
G R E作文ISSUE满分范文

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  "Success, whether academic or professional, involves an ability to survive in a new environment and, eventually, to change it."

  Many wonder the intrinsic impact of industrial revolution over the last century. Is it a blessing or a curse? Ever since the invention of steam engine, mass production enabled factories to make out products in a madly efficient manner, while machines also supplanted innumerous traditionally skilled artisan, forcing them out of work. Gone are the days when they boasted of their craftsmanship that they assumed to be able support their family all their life. Consumers became more aspiring to novel design instead of durability as goods were made to be discarded.

  Hundreds years later, with the first installation of integrated circuit on the chip, another profound turnover took place. Now the computer pervades our life so much that one may find himself half illiterate in absence of input skill. This time, thousands of jobs were created in Silicon Valley, transforming some of the few into billionaire over one night. Nevertheless, the original inventor might not expect that the ensuing slow down and thus recession in IT sector would approach so soon in less than 10 years, which is obviously less than a presumable 15 years time normal for a periodical change.

  Positive or negative, one mark that characterizes the technological bombardment indicates a constant fact: changes exist ubiquitously and operating at an ever-increasing tempo; those who fail to catch up with the torrent of change would ineluctably engulfed by billows, floating no where and eventually dissolve as negligible bubbles.

  Favors as well as opportunities goes to who adapt to the contemporary trend. Fully recognizing this axiom, long before the scientists announced accomplishment of sketches of human genes or earlier successful cloning of Doris, candidates preparing for university admission have smelt the sense. Today, in the U.S., biology and its branch disciplines become the first choice for top students of senior high, determining that this subject, foretold as the third wave in technology, could bring them brilliant future as“Bill Gates”dreamt the same in the previous wave.

  In addition to academic realm, respect would be paid to people who though deprived of their past secure professions, choose not to be a loser in the whimsical society. Like the artisans who lost jobs, a vast number of skilled laborer in China’s city of Wengzhou have undergone darkness and depression in those old days. However, after years of endeavor and refinement, they prove their value again. By accurately posit the economic trend and market demand, they play an active role in almost all economic sectors, garments, catering and lodging, hi-tech industry, you name it.

  While ability honed in surviving the fickleness of the world makes the path through success shorter, it is essential for the more ambitious to acquire the pith of reformist and lead the trend. In this way, it could help him distinguish from the mediocracy and platitude. This is absolutely not an easy task. Inborn insight and foresight are needed to tell uncommon out of the commonplace; extraordinary perseverance and encouragement is a must to face the coming challenges against his iconoclasm. Very few people crowned with triumph possess this quality, whether the Nobel Prize winner or those who makes coverage on the Times.

  In sum, as shown in the course of history, success, whether academic or professional, involves an ability to surviving in a new environment and---, eventually, ---to change it. Now some elite persons have again forecast that another social change is impending. Are you ready for that?


第二篇:GRE作文AW-Issue高频提纲及优秀范文汇总by czjiao

130"How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society."



a) 儿童的社会化对于社会的未来很重要,儿童的社会化培养了儿童生活自理能力,基

本的知识与技能,为价值观,道德的形成奠定了基础。比如孩子在游戏总表现出来的勇敢,领导,协作,诚实,与通过。如果人们由于不当的社会化导致了antisocial, 未来对社会只会造成危害

b) 但是社会的未来不仅仅决定与儿童的社会化,还有许多其他因素,卓越的领导人改

变了社会的命运,Mahatma Gandhi改变了印度社会的命运,但是他的成功源自内心对自由的信仰,而不是来自出身印度上流社会的社会化。罗斯福Roosevelt虽然从小受残疾的影响没有很好的socially developed,性格也古怪。但是依靠New Deal给美国社会注入了强大的动力。

c) 现实的证据证明我们也掌握了很多进行儿童社会化的手段和方法,否则今天社会那

些取得的卓越成就从哪里来。今天社会greater tolerance of differing viewpoints and people who are different from ourselves, 尊重和保护 individual rights, and greater cooperation across cultural and national boundaries, 都是由the most recent half-century创造的.今天的社会更加尊重妇女的权利,对黑人的歧视越来越少。社会对处在失业的,helpless的人给予更多的帮助。


Position: The speaker‘s statement is actually a dual claim. First, the destiny of our society is determined by how children are socialized. Second, our educational system fails to help to achieve wholesome development of our children. While having reservations for the first claim, I fundamentally agree with the second.

Declaring that our society‘s future depends on children‘s socialization is an overstatement at best. Undeniably, children are the future backbone of our society and their proper and wholesome development is vital to the sustenance and flourish of our civilization. However, how they are socialized is only one facet of their development, which also includes other aspects such as genetic variance, parental influence, self conviction, etc. I concede that interaction with the outside world and peers are crucial in helping a child to grow into an effectual and socially accommodating adult. However, the influence of other factors that forge a child‘s personality and determine his/her abilities cannot be denied. If regulations banning marriage between genetically close relatives are not enforced, the high birth ratio of intellectually and physically disabled children could hinder the society‘s development and undermine its stability in the long run. If a child‘s parents are addicted to gambling, alcohol or drugs, or they frequently engage in quarrels or even family violence, no matter how conducive the social environment the child is in, his/her healthy development will be merely an illusion. There are also thousands of other subtle factors that minutely influence the children in various ways that we cannot see. It is the complex interplay of these factors, combined with socialization, that make our children who they are. Because of this, we cannot confidently proclaim that two children living in the same residential area, grow up together and go to the same

schools will become two persons similar in temperament, attitude and personalities. All in all, the influence of socialization is overrated.

Considering next the second claim that our educational system plays a suboptimal role in facilitating the wholesome development of our children, I fundamentally agree with this claim. Here the ―educational system‖ includes not only schools, but also parental influence, and our society.

In schools and at home, too much emphasis is placed on developing intellectual skills while non-intellectual aspect of intelligence is largely omitted. Current evaluation system and social expectations on children force them to cram in knowledge more than they can absorb, while equally important issues like indoctrinating traditional values, nurturing moral uprightness, reinforcing ethical principles and respecting and monitoring their emotions are placed at the end of our priority list. The end product of this prejudiced education is a generation of high-IQ-low-EQ children, lots of whom are intellectually competent but morally and emotionally crippled. Some show little respect to others and little tolerance to different ideas. Some are selfish, arrogant and dishonest. Some are deficient in managing their own emotions and commits suicides or even vent out their anger and resentments by hurting other people. Our society also isn‘t always living up its role in providing a healthy environment for the children. The situation that contemporary cartoons and TV programs for children frequently contain violence and pornographic contents serves as a case in point.

In sum, although children‘s socialization plays an important role in their development, which determines our society‘s future, it is not the sole determinant. On the other hand, our educational system, to a broader sense, which includes the schools, parents and the society, isn‘t doing an unexceptionable job in nurturing the wholesome and balanced development of our children.


Position: There indeed exist some serious problems with our education system that hinder the construction of a better society in the future.

A, It cannot be denied that how we educate children today determines the orientation of society. B, Unfortunately, today‘s schools put too much emphasis on memorizing dead facts rather than cultivating creativity.

C, To make matters worse, parents are more concerned about helping their children to win in whatever competitions rather than to cooperate with others for the common good of the society.

PS: current education systems overemphasize the development of students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, which undoubtedly results in serious problems such as lack of creativity, introversion, or eccentricity. For many years, teachers were accustomed to be in a position of authority and students have little opportunity but to passively absorb the information provided by teachers. Actually, students, no mater how high or low talent they are, have their own emotions and undoubtedly have their own understanding to what teachers teach. Students should become the active agents in their education, rather than a passive receptacle for information.


The speaker asserts that what determines the destiny of society is how children are socialized. The

speaker also makes a negative conclusion that we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society unfortunately. I fundamentally agree with the speaker insofar as socialization plays an important role in forming children‘s world view and value view. However, just because socialization is only one part of what influence children‘s behavior, there are many other factors might influence the children growing up process. In other words, not only how children are socialized determines the destiny of society.

1. Admittedly, unless a child is allowed sufficient opportunities for healthy interaction with peers, that child is likely to grow into an ineffectual, perhaps even an anti-social, adult. It is a quite important time to form children‘s world view and value view when they were still young. During the time, communication with peers, whether their comprehensions of the world or value are the same with or different from them, is so crucial. Healthy interaction can avoid being cranky, arrogant and self-contemptuous. It makes the children better understand the complex world and accelerate the attitude of them become mature. We can image that if a child never communicates with peers or dislikes to participate the social activity, the world would be forever strange to him/her, and he/she would forever be closed in his/her own world. Gradually, the character of the child would be deviant and society would be distorted in his/her eyes. Many criminals acknowledge that their childhoods were lack of healthy interaction with peers and this ultimately made them breakdown.

2. However, socialization is only one factor influencing the extent to which an individual will ultimately contribute to a better society. I concede that as I stand before socialization is indispensable during the time children grow up. But to bring about a better society many other factors are also crucial and important. For example, people who make great contribution to the society always were served perfect education in the childhoods. Take Newton and Lincoln for example. The attitude of scientism makes them closer to success. If we say that it is the children‘s performance that determines the future destiny of society, then not only the process of socialization but also a good education that determines children‘s future contribution to the society.

3. Turning to the second claim, if we define a ―better‖ society as one characterized by greater tolerance of differing viewpoints and people who are different from ourselves, greater respect for individual rights, and greater cooperation across cultural and national boundaries, then the children of the most recent half-century are creating a better society. They never stop to create a world that full of peace and freedom. In that world people respect to each other even when others‘ viewpoints are different. And nowadays most children have a commonsense that pursuing a world that every people in it have equal right to speak and perform is an international dream. At this point, I think children help bring about a better society.

[end]In sum, I fundamentally agree with the speaker insofar as socialization plays an important role in forming children‘s world view and value view. But not only socialization contributes to the growing up of children. And if we define a ―better‖ society as one characterized by greater tolerance, greater respect and greater cooperation, then the children of the most recent half-century are creating a better society.



1. 儿童的社会化对于社会的未来很重要How children are socialized is indeed crucial for the

future society. cooperative, accommodating, political,儿童的社会化培养了儿童生活自理能力,基本的知识与技能,为价值观,道德的形成奠定了基础。比如孩子在游戏总表现出来的勇敢,领导,协作,诚实,与通过。如果人们由于不当的社会化导致了antisocial, 未来对社会只会造成危害

2. 但是如果一个孩子光学会这些交际的东西,不具备真材实学,甚至会对社会有害的。很

多骗子,小偷小时候就是发现花言巧语就能获得父母的喜爱,得到自己想要的东西,所以就不学习,长大找不到工作,就只能犯罪。 任何事情都不能极端化,孩子要社会也要知识,才能为社会贡献。

3. 但是社会的未来不仅仅决定与儿童的社会化,还有许多其他因素How children are

socialized should never be the only determinant in developing a better society。卓越的领导人改变了社会的命运,Mahatma Gandhi改变了印度社会的命运,但是他的成功源自内心对自由的信仰,而不是来自出身印度上流社会的社会化。罗斯福Roosevelt虽然从小受残疾的影响没有很好的socially developed,性格也古怪。但是依靠New Deal给美国社会注入了强大的动力。比如:人们的创新,科学技术水平等等

4. 现实的证据证明我们也掌握了很多进行儿童社会化的手段和方法,否则今天社会那些取

得的卓越成就从哪里来。今天社会greater tolerance of differing viewpoints and people who are different from ourselves, 尊重和保护 individual rights, and greater cooperation across cultural and national boundaries, 都是由the most recent half-century创造的.今天的社会更加尊重妇女的权利,对黑人的歧视越来越少。社会对处在失业的,helpless的人给予更多的帮助。很多父母都有自己一套出色的教育孩子的方法。做父母的都希望孩子将来有出息,他们会把他送到最好的学校,指导孩子课余时间看书,鼓励孩子多跟同龄人接触,建议他们打工自己学会独立。

48"The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."



The speaker claims that it is mass population rather than key individual that made the most significant events and trends in history possible and therefore more attention should be given the former in history study. In my point of view, however, the speaker fails to realize the determining role ―the famous few‖ play in the history stage. Undeniably, groups of people are indispensible in pushing these ideas to fruition. Nevertheless, it is the study of these key individuals that provides us with most rewarding insights and lessons.

Admittedly, we cannot deny the contribution of the construction workers when we discuss about the Great Wall. Nor could we ignore the participation of the millions of nameless, faceless people in World War II. However, just like we associate a building with its architect, an army with its general and a movie with its directors and its leading roles, it is natural that our study of history is based mostly on key individuals.

Firstly, in history, key breakthroughs, seminal inspirations, revolutionary ideas, and watershed events are more often than not initiated or actuated by key individuals. Therefore, undue emphasis on studying the nameless mass will obscure the skeleton of history which contains the most

information with which study of history is most concerned. While it is true that World War II involved millions of people, the key decisions, monumental battles, landmark victories and milestones are all attributable to countable individuals. By studying these individuals‘ family and social background and personalities together with relations between participating countries and their interest conflicts, a cause-and-effect relationship can be constructed, lessons can be learnt, and conclusions can be drawn. In other words, it is the study of these people and the associated historical events that happen because of them, we learn the most from history. On the contrary, I will be hard-pressed to identify any significant value in studying the soldiers who sacrificed themselves at Normandy or Pearl Harbor.

In the realm of science, the favoritism over the famous few is even more justifiable. Nearly all major scientific breakthroughs and discoveries are attributable to certain key individuals---Newton, Einstein, Darwin, Copernicus, and what have you. It is their profound insights, erudite knowledge, and exceptional intelligence that carved the path of our development. Excluding these illuminati, our history studies of scientific development is left with nothing to focus on. Nor could we find the clue of how we get to where we are today.

Indeed, certain kinds of events in history which includes the gradual shift of a people‘s value system and notions, change in a nation‘s political structure and cultural traditions is realized by the effort of the mass. However, even for these events, there are often identifiable key individuals who provide the spark of thoughts, or the initial effort to initiate the transition. It is almost impossible to find a single historical event that is realized by a leaderless group. Just like we study Chairman Mao and another few persons for the history of China‘s independence and Abraham Lincoln for the abolishment of slavery in America, such sociopolitical events still can be understood and used to guide our present decisions and understanding of contemporary problems by studying the key individuals associated with them.

Lastly, from a practical point of view, even if the participating people, or the supporting cast, in a historical event were to be studied, scant conclusions can be drawn due to the lack of relevant historical evidence. Therefore, studying the faceless and nameless groups of people is often not only unnecessary but also unpractical.

In sum, with few exceptions, history is shaped and created by a few key individuals. And it is exactly their decisions, viewpoints, and actions and the historical background associated with them that the study of history is most concerned with. Also, due to practical reasons, study of history should be restricted to the famous few, instead of the nameless mass.


An old question is always asked, who created the history? The few celebrities名人 in history or the mass people who have long been forgotten do? In my opinion, both of the few individual who do great feat功绩 to process the society to develop quicker and the anonymous默默无闻的 people who are the basis power to make every progress contribute to the development.

1. To begin with, the great people who have done very significant things in the history served as the chemical material which quickens the speed of advancement in human history. First, we all know that great people are those who have some special ability which can improve the condition of people at that time no matter they are political leaders, scientists or artists. For example, Newton had great interest in physics and thus he can get great fame in that area, while Mozart was

known to have the instinct in music so he could create so mellifluous如蜜般的 music. To some extent they are always cleverer or more industrious刻苦的 than normal people or they had the ability to gain opportunities, which made them successful. Second, with the special capacity, these people who are remembered by us today had done things that change the situation of their time thus benefit the society. For example, Lincoln is remembered by us because he did such great contribution to the democracy of America that benefit the offspring子孙后代; Thomas Addison is revered today because he has invented so many things such as phonograph留声机, microphone etc. which give people convenience in daily life and work; Van Gogh is still popular in modern society as he has created a new world in art for people to enjoy their life. We can see that all these people have done things that impressed留下印象 people greatly and all the great feat done by them are beneficial and to some extent these things are milestones里程碑 in the history for the development of the specific area they contribute to. Without these people it is entirely possible that these progresses would have be delayed or some things would not have happened, as a result we may not have the life like today.

2. However, we should see that all the prestigious享有声望的 are from the common people and are educated and influenced by the ordinary people who live in the contemporary同时代的 world with them. All of the famous people who have great contribution to the society are from the common people, they are one of the common, and just because they have done something that superior to the other people they are remembered and revered. Thus, it is unfair to give all the credit to the famous few. The efforts of one man are not sufficient to cause a paradigm shift in the well-being of humanity. The individuals are from different groups and groups are composed by each individual. So when we see the great person, they may represent more person that we don't know in that area. However, we don't know their names as the famous one, we should realize that they also contribute to the success of the famous one. When a person get success we should see that it is with the help of the other accompanies in the same group. As we all know, that Roosevelt gained success in smoothing the Great Depression in US in the 1930's, what remembered is his own name and the New Deal given by him, but we also have to see that the new administration is realized with the help of all his partners in the party and the public citizens from every corner of the society. So we should not be so narrow-sighted when considering their work.

3. Further, we have to see that without the groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten, the distinguished著名的 people can not gain any results in the foregoing前述的 process of the society. We should never forget the common people who propel推进 the advancement. Every society are composed by far more common people than the prestigious ones, so it is impossible that without the support of the mass there is any true progress can be gained. We can imagine, without the participation of common people, the Chinese people cannot gain independence in 1950's under the leading of Chairman Mao; without the support of the north people and the slaves, the Civil War cannot be gained under the leading of Lincoln; without the welcome acceptance and auspice支持 of ordinary people many artists can not gain success. We have to realize the facts that the mass people can never be ignored when deciding to do something, or else the possibility to win is so tiny.

[end]In all, history are written both by the great individuals and the mediocre普普通通的 mass common, with both of them we can go forward and make a better living. The great person serves as the catalyst催化剂 and lead us go to the right destination and make sure that we can move forward more quickly, while the ordinary groups of people are the basis chemicals which take part

in the process and keep every decision made by great people can be realized.



Consider the famous and preeminent polician-Nelson Mandela-the first president with black skin in South Africa, for accomplish his ideal-the equlity between black people and white people, he had never stopped striving with the enforced government. After his imprisonment life for 27 years, his dream became true. His great ideas to a huge extent changed people's attitudes and values toward the political mechanism and racial equality, without his leadership, we cannot prospect such a democracy and equal society in South Africa.


wise idea; strong conviction; clear vision;representative; learn from

ride the wave of ; be influenced by;without, not do so; impossible to study all Martin Luther King


the bulb which lumined every corner throughout the world, however, cannot bring such a great impact without other noteless persons. Without the manufacturers who provide him the raw materials such as the glass, the extremely thin wire of tungsten, the foundation of his experiments would not exists. Also without the workers, the patent protectors, the salesmen, and the consumers, his invention cannot be applied into practicality, produced by large quantities and availing to every family from different countries.


constructing a balance on the research subjects of the history study is not only important but also necessary

① 普通人重要 如:金字塔pyramid, the great wall、revolutions

② 名人重要,A可以清楚地看出事件的来龙去脉 B他们也是普通人,也体现了社会思潮

ethos. It is natural, however, for historians to do so, or from another aspect, they have to.

③ 选取名人也是不得已的做法,因为资料的可得性。Lacking of sufficient materials is another


Tim: When we conduct analyses on the revolution early in the 20th century in China, Chairman Mao will naturally be the focus. When we study Psychology, the image of Dr. S. Freud puffing his cigar pipe will emerge

Today's newspapers will become the history 100 years from today. If we take a look at them, we will notice that 99% of the news focuses on important people. Often we will find articles reporting or discussing about trivia, such as Clinton's dog or Laura Bush's evening gowns.

Why do TV stations broadcast soccer games? Obviously, there are plenty of soccer fans who will watch the games. Similarly, why do newspapers report these trivia? Obviously we, as readers, are interested in reading them. We are less interested in knowing about a middle-aged woman, with 3 kids, visiting orphanages to bring joy to those orphans. We all flock to the powerful and the beautiful. Tim Shih would rush to read the news about Miss America's crowning scandal, but would ignore the news regarding a group of volunteers picking up garbage on the pavement of freeways.

So, possibly, it is we ourselves, the common people, who have shaped the history, such that it concentrates on important individuals



1.1 埃及的金字塔(The pyramid in Egypt)、中国的长城(The Great Wall in China)是不同国家某一特定历史时期的代表,均体现了劳动人民伟大的智慧和创造力;没有人民的力量,就没有这样辉煌的历史

1.2 另一个重要体现是社会的变革,没有群众的力量只依靠少数几个领导者,革命是不会成功的。如Chair Mao,正是利用了群众的力量而取得胜利,―要相信群众依靠群众‖

2.In my opinion, however,在创造历史、推动社会发展和历史变革方面,个人(elites, keyman)的力量起到了关键的(pivotal)作用。

1.1 如刚才提到的例子,金字塔和长城不是人民自发组织的修建的,而是当时的统治者(monarch)主持修建,没有他们的逼迫就没有现在我们所看到的奇迹

1.2 没有Chair Mao,我们无法取得抗日战争的胜利;没有罗斯福(F. D. Roosevelt)新政(New deal),美国不能recovery from the Depression and World War II;没有林肯Lincoln,不能lead the Union during the Civil War and emancipated slaves in the South


50"In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."



With the development of our society, the press of finding good jobs and the serious competition call for a high quality of instruction at the college and university. Should all faculties be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the course they teach? I concede that sometimes this method is available, but it is definitely not a master key in every situation.

1. Of course, if some faculties spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the course they teach, the experience can bring many benefits to the quality of instruction. First, the faculty put what they teach to the reality, so they can combine the academic world to the real world, which will put them into deep thinking about some problems and get more success in the academic world. Second, the faculty who put time working outside can bring fresh ideas to their classes. They will put vivid examples they have experienced to help students understand the knowledge better. They will tell students about a lot of things happened in nowadays in the society. One of the goals of education is to help students be more reliable to the society to find good jobs, so making them recognize the society is an inevitable part of the education. Third, from the introduction of the faculty who has both academic and practical experiences, students can know what characters and abilities they should prepare for future.

2. Although there are many benefits for improving the quality of instruction by requiring faculty spending time working outside, we still should not to say that all faculties should be required. Different faculties in different department have their own traits. Whether they should be required to work outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach depends on

the time, the interest and the nature of the subject they teach. 分engineering和science两种学科进行讨论。

3. Working outside the academic world will not improve the quality of instruction necessarily. Moreover, some faculties who will devote themselves to the academy maybe have no interest in working outside the academic world at all. If they are required by the powers to do so, they will loss their creativity and positivity.

4. Other effective ways to improve quality.


Though I fundamentally agree that most of the faculty in the universities should have the experience to participate the employment or real works outside the academic world, it is unwarranted to expand this broad assertion to embrace the all faculty in the college. Therefore, my contention toward this opinion is that it is necessary to inspire the researchers concerning the practical discipline to spend time outside the academic world, while, for those who work in the pure theoretical field, it is meaningless to compel them to gain the experience in the practical work.


① 开阔视野、了解前沿发展趋势;研究成果更快(by leaps and bounds)转化为科技产品。如:


② 提高学生学习兴趣;help students who are serious about pursuing a career in that field to

make more informed career decisions如:管理学management

To some academic area such as engineering, faculty members should be encouraged to work outside for some time in order to better orient instruction to students for future career

③ 有的并没有合适岗位,in certain academic areas, there is no profession to speak of outside

academia(学术界、学术环境)如pure theoretical field including mathematics, philosophy;有时会浪费时间distracting them from the research and instruction work they should concentrate on如:public administration


观点:Though I fundamentally agree that most of the faculty in the universities should have the experience to participate the employment or real works outside the academic world, it is unwarranted to expand this broad assertion to embrace the all faculty in the college. Therefore, my contention toward this opinion is that it is necessary to inspire the researchers concerning the practical discipline to spend time outside the academic world, while, for those who work in the pure theoretical field, it is meaningless to compel them to gain the experience in the practical work.


1. 让应用学科的人参与实际工作好:一方面,能够激发研究人员的兴趣,并扩宽他们的视


2. 可以帮助学生更了解书本知识实际的应用,让学生对书本知识产生兴趣,并为一部分学

生未来参加到实际工作中做准备;;help students who are serious about pursuing a career in that field to make more informed career decisions如:管理学

3. 另一方面,对于纯学术领域的工作人员没有必要强迫他们到应用领域工作。首先,没有


让这些人专注学术in certain academic areas, there is no profession to speak of outside academia(学术界、学术环境)如pure theoretical field including mathematics, philosophy;有时会浪费时间distracting them from the research and instruction work they should concentrate on如:public administration


I strongly agree with the speaker that practical working experiences would be very helpful to improve the quality of teaching. After all, pure knowledge is useless unless it can be related into practice. However, when deciding one teacher should or should not involve in practical work, we should take into consideration the specialty of his or her major. Moreover, regardless how useful extra social experience would serve, all teacher should be vary about never go too far. So quick the development of technology that even latest published textbooks always lag current advances. Then timely practical experiences turn out to be the only extent for teaching. For example, a professor who teaches mechanical also works in an automobile industry. Therefore, he can always keep informed about the latest inventions in this industry and keep conscious about the major difference of research directions in industrial world and academic world, and he can reform his courses in time to ensure it keep pace with the industrial advancement. Consequently, the students can learn more practical knowledge as well as latest academic advancement. And this is one of the reasons why nowadays many universities tend to encourage their faculties to work outside.

Other benefits of social practice in relevant fields are increasing teacher‘s knowledge, expanding their horizontal and therefore increasing their understanding of the courses they teach. One good example is my professor who teaches us statistic while also takes up part-time job in a crisis managing company. Rather than other teachers, just boringly throws us dozens of formula, calculating methods, software usage, he provides us a comprehensive picture of how analysis serve to lower the risk in investment, informs us major of risks company would face and teaches us about what kind of analysis should be applied to respectively. These actively curriculums, not only ignites our interests in statistics but also serve to knit a symmetric knowledge net of all related majors including mathematics, business management, economics and so forth. Then, we are able to generalize all specialized, independent theories and set up comprehensive critical problem solving system.

Clarified with the advantages of social practice, we should, meanwhile heed to its disadvantages. Firstly, concluding that ―all faculties should be required to spend time outside‖, the speaker fails to account for those pure theoretical majors that social practices are unavailable. We could hardly imagine what kind of practical jobs would be related to archaeology, cosmography, zoology, not to say helpful. In additional, some subjects themselves are practical thus made social practice not only useless but also a waste of time and energy. Anatomy is a good example. There‘s hardly any difference between one professor in this field to operate in school lab and in hospital theatre. Moreover, undue and unregulated social practice would do harm rather than good. Too much social work would not only preoccupy teacher‘s time, waste their energy, but also distract their attention from teaching. Then, the quality and efficiency would be greatly undermined.

In summary, relevant working experiences are basically helpful for improving teaching. However, one teacher should or should not take secondary job must be depend on the field of his or her research. Moreover, even those majors, social experience serve as an ameliorating impetus, teachers must also advert that practicing should give privilege to teaching, after all, their fundamentally duty is to educating students.

208"The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people."



a) 人的外貌就是外表和穿着,人的举止就是动作,这些都能揭示人的态度和兴趣。比


b) 从人的外貌来看,外貌可以体现一个社会的很多问题。比如:阿拉伯国家的女人不

能露脸,说明这些社会的女人地位高; 法国人穿着随便休闲,说明他们很浪漫。另外,外貌还能体现一个社会的变化,比如:几十年前在中国穿衣服都很差不多而且很传统,说明那时候的人想法很偏传统conventional而且不敢表达自己的追求与个性,但现在这种想法已经消失了,服装很多样。说明现在的中国社会比较tolerance c) 个人的兴趣与社会的取向不一定相同。个别人行为十分hostile不代表这个社会的



Agree with reservations.

1. First turning to how people look and dress. Certain aspects of outward experience do

reveal people‘s ideas, values and notions.

a. Societies like Japan‘s in which people dress formally and look grim hints that they

place more emphasis on hard work and less on personal pleasure. Societies like

Saudi Arab where people dress uniformly conservative and traditional might

indicate the whole society‘s preference of religious practice, asceticism, spiritual

catharsis and so forth over individualism and expressionism. Societies like US

where a lot of obese people can be seen obese reflect the people‘s indulgence on

pleasure and enjoyment while placing low values on physical health. At the same

time, the US people‘s casual, colorful and diverse style of dressing reveals the

society‘s openness, democracy and its nurturance for different ideas, beliefs and


b. In some cultures, the way people dress and look is emblematic of the cultures

themselves. It is a statement of belief and an indirect assertion of one‘s stand. For

example, punk culture sees a lot of emphasis on body tattoos, leather and rubber

clothing and hairstyles that are disturbing from a conservative point of view

while hippie culture‘s characteristic long hair and full beard marks people‘s

belief of extreme liberalism.

c. However, the way people look and dress does not always point to their real

attitudes and interests, especially when the scope of study is not large enough or

the observation is made under special conditions or contexts. In some cases,

people?s dress code is influenced more by needs and external environments

rather than their need to express themselves. For example, students dressing

formally and uniformly in their dull and generic school uniforms cannot be

projected to lack creativity, individualism and passion. It is external regulations

that prevented them from expressing themselves and their attitudes. Likewise,

office clerks wear shirts and pants while construction workers wear helmets and

boots. All these have little if anything to do with their attitudes or interests.

