外贸英语 Invitation (邀请函)


Chapter 1 Invitation (邀请函)

Learning objective

1.              Learn how to inform the others of your visiting intention

2.              Master the writing of invitation card and reply card.

3.              Know the designing of the itineraries and programmer list.

In international trading course it is always necessary for the foreign economic and trade cadres and for the business personnel to organize the trade delegations, investigating delegations, marketing and purchasing groups to go abroad for visiting and to meet various foreign organizations coming to China for paying visits. In this way, a series of preparation work must be carried out. A lot of communication tasks must be fulfilled, such as: writing letters or faxing or E-mailing to each other for concrete arranging of the work according to the aims of the visitings.

According to the contents of the letters, faxes and E-mails, there are four contents of invitations to be classified.

1)             Visiting suggestions

  Before paying visits, the units and individuals going abroad must firstly write letters to the other party to state the intention and the purpose of your visit, the composition of your visiting members, the time of your visit, the place to be visited, etc. It is necessary to ask the opposite party to offer invitation to you for your paying visit and to help you to make arrangements and to go to the necessary procedures. If you get the information through the third party and your wish to pay visit, state the source of the relevant information. The letter must be written precisely and politely.  

2)             Invitation letters

After receiving the letter asking for paying visit from the opposite party and in case of your enabling to receiving them, an invitation letter must be sent out. In the invitation letter the receiving party should request the opposite party to acknowledge them the visiting members’ identification, positions, sexes, ages, etc. in order to arrange the accommodation for the visitors and to get visa for them. Definite answers, date of their visiting and the days of their staying must be obtained. The invitation letter may as well be initiatively sent out to you by the opposite party. The purpose of inviting you to pay the visit, the time and the contents of your visit are necessary to be definitely stated in order to attract your interest and to inspire your decision making.

3)             Particular arrangements of the itinerary and programs of the visit

After sending our the invitation letter the reception country should arrange the visiting itinerary according to the information and requirements offered by the visiting country and make clear about their flight number in order to do well the arrangement work of meeting the guests at the airport and of their lodgings. After making up the itinerary and programs of the visit, send it to the opposite country and wait for the reply. In foreign affairs the person in charge of receiving, interviewing, negotiating and entertaining must be ascertained according to the positions of the visitors. The positions of the person in charge of reception should be equal to that of the delegation head’s. Otherwise, it will be impolite and explanation and apology must be made to the delegations.

4)             Letter for expressing thankfulness

After finishing the visit, the relevant leader or a certain individual of the delegation should write a simple and sincere letter to the receiving side to express thankfulness.  

. Informing the Visiting Intention

Dear Sirs,

It’s a great pleasure to announce to you that our President Mr. XX intends to visit Xi’an,China with some of our technical and commercial directors in order to hold business negotiations with you about the San Men Xia Water Conservancy Project and of course to carry out the on-the-spot investigation with your technical and commercial directors and concerned personnel.

We would like to visit Xi’an in October this year. We should very appreciate it if you would furnish us with your invitation letter, with which we can apply for the entry visa at the Chinese Embassy or Chinese Consulate.

                                                          Faithfully yours,

一、     通知访问意向



Words and Expressions

1.              director 指导者,处长,署长,主任,总监,理事,董事

2.              commercial director 商务总监,商务经理

3.              technical director 技术总监,技术经理

4.              water conservancy project 水利工程项目

5.              on-the-spot 当场,现场

6.              concerned 有关的

7.              personnel 全体人员(集合名词),人事(部门)

8.              entry visa 入境签证

9.              Chinese Embassy 中国大使馆

10.       Chinese Consulate 中国领事馆


1.              一般一方接到另一方邀请函才可以申请签证。邀请信可以由邀请方主动发给受邀方,邀请对方来参观访问。但想访问他国的国家也可以自己提出访问要求,并要求对方发出邀请信。

2.              大使馆和领事馆




. Sending the Invitation Letter

Dear Sirs,

We have the great pleasure to learn your intention to visit Xi’an in October this year. It will be a great honor for us to negotiate face to face with you about the San Men Xia Water Conservancy Project. We believe that the cooperation of our two Companies would be developed rapidly in the near future. We enclose herewith our invitation letter. We would be very much obliged if you would send us a list of the composition of your delegation and inform us your view on the timing of the visit, together with indication of what you would like to see and to do in Xi’an in order that we can make specific arrangement for your delegation.

We are expecting your arrival.

                                                            Truly yours,

二、     寄送邀请函


. Sending the Delegation Composition List

Dear Sirs,

We shall be leaving Tokyo on 10th October, subject to the issuing of the visa. We propose to stay in Xi’an for four days, and send you here a list of our delegation composition in order you can arrange the accommodation for us.

Should time be sufficient, we would like to visit “The Museum of Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Dynasty in Lintong and the Famen Temple”.

In addition, we would like to mention that all the members of our delegation have not any special dietary requirements.

