新团队手册完整版 (1)



    SIFE(Students In Free Enterprise)是一个全球性的以大学生为主体的实践组织,成立于1975年,总部设在美国,在全球赛扶是联结39个国家的1,600所高校的在校大学生、学术界人士和商界领袖组成的全球性非营利组织。赛扶汇集教育工作者和商界领袖们的知识和专业技能,有效指导并鼓励全世界超过30,000名大学生发挥热情和力量积极融入社会,通过商业实践给全世界范围内的个人与社区带来积极的改变。与此同时,赛扶学生在这一过程中获得学习和交流的机会,除了掌握就业技能,还提高自身的社会责任感,善其身,济天下。







——A Head For Business , A Heart For The World! 


    赛扶中国拥有全球500强企业的赞助商,沃尔玛, Coca Cola可口可乐, GE通用电器, L’oreal欧莱雅, Pepsi百事可乐,HSBC汇丰银行,Unilever 联合利华,嘉吉投资、毕马威会计师事务所、维益食品公司、易初莲花、高盛基金会、特瑞堡密封系统、百思买、新东方集团、希悦尔包装公司、麦德龙公司、立标国际、百事集团、香港上海汇丰银行等著名企业等国际知名跨国公司。目前SIFE的国际赞助商已经发展到500个,几乎包括了世界500强的大部分知名企业。







2、周大福 - 赛扶传统民间文化传承公益行动项目。

3、2012强生-赛扶中国 健康生活美好未来 项目。

4、20##-2012联邦快递-赛扶中国 弱势青少年成功技能项目。






l  务实:


l  高效:


l  有责任心:






4、市场部:负责赛扶项目的开发储备实施总结。前期团队主要在校内从事大学生就业项目。先后开展了中工首届“赛扶杯”模拟创业大赛、校内商贸街、帮扶中工灵感论坛等一系列帮扶大学生创业的活动。后期团队主要开展“磨磨传情”和“植物熊猫”两个项目的运作,中工赛扶团队不仅立于帮扶弱势群体的视角,还积极开展当代中国正在实施的可持续发展计划如开展“垃圾减量 蚯蚓行动”项目,除此之外,中工赛扶团队还认真贯彻当代大学生为社会做出贡献的义务,开展像“爱小陶”绿童书馆,帮助孩子们寻找阅读的兴趣等等公益项目。





3、垃圾减量 蚯蚓行动:蚯蚓可大量吞食垃圾中的有机物,如饭菜、茶渣、果皮、纸张等。利用蚯蚓的特性来处理厨余垃圾,将厨余垃圾转化成有机肥料。中工赛扶在社区推广此项活动,旨在鼓励居民足不出户即实现厨余垃圾的“零排放”。蚯蚓吃垃圾同时还会产生的无味、无害、高效的多功能蚯蚓肥用于花卉,延长花期,花更鲜艳;还用于果树生产等。目前,这一行动非常符合社会理念,使垃圾变废为宝,体现有机循环且可持续,实现了环境效益、经济效益与社会效益的统一。


    “在这里你能得到更专业的培训,在这里你能有更多的接触知名企业的机会,在这里你能有更多的和其他学校精英一起竞争的机会,在这里有着许许多多的怀揣着梦想的人一起奋斗,来吧,加入我们同全国的精英们一起奋斗竞争,同世界的同时代的精英一起实现自己的人生价值”。                               ——赛扶校友


















                                                 ——闫  雪






12/19 take a break why not some other time party available listen without talk to you about researching background

work on hoping for break may be it By the way

1A/5 she doesn’t work…… her sch…… she has…… she did not…… she often 1B/5 kind of it

on a lot harder in general my roommate way too for myself a balance

2A/5 confident relaxed tense in a bad mood

2B/5 1)How about 2)too 3)Why don’t 4)enough 5)Let’s 6)to walk

3/5 1)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing

5/5 sorry I don’t I’m sorry That’d be — — ’s about right I did past three years paid of earned break the case in comparison to depends


3/19 money Goss They this on nick

8/19 couldn’t has lost won’t-

10/19 Tali Make He New story she can’t believe

11/19 Nick too Talia doesn’t might not be

12/19 get expert run broadcast competition In fact Speaking ought to give away Good thinking handle care audio expert

fast on it You do hard to believe wake up smell the coffee crazy famous taking a bribe smart I hope get in the way work on

1A/5 alittle There thought would

1B/5 heard about was caught they say what to think stuff you

d like to really convinced actually natural athlete in the

season any opinion about disqualify for the sake of shame to in trouble with start rumors 2A/5 连线arise对come up what对what that’s对that 2B/5 trus croo bogus authentic

3/5 Have have ever ought lately You’d better

5/5 Idon’t wow They say Ap hey you You’re ’


and talk 3/19 Nick career star 8/19 More not the nike 10/19 1\The audio 2\Don’t be 3\最长的 4\to go