2. Next turning to how people act. A society‘s general conducts, rituals, and its people‘s

habits and lifestyles often do provide telling signals of how they think, what they value, and what they deem right.

a. A society where people save and save and save may advocate conservation and

thriftiness. On the contrary, a society in which people spend and spend and spend

might exhibit more confidence and optimism. A society whose members behave

in a more genteel, respectful and courteous manner towards others clearly values

individual dignity whereas a society whose members are spiteful, narrow-minded

and querulous tells others about its low tolerance for different beliefs and ideas.

b. Nonetheless, it is not recommendable to generalize a society‘s general beliefs and

values by observing its people‘s actions for the reason that a certain group of

people‘s behavior might not be representative of the whole society. For example,

US army‘s atrocious massacre of 24 Iraq civilians recently in Iraq does not mean

that American culture is cruel, inhumane and warlike. Hasty generalizations may

lead to wrong conclusions.

3. Finally, while in most cases, people‘s dress code, appearance and behaviors do reveal at

least some of their beliefs, notions, and values, rigidly linking people‘s outward manner and their inner thinking will amount to an unfair generalization.


In contemporary society people always find a way to embody their attitudes and interests. The speaker asserts that it is the way people look, dress and act that reveals their attitudes and interests and through observing the appearance and behavior people in the society we can tell much about a society's ideas and values. By scrutinizing many aspects of this assertion, I fundamentally agree with the speaker for that people's appearance and behavior are tools for them to communicate their ideas and present their standpoint of value view. However, in some circumstances, a society's ideas and values cannot be symbolized by people's appearance and behavior.

1. Firstly, the way people look and dress indicates their aesthetic views of the society and world. As all we know that smiling means people's optimistic attitude to the society and presents their love and tolerance. In France, we can see citizens smiling at every corner of the streets, cafe and office room because Frenchmen are famous for their optimistic feelings and France is a country pursuing freedom and peace. We usually say French is the most beautiful language in the world. That's because of the optimistic and peaceful civilization of the whole country. For this matter, we can tell a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance especially in those countries whose social values and ideas have deep influence in their citizens' life habit and daily appearance.

2. Secondly, a society's ideas and values have a strong influence in the process of one's growing up.

We accept education by our government and what they teach us embody the society's ideas and values. When we were still young the governments made us know the different civilizations and social values among different countries and districts. And they would also tell us which one is better accepted in our own country. It is so crucial in the form of one's value view in his/her whole life what they learnt at an early age. It determines how we look, dress and act in order to accords with our attitudes and interests. It also determines how we communicate and share standpoints with others. We can image that if a child born in a religion country, what he/she acts and dresses should accords with the restrictions and criterions in that special civilization. It is nature and determined by that society's essence.

3. Nevertheless, in some circumstances, we cannot conclude a society's ideas and values by observing limited people's appearance and behavior especially considering that the trend of globalization and international communication are so common and popular. There are always two or more folks and civilizations in one country. The U.S.A. is a good example. What people act and look are so different thus limited observation is unconvincing. For example, there are anti-society people living in every country such as terrorist and commits. What they act only present their undue and unhealthy values and ideas. We cannot conclude the whole society's values and ideas through their behavior.

[end]In sum, in many circumstances it is the way people look, dress and act that reveals their attitudes and interests and through observing the appearance and behavior people in the society we can tell much about a society's ideas and values. However, only through limited observation we cannot conclude that some certain behaviors present the whole society's values and ideas.



Consider the Americans and people from the Arab world. People from America prefer the casual and relaxing apparel such as the jeans or T-shirts which reveals their attitudes of neat and convenience and their extrovert racial character, while the latter-Arabians always wear the black clothes and the veils especially in case of their women-those features of appearance expose the significant role the religious doctrines play in their daily life.


American people are more likely to hug with each other when they meet after separated for a long time, this warm hug rooted in the freedom and open mind of America civilization.

English people behave in a genteel, respectful and courteous manner toward one another, values human dignity

Japanese people tend to work long hours, diligence, will power and strong conviction

3、衣着与行为不完全代表一个社会的价值观,还需要history, the culture

It is necessary for us to get to know the history, the culture, the economy, and the politics of this society.


Chinese obedient conservative; American individuality open-minded

43 ―To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.‖ 一个政府官员要想成为以为有成效的领导者,必须有极高的伦理和道德修养 ethical and moral standard are must be maintained to be an effective leader. (领导者的道德



1. However,政治领域的道德标准和一般意义上的道德标准是不一样的,不能用一般意义

上的道德标准来衡量an effective leader。we should not equate moral behavior in politics with the simple notions of honesty and putting the other fellow‘s needs ahead of one‘s own-or other ways that we typically measure the morality of an individual‘s private behavior.(类似169第三条)

2. Moreover,只具有伦理和道德修养对于一个有效的领导者来说是远远不够的,领导能力,

协调能力,处理危机的能力更重要 。(89第二条,领导者的能力)


The arguer suggests that if a public official want to be an effective leader, he must

maintain the highest ethical and moral standards. As far as I am concerned, that

maintain the highest ethical and moral standards is neither necessary nor sufficient

for a public official to be an effective leader. Therefore, I disagree with this


1. Admittedly, public officials are required to maintain higher ethical and moral standards, and without which they are doomed to fail in the long run not only to himself but also to the public. Some ethical and moral merits is necessary and as a source of competitive advantage to an effective leader, such as honesty, benevolence, braveness and the like, thus he can receive the respect of the masses and correctly cope with challenge. As the first American president, Washington, who equipped with high ethnical and moral standard, not only established a united state for his nation but also gained the high prestige among his people, and no doubt is an effective leader. Another opposite example, Hitler, a German inhumane commander and a crazy war-fanatic, brought disaster to human race and is doomed to fail.

2. However, to be an effective leader, a public official is unnecessary to maintain the highest ethical and moral standards. an effective leader should in first place have his work well done with justice, objective and in a best way. However, nobody is utterly good or bad and public officials also are normal human beings, we should not ask them too much as maintain the highest ethical and moral standards. If a public official can build, maintain, and expand the wealth, prosperity and political influence of his nation, even though he is not maintain the highest ethical and moral standards we can not deny he is an effective leader. For example, the U.S. President Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky and President Richard Nixon‘s ―Watergate scandal‖ can not totally overshadow their contribution to their nation. In most people‘s opinion, they still are effective leaders.

3. In addition, maintaining the highest ethical and moral standards can not ensure a public official to be an effective leader. As we known, in order to be an effective leader, one should possess some other merits, such as wisdom, competence, tolerance, prowess, resolution, and so on, which might be more important for an public official who wants to be an effective leader.


① 具有正直的品格是很重要的。Gandhi, Martin Luther King. Whom few would disagree were

eminently successful in leading others to practice the high ethical and moral standards which they advocated.

② 有时可以允许一定程度的违反民族和道德标准,为了自己竞选以及国家利益。

③ 过分的违反,从长远来看,不仅对政治家个人有损害,而且对整个社会都有损伤An

official without high ethnical and moral standards is doomed to fail to lead the public effectively, in the worse case, to spell disaster on the public.。Stalin对官员的杀害 Hitler Nazism

To be an effective leader, as we known, one should possess wisdom, competence, enlightenment, tolerance, shrewd, prowess, resolution, and so on.


1、领导需要要高的道德和民族标准。政治领域:人们对于政府的领导人则要苛刻得多,普遍的观点认为领导人必须同时具备道德和伦理修养才能够胜任国家的领导者的职位。尽管领导人不一定都具备最高的伦理和道德修养,社会和精神领域的领袖也需要具备高的修养,Martin Luther King and Gandi

2、商业领域人们普遍认为具备高能力和素质的领导就是具备高的伦理和道德修养的人了,企业的领导也要承担一定的责任,吃了在法律范围以内进行贸易 (pursuit their trade within the bound of the laws.)



A politician‘s job is to build, maintain, and expand the wealth, prosperity and political influence of his nation; district, county and state.


Both morality and politics serve to regulate or direct human behavior. They differ, however, in the strength of their regulation and demand different, though related, personal qualities.

As a regulator, morality is directed towards the other: it concerns Politics regulates mainly relations between and between the different power.


(政治违背道德就会导致失败)Therefore, every political theory, ideology and practice seeks moral justification and arguments in order to be accepted by the masses.


A politician‘s job is to 政治的目标) This is his or her primary concern. Many more times than you and I would like to think, realizing those goals require them to make choices that are outside the bounds of morality.

Moral leaders think in terms of an ideal approach to ethics and morals while the political leader thinks in terms of consequences or a utilitarian功利的,实际的 approaches to ethics and morality.

1. In the business realm, the most effective leaders are those who maximize profits while fulfilling the highest public or professional moral or ethical obligation, to employees and to society. A real successful entrepreneur does not only focus on the immediate profit but also have long views. They usually provide their consumers perfect after-service.

2. In the political realm, an official without high ethnical an moral standards is doomed to fail to

lead the public effectively.

3. The main task of public officials is to make their institution function smoothly and efficiently and in cooperation with the whole society.

88 "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics." 科学技术不但影响而且决定了社会风俗和道德规范。


Begin:I agree with the speaker‘s assertio that technologies influence social ethics and customs. However, the speaker extends this influence factor to a determination factor, 是不正确的。

1. 技术可以影响社会传统。比如:工业革命是女性的地位提高了,可以走出家门工作;电

脑、网络、手机的普及彻底改变了人们的生活方式和相处方式(贺年卡?短信祝福;书信?邮件,聊天工具);先进的交通工具可以使人们不再需要必须住在城市。(transportation, communication, automation)

2. 技术可以影响道德规范。遗传学的研究使人们认识到近亲结婚的坏处(intermarriage,

genetics); 医学发展?被动吸烟的危害?公共场合禁止吸烟。

3. 因为技术是为人类服务的,而社会传统和道德规范正是人的一种体现。相反,技术要受

到社会传统和道德规范的影响。比如克隆人的研究一直被大多数国家禁止。Although we could benefit from the power of the atom which provides us with an inexhaustible source of energy, we should be aware of the fact it may also result in devastating disaster. So we should concertrate on 发电功能 rather than 核武器试验。

End:In sum, Technology 是为人类服务的,它可以影响social customs and ethics, by which it should also be determined.


The increasing progress of technology has caused broad attention and discussion. Benefited from the advanced technology, human being also suffered from quite a few problems. Different people have different standpoints and remarks of the technology. Here, the arguer points out that technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics. As far as I am concerned, technology has both positive and negative effect on our practical lives and also social custom and ethics. However, it is unreasonable or even presumptuous to say that technologies determine social customs and ethics.

1. As we view the history, we can see how profoundly science and technology have changed our lives. In agriculture, with the introduction of mechanization and various technologies to promote the production of produce, the burdens of the struggle for survival were lessened. In industry, with so many technology innovations, such as the steam engine, which inaugurated the industrial revolution, people are free from much burdensome labor. In our daily lives, without the invention of electric lamp, people would not have such a rich and colorful night life. The invention of TV also have changed many people‘s life.

2. With the rapid development of technology, our social customs also has changed more and more as well. Tele-communication tools such as the telephone, fax and Internet, which have increasingly replaced ―paper letter‖, have become the major means of communicating. Before the 20th century, almost all of the nations have a cherished social custom that women should stay at home, nuturing children, and caring for elders, for the simple reaosn that there were lots of houseworks to do, which makes them do not have time to work outside home as well. However, technologh made a change in this custom. This unreasonable was completely changed after the Industrial Revolution. As a result, many women now begin resplendent careers in factories, companies, governments. The technology made women liberated from the burden of houseworks and also made them become indispensible roles in society.

3. With the development of technology, the social ethics also have changed more or less. With the invention of cloning, internet, our cherished social ethics are theathened. Since the invention of cloning, there has been an issue that wheter we should support the human cloning. This idea of human cloning has fueled debate not just in the United States, but also with countries all over the world. Ans this do have impact on our established social ethics.

4. However, we still should not make the presumptuous generalization that technologies determine social customs and ethics. Technologies do have influnce on our social customs and ethics, whatever positively or adversely. However, culture and surroudings play more viral roles than technology in determing social customs and ethics.


① 从长时间段来看,在社会传统方面,科技确实具有重大影响。A对自然不了解,对各种

自然现象,famine, flood, earthquake, 都以为是有神明(deity).Dominate the universe. 所以有图腾崇拜totem adoration.祭祀sacrifice livestock 现在,科技帮助我们理解自然现象,不再有类似活动。并且能准确预报。B 科技进步,人们寿命延长,老龄化社会。另一方面,中年人生活压力大。于是老年疗养院(sanatorium)越来越受欢迎。使老年人在一起交流、安享天年,同时减轻中年人的负担。

② 总体而言,社会传统的变化是受多种因素综合影响的。如文化的,气候的。感恩节就没

怎么变。 Thanksgiving Day. 最初的美国人,不适应美国环境,受印第安人帮助生存下来。印第安人送来生活必需品,并教会他们如何在这片土地上耕作。第二年获得大丰收,与印第安人共享佳肴。当时常食用的火鸡(turkey)今天成为节日特色。

③ 是非观念在科技面前面临着严峻考验。但基本没变。因为是非观念是人们生存、交往,

社会稳定的基础。Ethics are hardly changed under the influence of technologies.如:诚实守信honesty\to keep one‘s word,勤劳勇敢hardworking/braveness,honesty, fairness, self-discipline, fidelity to task, friends, and family, personal responsibility, love of a country, and belief in the principles of liberty, equality, and the freedom to practice one‘s faith.千百年未变。再如克隆clone,对人的克隆也是道德所不允许的。写克隆还不如写安乐死euthanasia。


1. Social customs and ethics are handed down from generation to generation determined mostly by the characteristic of the nation or the race

2. Technologies tend to greatly influence people's way of life, thus partly influencing their way of thinking, which casts impacts on the social customs, but technologies can't determine social customs but only make changes on them.


1. 技术进步给人类的物质文明带来进步和繁荣。

As we review history, we can see how profoundly science and technology have changed our lives. In agriculture, with the introduction of mechanization and various technologies to promote the production of produce, the burdens of the struggle for survival were lessened. In industry, with so many technology innovations, such as the steam engine, which inaugurate the industrial revolution, people are freed from much burdensome labor.

2. 技术对于人类的一些传统也确实带来一些影响。

Tele-communication tools such as telephone, fax and internet, which have increasingly replaced ―paper letters‖, have become the major means of communicating. For instance, before the 20th century, the notion观念 that women should stay at home, nurturing children, and caring for elders

was so taken as an assumption that there was significant resistance to any tentative尝试性的 attempts to change it. However, technology made a change in this thinking possible. This unreasonable conviction was completely changed after the industrial revolution. As a result, many women now begin resplendent辉煌的 careers in factories, companies, governments and the like. The role of women in society is indispensable.

3. 随着技术的进步,人类道德体系也在受到影响。克隆clone,网络犯罪。

4. 但是,影响,却不是决定。人类应该采取某种程度上的道德约束,通过法律或者约束条文,采用正确的引导方法。

103 "The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives." 只有当历史和我们的生活相关时,对它的研究才有价值。


The arguer asserts that only the study of history is relevant to our daily lives can it have value. However, as far as I am concerned, learning history has its own inherent values which are very helpful to every individuals and nations no matter it is relevant to our daily lives or not. Therefore, I don‘t agree with this assertion.

1. History is a source of precedent from which we get many experience and knowledge. From learning history, we know more about ourselves and the whole world and it is helpful for us to realize where we are today in the world. Learning about great human achievements of the past provides us with inspiration. From the ancient Chinese author Sun Tzu's book "The Art of War", today's military commanders and even business leaders gather obtian information that help them to operate more efficiently and effectively.

2. History is a source of prediction and can avoid us making the same mistakes in history. Otherwise, as the saying goes: those who do not know the past are condemned to repeat it. Therefore quite a few people look for experience and guidance from learning history. For example, the lessons learned from all of the past wars can contribute to a more effective wartime leadership by avoiding mistakes ever made by past commanders. Perpetual motion machine obey the natural law and can not be fulfilled.

3. Studying human history can also help us understand and appreciate the mores, values, and ideals of past cultures.

4. 总结: Therefore, a part of history might seem irrelevant to our daily life, however, the study of which is undoubtedly has value. History is the most important part of a nation‘s culture and studying history not only can help us understand and appreciate the value and ideals of past cultures, but also help us to form correct value view and ideals in today‘s world.


① 在现代社会,科技的进步导致传统观念和过去人类积累的经验都面临挑战euthanasia;nuclear warfare。有些情况没有出现过,有些可能用不上

② 与日常生活有关的。At the individual level, 从历史中得到鼓舞,吸取经验教训。如:Edison; perpetual motion machine

③ 与日常生活无关的,但与国家决策有关的。At the nation level, only seek into history can we learn how events cone into being.如:苏联解体,冷战后的世界格局。

④ 有些历史事件表面上看来与现代社会无关,但是本质上,都是人类社会发展中的各个台阶,应当符合历史发展的客观规律。

First of all, to study history is to look at a road map of human behavior that has led us to where we

are today in the world. For example, the lessons learned during all of the past wars can make for more effective wartime leadership by avoiding mistakes made by past commanders. From the ancient Chinese author Sun Tzu's book "The Art of War", today's military commanders and even business leaders gather valuable information that allows them to operate more efficiently and effectively.

Another example is that by studying history, parents can help to improve the lives of their children in the future.

Additionally, the study of medical advances made throughout history can be the foundation to build upon to make the medical advances of today and tomorrow to make people live longer and healthier lives.

A further example of the value of the study of history beyond its effect on daily life is the treatment of the environment and the earth as a whole


a) 在现代社会,科技的进步导致传统观念和过去人类积累的经验都面临挑战moral

euthanasia Homosexuality;world issue nuclear warfare。医学上,AIDS, SARS.有些情况没有出现过,有些可能用不上

b) 但更多是有用的。At the individual level, 从历史中得到鼓舞,吸取经验教训。如:

Edison; perpetual motion machine。Community level,了解GE100年来发展的历史有借鉴意义。了解一个国家,一个民族的历史得到归属感。,中国人对自己5000年历史的了解更使他民族自豪感和爱国。At the nation level, only seek into history can we learn how events cone into being.如:苏联解体,冷战后的世界格局。研究世界大战的起因,能够避免今后发生同样的战争

a) 有些看似回顾历史没有用处,但是确很有用,比如犯罪,社会运动。都是人本性的


b) 但是不能简单的照搬历史,毕竟当今和过去有着千差万别,很多客观调价都变了,



1, 历史的确是对日常生活有启示作用,对历史人物的研究教我们在生活工作中如何为人处世,对历史事件的学习让我们受益于其中,

2, 但是,研究历史的目的不只是为现在找借鉴,更重要的是了解过去的重要思想和文明以便和现在,未来构成一个整体,从而以宏观的眼光看待和解决问题。所以,即便和日常生活不相关的方面,比如文明(埃及金字塔,中国长城,西方基督文明)把这些和现在的事物结合起来会看到社会发展,人类进步的一个过程。

3, 而且,除了体现过去到现在的进步和发展过程以外,历史还有助于预见未来,。而对未来的预见对发展有指导意义,所以是非常重要的


As a towering French philosopher once said(and I paraphrase): history unfolds invaluable experience of the past, from which we find the best backer to explain our present behavior; history shows the provenance of societal development, linked which with present we see the developmental course; history serves as a mirror, in which we find clues for the future. In this sense, the value of history study spills from illumination of daily life to awareness of progress and then,to prediction of the future.

In the first place, one important value of history lies in what it tells us about the world in which we lead our daily lives. In terms of studying historical larger-than-life characters, it‘s without doubt that we could be enlightened from the outstanding morals of them. Take Lincoln for example, the successful application of his sense of humor in daily life teaches us that we could live happily as long as we treat our life in an optimistic attitude. In terms of historical events, some of them by all

means would offer lessons. Consequently, by learning them, we stand less chance to make the same mistakes again. An illuminating example involves Teapot Dome event. Having been warned by the tragic fate of great governors implicated in this event, officials of nowadays may try to be as clean-fingered as possible in their everyday life . With regard to this, this is nowhere more true than on the issue that studying history has bearing on guiding our daily lives.

Besides history‘s value on daily life, more importantly, however, history reveals its best value when it serves as consultation from which we could see the process of human civilization and development. By researching the ideas and civilization of remote society, which can be achieved in virtue of studying historical masterpieces,say pyramid of Egypt, great wall of China, christianity civilization of the Western and so forth, we could have a good grasp of the past. Meanwhile, with the ready-made knowledge of present ,an integrated knowledge concerning antiquity and modern times will be established in our mind. Under such a circumstance, we are more likely to view the world in a macroscopical perspective and therefore make more sagacious decisions, also, we could see the progress of human development in this process, which inevitabaly will stenghen our confidence. In this sense, history enjorys value in aspects that are not pertinent to daily life as well.

When it comes to history‘s relation with future, it‘s cannot be denied that study of history is conducive to predicting future. As a result, history also shares its value in this aspect. For example, the historical data in the stock market can be used to draw the curves so as to predict the trend of stocks. With the help of the curves, therefore, investors stand more chance to make smart choice when choosing their target of investement through analysing potential companies‘ stock. Not only in stock market, the future development of all areas is very important. In this aspect, the study of history assumes its responsibility of foressing furture, thus it‘s vital as well.

In closing, while admitting that history has value on people‘s daily life in that it provides us with good reference to well conduct ourselves, we could not underestimate its value on demonstrationg progress from foretime to nowadays and on predicting future development, because by acquiring the progress we would feel more confident in the coming endeavors, and with the predicted furthur development trend, we could better orient our strategy to it.

NO.69 "Government should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development" 政府应该对科学研究和发展尽量少地加以限制。


1. Generally speaking, government should place few restrictions on scientific research and development.

(1) Little relative knowledge.

(2) Would be inclined to be in support what they regard worthwhile and would benefit the people immediately.

2. Free research can increase invention and progress easily, thus too much restrictions might encumber the development of science. We can see lots of examples in the history which can show that too much restriction would be detrimental to the development of scientific research. (A telling example of the inherent danger of official‘s restriction of the scientific research involves the attempts of Soviet during 1920s‘ to not only control the directions and goals of researches but the outcome and results of the research as well—for the purpose of the general welfare of the people. Some scientists even disappeared later because of their threats to the safety and stability of the nation. Not surprisingly, during this period of time, no significant discovery or invention occurred.

3. However, providing absolute freedom might cause other problems of equal graveness. (Some immoral researches or ones in threats of the peace, safety and stability of the society). Scientific research and development is a double-edged sword that can be used equally for good or evil. If not properly controlled, it will bring disasters to us. Such as human Cloning, biochemistry

weapon, the nuclear bomb

4. 总结: The restrictions placed by government on scientific research should e judged according to the different nature of various research projects.


①政府不应过多介入。A 可能政府的目标会促进某些而阻碍某些发展To great existence, the government has restrained the science too much in some fields that lead to choke its development

B 政府的价值观、意识形态等可能对于人文学科研究或不同背景的科学家的合作产生影响。 ②政府要支持:从经济上,否则大型项目无法完成。或者大规模的调查。

③对于某些有争议的学科,政府应指引出方向。 如:clone, euthanasia


(1) What‘s the main function of the government is to restrict the society and stand for it, while the science is to probe the true of the mystery and by doing this make advantage of it to ameliorate the human currency. So it is the government's responsibility to bridle the science research and development.

(3)On the other hand, without the rein of the government, the science will drift. While every augment of our capability on realizing our desire, therefore the augment of our capability for evil, if the desire is not wise, for example, so need restrict.

(4) In summary the science need the appropriate bridle, to leave its advance.


The speaker asserts that few restrictions on scientific research and development should be places by government. I fundamentally agree with the speaker's assertion for that scientific research and development contribute so many benefits to the modern society and hence people's well-being. However, in some circumstance, scientific researches are not for the purpose of improving society's welfare. And such researches even harm the peace and freedom which we always pursue. Thus in my view the governments should pick out these researches and place restrictions.

1. Firstly, it is certain that scientific research and development obviously improve our quality of life especially in recent years. Tomes Edison invented the bulb and with it human paced into a new world of high work efficiency. As automobile came into our society, people move far more quickly than ever before and saved much money, time and energy. Also take the transformation tool of plane for example, how we can image that the world without planes, in which people move from country to country only by train or ship? That is so inconvenient for communication and transporting between countries and international organizations without such kind of products own to scientific researches. In this view, I agree with the speaker for that in retrospect to history, scientific researches and development indeed improved our quality of life and made our work and study convenient and smooth.

2. Secondly, I concede that government should place few restrictions on scientific research and development because many researches need the support of public and government, especially considering that fact that most scientific researches require lots of money and technology support. When an expert discover something important and unusual, they should take most of their time and energy to more deeply research and thinking. But that is not enough. They also need money spending on the sub instruments and carry out their ideas and research. Nowadays governments always place many restrictions on most fields of society in order to maintain the stability of the whole society. Thus a big plan of scientific research usually needs government's admission and

some policy to support. If governments should place too many restrictions on scientific researches the concerned experts would have no possibility to carry out these plans and their useful ideas cannot turn into practical tools and products which can be took good use by us to improve the quality of life.

3. Nevertheless, in my view, some restrictions on scientific research and development should be placed as well, especially on the researches lack of enough evidence of some possibilities to success and those whose purpose are not to improve human's quality of life. Actually, there are many scientific developments even harm the democratic essence: freedom, peace and respect. For example, heavy-power bombs, nuclear weapons, and biological weapons, these developments are frequently used by anti-society people and seriously threaten the safety of the citizens. Thus, for this matter, government should place some restrictions on scientific research and development. Admittedly, we should concede that not all of the scientists are for the purpose of improving the benefits of society and it is quite possible that they would be enticed by some evil guys.

[end]In sum, I fundamentally agree with the speaker because scientific research and development do have a great contribution to the thriving of our society and make people's life more convenient. However, government cannot ignore the importance of placing some restrictions as well for the whole society's safety and well-being.


a) 政府应该对科学研究进行合理的限制,这样才可以保证社会上大部分人的利益,比

如科学家对核能(nuclear energy)的研究一方面铸就了核电站(nuclear power station), 使得发电的成本大大降低;另一方面,却研究出来了核武器(nuclear weapons)杀伤力很强(max destruction),远远超过常规武器(far excellent than conventional weapons )。核武器有潜在的危险,如果战争一旦爆发,使用核武器将会给人们带来巨大的灾难。比如对农药的研究,现在的科学家可以研究出更有效的农药(pesticide)来杀死害虫(pests),而且农药的毒性越来越强,但是如果政府不加管制,那么这些毒素(poison)会进入人的身体,危害人们的健康。

b) 政府应该对某些研究加以限制,否则就会使研究失去平衡。有些科学研究是可以给

某些团体带来直接的利润的,比如对软件工程(software engineering)的研究,编写出新的软件,可以得到直接的利润;而有些是没有直接的利润的,比如天文学astronomy,生物学biology,这些都没有直接的经济效益,如果政府不限制,那么将来会有很少的人从事这方面的研究,则整个研究失去平衡。

c) 科学研究有时候是超前的,创新的。政府不太可能正确的判断是否正确,如果政府

对科学研究做过多的限制,则会对科学的发展不利。如果开始时侯就禁止anatomy解剖学,那么怎么会有现代医学和外科手术surgical。如果一个新的学科出现,比如基因工程(gene engineering)政府加限制,则该学科也不会得到发展,就不会更好的为人类服务。

d) 结论:政府需要给科学一个良好的自由的空间让其发展,但是在必要的时候要限制。 51 "Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student." 只有针对每个学生的需要和兴趣,教育才真正的有意义。



1. 从教育的目的上讨论,兴趣对教育的重要性;

对个人,爱因斯坦有句至理名言:―兴趣是最好的老师‖;对社会,教育的目的就是为社会培养各种人才,如果不注重学生兴趣,那么他们到社会不可能尽其所能。有时候可能埋没人才。比如一味的强调分数,那么对发明有兴趣的学生可能会失去动力,eg. 达尔文的父亲要求他

学医,但他对自然界有强烈的兴趣,最终写出了―进化论‖;爱因斯坦小时候学习并不好,并不表示他笨,而是没有找到自己的兴趣。所以,教育应该因材施教people oriented principle,teach students in accordance of their aptitude and interesting.

2. 但是,鼓励兴趣的培养不等于学校必须根据每个学生的兴趣来进行教育,这既无意义也


3. 因此,学校应该在进行基础教育的同时,努力发现并培养学生的兴趣。比如:为学生提



The arguer claims that education should be specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student in order to make education truly effective. Though it sounds very alluring, as far as I am concerned, it is impossible and even not necessary to specifically design education to meet individual needs and interests of each student all the time.

1. Interests is a vert essential element in one‘s learning. It‘s really an passion and impetus for a student to learn. The traditional teacher-oriented education often neglects the individual needs and interests of each student, which proves counterproductive. An educational system that can take into account the specific needs and interests of each student will help students to fully develop their distinct potential and talent. In such an educational system, students, feeling centered and appreciated, will be more motivated to study.

2. People may take granted that the more specifically designed education one can get acccording to his/ her own needs and interests, the more effective it will be turn out to be, since students will be much more actively engaged in study without the nessecity to learn what does not interest them, or what to be no apparent help to their future careers. Reasonable as it may seem, such an educational pattern does not make full use of modern educational resouces. It is actually

impossible that education is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each students—the cost of it is too high.

