

A Review of《The Pursuit of Happiness》

I have seen《The Pursuit of Happiness》 several days ago , but I can?t forget Chris and his spirits until now . To be honest , this move is really a big shock to me , and the strong power in Chris has been influencing me all the time .

Characters and the climate

There are mainly three characters : Chris Gardner 、Christopher、 Linda ,and the leading character is Chris Gardner ,the father. The whole atmosphere is positive ,though there is a large part describing the bitter struggles of Chris ,his spirit is inspiring , and there is no disappear but hope and stable belief in happiness.

Development of events

The story of Chris Gardner is divided into six part ,I will introduce them one by one .

Part one : Riding the bus

It was in San Francisco 1981, Chris spent all his money on buying medical equipments , but later he found that they were unpopular among doctors ,because they were expensive and almost useless . everyday he did his best to promote the equipment to doctors ,but he can?t earn enough for the rent and kindergarten , his life was not easy .

Part two: Being stupid

In this part ,Chris had to apply for a work as a stock woker ,so he left the medical equipment with a girl ,but the girl took it away ! what a accident !

Part three : Running

He rann after the girl who had stolen the equipment ,finally ,he took it back ,another situation is that he had no money for the taxi ,so he escaped ;Third ,he was sent to the prison for owing the taxes ,and the next morning ,he ran to the stock company for a interview with paint stains on his body .

Part four : Internship

Chris got the job as a internship for six months without salary ,,it was really a hard time for him ,he had to sell the equipment while working as a internship. Afterall , he earned some money from the medical equipments

Part five : Paying taxes

In this part ,there was a big hit to him ,the government took $600 from his account and he only had $21.33 left ,he was broke again .this part was the most impressive but inspiring one .During that time ,he and his son spent a night in the WC ,and lived in the church hospice for many days ,although there were many barriers ,he carried on seeking for the happiness.

Part six : Happiness

It was an exciting part ,Chris was succeed ,and he did it finally ,he became a successful stock worker!

My views on the story

After the move ,I thought of many things :we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equally , that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights ,that among these are life ,liberty and the pursuit of happiness . I think Chris must have read the above paragraph for many times and believed it unswervingly.

At the beginning of the move, after Chris has sent Christopher to the kindergarten , he saw a wrong word on the wall ,and said the famous sentence : There is no ?Y? in happiness ,the only thing we can do is striving for our own happiness voluntarily .Just like Chris do.

The silly scene of taking a bus was a part of Chris Gardner?s life , in the move , Chris Gardner ,a poor father ,who had his wife left him ,because she could?t handle her life without financial security .while Chris was selling medical equipment to doctors , she decided get away from her poor family . Although under great pressure , Chris chose to stick it out, and fight for what he known he can do ,for him ,and for his son. He is strong in spirit ,whatever barriers he meet ,he just continued his work and never stopped running .but it looks like that god likes to play tricks with him , he had gone through more hardships than others before the final success .

I think it is really a good move ,we are unique and we are ourselves ,just hold a dream and do what you can do ,and do your best ,don?t ever let somebody tell you that you can?t do something .If you want something ,go and get it . It is said that the move is from a true story ,so we should believe the sentence that “Everything is possible” .

Like Chris?s forefathers ,who posses the desire and the passion to live it ,who dream the American dream . In the end he finally made his dream come true ,he became a banker. “Hey ,dad ,listen to this ,knock, knock ”I know who was there .he was happiness .

? The Pursuit of Happiness is really an excellent move , after watching

it ,I can?t calm my heart down for a long time,there are tears on my face ,but smile in my heart ,I think Chris is a good example for all of us ,just be optimistic and go to realize your dream. Chris Gardner:You have a dream, you

got to protect it.


? Chris Gardner:People can't do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you can not do it.


? Chris Gardner:You want something. Go get it!


? Martin Frohm: What would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say?

马丁:如果我雇佣了一个没有穿着衬衫走进来的人,你会怎么说? Chris Gardner: He must have had on some really nice pants.