11/19 hasn’t finish he it nay trick her

ide in reporter 2/19 Bad news audio expert check urgent be sure absolutely sure have an idea may remember conf

researcher chance lose one more day only one more day won

t be sorry story get tell me everything deserve a break story

charming charm out of

1A/5 They didn’t she didn’t she needed p

op corn It’s a story

1B/5 1)was thinking 2)That would be ok 3)this new mall 4)having a sale 5)kind of 6)a who

le lot less 7)just really 8)end

up using little 9)Well 10)little girl 11)the whale 12)sounded really good 13)a lot 14)a

lot less 15)you know what 16)

treat you to

2A/5 1)figure it out 2)investigate 3) result 4)make sense 5)ruined

2B/5 urg对very to put对risk Sem对one of c

harm对to persuade

3A/5 Talia对is able to she tell对be able to Tony对is not able Talia对is able

3B/5 yours mine

5/5 I have an well,Idon’t If you Do you What do it’s worth Let’s go ’


2/1 9 the asked her :so: he rent her a littl

e N ick

8/19 diffcult amusing dis English gland 10/19 They could Did He think all To wi

11/19 doesn’t he can he wants angry 12/1

9 isten your side of the story Nope all alike judge me trust o

nly goal helping win deal with mess charges serious threw a game gamblin

g debts gave access to stop from Did you or

didn’t you throw the game get show viewers Take your pick innocent

1A/5Those Recently Time doesn’t He works He lo

oks really

1B/5 ran into my gosh doing fantastic the same old how exciting perfec

t for or something like that

a boring job gets to telemarketing telephone company

2A/5 allow plan jour a part

2B/5 Take a pick /Take it easy/Take your time /Take a look

3A/5 a a the a

3B/5 aren’t /will you/does she/could he/hasn’t he/doesn’t she/didn’t I/wasn’t he

5/5 I think I know you How have you been No,I’m sorry I’m afraid you’ve got It

was great Here’s my card


3/19 It’s im He was Shy

8/19 very she plays he anything she wants Nick to know unbelievable

10/19 He’s not Nick the team HE thinks

11/19 I’would Talia shocked annoyed


sure sounds like stupid a minute deliberately from college works for recog

nize teammate both

excuse us media you


frankly win without you

1A/5 call Her she couldn’t 100 A l


1B/5 the whole story on the phone this rebate A hundred dollars supposed t

o of the camera nice about

it serial number is gone Oh man 800

2A/5become excit succ…… like begi

2B/5 1)do you feel 2)do you think 3)are loving 4)such 5)so 6)believe

3/5 so /such a /so /such /so /such a

5/5 1)can I ask you to take a

2)I have to take care of

3)I’m tied uo at the moment

4)Would you mind if

5)Can you please check

6)OK,no problem

7)please fill this form ’ve got that right get it worry you getting some pressure sit out badl


3/19 She was No the result Talia

8/19 1\Nick put50000 into hisbank account 2\sh

e believes 3\he owes 4\making money 5\pe

ople 6\Ibel that 7\can’t

9/16 keep investigating &

nbsp; have no choice going with beat us to it You

ve got to admit missing something as

they seem in this case too trusting skeptical all right working on fair ’

let my emotions color my

judgment let me down won’t be sorry

10/19 skeptical He believes should w

ork The bank

11/19 they have to air some want D


1A/5 are allow Wise stop ID Dany

1B/5 says at bars to have their parents thirteen years old get drunk you know

drinking irresponsibly

their kids baby-sitter bar owners this is happening crazy

2A/5 Take对we have we don’t 对we decide F

or对For one we never对we are


1)deposited 2)bank account 3)As a matter of fact 4)Take it from me 5)For one thing 6)except

for 7)go with 8)beat us to it 9)let us down

3A/5 going/talking/eating/yourselves/myself/had known/would have brought/crying over /enjoyi


3B/5 1)may 2)may not 3)Is he 4)will 5)might not 6)may 7)are going to 8)might

5/5 Do you think might perhaps It’s did

n’t Is it possible that Nick didn’t take t

he money might


3/19He explained 最长的 annoyed

8/19 It’s brand He agreed Because+最长的 By cheatingg Because he wants to amuse Ta

lia Because angry she was angry Nick

had not told here the truth

10/19 He wasn’t going to tell A busine

ss woman TO visit To wear

11/19 He was curius He will wear it woul

d She want to ……truth

Let2/’19 here it comes juice bar Aren’’t you Do I know you Not yet interesting proposition Keep going s say deal endorse athletic That

s it business card on second thought pay visit

1A/5 They party+最长的 Thefirst job in it she wanted she might Thefirst could g

o to earlier

1B/5 great opportunity audition for such a wonderful show the same night other play

s coming along so perfect so

great about be invited go for it

2A/5 They paid me so that Ichanged I w

ant to know The shoes will becone Ok It

doesn’t come and experience

2B/5 confirmed lines cone out basicall

y endorsed

3A/5 1)was taking 2)called 3)checked 4)was playing 5)quicker 6)more concentrated

3B/5 would rather prefer to would prefer


5/5 soundslike fun or really? oh,rea

lly? Isee How awful How did it

go Did you hav

e a good?


