

文献检索课程 综合检索报告

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(中文) 羟基磷灰石的制备

(英文) Preparation of hydroxyapatite



主题词(中文)羟基磷灰石 (英文)Hydroxyapatite

副主题词:(中文)制备 (英文)Preparation_








2、英文数据库 ⑴. Ei Village 2 ⑵.Springer ⑶.ACS ⑷.EBSCO ⑸.SciFinder


检索途径: 主题途径 检索词:羟基磷灰石、制备


Preparation of Nanohydroxyapatite by Using Polyvinyl Alcohol as Organic Modifier

【作者】 李正茂; 何文; 张旭东; 赵洪石; 闫顺璞; 周伟家;

【Author】 LI zheng-mao,HE wen,ZHANG xu-dong,ZHAO hong-shi,YAN shun-pu,ZHOU wei-jia(Shandong Institute of Light Industry,Jinan 250353)

【机构】 山东轻工业学院; 山东轻工业学院 济南250353; 济南250353;

【摘要】 本文以四水硝酸钙和磷酸氢二铵为原料,通过化学沉淀法合成了纳米羟基磷灰石(HA)粉,并引入聚乙烯醇(PVA)做HA的有机改性剂,制备了有机改性的羟基磷灰石纳米粉。用X射线衍射(XRD)、红外光谱(FTIR)和透射电镜(TEM)对HA粉体进行了分析表征。结果表明,引入聚乙烯醇做有机添加剂后,羟基磷灰石粉在700℃煅烧后的粒度在80nm左右。 更多还原

【Abstract】 This paper reports the preparation of the hydroxyapatite powder by using wet-chemical method and Ca(NO3)24H2O and(NH4)2HPO4 as raw materials.The polyvinyl alcohol is incorporated in process of HA as organic modifier.The characterization methods such as X-ray diffraction(XRD),Fourier transform infrared spectrograph(FTIR) and transmission electron microscopy(TEM) were used for the determination of the HA particle properties.The results showed that the hydroxyapatite was modified by using polyvinyl



Hydrothermal synthesis of hydroxyapatite whiskers

【作者】 孟德营; 刘金华; 姜丽娜; 王峰;

【Author】 MENG De-ying,LIU Jin-hua,JIANG Li-na,WANG Feng(School of Material Science and Engineering,Shandong Institute of Light Industry,Jinan 250353,China)

【机构】 山东轻工业学院材料科学与工程学院;

【摘要】 本文通过水热法制备了长度约为6μm、长径比约为30的结晶度较高、形貌均一的HAP晶须。实验结果表明,120、140℃水热1天情况下制备的样品中含有羟基磷灰石和Ca2P2O7,180℃水热1天制备的样品仅有羟基磷灰石且样品中含有CO32-;升高温度或延长反应时间有利于晶体沿c轴生长。

【Abstract】 In this experiment,HAP whiskers of about 6μm in average length and30 in aspect ratio with high crystallinity and uniform size was successfully synthesized by the hydrothermal method.The results showed that HAP and Ca2P2O7 were contained in the sample when treating for one day at 120、140℃,only HAP were obtained at 180℃ containing CO32-;higher temperature and longer reaction time was conducive to the growth of crystals along the c axis.


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检索途径: 主题途径 检索词:羟基磷灰石、制备


Preparation of Porous Hydroxyapatite and the Properties of Drug Delivery in Vitro

【作者】 黄菲菲;

【导师】 杨辉;

【作者基本信息】 陕西科技大学, 生物化工, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 羟基磷灰石(Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, hydroxyapatite简称HAP)是一种应用非常广泛的生物医学材料,是人和动物的骨骼、牙齿的主要无机成分,具有很高的生物相容性和化学稳定性。多孔羟基磷灰石作为药物载体,在药物缓释方面的作用是使血药浓度平稳,避免由于血药浓度过高而引起的毒副作用,降低用药频率,提高患者服药的顺应性等。因此,采用不同方法制备多孔羟基磷灰石,并将多孔羟基磷灰石作为药物缓释载体进行药物体外释放方面的研究,对于临床上治疗骨髓炎等骨科疾病具有极高的应用价值。对于制备多孔球形羟基磷灰石,本实验采用乳状液法先制得多孔球形碳酸钙,然后以多孔球形碳酸钙为模板和磷酸氢二钠在水热条件下反应,制备出多孔球形羟基磷灰石。通过X射线衍射,扫描电镜等方法对所制备的多孔球形羟基磷灰石的组成、形貌和结构进行了表征。考察了不同反应温度、表面活性剂加入量、反应时间对晶体的化学组成、尺寸大小、形貌和结构的影响。采用比表面积测定仪测定了所制备的多孔球形羟基磷灰石的比表面积。取所制备的多孔球形羟基磷灰石置于模型药物庆大霉素(gentamicinsolution,GS)溶液中,通过化学或者物理吸附作... 更多还原

