




人之生存本就不易,要成功就更难了。雷锋生前说过:“我要把我有限的生命投入到无限的为人民服务中去。”这是共 产 党员应有的表现,我们还小,思想不可能达到那样的境界。但我们应该明白,青春是短暂的,我们可以和异性同学结交成朋友,在各方面相互帮助,树立正确的思想,发扬革命精神。这样不仅有利于我们的身心发展,也有利于我们一步步走向成功。学生时代,更应以学习为主,要多沉默。孔明白:“静以修身。”多看些健康的书籍,陶冶自己的情操,培养自己的审美观点。








看着老妈有些失落的样子,我和老爸心里有点坏坏的乐,却又不敢表现出来。我憋着笑容安慰道:“电视剧有啥意思呢,哪里比得上一家人散步好啊。”老爸随即在一旁一本正经地应和:“是啊,是啊,其乐融融,其乐融融啊。”老妈看我们俩一唱一和的样子,忍不住“扑哧”笑出声来。老妈都笑了,我俩还憋什么呢?于是,快乐的笑声响起来,洒满了星光下的小路。 在我家,这种小打小闹每天不断,但在我的眼里,那就是幸福,那就是温暖。这个温暖的家,值得我用一辈子去珍惜,去爱。







18. Traveling Craze

1. 旅游热的出现



Traveling Craze

In the past years, traveling has become a new fashion for many ordinary Chinese. Especially on every Labor Day, National Day and Spring Festival holidays, numerous people swarm into the scenic spots around the country. Some people define the phenomenon as “traveling craze” and term the holidays as “golden week for traveling”.

The traveling craze can be attributed to the following reasons. Firstly, people’s living conditions have been improved greatly that many people can afford traveling. Secondly, the higher requirement for quality of life makes also traveling one of the most important amusement among the average people.

But the traveling craze causes many problems, such as the higher prices for all traveling-related aspects, the over-crowded scenic spots, the lower quality of services, etc.

As for me, people should be fully aware of the disadvantages behind the traveling craze. Reasonable plans should be made before taking a trip. All in all, a clear mind is needed.

19. My Opinion on Campus Marriage

1. 国家允许在校大学生结婚

2. 它的影响

3. 我的观点

My Opinion on Campus Marriage

There has always been a controversy: are Chinese on-campus students allowed to get married before grduation? Now the answer is yes.

To this decision, some people applaud as humanistic, while some others don’t agree. Certainly a large number of people just cannot decide which side they should take. But, it does affect college students. To be married, they must consider many extra problems, such as time to get together, place to live, the cost of home maintenance, birth control, etc.

In my opinion, it is unnecessary to ban campus marriage, but it should not be advocated or encouraged either because the main task of on-campus students is to study. If they get married, their school work will be affected and they may not be capable of future works. So, a reasonable mind is especially needed to deal with the problem.

20. Should Private Cars Be Encouraged in China?

1. 小汽车进入中国家庭后给人们带来了舒适和方便

2. 小汽车也给人们带来了许多问题

3. 我的看法

Should Private Cars Be Encouraged in China?

Sould private cars be encouraged in China? This is a controversial question,. There are many reasons to encourage people to own cars. First, a car allows a peson to move around freely. Second, a car is a comfortable travelling vehicle, especially in the winter or in bad weather. Third, a female driver is usually safe in a car at night.

However, there are also many arguments against it. First, with the increase of private cars, the roads are becoming more and more crowded and it is tiring to drive in heavy traffic. Second, the poisonous gas greatly pollutes the atmosphere and does harm to people’s health. Third, the number of traffic accidents is increasing remarkably in recent years.

In my opinion, we must weigh every factor carefully before making decisions about buying private cars. Though the number of private cars keeps on increasing, popularization of luxurious things like cars will have to wait. After all, I don’t think it is wise to encourate private cars in China.

21. Simpligied Chinese or traditional Chinese?

1. 有些专家倡议恢复使用繁体中文

2. 很多人则认为应该继续使用简体中文

3. 我的看法

Simplified Chinese or traditional Chinese?

There is no consensus of opinion among people as to what we should use ---- simplified Chinese or traditional Chinese. Some scholars are strongly in favor of the latter. For one thing, they believe the restoration of traditional Chinese will help to preserve the ancient Chinese culture; for another, it will also contribute to protecting traditional Chinese from extinguishing.

However, those who insist on the continuous usage of simplified Chinese argue that the former is more practical and easier for modern people. In their opinion, since simplified Chinese has been used for decades, there is no necessity to restore traditional Chinese, which is characterized with complexity.

In my viewpoint, traditional Chinese is one part of our traditional culture. Nevertheless, as long as the simplified Chinese can satisfy our demand for communication, there is no bother to restore traditional Chinese.

22. ID-Based Train Ticket Booking System

1. 实名制购火车票已在部分城市开始试行

2. 有人认为这样做是社会进步的表现,也有人认为它可能会带来一些问题

3. 在我看来……

ID-Based Train Ticket Booking System

Accompanied by the development of railroad technology, our national transportation has been experiencing great changes. Currently, ID-based train ticket booking sytstem, as a plot project, has been tested in several cities so as to root out those illegal people and relieve the ticket booking pressure.

