note writing



Note Writing

? Objective

Learn to write a variety of notes

? Important Points

A variety of notes

The technique of imitation

Main points of note writing for attention

? Time Allocation

Four 50-minute class periods and out-of-class writing

? Teaching Recourses


Handout material

Overhead projector and supplies

? Actual Procedures

Learn the format of a note

Learn the main points of note writing for attention

Learn the procedure of note writing

Learn the genre of note writing

? Assignments

Students’ assignment is to imitate or create different genres of notes.

I. The format of note writing

Every note is made up of five essential parts, including heading, salutation, body, closing and signature. They comprise the structure or framework of your note. You should follow the general form if you want to produce a correct and acceptable note.



(use colon or comma)





II. The main points of note writing for attention

The important points of note writing for attention are clearness, conciseness, coherence, correctness, completeness, and courtesy.

A. Clearness

Note writing should be unambiguous and clear enough for addressees to catch its meaning but not to misunderstand it. With the proper expression and simplicity of phrases and sentence structure, you can make your note writing well understood. Unclearness: Mr. White wrote to Mr. Lee that he had accepted his proposal. Clearness: Mr. White wrote to Mr. Lee that he had accepted Mr. Lee’s proposal.

B. Conciseness

A good writing can make addressees obtain more information from your notes within less time. Writing should be read fluently and be concise so that it can catch addressees’ attention.

Redundancy: In your previous letter, you enquired about our experience with Mr. John Jefferson. We are happy to tell you about his work for us. He was a loyal and faithful worker during the four years he kept books for us.

Conciseness: Mr. John Jefferson about whom you enquired in your previous letter had been a loyal bookkeeper here for four years.

C. Coherence

Coherence of writing is very important. You can express the complete meaning of a note with logic connection between sentences. When writing a note, you should pay attention to the coherence of subject, voice, tense, and tone.

Incoherence: Your organization had been more than just a business house. It was an institution in the minds of the American public. It has a reputation for fair play and honesty with both employees and customers.

Coherence: Your organization is more than just a business house. It is an institution in the minds of the American public. It has a reputation for fair play and honesty with both employees and customers.

D. Correctness

In your writing, you should give definite and correct information so as not to make it misunderstood. If your information is not given correctly, the addressee will feel puzzled about what he is going to do.

Incorrectness: I’d like to invite you to my birthday party this Sunday, at 9 o’clock. Correctness: I’d like to invite you to my birthday party on this Sunday evening, April 10, at 9 o’clock.

E. Completeness

The content of your writing should be complete. If you ignore some necessary details, your writing will affect social activities and make addressees disappointed. If you beat about the bush in your writing, addressees will be bored and confused. However, if the writing is too simple and brief, it can not achieve the purpose for communication and business dealings.

Incompleteness: Here is the time, date, and plane information for your trip to New York: You will fly Eastern Air Lines on next Monday.

Completeness: Your reservation are for next Monday, April 11th, on Eastern Airlines Flight #125, leaving Los Angeles at 9:10 a.m. for New York.

F. Courtesy

Last but not least, courtesy is necessary. Although courtesy can not help you achieve the purpose of writing, it can express your politeness and show your respect to addressees.

Discourtesy: Interview me whenever you want.

Courtesy: If you desire an interview, I shall be most happy to call in person, on any day and at any time you may appoint.

III. The procedure of note writing

English writing style is quite different from Chinese writing style in note writing. Generally speaking, Chinese writing style is more ambiguous and indirect, but English writing style is more unambiguous and definite.

A note writing always begins with direct expression for the definite purpose; then, reasons are stated and presented one after another; finally, the whole writing ends with polite formula as usual. Even the purpose of note writing varies, the procedure almost changes little even without the independent paragraphs.