? There is an I in "happiness", There is no Y in "happiness", It's an I

幸福的幸里面是一个“幸”,不是一个“辛”。或者理解成,Y=Why=为什么,I=我。幸福里面没有 为什么,只有我。


 “这是我人生的一部分”。   即使影片的中文名起得极富诗意,“当幸福来敲门“,它依然只是人生的一部分。   在经历了那么多不堪与苦难之后,幸福终于来了,那么等幸福来了之后呢。      人总贪婪,再多幸福都不知足。有大志的人,每一天踏踏实实认认真真做好每一件事,善待他人,委屈自己,只为自己一个理想,拼尽全力……我们说,这是榜样,这种精神值得学习;无大志的人,每天好吃懒做,得过且过,但,生活即使简单,却依旧还有“不要太糟”的希望……我们说,这样不好,人应该有所追求。      其实我们都在追逐着幸福,只不过“幸福”的标准不尽相同。   但无论如何,这些都只是我们“人生的一部分”。      ——“这是我人生的一部分,这一部分叫做:坐公车。”   影片的开头,天未亮,孩子熟睡,可是Chris不得不把孩子叫醒。即使有千万个不情愿,也得起来,因为整个旧金山城已经热闹起来,即使在美国经济最为萧条的八十年代初,稍有松懈,机会便会一个接一个地从指缝间溜走。   影片一开始,就让人不得不进入这样一个紧张的氛围。      坐公车。   公车上的疯老头指着Chris手中的便携式骨密度扫描仪说,这一定是台时光机,他可以乘坐时光机回到过去。   残酷的现实告诉所有的人,世界上是没有时光机的,所以我们只能往前看,即使生活再艰难,也不允许存有一点回想过去的杂念,在当下,咬牙也要挺过去!   所以相信有时光机可以回到过去的老头,他才是疯的。      在这样的大城市,坐公车当然是贫苦百姓人生的一部分,只是有些人坐在公车上却怨声载道,埋怨世间的不公;有些人,坐在一个小小的角落眼望窗外,简单的满足。   怨声载道的人或许也是有大志的人,但是太多人都过于平凡,所以简单没有什么不好的。      ——“我生活的这一部分,叫做:犯傻。”   Chris因为急着去面试,所以把他随身携带的那个碍事的扫描仪交给一个在路边弹吉他的流浪女,他告诉她,这个东西不值钱,真的不值钱。   那个扫描仪真的是不值钱的,但是流浪女依然在Chris踏入公司的那一刻抱起这个不值钱的东西跑了。   把它交给她,是犯傻。      当Chris发现他的扫描仪不见以后,不顾面试的进程,毅然决然地推开公司的大门去追赶那个可恶的拿走他仪器的流浪女,他拼命地追赶,即使气喘吁吁也依然不放弃。因为这个扫描仪是他一个月的生活费,在这样的日子里,这些卖得出去卖不出去的扫描仪就是

他的全部。   因为它而放弃面试,是犯傻。      这两个“犯傻”,在很多人眼中,或许也都不算犯傻。   我们给犯傻的定义是,知道这是不应该做的却依然轻易地去做了,而等轻易地去做了又马上意识到这是绝对不应该去做的。   那么什么是应该做的,什么是不应该做的?   我时时都在“犯傻”,有时候后悔有时候却坚定,有时候自嘲一声“你真傻”,却用微笑宽慰自己,其实我并没有那么傻。   很多时候,可以再简单一点,我只是做了一件事情,这件事情没有定义傻或不傻,那么就让这件事情过去吧,如果它只是一件小事的话。      ——“我生活的一部分,现在的这一部分,叫做:疲于奔命”   Chris一家用所有的积蓄成为了全美唯一一个便携式骨密度扫描仪的代理人,他以为可以成功,可是医生们都不能认同这种又贵又没用的机器。   于是Chris用他的绝大部分时间在推销这种机器,在影片中,他所有的“跑”,几乎都是因为这种机器,这种无用的花掉他所有积蓄却依然堆叠在家中的机器。      很多时候,我们可以看到很多人拼命地不懈地去做很多的事情,有益或者无益,毫无选择,他们却乐此不疲。一天下来,人已累得不行,可是他到底做了些什么,他自己也不知道。   有大志且聪明的人,懂得怎么样去做选择题,选A如果比选B好,他当然不会考虑B,而直接把A 认真地做好,他同样花这么多时间,却只做一件事情。   所以事情做得多不一定是好,当然,“疲于奔命”也不一定是坏,只是如果因为选择而使得事情尽可能简化,简单一点,再简单一点,你或许能看清楚很多,也能事半功倍很多。      ——“这是我生活的一部分,叫做:实习生”   当Chris被证券经纪公司录用为实习生,而他的扫描仪也一个一个地卖出去,生活开始有一点起色的时候,美国的税务制度又把他的存折扣得只剩下几块钱,Chris彻底破产了,他和他可爱的儿子因为交不起房租而流落街头,最后只能求助于各个收容所。      Chris的公司每年只招收20个实习生,而最终只有一个人会被录用,最小的几率他也愿意去拼命地尝试,而接踵而至的是生活更加的不堪。他用最少的时间完成最多的实习生任务,在每天的5点之前带着儿子扛着行李排很长的队伍等待收容所的收留,这些,他都默默地承受着,或许他始终相信,一切都会好起来,一切都会改变的。      这样还能再简单么?   如果你有理想,那就拼命。拼尽所有,如果你始终相信,你现在的窘境不会是永远的话。  

 但是生活不用这么累依然可以很好,把标准降低一点,你是成功人士的几率其实只有很少,很少。      一部分一部分一部分……   最终,在这些“一部分一部分”之后,幸福终于来了,Chris被公司录用,成为真正的证券经纪人!他流着眼泪,走过无数的人群,无数的街道,走到那个简陋的幼儿园,紧紧地抱起他的儿子。   男人最柔软却也是最刚毅的一部分终于同时交织在一起爆发。   二十年之后,Chris过上了全美最顶层最富足的生活。   Happyending!      可是还有多少人,像我们这样的平凡。   有多少人在二十年之后,像Chris这样地富足呢。      影片的名字,“The pursuit of happyness”,是电影中的一个桥段。在那个中国人开的简陋的幼儿园门口,Chris争吵说幼儿园门口的“happyness”不应该是“y”而应该是“i”,他一再的强调,希望幼儿园能够改正。      幸福,不应该是“why”,而应该是“I”。   已经很清楚。



当幸福来敲门 观后感英文版
















当幸福来敲门 英文读后感


当幸福来敲门 英文读后感