【Abstract】 Hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2,HAP) is a very widely used biomedicalmaterial, which is the main inorganic constituent of the teeth and bones ofhuman and animal, with a high bio-compatibility and chemical stability. PorousHAP, as a drug carrier, can make the drug plasma concentration stable, avoidside effects caused due to the high plasma concentration, reduce the frequency ofadministration, and improve patient medication compliance. Porous HAP,prepared with different methods, has a very high va...


检索途径:主题途径 检索词:羟基磷灰石、制备


王宇明[1] 刘志辉[2] 程凤梅[1] 李海东[1]

[1]长春工业大学化学工程学院,吉林长春130012 [2]空军驻广州地区军事代表室,广东广州510000 摘 要:

采用化学沉淀法制备了羟基磷灰石纳米粒子,并且通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、红外光谱(IR)等测试手段,对其进行了表征。实验结果表明:以Ca(OH)2和H3PO4为原料所制备出的纳米羟基磷灰石纳米粒子多呈针状或短棒状,平均粒径20-25 nm, - 2 -

长75-80 nm,且大小均匀,分散性好。尺寸和形状更接近人体骨磷灰石结构,并能与骨形成牢固的化学结合,是一种很有应用前景的人工骨和人工口腔材料。

分类号: TB383




Preparation and characterization of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles

WANG Yu-ming,LIU Zhi-hui,CHENG Feng-mei,LI Hai-dong

1.School of Chemical Engineering,Changchun University of Technology,Changchun

130012,China;2.Air Force Military Representative Office in Guangzhou,Guangzhou

510000,China Abstract:

In this paper,nano-hydroxyapatite(n-HA)particles have been prepared via wet chemical synthesis.The frame work and structure were charaeterized by means of SEM,XRD,and FT-IR.The results showed that n-HA crystals prepared by the resource of Ca(OH)2 and H3PO4 are rod-like and needle-like,with size of 75~80nm,diameter of 20~25nm,and with high dispersity.It was similar composition to human bone structure and can form firm chemical combination with bone,It is a kind of very promising artificial bone and artificial oral materials.


检索途径:主题途径 检索词:羟基磷灰石、制备


Preparation and Characterization of Silver Loaded Hydroxyapatite

摘要: 以羟基磷灰石为载体、硝酸银为反应液,采用离子交换法制备出载银羟基磷灰石抗菌剂.考察了羟基磷灰石预煅烧温度、硝酸银浓度、反应时间、反应温度对复合材料载银量的影响,得出最佳的工艺条件:未经预煅烧的羟基磷灰石在硝酸银浓度为2 g/L时,40℃反应2 h.利用XRD、FT-IR及TEM对复合材料进行物相及形貌分析,结果显示银离子进入羟基磷灰石有两种方式,一种是取代钙离子进入晶格,另一种是物理吸附于羟基磷灰石表面.

作者: 卢志华[1] 孙康宁[2]

Author: Lu Zhihua[1] Sun Kangning[2]

作者单位: 济宁学院,山东,济宁,273155


期 刊: 稀有金属材料与工程 ISTIC EI SCI PKU

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年,卷(期): 2009, 38(z1)

分类号: TB332

机标分类号: TB3 TQ4



Preparation and development of special shape hydroxyapatite

摘要: 羟基磷灰石是一种活性生物材料,广泛的应用于生物医学、催化载体、离子交换等领域,被称为绿色环保材料和智能材料.近年来,为满足不同的应用需求,新形态新结构的HA材料受到研究者的关注.本文主要介绍了羟基磷灰石晶须、柱、微球与无定形磷酸钙的制备方法、原理及各自的优缺点,总结了制备无定形磷酸钙需控制的几个因素,并对羟基磷灰石的制备做了展望.

