



其实我比较想说的是这一部分:如何修改写出来的Essay。毕竟一直在做这个事情,所以观点可能更加Original。以下说明的问题不代表自己看过的文章中的缺点,有些只是顺便提提而已呵呵。所举的例证也无针对性,不少是我自己编的。。。 首先是修改的必要性。有人说自己改Essay并不多,一气呵成,然后放个两个星期,再改一遍就可以提交了。这是每个人特有的方法,如果有效当然没问题。但我觉得绝大多数人的Essay还是需要经过一个反复修改润色的过程。许多有成功经历的同学自言主要Essay都改过十几稿几十稿,的确说明了这个问题。有道是文章越改越好,所以还是不要偷懒,尽量把文章多改几遍,才能有新的语言和新的思想。先插一句,修改的时候还是可以把原稿保存,复制一遍贴在下面改。因为谁都不知道原来版本中有什么东西是值得保留的。如果一时心热直接在原稿上动工之后发现还有一些地方其实原来写的反而好些,那么就十分可惜了。 下面谈一下Essay中常见的各种问题,也就是可以修改的方向。



3.语法。语法是国内的应试英语角语十分强调的内容,结果有些同学考试英语在校考试成绩很好,写起文章却错误很多。在此建议在修改时睁大眼睛,仔细地寻找可能出错的地方,就像训练做SAT WR部分选择题一样。通常错误也就那么几类,一般是时态,动词第三人称,Run-On Sentence,前后主谓一致性,无主语等等。特别强调一下似乎不少人都不怎么使用完成时态,这一点不太好。因为很多时候现在完成时和过去完成时是很重要的。


5.用词。有些同学 喜欢先想出汉语,然后翻译成英语。结果一旦不会翻译就求助于Baidu或者汉英词典。后果之一就是文章中有时会出现一些生僻词,但用法其实不对。解决方法就是谨慎用词。或者使用一个拿不准的词前找英语好的人,比如老师或者Native Speaker看看行不行。还有一个问题就是词汇的多样性,这一点也要注意。永远要把相同的两个词之间的“距离”拉得越长越好。



8.学术性。不可否认有些时候一些比较学术的东西可能会在Essay中出现。对某专业的热爱有时还会成为主题。这时要尽可能低估AO 的智商—这样没有坏处。AO不是专业人员,也不是某领域的教授。所以在心中要把他们和劳苦大众划等号,用尽可能通俗的语言把要说的陈述出来。还有,不要为了展现所谓的思想而“炫耀”自己。(这点不少书都说过)现在这个年龄的人不可能有多少成熟完备的思想。展现自己的动力,热情和兴趣反而更加有效。与其大书特书在某领域的不成熟的见解或者已经取得的“光辉耀眼”的成绩,不如给AO展现自己能在今后继续奋斗或思考下去的可能。


10. 最后说一个最让人头疼的问题:Essay字数。不少同学落笔万言,结果发现大大超出了学校字数要求。首先强调一下,字数的限制一定要遵守!不要做不听话的孩子。这可是很严


A.把不太相关的东西删掉。比如一些多余的细节,一些铺垫性的语句,一些用来烘托气氛的用此,一些用来调侃的情节等等,都要坚决地删。很多同学喜欢写一些有趣的细节或者故事来给文章增色,比如“我小时候。。。” “当我8岁时。。。”“我曾经天真地以为。。。” 其实它们都可以更加简单。


C.不要重复。有时候一些些同学喜欢重复一些词汇或者语句来进行强调,比如说“Blah Blah Blah is really important, meaningful and significant.”,或者“Blah Blah Blah gives me an impressive lesson. It has influenced me a lot. It also has totally changed my life. It 这很显然就要删掉重复的部分,把它们弄简洁。





第二篇:Business essay

GAC022 Assessment Event 2: Written Report

Marketing a Local Brand


Student’s Name: Qu Shengdi (Sandy)

Student ID: NFLS17927

Teacher: Chunhong Qi

Due Date: 10 Feb. 2012

Word Count: 1013

GAC012 AE#2 Qu Shengdi(Sandy) Table of Contents

Executive Summary

1.0 Introduction

1.1 The objectives of the research

1.2 The local brand which will be marketed overseas

1.3 Background knowledge

2.0 Methods

2.1 Data collection methods

2.2 How data achieved the purpose of the research 3.0 Findings

3.1 PEST analysis on Russia and Brazil

3.2 How Unilevel markets its brands in Russia and Brazil 4.0 Discussion

4.1 Interpretation of findings in light of thesis statement

4.2 Effectiveness of the research

5.0 Conclusions and Recommendation

5.1Decisions on which country to market soybean milk

5.2Action that should be taken

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GAC012 AE#2 Qu Shengdi(Sandy) NFLS17927 Executive Summary

The purpose of the research was to determine whether to market textiles in Russia or Brazil. All the information and data was collected online and by interviews. The textiles should be promoted in Russia since it has more advantages there.