3. There is no need to design education to meet each student‘s need and interests and over-specified education will narrow down student‘s ken and capability of acclimation to future career. They should learn some lessons which is necessary for them, whatever they like them or not.

4. Even if we have the sufficient educational resources to offer individuals such education system, it is not a rational choice to do it for the reason that the majority of the students especially young children themselves don‘t know what they really need and their interests.

5. 总结: Although complete liberty in designing education is not available to all individual students, schools can try their best to offer more choices and autonomy to students as long as the quality of compulsory education is guaranteed.


1. The efficiency of education lies in its generalization (teacher, student)

2. Over-specified education will narrow down students‘ ken and capability of acclimation to future career

3. In order to cater individual needs and to enhance interests of students, schools can offer some

specifically designed programs to students

Student-oriented education is the most effective way to help students learn.

1. The traditional teacher-oriented education often neglects the individual needs and interests of each student, which proves counterproductive.

2. Student-oriented education can most effectively involve individual students in the learning process.

3. Nonetheless, winking at students‘ unreasonable desires would only result in chaos in education.


The speaker asserts that only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student will education be truly effective. I agree with the author insofar that the most effective education should concern with the individual needs and interests of each student, in order to maximum his or her personal advantage. However, in fact, to design an education which can meet every individual‘s need and interest is unpractical and unnecessary. In some special cases such kind of education will even bring some negative influence to the society. We also need to take into account these aspects of mater when we come across to designing how we teach the students.

1. To begin with, I have to admit that an education system that can take into account the specific needs and interests of each student will help the students to fully develop their distinct potential and talent. Satisfied individual needs and fulfilled interests may be very powerful forces to stimulate the students to get maximum improvement. In such an education system, students, feeling centered and appreciated, will be more motivated to study. One of the greatest scientists Newtown had a saying: the best teacher is called interest. There are many examples in the history of the development of science to prove this point of view: Darwin begin his research on biology when he was deeply attracted to the world of insects in his childhood; Many musicians studied the sophisticated theory and practiced the boring and difficult performance of musical instrument from time to time spontaneously本能的 just because of their deep love to music. The education designed account for students' individual interest and needs not only make the students be willing to accept knowledge, but also improve the efficiency of education itself.

2. A proverb says that, you can never teach bird to swim. As every person is unique for his or her DNA when born, every one has his own advantage and disadvantage. Their individual needs and interests are effective reflection of what they are good at, because people always love to do what they are good at. For instance, a blind girl may be surprisingly gifted on listening, so her interest on music may be extremely strong; a deaf boy has a special comprehensive ability on colors, consequently, he might be fascinated by paintings. If we separate education from the individual needs and interests of each student, the system of education would become formalistic形式主义 and consequently, a students' potential is tempting to be neglected and buried forever.

3. However, in spite of the high importance of interests, to design the education or distribute the education resource is unpractical when it is too specifically to meet every student‘s interest and individual need. Compared with the huge number of students, education resources are limited and even absent.

4. 如果我们假定教学资源是充足的,那结果会什么呢?答案是,过分excessively强调学生的个人兴趣完全按照学生的兴趣来开展教学仍然是不可行的,因为这样有可能会培养出bring up知识结构不完整的学生。教育的目的是培养全面发展的人才。

5. 那如果解决上面所述的矛盾呢?In my point of view, schools have the accountability to offer more choices and autonomy to students as long as the quality of compulsory education is guaranteed. For example, electives are good way to meet students‘ individual interests and meanwhile required courses could assure the students have a complete knowledge structure.

153 "Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively." 无论学生们学习什么都应该带着一定的疑问。学生们应该质疑被教授的东西而不只是被动的接受。(教育问题之学而好问)



1. 在质疑的过程中,可以加深和完善对某一观点和问题的认识。在解决问题的过程中,学


2. 我们所学到的东西,并不都是完全正确的,在多年以后也许会被证明是错误的。比如:


3. 当然,在教育中应当强调的不应当是让学生对任何事都不加思索的批评和质询,而是教



the speaker insists that students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study and question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively. As far as I am concerned, I strongly agree that not only students but also all of us should bring a certain skepticism to whatever we study.

1. For one thing, the knowledge of any field of study must have some flaws and somewhat incomplete, while to err is human, due to the limit of the ken of teachers, they might have made some mistakes. Without skepticizing but only passively accepting whatever one studies is unwise, which not only do bad to the students but also be detrimental to the society.

2. Secondly, as the society never stop developing and progressing, some knowledge and theories we think as truth ever might be proved wrong at last, so it need us bring a certain skepticism to what we study.

3. Thirdly, skepticism is the starting point for creation and we human being really get quite a few benefits from question what we are taught. Without skepticism, no great progress will be made in any academic field. There are series of examples to illustrate this point. Without the suspicion of the Ptolemaic system of astronomy, how could Copernicus establish the heliocentric conjecture? Without querying Newton‘s classic mechanics, how could Einstein put forward the Theory of Relativity?

4. Students should be encouraged to form the habit of a critical thinking to everything they are taught. This is a very basic quality for every student to develop. Bacon, an English philosopher, had advocated the idea of testing the authority in order to gain real knowledge. When Einstein was a child he always asking why to almost everything, therefore he could meke such a great achievement.


① 在质疑的过程中,可以加深对知识的认识,在解决问题的过程中,学习能力、查资料的


② 对学校里的学生,老师教授的知识可能现在看是正确的,而以后看会是错误的。也可能

老师讲授的为过于理想化的东西,在实际生活中不能直接put into practice.如:经济学中的理性人假设,信息对程,市场完全竞争。但实际情况。。随时间推移,原来的质疑被证明是正确的,旧的理论被推翻或完善,则社会也就进步了。Skepticism is the starting point for creation.

③ undue skepticism might be counterproductive in educating young children.对于年龄小的儿


④ 身为学者,向社会学习,从生活中学习。对社会上某些司空见惯(quotidian)的情况、

行为,应提出疑义。如:贝弗里奇(Beveridge)meditate英国社会保障状况(actuality)和问题,提出了著名的Beveridge Report ,led to the establishment of social security system, pave the way for other countries‘ social security system.

Skepticism, or critical thinking, helps us uncover bias and prejudice and distinguish between opinion and fact.

College campus is a place where teachers and students get involved in a common pursuit for knowledge and truth


a) 在质疑的过程中,可以加深对知识的认识,在解决问题的过程中,学习能力、查资


b) 质疑促进了创新。人类的认识是有限的,不可能完全正确没有任何漏洞。质疑提出


c) 如果学生只是被动接受而不质疑,学习效率也不高。被动接受不能在学生大脑里留


d) 过度的质疑影响了学习已有理论与知识。主要的目的是学习知识,时间是有限的,



―Governments should focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future.‖ 政府应该把更多的注意力放在解决当务之急,而不是试图解决将来预期的问题上。




1. Many immediate problems such as unemployment, poverty and environmental pollution will

negatively influence social stability and sustainable development, thus deserving government‘s immediate and urgent attention. 如果不解决这些问题,将会严重阻碍社会的发展,影响人们的生活和工作。比如environmental pollution所带来的问题,水质污染影响人们的健康,自然灾害带来巨大损失等等。所以政府应该重视解决现在的问题,才能有效的治理社会

2. 长期问题不能忽略。On the other hand, government as the distributor of public resources

should not ignore anticipated problems (long-term research that might help future generations), and should allocate funds proactively. Such foresight and earlier emphasis of problems of environment or disease, such as SARS, could have led to early and preventative treatment.如,我们在发展经济解决poverty时要注意环境污染的治理及研究替代能源的使用,避免资源的枯竭;宇宙计划,美国的登月计划、火星探测这些长期的研究项目,为了将来人类的发展,寻找新的生存地与资源。

3. 都很重要。无论是现在所面临的问题,还是将来会面临的问题,政府都应该重视并予以

解决。如果只顾眼前利益而不考虑将来的发展与后果,近期可能问题得到缓解,但从长远来看,将会严重阻碍社会的发展。而且,These two facets of budgeting and potential are not mutually exclusive. If our governments can coordinate these two efforts through cost analysis and induction, future societies may reap the benefits of today‘s sound investment. 结尾:当务之急需要引起重视,但长远问题与研究也不能忽视。重要的是政府根据实际情况,对有限的资源与资金进行合理调度与分配。


In the history of our society‘s development, artists and critics have always come hand in hand. Where there is art, there are critics. Although I admit that the true value of the art lies in the work itself, I want to contend that critics‘ role in discovering, evaluating, and disseminating the value of the art should not be overlooked.

One thing to be sure is that critics never give art works their value. Instead, the true value of art is embedded in its own from the moment of its completion. In other words, it is the artists who gave the art their value. The great beauty in life needs the excellence of artists to discover and express, in the form of magnificent and immortal artworks. The artists infuse their own creative impulse, aesthetic intuition and authentic passion into the work, which imposes an emotional or even visceral impact on observers‘ senses, hearts and souls. It is the spiritual resonance that occurs between the observer and the creator at the interface of the artwork where the true value of art lies most in. Critics in these cases can often be a nonfactor, a distraction, or even a disservice, to the true appreciation of the artwork.

However, critics have their own functions to fulfill.

Firstly, critics can help us to better understand and appreciate art. As great artworks are often ahead of time and well beyond the comprehension scope of the mass public, proper critics is needed to educate laypersons about the artistic values of the work and inform them about the implications, hidden meanings and virtuoso skills in the work so that its influence can reach out to a much wider population. For example, Van Gough‘s masterpieces went ignored for decades because the public cannot appreciate his work. It is the critics who finally discovered the beauty and enormous artistic values that lie in his paintings and propagated the information to the public, who were then able to understand his works. In short, the critics actually play a role of

disseminating the lasting value of the artwork. My art teacher once said: ―The world is full of beauty only if we have eyes to find out.‖ The critics give us the eyes.

Secondly, critics‘ proper and accurate evaluation of an artwork can serve as a directory, or filter, of the public‘s access to the arts. Through the comments of critics, people will have a general impression or a preview of an art piece and determine whether it is worth their time, money and attention. For example, a sequel to a blockbuster movie might turn out to be a lackluster effort. If the critics promptly discover the flaws in its plots and inadequacies in its cast‘s performance, the public‘s ticket money is saved for something more interesting and useful.

Thirdly, critics can provide feedback to artists and the dialogue between artists and critics will serve as a communication channel that facilitates improvements of the artist‘s work. Insightful critics with keen views and perspicacious understanding of the arts could point out the imperfectness in the artist‘s work or offer new approaches to the expression of the ideas. Therefore, constructive criticism by proficient critics can avoid bending the artist‘s natural intuition or affecting their intrinsic artistic impulse while providing possible ways for them to receive feedback about their work and improve from thereon.

In sum, although an art piece‘s lasting value comes from its creator, who infuses artistic instinct and aesthetic significance into his/her work, critics play an important role in propagating the values, directing public‘s access to arts and improving the artist‘s work. We should say that artists, associated with critics, establish the spectacular mansion for the art world.


a) 政府应该着力解决当务之急,如贫困,恐怖主义,环境污染,疾病,失业等等,毕


b) 然而这并不意味着我们可以忽视将来预期的问题。比如人口中男女比例失调,如果

不予以考虑,将来会出现一系列的社会问题,如和犯罪and 心理有关的问题,再比如,环境问题,如果早预见环境问题的重要性,可能不会像现在这么严重。还有某些地区的人口问题,如果早预见到人口会给环境和社会带来如此大的压力,早控制人口,效果会好很多。

c) 而且,政府如果只注重现在而忽视了长远,显然是对后代不公平的。还是环境污染

的例子,现代人无节制的污染与破坏损坏了将来人的利益。而且这样做也是目光短浅的,我们在试图解决将来预期问题的同时也会受益,开发新的绿色能源energy source的问题上,科学家们在研究太阳能方面取得的进展可以为我们当前服务,如太阳能电池 solar battery,太阳能加热系统,solar heating system.


1. As increasingly problems emerge in contemporary society, the authority has to pay attention to solve these immediate problems. Ex. Unemployment, poverty, discrimination, racialism, religion conflicts ,war,

2. However, it is not reasonable for only focusing on present-day problem without concerning the future problems. Pave the way for future blueprint. Every social problem has its own source. Since hundreds years ago, there have been War.

社会问题有根源,只关注表象只能更严重。WAR, disease, AIDS

One without far-reaching vision could hardly succeed in solving anticipated problems.

3.Still, it is also important to cast our nets forward. The authority should also plan resources for the anticipated problems. Ex program for children

144 "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value." *a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc. " [05/75; 06/11]



Begin:The speaker asserts that it is the arts rather than critics serve as the main contribution to long lasting arts. While, I fundamentally disagree with this assertion for it, to some extent, overstate the role of the artists in the creation of a long lasting works while, neglect the value of the critics towards the artistic works. Close scrutiny (Reflecting on this claim) shows that one priceless works needs the association of the artist and critics.

1. 艺术家们给了社会长久的价值。一方面艺术家带给人们美的享受;或给人精神的鼓励;

如:达芬奇的蒙娜丽莎;肖邦的音乐;另一方面使人们了解社会更深层次的东西,这些都是永久的价值;如Mark Twain的小说。

2. 评论家也是可以创造永恒价值的,但是很容易被人们忽略。比如18世纪在欧洲非常盛

行的文学沙龙(literary salon),评论家们口头讨论作家的最新小说,从艺术价值,结构,美感,文化背景,可能对作家很有帮助。因为评论家大多数的价值是无形的思想,而不是那些画,小说,建筑物之 类能看到的东西,因此他们的作用往往被忽略。As is well know to all, the creation of a work of art is mainly the subjective representation of the emotions, observations, values and tastes of the artist. What is less recongnized is that, in fact, the examination and review of art works, as done by critics, is also a highly subjective precedure. Therefore, by reviewing art works, art critics are, to some extent, recreating the work in their own way.

3. A critic who is familiar with a particular artist and his or her art works can help us understand

and interpret art. 很多永恒的艺术都是这样被发现的(就像一颗好的钻石,如果不被从矿石中挑出来,不打磨(BURNISH),永远不会发光) 比如 梵高(van Gogh)的画没有评论家的挖掘,现在还是不名一闻. 唐基柯德起初被认为是滑稽小说;小说前面的序言或者绘画所配的文字等等。没有评论家的点评,谁看的懂毕加索(Picasso)的抽象画(collage)

4. Furthermore, beauty is in the eye of the beholder。评论家可以站在beholder的立场上更加

客观,有见解的评价arts, which contributes to the development of the study in the realm of arts and ultimately help the autistics to create a better works in the future achievement.

End: In sum, artists and critics supplement and also rely on each other. As time passes, the perfect works with lasting value are those which are created by artists and evaluated by critics.


the arguer insists that it is the artist gives society something of lasting value, but not the critics. As far as I am concerned, there is no denying that artist gives society something of lasting value. However, constructive criticism not only can help the public to appreciate artistic work but also can help artist promote their working level. Therefore, in my opinion, artist gives society something of lasting value while critic also contributes to the lasting value.

1. first of all, there is no doubt that it is the creative minds and skillful works of artists that make our quotidian life colorful and give society something of lasting value. It is Da Vinci who gave the painting ―Mona Lisa‖ of lasting value

2. on the other hand, critics play an indelible role in giving society something of lasting value.

(1) First, critics can help the public understand and interpret art, since their comment and evaluation of an artwork severs as a filter, which helps us determine which art is worth our time and attention.

(2) Second, a critic who is familiar with a particular artist‘s works might have certain insights

about those works that the layperson would not. Therefore we can learn it from all of these critics, which can help us understand an artistic work better and also help us to be a good connoisseur.

(3) Besides, they can provide feedback for artists and constructive criticism can result in better work. All of the greatest feats in history, which gave society something of lasting value, are those created by artists and evaluated by critics.

3. 总结: artist and critics are supplement of each other. All of the greatest artistic works in history, which gave society something of lasting value, are those created by artists and evaluated by critics.


① It is the creative minds of artists that add hue to our quotidian life.如:Beethoven, Dickens 苦

难的经历成就了他们作品 sympathy 同感

② critics can help us understand and interpret art; a critic who is familiar with a particular artist

and his or her works might have certain insights about those works that the layperson would not。如:抽象艺术nonobjectivism

③ A critic's evaluation of an art work serves as a filter (sieve), which helps us determine which

art is worth our time and attention.他们的批评成了一种反馈,使得艺术家不断进步。如:印象派的沙龙、电影评论



Who gives society something of lasting value? The author asserts that it is the artist, rather than the art critic. By scrutinizing various aspects of this contention, I agree with the author insofar as that the greatest artists create splendid works which contribute much to a society. However, without the art critic, in some sense art cannot embody its significance thoroughly.

1. First of all, it is the artist that create the luxuriant丰富的 art value. Undeniably, the productions of the artist are the precondition of art value for all the time. No artist‘s brightness or toilsome labor means no artwork at all, which is the source of art value. The art critic cannot create any value just by their imagination. The artists conceive their production through their comprehension and cognition to the world and society. Every production contains the artist‘s abstract of life and artist‘s pursue for beauty, whatever music, sculpture or calligraphy. 正是这些作品带来了丰富的abundant社会价值,让人们在浮躁的blundering社会中得道美的享受和心灵的净化cleanse the soul。

2、表面上on the surface艺术家是唯一exclusive因素,但不然。批评家发现艺术品的价值。批评家有敏锐的acuminous洞察力discernment,能筛选filter出有真正deep-dyed价值的艺术品,从而节约人们的时间和精力。批评家的评论criticism能够帮助人们更好的理解艺术的价值。毕竟,艺术是高度extraordinary抽象的,一般人想要彻底的理解艺术很困难的,也是不现实的impractical。而批评家有丰富的艺术知识和很棒的思维能力,能够比我们更容易发现艺术的真谛essence,最起码更容易告诉我们艺术品想要表达的东西,而这正是我们想要的。

3、批评家对艺术品提供有价值的反馈feedback,使得艺术家不断进步,创造出更好的作品。艺术品不像政府政策policy或其他东西能够从社会效益中得到反馈,因此缺少一种衡量scale自我的标准,而批评家的评论正好可以弥补make up这一不足。从褒贬不一的praise or criticize评论中艺术家可以得到提高,并进一步使其创造出的艺术品的社会价值得到更好的体现embodiment。

In sum, both the artist and the critic have positive effects on the creation of great works. By combining them, there could be more and more permanent art emerging in the world.

―So much is new and complex today that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present.‖现代生活是崭新、复杂的,认知过去对现在没有知道价值



1. Admittedly,现代社会发展迅速,知识更新快,要求我们不断学习新的知识。


2. However,对过去的研究和学习对个人及社会发展的作用不能忽略。In contrast,为了现在的学习和发展,应该更为重视过去的经验和教训。

2.1 At the individual level,从历史中受到鼓舞及吸取经验教训。

例:a student inspired by the courage and tenacity of history‘s great explorers might decide as a result to pursue a career in archeology, oceanography, or astronomy;林肯(Abraham Lincoln)的奋斗经历会激励那些不幸的人不向命运低头,通过奋斗改变自己的命运;哥白尼(Copernicus)同学的故事告诉我们要勇于质疑别人的理论,并坚持自己的想法;达尔文(C·R·Darwin)放弃学医从而创立了生物进化论(The Origin of Species),告诉我们―兴趣是最好的老师‖;居里夫人Madame Curie对于科学的执著

3. At the nation level,在社会发展与国家决策方面,依然能从历史中吸取经验和教训

例:三次经济危机的爆发告诉我们,资本主义(capitalism)的市场经济(market economy)也需要政府的调控;中国建国初期的发展历史告诉我们,社会主义(socialism、social democracy)的计划经济(planned economy)同样需要借鉴资本主义的市场经济;


The arguer asserts that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present because so much is new and complex today. As far as I am concerned, I concede that with the increasing development of science and technology, today is really new and complex compare with the past. However, looking back for an understanding of the past is not almost or meaningless just as the speaker claimed--- looking back for an understanding of the past can provides guidance as well. Therefore, I disagree with the arguer‘s point.

1. Admittedly, there is so much new and complex today, which means we must take panis to learn the new knowledge to keep pace with the skyrocketingly chaniging society.

2. However, No matter how new and complex today is, we can look for guidance from the past. In the first place, understanding the past can show us inspirational examples of success. Learning about great human achievements of the past provides us with inspiration. From the ancient Chinese author Sun Tzu's book "The Art of War", today's military commanders and even business leaders gather obtain information that help them to operate more efficiently and effectively. A student inspired by the courage of the history‘s great achivements might decide as a result to pursue a career in archeology, oceanography, mathematics ot astronomy. This decision can, in turn, profoundly affect that student‘s eveyday life in school and beyond. Even for the students not inclined to pursue these sorts of careers, studing historical examples of courage in the face of adversity can provide motivation to face their own personal fears in life. In short, learning about grand accomplishments of the past can help us get through the everyday business of living, whatever that business might be, by emboldening us and lifting our spirits.

3. In the second place, Studying the past can also help us avoid repeating mistakes which were ever made in the past.

4. The study of past is important because the relevant historical antecedents can help us fully appreciate our present challenges. No matter how different today is from the past, there are certain values, principles, and old life philosophies remain unchanged and still have much use in guiding us now.


① 在现代社会,科技的进步导致传统观念和过去人类积累的经验都面临挑战euthanasia;

nuclear warfare

② At the individual level, 从历史中得到鼓舞,吸取经验教训。如:Edison; perpetual motion

machine Understanding the past can show us inspirational examples of success and also help us avoid repeating mistakes

③ At the nation level, only seek into history can we learn how events cone into being.如:苏联解


④ 尽管表面上看来,现代社会的新型和复杂性是古代社会不具备的,但是本质上,都是人


C. The study of past is important because the relevant historical antecedents can help us fully appreciate our present challenges


Is it necessary and useful for us to try to understand the past in other to have clear idea about living in the present? Here, the author suggests that the situation of contemporary world is too new and complex that there are no points to look for guidance for living from the past. Admittedly, different people have different ideas due to distinct angle. To me, however, after carefully examining the statement which seems to be somewhat appealing at the first glance, I would like to say that I have enough reasons to present an opposite claim against the author, in the other words, an understanding of the past help us understand the situation of contemporary world better. In the following discussion, I will present evidence to confirm my viewpoint.

1. In the first place, the most important reason for my standpoint is that we can learn the valuable experience by examining how people coped with the similar problems in the past. Abraham Lincoln put: "We know nothing of what will happen in future, but by the analogy类推 of past experience." Despite the complexity of modern problems and situations, the most actual causes of problems may still remain the same and unchanged over extended periods of time. Put it in another way, we can learn the method how our precedents worked out those problems which had the same essential elements as those of the present. The past things can help us face new challenges by showing us inspirational examples of success. For instance, we can learn from the experience of the great inventor and scientist Thomas Edison that sometimes a series of apparent failure is really a precursor先驱 to success. In addition, Edison achieved such great success by virtue of understanding of his past experience. Also consider the founder of IBM Bill Gates, who gave up his learning life in Harvard University and established his own corporation IBM. Understanding the motivation and perseverance坚定不移 indispensable to overcome the adversities逆境 can help to inspire modern-day young people and entrepreneurs.

2. Secondly, studying history can also help us to avoid repeating mistakes. Without guidance of the past, people have no idea which way is the best way and which way will lead to failure as predecessors did. For instance, we can deeply learn from the destruction of the Qing Dynasty that it can be a serious mistake to isolate from the world and prohibition of commerce and

communication. This profound lesson teaches descendants that only open the mind and policy can China become a well-being country.

3. Studying human history can also help us understand and appreciate the morals, values, and ideals of past cultures. A heightened awareness of cultural evolution, in turn, helps us formulate informed见多识广的 and reflective沉思的 values and ideals for ourselves. Based on these values and ideals, students can determine their authentic可信的 life path as well as how they should allot分配 their time and interact with others on a day-to-day basis.

4. However, 现在的社会瞬息万变,需要人们不停的学习不断涌现的新知识,以适应社会的发展变化。


c) 当今世界确实发生了翻天覆地的变化,人们生活的环境,生活的条件都发生了巨大


d) 但是当今生活中许多问题和历史是有关系的,失业,经济问题,法律问题,道德问

题。A purely contemporary analysis may shed some light on the problem, but a historical assessment is clearly fundamental.比如low voter turnout在美国,知道了它从何时开始就可以分析出当时的根源,可以分析现在这种因素是否仍然存在,还是有新的因素。当时的解决办法对现在是否有效。。。

e) 但是不能简单的照搬历史,毕竟当今和过去有着千差万别,很多客观调价都变了,

学要我们根据今天的具体情况来调整,得出符合实际的解决问题的方法。比如教育制度,就不能只按照过去的内容来教育学生,科技的进步,要求我们加入新的知识。 17 ―There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws‖有两种法律:公平的和不公平的。社会中的每个人都应该遵守公平的法律,更重要的是,不遵守或者违抗不公平的法律。



1. Firstly,每个人对法律的公正与否都有自己的想法Everyone has his/her own opinion to

comprehend justness and unjustness of laws,任何一条法律都有可能对一部分人公正而对另一部分人不公正。

2. Secondly, we are living in societies that need regulations and laws to maintain their stability

and prosperity. 既然是法律,就应该遵守。法律的作用。 即使对于那些我们自己认为不公平的法律,也不能不遵守或者违抗。Otherwise,如果法律得不到很好的贯彻,有人执行,有人不执行,那么法律将形同虚设,社会秩序就乱了

3. Finally,虽然可能有不合理的地方,但法律不是一成不变的,而是随着社会的发展和进

步在不断改进的Although has unjustness in some respects, the laws do not keep constant, as many people think, on the contrary, they are challenged and mended with the progress of social development.如果认为不公平,应该采取其他方法而不是违抗。比如向立法机关提出并建议修改。



Laws and regulations are set up by the government, which serve as a means to control the country and keep the society stable. The essence of law is to ensure fairness, recognized and protect basic rights such as liberty, equality. Actually, we cannot just obey the laws we think is just and resist

the laws we think is not just, otherwise the law wil be meaningless.

1. Justness is a concept with relativity that different individuals may view the same law with opposite opinions, owing to their religion, status, etc. which means that whether a law is justice cannot be accurately judged by the ordinary individuals in the sociery.

2. Now that law has become the cherished and established rules in our society, we must obey it. For example, in the army. Regard every one as a tree in the garden, then the laws is like the gardener, who pollard redundant leaves and twigs in order to restrict these trees‘ growth in a certain way and thus help them grow healthily and properly, who can make the garden a orderly place. As a result, if any action of disobeying so-called unjust laws from his or her perspective, the whole society would undoubtedly come into chaos, owing to that everyone may consider some laws as unjust ones according to his or her own criterion.

3. If a law is flawed, the amendment job belongs to those people woring in the legislature for the reason that this is their responsibility and job rather than others. Actually , if a law is really flawed, the legislators may notice that much earlier before us due to their systematic knowledge of laws and clairvoyance of the laws. The correct attitude toward the flaws of established laws is to reflect them to the legislators through proper way. Only in this mild way could social regulations be improved appropriately and we maintain our right to the most and without imprudence.



①把法律分为公平的和不公平的过于简单。有很多内容没有包括。如:网络犯罪 ②对于公平和不公平的定义在变化。如:是否应有死刑(execution), euthanasia

③对第二个assertion: 确实要遵守公平的Undoubtedly, every citizen should obey just laws, which preconditions a stable and orderly society.

④对不公平的要看情况, 可以反抗,同时也促进法律进步。Yet it is more important for individuals to resist unjust laws, for doing so will help improve the legal system of a nation.不合作主义civil disobedience

Laws and regulations are set up along with the entrenchment of a government serving as a means to control the country.

Since laws are built up under the power of government, which represents the public interest whereas run by a few individuals, it is quite possible that laws are constituted in the name of representing the majority while on the contrary in a few individuals favor.

Facing unjust laws, every individual has the very responsibility to resist them.

No matter that whether every individual could reach an agreement on unjust or not, one point is important that we should put forward our opinions toward unjust laws.


"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."

Position: The speaker‘s view of the law system has gone too far that it has become too extreme. 1. It unfairly categorizes laws as just and unjust. 2. It advocates that unjust laws should be disobeyed and resisted.

In the first place, categorizing laws as just and unjust is an extremely tricky issue because different persons or different groups‘ interpretation of the laws can be different due to different interests, backgrounds, cultural upbringings and notions. After all, there is no way that a law can be

unanimously regarded as unjust, otherwise there will be no foundation justifying the law‘s existence in the first place. Legislation on contentious issues like euthanasia and abortion has always drawn controversies from people with different views. Taking euthanasia for example, its opponents claim that under no circumstances should one be granted the right to take another person‘s life; while its advocates argue that when it has come to a point when all that left in life is merely torture and pain, a person should have the autonomy to choose to end his own sufferings. Both sides‘ view has their merits and supporters and it is tremendously difficult to dismiss either side as wrong and relevant laws as unjust.