3/19she was trying Talia there was

8/19 he meant to make meet jack hci h

ad never jackie has never worked Tali

a might G ower Buil ding Frust

ra show forten years

10/19 Because she thought Nick had lied to her Neither she was very she used the


11/19 he enjoy finding show her anger she thinks confsed

h used to memory to make

matters worse ridiculous took lunch voice mail available odd telling the truth lying

see a good story

1A/5 she asked for Try to she could meeting 432

1B/5 looking for I mean quite a while at the desk Whatever Kind of hard for her name impossi

ble totally screwed up pretty

clear meet me lobby 4 o

u how that goes

2A/5 please wait sorry+短的 If you+长的 Nick ……punished Tia+长的 The ri

ght now

2B/5 odd Anyway In that case yell at ridiculous

3A/5 where I can When the how much it

what kind of used to

3B/5 someone / used to /didn’t use to /something /anything / ’clock good idea try where she is why don’t yo 2/19 dead for a moment angry yell at Maybe Probably guest dial in big trouble have trouble wit


3/19 5点 looking for There

8/19 Because he needed the recept he was still Because he wondeved He wasn’t very He over To find 6点

10/19 Because he was trying Tell the she has blue he just

11/19 I’m confused help she never

12/19 anything else someone else either In fact cheer up as bad as describe business suit excutive at all

1A/5 she can bring cook for Go to Aby’s Emily’s

1B/5 favor wondering bring two of my friends definitely supposed to messed up have a great time decorations last minute

cooking things great to serve 6:30 three of you

2A/5 the news

2B/5business overheard follow describ cheer up

3A/5 1)rushed 2)was checking 3)was playing went

3B/5may as honest as as positive as can could as disgusting as

5/5 sorry,but No,pr…… sure can I leave may be I can is it ok Do you +短的 Are you interest Hey, can may you +长的 I hend by she +短的


3/1 9 The woman The inter……did not answer An……Dear

8/19 he got into he made an he could not Things wer badly he wanted the woman the soccer the intertiew

10/19 Dean’s They wear both she felt sorry she took

11/19 he wespects she has sarc…… sorry


around lately ran into admired ruining his career pretty

sure different changing the color wannabe tried out

Except for took lunch performance beginning to unfold

On the house in his favor soccer professionally

1A/5 do a survey noise is a the univer

的 housing therre should

1B/5 on behalf of a couple of minutes greatly appreciated more time building classrooms dorm rooms

obviously point better quality more people at least pretty nice spacious rental houses stay in mixed

feelings involved in helps them out definitely issue

2A/5will be get up stop to his unexp be made

2B/5 uspended preformance catch up on on the house trying out

3A/5 on with/out /up

3B/5 losing /saying/ to need/ to wait

3C/5 until/when/have +长

5/5 Actually To tell you what do you I

上 If you ask Frankly ’m not really 同


3/19 she think To tell How good

8/19 he understand she joked……reporter upset she know Nick Nick she talks……party

10/19 It’s nicer he’s going……happened no kick+长的

11/19she is angry she doesn’t Dean sorry,Nick

12/19 won't be sorry admit lied There you are are got reservations just around the corner doing business so much pleasant talk

over over lunch sign basically says endorse the shoes tricked out of the way next in line star player amazing team office

make sure

1A/5 Sunday write Next w…… 4:30 M……

1B/5 are responsible for Africa visual aid in the outline easy look that up really quick have it all done due Wednesday need

to meet I'm supposed to do compile get our project done off the Internet helpful use bring those in tomorrow

2A/5They+短的 jose+短的 jack+长的 we+短的 jane’s+短的

2B/5 persuasive tricked persuade raise broke over out of this word 3/5 went to see In orderto don’t have to help can’t to talk 5/5 I’ve got to is there anything Nothing I really need to Do you That’ll be



hard to the so长的 3/19 To keep By working Nicknever had 8/19 Nick is more To tell him he is That having money problem they have been

10/19 Surprisees长的 He want’s ……truth To prove He didn’t ……him 11/19he is N ick’s tell Nick 长的 almost uncertain

12/19buddy Tough rap really happened scheme talented plotting for dreamed up fake planning impressed

talking crazy expect figure out made up craziest stories pulled off typical so sure of popular prove


1A/5 she could she turned

时 Teacher

1B/5 the habitat of the animals

blue folder rest of the project

map definitely different spot

turned it in reliable source

coming to me instead of positively check with 长的 A map of Africa Tuesday3小

2/5 handed it in figured let you turn it

3A/5 how long for since has been playing

3B/5 figure them out help you out put them away clean it up the most expensive the best

5/5 I’m not quite sure what you’re getting at. /Exactly.

/Do you mean that/NO,that’s not what I mean.

/ Could you go over it again? / Are you saying that
























