


如何提高自己申请的命中率?招办人员的建议是,申请者应尽早对申请专业和学校进行研究,尽量选择适合自己基本条件相符的专业和学校。既要对期望学习的专业和学校有深入研究,更要对其录取资格和条件有全面了解。 英国留学申请:写个人陈述时如何找亮点 (2010-11-04 18:22:34)


标签: 分类: 英国留学






Personal Statement(个人陈述,简称PS)的写作是英国留学申请当中技术含量较高的一环,要到位地描述自己是一件很难的事情。

艾迪英国留学(/uk)专家表示,很多英国大学无需面试申请人,他们唯一认识学生的地方就是UCAS form(英国大学网上申请表格)。大部分表格涵盖了个人信息,包括大学感兴趣的学术/语言成绩、推荐信以及PS。




















本文作者:艾迪留学英国文案师 韩宇

学生申请英国留学,在文书写作中,个人陈述(Personal Statement,PS)是学生申请的关键材料。如何写好PS,以帮助学生申请到理想大学,也是艾迪顾问琢磨的问题。通过与大学的沟通和成功申请名校的经验,我总结出以下心得:

我们的学生一般都喜欢写一些个人的故事,关于自己学习研究方面的内容,则常放在简历里面。这也是英语国家的人对Personal Statement的理解造成的。但是我们在任何时候

都不要忘了Personal Statement的本义。所谓Personal,顾名思义,就是要求申请者写出自己的个性或者是个人特色来。作为申请材料的重中之重,申请者的任务就是要通过这一份文件反映出自己的个性。

要想写出一篇具有个性化的PS需要一定的方法。在我看来应该分成如下几个步骤: 第一步是Reflection (反思)。所谓反思,就是回顾自己的整个人生经历或者学习生涯,比如从小学、高中、大学直到现在(一般来说,PS只要写出自己大学阶段的经历就可以了),自己有哪些与众不同之处。反思的目的就是要找出自己身上的闪光点――比如说有什么特殊的兴趣或者是独特的经历,自己有哪些比较独特的个性等等。在一篇PS中,一定要写出自己的个性和特色来,只有这样,你才会在众多的申请材料中脱颖而出,让对方教授一下子记住你,然后在集体讨论时推荐你。切记:独特性是写作PS的生命。

第二步是Positioning (定位)。所谓定位,具体在一篇PS里,就是申请者如何在经过第一阶段的反思之后确定自己独特而鲜明的个人形象。我们可以用市场上销售的轿车来说明这个问题。比如说本田,在国外一般是中产阶级开的;宝马则被定位为高档车,一般适用于比较有钱的专业人士,如律师或者医生;奔驰则定位于那种更有钱的企业老板。准确的市场定位有助于市场细分,从而更成功的销售汽车。同样,定位对于成功地进行PS写作也是至关重要的,它有助于根据自己的性别、年龄、所学专业来进行材料的选择。例如,如果你是个三十多岁的男性,打算去读博士,你写的东西就要更稳重一些,更多的侧重自己的科研能力、团队精神等等。假如你是个二十多岁的小女孩,刚刚大学毕业,学的是文科(美国、加拿大的文科院校一般都希望申请者来自不同的专业),在这种情况下,如果你再卖力地突出自己优异的专业成绩就没必要了。这时你可以多写一些个人的东西。比如说表现一下自己的潜在才能,抒发自己的理想和抱负等等。有的人会认为这种类型的写作为“煽情”式写作,其实不是煽情,而应该说更具个性化。

第三步是Choosing a theme(确立文章的主题)。象文学作品写作一样,PS写作的主题应该准确鲜明,切忌主题不清,东一榔头西一棒子的瞎侃。这样的结果只会让读者如坠雾中,不知所云。目前我国许多申请者的写作常常是没有主题。正如我在前面所说,他们误以为写自述都应该遵照一个套路。即第一段是写自己的学习情况,第二段是写自己的课外生活,第三段则写自己如何要为建设祖国奋斗云云,几个部分之间没有一个有机的联系。很多申请者把各个部分都用黑体字,大标题分开。这些标题也通常是那种令人苦笑不得的豪言壮语,而且千篇一律。常见的有To rise where you have fallen (在哪跌倒就在哪爬起来),Believe in yourself。You can do it。(相信自己,你能做到)。这是幼儿园小学的水平,青年知识分子不应该总是把这些口号抄来抄去。