Moreover, it is impossible for the law to be universally fair to everyone concerned. The main function of law is to reconcile interests of different groups and maintain a balance between them. Unfortunately, the arbitration is rarely a win-win game. Rather, there are bound to be losers and winners. The illegalization of whale hunting in Japan serves as a case in point. From the whale-hunters‘ point of view, such legislation is definitely unfair because it basically deprives them of their sustenance. As a result of the prohibition, they lose their jobs and income and their families lose stability. Moreover, other people involved in the whale-hunting industry are also negatively affected. Regular customers and people in the downstream industries are most likely opposed to the law as well. However, from a broader point of view, it is necessary to ban whale hunting to preserve the environment and maintain the eco-balance for the greater good of the society and mankind. Another example involves regulations on pollution. Factories influenced are going to increase their costs in manufacturing their products. Therefore their employees, stakeholders and customers are all going to be negatively influenced. However the opposing interests of the region‘s residents, and to a greater extent, the whole human population, far outweighs the economic losses in this case. Therefore it is reasonable and rational to pass such legislation. In short, the fairness of law is subjective and depends on the angle of view and the interests of the different groups involved.

From the above argument it is clear that disobeying the law is rarely a rational option because it is opposed to the general interest of a bigger group and is therefore counterproductive. Another possible problem associated with disobeying unjust laws is that since differentiation between fair and unfair laws is not so clear-cut, permitting variances in the execution of law may lead people to a slippery slope that ultimately lead to crippling the legal system altogether. Going back to the example of euthanasia, opponents of euthanasia compellingly argues that once the right to end one‘s life is granted, it can open back doors for those who are not terminally ill but want to end their own lives, or result in people choosing euthanasia involuntarily because of pressure from their family and others. Even worse, malicious people will inevitably exploit the legal loophole that greatly facilitates their murder of a severely ill person.

In conclusion, because the inherent purpose of the law system is to balance different interest groups, people with different priorities will inevitably doubt the fairness of laws that inflicts their personal interests. Therefore, disobedience of the law shall never be encouraged, especially when it can lead to other problems such as loosing of standards and bending of rules, which could jeopardize innocent people‘s legitimate interests.


a) 在民主社会中,法律的作用是。但是法律有时候可以被认为是just和unjust的。 b) 对于不同的利益群体来说。比如污染环境的工厂,环境保护法要求进行污染治理,


c) 对不同文化背景和宗教背景的人来说。比如刚移民到美国的亚洲人,也许在教育孩


d) 但是法律不仅仅规定了行为,还给了合法的途径去改变,废除法律。如果disobey


40 "Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem." 我们不应该仅仅关注学者和研究者的著作能否对社会做出贡献。更重要的是关注他们如何追求实现自己的兴趣,无论那些兴趣显得是多么的非同寻常。(少数和多数之科学家)


//许多人认为科学和研究应当为整个社会服务,并根据这个原因得出研究者和学者都应当尽可能的从事相对来说更有利于社会的研究。尽管这个观点表面上看似乎正确,但是争论却因为对于contribute的这个词的不同看法而引起了,因为在人类社会中并没有统一的标准用来衡量什么学科要比另一些学科contributes more to the human society. 因此,让科学家们根据自己的兴趣进行研究最最好的解决上述问题的方法。

1. 首先,不可否认,确实有一些学科能够对当时社会发展起显著的推动作用。甚至一些学


2. 但在一段很长的时间里,判断什么样的研究最有利于社会的长远发展几乎不可能。正如


3. 对于许多的科学家们来说,兴趣可能是他们选择研究课题的重要因素。首先,个人兴趣


//总之,任何科学家和学者都有选择喜欢研究的领域的权力,就像任何人都有选择穿自己喜欢衣服的权力一样。所有的科学研究从长远看都是有用的,不光包括那些新兴的用于解决短期社会问题的学科,同样也包含unusual or idiosyncratic fields of research.


1. Interest is the best teacher. For scholars and researchers, interest severves as the paramount instructor and impetus for research, which makes them spantaniously devoted to certain field of study, which may seem boring or tedious to other people. Without it, we could hardly enjoy the luxurious and convenient modern life brought about by the achievements in science---achievements motivated by interest. By confining their research to beneficial social contributions, scholars and scientists might lack the inspiration, which can just comes from their personal interest. Thus great innovation might be dismissed in apathetic neglect.

2. Moreover, what scientists are pursuing is to explore the unknown frontiers of the world, which means scientists themselves are also not very sure what they would actually discover, so no mention what impact on society their discoveries will have. Actually, most discoveries were born by accidents, or were the byproducts in the process of other researches. Marie Curie did not well prepared and intentionally decided to discover the element of radium. However, it is true that what she disvcovered not only crowned her with Nobel Prize, but also tremendously contributed to our society.

3. However, despite the great importance of interest in scientific research, the pursuit of individual interests by scholars and researchers should not consist of treacherous and evil interests that may damage the well-being of individuals or society as a whole. There still are conventions, regulations, moral and ethic commitments that scientists must obey.


① 从现实来看,能够立马apply to reality 的学科确实能得到更多的资助。如:法学、商学 ② 但从长期来看,谁能说清楚什么是有贡献的?Who is to decide which areas of academic

inquiry are worthwhile? Scholars cannot be left to decide; nor can regulators and legislators. 现在看起来没什么用将来可能有大用处。如:Einstein 发展了 the principle relativity, the quantum theory, 当时没用,现在奠定了当代物理学的基础。以及发端自数学的game theory

③ 在自己感兴趣的领域做事,科学家们更容易出成果。By human nature we are motivated to

pursue those activities in which we excel. A enthusiasm B excel

Not for Edison‘s sustained work, we wouldn‘t have benefited so much from his marvelous inventions.



1. People have different personalities and positions which can influence their presentation in front of a video camera.

2. The fact that the speaker's benefit may be contradict to the group's makes it impossible for an individual to speak form the standpoint of a particular group.

3. In some cases, an individual can be a trustworthy speaker of a particular group.

It is quite insightful that a common mistake with the assumption that an individual are supposed to speak for a particular group can be committed by the media. Noting the fact that differences and disagrees may exist between the group and some of its members; we can easily give up the dream which has to deny the individuals to pursue their own interest. Thus we know that some reports released by the mass

media which are still stick to this dream are either misleading or intended to be true.

Specifically, people have different personalities and positions which can influence their presentation in front of a video camera. When asked a complicated question, the reactions will be quite different depending on the characteristics. For example, by analyzing data from satellites, a group of scientists have recently made an excellent progress which can explain the original of a structure predicted by some theory. This discovery is a big shock and many journalists hurry to interview members of the

group. When asked the importance of the found, a member, who is famous for being humble, may appear not so confident, acclaiming that this discovery need discussing by other scientists in order to attain its position. On the contrary, a progressing

member will speak high of this discovery, considering it as a historical event. As we see, both of them speak for the same group, yet their words do not seem to agree with each other .Therefore we can not access to truth regardless of personalities of different members. Accordingly expecting an individual to expose the group's view is quite difficult in reality.

What is more, possibly benefit controversy existing between an individual and the group makes it even impossible for one to represents the view of a particular group. Let us imagine that a journalist is interviewing some people in a company and the topic is comments on your company's new housing-policy. And we can team them into three groups: policy-maker, benefit-upers and the rest. Leaders in the first group are sure to be confident with their new plan and they may assert that this policy will improve the housing condition of all stuffs as a whole. Of course, the third group believe this new arrangement is fundamentally well-designed considering that some colleague's situation remain the same or even reduced. Undoubtedly, the rest whose situations are not improved will just be passive or objected. In brief words, appraises of members in a group towards the same item can be dramatically different so that we can not expect an individual to become a credible speaker for a group.

Although an individual's opinion can be unreliable to represent the group, we can not leap to the conclusion that information released by media is not worthy at all. At least we are informed with some facts besides the ideas and commands. And in some cases an individual can speak for a particular group if the group has discussed to decide the content. A diplomatic speech is often important and influential because it is hardly affected by the speaker's personal factor.

Generally speaking, considering the fact that an individual can not speak for a

particular group in most cases, the media and society should not expect one to give us accurate and entire information of the group.

212 "If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."



Begin: 上面的观点不能这么绝对,要针对不同情分析,否则可能会酿成大错。

1. 首先没有一个指标来说明什么是值得的。对不同的人,他们所衡量的―worthy‖标准不同。如一个好的政治家他会认为为人民谋利益是值得的;而一个不好的政治家,如Hitler,他则会认为侵略其他国家,一切满足他的贪求的做法都是值得的。再如战争,对于战争两方的任一方都会认为打败对方这个goal是值得的。因此这个值不值得就法定义。

2. 假设现在我们为值得定义一个最起码的标准:不伤害他人利益,不违法。那么,的确,我们每个人都应该有为追求目标而the spirit of attaining our goal by making any effort。在一个社会中,没有科学家竭力的钻研,怎么会有科技的进步。没有政治家竭力的谋划,怎么会有人们的普遍福利。没有企业家竭力的追逐利益,怎么会有社会经济的持续发展。

对于个人来说也是如此,个人不懈努力取得成功的例子让人称赞不已。如爱迪生试验了上百次作灯丝的材料,前N-1次都失败了,但他坚持不懈,最终成功;Nobel为了研制detonator差点forfeit his life。

3. 但是我们应该认识到,上面所说的 ―making any effort‖ does not equal to ―any means‖.

―Making any effort‖ depends on the basis that the means you take are justifiable, while ―any mean‖ not, which may 伤害他人甚至我们整个人类。如科学研究出成绩整个目标是好的,但剽窃或者作假就是不好的(MIT教授例子);工业发展这个目标是―worthy‖的,但为了工业发展而污染环境,打破生态平衡的这种方式is unjustiable;维护和平的愿望是好的,但打着维护和平的幌子,去侵略他国就是不好的……



The arguer asserts that any means taken to attain a worthy goal is justifiable. As far as I am concerned, I agree insofar as we should try our best to fulfill our worthy goals. However, no matter how worthy a goal is, every thing we do should in the range of legality and morality first. It is irresponsible and even presumptuous to claim that if a goal is worthy, any means taken to attain it is justifiable.

1. If the goal is worthy, individual, states or the international community who have it should try best to attain it. It is true that one of the reason of the development of human beings is just becase we try hard to make lots of our goals realized.

2. However, although these goals are worthy indeed, it does not mean that one can attain it by any means. In the process of attaining these goals, peple such as political leaders and others should root in their minds that they can do nothing to harm the welfare of others. In the business, the gaol of maximizing profits and minimizing costs and expenses cannot be attained by illegal means or at the expense of social well being and other people‘s profits or rights. For example, it is unjustifiable for an enterprise to improve its profitability by releasing poisonous water into rivers.

3. What‘s more, referring to science, art, human activities, no matter what field, just considering the aim but without concerning the costs is unreasonable. If a goal is really worthy, but the cost of it is prohibitively high for us right now, there is no doubt that we should not realize it just due to the limited resources and money we have now.

4. How to determine whether a goal is worthy or not? I think that if it can totally represent what a person really needs and will not do any harm to the society and other people, this is definitely a worthy goal.


① 先定义worthy. Welfare >harm/opportunity cost 当cost适当时,是可以的。对个人而言,

如:courier夫妇 对国家而言,如:效率和公平。

② 在worthy 的前提下,还要合法。如:一公司以非法手段窃得另一个公司股票,最终合


③ 还要考虑道德问题。生物学家,花钱使用其助手的卵子germ cell, 安乐死euthanasia ④ We should be alert to the possibility that individuals, organizations or governments tend to

plead a worthy goal in excuse of their contemptible means and private interests。如:Hitler

A. Theoretically, the means taken should be consistent with the ends in view.

B. However, in order to restore peace and social order, individual states or the international community has repeatedly used force in history.

C. We should be alert to the possibility that individuals, organizations or governments tend to

plead a worthy goal in excuse of their contemptible means and private interests.


A. A goal always guides and spurs one to think, act. In politic areas, when a goal is justicial, in order to restore peace and social order, individual states or the international community has repeatedly used force in history as .World War II. Civil. For democracy, liberty, equality.

B. Having said this, however, whatever a goal is, one should pursue and attain it under laws and moralities. In business field, pursuing max profit is an very important aim of a company but not the only one.

C. Still, referring to science, art, human activities, just considering the aim without concerning the costs is unreasonable. During the World War II, Fascists experimented vivisection on live people in order to have direct results of the chemical weapons. A writer created figurative stories to defame the famous for pursuing better sales. Human beings once and again damage our environment as pollution, deforestation, decimation of animals. As a result, our bio-sphere have experienced largely dangers, ozone hole, global warming, abnormal earthquakes and tsunami. E、

a) 先定义worthy. Welfare >harm/opportunity cost 当cost适当时,是可以的。对个人而

言,比如,一个人为了更好的完成工作,选择在deadline前废寝忘食,到头来伤害了自己的身体。完全可以用更好的安排代替短期的突击。 对国家而言,比如,国家为了提高人们的福利待遇是对的,但是过分的提高税收则会提高成本,降低利润,影响经济的发展。

b) 在worthy 的前提下,还要合法。如:一公司以非法手段窃得另一个公司股票,最

终合并。可能经济效益大,但不合法。会给以后带来不好的影响。还要考虑道德问题。生物学家,花钱使用其助手的卵子germ cell, 安乐死科学界的剽窃或者作假(如哈福教授伪造科研数据被开除

c) We should be alert to the possibility that individuals, organizations or governments tend

to plead a worthy goal in excuse of their contemptible means and private interests。如:Hitler为了自己的政治目标,不择手段,结果给世界人民带来了重大灾难

221 ―The chief benefit of the study of history is to break down the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history.‖研究历史最明显地好处就是消除了这样地错觉,某个时代地人们与历史上另一个时代的人们有重大的差别




1.1 basic human nature consisting of desires, motives, fear, and etc. have remained constant over recorded time.(对爱情的渴望,和平稳定的追求,未知世界的探索等)

1.2 学习历史,借鉴前人的做法


1.1 生活、学习方式有很大变化

1.2 面临的问题也不同,环境污染、资源匮乏、核武器问题、人口过剩



This statement actually insists of two claims. First, people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history is an illusion. Second, the primary of the study of history is to break down this illusion. As far as I am concerned, I concede that people live in different periods of time in history share many common ground, however, I disagree with

both of the two claims.

1. Admittedly, from the human history, we know that the basic nature of human being

has not changed ever: good and evil. People in every period of time are thirsty for

freedom, equality, democracy and the like. People maintain the merits of intelligence,

diligence, creativity and so on, however, also share the demerits of prejudice, envy

and greed. Innovation promotes development while greed leads to wars. Human race

keep progressing of the civilization in this way.

2. On the other hand, the study of history is equally beneficial to understand and

appreciate significant differences between peoples of different time periods—in

terms of cultural morals, customs, values, and ideals.

3. Besides, history has many other functions, which might be more esstial than to break down the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history. For example, studing of the achievement of the past can give us inspiration. Studing the mistakes and failures of the past can prevent us repeating those mistakes and failures again.


① On the one hand, we learn that basic human nature—our desires and motives, as well as our

fears and other basic characteristics—has remained constant over recorded time. Through this cognition, we can benefit as a society in dealing more effectively with our enduring social problems对家庭、友谊、等等各种美德virtue的重视。

② The study of history is equally beneficial to understand and appreciate significant differences

between peoples of different time periods e.g.:存钱或是用钱、对待环境。

③ Another problem with this statement is that it undervalues other, equally important benefits of

studying history. 如:从历史中吸取经验教训: perpetual motion machine 又如:only seek into history can we learn how events come into being.苏联解体,冷战后的世界格局。

B. It is equally beneficial to understand and appreciate significant differences between peoples of different time periods— in terms of cultural mores, customs, values, and ideals.

a) The ways in which societies have treated women, ethnic minorities, animals, and the environment have continually evolved over the course of human history.

b) Society's attitudes toward artistic expression, literature, and scientific and intellectual inquiry are also in continual state of evolution.


a) 社会的发展使得今天和过去的人存在许多不同,风俗习惯,道德,思考的问题,生


b) 从人的本性角度来讲,过去的人与现在的人存在很多哦共同点,basic human

nature-our desires and motives, as well as our fears and other basic characteristics历史恰恰证实了这一点。相似的社会问题,犯罪,暴力。对民主自由的向往。宗教的信仰

c) 但是这仅仅是历史的一小部分作用,更大的意义再与通过研究过去,来帮助我们更

好的解决现状的问题,研究过去美国选举中的low vote turnout,这些因素先在是否存在,如何改进等等。带来民族的认同感,历史故事,历史人物激励着我们,比如圣女贞德Joan of Arc保卫祖国patriotism。带来自豪感,中国古代灿烂的科技文化成就。


Generally speaking, the significance of study of history can hardly be concluded in a few words. Thus, seeing from this angle mentioned above, although it may be a little naive and narrow to just limit the primary functions of history study merely within 'break down the illusion', I acknowledge fundamentally that during the process of history study, people will realize that they actually share much in common with their ancestors gradually, in spite of various superficial differences. Intricate as the topic is, following explanations are necessary.

Before acknowledging that history study can indeed break down such an illusion, it is human nature for anyone to first wonder that why we may consider that people living in one period of time are different from those who lived in another. We may feel normal to find Count Thibault of Malfete was totally astonished and confused by the enormous gap between his descendant and himself after he was suddenly conveyed from his own time to hundreds of years later, because that, we know the aristocrat has not experienced or even witnessed the long span of time he just passed within one second, during which numerous changes actually have taken place; similarly, if a person lacks basic knowledge or awareness of the evolution of history between other people and himself, he will undoubtedly feel strange of those who beyond his own time when confronting with them on TV programs, magazines or other mediums. Therefore, the answer to the question at the beginning of the paragraph seems clear, that is, the illusion is caused by the lack of the adequate edification of history.

However, after the first problem has been solved, another one rises. If we admit the illusion as a product of the ignorance of history, we must also admit that the history is changing at the same time. Then, ironically, will the 'illusion' still be an illusion? Or it just turns out to be the truth?

To answer this question it is inevitable to scrutinize the essential points of history. There is no denying that, history never appears as a stasis, but the changing process is accumulative and slow rather than reconstructive and radical. Therefore, although history cannot repeat thoroughly today, the overall trend stays the same during the human history. More or less, modern theories, technologies or conceptions cannot avoid being influenced by their predecessors, and, consequently, they revise the dross, inherit merits, establish themselves finally. Accordingly, it is not exaggerate to suggest that every new form of event related with human beings is similar with its foregoing counterpart; or at least, the difference is not as significant as many people think.

Furthermore, besides the external forms of changes mentioned above, the consistency of human history relies much more on the inner spirits of human race in fact. Sword, rifle, atom bomb, from the first to the latest, the shape differs apparently, and the power multiplies dramatically, due to the development of technology. But human beings use them only for one purpose--- that is to war; moreover, although the weapons used in the war are different, the origin of the war also remains the same, that is greed and lust, both of which belong to the Seven. On the contrary, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, although their doctrines are incompatible, the spirit of pursuing the truth has passed down from one to another. Aside from those two particular examples, the more careful you delve into the history, the deeper you will be convinced that some inner characters of human beings are permanent, either good or evil. But, be noticed, only through in-depth study of history can you get the conclusion mentioned above, otherwise you will probably be puzzled by various covers on the inherent similarities of human beings.

Insofar, the foregoing discussions all support the assertion of the author; admittedly the meaning of studying history is much wider than contrasting people in different times. From the standpoints of individuals, it can provide entertainments, meet the curiosities and so forth; seeing from a higher position, it can raise the ethos of a nation, guide the decisions of the leaders, etc. However, it is unreasonable to demand one assertion is perfect in every side, and we just need to absorb the merits of this assertion, that is, thorough studying history, we may know more about our ancestors, and thus, know more about ourselves.

70 ―In any profession—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.‖在任何领域,商业、政治、教育、政府,掌权者都应该在五年任期




1. 及时更新是有益的。对在位者来说,A有激励作用 B防止腐败Absolute power leads to

absolute corruption.

2. 对于新生力量也是有益的。A让他们看到机会,从而促使他们更努力的工作。B通常来


3. 也存在问题。A) 过度频繁的换届会产生政绩工程。不顾后来在位者的利益,不考虑长

远目标。B) 有的职位要求的是稳定性,而且是靠经累积起来的,如:商业或学术权威,不是每个人都能干的。而且对新人来说,不断换届也有问题,他们可能还不熟悉,摸索都需要一段时间。还没干多久又要下台了。

4. 是否都应该以五年制为任期?

1. It is unfortunate but true, that there is no flawless individual in this world. Great success, fame

and wealth, awe and respect from subordinates can seduce an initially wise and cool-minded leader. The possibility of long-term leadership makes things worse by granting these leader sufficient time and power to abuse success. Absolute power leads to absolute corruption.

2. Things are quite different when periodic change in leadership is introduced. By maintaining

proper competitive mechanisms, the enterprise is always able to replenish itself with blood and new leading ideologies. Newly emerged leaders bring new ways of leading and managing, and they are more likely to keep in better touch with the changing times as well


In this statement, the arguer actually has a dual-claim. First, no matter in which

profession, those in power should step down after five years. Second, revitalization

through new leadership is the surest way to success for any enterprise. As far as I

am concerned, I concede that limiting the term of leadership is an effective way to

prevent corruption and the lack of initiatives, however, I disagree with both the two


1. To begin with, in many areas, especially in politics and government, it might be better that those who in power don‘t hold the same position all the time and should step down regularly. It is known that absolute power will lead to absolute corruption. And leaders tend to abuse their power when they have no fear of losing their power. In order to avoid from corruption, autarchy, those in power should step down regularly. George Washington, the commander of American Revolution and the first president of United States, refused to run for the third term for president. By this decision and devoted services, he gained esteem of the whole country and became a symbol of American Virtue.

2. In addition, such system might activate young man to work hard since they see the

choice and hope to be a leader. And a new leadership usually has greater initiative and

would bring in new ideas. And this newly emerged leaders bring new ways of leading and managing, and they are more likely to keep in better touch with the chaging times as well.

3. On the other hand, frequently changing the leader also brings out some problems.

The leader tends to only focus on his achievement in his time in the position but

regardless the subsequent leader. Besides, not all those in power in all professions

should step down after five years. Those in power usually have abundant experience.

Furthermore, new leadership can not ensure to be the surest path to success for any

enterprise. New leaders often lack the necessary skill and experience to cope with

existing problems; therefore, they need a period of time for adaptation.


①及时更新是有益的。对在位者来说,A有激励作用 B防止腐败When leaders have no fear of losing their power, they tend to abuse their power. Absolute power leads to absolute corruption. ------Sir. Acton

②对于新生力量也是有益的。A让他们看到机会,从而促使他们更努力的工作。B通常来说,年轻力量更能创新A new leadership usually has greater initiative and would bring in new ideas. ③也存在问题。A过度频繁的换届会产生政绩工程。不顾后来在位者的利益,不考虑长远目标。B有的职位要求的是稳定性stability。如:美国大法官终身职位U.S. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Lifelong jobs。美联储主席U.S. Federal Reserve Board Chairman。

④有的职位是靠经累积起来的,如:商业或学术权威(academic authority)。However, in private areas such as business it might not be so necessary to limit the term of leadership.对新人来说,不断换届也有问题,他们可能还不熟悉,摸索都需要一段时间。还没干多久又要下台了。 Position: Limiting the term of leadership is an effective way to prevent corruption and lack of initiatives.


The speaker asserts that those in power should step down after five years in any profession because the surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership. I fundamentally agree with the speaker for that limiting the term of leadership is an effective way to prevent corruption and lack of initiative. However, in my view, not for all enterprises the way of revitalization regularly is necessary, useful or profitable. The speaker magnifies the validity of the power of revitalization and overlooks some negative influence by this way.

1. Firstly, when leaders have no fear of losing their power, they tend to abuse their power. Admittedly, one cannot live and work without restriction and obligation. We could image a mayor who has no fear of losing this position and no revitalization would happen to him. Then, it is quite possible that he no longer considers the welfare of the whole society but only make the judgments by his own interests, because whether his citizens complain about the realism or the workers and farmers do not satisfy with their low pay would never make any influence on the mayor. Thus, a powerful and authoritative position cannot be safe for anybody especially for the government. If the leaders have a fear of losing their power, they would more treasure the realism and put more time and energy to be responsible for their obligation.

2. Secondly, a new leadership usually has greater initiative and would bring in new ideas. As we all know, there are no two people would have every ideals in common. Moreover, no one is perfect in all fields. If a leadership takes his position for a long time some of the enterprise‘s fields which the leader always neglects and ignores would be worse and worse. Even more, working for a certain field for too long time might make the leader have a feeling of boredom and his creativity might be influenced as follows. For that matter, revitalization is necessary and important for the enterprise‘s long-term progress and energy. A new leadership easily discovers the disadvantages of the enterprise at different vision. And greater initiative always brings the enterprise to a higher horizon.

3. However, in certain realms such as business it might not be so necessary to limit the term of

leadership. The cycle of business is longer than any other fields. And it is usually more than 10 years or even longer for a leadership to complete his or her foremost program. Every leader has his own plan and ideal. And the company‘s civilization which is formed by the idea of the leader is a long process that needs the accumulation of time. If revitalization is too frequent at business, it is harmful to form a company‘s civilization and the accomplishment of the leader‘s ideal. Moreover, the leaders at business are always full of pressure from the competitive market. Thus, it is less possible for them to abuse the power they own.

4. Furthermore, new leaders often lack the necessary skill and experience to cope with existing problems; therefore, they need a period of time for adaptation. When we choose the time to implement the revitalization, we cannot neglect this consideration. Admittedly, the former leader is familiar with the field where he or she has worked for a long time and is more experienced when facing the problems. A leader from business field should be familiar with the company‘s civilization and the trend of the certain market; a leader from political field should know the advantages and disadvantages of the city or country and he or she should also have a concept of the economics trend of the society; a leader from education field should understand the demands and ideals of the students and be good at the methods of teaching. All above should be considered seriously before revitalization.

[end]In sum, I fundamentally agree with the speaker that the surest to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership. However, it must be serious and considerable before implementing the revitalization because n certain realms such as business it might not be so necessary to limit the term of leadership and new leaders often lack the necessary skill and experience to cope with existing problems.


a) 在government, politics领域最好是要定期更新领导者, 因为when leaders have no

fear of losing their power, they tend to abuse their power. 比如 美国总统任期term四年,所以为了给自己积累政治资本,他们就在任期内不敢随意abuse power而是实行对国家有益的政策

b) 在business领域,更换领导者可以带来新的管理理念,给企业注入新的活力。比如


c) 有些职位需要长时间的稳定性,而且需要领导人长时间在职才能得出正确的政策,

过频繁的更换会使得一项政策不能继续贯彻已得到长远的效果。比如美联储Federal 主席,宏观经济政策周期比较长,需要很长时间才能有效果,频繁人事改变不利于稳定。

d) 还有许多其他方法来取得成功,比如精简机构,合理的奖励惩罚制度,更好的权利


184 "It is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data." 在没有证据之前就得出理论,是重大错误。



1. 建立理论一般情况下需要足够的数据资料作为坚实基础。如开普勒分析其老师多年观测

的数据,得出了开普勒三大定律 ;摩尔分析晶体管的数量得出摩尔定律。这些建立在大量数据基础上的总结推论,至今都被证明是正确的,为人类做出了巨大贡献。没有开普勒定律,没有今天的航空,而摩尔定律也应用在计算机的多种分支领域,被认为是计算机第一定律。

2. 从历史上科学界的发展看来,很多理论是在掌握足够资料前建立起来的,先是被假设出


3. 过分强调资料的充分有时会限制人们的想象空间,阻碍理论的形成。有时不是某一理论

不成立,而是在有限的知识和科技水平下还无法找到合理的证据。比如:Copernicus‘ Heliocentric cosmology,当时无法被接受,直到后来利用伽利略发明的望远镜才被证实。


The arguer asserts that theorizing before one has data is a grave mistake and he might suggest that one should not theorize until has sufficient data. As far as I am concerned, there are two ways of cognition progress. One is that prepare and collect sufficient data first and then generalize a theory. Some kinds of experimental sciences such as biology belong to this way. Second is that propose a model first and then try to prove it with sufficient data or deduce from former theories. Some kinds of theoretic such as mathematics belong to this way. Therefore, I don‘t agree with that it is always a grave mistake to theorize before one has data.

1. Data is the factual information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation, so it is important in theorizing.

2. However, not all the great theories are based on accurate data when they are first originated. Actually, due to the logics, one might be able to theorize accurately before one has data. For example, the edifice of mathematics, actually based on the deduction and logical reasoning. Hypothesis is quite essential in theorization and plays an important role in acquiring data. Moreover, these theorizations are not merely fantasies as the speaker has claimed. Actually, they derive from the experience from the past and critical thinking, as well as insight. As time passing by, many conjectures and hypothesis are identified later. In the realm of natral science, it is possible for one to make educated guesses before one has data. Futher experimentation and evaluation of existing data will eventually prove or disprove the hypotheses.

3. Of course, theory is only convincing after being identified with data demonstration, which means that any substantiated theories must be eventually justified through rigorous data collecting.


① 缺乏数据,理论无法得到验证amounts to little more than the theorist's hope surmise and

desire。A theory conjured up without the benefit of data amounts to little more than the theorist's hope surmise and desire—what he or she want to be true or suppose to be true.

② The theorist will tend to seek out evidence that supports the theory, and overlook or ignore the

evidence that refute it。

③ 理论也很重要,否则只是数据,不能提供指导作用。如:孟德尔,发现基因Mendel 孟

德尔 Pea plants The inheritance of traits Mendel‘s Laws of Inheritance 现代的genetic engineering也是建立在此基础上的

C. By theorizing before collecting data the theorist also runs the risk of interpreting that data in a manner which makes it appear to lend more credence to the theory than it actually does.


