

TPO 15综合写作

Generally, contrary to the belief in the reading passage that there are several ways can effectively pretend the spread of the cane toad in Australia, the professor asserts that none of these methods can get rid of it, besides, those may even cause the ecological damage in certain area. The lecture completely refutes the reading passage.

First of all, the writer presents an idea that the build of national fence may work. In contrast, the professor believes that the fence cannot effectively stop the toads from spreading. In order to prove this point, some details are provided by her that the young toads as well as the eggs of the toads are always inhabit nearby the stream, so the stream can carry them to the other sides. This contradicts what the reading passage indicates.

Besides, the listening material refutes the viewpoint showed in the passage that the toads can captured by the volunteers, and the eggs even easier to be captured and destroyed, by saying that the untrained volunteer are at high possibility to destroyed cause the decline of the native frogs, some of which are even endangered. She argues that the native frogs' eggs are hard to distinguish with the eggs of toads. This is another part where the lecture casts doubt on the reading.

Finally, the reading makes the point that the scientists have made the medicine so-called disease-causing virus to control the cane toad populations. On the contrary, the speaker holds a different point of view by saying that the toads toad terrible effect the ecological balance. Specifically, the lecturer states that the virus may cause the moving of the cane toad, which may carry the virus, to the other countries, in the end, destroy the ecosystem. The two ideas are just contradictory to each other.


第一篇:A Warm-Blooded Turtle(TPO15) physiology [,phys·i'ol·o·gy || ?f?z?'ɑl?d?? /-'?l?-] n. 生理学

chilly [chill·y || 't??l?]

adj. 寒冷的, 不友好的, 冷淡的

reptile ['rep·tile || 'reptl /-ta?l]

n. 爬虫动物, 卑鄙的人, 爬虫

contradiction [,con·tra'dic·tion || ?kɑntr?'d?k?n /'k?n-] n. 矛盾; 反驳; 否认; 抵触

feat [f??t]

n. 壮举, 技艺表演, 功绩

generate [gen·er·ate || 'd?en?re?t]

v. 产生, 导致, 发生

internal [in·ter·nal || ?n't?rnl /-'t??nl]

n. 本质, 本性; 内部器官, 内脏

adj. 内在的; 国内的

cellular [cel·lu·lar || 'selj?l?]

adj. 细胞的

metabolism [me·tab·o·lism || m?'t?b?l?zm] n. 新陈代谢, 变形

muscle [mus·cle || 'm?sl]

n. 肌肉, 臂力

v. 使劲行进

ratio [ra·ti·o || 're???? /-????]

n. 比, 比率

ounce [a?ns]

n. 盎司, 英两; 一点点, 少量; 液盎司#雪豹 proportionately [pr?'p?r?n?tl? /-'p???-]

adv. 相称地; 成比例地

sheer [??r /???]

n. 偏航; 弦弧; 转向; 脊弧

v. 偏航; 急转向; 使偏航; 使急转向

adj. 全然的; 绝对的; 纯粹的

adv. 全然, 十足地; 垂直地; 陡峭地

bask [bɑ?sk]

v. 晒太阳; 愉快或舒适; 感到温暖

flipper [flip·per || 'fl?p?(r)]

n. 鳍状肢; 蛙鞋; 脚蹼; 手

aerodynamic [aer·o·dy·nam·ic || ?e?r??da?'n?m?k] adj. 空气动力学的

fatty ['fat·ty || 'f?t?]

adj. 脂肪的; 脂肪状的; 含脂肪的

fibrous ['fi·brous || 'fa?br?s]

adj. 纤维的; 纤维构成的; 纤维状的

blubber [blub·ber || 'bl?b?]

n. 啜泣, 哽咽#鲸脂; 鲸油

v. 哽咽; 哭诉

adj. 肿大的; 肥厚的

layer [lay·er || 'le??(r)]

n. 层; 地层; 阶层; 铺设者

v. 分层堆积, 压植; 以压条法繁殖

equivalent [e'quiv·a·lent || -nt]

n. 同等物, 相等物, 等价物

adj. 相等的; 同意义的; 相当的

beneath [be·neath || b?'ni?θ]

adv. 在...之下

comparatively [com·par·ative·ly || k?m'p?r?t?vl?] adv. 比较地; 相当地

compromise [com·pro·mise || 'k?mpr?ma?z] n. 妥协, 折衷案, 折衷

v. 互让解决; 放弃; 连累, 危及; 泄露; 妥协, 让步 vessel [ves·sel || 'vesl]

n. 船, 脉管, 容器


n. 逆流; 逆电流

steam [st??m]

n. 蒸气, 精力

v. 蒸发, 发怒, 行驶; 蒸, 散发, 煮

radiator ['ra·di·a·tor || 're?d?e?t?(r)]

n. 暖房装置, 散热器; 辐射体; 冷却器; 发射天线

pipe [pa?p]

n. 管; 烟斗, 抽烟的管子; 导管, 气管; 笛子; 口哨; 口哨的声音, 嘟嘟声; 指导操作系统引导一个程序输出到另一个程序输入的符号 (计算机用语)

v. 以管输送, 吹哨子; 吹笛, 尖叫

coil [k??l]

n. 卷, 圈; 线圈, 绕组; 匝#子宫节育环

v. 卷, 盘绕; 把...卷成圈; 成圈状; 盘绕

arrangement [ar'range·ment || -m?nt]

n. 安排; 约定, 非正式协议; 准备工作; 调停

gull [g?l]

n. 鸥, 海鸥#易受骗的人

v. 欺骗

floe [fl??]