The direct purpose for congratulations Explanation of congratulations


Good wishes


The direct purpose for thanks

Explanation of thanks

Good wishes

IV. The genre of note writing

A variety of note writing style includes: A. Notes of apologies B. Notes of appointment C. Notes of congratulations

D. Notes of invitations & invitation response E. Notes of messages

F. Notes of request and inquiry G. Notes of sympathy H. Thank you notes

第二篇:专四Note writing 评分标准

Note writing 便条写作


1.     学生在10分钟之内完成大约50-60词的便条写作,要求做到格式正确,内容完整,语言得体。

2.     与作文写作有所不同:便条项目侧重于语言的实用性和功能性,检查学生日常运用语言的实际能力。


Note writing 评分标准

l  20##年真题

l  (20##年评分标准如下)

l  (2006便条参考范文)

l  (20##年评分标准大致如下)

1.      格式

1)  日期(1分)  April 21st, 2011    / April 21

2)  称呼(1分)     Dear Mike,       / Mike,

3)  正文

4)  署名(1分)   Yours,

                   Lily  (根据题目要求写,题目没有要求则任意选用一个英文名; 



2. 正文内容与语言

1)       语言表达较差(包括语法和拼写错误),扣0.5-1.5分, 拼写错误超过3个要扣1分。

2)       语言没有严重错误,格式正确,内容完整,语言得体,字数符合要求(<80, >40), 可给5分;

3)       便条总字数要求约50-60字;一般不到40或者超过80扣1分。


l  缺少日期

l  Yours 写成 yours

l  署名和结束语写在同一行

l  署名用XXX或者中文

l  署名后加句号

l  字数太多或者太少

l  内容不完整

l  语言文体不得当 (formal style / informal style)





Your friend has just won the first prize in the Provincial English Speech Contest. Write a note of congratulations.

(1)           明确假设的写作人与接收人之间的关系,确定用何种语体。to whom

(2)           确定便条的功能,即表明写便条的原因。 why

(3)           将提示中提到的场景转换成自己的语言,自然融进便条内容中去。what








Write on Answer Sheet Two a note of 50-60 words based on the following situation:

   You are Peter/Mary. You had a party at your home recently but unintentionally neglected to invite a close friend of yours—Victoria. Write her a note apologizing for this and explaining how the mistake came about.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy.



l  可以从四个方面检查便条写作:

1)             格式

2)             内容 <一封理想的TEM4便条应包括以下三点:(1)写便条的原因;(2)要告诉的事情;(3)有关的希望、建议或要求等。>

3)             语言

4)             字数

l 格式

结尾套语为写便条人对收便条人的谦称或客套以示礼貌,措辞的变化按照不同的关系而定。现分述① 致不熟悉的人,宜用较庄重的套语,如Yours sincerely,Sincerely yours,或Sincerely等。② 对上级、长者,除了可用上述较庄重的套语,也可用Yours respectfully或Respectfully yours。③ 对一般朋友或熟人可用①中提到的较庄重的套语,也可用Yours等较为随便的套语。④ 对密友则采用较随便的套语为宜。例如,Yours,Love,With love,Best wishes,Best regards等等。⑤ 对亲属可用下列任何一种:Love,With love,All my love,Yours affectionately,Affectionately yours,Lovingly yours,Yours lovingly,Your loving son(Dad?);但对亲人,不宜用Sincerely yours。

由于TEM4便条写作一般是针对考生日常生活或学习相关的事情,写作的对象一般是其朋友、老师、熟人,因此,TEM4通常只接受Yours sincerely,Sincerely yours,Sincerely,或Yours这几种结尾套语。



《世界是平的》the world is flat读后感20xx字


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Far from the Madding Crowd远离尘嚣读后感


Peter pan in London 彼得潘读后感


《西游记》读后感 Impression on Journey to The West


the old man and the sea英文读后感


《西游记》读后感 Impression on Journey to The West


The little prince英文读后感


Waiting for Goldie


white fang读书笔记


The call of the wild读后感


gone with the wind读后感(1篇)