People cannot draw any conclusion before undergoing a correspondent investigation, as China's well-known revolution leader Chairman Mao said. I find myself strongly agreeing with this(these) words, which indicates the basic rule of science - natural, societal, artistic and so forth. It is a principle that matters through out human lives that it is grave mistake to theorize before one has data, and thus all theories come from prudential investigation and careful summarizing.

To begin with, I must clarify the meaning of the term "theorize", by which people mean to found a theory. Since a theory is something that coincident with the nature's rules, the activity of theorizing must result in a valid conclusion. Someone may think assumption is a kind of theorize, which indicates that to assume is also kind of theorizing to some extent. Admittedly, with a boom of information nowadays people have to make reasonable assumptions before carrying some certain experiments or surveys. However, we should never ignore the significant fact that scientific assumption is based on facts that are known to human beings. No assumption is made based on pure imagination. Admitting this every thoughtful man should agree with the idea that without data people cannot do any theorizing. To bolster my point of view I will show how data affect the establishing of a theory.这段定义下的好, 文章显得严密多了

Before the industrial Revolution the power of mankind was so little that we could seldom observe the nature's disciplines, which caused the lack of data in those days. As a result few theories that were of great validity were found. Only after people accumulated enough data could our ancestors begin to realize some rules of this world. A striking example is the way in which astronomy is developed. When people were still in the time when they were still dominated by the lord and could only conjecture the temper of the nature, they thought the earth was the centre of the cosmos - known as the geocentric theory, which had been proved to be ridiculous. As Galileo Galilei invented the initial simple telescope some forerunners began to believe that it was the sun that located in the centre of the universe, such as Copernicus and Bruno. As time elapses our technology in manufacturing long-range telescope has been greatly improved which result in the large amount of observation data - foundation of the modern cosmos theory which has been proved to be in well accordance with facts that have been known so far. This concrete example shows the basic principle of all science research that only when getting enough data can we promote our knowledge and understanding of this complicated world to the next level. 是不是给出些具体数字更好些,读起来感觉跟数据联系不多,另外我这还有两个关于数据的例子

一个是亚里士多德的铁球(有些恶俗), 还有就是杨振宁李政道发现的弱相互作用的宇称守恒定律,就是实验物理方面的内容

Why we cannot draw any conclusion before conducting some investigation? In my opinion this is mainly because the establishment of a certain theory calls for the discovery of rules of this matter, and only by possess a large amount of data can we find these rules, which is similar with the fact that statistic need a sample that is large enough. If scientists theorize without enough data the theory that has been established is likely to account the world with prejudice due to lack of data of

some certain realm. In addition, philosophy, which gives the abstract procedure of knowing something - to observe first, then understanding, is founded by abstracting rules from numerous data.

In sum, it is the basic rule for every realm of human society that it is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data. This rule affects human's life through out the history and will surely act in the future. The only thing that we can do is to follow it - drawing conclusion after carefully investigating.

131 "The arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society."



Begin: 承认艺术品有这这样的价值,但是有些艺术品的确只是作者的一种创作灵感的体现,而不像作者说的包含社会脉动。

1. 因为很多艺术品,都是以现实社会作为背景,加上必要的艺术表现方式制成的,所以自

然里面反映了很多社会的现实东西。比如Stowe的Uncle Tom‘s cabin 就是反映了那时候黑人奴隶的生活现状,但是表现出一种希望,一种对自由的渴望,最后引发了南北战争civil war,并且得到Lincoln 的支持 ,这本书对整个美国的历史发展都产生了重大影响。再如,雨果的《巴黎圣母院》中体会15世纪光怪陆离的巴黎生活;Beethoven‘s 《Fur 《THE FATE》激荡人们心灵,释放压力。

2. 很多艺术作品,能表现当时社会的主导思想,特别是建筑物。埃及Egypt的金字塔

pyramid ,里面每个通口都是对着天空,表示当时人们对神灵deity的敬畏,以及死后灵魂可以升天的愿望. 中国的园林表现人与自然和谐发展。而近代的各种Skyscraper 则表现一种统一的美,每个个体都被忽略,共同来组成了一个大的整体的美,这跟工业革命以后社会化大生产的精神是一致的。large-scale socialized production

3. 但有些艺术作品并没有像反映社会as the speaker asserts. 有些作品是以风景,动物等为

主题的,很难想象从这些作品中能看出些社会现象?如齐白石的虾,徐悲鸿的马,对动物的描绘栩栩如生,艺术价值很高,但仅此而已,里面没有融会社会脉动。Picasso, considered as 世界上最年轻的画家, 这是因为在90岁高龄时,他拿起颜色和画笔开始画一幅新的画时,对世界上的事物好像还是第一次看到一样。So his paintings of varied styles merely reflect his complex psychological profile and extraordinary creativity rather than …. End: To summarize the issue, though the speaker‘s assertion may have merit, in my opinion, it unfairly generalizes about art. 在欣赏艺术作品时,we should notice the hidden ideas and impulses of a society revealed by them; at the same time, we should not lose our sight of the creativity and personal charm of the artist.


The arguer claims that the arts can reveal hidden ideas and impulses of a society. As far as I am concerned, arts root in real life and beyond the range of normal life. From kinds of arts, not only can we appreciate the art and aesthetics, but we really can reveal implication and even impulses of a society behind the arts, so I basically agree with the arguer.

1. Since the arts originate from people‘s real lives, they usually describe the feelings and attitude of individual in a society as well as reflect the live condition of people and the real situation of a

society. They also tend to represent what people think and where a society will go. Take Van Gogh‘s famous painting--potato eaters-as an instance. From this painting, people might reveal Van Gogh‘s intense attention to express the misery and poverty of humanity as he saw it among the miners in his time.

2. More importantly, arts can reveal us other hidden ideas and impulses of a society. Sometimes, we must hide our thoughts in the society, and the art is one of the best ways to reveal those hidden ideas. Why a society or people may hide some ideas and impulses:

(1) Lack of democracy in a society, other flaws in our society

(2) Some ideas or feelings are so abstract and delicate to express explicitly.

3. Art is really one of the best ways to reveal those hidden ideas for the reason that there are so many ways provided by art to express our those hidden ideas:

(1) The imagination of life in the future: like the science fiction of Vernean

(2) The depiction of real life through imaginary way.

(3) Expression of personal feelings

(4) Unconsciously involves the value of the society

Dali, Superrealism, Picasso, cubism


Position: The arts reveal what people think and a society will go. Relative to the science and technology, the arts show the otherwise aspects of a society.

A: the arts originate from people's lives. The arts response what people think, then the arts people have created are kept in canvas, note, letter, etc.

B: As we all know, the science and technology reveal discoveries of the nature or the material world. However, the arts are the immaterial aspects of a society, such as the aspiration of beauty, imagination and the peace of soul.

C: the arts spread abroad through the prop-gable ways, so the arts will influence many people in broad areas. Consequently the arts impulse a society.

While this assertion has merit, I think it unfairly generalizes about art. Consider two particular art forms: architecture and painting.

1. In more important architecture, one consistently sees a reflection of society‘s ideas and urges.

2. However, in more important paintings of the most recent century one sees instead the artists‘ personal and idiosyncratic vision of an aesthetic ideal.


In this statement, the speaker asserts that arts can reveal otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society. I agree with the board assertion that some elements of a society could be mix together with the works by artists. However, in my opinion, not all ideas of society could be delivered by art works and not all arts could reveal a society accurately.

Arts such as painting, music and literature, reflect ideas and impulses of a society as well as the personal feelings of artists. For artists are affected by the society, they will bring their feelings and experiences into their works. Society is the 去掉吧 normal but the most important resource to their ideas. For example, the kite runner, one of the best sellers, revealed the life and history of Afghans, from the invasion of Soviet Union to the savage domination by Taliban. The author Khaled Hosseini took his own experience as a 建议你用the background to reveal the misery of

Afghans to the people all over world. Another example is the symphony of hero, Beethoven composed that symphony as a gift to napoleon, and this piece reveals the powerful of French empire as well as his appreciate to napoleon, in sprite of napoleon invaded to Germany. The Fu Er add the boat tracker of river revealed the tough condition and difficulties of people in that time of Russia. Therefore, arts could reveal many aspects of our society 这一段的例子很好 充分证明了论点

More importantly, arts also reveal the hidden ideas and impulses of a society. Sometimes, we must hide our thoughts in the society. There are two reasons, one is that a society may lack of democracy or have other flaws, the other is some ideas are so abstract and delicate express. Artists could use some special skills make their feelings or experience together with their works. For instance, Gao Xingjian, the winner of the Nobel Prize of literature 2000, revealed the misery which the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution imposed on people in 1970s by his master pieces Soul Mountain and One man's Bible. The prize was for an oeuvre of universal validity, bitter insights and linguistic ingenuity, which has opened new paths for the Chinese novel and drama. Although the general position by the Chinese media and government towards Gao is science, the Chinese government officially regards Gao was an exiled dissident and all of his works are banned. There are too many works which reveals a society's flaws such as the Les Miserables by Hugo, the Uncle Tom' cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe.可能我的看法有点偏激了 我觉得这一段可以不要 和上一段的论点就有一点相似 而且这个例子可以用到下一段中啊

However, we must realize that not every work of art could reveal the real feelings of artists, or the real aspect of a society. As the example of Gao mentioned above, under the such condition without freedom, he chose to express himself other than to meet the government's needs. But people like him are miner;. There are still have重复了啊 There be 后面不要have 了 some artists working for the government, in another word, some artists choose to be the governmental hack which speak highly of the autocracy, even if they do not think so. Therefore, sometimes the arts may be imposed on some politics or other elements, not all arts could reveal a society accurately, even if they could, the truths must have been twisted.

In addition, arts are just like one kind of languages which cloud deliver whatever这个太绝对了吧 artists want to present. May be maybe it could reveal the phenomenon of a society accurately or inaccurately. But it is entirely possible that it could not. Consider, how could a panting work concerning with an object or beautiful scenery reveal a society. I think those works reveal the definition of future or the pursuit of accurate or reality. That is to say, since the function of arts is not reveal a society, not all works could mix the elements of a society.

To sum up, since artists are one of the products of society, their works could reveal otherwise hidden ideas and impulse of a society. Yet, we must recognize, not all works could reveal a society or reveal a society accurately or objectively.

147 "Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them." 传统和现代是不相容的。人们必须在二者之间做出选择。


1. 从物质的角度看,确实是有相互排挤的。比如:生产方式:流水线大规模工业生产取代


2. 更多时候,我们看见他们是共存的。如:生产上,仍然有许多手表是手工制作的,很受


3. 不管是现代化还是传统,我们都不能盲目的接受活着否定,而是去思考他们的优点和不



The arguer asserts that one must choose between tradition and modernization since they are incompatible. As far as I am concerned, I concede that modernization and tradition conflict with each other sometimes. However, most of the time they live in harmony and both of them play crucial roles in society. Therefore, in my view, we should preserve and develop their advantages but not simply choose one and refuse another.

1. Admittedly, there are times that modernization and tradition conflict with each other. When it comes to science and technology, some aspects of the traditional technology and methods are out of date and harmful and even hamper the development of modern technology science, which should be replaced by modern science. (Painting, music and sculpture)

2. However, it does not mean that tradition and modernization are incompatible. Firstly, Tradition and modernization are relative. What we consider to be tradition was once labeled modernization, while what we take as modernization would eventually become part of tradition.

3. Moreover, many traditional wisdoms are still useful and can help the development of modernization. Many traditional wisdoms are still relevant and can inspire us to search for solutions to present problems.

4. 总结: Obviously, both tradition and modernization have advantage respectively and can help to each other. We should make great effort to preserve and develop their advantage rather than to choose one and refuse another.


定义:传统:代代相传的习俗、信仰、生活方式。Tradition refers to the beliefs, values, customs, way of life, crafts, etc., that are handed down from generation to generation in a society.

现代:工业化、全球化、以及学术和艺术上的一些创新。Modernization refers to the process of urbanization, industrialization and democratization, or in a large sense, westernization. ① 确实是有相互排挤的。比如:工业方面:流水线和家庭生产,习俗方面:很多民俗


② 更多时候,我们看见他们是共存的(coexistent)。如:习俗上:西方和东方交融;生活方


③ 原因:现代有时是从传统中发展而来的。如:学术上,就难以分出什么现代和传统,而


C. Many traditional wisdoms are still relevant and can inspire us to search for solutions to present


D. The correct way to modernize a culture is to transform or reform its tradition rather than to uproot its tradition.


There is no doubt that modernization plays an extraordinarily important role in the development of human society and that modernization also presents the trend of contemporary world. On the other hand, as the importance of modernization being escalated逐步提高, the reservation of traditions seems not that imperative必要的. It also seems inevitably that the traditions, whatever they are, will eventually fade out the stage of world and that the eviction逐出 of traditions may even further facilitate促进 modernization. However, in my point of view, the emphasis on modernization does not necessarily mean that traditions should be neglected. Actually, tradition and modernization are not only compatible with each other but also could facilitate each other to expedite加速 the development of human civilization.

1. To begin with, a scrutiny to tradition reveals that selectively preserving traditions could facilitate modernization. Tradition, as one of the precious heritages遗产 from our ancestors, has existed in our society for millennia几千年. Although there are some traditions not suitable for modern societies, most of the traditions reflect the wisdom of human being, which has been accumulated since the day people started to own the ability to think and work. For example, as one most important tradition of many different cultures, being respectful to the elders is one of the virtues which should never been surrendered放弃, no matter how modernized one culture is. Since the elders possess valuable experience and highly thorough understanding of life, being respectful to elders and consulting商议 with them could undoubtedly help the youth, the most promising有前途的 power of a society, to make progress and avoid hidden pitfalls缺陷 in life. By this way, the society as a whole would be better developed. This is only one of the examples that the essential traditions are able to facilitate modernization.

2. In some sense, preserving tradition can provide both moral and historical lessons to modern society. In modern society, the pace of life is so fast that people may not even have time to enjoy life, to thank the life they are endowed赋予. Thanksgiving day, however, as a tradition being kept for hundreds of years, provides people a chance to spend time with their family. The traditions like Thanksgiving day remind us the true value of life and prevent us from losing ourselves in the bustling熙熙攘攘的,忙乱的 modernization. Moreover, another important function of tradition is to remind us about history. As it says, the one who does not remember the history is condemned to repeat it. Just as a student always remembering to revise the textbooks will never fails a course, a nation keeping the retrospect回顾 of lessons given by history as a tradition will never commit the same mistake for the second time. As a consequence, this nation would implement执行 modernization more smoothly than those nations do not value the precious experience derived得自 from the past.

3. Admittedly, since the world nowadays has been dramatically changed, some traditions have already lost the meaning of existence. Some traditions, such as superstition迷信 and religious bias, do not deserve being kept. As a matter of fact, these so called "traditions" are only the distorted world views of people from the ancient age when the ability of human being to observe and understand the world was extraordinarily limited. Thus, these traditions are absolutely incompatible with modernization, since highly developed technology and ubiquitous普遍存在的 modernization will deprive these distorted views the chance of existence.

[end]In conclusion, to assert that tradition and modernization are incompatible is analogue等同于 to deny the achievements that human being has accumulated for millennia. Far from hindering阻碍 the modernization, traditions are capable of providing experiences and lessons to us and thus help us to solve the problems we are facing during the modernization, as long as the essence of traditions is rightly preserved and interpreted and the banal traditions are filtered out.


1. In the first place, modernization is not always realized at the expense of tradition. In

many areas, the two can exist in parallel. In China, the flourish of pop music does not spell doom for various genres of rich traditional music like the Peking Drama. As people embrace pop music, there are also lots of others fervently studying, practicing, and enjoying the traditional dramas. Take a walk in the city of Beijing, you will see both historical relics and modern skyscrapers. Their styles complementing one another, making the city more vibrant, multi-faceted and kaleidoscopic. In Taiwan, one of the most modernized regions in the world, people still haven‘t abandoned the old traditions like Spring Festival, lion dancing, and dragon boat matches. On the contrary, these cultural conventions are flourishing among modern Taiwanese.

2. Tradition can even be given new interpretations or promoted to other areas where they

didn‘t exist. For example, red package, which is a small red paper bag containing some money, is given from the elders to the younger people during the Spring Festival. Nowadays, some modern companies in Asia also inherited the practice, giving their employees red packages during Spring Festivals or other special occasions, like the founding day of the company, to encourage them to work harder and to improve the company‘s morale.

3. In the second place, tradition not only includes ancient buildings, rites, rituals,

conventions and practices. It also encompasses old wisdom, ideas, beliefs and ideologies. In this society where modernization happens at a breathtaking speed, many of these traditional wisdom still offers guidance and reference to modern people and help them better realize modernization. For example, old Chinese ideologies like Taoism and Confucianism are finding new applications and interpretations in the modern workplace. Books studying problem solving methods, company interpersonal relationships, employee psychology and life philosophies in light of these old school wisdoms are abundant in the bookshop and often become bestsellers.

4. Admittedly, tradition does have elements that are incompatible with modernization.

Obsolete notions like discrimination on women should be abolished. Superstition should also be treated from a modern point of view. And in some cases, tradition must yield entirely to the utilitarian needs of modernization. An ancient church might have to be razed completely to give way to the construction of a new metro line.

5. In the final analysis, harmony between pursuing modernization and preserving tradition at

the same time can be achieved. Instead of abandoning tradition, we should respect it, embrace it, and assimilate the beneficial elements in it to help us make progress in our pursuit of modernization.

11 "All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems." [05/36;

06/4] 所有的国家应共同建立一所全球性大学,用来培养学生们解决世界的最顽固的社会问题。


1. 全球性大学教育学生,更注重于全球化的某些问题,譬如毒品,环境,恐怖主义等问题,


2. 但是,建立一所全球性大学是不现实的,这需要各国家的强力支持,必须消除各种矛盾


3. 另外,建立一所全球性大学也是没有必要的,随着网络的普遍应用,很多学者可以在因


4. 而且,我们不能忽视解决社会问题还有很多其他方法。(比如失业人口过多,我们可以

兴办公众工程public-works projects designed to put the unemployed back to work/法律 pass laws to help retired ,disabled/还有慈善活动)



The speaker recommends that all nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world‘s most persistent social problems. Indeed, with the development of technology human beings have made amazing progress in many fields these years, but bring out numerous social problems as well. With close scrutiny, I basically agree with the speaker that building such a global university designed to help solve the persistent social problems is wise as long as be careful when put into practice.

1. First of all, a global university can provide a platform to solve mutual problems that different countries faced both in theoretical and application layer, and help to find a common base or reach a consensus in the whole world. Many persistent social problems are so similar in different

countries. Poverty, crime, violence, drugs, class discrimination and they like never stop since the appearance of human beings. Poverty, a result of longstanding conflict between haves and have-nots, is perpetuated through class discrimination and unequal opportunities for upward mobility. Racial prejudice and discrimination are the main sources of serious social problems.

2. Secondly, series of international conflicts are due to the different viewpoint and misunderstanding among countries, which are also one kind of the world‘s most persistent social problems, so a global university can provide an equality and open a platform for communicating the standpoint and difference of one another as well as alleviating the conflicts. Moreover, this university will promote the cooporation between different countries. And the cooporation between different countries can resolve some international problems, such as the international drug transaction, the terrorism or the depletion of the atmospheric ozone and so on.

3. However, like a two-edged weapon, a global university can be used equally for good or evil. It has some risks that may aggravate some pressing international problems. First, neglecting some religionary problem, life style; because of the imbalances in the distribution of power and wealth, some powerful countries might get more benefits than undeveloped countries through the abuse of authority.

4. 总结: A global university should absorb different sound and make every nation possible to gain an equal opportunity to participate in the solution of the problems and at the same time, share all the mutual fruitions of the research. There must be some principles in the university –no racism, no region discrimination, etc.- to assure equality and liberty among students without negative

political influence


It is meaningful for world nations to cooperate with each other in establishing an international university where teachers and students from all over the world work together for the good of all nations.

① 支持。面临的很多问题是共同的。如:核战争nuclear warfare,环境污染,恐怖主义terrorism

The world‘s most persistent social problems include environmental pollution, energy crisis, conflicts and wars between nations, and so on.

② 优点:A在交流中可以解开许多矛盾conflict。如:许多原来看法不一致的问题现在学着

从别人的角度考虑。同时文化方面也懂得尊重别人的习俗。B科学家相互交流 DNA ③ 不同意。这个学校可能会被国家政权干涉而成为工具,如:经费赞助的多的国家可能要


④ 培养后一代共同解决问题有很多途径,如:利用网络。仅仅一所学校不太能达到目的,

因为能去上的学生实在太少了。An effective way to solve these problems is to promote mutual understanding and cooperation among the youth worldwide.


1、 各国有很多共性的问题,a global university可以提供平台进行探讨(理论和应用层面):


First of all, A global university can provide a platform to solve mutual problems that different country faced both in theoretical and application layer, and help to find a common ground or reach a consensus in the human world.

2、 很多国际间矛盾由于各国对问题的看法和误解不一致造成,共同研究有利于交流和消除


Secondly, A global university also provides an equal and open platform in favor of communicating the difference and standpoint of one another as well as mitigating the conflicts.

3、 需要注意一些问题,这样才有利于产生真正有价值的研究。

1) 尊重各自的意见

2) 保持客观的态度

However, there are two sides for every coin; a global university poses certain risks that may exacerbate some pressing international problems. First, neglecting some parochial problem; secondly, attitudes to certain problems do not reflect objective facts.

4、 此外,吸取各国意见的同时,注意保证人人平等(无种族、地域差异),尽量消除政治


In addition, a global university should absorb different sound and make every nation possible to gain a equal opportunity to participate in the solutions of the problems and at the same time, share all the mutual fruitions of the research. There must be some principles in the university-no racism, no region discrimination, etc.-to assure equality and liberty among students without negative political influence.


The speaker asserts that it is necessary to develop a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world‘s most persistent social problems for all nations. Admittedly, in recent years, human beings have made amazing improvement in many fields, but the society generates numerous social problems as well. By scrutinizing many aspects of this problem, I

fundamentally agree to build such a global university designed to help solve the persistent social problems as long as not to be involved in some negative situations.

1. To begin with, I have to admit that a global university may enjoy several advantages in solving persistent social problems. Globalization is an inevitable trend in contemporary world. Not only economy, culture and education are becoming global affairs on the positive side. First of all, a global university can provide a platform to solve mutual problems that different countries face both in theoretical and application layer. And such a university would help to find a common ground or reach a consensus共识 in the human world. Secondly, contrast researches will be available in a global university because the students in international academic cooperation atmosphere can analyze the international puzzles in different angles and wider vision.

2. Secondly, a global university also provides an equal and open platform in favor of communicating the difference and standpoint of one another as well as mitigating减轻 the conflicts. E: energy sources, human rights, environmental problems, civilization conflicts

很多国际间矛盾由于各国对问题的看法和误解不一致造成,共同研究有利于交流和消除误解;能源问题,人权human rights问题,环境问题,文化冲突等。

3. However, there are two sides for every coin; a global university poses some risks that may exacerbate some pressing international problems. After all, different countries have their own conceptions of the world and sometimes it is not easy for two students form two different countries to make an accordant opinion. Thus, although the advantage is considerable, we cannot ignore some negative aspects in developing a global university. We know that some parochial地方范围的 problems are so argumentative. If we develop a global university and let the students discuss such complicated problems in class, I think the attitude to a certain problem just only reflects the student‘s own value point of the world but not reflects objective facts and thus conflicts will exacerbate. To avoid this situation, we should notice some matters so that the university‘s actual effectiveness of solving social problems will embody. E: respect each other, keep an object attitude.

4. In addition, a global university should absorb different sound and make every nation possible to gain a equal opportunity to participate in the solutions of the problems and at the same time, share all the mutual fruitions成果 of the research. There must be some principles in the university-no racism, no region discrimination歧视 to assure equality and liberty among students without negative political influence.

此外,吸取各国意见的同时,注意保证人人平等(无种族、地域差异),尽量消除政治影响。 F、

a) 全球性大学教育学生,更注重于全球化的某些问题,譬如毒品,环境,恐怖主义等


b) 但是,建立一所全球性大学是不现实的,这需要各国家的强力支持,必须消除各种


c) 另外,建立一所全球性大学也是没有必要的,随着网络的普遍应用,很多学者可以


7 "The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records."



Begin: The video recording is a more important means of documenting contemporary life than a written record because video recordings are more accurate and convincing, however, the speaker‘s assertion overstates the importance of video as a documentary tool, at least to some extent. After all, what we view through a camera lens provides only one dimension of our life and times; written documentation will always be needed to quantify, demystify, and provide meaning to the world around us.

1. Admittedly. 摄像机真实的记录现实生活。( 人们可以知道过去发生事情的每个细节

minutias,表情,动作movement 用摄像机记录婚礼,可是使夫妻很多年后仍找回当初的感觉) .在现场感比较强的场景( scene great visual impact),影像资料更加震撼。比如911 事件中镜头记录下的飞机撞大楼(world trade center),人带来的冲击是任何文字无法带来的,人们对恐怖分子厌恶(Anti-terrorism)的情绪也到达历史高度。

2. Though the video camera provides an accurate record of physical life and phenomena, for

certain purposes written records are advantageous to an more appropriate than video records. For example, video records could not competently prvide insight into the mind, impressions, or reflections of an event or experience. 就好像电视取代不了报纸一样。人类思想的精华都是用文字传承下来的.用摄像机阐述形而上学(metaphysics)就像让一个刚会说话的孩子去当教授一样不可能。因为抽象的东西在生活中根本是看不见的。Moreover, a video record can not take the place of a written record in documenting statistical or other quantitative information. For instance, progress in social welfare might be measured by the number of homeless people, incidence of domestic violence, or juvenile crime rate. 道琼斯指数,GDP都反映了当前社会的经济状况,通过比较这些,我们可以分析出我们是进步了还是退步了.Undoubtedly, a video record is of no use in those described ocassions.

3. Furthermore, 这两者的经济成本不同,所以大多数时候还是用文字记录的。用摄像机你


End: In sum,我们要看到各有各得优势。We should make good use of technology without abandoning traditional methods. These two media can build upon one another, resulting in a multimedia testimony to moder life.


Since the video camera, a product of high digital technology, came forth, it provides a total new and different way of recording of contemporary life to the traditional written records, consequently our life has gone through a obvious change. However, the speaker overstates the significance of video as a documentary tool than written records.

1. It is a fact that video camera has many advantages over written records, for it can record information more vivid, directed, objective and accurate as well as convincing. We can be lying in bed comfortably and watching the live NBA matches and the celebration of Hollywood, sharing the vital moment with our idols. The video camera installed in a bank could help to catch the robber, at the crossroad would help to catch those speeder.

2. However, video cameras are not used as frequently as written records for the simple reason that video cameras are too expensive for most of people, especially in developing countries. Moreover, due to its own limitations, the video cameras cannot be used in every time and every circumstances, while the written document is a far more convenient method of recording in almost any occations.

3. Moreover, though the video camera provides an accurate record of physical life and phenomena, it cannot competently provide lots of other things. History records can‘t be recurred by video, neither the nonobjective knowledge such as philosophy, mathematics can be records by video simply. Written record can abstract summarization of ideas, thought, emotion, interior feelings of people, constitute rules, regulations or laws, as well as generalize and emphasize the depth of the record, while the video camera cannot nothing about all of these.

4. 总结: The video camera does have its own merits, but we should make good use of the technology without abdandoning our traditional values, which also have their own merits and advanatages that the new technologies do not have. There two media can build upon one another, to make the records of our lives more accurate and convincing and also make our lives more efficient and convenient.


Our life has gone through great changes since the video camera came into being, which provides a totally new and different way of recording life to the traditional written methods.

摄影机的优点:Compared with written records, video documentation is much less influenced by the one who took record and the one who interpreted it.

Another conspicuous advantage of video records is its生动lifelikeness。People can see what happened by themselves.如:看Olympic

摄影机的缺点:Yet it‘s rash to say that video camera has already won over traditional written documents and become the new domination of documentation field since video record is limited in several aspects. A过去的历史事件没有记录restricted by time. B价格高昂,不是所有人都能承受。



We cannot say whether video camera or the written document is more important than the other in that each one has its irreplaceable merits and values. Video camera offers the accurate and convincing method of recording which can revive life in before while traditional written document can provide a more detailed and rational record in lower cost.


The speaker asserts that the video camera recording information more accurate and convincing than written documents has become a more important form of documentation. By scrutinizing many aspects of this problem, I agree insofar as in some kind of situations camera indeed has its own advantages and could take place of written records in a foreseeable future. However, both of these two methods have their own merits and foibles, only through collaboration can give perfect records to the next generations of human.

1、 数码相机高科技产物。好,体积小(small bulk),携带方便(portable);能更直观记录事件

(vivid and directed);更环保(good to environment ),这些是文字所不能的,文字不客观,有些场景用语言很难表达。

Video camera,the products of high digital technology, introduces many innovations in the recording of our society and people‘s life.

2、 文字好。更详细记录、概括

However, the shortcomings of video media also make it impossible to use in every circumstances.