n. 大浮冰

course [k??s]

n. 路线; 过程; 方向; 进程, 课程

v. 追猎; 使奔跑; 追逐; 流动; 追猎

conserve [con·serve || k?n's??v]

v. 保存; 保藏

insulation [in·su·la·tion || '?ns?'le??n /-sj?l-]

n. 隔离; 绝缘; 孤立

switch [sw?t?]

n. 开关, 转换; 电闸; 打击; 替代, 替代品;

v. 转换, 转变; 转换, 摆动, 变换

immense [im·mense || ?'mens]

adj. 极广大的; 非常好的; 无边的


n. 人工孵化之鱼苗或小鸟

In a countercurrent exchange system, the blood vessels carrying cooled blood from the flippers run close enough to the blood vessels carrying warm blood from the body to pick up some heat from the warmer blood vessels; thus, the heat is transferred from the outgoing to the ingoing vessels before it reaches the flipper itself.

In a turtle’s countercurrent exchanges system. Outgoing vessels lie near enough to ingoing ones that near enough to ingoing ones that heat can be exchanged from the former to the latter before reaching the turtle’s flippers.

第二篇:Mass Extinctions(TPO15)

cretaceous [cre·ta·ceous || kr?'te???s]

adj. 白垩的; 含白垩的


adj. 二叠纪的 Triassic 三叠纪

perish [per·ish || 'per??]

v. 毁灭, 腐烂, 死亡; 毁坏, 使麻木

organism [or·gan·ism || '?rg?n?zm /'??g-]

n. 生物, 社会组织, 有机体

fierce [f?rs /f??s]

adj. 凶猛的; 热烈的; 猛烈的

species [spe·cies || 'sp?????z ,-s-]

n. 种类; 形式; 种; 人类

destruction [de'struc·tion || -k?n]

n. 破坏; 毁灭

episode [ep·i·sode || 'ep?s??d]

n. 插曲, 有趣的事件, 插话

periodically ['p?r?'ɑd?kl? /'p??r?'?d-]

adv. 周期性地; 偶尔; 定期地


n. 菊石 鹦鹉螺化石

companion [com·pan·ion || k?m'p?nj?n]

n. 同伴, 伴侣; 看护妇; 朋友#成对的物件之一

deflect [de·flect || d?'flekt]

v. 使偏斜; 使转向; 偏斜; 转向

orbit [or·bit || '?rb?t /'??b-]

n. 轨道, 眼眶, 常轨

v. 绕...轨道而行; 进入轨道, 盘旋, 沿轨道飞行

meteor [me·te·or || 'm??t??(r)]

n. 流星; 大气现象

devastation [dev·as·ta·tion || ?dev?'ste??n]

n. 蹂躏; 荒废

recurrent [recur·rent || r?'k?r?nt /-k?r-]

adj. 一再发生的; 周期性的; 定期重复的

recur [re·cur || r?'k?r /-'k??]

v. 再发生, 复发; 被重新提出, 重提; 再现, 重新忆起; 循环, 递归 companion [com·pan·ion || k?m'p?nj?n]

n. 同伴, 伴侣; 看护妇; 朋友#成对的物件之一

account for

说明; 对...负有责任; 证明


asteroid [as·ter·oid || '?st?r??d]

n. 小行星, 小游星; 海星

collide [col·lide || k?'la?d]

v. 碰撞, 抵触, 互撞

diameter [di·am·e·ter || da?'?m?t?]

n. 直径

collision [col·li·sion || k?'l??n]

n. 碰撞, 抵触, 冲突

particle [par·ti·cle || 'pɑrt?kl /'pɑ?t-]

n. 粒子, 极小量, 点

photosynthesis ['f??t??'s?nθ?s?s]

n. 光合作用

herbivore [her·bi·vore || 'h?rb?v?r /'h??b?v??]

n. 草食动物

carnivore [car·ni·vore || 'kɑ?n?v??]

n. 食肉动物; 食虫植物

presence [pres·ence || 'prezns]

n. 出席, 存在, 到场

element [el·e·ment || 'el?m?nt]

n. 成分; 要素; 分子

iridium [i·rid·i·um || a?'r?d??m ,?'r-]

n. 铱, 白金、铂类的金属元素; (无线通讯用语) 可以使手提电话在全世界任何地方使用的现代卫星通讯系统

debris [de·bris || 'de?bri?]