? ucas_cn





个人陈述将会作为你在面试时的依据,因此要做好回答相关问题的准备。 在导师做决定之前,这是他会看到的你唯一的书面工作,因此,请确保此部分条理清晰,语言流利。语法、拼写、标点正确。频频出现错误的个人陈述会使人对你的能力及你所为之付出的努力产生负面印象。你的陈述须用英语书写(或者是威尔士语,如果你申请的是威尔士的学校)。 诺丁汉大学的招生主管说:“这些形式的能力是学校对在该教育水平上的申请者的基本要求。错误标点、拼写、语法会给读者极坏的印象,对一些课程,比如英语,这些技能是至关重要的。”












写作要自然 你会写下列的哪个例子?





易懂。核对每个句子,增添新的内容,注意不要仅仅增加字数,而要增加有价值的内容。 你的写作质量反应了你的思考能力,显示了你的强项以及你可将它们清楚地列出。使用你所熟悉的单词,更容易使读者理解,你可以想象你与他们面对面在交谈。另外,通过大声阅读你的陈述,可以发现其中的不足之处。

英国留学申请 社会学专业个人陈述范文(一)

2011-06-18 22:33:27 来源:寄托家园 字号:大 | 中 | 小



Sociology personal statement

Society’s dynamics affect every aspect of our lives, from the seemingly trivial to those of utmost importance. Sociology is vital as it helps to inform politics with the latest trends in crime, poverty, education and culture determining government policy, therefore, sociology becomes integral to my life completely. The essential nature of sociology means I feel a powerful urge to study it more.

Marxism, as a key perspective, when discussing the application of sociology in our society, has appealed to me in realising the ways in which a particular social institution acts or is used to benefit capitalism. The recognition that capitalism is used to create an ideological state has inspired me to research further the idea that? “Capital is dead labour, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the more labour it sucks.” What interests me in studying this subject is the idea that other perspectives will influence my thinking, as I don’t have fixed ideals, but am keen to absorb many.

I have enjoyed Methodologies particularly researchers such as Milgram and his study of obedience, James Patrick, a ‘Glasgow gang observed’ and Lord Humphrey’s ‘tearoom trade’. These studies have inspired me to generate my own research in order to discover the latest trends and patterns in modern society associated with a capitalist perspective. Although producing a piece of primary data is difficult, especially due to time and cost, the determination of finding the empirical evidence drives me to success.

University will provide me with an opportunity not only for extending my educational knowledge into the subject area but also pursuing my personal interests into societies which the university offers. Activities such as swimming and dance are sports I would certainly choose to participate in and I would be keen to have a voice on the student union. Previous experiences with different peer groups through being a dance and special needs reading mentor and work experience in a primary school have assisted me in relating to others from different ages and family backgrounds. The study of psychology that I’ve so much enjoyed at A-level shows my development of a sociological imagination; adding to my enthusiasm into exploring human behaviour within society.

I am passionately involved in dog obedience training which together with badminton are activities I would love to pursue at university. I feel they help to improve many key skills I have to offer including independence, leadership and socialising. These personal strengths have also matured through extra-curricular activities such as the Young Enterprise Scheme where a Human Resources position became my responsibility for one year. Not only did we create a successful product and generate profit, but as a team we also acquired a place at the County Finals for being an exceptional company. Regular participation in charity work, such as the yearly McMillan Cancer Relief coffee morning and charity dog competitions have increased my awareness of others and improved my means of organisation and I would enjoy becoming involved with a range of inspirational activities such as these within university.