It is believed by some people that ID-based train ticket booking system represents the improvement of the whole society, for it is supposed to function as the tool of supervision and regulation. However, others claim that such system does not conform to our national situation. In a country featured with large population, the ID-based train ticket booking system will severely decrease the speed of ticket booking, which will only lead to more pressure on the railway sector in busy seasons.

As for me, ID-based train ticket booking system does intend to better the current ticket booking situations. Nevertheless, when Chinese characteristics are taken into consideration, such ID-based system will by no means a reasonable choice.

23. Irrational Consumption

1. 很多大学生有不理性消费的习惯

2. 不理性消费的弊端

3. 为了解决这一问题,我认为……

Irrational Consumption

Irrational consumption has always been a common phenomenon existing among the modern people, which is especially true when it comes to college students. Financially supported by their parents, a majority of the students have no clue about their consumption. Usually, they will purchase what they like at the first sight regardless of the necessity and price.

As a matter of fact, the irrational consumption habit does great harms. On the one hand, it will directly lead to blind consumption, which means unnecessary stuff will be purchased and money hard made by our parents will be wasted. On the other hand, as a ill-formed habit, irrational consumption will exert far-reaching influences on our development, making our life lack of planning.

In order to get rid of the irrational consumption habit, I believe we should form into the habit of keeping record on our consumption and making plans on what we really need.

24. Due Attention Should Be Given to Internet Safety

1. 很多网民的利益及隐私受到侵犯和威胁

2. 造成这种现象的原因是……

3. 为了提高网络安全,我认为……

Due Attention Should Be Given to Internet Safety

With the occurrence of the vicious competition between the two software companies, many netizens realize the fact that their privacy is suffering from violation and threat. In their daily life, they are not only disturbed by strangers due to personal information disclosure on the Internet, but also are suffering the property losses because of the bank account leak.

When in comes to the Internet safety problems, some network operators’ ignorance of users’ interest is the first factor to blame, for they often sell the private information of the users to pursue their own profits. The second factor lies in the lack of the relevant laws enacted by the government,which means that the Internet users’ right has not been officially protected.

To avoid such violation and threat, I recommend two different approaches. On the one hand, certain industrial associations should be established to supervise and stop the wrong doing performed by Internet companies. On the other hand, the netizens should manage to equip themselves with knowledge of Internet safety and improve the awareness of self-protection so that their privacy will not be violated.

25. Roll-Call System on Campus

1. “点名制度”在大学中一直被老师们使用

2. 学生们对此褒贬不一

3. 在我看来……

Roll-Call System on Campus

Roll-call system has been commonly adopted by college teachers to check students’ attendance. For teachers, it functions as a factor to judge students; for students, it serves as a supervisory tool.

Nowadays, when asked about the roll-call system, students’ opinions differ. Some students hold that it is of great importance for both teachers and students, for which will help the former to discipline their students and the latter to obey the rule; sometimes, it may even work as the determinate factor for the teacher to judge one student. On the contrary, other students argue that the roll-call system is now no more than a form, which cannot reach its intended meaning; in addition, it has been taken advantage of by many naughty students by asking some others to reply in roll-call. In the point of my view, roll-call system is only a means to supervise students, and students should rely on themselves to discipline their behavior.

26. My View on Charity

1. 近日,有些从事慈善事业的个人及机构受到人们的批评

2. 出现这种现象的原因

3. 我的看法

My View on Charity

Charity is of utmost importance to us humans. While following a spate of scandals, some individuals and institutions involved in this field have encountered criticism in recent months.

There are several reasons for this phenomenon. Above all, compared with those of developed countries, the charity awareness in our county is backward. Some people equal charity with donation, and therefore they believe that charity is the rich’s responsibility and has nothing to do with the middle-class and the poor. The second thing that must be taken into consideration is that a number of individuals and charitable organizations lack a sense of social responsibility, which results in the declining social credibility.

For my part, I believe the following steps can address this situation. Firstly, people’s awareness of how profound influence charity can bring to our society should be heightened. Secondly, rigorous supervision must be carried out by the administrations involved, so that the charity activities will become more transparent.

27. Should Children Be Parents for Doing Housework?

1. 一些家长付钱给孩子做家务

2. 付钱给孩子做家务的利和弊

3. 在我看来……

Should Children Be Paid by Parents for Doing Housework?

Nowadays, the topic that whether children should be paid for doing housework has become a heatedly dicussed issue. Each coin has two sides. As far as such issue is concerned, there are both advantages and disadvantages.

Positively, motivated by the financial reward, children will do housework more actively. As a result, they will be more independent. In addition, children will learn the difficulty of earning money and how to spend money wisely at an early age, which will help them a lot when they grow up. Negatively, children who are paid for doing housework will get into the habit of doing nothing for free, that is, they will become profit-oriented.

I hold the view that the advantages of paying children for doing housework outweigh its disadvantages. However, to prevent children from becoming profit-oriented, appropriate instruction and supervision from parents is essential.
























