



1. 托业口语和写作考试在中国什么时候开始实施?


2. 托业口语和写作考试在哪些城市有考点?

答:中国大陆将有三个城市于20xx年12月首次实施托业口语和写作考试:北京、上海 、广州。具体时间将于近期公布,敬请关注托业中文官方网站。


答:考试方式主要基于互联网实现。通过在线测评及线上评分机制(iBT),有效地、 标准化地、公正地考察考生的口语与写作能力。

4. 托业口语和写作考试的费用是多少?


5. 托业口语和写作考试的内容如何?

答:口语考试:考试的题目分6大类型,前4个类型的题目(1-9题)的分数范围在0- 3分之间,后2类题目(10-11题)的分数范围在0-5分之间。初始评分将被转换为最终 的成绩0-200分。口语考试对考生能力的测评范围主要包括:发音、音调、语法、词汇 连贯性和内容完整性。测试大致20分钟,包含11个问题,请参考下表:


题目 内容 评估标准 测评标准

1-2 朗读 A发音B语调及重音 0-3分

3 图片叙述 A同上B语法C词汇D流畅度 0-3分

4-6 回答问题 A同上B上下文联系C回答完整性 0-3分

7-9 使用得到的信息回答问题 同上 0-3分

10 提供解决方案 同上 0-5分

11 表达一个观点 同上 0-5分

写作考试:TOEIC(托业)写作考试测评应试者的英语写作能力,通过ETS在线测评系 统实现。回答将全部通过ETS在测评系统由ETS 授权的考官进行评分。写作考试涵括 3种类型的考题,第一种类型(1-5题)的分数范围在0-3分,第二种类型(6-7题)的 分数范围为0-4分,最后一种类型(第8题)的分数范围为0-5分。初始评分将被转换 为最终的成绩0-200分。

评分者主要根据文章的整体结构,语法和词汇准确性进行评分.测试大致共60分钟,包 含8个问题。请参考下表:


题目 内容 评估标准 测评标准

1-5 根据图片造句 A语法B使用正确语句描述图片 0-3分

6-7 回答问题 A使用正确及复杂的语句B词汇C语句组织能力 0-4分 8 议论文 A提供正确的观点和案例支持论证B词汇C语句组织能力 0-5分

6. 托业口语和写作考试只涉及商业语境吗?

答:托业口语和写作考试测量考生整体的英语水平,重点涉及与工作和商业相关的场 景。托业考试(包括听力和阅读考试以及口语和写作考试)测评员工在国际工作环境 下使用英语进行交流的能力。考试内容涵盖了在工作相关的场景和日常活动中需要完 成的任务。托业的听力和阅读考试以及口语和写作考试都不要求考生具备专业的商务 知识或经验。

7.口语考试的一项评分标准是发音。我们知道,不会给交流造成障碍的发音就可以 算合格的发音。可以详细解释一下吗?

答:我们不要求考生,甚至包括最高水平的考生,向英语为母语的人的口音看齐。只 要考生的发音或口音不影响交流,比如两个母语不同的人可以用英语进行有效的沟通 ,他的成绩就不会受到影响。

8.如果一个考生在规定时间内不能把他/她想说的话完全记录下来,这会影响他/她 的成绩吗?

答:口语考试评分依据几项标准。内容只是其中的一项。所记录内容不同,成绩也会 不同。只要所录回答涵盖了评分标准所规定的全部内容,回答就被视作完整。

9.ETS建议考生达到什么样的打字速度,才能使考试成绩不受打字技巧的影响呢?对 于那些不习惯于打字的考生来说,如何才能保证考试的公正性?

答:托业写作考试考察的是考生的英语写作能力,并非打字能力。在设计考试时,我 们充分考虑了不同打字速度的考生的需求,使他们有足够的时间来完成所有的考题。 ETS相信所有的考生都会有足够的时间来完成考试,所以不给出每分钟打字字数的建 议。

ETS即将推出托业口语和写作考试的网上模拟测试,请考生随时关注托业中文官方网 站。

10.考生须既参加口语又参加写作考试,这是因为这两项考试相互关联吗?换句话说 ,口语考试的成绩与写作考试的成绩会相互影响吗?

答:口语考试和写作考试是单独的考试。因此考试成绩是相互独立的。ETS鼓励采用 托业成绩的机构和考生从全部四项语言技能上评价英语水平,对考生的英语能力作全 面的了解。


答:我们在划分英语能力等级时并没有特意定下具体的数目。当我们开始分析研究数 据时,首先尝试恰到好处地划分不同等级之间的界线──避免各个等级,尤其是相临 的两个等级之间不出现重叠或描述相左的现象。我们的目的是划分出尽可能多的等级 ,而研究数据表明,考生在口语考试中的表现可以划分为8个等级,在写作考试中的 表现则可以划分为9个等级。对每个等级的英语能力描述可以准确地说明属于相应等 级的考生的特点。

12.一份试卷会由几位评分员评阅?评分员会同时参与口语和写作考试的阅卷工作吗 ?

答:考生的试卷将由多位评分员进行评阅,以保证评审的公正性。评分员只能参与其 中一项考试的阅卷工作。








答:考生可以根据企业要求和自身情况选择参加托业听力和阅读考试或口语和写作考 试。

17.在增加口语和写作部分之后,参加托业考试的考生会有4个不同的分数。ETS计划 根据考生4部分分数总和再另外设定一个分数计算标准吗?

