




1 Dear friend,

  My name is Sally. I am from China. I want a pen pal in Australia. I am 14 years old. I have no brothers or sisters in my family. MY favorite subject in school is science, because I think it’s very interesting. I like playing the piano and playing basketball on weekends. How about you? Can you write and tell me something about yourself?



2 My name is Wang Lin . Now I live in Hangzhou , China. I want to find a pen pal in England. I’m now 14 years old . I speak Chinese .And I can speak a little English. I like sports ,swimming is my favorite . I also like playing the computer games . My favorite subject in school is math. I like to go to movies with my friends. My favorite movie is Beauty and Beast . Now I live with my parents .

  Can you write to me soon ?

                  Wang Lin

3 I have a good friend, his name is Bill. He is from Sydney, Australia. Now he lives in Beijing with his parents. He is 14 years old and his birthday is in October. He speaks English and he can speak a little Chinese. He has lots of friends in Beijing. He often plays soccer after school with them. It’s his favorite sport. He likes Chinese action movies very much. He thinks they are interesting. He favorite actor is Jet Li.

4、  Jenny is an American girl She is 13 years old. She is very tall and a little thin. She has long black straight hair. She is a good-looking girl .She likes wearing a red T-shirt and blue pant. She likes singing and dancing. Her favorite singer is Gloria Green. She thinks Gloria is great. Look! Jenny is coming. She is not wearing a red T-shirt today. She is wearing a red dress.

5 My favorite animal is a cat. I have a cat in my family. Her name is Mimi, I think she is from China. She is two years old now. She likes to eat fish every day. She is kind of lazy, but she is very cute. I like to palsy with it after school.

6 Lin Tao usually goes to the zoo with his parents. He likes to see animals. In his room there are many toys. Most of them are boy animals. All kinds of animals in his room are his good friend. Every day he plays with them. Sometimes he asks his friends to his home to play. On vacation or weekends he like to see the monkeys and elephants in the zoo, and the dolphin show is his favorite.

7 Jim likes Zhejiang food because it’s delicious. He can’t stand Sichuan food because it’s very hot(辣). He likes Guangdong food. He doesn’t mind Beijing food and he sometimes eat it . He doesn’t like Human food because it doesn’t agree with him (它不合他的口味)。

8I like playing basketball .It’s very interesting . I often play it with my friends. It’s a team work.. Everyone needs to work together with others. (每个人都需要和别人合作). I can also make many new friends in the game. My favorite basketball player is Yao Ming. He is very tall and plays basketball very well. I want to play in NBA one day like him.

  9This is a popular person. Most(大多数) people like him. He’s not young ,about 50 years old . But he looks kind of funny. He has a round face (脸) with round eyes , a big mouth and short black hair . He likes telling jokes and makes people laugh(笑). Do you  know who he is ? He is Mr. Bean

10Tom, Nancy , Lily and Jack are my good friends .They all love to watch different TV shows. Tom likes sports, so he likes sports shows. Nancy watches comedies and she loves sitcoms. But Lily can’t stand them .She just likes game shows. Jack doesn’t like sitcoms either. He enjoys talk shows. So you know they are all TV shows fans.(他们都是电视迷)


My home is on Center Street . On Center Street, there is a restaurant, a KFC and a library. The KFC is between the library and the restaurant. Across from the KFC is a pay phone. A bank is next to the pay phone. The supermarket is on Fifth Avenue. A hotel is in front of the supermarket.


1  It is Sunday. The Turners are free and they are staying at home .They are doing different kinds of things. Mr Turner is mending his car. Mrs Turener is sitting at the table . She is drinking. Bob is talking on the phone . Nancy is sitting near the pool. She is watching the dog swimming. They are having a good time .

2  It is a fine Sunday. There are many people in the park. They are playing happily (高兴地). Some are playing beach volleyball on the beach .A man is lying on the chair .A man  is swimming .He can swim very well. A man is talking with him .He is learning from him (向他学习游泳).Everyone is having a good time .

3、  Look at the picture .There are some boys in the picture. They are playing basketball .Near them under the tree, two girls are reading a book . Who are working near the house ? Two boys and a girl. Can you see the birds in the tree? I think they are singing . They are having a good time .