3、 两者应互补。记录的同时配以文字说明,挖掘内在含义。图文并貌the picture and its

accompanying essay are both excellent

In sum, video documents have provided people with an innovative approach of recording and also give the descendants the opportunity to retrospect the past events in a vivid way. But without written records, it is impossible for people to gain the general spectrum of history. So these two methods should compensate with each other, only in this way we can preserve the complete records of contemporary society and people‘s life for the next generation.


The speaker asserts that recording information has become a more important form of documentation, for it provides more accurate and convincing record of contemporary life than written records. By scrutinizing many aspects of this problem, I agree insofar as in some kind of a foreseeable future. However, both of these two methods have their own merits and foibles, only through collaboration can 少主语give perfect records to the next generations of human.

1. Video camera, the products of high digital technology, introduces many innovations in the recording of our society and people‘s life. Admittedly, video camera has many advantages which written record cannot be compared with. Firstly, video camera has a small bulk, consequently it is portable and convenient for us to use. This can explain why in the digital market the video camera is always popular Secondly, video camera can give a vivid and direct description of the event. Through the recording by video camera we can see the fact and truth in the right way, and any detail won‘t escape from the lens. On the contrast, written records can only make the words and pictures move by imaging. Thirdly, video camera is good to environment. Trees and other resources could be saved through this kind of records. All mentioned above cannot be reached by written records. Intrinsic disadvantages of written records as a tool of recording such as subjectivity determine that some events are hard to express by words and pure silent pictures.

2. However, the shortcomings of video media also it impossible to use some circumstances in which written records would exert its advantages. One of such advantages is that words have a capability of abstracting. As we all know that any great scientific or artistic theory is abstracted by much original information. Video camera can only express what event, the imaginable possibilities of result, and the analyses of the event. But words could do all 3. In fact, video camera and written records are mutual benefit when they are used together. Can you image a teacher in the front of a classroom only shows the students some pictures without 有点拗口,不妨直接改为:giving some explanations? Or can you image a piece of newspaper full of words without a single picture? If so, the system of education would turn out ineffective, and the newspaper would have no market as a result. So video camera and written records cannot be separated in many circumstances and the advantages of the collaboration are so obvious that it will make its readers understand the event more easily and comprehensively. And the content consists of both subjective view and external facts. In other words, the picture and its accompanying essay are both excellent.

[end]In sum, video documents have provided people with an innovative approach of recording and also give the descendants the opportunity to retrospect the past events in a vivid way. But without

written records, it is impossible for people to gain the general spectrum of history. So these two methods should compensate with each other, only in this way can we preserve the complete records of contemporary society and people‘s life for the next generation.

―At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species." 在过去不同的地质时期,很多物种的灭绝都是自然因素造成,而并非人类行为。所以,社会没有理由花费很大的人力物力去拯救濒临灭绝的物种。


1. 在过去,确实学多生物灭绝了,是自然选择的结果,生物进化的自然过程。比如恐龙


2. 但是现在,物种的灭绝与濒危和人类的活动有着直接的联系。Deforestation,湿地marshi

的消失导致habitat的锐减,污染和人类的对其他动物的捕杀切断了食物链food chain,北美旅鸽曾有几十亿只,殖民者开发美州100多年,19xx年9月这种鸟杀绝了。

3. 不管动物的灭绝是否是人类活动造成的,人类都拯救那些濒危的物种。生物多样性是地


4. 但是也要有度,一个国家的人类财力是有限的,不能一味的全用来保护濒危物种。保护



At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species."


In this statement, the arguer actually has a dual-claim. First, that many species have become extinct at various times in the geological past is just because the natural but not human processes. Second, there is unnecessary for the society to make extraordinary efforts to save endangered species. As far as I am concerned, I fundamentally disagree with both of the two claims.

1. Admittedly, some species did be extinct through unavoidable catastrophe and natural selection, rather than human‘s behavior. (Dinosaur)

2. However, human intervention make this problem much more severe, resulting in that more and more species are in face of extinction. Due to human processes, including hunting, excessive industrialization, pollution and exterminatory exploitation of natural resources, our natural environment is being threatened, and the extinction of rare species has been accelerated.

3. Since the endangered species are of great generic and environmental value to human beings and essential factors to maintain the balance of the nature, proper measures should be taken to protect endangered species. Better protection for the diversity of the planet‘s creatures could help protect human being from some diseases. If we do spare no effort to save the endangered species, we human race might one day become extinct as a result.


A. Natural processes did eliminate some species through natural selection; however, it did not break the balance of the ecosystem. /The first is essentially the Darwinian argument that extinction results from the inexorable process of so-called ―natural selection‖ in which stronger species survive while weaker ones do not.

B. Due to human processes, including pollution and exterminatory exploitation of natural resources, our natural environment is being threatened, and the extinction of rare species has been accelerated.

C. Since the diversity of species is beneficial for human beings, measures must be adopted to protect endangered species. Better protection for the diversity of the planet‘s creatures and plants could help shield human from diseases like AIDS, Ebola, SARS or bird flu and save billions of dollars in health care costs.

The statement raises a variety of issues about morality, conscience, self-preservation, and economics. On balance, however, I fundamentally agree with the notion that humans need not make ―extraordinary‖ efforts—at the expense of money and jobs—to ensure the preservation of any endangered species.

2. On the other hand are two compelling arguments against placing a duty on humans to protect endangered species.

3. Secondly, many animal extinctions are due to natural forces which are far beyond our ability. The more money and jobs it would cost to save a certain species, the lower priority we should place on doing so.


The speak asserts that it is a result of natural, rather than human, processes that many species have become extinct at various times in the geological past. The speaker also asserts that making extraordinary efforts especially at a great cost in money and job to save endangered species is unjustified. I fundamentally agree with the speaker since that nowadays people face many problems every day and money as well as job is so important to people‘s life. However, we should not ignore the importance of protecting endangered species for that the diversity of species is beneficial for human beings as well.

1. Natural processes did eliminate some species through natural selection; however, it did not break the balance of the ecosystem. Darwin called it the selection of nature. This theory claims that any species should adapt to the nature and environment around them. The species which successfully adapt the environment could exist and the others should extinct. Thus as a natural principle, some species that be eliminated by natural processes through natural selection are poor adaptations. As we all know dinosaurs which used to be the master of the earth were extinct just because the environment of earth changed suddenly and they cannot adapt it. In front of the new would, they became inferior. The new nature no longer belonged to them. So at this point, human beings do not participate in the process of eliminating the species. And humans have no obligation to save such species. On the contrary, saving them at great cost means a waste of energy and resource.

2. However, due to human processes, including pollution and exterminatory exploitation开发 of natural resources, our natural environment is being threatened, and the extinction of rare species has been accelerated. People always feel that they do nothing to the extinction of species but actually in many circumstance human‘s activities are main reason for it. It does not mean that we

cannot make some decisions to protect them or the cost of protection program is too high, it is just that we ignore. When we wake up to the fact that some animals would leave us forever it is too late. As we all know that the diversity of species is beneficial for human beings, measures must be adopted to protect endangered species, if we won‘t spend too much money and too many jobs and the species are in danger just because the immoderate activity of human beings.

3. In my view, government should learn to construct a balance between the cost on the protection of endangered species and on other immediate and complex social problems. Admittedly, species extinction is just one of the problems that the governments face. To assess to this goal, the government should clearly know that how the amount of people whose behavior harm the surviving of endangered species such as lawless animal bargaining, factory pollution, immoderate hunt games. And then under a considerable cost of the budget, government should adopt measures to protect the endangered species.

[end]In sum, I fundamentally agree with the speaker‘s assertion for that human‘s immoderate activity is just one reason of the extinction of species and protecting the pool adaptation is a waste of money and energy. But just because human are accountable for some of the process of extinction, and in some spectrum people have the capacity to protect them, the government should take some measures to protect the diversity of species.

136 "The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare." [05/31; 06/3] (69+5) 没有选择的情况少之又少。


Begin:尽管有些情况下,我们对一些事情是无法选择的,但基本上同意很多情况下人们都是很大的选择空间。I fundamentally agree with the assertion that alternative choices always exist in the world and the circumstance of no choice, though sometimes appearing in people's lives, is rare.

1. 不得不承认,是很多时候,人们无法选择,只能接受结果。比如 人不能选择父母,反


2. 但更多的时候,我们还是自由的,如speaker所说。人是自由的,可以根据自己的意愿

做出自己的各种的选择。 情况很多,自己的兴趣,职业,教育。这个是人的基本权利,每个人的个性不同,所以自己的选择也不同,但是世界正是因为各种各样的选择,才那么绚丽多彩。

3. 社会历史的发展也是不断选择从而发展的过程:分角度:文学领域、政治领域、科技领域、


4. 我们做出选择并不是完全自由的,还有限定条件。还受到法律和道德的约束。不能泛滥,


End:In sum, though humankind today still faces some circumstances without choice, they still can find ways and means to solve most of the problems surrounding them and enjoy greater freedom of choices than ever. Thus, the absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare.


The speaker concludes that it is a very, very rare circumstance that there is no choice. There might be so many people disagree with this claim. Sometimes they might complaint that they have to do

or even are forced to do something because the absence of choice; sometimes they might regret that they have no chance to fulfill what they want to. As far as I am concerned, however, I strongly agree with the speaker that the absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare.

1. Admittedly, there are quite a few stubborn facts that we should face up to and have no choice to ignore. We have no choice to become something else, as someone sometimes want to be a flying bird or even the eye of someone else, but only human being; we have no choice to avoid from the punishment of the law if we commit a crime; we have no choice but to be in the face of death one day, etc. However, it is not mean that we have no choices.

2. Someone sometimes complain that they have no choice but have to do or be forced to do something. Actually, they may have a lot of choices but only see pass by.

3. It is most possible that in every circumstance, no matter in individual every day life, scientific domain, national decision-making and the like, there are always choices. Some physically chalenged people does give up their hope and take pains to leave a good life. When Hitler was in power in Nineteen Thirties, Albert Einstein left Germany and moved to United States to continue his research.

4. However, though we have free choices, these choice should be made in the range of law and moral accountability


① 实际生活中,每天都在做出选择。从小的看:到那里吃饭。从大的看:选择某种职业。

在民主的democratic社会中,每个人都有自由言论free speech与行为的权利,因而没有选择的情况是很少的。Our life experience is that we make choices and decisions every day —on a continual basis. Common sense tells us that humans have free will, and therefore the true absence of choice is very rare.

② 但我们又经常听人说毫无选择。那是因为这些选择的结果可能让人不太满意或者没有达

到当事人的预期。 但实际上,选择是存在的,只是有时可能比较难于决定。People often claim that life's circumstances leave them with "no choice." However, in reality they may have a lot of choices; it is just because they are only considering those choices that are not viable or attractive. One might feel trapped in a job or marriage.如:一个人说他陷于工作中,只是由于他选择了有经济保障,但他完全可以放弃这份工作。

③ 我们做出选择并不是完全自由的complete freedom,还有限定limitative条件。还受到法

律和道德的约束were bounded by law and moral。如:警察在面对杀害自己家人的嫌犯suspect时,不可开枪。

D. People may take the unappealing, even self-defeating as no choice.


The speaker asserts that in few circumstances we would face the absence of choice. I fundamentally agree with the speaker for that this contention accords with common sense and our everyday experience as human beings. Besides, the reverses相反的 claim—that we do not have free choice—serves to undermine破坏 the notions of moral accountability and human equally, which are critical to the survival of any democratic society. However, lives are controlled by both subjectivity and objectivity. In some circumstances we have no choice of the objective things and we cannot change them.

1. As we all know, free choices exist everywhere in our daily life. When we were very young we

should choose the brand of milk or cornmeal to most efficiently improve our health. At the age of six or seven we have free choice to choose an elementary school which we consider could give us best illuminative启蒙的 education. At school we determine to join a certain community or we decide to attend a research group of a certain topic also by our free choices according to our own interests. The way we grow up forks everywhere so at any crossroad we would face one or more choice. The career, marriage, purchase, vacation‘s destination and even friend, all above make us choose from many possibilities. It is a form of choice emerging in our common people‘s daily life. The governments should select the best method to build the cities among the large group of undecided programs they should make a decision to enhance the welfare of the whole society. It is another form of choice. The artist also balance lots of ideas which appear everyday in their minds and try to pick up the best one they consider most appropriate to the art work they design. It is a form of choice too. So we can indicate that free choice is in the every corner of our society.

2. People always claim that life‘s circumstance leave them with no choice. Under financial duress a person might claim that he or she has no choice but to declare bankrupt, take a demeaning job, or even lie or steal to obtain money. The fundamental problem with these sorts of claims is that the claimants are only considering those choices that are not viable or attractive. That is, people in situations such as these have an infinite number of choices; it‘s just that many of the choices are unappealing, even self-defeating不利于自己企图的. For example, almost every person who claims to be trapped in a job is simply choosing a way to obtain more money and a high level of economics. The choice to drop this self-satisfaction is always available, although it might carry unpleasant consequences.

3. Nevertheless, as I mentioned, lives are controlled both by subjectivity and objectivity. The object environment which we were born with cannot be chosen by our subject consciousness. The conditions in which people find themselves have been largely established long before people become aware of them. For example, people cannot choose the country and folk民族 they belong to. Before a person came to this world the country and folk have been existing for thousands of years. Without acknowledging and adapting the objective environment we have no other choices. Analogously类似的, the family, blood type, race, color of the skin, and even one‘s appearance which is determined by one‘s gene, all above cannot be chosen because of their objectivity.

[end]In sum, despite the fact that we all experience occasional feelings of being trapped and having no choice, the statement is fundamentally correct accords with common sense and our everyday experience as human beings. As sometimes people feel they have no choice just because they drop other possible choices that may follow unpleasant results. However, both subjectivity and objectivity determine one‘s life. But all in all, humans are responsible for their own choices and actions.


a) 常识和经验告诉我们没有选择的情况很少,每个人都有自己的思想和行动自由,而


b) 所谓的没有选择只不过是其他的选择不理想,比如一个失业的人不得不做一个不体


c) A complete lack of choice implies that every person's fate is determined, and that we all

lack free will.如果相信命运,则掩盖了个人努力可以改变自己的未来。Hellen keller


NO.26 现代化和历史 "Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of any society's past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served." 很多人认为建筑代表了一个社会过去的历史价值,但是当现代城市的规划者想要利用老建筑占用的地盘做新的规划时,就会引起很多争辩。在这样的情况下,现代的发展应该优先被考虑,以使当代的需要得到满足。


The arguer claims that in order to serve contemporary needs, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings. As far as I am concerned, taking one thing with another, to the problem that whether modern buildings replace the old ones should be on a case-by-case basis and we should try our best to put up a balance between the preservation of historic buildings and the development of modern society.

1. To begin with, the conflict between the increasing development of cities as well as the population boom and the limitation of earth‘s resource become more and more severe. As a consequence, we must remove some old buildings which are of less value and in bad state for contemporary needs. On the other hand, preserving all the historical architectures may also too wasteful.

2. However, modern city planners should avoid destroying historic buildings for modern purposes. Some historic building, including Summer Palace in Peking, Triumphal arch in Paris, Big Ben in London, are not only the treasures of the cities but also the symbol of the cities, the nations, even the whole human race. As the witness of history, the old buildings have been regarded as the recorder of human society and can help human keep down civilization in long run. No one will allow for the sacrifice to all these legacies of the cities for they are not reproducible and unreturnable resources. We should preserve not only for ourselves but also for our descendants.

3. In addition, historic buildings are not only as valuable records of a society‘s past, but also as travel attractions which allure numerous tourists and contribute a great deal of profit to local economy. Wonderful buildings such as Great Wall, Pyramid have aesthetic value

4. Better approach should be worked out for the dilemma. In view of current technology, we can truly find other better ways to deal with this confilction between preseving the historic buildings and the development of modern cities. For instance, we can employ subway systems to ameliorate the metropolitan traffic, rather than toppling old buildings for pavement. We can also maintain or incorporate traditional archeitectural style and function into furure development, as is being done is Rome. If left with no other alternative, we still can even relocate entire structures to more convenient, protected lands.


① 历史建筑代表了一个民族的过去,不光是现代人、也是后代人的财富。Historic buildings

are irrecoverable resources we should preserve not only for ourselves but also for our descendants and representatives of our national past.

② 很多历史建筑具有审美价值aesthetic value、或者代表了一个时代的奇迹wonder,能吸

引旅游从而促进经济。如:Great wall. Pyramid Historic buildings are valuable records of a society‘s past, and they serve more as travel attractions, city emblems.

③ 对于那些Some old buildings which are of less value and in bad state can be removed for

contemporary needs。因为经济的发展城市越来越拥挤,现代的建筑更实用,更能满足人类的需求。


[begin]The speaker asserts that the old and historic buildings should give precedence to modern development so that contemporary needs can be served. By scrutinizing many aspects of this problem, whether modern buildings replace the old ones should be on a case-by-case basis and planners should try their best to construct a balance between the development of modern society and the preservation of historic remains.


Compared with the realistic use, the historic architectures demonstrate two important roles in society. One is that the historic buildings symbolize the civilization and history of a city, which are the research objects for historians to reconstruct the scene of the past and learn about the truths of the old events before. The other is the vivid historic text books that help people, especially the descendents, draw both virtues and experience of their ancestors. As the witness of history, the old buildings have been reckoned as the recorder of human society and can help human remain civilization in long run.


Furthermore, the planners also should consider aesthetic and architectural values of the building itself.


However, as the human society develops rapidly, planners and most people would like to have buildings which are more practical. On the other hand, preserving all the historical architectures may also too wasteful. So just preserving some important buildings is one of the most provident ways to solving the controversy.

In sum, resuming the progress of the society and preserving the human history is the twin ideals of modern world. Striking a balance between the preservation of old buildings and the development of our modern world is the prior problem people should first to solve. Fulfilling the improvement of the modern society does not mean it has been given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings, for the old building presents the human history and we can not develop the world at the cost of losing the history. Also


a) Save valuable resources and recalls a community‘s goal and dreams,一个民族的文化


b) 带来经济利益。保护古代建筑好的城市吸引更多游客,使他们停留更久花钱更多。

A recent travel industry survey over 40% Americans visiting historic place, battlefield, building spent 40% more than typical traverler.西安,北京

c) 当矛盾出现时候,如果历史建筑有历史价值,保留意义,应该保护。否则一旦破坏,

无法恢复比如西安的城墙 circumvallation,已经有700年的历史了,是世界上保存最完整的城墙,当时为了修火车站,就拆除了一段城墙,这样就破坏了城墙的完整性。使得城墙不能再恢复其原貌。

99 "In any realm of life—whether academic, social, business, or political—the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more

immediate options." 在生活的各个领域,不管是学术、社会还是政治,要想成功,只能靠实际的观点而并非空想。程序化的行为保证了基本的生存,而空想只会被更简单、更急迫的选择取代



1. 当然,必须考虑实际的情况,不能只顾理想,这样会让我们不能真确的认识自己的情况,


2. 当然理想也很重要,理想是人们的目标,虽然最终可能不会实现,但是当人们有了理想,有



3. 作为一个完整的人,无论缺乏这两个中的哪一个都很难成功.一个缺乏理想,只看重实际的



In this statement, the speaker points out that pragmatic behavior guarantees survival while idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more immediate options, so in any realm of life the only way to succeed is to take a practical rather than an idealistic point of view. There might be quite a few people share the same view with the speaker. As far as I am concerned, I agree that pragmatic behavior is necessary most of the time, however, I don‘t agree with the claim that in any realm of life taking a practical point of view is the only way to succeed.

1. Practical ideas have the immediate contribution to society, and with no pragmatic behavior, individual is hard to succeed and even the existence of our human race might be in danger.

2. However, idealism is just as crucial—if not more so—for long-term success in any endeavor, whether it be in academics, business, or political and social reform. Ideal is the guidance of practice and give us hope and enthusiasm, lifting us to new heights and helping us to overcome self-imposed limitations. Without it, we can not get so progressed as today.

(1) A good case in point is academic students. Researches have indicated that those who become preeminent in their adulthood are mostly not the best students in their adolescence. Those who are the very best ones tend to cut every corner that is needed to optimize their grades, while those who learn for the sake of interests sacrifice the overall grades, but the earnest participation in class activities, the abilities to deal with different situations are the basis of their later success.

(2) Considering the business world, without a dream or vision—that is, without strong idealist leadership—a firm can easily be cast about in the sea of commerce without clear direction, threatening not only the firm‘s bottom line but also its very survival.

(3) Finally, when it comes to the political arena, it is idealists—not pragmatists—who sway the masses, incite revolutions, and make political ideology reality.

3. Admittedly, a practical point of view is indispensable to success. Without practical attitudes, any idealistic dream is merely a dream which would never become reality. Nevertheless, an idealistic point of view point out the target we are striving. Both practice and ideal worth our attention. We

should take a pragmatic behavior when faced respective circumstance while holding the idealistic view as our guidance in pursuing the ultimate goal of our life. We should remember that ideal is ideal, not illusion or fantasy.



① 人们正越来越实际。各个领域

① Any human undertaking irrespective of the hard facts and laws of reality is destined to failure.

如:梦想上天就插翅膀wings and feather,摔死throw.

② However, ideals give us hope and enthusiasm,

A lifting us to new heights and helping us to overcome self-imposed limitations.

B指明人类发展的方向 如:登月


a) From a philosophical point of view, living is experiencing, which is an everlasting

interaction between men and reality。从实际出发使得我们尊重事实,符合自然的规律。所有的发明都在现实中得到检验,也是为了解决现实生活的中的问题。

b) 如果采取理想主义,导致mental disorder和失败。理想主义导致逃避主义,面对困

难逃避现实而不去补救,长久下去造成更大的失落,挫败,mental disorder。行为不符合实际,不能最后成功。乌托邦

c) 但是理想对于成功有推动作用,理想主义带来希望,激励,灵感。人类对飞翔的梦


d) 最好是二者的结合

207 ―Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of

people have a diminished sense of who they are.‖ 礼节和典礼有助于定义一个文化。如果没有这些,社会或者团体就会逐渐地迷失自我。



1. Rituals and ceremonies是文化的一部分,通过了解rituals and ceremonies可以从某一个方

面了解这种文化,因此在一定程度上也是这个社会或群体对自身身份的一种sense。比如中国的文化中特别注重―长幼有虚‖,对待老人特别的尊敬与礼让,这些在我们的rituals and ceremonies中都有所体现,在重大节日或婚礼上,首先要向长辈行大礼。因此典礼与仪式有助于确立一种文化,并且有助于加强社会或群体的对自身身份的认识。

2. 然而,rituals and ceremonies的存在并不只是为了保持社会或群体的sense of who they

are,而是由于superstition and spiritual belief。在一些偏远落后的地区,人们依然保持着一些rituals to frighten away evil spirits, to bring about weather conditions favorable to bountiful harvests, or to entreat the gods for a successful hunt or for victory in battle。

3. Moreover,但是礼节和典礼并不是唯一的定义文化的方面,因此也不会因为没有这些,

社会和团体就会逐渐迷失自我,因为还有很多其他的方面。比如:穿着阿拉伯人女子戴纱巾,语言,习惯中国人适用筷子chopstick而西方人用刀叉knife and fork,艺术中国的山水画traditional Chinese painting与西方的油画oil painting,生活方式等等。

4. 此外,有些礼节和典礼可能是不太好的方面,应该逐渐被取代,其中的很多礼节都是不太合理或者过于苛刻的,因此有时候这些礼节的消失不会不会让社会和团体迷失自己,反而还代表着社会的一种进步。比如:古代奴隶社会时期曾经有适用活人来祭祀的仪式sacrifice,还有葬礼仪式上用活人陪葬的be buried with the dead


The speaker claims that rituals and ceremonies help define a culture, without which societies or groups of people cannot have a good sense of who they are. As far as I am concerned, I concede that one purpose of ritual and ceremony is to define a culture. However, societies and groups of people have many other means, other than rituals and ceremonies, to identify who they are. Therefore, I disagree with that without rituals and ceremonies, societies or groups of people cannot well identify who they are.

1. To begin with, I agree insofar that one purpose of ritual and ceremony is to define a culture at present-day. In the rituals and ceremonies people play different role, which gives them the social identities and the sense of themselves. Nowadays, globalization occurs in every corner of the earth and to some extent threatens the independence and integrity of culture. In order to be far away from assimilation and distinguish with each other, people often turn to rituals and ceremonies and maintain their unique belief. So, without them, some cultures especially small tribe cultures are likely to be assimilated with the outside and finally lose their identity.

2. however, rituals and ceremonies are not the only means to preserve cultural identity. Nations can be identified with other means like their own histories, languages, letters as well as their people‘s appearance and behavior. Individuals can understand themselves through other means such as working, attending social activities, giving or receiving educations. lifestyle—Arabs, dietary habits—Muslim. Islamite don‘t eat pork, Arab women use headcloth

3. However, rituals and ceremonies have their own limits. There are some rituals and ceremonies whose initial purpose is rooted not in cultural identity but rather superstition could be discarded. In the ancient feudalistic dynasty, ritual such as servants should be buried with the dead Sovran had been abandoned along with the development of the society. And some rituals and ceremonies might have evolved and changed greatly, keeping its forms while lack of the essence. All of these make the rituals and ceremonies cannot accurately define a culture and tell people who they are actually.


① I agree with the speaker insofar as one purpose of ritual and ceremony in today's world is to

preserve cultural identity.

② Rituals and ceremonies只是形式,是由文化的真正内容所决定的。中国的过年.把beast 吓

③ 由于只是形式,内容可以用多种方式表现。如:Arab, Islamic; song and dance performances

Jazz表达心中的美好希望Ritual and ceremony are not the only means of preserving cultural identity.

D、 作用)As we know, rituals and ceremonies are a set of symbolic actions generally performed in a particular environment. Nowadays, globalization occurs in every corner of the earth and to some extent threatens the independence and integrity of culture. For example, in American people from different countries have believed various cultures, religions—such as with each other, people often recourse to rituals and ceremonies and maintain their unique belief. So, without them, some cultures especially small tribe cultures are likely to be assimilated with the outside and finally lose their identity.

fact, the general purpose of rituals and ceremonies is to express some fundamental truth or meaning, evoke spiritual, numinous emotional responses from participants, and engage a group of people in unified action to strengthen their communal bonds. In religion, rituals and ceremonies can provide prescribed forms of worship and reverence for a deity. Outside worship and reverence, rituals can also have a more basic society.

C. Ritual and ceremony are not the only means of embodying cultural identity. For instance, dress, lifestyle—Arabs, dietary habits—Muslim。Also some events like weddings, funerals


1. To begin with, I concede that one purpose of ritual and ceremony is to preserve cultural identity at present-day. (作用)As we know, rituals and ceremonies are a set of symbolic actions generally performed in a particular environment. Nowadays, globalization occurs in every corner of the earth and to some extent threatens the independence and integrity完整性 of culture. For example, in American people from different countries have believed various cultures, religions—such as , , , . In order to be far away from assimilation同化作用


于rituals and ceremonies and maintain their unique belief. So, without them, some cultures especially small tribe cultures are likely to be assimilated with the outside and finally lose their identity.

2. Have said this, however, preserving cultural identity cannot be the mere purpose of ritual and ceremony. (表达情感,增强人与人之间联系)In fact, the general purpose of rituals and ceremonies is to express some fundamental truth or meaning, evoke spiritual, numinous超自然的 emotional responses from participants, and engage a group of people in unified标准的 action to strengthen their communal bonds. In religion, rituals and ceremonies can provide prescribed forms of worship and reverence尊敬 for a deity神性. Outside worship and reverence, rituals can also 职责 in expressing, inculcating教导 and reinforcing the shared values and beliefs of a society.

3. 但是,rituals and ceremonies仅仅是文化的一种外在的表现形式,比较形式化formalization。社会或者团体想要在这个多样化的世界中找到自己的位置,还必须要拥有精神上和物质上的内涵meaning。



a) 礼节和典礼确实有助于定义一个文化,比如:中国的春节家人团聚体现着中国文化

中的统一,放炮,西方国家的圣诞节,就是代表了两种不同的文化。伊斯兰Islamic的斋月Ramadan,A fast is held from sunrise to sunset, that is carried out during this period.成为伊斯兰文化的象征

b) 但是礼节和典礼并不是唯一的定义文化的方面,因此也不会因为没有这些,社会和

团体就会逐渐迷失自我,因为还有很多其他的方面,比如:穿着阿拉伯人女子戴纱巾,语言,习惯中国人适用筷子chopstick而西方人用刀叉knife and fork,艺术中国的山水画traditional Chinese painting与西方的油画oil painting,生活方式等等。 c) 此外,有些礼节和典礼可能是不太好的方面,应该逐渐被取代,其中的很多礼节都

是不太合理或者过于苛刻的,因此有时候这些礼节的消失不会不会让社会和团体迷失自己,反而还代表着社会的一种进步。比如:古代奴隶社会时期曾经有适用活人来祭祀的仪式sacrifice,还有葬礼仪式上用活人陪葬的be buried with the dead 170 ―The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but the general welfare of all its people.‖伟大国家最可靠的标志不是其统治者、艺术家或者科学家的成就,而是全体人民的福利。


观点:Does a nation‘s greatness lie in the general welfare of its people rather than in the achievements of its artists, rulers, and scientists, as the speaker claims? 尽管welfare是其中一个标志,但是作者忽略了―great nation‖的真正含义以及welfare与achievements的关系。

1. At first blush the speaker‘s claim might appear to have considerable merits. After all, 国家的

一个重要责任就是要是提高人民的生活水平,保证人民的general welfare,such as public health and safety, security against military invasions, individual autonomy and freedom, cultural richness, and overall comfort。Therefore,the overall welfare of the general people of a nation is an important indicator of the greatness of a nation.