Thank you for your cooperation.




. Itineraries and Programs

. Invitation Card


S.V.P=(=Répondez s'il vous plaît) 请答复

Accepting with pleasure:




Example :


兹定于九月二十九日(星期六)下午四时在纽约XX教堂为小女伊丽莎白.史密斯与约翰. 汉密尔顿先生举行婚礼,届时恭请光临。


Mr. and Mrs. John Smith

Request the honor of the presence of

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown

At the marriage of their daughter

Elizabeth Smith to Mr. John Hamilton

On Saturday, Sept 29th

At 4 p.m.

In XX Church New York


这是一张正式的英文结婚请柬,格式采用固定的分行式。在内容安排上按照“邀请者 被邀请者 邀请之意 活动内容 时间 地点”这样的先后顺序。汉语的顺序是“活动时间 活动地点 活动内容 邀请之意 邀请者的姓名”,邀请者的姓名应写在右下角,与正文分开。无论是英语请柬还是汉语请柬,在语言上的要求是一致的,都须简洁明了,措辞庄重、文雅,比如,原请柬中为表达邀请之意所用的是“request the honor of the presence of”,翻译时用“恭请光临”与之对应。此外,译文的开头用了“兹定于”,结尾处用“谨订”,这样的用词都体现了请柬正式的文体。但有两点不同:第一,英文请柬从头至尾都采用第三人称,译成中文时,一般应改用第一人称,如:“the marriage of their daughter”译成“为小女”;第二,英文请柬中星期应写在日期之前,译成汉语时,星期应写在日期后面的括号内。

Sentences for Doing English-Chinese and Chinese-English Translating Practices:

1. 请允许我代表我们公司举杯祝酒,能请贵方前来做客真使我们无比高兴。

2. 可以预见,通过我们的共同努力,新合同的签订一定能促进我们之间的业务关系。

3. 让我们为将来取得更大的贸易经济交流而干杯。

4. 我们现已返回纽约。在此我代表我本人,也为整个代表团在西安访问期间贵方给予我们的款待向您,并通过您向贵公司其他领导致以衷心的感谢。

5. 非常感谢你下周六下午6:00在XX饭店晚餐的邀请,但因有他约在先,本人无法参加,甚为抱歉。

6. 衷心祝贺您得到晋升。

7. 祝您康复,愿这些鲜花使您愉快。

8. 我们总经理这次出访斯德哥尔摩的目的是收集工业方面最新发展的情况,并探索生产与经营XX设备方面贵我双方进行合作的可能性。

9.  20##年国际博览会组委会特邀贵公司到会洽谈贸易,并达成交易。

10. 如贵公司愿与我公司就发展交换计划的可能进行探讨,并向我公司推荐访问学者在学术研究方面进行合作,我公司将非常欢迎贵公司来访。

11. 我公司与贵公司在贸易计划方面有了开端,深感荣幸,我公司热切盼望继续加强这种关系。

12. 如蒙贵公司对我公司总裁XXX先生在他访问期间以及在有关贸易计划的商讨中给予协助,我方将不胜感激。

I. Design an invitation card.




II. Choose the correct answers.

1. We hope you will be pleased with our selection and _____ order of yours will lead to further business with us.

A.       that this                          B.     that those

C.       a                                               D.     it

2. Mr. John Brown, your Import Manager, wrote us last week that our price was_____ and asked us to secure supplies the earliest possible.

A.       fortunate                                 B.     impossible

C.       acceptable                          D.     managerial

3. CIF is a price term, meaning the price includes the cost of goods and the insurance and____ for carrying the goods up to the destination.

A.       freight                               B.     foreign           

C.       friendly                                   D.     forwarding

4. An agreement is ____ as a result of the process of offer and acceptance.

A.       included                          B.     resulted               

C.       reached                               D.     had

5. We have pleasure in enclosing a copy of our latest catalogue_____ for in your letter.

A.       asked                                    B.     asks                     

C.       ask                                    D.     asking

6. We regret to inform you that we do not have in stock the goods in the ____ quantity.

A.       desiring                    B.     desired                 

C.       desires                                D.     desire

7. We regret having received your offer too late, because we_____ our needs elsewhere.

A.       have already cover                          B.     already covered  

C.       already covered                            D.     had already covered

8. As said on the telephone this morning, we are sending you by separate airmail the samples, _____ you will find them satisfactory.

A.       to hope                              B.     hopefully             

C.       hoping                               D.     hope

9. If we had been informed in time, we _____ these products for you.

A.       would have reserved                  B.     had reserved

C.       would reserve           D.     will reserve

10. Naturally, a successful and attractive company profile sheet can elicit direct orders _____ requests for more detailed information.

A.       as well                              B.     good                    

C.       as well as                              D.     as good as






invitation letter邀请函 外贸客户邀请函


官方正式外贸邀请函范本(invitation letter)--外商来华








外贸5 种常见的英语邀请函