答: ETS没有这样的计划。为了准确地了解考生的四项语言技能,须将四部分的分数 分开来看。






A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.


 New factories often bring many good things to a community, such as jobs and increased prosperity. However, in my opinion, the benefits of having a factory are outweighed by the risks. That is why I oppose the plan to build a factory near my community. 

  I believe that this city would be harmed by a large factory. In particular, a factory would destroy the quality of the air and water in town. Factories bring smog and pollution. In the long run, the environment will be hurt and people's health will be affected. Having a factory is not worth that rise. 

  Of course, more jobs will be created by the factory. Our population will grow. To accommodate more workers, more homes and stores will be needed. Do we really want this much growth, so fast? If our town is going in growth, I would prefer slow growth with good planning. I don't want to see rows of cheaply constructed townhouses. Our quality of life must be considered. 

  I believe that this growth will change our city too much. I love my hometown because it is a safe, small town. It is also easy to travel here. If we must expand to hold new citizens, the small-town feel will be gone. I mould miss that greatly.

  A factory would be helpful in some ways. However, I feel that the dangers are greater than the benefits. I cannot support a plan to build a factory here, and hope that others feel the same way. 

  6. MA If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer. 

  If I could change one thing about my hometown, I think it would be the fact that there's no sense of community here. People don't feel connected, they don't look out for each other, and they don't get to know their neighbors. 

  People come and go a lot here. They change jobs frequently and move on. This means that they don't put down roots in the community. They don't join community organizations and they're not willing to get involved in trying to improve the quality of life. If someone has a petition to put in a new street light, she has a very hard time getting a lot of people to sign. They don't feel it has anything to do with them. They don't get involved in improving the schools because they don't think the quality of education is important to their lives. They don't see the connection between themselves and the rest of their community. 

  People don't try to support others around them. They don't keep a friendly eyes on their children, or check in on older folks if they don't see them for a few days. They're not aware when people around them may be going through a hard time. For example, they may not know if a neighbor loses a loved one. There's not a lot of community support for individuals. 

  Neighbors don't get to know each other. Again, this is because people come and go within a few years. So when neighbors go on vacation, no one is keeping an eye on their house. No one is making sure nothing suspicious is going on there, like lights in the middle of the night. When neighbors' children are cutting across someone's lawn on their bikes, there's no friendly way of casually mentioning the problem. People immediately act as if it's a major property disagreement. 

  My hometown is a nice place to live in many ways, but it would be much nice if we had that sense of community. 

  7 How do movies or television influence people's behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer. 

  Do movies and television affect our behavior? A special concern is whether movies and television make children and society more violent. I believe that movies and television do influence our behavior, both for the better and for the worse. 

  Movies do make people more violent. The more we see violent acts on television, the less sensitive we become to them. Eventually violence doesn't seem wrong .we may even commit violent acts ourselves. This is especially true because we don't always realize that violence has consequences. Actors can be killed and come back for another movie. Sometimes we confuse that with reality. We forget that killing someone is permanent.


  People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 


  People attend colleges or universities for a lot of different reasons. I believe that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to increase their knowledge of themselves and the world around them.

  Career preparation is becoming more and more important to young people. For many, this is the primary reason to go to college, They know that the job market is competitive. At college, they can learn new skill for careers with a lot of opportunities. This means careers, such as information technology, that are expected to need a large workforce in the coming years. 

  Also, students go to colleges and universities to have new experiences. This often means having the opportunity to meet people different from those in their hometowns. For most students, going to college is the first time they've been away from home by themselves. In additions, this is the first time they've had to make decisions on their own. Making these decisions increases their knowledge of themselves. 

  Besides looking for self-knowledge, people also attend a university or college to expand their knowledge in subjects they find interesting. For many, this will be their last chance for a long time to learn about something that doesn't relate to their career. 

  I would recommend that people not be so focused on a career. They should go to college to have new experiences and learn about themselves and the world they live in. 

  2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 

  Throughout my life, I have been lucky enough to have a very good relationship with my parents. They have supported me, given me necessary criticism, and taught me a great deal about how to live my life. Parents can be very important teachers in our lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. 

  Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. Sometimes they can only see their children though the eyes of a protector. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher might see a trip to a big city as a valuable new experience. However, it might seem too dangerous to a parent. 

  Another problem is that parents may expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. They can't seem to separate from their children in their mind. If they love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if their child's true love is art, or writing, or car repair? 

  Parents are usually eager to pass on their value to their children. But should children always believe what their parents do? Maybe different generations need different ways of thinking. When children are young, they believe that their parents are always rights. But when they get older, they realize there are other views. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technology changes. A student who has friends of all different races and backgrounds at school may find that her parents don't really understand or value the digital revolution. Sometimes kids have to find their own ways to what they believe in. 

  The most important thing to realize is that we all have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and our peers teach us. Books and newspapers and television also teach us. All of them are valuable. 

  3. Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 

  The twentieth century has brought with it many advances. With those advances, human lives have changed dramatically. In some ways life is worse, but mostly it is better. Changes in food preparation methods, for example, have improved our lives greatly. 

  The convenience of preparing food today is amazing. Even stoves have gotten too slow for us. Microwave cooking is much easier. We can press a few buttons and a meal is completely cooked in just a short time. People used to spend hours preparing an oven-cooked meal, and now they can use that time for other, better things. Plus, there are all kinds of portable, prepackaged foods we can buy. Heat them in the office microwave, and lunch at work is quick and easy.

