2. 然而,一个国家的人民的general welfare与其统治者、艺术家或科学家的成就是密不可

分的(have lot to do with)。科技改变生活,艺术陶冶情操。例:罗斯福;达芬奇;爱因斯坦

3. 而且,achievements是一个国家是否伟大的一个重要标志。The speaker confused the

meanings between―Great‖ and―good‖。―伟大‖的意思不只是―好‖,除此之外还应该超出好并且有其特殊的贡献,即其统治者、艺术家或科学家的成就对世界的影响和对整个人类社会发展的贡献。瑞士、挪威人民生活很好,但谈不上伟大;中东等国靠输出石油也很富,但不能算伟大。


1. It is true that the general welfare of all its people is a reliable indicator of a great nation. The welfare of the people, including the living conditions, the social security system and the charity of developed country is often far better than that of developing countries.

2. On the other hand, however, the achievements of its rulers, artists and scientists are of equal important, which by their way bring the aim of welfare of its people into fruition.

(1) As what is mentioned above, when we speak of ―promoting the general welfare‖, we refer to the following index: public health and safety, security against invasion, individual liberty and freedom as well as a high standard of living, while all of these are brought about by its rulers, artists and scientist.

(2) Scientific and technological achievements serve in the first place to enhance a nation‘s general welfare.(Advance in medical treatment, transportation, communication, etc)

(3) Artistic achievements could not be neglected, though. They help to make a nation a better place to reside. (Provide inspiration, life people‘s spirit and bring about creativity and imagination, all of which spur us to make more accomplishments.)

(4) Yet the achievements of artists and scientist, while integral, are insufficient. The military and diplomatic accomplishment of its leaders could neither be ignored in the general welfare of a nation. (The War of Independence)


① I concede that general welfare 是正确的指标。包含:物质和精神两个方面。Put another way,

public health and safety, security against military invasion, individual autonomy and freedom, cultural richness, and a high standard of living. A但是除了经济,这些都是难以衡量的。B


② 统治者:决定国家是否强大。包括了以上的各个方面。如:彼得大帝(Czar Peter),被


③ 艺术:A是社会繁荣的标志。试想一个不能保证温饱的社会如何能有繁荣的艺术。B艺

术也能提高人们的生活福利。Artistic achievement is also needed to make a nation a better place for humans overall. Mozart, Vinci,

④ 科学家:提高效率,方便生活,福利增加(longevity)

B. Scientific achievements serve to enhance a nation's general welfare.

a) Advances in the health science have enhanced our physical well-being, comfort, and life span. b) Advances in technology have enabled us to travel to more places, communicate with more people from different walks of life, and learn more about the world much more effectively.

c) Advances in physics and engineering make our buildings safer, and enable us to travel to more places, more distant places, with greater safety and speed.

Second, it assumes that the sorts of achievements that the speaker cites have nothing to do with a nation's general welfare.


Throughout the recorded history, many countries as well as their diverse culture stands up and fade away on the stage of history, some of which impress and affect our descendents greatly, while some of which just like wind, gone without any trace. Ancient Greece, ancient Babylon, ancient Egypt, and ancient China, this(these) four of which stand for the top achievements in human history and experience the test of time. Some people wonder, then, is it through the achievements of its rulers, artists or through the general welfare of all people that we remember them? As for me, I deem that both of them sever as irreplaceable indicators to prove a nation's greatness, any(either更好吧..因为就2个因素) of which deserves equal attention and importance. LZ真强,第一段我就看傻了,四大文明古国举的真好!!!

On the one hand, the general welfare of its entire people is an indisputable indicator to judge whether a nation is great or not. The reason is quite straight. None of nations existing in the history or at present can go an further(further可以做名词么???) without the support from their people. In other words, the pyramid-shape composition of a nation - people consist the foundation whereas elites account for a small fraction of the top in pyramid - determine the people's crucial role in a nation. Barely can we image a country without sound welfare of people could be defined a great nation. To illustrate, the flagrant Nazi could be an apt example to this point. Despite its leader - Hitler and his subordinates - and its army conquered a myriad of land and citizens, not only its own people suffered greatly from continuous wars, and led to miserable lives, but also people conquered were even worse . Obviously, if a historian dares to call Nazi as a great nation, he/she must be in an extreme defiance to the humanity and ethical standards. Contrarily to the negative example, Tang Dynasty in China history, were widely considered as a wonderful nation. The key is nothing but its people made an easy living and thus were glad to make contribution to the nation in return. (理论分析真好啊,特别是金字塔那几句。。。象LZ学习!)

On the other hand, an undeniable fact that virtually everyone judge a nation starting from judging

its accomplishments of rulers, artists, and scientists. It is true that due to their limited quantity but conspicuous exhibition, they could attract more eyeballs initially. And what is more, it is also convenient for historians to read from those elites for the reason that almost every history record will record those elites, in comparison to little history could record the detail welfare of a nation's ordinary people. To be sure, elites' achievements could also somewhat reflect a nation's greatness in some aspects. We always take Shakespeare as the representative of Britain; we always name George Washington and Roosevelt as the heroes of United States; we also get used to consider the Plato and Aristotle as the exemplification of ancient Greek. Needless to say, those giants stands on the human history, illuminating the dark world, attracting our most attention, proving their nations are great.(啥也不说了,眼泪哗哗滴,这种牛句子想不记住都难...) Hence, with regard to the selective record of history, the outstanding achievements of elites, the convenience to start from them in order to study the whole nation, all of them lead to a common conclusion that, elites' success also can be defined as a reliable indicator of a great nation, in certain respects, to certain extent.

Therefore, taking both of these two indicators - elites and people - into consideration, the answer to the question what is the surest indicator is quite evident. Without any of them, a surest indicator is a man without his left or right leg. Only by combining them together, formulating a coordinate marriage of both people's welfare and elites' achievements, can we use this compound indicator as the surest one of a great nation. And this compound indicator is sound enough to evaluate any nation no matter in the past or in the future. It is mainly because it is the essence of a nation, which is the cardinal core of a nation. For example, apply it to Former Soviet Union as a trial to justify the indicator. In that country, before its dissolution, its national power could even rival that of United States. Besides that, in artistic area, the prosperity was also obvious; many famous novelists boomed up. To here, some impatient people may hastily define it as a great nation. But is it the true case? Far from its superficial prosperity, its people lived a wretched life, some of whom were forced to leave their home country, some of whom starved to death, some of whom were even executed by authorities. As a result, the nation dissolved into pieces as its predetermined destiny. A host of examples in history have again and again proved the validity of such a compound indicator. From this point of view, we should clearly recognize the hazardous completely relying on any(either) of its side fact - people or elites; rather the compound indicator is our best, appropriate, and surest indicator of a great nation.

In sum, it is counterproductive, or even detrimental, to base our judgment of a nation on its people or on its elites. To be sure, any of them cannot be separated deliberately for that both are the essential ingredients of a great nation. A compound indicator combining them two is the ultimate standard to evaluate a nation's greatness. ―It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public.‖政治领导们在公众面前有所保留经常是必要的,甚至是值得赞许的


观点:agree in some respects, disagree in other respects

1. 政府不可能把所有事情都告诉公众,有所隐瞒还是有好处的,尤其是那些涉及到国家安

全及社会稳定的信息。A)国防(national defense)信息,不暴露弱点 B)SARS病在全国造成恐慌,政府为了安抚公众情绪,会多报道些积极的信息

2. 然而,过度的隐瞒信息也会使得政府难以和群众取得沟通,并可能最终破坏民主的根基

(While, on the other hand, distribute the government with the rights to freely conceal the information may also ruin the philosophical underpinnings of the democratic climate)

3. 所以,在涉及到人民生活与利益方面,政府应该办公透明化。A)利于社会稳定,公众

了解了政府才能信任政府 B)利于领导者与公众的交流,听取民众的意见和建议

C) 使政府接受监督,防止腐败


In most of the democratic countries, citizenry have the right to know any information about the nation, however, in some situation, it needs government to withhold some information which regarding the national security otherwise may cumber the overall interest of the society. In my view, we should look for a balance in withhold information from the public and totally open all information to the public. Overstating either one may fall the nation into an endangered position.

1. Most of the time, it requires political leaders open information to the public and it is helpful to the government as well as the public. They are elected by the people with trust and confidence to improve the welfare of them. People have the right to know the truth.

2. On the other hand, if political leaders withhold information from the public it would harm the proper right of its citizenry or result in the damage of the basic groundwork of the government and bring detriment to society. Usually, the more a government or the political leaders withhold information from the public, the more hostility the public advocated against the government.

3. However, some kind of information must be withheld from the public in order to maintain the stability and safty of the whole society.

(1) Some confidential projects or plans, once they are open to public, they would lose their effect.

(2) For the sake of the safety and stability of the society. (panic and unnecessary chaos)

4. 总结: Look for a balance.


① 在某些情况下,封闭信息是需要。A 如国防national defense,抓捕犯人culprit等B 有

时群众了解的信息可能是片面的,引起骚动,还不如不了解Admittedly, sometimes it is necessary for political leaders to keep the public from know something, such as country‘s top secret, which is indispensable and helpful for a country in defending aggression and keeping safety.

② 公开信息更有利于群众与政府的互动,更利于帮助政府把事情办好.如:现在很多地方的


③ 公开信息还有一个优势:防止权力的腐败 反面说:引起腐败,and therefore bring detriment

to society.

Firstly, political leaders, in a democracy regime, will harm the proper right of people as they withhold information from the public.

Secondly, withholding information from the public will result in corruption in the government, and therefore bring detriment to society.


[begin] In most of the democratic nations, people have the right to know any information about the nation and the leaders, while, under some circumstance, it is necessary for the government to withhold some information that concerning the national security or may hamper the overall interest of the society when public. Close scrutiny shows that overstate either the importance of

the public transparence or the significance of the government to withhold the information may falls into an endangered position

1、 公开涉及民众个人利益及国家利益的信息,不仅加强与政府间的交流,还可以使民众积


Providing the citizens with the opportunity for learning most of the information they need and concern may contribute the management of the government towards the entire society.

2、 过度公开国家信息,包括安全信息,会带来危害。而一些秘密的计划,也不适合公开。 However, some information, especially those concerning the security of the nation and may have potential possibility to leads the jeopardize situations, should be withhold by the government in order to maintain the order of the entire society

(Secret project) (If the government‘s strategy to thwart deliberate plans of the international terrorist or a drug trafficker has been disclosed before it has been acted, no useful purposes can be achieve ultimately)

3、 相反,过度的隐瞒会造成民众与政府间的隔阂,并最终可能损害民主的根基。

While, on the other hand, distribute the government with the rights to freely conceal the information may also ruin the philosophical underpinnings of the democratic climate


In most of the democratic nations, people have the right to know any information about the nation and the leaders, while, under some circumstance, it is necessary for the government to withhold some information that concerning the national security or may hamper妨碍 the overall interest of the society when public. Close scrutiny shows that overstate either the importance of the public transparence透明度 or the significance of the government to withhold the information may falls into an endangered position.

1. Opening the information about the whole country‘s and individual‘s interests does not only enhance the communication between governments, but also makes demos民众 participate in establishing and performing the policy. People have the right to know the truth. Providing the citizens with the opportunity for learning most of the information they need and concern accelerates their understanding and supervising to the government, and will reduce the corruption in some cases. And secondly, it will bring up demos‘ patriotism and their confidence to the government. It is a progress of democracy.

1. 公开涉及民众个人利益及国家利益的信息,不仅加强与政府间的交流,还可以使民众积极得参与执行和制定政策。(首先公民有知情权、促进对政府的了解和监督supervise,某种程度减少腐败corruption;其次、增强民众爱国心patriotism和对政府的信心,有利于民主的进步,人们关心和积极参与政治)

2. However, some information, especially those concerning the security of the nation and may have potential possibility to leads the jeopardize危害 situations, should be withhold by the government in order to maintain the order of the entire society. E: secret project. If the government‘s strategy, for example the deliberate plans of aiming at the international terrorist or a drug trafficker, has been disclosed before it has been acted, no useful purposes can be achieve ultimately.

3. While, on the other hand, distribute the government with the rights to freely conceal the information may also ruin the philosophical underpinnings of the democratic climate.



a) It is always impossible for the political leaders to reveal everything to the public,

especially some the information which can affect the national security. Different nations are competing and even antagonistic. Revealing some information could has no help for the solution but poses negative impact on the stability of a country. Unidentified illness b) Withholding information should not be the excuse for political leaders to abuse their

power. Withholding information at their will could provide the chance of corruption, c) 在不威胁国家安全,社会稳定情况下,政府行为应该尽可能透明,接受监督。

159 "The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds." [05/28; 06/0]



Position: balanced, based on different situations

Begin: Nowadays, there is a public controversy concerning the issue of whether mankind will always be superior to machines. Some people argue, like the speaker‘s assertion, that machines are only tools of humankind, and they will be inferior to us, while others hold that machines, especially computers with artificial intelligence, will ultimately surpass us in every aspect of intellectual life. As far as I am concerned, whether I agree with the claim depends on how we define the word ―superiority‖.

1. If ―superior‖ is meant to speed, and accuracy in doing certain techniqual jobs, the machines of

our day will surpass huma bedings in most areas, owning to their efficiency and endurace. 解数学题时;机器可以长时间运转;飞机场的导向装置,很难想象,如果只通过人眼的观察和判断来指挥飞机的起飞和降落,机场会乱成什么样子。

2. However, if ―superior‖ is defined on the basis of creative thinking and emotional sensitivity,

machines are inferior to mankind, at least at the present time. 创作能力,推理能力(机器的知识,or more accurately, 机器的指令集是固定,不会根据已有知识推断出新的知识);表达能力,沟通能力。

3. Yet, since machines, especially computers, are developing at a tremendous rate today, it seems

presumptuous to assert with confidence that human beings will maintain their superior status over machines. Recent advances suggests that within the twenty-first century we will witness machines that can learn to think on their own, to repair and nurture themselves, to experience inner sensations, and so forth. In other words, machines will soon exhibit the traits to which we human beings attribute our superiority. But up to now, it is still incomparable to the power of human thinking in many aspects and is still under human control. Humans should make good use of machines and always bear in mind that their development is meant to benefit humankind.

End: In sum, machines have advantages in some areas while human being holds the edge in the realm of creative thinking. That is why I hold my view that whether humans is superior to machines depends on what we define our specific usage of the word ―superior‖. We should utilize the advantages of machines to support and enhance our thinking about the social life.


Nowadays, there is a public controversy concerning the issue of whether mankind will always be superior to machines. Some people argue that since machines are only tools of humankind, they will always be inferior to us, while others hold the opinion that machines, especially computers with artificial intellignce, will ultimately surpass us in every aspect of intellectual life. In my opinion, we must carefully consider what we mean by the word‖ superior‖ before answer the question.

1. If ―superior‖ is meant to mean the knowledge, speed, and accuracy in doing certain technical jobs, the machines of our day will surpass human beings in most areas, given their efficiency and


2. However, if the word ―superior‖ is defined on the basis of creative thinking and emotional sensitivity, machines are definitely inferior to mankind, at least at the present time.

3. 总结: For the reason mentioned abouve, I hold that humans and machines are not comparable unless we define our specific usage of the word ―superior‖. Machines have the advantages in some areas while the human being hold the edge in the realm of creative thinking. We should utilize machines to support and enhance our thinking about the social life and avoid their improper use and application.

B. Disagree

The speaker points out that machines will always be inferior to human minds for machines are only tools of human minds. Though with the increasing development of science and technology, there are more and more powerful machines. As far as I am concerned, however, I fundamentally agree with the statement that machines are only tools of human minds.

1. The development of technology makes the machines very powerful and high efficiency, these machines are very helpful when human beings explore the world or themselves. In terms of memory and computing as well as other technical operations, computers can do much better than human beings. CT

2. All machines, no matter how powerful, are all the products of human being‘s creation. Human being can produce machines which are powerful than themselves but machines has no creative ability so that they can‘t invent machines are powerful than themselves. Up till now, the notion that human-made machine has ―emotional intelligence‖, has been pure fiction. In 1997, a supercomputer called Deep Blue won a match against a reigning world chess champion with regulation time controls. Many people predict these types of processing machines will soon surpass human beings and some assume that massive calculating power will one day replace intelligence. However, it is human minds that give the ―intelligence‖ to Deep Blue. That‘s mean computer can not be developed with the ability to learn to solve problems on its own, but only programmed to solve a specific set of tasks.

3. With regard to the ability concerning other areas, human minds are obviously superior than machines, the ability of thinking, and to deal with the emergency, for example. Originality and creativity, while machine could only do what they are instructed to.


① 在creativity方面,machines确实不如人类. In terms of creativity, machines can never

surpass human intelligence, for it is illogical that ?stupid‘ human minds can create ?clever‘ artificial intelligence.

② 在counting\dangerous tasks 方面,机器做出了很大的贡献。如:航天技术explore the outer

space In terms of memory and computing as well as other technical operations, computers can do much better than human beings.

③ 我们说机器是很好的工具,并不是说可以过分依赖。病毒、黑客攻击malicious attack.

C. However, human beings should guard against the abuse of advanced technology and see to it that machines are created to serve human welfare.


1. 首先,将人类的智慧wisdom和机器相比是不公平的,因为本身机器就是用人类的智慧所创造出来的,人类的智慧是机器存在的前提precondition。再先进的机器,也是人类通过长期的研究和反复的试验,经历无数次错误和失败之后才被制造出来。因此,机器在被创造出


2. 让我们来看看superior的定义。If the word ―superior‖ is defined on the basis of creative thinking and emotional sensitivity, machines are inferior to mankind, at least at the present time.

3. If superior is meant the knowledge, speed, and accuracy in doing certain technical jobs, the machines of our day will surpass human in most areas, given their efficiency and endurance. 如果机器在任何方面都比人类差,那人类也就没有必要创造出机器这种工具了。而事实上,当今社会人类文明的发展已经离不开机器了,尤其是电脑这种高性能的high-powered处理transacting系统。例举电脑的优点。


a) 机器在人类社会的发展中的确起到了重要的作用,促进生产(工业革命Industrial

revolution)、方便生活、星外探索;首先,就家庭而言,家用电器如air-condition, refrigerator方便了人们的生活。其次,就community, 现在许多工厂采用自动化生产,提高了效率,降低了人类的工作负担和危险.第三,就全人类而言,spaceship, telescope and some machines such as American Mars probe machine-"Courage"探索了太空,使得人们更加了解太空outer space。

b) 机器是由人类发明和创造的,被人类控制,并且可以帮人类实现一定的功能,在某

一方面机器优于人类。电脑的发明,有电子学家,数学家,软件工程师和设计工程师的贡献;它被大量应用在各个领域,而且计算机可以在短时间内处理大量的数据,这一点是优于人的大脑的,但是它还是要被人们控制和操作,才能发挥出它的功能。 c) 人脑会思考、会判断善恶好坏(机器给命令就动)、会有感情,机器永远不会有

(independent thought, subjective judgment, emotional response). 机器只会单纯的执行命令,但是并不管该命令执行后的后果,比如计算机和互联网在给人们带来方便的同时,有些人利用它们来传播计算机病毒computer virus,毁坏别人的机器和数据,这个做法在人看来是不道德的,但是计算机并不知道。

160 ―The most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little.‖有效力的领导者最本质的品质就是对特定原则和目标的坚持。任何领导者,如果他很频繁地、很轻易地为大众意志而转移的话,那他就一事无成。


1. 坚持自己的观点确实重要,尤其触及到某些人的利益而遭到反对时。如:林肯;Chairman

Mao. Gandhi 要是领导人只懂得听从大众的意见,永远不能带来深远影响。

2. 有时也要遵从大众的意见。

3. 而且,最主要的品质肯定不是坚持。作为一个优秀的领导人还有很多难的可贵的品质,

如A对于未来得准确预测,有着长远的目标与眼光,这样做出得决定就会更加得合理 b 对于众多资料信息的分析能力,能够在复杂的情况下,作出良好的判断 c 对于所有公民,工人,下属的仁爱之心,D良好的心理素质,在面对突发时间的时候能够带领人们一起度过难关。这些都是作为领导者十分重要的品质,缺少哪一点都不会是最优秀的领导。


This statement actually consists of two claims. First, the ability that remains consistently committed to particular principles and objectives is the most essential quality of an effective leader. Second, any leader will accomplish little if he/she is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in

popular opinion. As far as I am concerned, I concede that the quality of being consistent to principles and resolution is important to an effective leader. However, the claims are too absolute. In my view, I disagree with the first claim but basically agree with the second claim.

1. Admittedly, any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will probably accomplish little: people are inclined to be influenced by the mainstream media that their opinions are more likely to change all the time.

2. All leaders have their own merits and charm, and the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives is an important quality. Effective leader should persist to the desired goal, not matter what difficulties may encumber the tough procedure.

3. However, it does not mean that a leader should always stick to his own particular

principles and objectives, due to the rapid social and technological change. Situation is keeping rapidly changing and there is hardly a principle or objective is suitable for any condition. In some situation, the leader should adjust their objectives rather than only remain committed to particular principles and objectives according to the present situation. Take Andy Grove, chairman of Intel, as an instance. Memory chips were Intel's original business. However, Intel almost went under during the mid-1980s as a result of fierce competition from Japanese chipmakers. It is Andy Grove who determined to adjust their objective and took Intel out of the memory chip business and into microprocessors. Now, Intel shares the biggest market of microprocessor. Besides, sophisticated politicians would like to adopt the mass views to achieve the goal more easily.

4. 总结: Thus moderation, in other word, a balance made between the two maybe more appropriate. Polarity in either side is not advisable.


① 坚持自己的观点确实重要。要是领导人只懂得听从大众的意见,永远不能带来深远影响。

如:Chairman Mao. Gandhi Few would disagree that through their ability to inspire others and lift the human spirit Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King were eminently effective in leading others to effect social change through civil disobedience. This brand of leadership, in order to be effective, inherently requires that the leader remain steadfastly committed to principle.

② 有时也要遵从大众的意见。来得到施展才华的机会

③ 最主要的品质肯定不是坚持。A 盲目的blindfold坚持错误的目标不仅给本人,还会给整

个社会带来灾难。 如:Hitler B 忽视了许多其他重要的品质



0. There is much controversy about the question whether the leader should commit to their certain rigid principles and objectives. In my point view, the effective leader, generally defined, at least in our society, as that which achieves power and exert the power effectively, should adhere to their certain objective and principles appropriately, and consider the public opinions at the same time. Now I will demonstrate my opinions.

1. Firstly, the adherence to certain object and principle can help the leader gain the support of the public. In my opinion , the rigid adherence may grant the leader a confidence and resolution决心,

maybe generally considered as a character of the charismas号召力, which help he or she attract more proponents支持者 successfully. Contrarily, the capricious反复无常的 leader , who in order to gain public support always change their principle, will lose support as a result. Consider that if Martin Luther King gave up his dream: one day, people in the world may not be recognize through his color but through the real content, in the Civil Right commitment . How can he get the holding up of the black people and the whole society, which is same to Gandhi, the great leader of India's Independent. Without resolute坚决地 purpose and confidence to nonviolent tactic策略, Gandhi may discard his civil disobedience and of course lose the support of the public who appeals to peace but no violent protest.

2. The commitment to principles and objectives can not only help the effective leader achieve the leadership but also make wield power effectively, and gain success as a result. Holding certain principle and objective, the leader may be more insightful than the normal people and be more clear about what he or she will do next ,why he or she will do like that, especially in the hard condition when he or she was opposed by some popular opinions. For example, Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United State, had never discarded his domestic program, known as the New Deal, which also granted him chance to save American from the economic crisis effectively.

3. While, it can be agreed with that the commitment is pivotal to an effective leader. However, it dose not mean that the leader can ignore the popular opinion and refuse to change. When the leader is trying to gain the leadership and exert their power, they should not forget the facet方面 that the power and the success are granted by the masses, so there is no reason to discard the popular opinion. What is more, ignoring the public opinion completely and commit to some idea inappropriately may make the leaders lose their success that they have been gotten before. One of the examples is the story of Henry Ford. The famous American auto manufacturer, had ever founded the Ford Auto Company and produced Type T automobile, but because of his adherence to the old type of the automation and ignorance to the consumers' complains that the old type is too load and too slow, his factory fell to hard time. It can be seen that the popular opinion should never be discarded, although some principles and objectives should be committed.

218 "In order for any work of art -- whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song -- to have merit, it must be understandable to most people."



Begin: Though the speaker‘s assertion may have merit, in my opinion, it unfairly generalizes about art.艺术作品的价值与大多数人是否理解是没有关系的,

1. 一个艺术作品只要是作者的真实情感、感受、想法的表达,那它就是有价值的。According

to what Freud has said(and I paraphrased) art, in essence, is a kind of release of individual lust, converting the human libido into plentiful creativity. It is through the work of art that artists express their passions, emotions, and desires. From this we can see, art is therefore, first and foremost, concerning with the inner world rather than with the outside one as a whole.

2. 艺术作品不一定需要人们的理解。一方面:因为人们的知识有限,也不是每个人都是心

理学家,所以不可能完全揣摸出艺术作品所代表的作者的真实想法,但是只要能够欣赏就足够了。比如:对于某些音乐作品,只要我们听到以后感到很美或者心灵受到撞击,那它就是有价值的。如有些诗,我们不能体会作者的真实意思,但是我们感受得到诗中作者的感情和情趣;另一方面:艺术作品正是因为不容易被理解,才有了见仁见智的感受,才给人想象力,才full of humor and wit,才有价值;‖一千个人眼中就有一千个哈姆

雷特‖ hamlet,你能说有谁真正读懂了莎士比亚么?(Shakespeare),但这不影响hamlet to be a noted masterpiece.

3. 一个艺术作品如果不是忠于作者的真实想法,而是为了迎合观众或者让大多数人理解,

or was shaped by most people‘s opinion. 那它就很难有长久的价值。比如很多无聊的商业片,虽然被大多数人欢迎,但却不被评论家看好,很快就会被大家遗忘。

End: In sum, the merit of art has little bearing on whether most people understand it. 只要一个艺术作品只要是作者的真实情感、想法的表达,是作者创作灵感的真实体现,那它就是有价值的。


a) 对大部分的艺术来说,欣赏发生在人们与作品接触的那一刻,过深过难于理解会阻

碍人们对于艺术的鉴赏,不能让观众得到美的享受。反面例子,正因为印象派的作品在当时太难理解,甚至有丰富知识和经验的评论加都不理解,不利于人们的欣赏 b) 艺术作品不一定需要人们的理解。一方面:因为人们的知识有限,所以不可能完全

揣摸出艺术作品所代表的作者的真实想法,但是只要能够欣赏就足够了。比如:对于某些外语歌曲,虽然由于语言障碍听不懂作者的意思,但是只要我们听到以后感到很美,那它就是有价值的。如有些诗,我们不能体会作者的真实意思,只要我们的精神得到放松也行;另一方面:艺术作品正是因为不容易被理解,才有了见仁见智的感受,才给人想象力,才full of humor and wit,才有价值;―一千个人眼中就有一千个哈姆雷特‖ hamlet,你能说有谁真正读懂了莎士比亚么?(Shakespeare),但这不影响hamlet to be a noted masterpiece.

c) 一个艺术作品如果不是作者真实情感,passion,desire的表现,而是为了迎合观众



The arguer claims that any work of art must be understandable to most people in order to have merit. As It is often assumed that the aim of arts is to cater for the spiritual desires of most people. Though most artists try to attain this aim, only a few kinds of arts succeed in fulfilling their purpose and a majority of others do not. However, we can not deny that some of them, even not be understandable to the majority, have no merit. As far as I am concerned, being understandable to most people is neither necessary nor sufficient to make sure a work of art has merit-- the value of a work of art does not purely lie in that whether it could be understandable to most people.. Therefore, I disagree with the arguer‘s claim.

1. To begin with, some kind of arts are very popular and have a considerable larger audience, however, it can not guarantee all of these art works have the highest artistic value. Such as films and songs, with the aid of technology, are successful in accomplishing their purposes and are much more popular than ever before. However, With the time passed by, most of them were forgotten by the majority.

2. On the other hand, lots of art works though have not been understood by most people, they indeed have high artistic value and merit. Actually, it is almost impossible for every art work to be understand by all the people.

(1) Lack the necessary education and knowledge.

(2) The unique technique used by the originator, while it is the soul of art.

3. 总结: Both popular arts and high-brow arts should have the right to develop and thrive. And the time is the best factor to determine whether they really have merits or not.


① 对大部分的艺术来说,欣赏发生在人们与作品接触的那一刻,过深过难于理解会阻碍人

们对于艺术的鉴赏art is a luxury that most people either have no access to or simply cannot appreciate.。如:看摄影作品、听音乐,我们并不看重使用了多少技巧,用的是什么节奏或旋律。

② 但有一些作品,其作者的思考已经超出了当代人太多,需要一定的时间来让人们理解。

如:Vincent Gogh Sunflower, Starry night

③ 另一方面,被大众所接受并不是一个充分条件。如:很多流行的东西经过时间的洗刷都

退色了。Popular arts that have the largest audience do not necessarily have the highest artistic value.


