chain business model as a corporate leader in the planning to do brand building, to extend the period of development and maturity, so that more consolidated corporate brands, winning create more loyal customers, the company's push to maximize profits .做餐飲連鎖,打造連鎖體系,餐飲店要想做大,走連鎖加盟道路是必由之路。Do restaurant chain, to build the chain system, wants bigger restaurants, franchising road is the only way to go.從上個世紀90年代中期開始,中國餐飲企業開始模仿肯德基和麥當勞搞餐飲

連鎖,也有不少人按照自己所理解的肯德基、麥當勞的模式去經營,他們把自己的店面裝飾得與麥當勞和肯德基很相似,包括統一裝修風格、統一著裝、統一餐具、統一食品供應等等,有的甚至緊緊跟在國外餐飲連鎖企業後面模仿他們的一切經營方式和行銷戰略。From the mid-1990s, China began to imitate catering enterprises to engage KFC and McDonald's restaurant chain, there are a lot of people according to their own understanding of KFC, McDonald's model to operate their own store decorated with McDonald's and KFC are similar, including unified style of decoration, dress uniform, unified tableware, uniform food supply, etc., and some even closely followed behind in a foreign restaurant chain imitate all their mode of operation and marketing strategy.然而,10多年過去了,成功者很少,成名者很少。However,10years later, very little success, fame rarely.其中原因是多方面的,有的人從經營管理上分析原因,有的從連鎖機制上分析原因,而中餐連鎖企業模仿西餐連鎖企業失敗最重要的、本質上的原因是產品沒有標準話。One of the reasons are many, and some people from the operation and management to analyze the reasons, some from linkage mechanism to analyze the reasons, while Chinese food chain failed to imitate Western chain the most important reason is the product essentially no standard words.只有產品的標準化才是中餐企業邁向連鎖王國的開始。Standardization of products is the only Chinese food chain enterprises towards the beginning of the Kingdom.


(一)——自由連鎖特點:成員店的所有權、經營權和財務核算都是獨立的,可以使用成員店各自的店名商標Chain management is the core: scale, efficiency priority chain to ensure that six unified: unified procurement, unified distribution, unified identity, unified marketing, unified price, unified accounting chain main ways: free chain, Direct chain, franchise chain, chain of custody franchising four kinds of operation mode (a)-free chain Features: Members shop ownership, management rights and financial accounting are independent, you can use the member shop respective trademark name

總店或主導企業與成員店之間並不存在經營權的買賣關係,他們主要是靠合同和商業信譽建立一種互助互利的、鬆散的關係,以達到規模經營的目的總店與成員店之間是協商和服務的關係缺點:總店對分店的約束力有限,對整體素質要求較難,容易失去整體效益,而且各店素質不一,企業形象也不易維持對於整體行銷計畫與策略的執行往往不能達到最佳水準Headquarters or dominant enterprises and members of the franchise store does not exist between the trading relationship, they rely mainly on contracts and business reputation to establish a mutual benefit, loosely related to the scale of operations in order to achieve the purpose of the head office and the member store inter-relationships are negotiated and services Disadvantages: limited binding branch headquarters on the overall quality requirements is difficult, easy to lose the overall efficiency and the quality of different stores, corporate image is also difficult to maintain the overall marketing plan and strategy for implementation often can not achieve optimal level

連鎖經營的方式(二)——直營連鎖特點:每一家直營分店的所有權都屬於同一主體實行總部統一核算,各連鎖店只是一個分設銷售機構,銷售利潤全部由總部支配總部與其下屬分店之間的關係屬於企業內部的專業化分工關係,在經營權方面基本高度集中缺點:各直營分店缺乏自主權和應變的彈性,難以把握地區性的市場機會相對於其他連鎖形式,直營連鎖的投資大,成本高,分店增長速度慢連鎖經營的方式(三)——特許連鎖特點:各加盟商之間以及加盟商與盟主之間的資產都是相互獨立的各加盟商與其盟主都是獨立核算的企業,特許店在加盟時必須向盟主一次性交納品牌授權金,並在經營過程中按銷售額或毛利額的一定比例向盟主上繳“定期權利金”盟主與加盟商之間的關係是帄等互利的合作關係缺點:特許連鎖體系存在排他性,在一定程度上限制了市場擴展的機會,而且使新的加盟商在選擇上受到某種限制當特許連鎖體系逐漸擴大後,會出現區域問題、文化問題等方面的困難Chain operation mode (two)-Direct chain Features: Every one Direct stores belong to the same subject title headquarters unified accounting practice, the chain is just a grouped sales organization, and all the profits from the sale of the headquarters and its subordinate headquarters domination between branches relationships fall within the enterprise specialization relations in the basic aspects of the right to operate a high concentration of disadvantages: lack of autonomy and the Direct stores elastic strain, it is difficult to grasp the regional market opportunities

compared to other chain forms, direct chain of investment Large, high cost, slow growth branch chain operation mode (three)-Franchise Features: between the franchisee and franchisee and chief among the various assets are independent franchisees are independent accounting and its chief corporate, franchise shops in joining must be a one-time payment to the chief brand license, and in the course of business in terms of sales or gross amount paid in proportion to the chief a "regular premium" Kingpin with the franchisee relationship is equal beneficial partnership drawbacks: there is an exclusive franchise system, to a certain extent, limit the opportunities for market expansion, but also in the choice of new franchisees subject to some restrictions on when the franchise system gradually expanded, there will be regional issues, cultural problems and other difficulties

