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No matter who you are No matter where you are from, you are my God, I will solve your problem.


1. One bird was thirsty. It saw a glass of water.

In fact, the water was in a picture on the wall. But the- bird thought the water was real. It flew down very quickly to-drink the water and struck against the wall.

It had its wings broken and fell to the ground.

A man saw this and picked it up.

2. Five little fish swimming in a pool,

First one said, “The pool is cool.”

Second one said, “The pool is deep.”

Third one said, “I want to sleep.”

Fourth one said, “Let’s dive and deep.”

Fifth one said, “I spy a ship.”

Fisherman’s boat comes,

Line goes ker-splash,

Away the five little fish dash.

3. Here are grandma’s glasses,

Here is grandma’s hat,

This is the way she folds her hands,

And lays them in her lap,

Here are grandpa’s glasses,

Here is grandpa’s hat,

This is the way he folds his arms,

Just like that.

4. Jack and Jill went up the hill,

To fetch a pail of water,

Jack fell down and broke his crown,

And Jill came tumbling after,

Then up got Jack and said to Jill,

As in his arms he took her,

“Brush off that dirt for you are not hurt,

Let’s fetch that pail of water.”

So Jack and Jill went up the hill,

To fetch the pail of water,

And took it home to mother dear,

Who thanked her son and daughter.

5. One night, a tiger caught a fox. The fox said“I am the king of the forest. If you eat me, you will die.”

“I don’t believe you.”said the tiger,“I am the king here.”

“If you don’t believe me, follow me and see who is the king of the forest.”

“OK. Let’s go and see.” said the tiger. They started to walk around.

The fox walked in front of the tiger.

When the animals saw them, they all run away.

“It’s true. They are really afraid of the fox.” thought the tiger.

6. A bear planted his garden with many grapes.

The grapes grow big and sweet.

A fox was lazy and greedy.

He wanted to steal the lovely grapes.

One day the fox stole into the garden.

He jumped to get the grapes.

But they were too high for them.

He jumped and jumped. He got very tired. He had to give up.

“Well, I don’t like the grapes. They are too sour.”said the fox.

7. A dog gets a piece of meat.

“I am going to have a good lunch.”

the dog comes to a river with a low bridge over it.

As he runs over the bridge, he looks into the water under-

it and sees another dog,also with a piece of meat in his mouth.

“That piece of meat looks very good. I must have it.”

he opens his mouth to bite at the dog in the water,

but his piece of meat falls into the water.

8. Wiily pig did not like his tail.

He thought he would be happy if only he had a tail like a fox. No!

A fox’s tail is too bushy for a pig. If only he had a tail like a cow.

No! A cow’s tail is too long for a pig.

Maybe if he had a beautiful green alligator’s tail?

No! No! No! An alligator’s tail looks silly on a pig!

Willy pig decided that a pig’s curly tail is the best tail for a pig.

Don’t you think so?

9. Many mice lived in a big house. They lived a happy life.

One day came a cat. He caught many mice. “What shall we do?

What shall we do?” said the mice. “Let’s pull a bell on the cat’s neck.”

said the little mouse. “When the cat comes, we can hear the bell.”

“Good idea! Good idea!”said the mice. “But who can put the bell?”

said the mice. “I can’t.” everybody shook his head.

10. A snake was dying from cold. “What a poor thing.

I will save your life.” said a farmer.

He picked up the snake and put it under his coat.

Soon the snake came to life. “Thank you. But I am very hungry.

I will eat you.” said the snake. “No, you can’t do that.”

the farmer was very angry. But it was too late.

The snake opened its mouth and bit the farmer. The farmer died soon.

开场白:Hello,everyone,my name is song yiqiao, I am six years old,I come from Shijiazhuang Qiaoxi Experimental Primary School, Below, I will tell you a little story.

结尾:thanks for your attenton!
