4、  It is New Year’s Day. The weather is sunny but cold. Lucy’s family are all at home . Lucy is talking to Scott on the phone. Her father is playing basketball outside. Her mother is busy  cooking. Her sister, ,Mary , is watching TV, and her brother , Jeff, is playing computer games. They are all having a good time.

5、   It’s Sunday morning .My mother and I are gong to the park. There are a lot of people in the park. Some children are running. A dog is running after them . Four women are sitting there They are talking. Two girls are playing with a big bal near them ..Three old men are standing under a big tree. They are watching the children. There is a river there. Many young people are dancing near it. There is a boat on the river. And an old man is sitting in the goat. He is dishing.   Everyone in the park is having a good time. We are having a good time, too.


Good morning ! Here’s the weather report for some big cities in the world . Beijing is cloudy . It’s very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out . In Hong Kong there’s beautiful sunshine.(阳光灿烂). People will feel cool in the daytime. It is sunny in New York , but there’s a strong wind (大风) in the afternoon. It will be rainy in Sydney but very hot. The day after tomorrow (后天) will be sunny.  That’s the weather report for today . Thank you for listening .(谢谢收听)


There are three people in Jim’s family . Mr. Green is his father . He is fat and he has short straight  hair . He  wears  glasses . He is watching TV. His mother is Mrs. Green . She is a woman of medium height . She has curly hair. She is cleaning the room . Jim is very thin. He is playing with the ball. They are all happy.


1、      Jenny had a busy weekend . Last Saturday morning, she did her homework and practiced speaking English at home . She watched TV and played tennis on Saturday afternoon. That night, she went to the movies. On Sunday morning , she cleaned her room and went to the beach. . On Sunday afternoon, she visited her friends and went shopping .She had a party last night.

What a busy but happy weekend she had!

2、 Thursday, August 1st (注意日记的时间格式,星期—月份—日期)

     Today I went to the Palace Museum. It was cool. Then I went to the Great Wall . It was fantastic. There were many people there. In the afternon, I visited Tian’an Men Square. There were many beautiful flowers .It was really great. I went to a Beijing Hutung. It was really fun.

I enjoyed myself very much.

3、    Last summer I went to the beach . My vacation was pretty good . I went there by  bus and my bus trip was relaxing . The beach was very beautiful . It was sunny, cool and humid .the people were friendly and the food was delicious .

I enjoyed my vacation very much and I hope to go there again .

4、 We went to a summer camp today. The weather was great. The mountains were really beautiful. We had great fun singing and dancing there. We had a lot of food and drinks with us. So we had a big lunch. I ate two hamburgers and some orange juice . my friends all enjoyed their lunch very much. It was so nice eating in the open air(在户外)I was really tired but I had a good time.

5、      Last weekend Tony was busy but happy. He did a lot of housework.. He cleaned the room and washed the clothes. Because his mother had to work last Saturday. He did most of the housework for her. His sister had to study for the geography test. They were really busy.


1、    Hello, Mary。Welcome to our class. Here are our class rules. You must read it carefully. As a middle school student we can’t arrive late for class on weekdays. We must wear clean clothes every day. We must stand up when a teacher goes into the classroom. When you have nay questions  in class, please put up your hands. We have to eat and drink in the dining room We have to clean our classroom every day. Don’t leave school if you are not allowed(允许) . I wish you can obey (遵守)these  rules. Thanks !

2、   I am Sally . Every  day  I am very busy. I have too many rules in my house. I have to get up at six o’clock every morning. I must have my breakfast at 7:00 o’clock . I can’t meet my friends after school because I have to walk my dog..溜狗) I can’t watch TV on school nights. And I have to be in bed by 10:00 o’clock. On weekends, I have  to make my bed and clean my room. Then I have to wash the dishes. Later I have to go to the Children’s Palace to learn the guitar. I love music. But I can’t listen to music at home .I never have any fun. My life is so boring. What can I do ?

3、    Tom has many rules. He has to get up at 6:30 every morning. He can’t watch TV or play computer games on school night. He has to finish his homework every day. He must be in bed by ten o’clock . He can’t eat outside. He has to be back home by 6:00 in the afternoon.