作者: 焦燕 吕宇鹏 王爱娟 李士同

Author: Jiao Yan Lu Yupeng Wang Aijuan Li Shitong

作者单位: 山东大学材料科学与工程学院,山东,济南,250061

期 刊: 生物骨科材料与临床研究 ISTIC


分类号: R318.08

机标分类号: TQ6 R71


检索途径:主题途径 检索词:羟基磷灰石、制备


本论文主要分为两大部分,第一部分是均匀沉淀法制备羟基磷灰石的研究,第二部分是研究用羟基磷灰石作为载体的负载型二氧化钛光催化剂的制备及性能评价。羟基磷灰石是人体和动物骨骼的主要无机成份,合成磷灰石以其特有的性能可在生物活性、吸附性(生物高分子的分离、精制)、环境净化(重金属离子的捕获、环境催化剂)、脱氟剂等方面有广泛的应用。本论文采用均匀沉淀法制备了纳米级的针状羟基磷灰石,利用XRD、FT-IR、SEM、BET比表面测试,以及粒度测试对其进行了表征,并最终获得了平均粒径为纳米级的针状羟基磷灰石晶体。在制备得到性能良好的羟基磷灰石粉末的基础上,采用压模成型的方法,烧结制得具有一定形状和强度的羟基磷灰石块状载体。光催化氧化法是以n型半导体的能带理论为基础,以半导体作敏化剂的一种光敏氧化法。传统光催化悬浮体系存在反应后TiO2难以回收以及产生二次污染等问题,很多研究者考虑将光催化剂固定到某种载体上。本文拟通过制备一种与环境友好的羟基磷灰石作为具有吸附性能的新型载体,改进溶胶-凝胶法制备TiO2的配方,采用浸渍涂覆的方法,制得高效且能多次重复使用的负载型复合光催化剂,并以酸性媒介红B等模拟染料废水为处理对象来进行光催化的活性评价。其中,对光催化剂TiO2的负载量、染料溶液初始浓度及pH值、染料溶液的种类、载体本身的特点对染料的脱色进行了讨论。并将TiO2/HAP与P25悬降体系、玻璃载体进行了比较。实验结果表明,当钛酸正丁酯与水的摩尔比为1:2,以冰醋酸作酸催化剂和络合剂,并添加一定量的稳定剂时,既能保证所制备的溶 - 4 -


作 者: 王奎

学科专业: 环境科学

授予学位: 硕士

学位授予单位: 华中科技大学

导师姓名: 钱晓良


语 种: chi

分类号: TQ426.65 X703.1

Ei Village 2数据库

检索途径:主题途径 检索词:Hydroxyapatite、Preparation

Preparation and property of magnesium-substituted Hydroxyapatite Author: Li, Zhi-Hong1; Huang, Shu-Jie1; Wu, Ji-Min1; Guan, Jing1; Zhang, Xi-Zheng1; Ma, Jun1

Source: Gongneng Cailiao/Journal of Functional Materials, v 41, n 4, p 700-703+708, April 2010; Language: Chinese; ISSN: 10019731; Publisher: Journal of Functional Materials

Author affiliation:

1 Institute of Medical Equipment, Academy of Military and Medical Sciences, Tianjin 300161, China Abstract:

HA and bone mineral are somewhat different in composition and degree of crystalline. Bone mineral is typically calcium deficient HA and contains carbonate substitutions. Other ions present in bone mineral include magnesium (Mg), strontium (Sr), sodium (Na), potassium (K) and fluoride (F) ions. To meet the requirements for clinical applications, some elements are substituted into the apatite crystal to improve its function. Magnesium-substituted hydroxyapatite (Mg-HA) is one of these modification materials. Magnesium-substituted HA powders were Prepared by the hydrothermal method at 180°C for 8h using Ca(NO3)2, (NH4)2HPO4 and Mg(NO3)2 as initial reagents. X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, transmission electron microscope, energy dispersive X-ray, and thermogravimetric-differential thermal analysis were used to characterize the crystalline phase, chemical composition, morphology, and thermal stability of the Mg-HA. And MTT assay was used to detect the cytotoxicity of Mg-HA. The results show that Mg2+ ions are incorporated into the HA crystal structure. The crystal grain size of the Mg-HA decreased when the Mg content was increased. The apatites thermal stability decreased because of the Mg2+ addition. There's no apparent difference between the pure hydroxyapatite and all of the Mg-HA groups. Mg-HA bioceramics have no obvious cytotoxicity and may have good biocompatibility.(11 refs)

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检索途径:主题途径 检索词:Hydroxyapatite、Preparation

Preparation and characterization of hydroxyapatite–forsterite–bioactive glass nanocomposite

coatings for biomedical applications.