連鎖經營的方式(四)——託管特許連鎖特點:加盟商之間以及加盟商與盟主之間的資產都是相互獨立的盟主擁有各加盟商的經營權,但不對盈利承諾各加盟商只有建議權、監督權和利益分享權,並需要支付管理費和各項費用除主要管理人員,其他人員都由盟主指導招聘,但人員歸各加盟商管理,盟主不負擔工資及其他責任缺點:各加盟商沒有經營自主權,工作的自主性受到限制,還會增加對盟主的依賴性盟主需要有很強的管理控制能力、人員開發與培訓能力,這給許多公司造成了困難Chain operation mode (four)-Managed franchise features: between franchisee and franchisee and chief among the chief assets are independent of each franchisee has the right to operate, but not to commit the franchisee profitability is only recommended right to supervise and benefit-sharing rights, and the need to pay management fees and expenses in addition to the key management personnel, and other personnel guided by the chief recruiting, but owned by the franchisee management personnel, the chief does not pay wages and other obligations Disadvantages: the franchisee owners do not have operational autonomy, job autonomy is limited, we will increase the dependence on the chief and the chief needs to have strong management control, staff development and training capacity, which caused difficulties for many companies


加盟商擁有經營權託管特許連鎖盟主和各加盟商的所有權是相互獨立的所有權Comparison of different methods chain free store chain headquarters and ownership of each member is independent of the head office and members of the franchise stores are independent office has the right to operate regular chain headquarters and in the direct ownership of the single store same subject franchising chief and the franchisee is independent of the ownership of the franchisee has the right to operate the chief custodian franchise ownership and the franchisee is independent of ownership

經營權總部與各連鎖店的連接點Franchise headquarters and chain connection points

總部擁有經營權Headquarters has the right to operate

合同或商業信譽Contract or business reputation

所有權、經營權Ownership, management rights

特許合同Concession contract

託管特許合同(經營權包含在內)Managed concession contract (concession included)

連鎖餐飲獲得成功的原因Reasons for the success of chain restaurants

(一)清晰準確的產品定位(三)完整的組織結構(五)完善的資訊系統(七)相對獨立的物流配送體系(九)、集中的財務資訊(十一)、標準化的服務(A) clear and accurate product positioning (three) complete organizational structure (five) complete information system (seven) relatively independent distribution system (nine), centralized financial information (eleven), standardized service

(二)科學的選址方法(四)以服務意識為導向的強勢文化(六)統一的、大規模的、有計劃的市場推廣(八)層層負責的督導體系(十)可靠的培訓體系(十二)雙贏的特許加盟模式(Two) the siting of scientific method (four) with a strong sense of service-oriented culture (six) uniform, large-scale, planned marketing (eight) layers of the steering system (ten) reliable training system (twelve) win franchise mode

餐飲業商業計畫書範本Catering business plan template

餐飲企業商業計畫書範本Catering business business plan template


3、公司組織結構4、公司人員構成二、企業經營業績三、公司管理團隊1、主要團隊管理人員2、團隊素質第二章企業產品及服務(參考兆聯公司的商業計畫書範文:餐飲商業計畫書範本格式)一、企業經營模式14二、企業主要服務產品結構14三、中心餐飲與直營餐飲15 1、中心餐飲店規劃15 2、餐飲店設計16 3、餐飲運營管理18 4、直營餐飲運作計畫21四、加盟餐飲21 1、加盟餐飲經營模式22 2、加盟業務操作與流程22 3、加盟成本費用和投資預測24First, the Company's business objectives and business models Second, the project construction content and scale of three, four project financial projections, financing requirements of Chapter Company Profile First, the basic situation ofanenterprise, the project owner information 2, Company History 3, the company organizational structure4, company personnel constitute two, three business performance, our management teamamain team management personnel 2, Chapter corporate team quality products and services (reference Trillion company's business plan essay: Catering business plan template format) a ,14two business model, corporate structure14three main service offerings, central dining and catering151direct, central planning152food and beverage outlets, restaurants designs 163, catering operations management 184, Direct Food operational plans21four , joined catering 211, joining catering business model 222, joined the business operations and processes 223, joining costs and investment forecast24

4、加盟商利益分析26六、增值服務29 1、電子商務服務29 2、物流服務30

七、服務品質控制314, 26six franchisees benefit analysis, value-added services291, 292e-commerce services, logistics servicesthirtyseven, service quality control31


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