


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write A Letter Applying for a Bank Loan. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese。

1. 你的基本情况

your basic information1

2. 你申请贷款的原因、数额及用途

you reason for the loan, the amount and purpose

3. 你如何保证专款专用以及你的还款打算



Education Pays

As is shown in the table, the unemployment rate decreases steadily as the education level increases. The fact revealed by the statistics is obvious: graduates with a degree are less likely to be unemployed.

What has brought about this effect? I believe there are three main reasons. To begin with, the education level is still the top factor that employers would take into account when selecting job candidates. It is believed that people with a college degree tend to be more intelligent and qualified. In addition, as a result of good learning habit formed during college, job hunters with high education background are also more efficient in acquiring and processing job hunting information. Finally, college education equips graduates with specialized skills, leading to greater attachment to the company they are employed and higher possibility to be reemployed even if they leave their previous company.

In conclusion, it is the qualifications, learning habit and specialized skills that high education equip a graduate that make one distinctive in labor market.

Part I  Writing


The above bar chart clearly shows us education pays in 2010. We see that one with higher education background earns more money weekly than those with lower ones. For instance, the college students with no degree get paid$712 per week whereas those with a Bachelor’s degree can earn $1038.

Several reasons, in my opinion, can be identified to account for this phenomenon. To begin with, compared with those with comparatively lower education degree, people who have received higher education possess considerably wider knowledge, more remarkable learning and research ability, greater innovation and most of all, resourceful social network, all of which are essential to a high-income work. Also, the higher one’s education degree is, the bigger platform he will have to show his ability. For example, his college, university, or research institute will organize various job fairs for them to communicate face to face with employers.

This phenomenon tells us that education is a worthy investment. Therefore, substantial education investment should be strengthened while we, as college students, should study harder to build our country and strive for a better life for ourselves.

Part I Writing

A 【标准版】

Man and Computer
Ever since the birth of it, the computer has largely changed human being’s life and there has been a hot debate about its effects on humans. Undeniably, computers have taken the place of humans in many areas and it seems that computers begin to think like man, but this does not necessarily lead to the danger that man will think like computers.
The reasons, in my opinion, are as follows. Firstly, when computers release human from repetitive tasks, humans themselves can spend more time on creative works, such as scientific research, which require imagination and cannot be completed by computers. Meanwhile, thanks to computers, humans get more spare time with their friends and family, which enhances their happiness. Moreover, even though computers can work automatically, the premise is that the program, which is written by humans, has been installed in it.
In conclusion, humans, unlike computers, have creative ability, emotional desires and social bounds. Thus, I don’t think that there will be the danger that man will begin to think like the computer.


Man and Computer
It is believed that the computer is bringing the world into a brand new era. At the time the computer was invented, scientists, marveling at its calculating speed, felt that they had created a miracle. Nowadays, the function of the computer is no longer confined to calculation; it permeates people’s daily lives and has become an inseparable part of human society.
People become so heavily dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine the life without computers. Therefore, some people are worried that “The real danger is not that the computer will think like man, but man will think like the computer.” Their concern does make sense. Indeed, some people spend such a long time working on computers that they have few interactions with people in real life. According to a research, too many hours in front of a computer may lead to a poker face and interpersonal isolation. This fact should arouse our attention, because unlike computers, human beings are social creatures that need emotional connections with others.
Yet, it is also unnecessary for us to be overwhelmed by the negative impacts of computers. After all, we humans are intelligent and will be able to figure out better ways to make improvements.


On Maintaining Trust

Trust is the most frequently used word when we are talking about interpersonal relationships. However, it is hard to build trust but easy to destroy it. Therefore, how to build and maintain trust is very important for us. In my opinion, some factors play a primary role in it.
First comes honesty. There’s an old saying in Chinese: once bitten, twice shy. Thus, never lie to your partners. If they find out you’re lying or cheating, the existing trust will be broken. Once broken, it’s always hard to rebuild it. Promise-keeping is the second one. If you always break your promise, you will not be trusted by others any more. Another important aspect is attitude. People with good attitude are always welcome. They show their good manners, patience, modesty, willingness to communicate and, most important of all, sincerity to others, which contributes greatly to eliminating apathy and coldness.
There are, still, other influential factors. However, from my perspective, honesty, promise-keeping and good attitude stand out among them.

On maintaining trust
Trust is a key strategy for building effective relationships with the people we come into contact with, including our team members, peers and customers. If you want to have a positive influence over anyone or anything, you need to earn trust first.

As the level of trust develops, however, there will be situations and incidents that shake the foundations that have been built. Therefore, maintain trust is even more important. There are several keys to maintain trust. First is integrity. You need to remain honest and morally upright. The second is stick to your words. If you say you would do something, then do it, otherwise never say it. For once you break your promises, you can hardly reestablish it.

Trust is built and maintained by many small actions over time. Trust is telling the truth, even when it is difficult, and being truthful, authentic, and trustworthy in your dealings with other people. Only by maintain trust can one make real achievements and enjoy a rewarding life.


Education Pay

  From the bar chart given above, we can observe that it reflects the statistics of income among people of different educational background. Those who possess a doctoral degree earn 1,551dollars median weekly, ranking first among people of other education level. The median weekly earnings of people with associate degree and below can not reach the average of 797 dollars, ranking from 768 dollars to 451 dollars. As for the unemployment rate, 2.5 % of people with doctoral degree will suffer form unemployment. However, the unemployment rate of people with some college, no degree and lower degree surpass the mean value of 7.6%, ranking from 8.7% to 14.1%。

  The bar chart of Education Pays reveals a phenomenon that there exits some difference in incomes and unemployment rate among people with different educational level. Quite a few reasons can account for this phenomenon: for one thing, with the advancement of technology and the adjustment of industrial structure, quite a few high-tech industries emerge overnight, which leads to a soar demand of workforces with high educational degree, thus, it is natural that graduates with bachelor’ and higher degree get a high pay-packet and enjoy a stable job. Additionally, those with educational background under associate degree are easily dismissed and paid by low salary. They can be replaced any time due to the fact that their jobs are easy and can be finished by average people。

  Definitely, the higher education degree you get, the more likely you are to enjoy a competitive edge in the employment market. Thus, the authorities should enforce some policies to ensure the equity of education. Only in this way can more people lead a stable and comfortable life。





