1.0 Introduction

1.1 The objectives of the research

The purpose of the research is to determine which country is more suitable for promotion of Fuanna Textiles.

1.2 The local brand which will be marketed overseas

The brand I will market in foreign countries is Fuanna Textiles. Originally, it was a textiles shop in Shenzhen. Nowadays, it is popular in many province of China. The brand only sells the beddings. I choose this brand since I think the development of Russia in heavy industry is very high while the textile industry is weak, so the Russians would like to have more chooses of bedding. In addition, China is near Russia, which makes it easy to sell the brand and do market researches there.

1.3 Background knowledge

Two business concepts will be applied in the research process and evaluation of results: foreign market entry modes and PEST analysis. Market entry modes are approaches

companies use to enter a new international market, including exporting, licensing, joint

venture, foreign direct investment and the Internet. PEST analysis is a tool to examine four aspects of international market, including political, economic, social-cultural, and

technological factors. In mainland China, Yonghe soybean milk’s distribution mode is

licensing. The brand is most likely to be marketed in Russia. The technological factors should be most essential in decision-making since soybean milk’s freshness needed to be retained with technology.

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GAC012 AE#2 Qu Shengdi(Sandy) NFLS17927 2.0 Methods

2.1 Data collection methods

All data can be collected by searching information on appropriate websites.

2.2 How data achieved the purpose of research

Relevant data about political, economical, social-cultural and technological factors in Russian and Brazil will be downloaded from the Internet. These data is helpful in comparing two countries’ external environment. The manager can provide most updated information about diverse market. In addition, the data offered is accurate, and it will increase the validity of the conclusion. Then data can be evaluated to determine the better market for Fuanna Textiles.

3.0 Findings

3.1 PEST analysis on Russia and Brazil

Recent years, the government of Russia sets many restrictions importing in order to prevent negative effects foreign companies have on local economics. Recently, Russian’s economic growth is positive in all areas. Although high, inflation rate continued to decline these years. The only problem in Russian economics is high taxation. Many local corporations seek illegal ways to avoid the tax. Russian information technology is advanced in the world.

Brazil is one of the countries which have heaviest taxation in South America. There are 58 kinds of taxation in Brazil. The services sector is the main dynamic of economic growth. Inflation rate and the employment situation remain stable.

3.2 How Unilevel markets its brands in Russia and Brazil

In Russia, Unilever uses foreign direct investment in Russian market. It has acquired 82% of the stock in leading Russian beauty company Kalina. Unilevel plans to invest up to € 50 millions in agriculture in Russia’s Tula region by 2014 since it can agricultural production is related to company’s profits. It can also contribute to economic development and employment rate of the region. Russian Unilevel is considered the best employer among students of some Russian universities. It not only promotes its brand, but also holds social responsibility in Russia. Unilever also uses foreign direct investment in Brazil. Brazilian Unilever abides labor 10/02/2012 page3

GAC012 AE#2 Qu Shengdi(Sandy) NFLS17927 laws and accepts labor unions.

4.0 Discussion

4.1 Interpretation of findings in light of thesis statement:

The common disadvantage of both Russian and Brazil are the high taxation and the restriction of foreign companies and staff. Although the technology in Russia is a leading position in the world, the textile industry in Russia is backward around the world. On the other hands, to compare with the taxation in both Russia and Brazil, the taxation in Brazil is heavier than Russia. Furthermore, because of the lower level of education in Brazil, the government of Brazil is committing to educate highly qualified talents.

4.2 Effectiveness of the research

PEST analysis of Russia and Brazil can provide comprehensive analysis of whole markets in these two countries, but the sources are limited sometimes, so some detail information may not able to find in the websites.

5.0 Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Decisions on which country to market beddings

Russia will be the chosen place to market beddings. First of all, Russia is the textile industry in Russia is backward around the world; the government takes more care about the technology. The quantity demanded in Russia is much larger than that in Brazil. In addition, although the taxation in Russia is very high and the programs of import are very rigorous, the whole cost is much lower than that in Brazil.

5.2 Actions that should be taken

The company should add more series of beddings so that people would have more choose for their beddings. We can add some beddings for gift boxes as well and that will be a good gift for the buyers.

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GAC012 AE#2 Qu Shengdi(Sandy) NFLS17927 References

Russia (2012), Wikipedia [online]. Available at: /wiki/Russia

Brazil (2012), Wikipedia [online]. Available at:

Riley, G. (2006), As Markets and Market Systems, Eton College [online]. Available at:

[Accessed 6 October 2011]

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