I am a committed and reliable student who is passionate about her work and I feel that university will become the ideal environment in which my studies and I will be able to expand in order for me to thrive as a person. The prospects of a challenging and demanding degree course motivate me towards success and create the foundations for a triumphant future


Since a very young age - where all my friends were aspiring to become firemen, astronauts and rockstars - I have always dreamed of wearing a suit to work. I don't know what it was, but I guess I just identified all these men as being the real players in the world - driving fast cars and hitting it off with beautiful women. These guys - the lawyers, entrepreneurs and accountants - were all sipping champagne and living the high life. Of course, you don't have to wear a suit to be making money (look

at Steve Jobs, for example), it's not all fun and games, and you have to be damn good at what you do, but my ambitions have remained the same. This is what I want to be, but money is no longer the sole object, in my opinion.

This has stemmed from my upbringing, where every morning CNN is put on the TV, stock portfolios lie in messy stacks around the house and political conversation runs rife at the dinner table. Every day I would hear my father talking about his business ventures and garnered a great interest. To me, the business world seemed entirely different to our regular one: it was a grandiose battlefield of thousands of opposing teams – a vicious free for all where the only objective was to win. Language like “slaughtering the competition” was frequently used, and I instantly knew that this game was more intense than any sport, more exciting than any video game and more fulfilling than any hobby. I once even tried my hand at business of my own – selling gumballs at school – which, to my surprise, was rather successful, if short-lived (regulated into the ground).

By the time I was beginning my IGCSE year I was absolutely itching to take a Business & Management course. I felt a lot of it come naturally to me, remembering all the terms and advice I had heard from my father. All along it was extremely satisfying to know that whilst I would hardly use anything I had learnt in math’s (unless I need to know the exact angle that my ladder is at), no matter what profession I would take, I could apply this. I took part in stock competitions, both in and outside of school, in an attempt to better my understanding of the seemingly confusing concept of stock exchange.

One of the most interesting aspects of business for me is international markets, which then extends into economics. I have often been told that one of my most valuable qualities is that I am tri-cultural, coming from an extremely interesting background. I have lived in Spain my entire life, with an American mother and English father, who is a chartered accountant and previously owned a successful record label; he now sells property on the real estate market. I feel that this is where much of my business background originates. Another interesting quality that has rubbed off my parents is Buddhism. Whilst am not a firm believer in the Buddhist philosophies, I find many of them extremely compelling.

Over the course of the IB, I have done much to advance myself in the field of public speaking – a skill I find to be of increasing importance in the modern business world. Last year I took the position of president of the Toastmasters International Youth Leadership program and earned my certificate. This will be the second year in which I will be attending the annual IMUN conference, where I have signed up for the position of chair, and if not, will represent the World Bank. Last year I represented the highly unspoken country of Timor Leste. Over the course of the summer I attended the prestigious GYLC conference, where I talked to [insert names here] and attended speeches such as [name]**** - Mastering the Challenges of International Business, by Dr J. Joseph Kim, CEO of VGX pharmaceuticals. During a simulation global summit I represented France, and was appointed to the digital divide, e-commerce and free trade commissions, where I advocated the view of protectionism. Throughout both of these conferences I spoke in front of hundreds

of other scholars, which, by the end, felt perfectly natural and comfortable. These valuable experiences gave me an invaluable insight into the running of governments and their regulating businesses as well as allowing me to further advance my public speaking skills. I have also been appointed the role of head prefect – which entailed an ISCO head prefect training course - and member of the student council in my school, and lend a hand in managing and working in our school tuck shop, which have all helped hone my management abilities.

Whilst all of these provided me with excellent skills, over the summer I had the privilege to gain work experience from one of the leading law firms in Europe and the largest and most highly regarded in Spain – Garrigues. This allowed me to gain insight into how an international company is run and managed. This also demonstrated to me what it is like to work as a lawyer in a large firm and educated me on the different parts of law and what they entail and allowed me to use my near-fluent Spanish in a work environment. The department I found most interesting was that of civil law – more specifically, litigation. I was brought to a court in order to view a labour dispute, which I found extremely interesting.























机械专业 留学个人陈述范文

