

英语四级优秀作文范文模版:师生关系The Teacher-Student Relationship





A good teacher-student relationship is ab1e to effective1y further the student to a higher level in study. The teacher with patience and understanding encourages the student instead of pushingorforcing him. The relationship of this sort makes learning so enjoyable and funny that the student would work hard willingly.

However, a bad relationship seriously weakens the achievement of teaching. It discourages the student from 1earning, leaving him with a wrong and negative attitude towards studying. Thus, teaching also becomes an unpleasant task, which forms a vicious cycle.

As I see it, the relationship between a teacher and a student should be attached much importance to. A good relationship makes the teacher’s job worthwhile while a bad one ill-affects the student’s development, even to the rest of his life.



Which Transportation Vehicle Do You Prefer?

Modern transportation in urban areas has provided us with vehicles of various kinds, the four in the pictures being the most popular.

I think the private car is the most comfortable and driving it is really a lot of fun. I long for a car of my own and I always admire those car-owners. However, I dont have so much money to afford such a luxury , not to mention the annual taxx

Although less comfortable, the taxi is convenient.It comes with a wave of hand. Besides, I dont have to take the trouble of caring for it. Nevertheless, I have to annually pay a handsome sum of money if I go to work/school by taxi .every day. This is beyond my financial budget. In addition, I am

afraid of meeting hostile taxi drivers.

I will firmly refuse the motorcycle, Itsdangerous.I am always shocked by the flying motorcyclists and worried about the potentiat accident s.

So, riding a bike leaves my preference. I feel free riding a bike and riding among the multitude of bicyetesls a sort of enjoymefit. A bicycle is far much cheaper than any of the other three,means of transportation. If my bike should be stolen,I would have no hesitation to buy a new one.

In short,I prefer riding my bike,buy that doesnt mean I dont like the.car.Sooner or later, I Will have a car of my own.

my favourite pastime 我最喜欢的消遣方式英语范文两篇

My Favorite Pastime MY FAVORITE PASTIME 我心爱的消遣

Below is my English Assignment,which is dedicated to my old classmates in middle class normal school.

"You are fooled!Everytime I dunk,chop 30 40,it fooled you cause you believe that was all about me,but I believe it takes five,baby.But you are not a fool ,are you?"This is adidas advertisement made by Tracy McGrady,shooting guard of Houston Rockets.

So I think you can know my favorite pastime is basketball.Onweekends,I spend most of my free time playing basketball and watching NBA games.Theycan not contribute to relief studying pressure but also build my body.

I began to play basketball at the beginning of middle class normal school.Then our class had 30 boy students,we divided us into five groups,and had round robin.Girl students in our class and teachers came to cheer us,we also wrote everyonesdata,such as points,rebounds,assistances,blocks and so on.The team won champion would be very honored,though the reward is a little worthless.Studying pressure was increasing with the coming of college entrance exmination,but we pesisted in sparing one or two hours playing basketball,as time is limited,we all tried our best to play every match well and reduce faults.At that time ,having no television in classroom,we often went to watch NBA games in a small restaurant,no matter how unpalatable the food is!

Since I came to this university,my field goal percentage became higher and higher,eapecially three-point.I came to relize that team work is very necessary,the important thing is not how many points I gained but the final success.My roommate bought a computer last semester,now I can watch NBA games in our domitory.The NBA star I adore most is Tracy McGrady,he chop 13 points in only 35 seconds in the match with San Antonio Spurs,the god was moved into tears.I duplicated his portrait onto my website.

Choosing basketball,I have no complaint.



It oeswith out saying that work without rest will do harm to health. In other words, we had better take sufficient recreation to relax after work.There is no doubt that there are a number of amusements, such as playing ball games, collecting stamps, fishing, gardening, skating and so on. As for (to) me, I take great delight in gardening. Whenever I am at leisure, I am accustomed to growing flowers. I regard them as my most agreeable companion.


It goes without saying that work without rest will do harm to health. In other words, we had better take sufficient recreation to relax after work.There is no doubt that there are a number of

amusements, such as playing ball games, collecting stamps, fishing, gardening, skating and so on.

As for (to) me, I take great delight in gardening. Whenever I am at leisure, I am accustomed to growing flowers. I regard them as my most agreeable companion.



大学英语四级考前作文预测范文 Aid Education in China

Directions: For this pari, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Aid Education in 中国. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: Aid Education in 中国




Aid Education in 中国

There has been a hot topic recently about college students being encouraged to help children in the poor and remote areas.

Generally aid-education is helpful in two aspects. First of all, it can horizons in poverty-stricken regions. For instance, it is a golden opportunity for volunteers to experience a completely different life. In addition, college students have to adapt themselves to the harsh living conditions, meanwhile they can make friends with the children.

In my view, the future of 中国s education depends on the society, the government and all the citizens. To sum up.we college students should take the initiative in response to the appeal for supplying help to children in poor regions.

手机的利弊 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Mobile Phone

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Mobile Phone 手机的利与弊





然而,无论你喜不喜欢手机,它已经改变了我们的生活,并在人类历史上发挥着重要的作用。 Wherever you are, you can see many people equipped with mobile phones. It seems that the world becomes smaller nowadays. You could be found wherever you are so long as you take the mobile phone with you. Some people wonsider the mobile phone necessary and useful to them, while others may dislike it.

People who like the mobile phone are much more concerned about its advantages. It is convenient, for you can connect others easily and quickly. You don t have to wait for an important call at home all day long. The youth of today send messages, surf on the net, listen to music and even take photos by using the mobile phone. People find it advanced for its attractive functions. In some countries, it even stands for a person s status.

However, some people don t like it. Imagine that you go to spend your holiday with your family after days of busy and tiresome work. When you lay on the beach comfortably, your phone rings. Then you have to go back to your office only to find an unimportant customer waiting for you. At that moment, you may even want to throw your phone away, for you just want to relax and get rid of your work.

However, whether you like the mobile phone or not, it has alresdy affected our lives and played an important role in the history of human beings.


People often say we have entered the electronic age. Computers have become the center of life. No one can live and work without computers. In the future, everyone can work and study at home hefore a PC. There wont be piles of files. Instead, a disc is OK enough.

With the appearance of printers, the pen becomes less useful than before. And since the computer was created, paper is also gradually giving way to the screen, which can show lively moving things from different sides in the same picture. It is true that with the developmem of science, such products as computers and printers will be the major tools in our future life and work.

But the traditional tools will also exist for a long time to supplement the function of the modern ones. At least, we still need pens to sign with and paper to sign on.



Save the Energy Resources(节约能源)

Another round of energy crisis is knocking at the door. In 2004, world oil consumption reached a new record, causing oil price in the international market to skyrocket amazingly.

As for 中国, it was reported that many traditional mineral cities in northeastern 中国 had run into predicament, with their economy collapsed and workers unemployed, only because coal had been mined out.

Fossil energy resources, including coal, oil and gas, are unlike sunlight, water power and wind power which are generated consistently. They’re not practically reproductive during human history. Once consumed, they’re gone forever(能源类话题的经典句子).

If they were to be exhausted before we could find sufficient reproductive resources to replace them with, we’d have to live in entire blackout again like our ancestors have done thousands of years ago. That’s of course not what anyone would want to see.

Due to technical limitations, people still have to utilize these resources now.

As a result, we must economize them most cleverly. New techniques should be developed and applied to reduce energy cost in industry and daily life. Alternative energy should be employed wherever possible. Eradicate any practice that wastes energy.

Humans have overcome so many crises in history, and we’re sure to win this time also.
