Authors: Sebdani, M. Mazrooei m.mazrooei@ma.iut.ac.ir,Fathi, M.H.

Source: Ceramics International; Mar2012, Vol. 38 Issue 2, p1325-1330, 6p

Document Type: Article

Subject Terms: *SAMPLE preparation (Chemistry)*HYDROXYAPATITE*FORSTERITE*BIOACTIVE compounds*GLASS-ceramics*NANOCOMPOSITES (Materials)*COATINGS*BIOMEDICAL materials NAICS/Industry Codes: 325510 Paint and Coating Manufacturing


Abstract: In order to improve biological and mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite, the concept of hydroxyapatite-included nanocomposite coatings was introduced. By judiciously choosing constituent ceramics for composites preparation, the biological and mechanical performance of coatings can be tailored in order to meet various clinical requirements. The aim of this work was fabrication, development and characterization of novel hydroxyapatite–forsterite–bioactive glass nanocomposite coatings. The sol–gel technique was used to prepare hydroxyapatite–forsterite–bioactive glass nanocomposite in order to apply coating on 316L stainless steel (SS) by dip coating technique. The X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) were used to investigate the phase structure, microstructure and morphology of the coating. In order to evaluate the forsterite incorporation influence upon bioactivity, the changes on the surfaces of the prepared composite coatings after the predicted days of contact with simulated body fluid (SBF) were investigated by SEM. Results showed that the suitable calcined temperature for nanocomposite coatings with different amounts of forsterite was 600°C. At this temperature, the homogenous and crack-free coating could attach to the 316L SS substrate. The crystallite sizes of the prepared coatings were lower than 100nm. The EDX analysis of hydroxyapatite–forsterite–bioglass, coated 316L SS surface, indicated consisting elements of prepared coatings and the substrate. During immersion in the SBF at pre-determined time intervals, apatite layer was formed and stimulation for apatite formation was increased with increase in forsterite amounts. It seems that hydroxyapatite–forsterite–bioactive glass nanocomposite coatings might be good candidates for biomedical applications.

Copyright of Ceramics International is the property of Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

Author Affiliations: 1

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1Biomaterials Group, Department of Materials Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 84156-83111, Iran

ISSN: 02728842

DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2011.09.008

Accession Number: 69954426

Database: Academic Search Premier


Preparation and characterization of nanosized silver phosphate loaded hydroxyapatite by single

step co-conversion process.



Jintamai jintamai@mtec.or.th

Thammarakcharoen, Faungchat

Wasoontararat, Kitiya

Chokevivat, Watchara

Phanphiriya, Phetrung

Source: Materials Science & Engineering: C; 10/1/2012, Vol. 32 Issue 7, p2122-2128, 7p Document Type: Article

Subject Terms:

*SILVER phosphates




*TRANSMISSION electron microscopy

*SAMPLE preparation (Chemistry)




Abstract: The preparation and characterization of silver phosphate nanoparticles loaded hydroxyapatite aiming to enhance the bactericidal performance by a single step co-conversion technique using low temperature phosphorization in the presence of various silver nitrate concentration (AgNO3, ranging 0.001–0.1M) was performed. Characterization by using X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy showed that hydroxyapatite and silver phosphate were the main phases in all converted samples and the microstructure comprised the distribution of spherical-shaped silver phosphate nanoparticles within the cluster of hydroxyapatite nanocrystals. Total silver content (ranging 0.09–5.6%) in the converted samples was found to increase with increasing silver nitrate content. Flexural modulus and strength of converted samples remained unchanged for samples using silver nitrate between 0.001 and 0.01M, but decreased at greater silver nitrate concentration. Antibacterial activity of two selected samples (0.001 and 0.005M AgNO3) against two bacterial strains (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus) was observed since 100% reduction of viable cells after - 7 -

24h contact was detected. Cytotoxic potential by MTT assay of sample using 0.001M AgNO3 was only observed at 24h extraction, but was seen at all extraction periods (24–72h) for sample using 0.005M AgNO3.