n. 碎片; 残骸

presumably [pr?'zu?m?bl? /-'zju-]

adv. 推测上, 大概, 假定上

globe [gl??b]

n. 球; 地球仪; 球状物; 地球

sedimentary [sed·i·men·ta·ry || ?sed?'ment?r? /-tr?]

adj. 沉积的; 沉淀性的

abundance [a·bun·dance || ?'b?nd?ns]

n. 丰富; 充足; 充裕

precisely [pre'cise·ly || pr?'sa?sl?]

adv. 精确地, 准确地; 严格地, 一丝不苟地; 清晰地, 明确地; 刻板地, 过分拘泥细节地 disintegrate [dis·in·te·grate || d?s'?nt?gre?t]

v. 碎裂; 蜕变; 瓦解, 崩溃; 衰变; 分解; 碎裂

immense [im·mense || ?'mens]

adj. 极广大的; 非常好的; 无边的

intense [in·tense || ?n'tens]

adj. 非常的, 紧张的, 强烈的

quartz [kw?rts /kw??ts]

n. 石英

primary [pri·ma·ry || 'pra?m?r?]

n. 居首位的事物; 候选人选拔会; 原色; 初选

adj. 主要的, 根本的, 初期的

crater [cra·ter || 'kre?t?]

n. 火山口, 弹坑, 喷火口

American paleontologists David Raup and John Sepkoski, who have studied extinction rates in a number of fossil groups, suggest that episodes of increased extinction have recurred periodically, approximately every 26 million years since the mid-Cretaceous period.

Based on the studies of extinction rates of numerous fossil groups, paleontologists David Raup and John Sepkoski have determined that mass extinctions occur about every 26 million years.

第三篇:Glacier Formation

mass [m?s]

n. 块; 质量; 大多数

v. 使集合, 集中; 聚集

adj. 群众的; 集中的; 大规模的

melt [melt]

v. 融化; 溶化; 熔化; 溶解; 使融化; 使溶解; 使熔化; 使软化

hexagonal [hek's?g?nl]

adj. 六角形的; 六边形的

crystal ['kr?stl]

n. 水晶, 结晶, 水晶装饰品

grain [gre?n]

n. 谷物; 谷粒; 谷类

v. 使成粒状; 对粒面进行处理; 使深深渗入; 成粒状, 结晶


n. 压紧; 紧束之状态

dense [dens]

adj. 密集的; 浓厚的

lessen ['lesn]

v. 减少, 减轻, 缩小; 变小, 变少; 减轻

wet sugar 未经加工的糖

granular ['gr?nj?l?(r) /-j?-]

adj. 由小粒而成的; 粒状的

intermediate [??nt?(r)'m??d?e?td]

n. 中间物, 调停者

v. 作中间人; 干预

adj. 中间的, 中级的

flake [fle?k]

n. 小薄片; 玉米片; 扁薄的一层; 火星, 火花#一卷绳索 v. 使成薄片; 像雪花般覆盖; 入睡; 离开; 昏倒; 消失 plastic ['pl?st?k]

n. 塑胶; 信用卡; 塑胶制品

adj. 塑胶的, 有可塑性的, 塑造的

accumulation [??kju?mj?'le??n]

n. 堆积; 积聚; 累积物; 堆积物

climatic [kla?'m?t?k]

adj. 气候上的

precipitation [pr??s?p?'te??n]

n. 猛然落下; 急躁; 猛冲; 鲁莽

exceed [?k'si?d]

v. 超过, 胜过, 超越

annual ['?nj??l]

n. 年鉴, 年刊; 一年生植物

adj. 每年的; 一年一次的; 一年生的

calve [kɑ?v]

v. 生小牛; 崩解; 产犊; 生; 使崩解; 产

chunk [t??nk]

n. 大块; 矮胖的人或物

classified ['kl?s?fa?d]

adj. 分类的, 被指定为机密的, 类别的


adj. 泰然自若的; 被控制的; 从容的

deceive [d?'si?v]=mislead

v. 欺骗, 蒙蔽; 哄骗做; 欺诈, 行骗


n. 南极洲

awesome ['??s?m]

adj. 引起敬畏的, 可怕的


adj. 假设的, 假定的

basic ['be?s?k]

adj. 基本的; 碱性的

static ['st?t?k]=unchanging

adj. 静的; 静力的; 静态的; 静止的

elevation [?el?'ve??n]

n. 海拔, 提高; 标高

continent ['kɑntn?nt /'k?nt?n?nt]

n. 大陆, 陆地; 欧洲大陆; 大洲

Glaciers move slowly across the land with tremendous energy, carving into even the

hardest rock formations and thereby reshaping the landscape as they engulf, push, drag, and finally deposit rock debris in places far from its original location.

Glacier reshape the landscape by carving into rock and transporting the resulting debris to distant locations.
