请根据图画写一篇短文, 要求5~ 6句话。

     Aunt Betty                                                  Nancy




Uncle Ed


   It’s a beautiful sunny day. _______________________________________________




     It’s a beautiful sunny day. Nancy and her family are all at the sea. They’re on vacation. Look! Nancy is playing soccer with Aunt Betty. Uncle Ed is lying on a chair. Rick is swimming in the sea. Everyone is having a good time. / They’re really very relaxed.


A)   汤姆想找一位中国笔友, 下面是汤姆写给笔友的一封信,请根据信的内容完成信息卡. (5分)

Dear Student,

   My name is Tom King. I’m 14 years old and I’m from Australia. I speak English. I have a brother, Sam, and a sister, Lisa. I play soccer on weekends. It’s my favorite sport. I like music at school. It’s fun! My favorite movie is THE LONG WEEKEND. I love koalas very much, because they’re very cute and friendly. Do you like them? My father is a doctor. I want to be a doctor, too. And what do you want to be?

   Please write and tell me about yourself.



B)   现在请你以李明的名义给汤姆写一封回信,介绍自己的情况.字数不少于60.

Dear Tom,










VIII. 书面表达。(10分)

一位美国教师Betty West 将在20##年8月来你们学校任教一学期,她不知道该带些什么衣物。请你以学生周晨的名义写信告诉她当地的气候。


1.向Ms West表示欢迎并自我介绍。

2.Ms West 来的时候还是夏天,先介绍夏天的气候以及她需要穿的衣物。




Dear Ms West,

Welcome to Wuhan and welcome to our school. My name is Zhou Chen. I am in Class 3,Grade 7. Now let me tell you something about the weather here. When you arrive in Wuhan, it is still summer. So it is very hot when you get here. You need to wear your T—shirt, skirts or shorts. The autumn here is from September to November. It’s often sunny and warm here. You can take jackets, sweaters and shirts. And then comes winter. It is cold here. So you need to take warm clothes and scarfs.

I hope you have a good trip.


                                 Zhou Chen


提示:Bob, Mike, Bill, Mary和Jack今年都11岁了,请你根据下面表格所给的信息,写一段英语小短文介绍他们。

要求:⒈ 短文内容必须包括所有提示。⒉ 不得少于10句话。

Ⅷ.Bob can swim now. Mike and Bill can’t play the piano now. Mary could draw when she was four years old. Jack couldn’t ride a bike when he was eight years, but now he can.


注意:“++”表示非常喜欢,“+”表示喜欢,“- -”表示一点都不喜欢,“-”表示不喜欢。

要求:⒈ 请根据表格内容介绍你的笔友,以“My Pen Friend”为题用英语写一篇小短文。

⒉ 短文必须包括表格提示的所有内容。

⒊ 要做到文理通顺,标点符号正确,不得少于10句话。


My Pen Friend

I have a pen friend. His name is Tom White. He is an English boy. He is from London, England. He is twelve years old. He likes English very much, but he doesn’t like maths. He likes ice cream very much, but he doesn’t like milk. His favorite color is red, but he doesn’t like yellow at all.












 例:春联代表着欢乐祥和。在我们中国,每逢春节,无论城市还是农村,家家户户都要精选一副大红春联贴在门上,为节日增加喜庆的气氛。一幅幅春联不仅带来了吉祥和祝福,还带来了中国古老的浓浓的文化气息。瞧!“大地春光好,长天晓日红”、“岁岁皆如意,年年尽平安”、“江山万里如画,神州四时皆春”、“春风送春处处***美,喜鹊报喜家家喜事多”…… 幅幅春联让千家万户喜气盈门。春联的种类比较多。按照使用场所,可分为门心、框对、横批、春条、斗方等。因此,贴的位置也不同,如“门心”贴在门板上端中心部位;“横批”贴在门楣的横木上。














“当、当、当”新年的钟声敲响了,家家户户的门上早已贴上了或火红或金黄的对联,每一家的老老少少都乐得合不拢嘴。兴奋的孩子们有的目不转睛地盯着电视,品尝着一年一度的晚会大餐――春节晚会;有的急着给自己的长辈拜年,发短信,打电话,所有新年的祝福话语仿佛怎么也说不完;调皮的孩子正在向自己的父辈们 “讨要”压岁钱;屋外的鞭炮声此起彼伏,炸开了锅,五彩的烟花更是把这个特殊的夜晚点缀得绚丽多姿。
























初中英语作文范文Father and Son