Copyright of Materials Science & Engineering: C is the property of Elsevier Science and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

ISSN: 09284931

DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2012.05.051

Accession Number: 77447966

Database: Academic Search Premier


检索途径:题名途径 检索词:Preparation of Hydroxyapatite

Preparation and Characterization of Nanohydroxyapatite/Poly(ethylene


J. Phys. Chem. B, 2009, 113 (52), pp 16518–16525

DOI: 10.1021/jp907974d

Publication Date (Web): November 30, 2009

Copyright ? 2009 American Chemical Society

Abstract :

In this study, we synthesized a biodegradable triblock copolymer poly(ethylene glycol)?poly(ε-caprolactone)?poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG?PCL?PEG, PECE) by ring-opening copolymerization, and nanohydroxyapatite (n-HA) powder was prepared by a hydrothermal precipitation method. The obtained n-HA was incorporated into the PECE matrix to prepare injectable thermosensitive hydrogel nanocomposites. H NMR, FT-IR, XRD, DSC, and TEM were used to investigate the properties of PECE copolymer and n-HA/PECE nanocomposites. The rheological measurements for n-HA/PECE nanocomposites revealed that the gelation temperature was approximately 36 °C. The sol?gel?sol transition behavior and phase transition diagrams were recorded through a test tube inverting method. The results showed that n-HA/PECE nanocomposites still had thermoresponsivity like that of PECE thermosensitive hydrogel. The morphology of the nanocomposites was observed by SEM; the results showed that the nanocomposites had a 3D network structure. In addition, the effects of n-HA contents on the properties of n-HA/PECE nanocomposites are also discussed in the paper. From the results, - 8 - 1

n-HA/PECE hydrogel is believed to be promising for injectable orthopedic tissue engineering due to its good thermosensitivity and injectability.


检索途径:题名途径 检索词:Preparation of Hydroxyapatite

A radionuclide-microscopic study of sorption of sodium [3H]succinate on textured


Author: A. V. Severin, G. A. Badun, Z. A. Tyasto, V. I. Korobkov and V. N. Rudin

Abstract :

Specific features of sorption of sodium [3H]succinate on nanohydroxyapatite (HAP) and its hierarchic textures were studied by radionuclide-microscopic diagnostics. Chemisorption of sodium succinate leads to structural-morphological modification of HAP, manifested, in particular, in changes in the habit of individual nanocrystals and in the internal texture of HAP macrospheroids. The dynamics of sorption penetration of sodium succinate into macrospherical HAP granules was monitored by autoradiogarphy. The results obtained suggest that nanohydroxyapatite and textured products based on it can be used for the development of materials for drug transport and of complex succinic acid containing preparations for medical purpose.


检索途径:主题途径 检索词:Preparation 、 Hydroxyapatite

Modeling and prediction of the preparation of hydroxyapatite with sol-gel method by using support vector regression

By: Zhao, S.; Cai, C. Z.; Zhu, X. J.; Wang, G. L.; Yuan, F. Q.

A novel modeling approach, support vector regression (SVR) combined with particle swarm optimization (PSO), was employed to construct math. model for prediction of the purity and av. particle size of hydroxyapatite (HA) based on five synthesis process factors, including the P2O5 content, Ca(NO3)2·4H2O content, aging time, synthesis temp., and holding time. The accuracy and reliability of the constructed SVR model are validated through the mean abs. percentage error of the leave-one-out cross validation. Then the SVR model is applied to optimize the process parameters. The max. purity of HA is found to be 98.06% predicted by the SVR model under the optimal synthesis parameters, i.e., the P2O5 content is 1.98 mol/L, Ca(NO3)2·4H2O content is 2.68mol/L, aging time is 17.68h, synthesis temp. is 818.93°C, and holding time is 3.17h. These studies suggest that SVR is an effective and practical methodol. to assist the design of expt., and is helpful to increase the yield and control the av. particle size of the synthesized HA via rational process parameters.


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IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, 6th, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Province of China, Feb. 20-23, 2011







Department of Applied Physics

Chongqing University

Chongqing, Peop. Rep. China 400044


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

New York, N. Y

Accession Number




Preparation of hydroxyapatite crystal whisker-based functional hybrid material for dental prosthesis

By: Zhu, Meifang; Liu, Fengwei; Pan, Yingying; Xia, Mengge; Chen, Shaohua; Jiang, Lili

Assignee: Donghua University, Peop. Rep. China

The title prepn. method comprises (1) adding hydroxyapatite crystal whiskers(with diam. 50-500nm, length 5-20μm, and length/diam. ratio at 10-40) into cyclohexane, stirring for 10-40min, ultrasonically dispersing for 10-40min, adding org. amine and coupling agent,

reacting at room temp. for 10-40min, then reacting at 50-70°C for 60-120min to give modified hydroxyapatite crystal whiskers having reaction groups thereon; where wt. ratio of

hydroxyapatite crystal whiskers to coupling agent to org. amine is 2-5:0.5-1:0.1-0.4; (2) adding into org. solvent, stirring for 10-40min, ultrasonically dispersing for 40-80min to give modified crystal whisker suspension, adding initiator, stirring at 40-100°C for 1-10h, slowly dropping 40-60vol.% monomer dild. soln., reacting for 3-24h to give the desired hydroxyapatite crystal whisker-based functional hybrid material; where wt. ratio of modified hydroxyapatite crystal whiskers to monomer to initiator is 0.5-1:1-2:0.01-0.02. The obtained hydroxyapatite crystal whisker-based functional hybrid material can be used by uniformly mixing with modified silica, - 10 -

org. monomer mixt., photoinitiator(camphorquione, 2,3-butanedione, or

1-phenyl-1,2-propanedione) and co-initiator(Et 4-N, N-dimethylaminobenzoate, or Et N,

N'-dimethylaminoacrylate) to give uncured resin paste, performing visible light curing to give composite resin for dental prothesis. The coupling agent used in the step 1 is double

bond-contg. silane coupling agent or titanate coupling agent; the solvent used in the step 2 is di-Me formaldehyde, toluene, xylene, 1.2-dichloroethane, DMSO, or cyclohexane; the initiator used in the step 2 is azobisisobutyronitrile, azobisisoheptonitrile, benzoyl peroxide, or benzoyl peroxide tert-Bu ester; and the monomer used in the step 2 is bisphenol A-glycidyl

methacrylate copolymer, ethoxy bisphenol A-methacrylic acid diester copolymer,

aminoformate-bismethacrylate copolymer, triethylene glycol bismethacrylate, or/and Me

methacrylate. The invention has simple prepn. method, easy operation, high hybrid reaction efficiency. The obtained composite resin can release Ca and P ions, has remineralization and self-repairing abilities, and effectively avoids generation of secondary dental caries

Patent Information

Oct 3, 2012

CN 102697662



Jun 5, 2012

CN 2012-10181564


Jun 5, 2012

CN 2012-10181564


Faming Zhuanli Shenqing





Accession Number




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1.《硅酸盐学报》 Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society.

2.《武汉理工大学学报—材料科学版》 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology——Materials Science,

3.《物理化学学报》 Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica,

4.《化学学报》 Acta Chimica Sinica,

5.《无机材料学报》 Journal of inorgans materials



羟基磷灰石(hydroxyapatite,HAP)是一种生物活性陶瓷材料,它在近代生物医学工程学领域受到广泛的关注。HAP分子式为Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2。 羟基磷灰石(HAP)是脊椎动物骨骼和牙齿的主要组成,人的牙釉质中羟基磷灰石的含量在96%以上。羟基磷灰石具有优良的生物相容性和生物活性,并可作为一种骨骼或牙齿的诱导因子,在口腔保健领域中对牙齿具有较好的再矿化、脱敏以及美白作用,植入人体后具有诱导骨细胞生长的趋势,并能逐步参与代谢,从而成为植骨代用品。近年来,随着HAP材料研究的迅速发展,人们对HAP的特性又有了进一步的认识,开发了许多HAP的新用途。如利用HAP微晶良好的生物相容性,制备用于抑制各种肿瘤细胞、HIV病毒生长的药物载体纳米HAP粒子 。

羟基磷灰石可由自己制作的方式来取得。制作羟磷灰石粉末的 - 12 -




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