112 "Some educational systems emphasize the development of students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions." 一些教育机构强调培养学生的推理和逻辑思考能力,但是如果也教会学生认知自我的情感,学生们将受益更多。



1. 推理和逻辑思考能力无论对什么学科或领域的学习都很重要。首先,逻辑思维对自然科

学的学习非常重要,尤其是工程、数学、物理等。比如,我们很难想像,如在物理模型(modeling),化学试验上,加入情感元素会是什么样子。另外,即使对艺术来说,逻辑思维也非常重要Even in arts, students must learn theories and techniques which they apply to their craft. 无论是艺术家还是作家,即便他们首要关心的是创作灵感,他们也必须通过逻辑能力去学习基本的知识和方法。

2. 感性教育也是不容忽视的,它是学生发展更全面a certain amount of self-introspection into

one's emotions is probably helpful to the development of a student as an overall person. emotion exploring是现代西方流行的―情感教育‖ 指的是教育过程中的一个部分,即对学生的态度、感受、信念(faith)和情绪等方面的关注,以及对学生的自尊(self-respect)、个人发展和社会发展的关注。情商教育有助于丰富一个人的性格,提高人的全面素质、道德层次;同时,情商教育还有利于兴趣的培养,有助于想象力和创造力的培养,能够激发人们对自然科学的兴趣和潜力。

3. 当前的教育机构的确是忽视了情商教育,过分强调学生逻辑思维能力的培养,这势必导

致学生的性格、道德品质的缺陷,对于学习和未来事业缺乏兴趣,以至创造力的匮乏。Nowadays, the current educational systems overemphasize the development of students‘ capacity for reasoning and logical thinking while for the most part ignoring their emotional health. This undoubtedly results in serious problems such as lack of creativity, introversion, or eccentricity.

4. 总之,努力做好一方面的同时,不能忽视教育的另一方面的工作In addition, while we may

emphasize one aspect of education we shouldn‘t completely ignore the other aspect。能够很好处理烦恼Vexation和情绪问题的人更容易获得成功。Carnegie说过,重要的是把握平衡。An education system should establish a balance between educating intelligence and emotions.


1. The capacity for reasoning and logical thinking is very important in natural sciences, particularly in engineering, mathematics and physics. Even in arts, students must learn theories and techniques which they apply to theie craft.

2. Education of emtions really does have great significance to a student and even our society,

which is necessary for a person to be a person, and help to live a brilliant life.

3. Education of emotions could inspire one‘s interest in developing the capacity for reasoning and logical thinking. In this way, it may actually accelerate the development of students‘ capactity for reasoning and logical thinking, thereby promoting traditional education indirectly.

4. Nowadays the current educational systems do overemphasize the development of students‘ capacity for reasoning and logical thinking while for the most part ingoring their emotional health. This undoubtedly results in serious problems such as lack of creativity, introversion, or eccentricity.

5. In conclusion, while we may emphasize one aspect of education we should not completely ignore the other aspect. An educational system should establish a balance between educating intelligence and emotions.


① 理性是进行教育的基础。情感是主观的,而各学科理论上的推导确是客观的。如:物理


② 感性教育能使人了解生存的价值,获得自信。Inner satisfaction 例子?

③ 能够很好处理感情的人更容易获得事业上的成功。Emotional intelligence。卡耐基曾说



Position: Agree

1 The development of students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking is the basic element of education. But the exploration of students' own emotions should not to be ignored as well.

2 Without exploring his own emotion, a student could not be taught to be a all-powerful person with ability. It is very hard for such a student to be a person with strong ability to solve problem and powerful creativity.

3 Emotion education could inspire one's interest in developing capacity for reasoning and logical thinking. So it can accelerate the development of students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, and promote traditional education indirectly.



总论点:logical thinking 和 exploration emotions 都必不可少,当然两者结合是最理想的。 分论点 1。logical thinking 是我们职业,各学科,日常生活中基本、重要的能力,使我们独立理性地处理事务,避免感情用事

2。explore the emotions 也必不可少,使我们更了解自我,从而控制自己的情绪,否则,心理容易扭曲,即使较强的logical thinking 能力也无法避免让人走极端

3。两者结合是最佳选择,也正是教育的目标。在拥有logical thinking能力的基础上,通过explore emotions去感受自己心灵深处,从而也更能体谅他人,提高交际能力,同时更有充分发挥logical thinking的机会,成为社会有用之人


I agree with the assertion that it would be more beneficial not only to inculcate students the ability of and logical reasoning, but also to instruct them to probe into their emotions, for both two capacities are equally essential, helping students remedy problems independently and better understanding themselves, as well as improving communication skills so as to become well-being people.

To begin with, the capacity of logical thinking and reasoning is worth emphasizing, for it equips students with the competence, which is basic for one's life, to independently deal with problems or situations in a scientific and effective method. After all, there are many logical rules, widely existing in people's professions, various disciplines, as well as daily life. Consider a profession of football coach for instance. When a match goes, a qualified coach is supposed to be capable of analyzing the intention of opponent's substitution, rather than depending on feelings. And correspondingly, adjusts the players and formation to domain the match and beat the opponent. Also, when it comes to the disciplines in colleges, especially some science subjects, the ability of logical reasoning is indispensable to grasp a objective understanding of them. Further, without the capacity to consider and analyze things logically, people would tend to draw some conclusions only based on their emotions. For example, one who lacks such ability is inclined to mistake others' well-meaning jokes into mocks, thus probably lose some friends. Thereby, the capacity of logical reasoning makes students into thoughtful people, who can solve problems independently and effectively, instead of judging things only by emotions.

Next, the exploration of emotions is another necessary constitution of students' learning. Since emotions, as we all know, arise from the abyss of our heart, through observing and concerning of our thoughts and emotions, we can better know ourselves, then find a suitable way to control our impulses that is possibly dangerous. Take a Chinese student who killed his four roommates for example. He is a benign boy in everyone's eye in his college, and endued with the strong sense of logical thinking which helps him to win some mathematics contests years ago. However, an accidental quarrel with his roommates this year just drove him mad. Through investigating his unexpected behavior, the police get to find that it is his accumulated inferiority complex caused by the gap between poor and rich that made him lose senses. Obviously, there do exists the way to prevent such brutal behavior occurring. In other words, if the student had been taught to explore his emotions frequently, that is, to discover his potential evil will earlier by himself, the logical reasoning ability might have helped him overcome it and substitute it with a agreeable one. Hence, it is worthwhile to pay attention to help students learn to explore their emotions, in order to avoid distortion of their minds.

Of course, the combination of the ability of logical reasoning and the exploration of students minds makes the education attach its goal. Since most of students have already had the basic logical skills, the instructions about exploring their own emotions can be understood more easily. With the better understanding the feelings arising from the abyss of our hearts, also can we better understand others. Consequently, our communication skills, without which hardly can we gain our success, tend to be improved. Gradually there develops into a more harmonious social environment, in which our logical thinking ability is more conducive to be beneficial to the society. At the same time, students will be cultivated into well-being people, who have great logical thinking skills as well as the full knowledge of themselves under the combination.

In sum, the capacity of logical reasoning and the exploration of students' emotions are equally necessary to help students deal with various problems independently and discover the potential wills from their sensitivities. And the combination of the two will surely make students approach

perfect as well as be qualified for the society.

203The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines."




1. 有时,英雄确实反映了整个社会的想法与倾向。英雄是在社会中长大的,他必定带上了


2. 然而,英雄毕竟是英雄,有时候他们是社会梦想在现实中的反映,并不是任何人都像一


3. 而且,由于媒体夸张的报道,现在很多英雄都似乎变成了神,什么都是好的,没有任何


4. 况且,评价一个社会还有很多方面可以参考,比如文化风俗,建筑风格,服装,语言等



From 提纲:

1 英雄人物代表了国家的价值取向。有时确实可以反映社会的倾向。

America, heroes or heroines are characterized as potent individuals who can save groups of people, the nation or even the whole world in crises. It is the reflection of the individualism in western countries. Such heroes include President Washington, who overcame unprecedented obstacles and hardship to unite the continental army and latter established the United States, and President Lincoln, who freed the American blacks in the south and reunited the nation during the Civil War. On the other hand, in eastern countries, such as China where collectivism is highly valued, heroes or heroines are characterized as of high sense of self-sacrifice for the interests of the group or the whole nation.

2 公众的行为可能和这些英雄人物还不相同。

A hero一般被传媒夸大了。他们的缺点都被视而不见,已经不是原来的那个真人。

B公众的行为可能和这些英雄人物还不相同。不可能那么理想化,他们关注得更多的是自己的生活,子女的教育等实际的问题.(Concession) studying the heroes and heroines is an effective way but may not be the best way. Hero may only reflect one character of society; however, there are many characters in a society. Since the society is made up of many people, only by studying the thoughts and actions of figures in various grades can one thoroughly comprehend a society? 3 要了解一个社会,还要了解社会的文化传统、教育情况、科技水平、政治制度等等。 However, only emphasizing on the hero and heroines is not enough//Some characters which are also crucial cannot be reflected by them. Attitudes toward crimes, sexual intercourse prior //to marriage, and endless others. Also we could not understand the situations of economy,

technologies, martial potency //and the like. It would fall into the category of hastiness and narrowness when we understand the character of a society //simply by its heroes and heroines.


a) hero代表的是一个国家所推崇的道德与精神。爱国主义patriotism如:圣女贞德。

Joan of Arc 1412-1431) 参考事迹:英法大战中投入保卫祖国的队伍,统帅法军,终于打败了英国侵略者,成为法国人民爱国斗争的旗帜。对民主自由的追求。比如杰佛逊Thomas Jefferson主张人权平等、Free speech、宗教Toleration和人身自由 b) 有时英雄可以反映社会的倾向。如:甘地Gandhi nonviolence & noncooperation 对

印度摆脱殖民统治,和统一的热望,Martin Luther King对取消种族歧视的追求,其实反应了黑人美国社会对种族歧视的反抗。妇女运动的领袖被视为女性的英雄,表达了对女性解放的要求

c) When we make moral evaluations of the heroes, we often focus on a single dimension of their character. For our evaluation of the famous are often not meant to be thorough

moral profiles but teaching tools. We tend to single out the traits we want to simulate. 所以只从英雄看社会是片面的,不能全面反应这个社会的特征。如:比如Cleveland总统confess to having an illegitimate child

d) 了解社会特征还有许多方法,不一定这种最好。如:从宗教方面,比如基督教国家

就与Islamic国家不同,前者多信奉基督教Jesus而后者多数甚至全部信认为Mohammed是最后的prophet of God,习俗方面,中国的新年和西方的圣诞节。


The speaker claims that the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heros or heroines can best represent the character of a society, which means it is the best way to understand a sociery. In my point of view, I do agree that the heros and heroins can represent the characters of a society at some extend. However, they cannot accurately represent the characters of a socitey.

1. In the first place, the unique brand of hero does reflect, and indeed must reflect, some characters of the hero‘s society for the reason that the fact that they can be chosed to be the society‘s heros or heroines must due to their qulity, which must reflect some characters of the sociery at some extend. So, learning something about those famous few can more or less help to recognize some respects of the society.

2. However, there is also this kind of situation: the reason why we choose a person as the society‘s hero is just because he or she just have some characters which may be just unique and maybe even going to extinct in our society. Moreover, some heros or heroines are always reflecting the ultimate ideals and value of the entire society. In the war time, for instance, most people who cherish the hope to the peace may certainly to focus their attention on the heroes and heroines who have enough courage and capability to defeat the enemy. This circumstance does not mean that the heroines of the war can represent the features of the war but to means that people place certain amount of the reliance on these personalities to eventually achieve the success or the peaceful climates in the overall nation.

3. Moreover, there are also some people who are regarded as heros or heroines just for the reason that they have some unique capability in just one specific realm. Take sports heros as the first example. In my opinion, sports heros are just chosen for their athletic powers and this cannot represent a society‘s features.


① hero一般被传媒夸大了。他们的缺点都被视而不见,已经不是原来的那个真人。如:毛、


② hero代表的是人们不可能达到的状态。是一种理想,而不一定现实中会这样做。如:圣

女贞德。Joan of Arc 1412-1431) 参考事迹:英法大战中投入保卫祖国的队伍,统帅法


③ 有时确实可以反映社会的倾向。如:甘地Gandhi nonviolence & noncooperation 对印度统


④ 了解社会特征还有许多方法,不一定这种最好。如:查看民众对hero的态度,从宗教方


31 "Money spent on research is almost always a good investment, even when the results of that research are controversial."花费在研究上的金钱总是很好的投资,即使研究结果是有争论的



1. 研究在人类的发展中起了不可忽视的作用,研究是对未知领域的探索,发现问题并且解

决问题,推动社会进步。它也满足了人们不断的求知欲望,帮助人们认识自己与世界。Research is the exploration of the unknown for true answers to our questions, and for lasting solutions to our enduring problems. Research is also the chief means by which we humans attempt to satisfy our insatiable appetite for knowledge, and our craving to understand ourselves and the world around us.在对基因gene的研究中,人们从根本上认识了自己,从而有助于治疗疾病并可以通过改变基因而改变世界。在对永动机的研究中,人类了解了自然能量守恒的原则principle of energy conservation,从而人类懂得了在自然的框架下实现理想。在对宏观经济macro-economy的研究中,人类摸索出了世界经济运行的规则,从而使人类更从容的面对今天经济的变幻莫测。因此,花在研究上的资金是很值得的。

2. 一些持反对意见的人可能会指出克隆和原子能的研究的例子。的确它们有不好的一面,


3. 然而值得注意的是我们还是应该注意研究的结果的。After all, expensive research always

carries significant opportunity costs--in terms of(根据, 按照, 用...的话, 在...方面) how the money might be spent toward addressing society's more immediate problems that do not require research.因为我们知道从经济学的角度讲,凡事都是有机会成本的,与其去做那些有争议的研究,不如把这些钱投入其他更有前途收效更大的研究中,或拿去解决社会当前所面临的社会问题。比如Star Wars。One apt illustration of this point involves the so-called "Star Wars" defense initiative, championed by the Reagan administration during the 1980s. In retrospect, this initiative was ill-conceived and largely a waste of taxpayer dollars; and few would dispute that the exorbitant amount of money devoted to the initiative could have gone a long way toward addressing pressing social problems of the day--by establishing after-school programs for delinquent latchkey kids, by enhancing AIDS awareness and education, and so forth.



The arguer claims that whether the results of research are controversial or not, money spent on research is always a good investment. Some others might hold that money spent on research is risky and almost is a waste. As far as I am concerned, research can provide us with true answers to

various unknown questions and satisfy our thirst for understanding ourselves and the world around us, as well as providing lasting solutions to our enduring problems. Therefore, I fundamentally agree with the arguer that money spent on research is almost always a good investment.

1. we can get a great deal of benefits from the results of research therefore money spent on research is needed and indeed is a good investment. The inventions of vehicles, telephone, compute and the like really return the investors a great deal of profits and make human being's life more and more convenient as well. Investment on the research of Aids, gives the Aids sufferer a hope.

2. On the other hand, even though some research seems controversial, money spent on them is a good investment as well. As Copernicus's heliocentric conjecture was come out first, it is such a controversial standpoint how could the earth revolve around the Sun! However, as the evidence became more and more sufficient, it is the first time people realized that Sun is the center of the cosmos. So does Einstein's theory of Relativity. Though it is a controversial theory first, it makes the utilization of nuclear energy into reality. Therefore, some researches might seem controversial just because they are above the majority's cognitive level when they are put forward at the first time. Thus, money should be spent on those controversial researches for they can bring the society benefits and are worthy of the investment.

3. However, before starting a research there are so many effects should be taken into account and some researches in debate shouldn‘t been begun rashly. Human Cloning, biochemistry weapon.


A. Research is the exploration of the unknown for true answers to our questions, and for lasting solutions to our enduring problems.

B. Research is also the chief means by which we humans attempt to satisfy our insatiable appetite for knowledge, and our craving to understand ourselves and the world around us.

C. Many researches may be controversial and the results of them may bring to people some harm, after all they are of greater benefit in the short or long term.

Related Examples: 1) Research of atomic energy,

2) Research of radioactivity: the starting point for cancer treatment, for the dating techniques used on ancient objects, rocks and the universe, and for molecular biology and modern genetics.

3) Copernicus's heliocentric theory; Galileo's research in astronomy. 4) Technique of cloning

No amount of research can completely solve the enduring problems of war, poverty and violence, for the reason that they stem from the certain aspects of human nature—such as aggression and greed.


1. 作者观点的前提是不对的,即研究的结果在研究开始之前就可以预见。然而,往往在一项研究开始之前,结果是未知的。因此,在考虑华在研究上的资金是否是很好的投资的时候考虑研究结果是否有争议,本身就是不太现实的事情。After all, research is the exploration of unknown for answers to our questions, and for lasting solutions to our endure problems. In my view, if research is to be any value it must explore uncharted and unpredictable territory.

2. Research本身的目的和初衷original intention无可争议是积极的。与奢侈luxury玩乐、纯粹的金钱追逐相比,research的意义显而易见。探索和发明,寻找途径解决社会问题促进社会发展。

3. Result的controversy有三个层面:(1) 部分result的前景过于vague。(2) 科学研究的成果会

有两面性。Nuclear, clone, pollution (3) input VS output

30 "The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people's efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time."



Begin: 同意。

1. 技术进步的确提高了我们的效率, in many situations.

2. However, we should not neglect the fact that the rapid pace of life has resulted in an

unprecedented high number of problems. (Cars?Greenhouse effect, pollution; Instant communication ? 人与人亲情友情逐渐冷淡). In addition, an even worse situation is that the rapid pace has exerted high psychological stress and anxiety. 以上很多问题给人类造成的后果都是无法弥补的。

3. However, the increasingly rapid pace of life is inevitable; it is the natural result of the

development of society. 在不得不适应这种快节奏的同时, we should not neglect the fact that a lot benefits are produced by the increasing pace of life. 高效率的社会发展使得人民的生活水平不断提高。快节奏带来了竞争,使得人们不断挖掘自己的潜力,更好的提高自己。


Although many people claim that, technological advancement is bound to increase people‘s efficiency and leave everyone more leisure time. However, this view is now being questioned by more and more people. As far as I am concerned, I don‘t agree with this assertion for two reasons. First, though the efficiency increases rapidly as a result of technological advancement individual does not obtain more but less and less leisure time; secondly, the primary goal of technological advancement should not just be limited to increase people‘s efficiency.

1. First, as we have witnessed, the advancement of technology do increase people‘s efficiency. such as assembly-line, robots. Computer, etc.

2. However, as a matter of fact that the increasing efficiency decreases people‘s leisure time instead of increasing it for the reason that keeping pace with new technology in order to survive the severe competition nowadays depletes people‘s time for leisure activities.

3. Moreover, it is inevitable that development is always accompanied by problems. Consequently, the quicker technology advances, the more new problems will come into being, which compels people to work harder than ever before, and thus, longer working time is unavoidable.

4. Actually, the primary goal of technological advancement should be facilitating lives for human beings rather than creating more leisure time. Confessedly, the advancement sometimes involves improved efficiency, yet efficiency is merely a means to more important ends such as health, safety, education and freedom.


① First of all, as we have witnessed, achievement in technology has immensely improved

people‘s efficiency, such as plane, assembly-line& mass production, robots. Computer, etc. ② The suggestion that technology‘s chief goal should be to facilitate leisure is simply

wrongheaded. There are far more vital concerns that technology can and should address.如:overcome treats, health, emotion

③ 最主要目标绝不是增加空闲时间。As a matter of fact, increasing efficiency is merely a

byproduct of the advance of technology. Convenience long life/longevity


It is apparently that the technology has been developing with the advance of the time. What is the primary goal of the technology and what it has brought to the human beings? In my point of view, the advanced technology does increase the efficiency but it is not the main purpose, meanwhile, it does not necessarily offer everyone more leisure time.

To begin with, the progress of the technology does promote the efficiency of the society. It is known to all that primitives had to spend almost all the time they were awake to hunt for food, despite the food they had got was not enough either. With the invention of machines, computers and worldwide internet, the time that taken from people to feed themselves and to work is becoming less and less. At nowadays, people merely work for five days per week and eight hours per day, which is enough to guarantee them to feed themselves, even to live a luxury life. Therefore, the advanced technology does promote the efficiency of the whole society.

In a second place, there are many other benefits we have gained from the technological advancement other than increasing the efficiency. It is clear that with the advancement of the skill in agriculture, people do not need to worry about the lack of food any longer; with the progress of the vehicle, unlike Columbus, people need no more to spend as much as two years to travel around the earth; with the developing of the medical technology, people will suffer less from the diseases and live longer. From the facts above we can see that what the technology brings to the human beings is not only the increase of efficiency, but also a better quality of life, which is the very purpose that people long~ for all the time. Thus, the increase the efficiency is merely the surface or partial, the essence is the pursuit for better life.

In addition, people do not obviously obtain more leisure time from the technological progress. As the technology developing, the integrated amount people have completed in their everyday work is not less than before, but they do it in a less time. In other words, the increase of the efficiency does not reduce the amount of work but requires people to accomplish it in a shorter time. Simultaneously, the overall pace of the society is getting faster and faster, which puts people into an environment with more strain and pressure. To guarantee their work and leading place, it is possible that they have to learn and assimilated an increasing amount of knowledge ceaselessly, which will take them a lot of time and even all of their leisure time. It is common that those who work in the Silicon Valley spend almost all of their time in working and learning. Hence, although the efficiency has increased, it will not guarantee that people get more leisure.

To sum up, in the promoting of efficiency, the crucial role played by the technological advancement cannot be neglected. Nevertheless, the increase of efficiency is not the main purpose; many other benefits should also be involved. At the same time, people do not necessarily obtain more leisure time, but being exposed to a more pressure, which requires them to perfect themselves ceaselessly.

28 "Students should memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little." 学生们只有在学习了事实的来龙去脉后才有必要记住这些事实。只学习事实本身的学生是学不到多少东西的



1. 多数的事实背后都隐藏有比事实本身更有价值的原理。尽管各种事件每天都会发生,但


2. 在教育中强调理解,并不意味着学生不需要记忆任何名词和概念,而是通过让学生们了

解概念的背景帮助他们记忆。对于需要在未来的世界里运用他们所学的知识来谋生的大部分学生来说,只有记住许多事实和概念,他们才能够更熟练的运用和操纵他们学到的知识。比如说,如果学生们记不住乘法表(multiplication table),即便是他们理解了乘法的基本原理,他们仍旧无法熟练的进行乘法计算(multiplicative calculation)。此外,许多的传统和道德观念是需要在早期教育中需要学生不断记忆的,因为那时的学生还很小,他们不可能理解过深的道理,但是道德观念却需要在很小的时候就灌输给学生,这时候就需要让学生记忆这些准则,以便于克服人类本质上的不良方面。

3. 先理解在记忆的方式是目前最佳的教育方法之一。一方面,过度强调理解会导致学生忽



1. The ultimate objective of education is not only to learn facts by heart, but also to sharpen critical thinking skills—to be able to analyze facts and to make sound judgements, which are even more important than the knowledge itself. By focusing on facts first, students risk equating the learning process with just the assimilation of trivia. Consequently, students risk learning nothing of much use in solving real world problems.

2. Relative concepts, trends and ideas are important to the understanding of facts. Special data and profound theory are sometimes hard to memorize and see clearly. By first taking the relative concepts, trends and ideas into account, the task of learning might become less daunting. After broader understanding, we can know the origin, determinate factors and characteristic limitations, which will speed up memorization of corresponding facts. Moreover, Since the knowledge is infinite, we simply could not learn every facts, while equipped with these abilities of understanding the relative concepts, trends and ideas first, we would be able to understand the unknown and even discover new facts.

3. Despite all of the advantages of understanding the relative concepts, trends and ideas first, strict adherence to the speaker‘s advice might be also detrimental. There are lots of concepts, ideas and trends that might be to hard for the students to understand, while just learning the facts is simple and efficient to them. In some circumstances, memorizing a fact can precede learning its meaning and significance---as long as the student does not stop at rote memorization. Mathematics in elementary scholl…


① In the process of studying, no matter in whatever discipline, we are required to memorize

facts that are indispensable for us to master the knowledge. Only through reciting most of the concepts and information of the facts can individuals possess the capability to turn the knowledge they have acquired to practical account. :记住最基本的语法,否则无法写文章。Under this circumstance, the memorizing is necessary and should be served as the main methods of education.

② Compared with memorizing only facts, learning the ideas, trends, and concepts that help

explain those facts can do much more. A事实背后的故事和轶事则更能激发学生的学习积极性,先记住一些基本principle便于理解和掌握facts with a conceptual framework

already in place, a student as better able to understand the meaning of a fact to begin with, and to appreciate its significance. More likely to memorize the fact to begin with, less likely to forget it as time passes.

B以不变应万变。provide them with the ability to solving the problems before in the class in the future.

③ Conceding that students must learn ideas and concepts, as well as facts relating to them, in

order to learning anything meaningful, I nevertheless disagree that the former should always precede the latter. Strict adherence to the speaker‘s advice would surely lead to ill-conceived ideas, concepts and theories.如:讲授地理时,先记住国家和民族名称,再讲述历史发展。另一方面,刻意遵循先后原则,不能及时了解学科前沿动态the advancement of


235."Most people are taught that loyalty is a virtue. But loyalty—whether to one's friends, to one's school or place of employment, or to any institution—is all too often a destructive rather than a positive force."


大多数人被教育说忠诚是一种美德。但是,忠诚-无论对于朋友、学校、受雇公司或任何机构来说,经常都是一种有害而非积极的力量。尽管有许多实例说明,如果忠诚过了头,会引发了很多负面作用。(德国人民原来是一个高文明,给世界带来很多宝贵财富的民族,但是却因为二战时期过分忠诚于希特勒,把自己变成了一个非常激进的民族,给社会带来了前所未有的灾难。 日本这个民族是因忠诚天皇而出名的,他们有时为了表示忠诚,甚至可以当面剖腹paunch ,以这种残忍的方式伤害自己证明自己的忠诚。这种过度,不管严重的忠诚,或者不恰当的表现方式是有害于社会的。

1. 但是,忠诚是很多社会活动得以进行的前提。比如婚姻就是要求夫妻双方真诚,如果两


2. 不管怎样,我们还是有必要把这种美德继续传承下去,教给我们的下一代。忠诚是人类




In this statement, the arguer asserts that loyalty, no matter to one‘s friends, school, place of

employment or to any institution, is all too often not a positive but a destructive force. As far as I am concerned, loyalty is a virtue which means inner respect and affection and is the fundamental responsibility that we should take to our families, friends, employment and the like. Therefore, I totally disagree with the arguer.

1. Radically speaking, loyalty, a symbol of honest, is a virtue. Any behavior against loyalty causes mistrust and estrangement, and in most cases, quarrel and conflict, which is dangerous to the prosperity and stabilization of the whole society. (Loyalty, as part and parcel of the trust between spouses, ensures the endurance; lack of mutual loyalty between employees would bring about job attrition that the productivity of a company would come to a halt; without citizens‘ loyalty to the government, there would be no security from either revolt or invasion.)

2. There are a flooding of deceit and distrust in modern society and it needs every individual strengthen, rather than weaken the merit of loyalty.

3. Admittedly, loyalty is a destructive rather than a positive force in certain cases. Misguided or overextended loyalty is harmful and might become a destructive function, which should be avoided. (Chauvinism, irrational frenzy at idol, religious extremists, etc.)(And in today‘s society, some businessmen make profits through bribery and deception in name of loyalty to their company)

4. 总结: In conclusion, loyalty is still very essential for everyone of us while it should be redefined. It should not be understood as the blind following. Rather, it should be defined as the respect and responsibility, taking account of the further development of which a person shows his or her loyalty to.


① 忠诚友谊才能长久First consider the ways in which loyalty, if exercised in proper measure and direction, can be a positive force.

B. Employment relationships depend on some measure of mutual loyalty, without which job attrition would run so rampant that society's economic productivity would virtually come to a halt.

C. With some mutual loyalty between a sovereign state and its citizenry there can be no security or safety from either revolt or invasion. The society would quickly devolve into anarchy or into a despotic state ordered by brute force.

② Admittedly, misguided or overextended loyalty can amount to a divisive and even destructive force. 如:公司秘密的外泄,不能告知公司发展过程中的缺陷,或自己守在一个公司不跳槽 ③ 最危险的是对领导人的盲目崇拜。Cultural Revolution.

16 "Although many people think that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life are entirely harmless, in fact, they actually prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals."



1. I concede 有些时候有些人在得到安逸生活以后就不思进取了。Davy, 晚年没有什么成

就。并且使人们少了患难意识,使得当困难来临时手足无措,坐以待毙。中国人有句谚语:富不过三代,穷不过三代.西方人也有个类似的说法叫:Great men‘s sons seldom do well .

2. 但是追求安逸的生活是科技发展和人类进步的动力。是以人为本的原则的一种体现,人们


3. 如果缺乏现在高科技所提供的舒适条件,有些研究成果出不来。 如:生物学领域、军

事领域 都要求sophisticated apparatus

4. 人之品格是内在的,安逸或者艰苦的环境是外在的.有影响,但不会起决定性作用.People‘s

characteristics of fortitude and independence spring from within rather than from without , although the outside environment that cannot be the determining factors after all , may has a certain impact on the course of shaping these characters .


1. The luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life do bring about great benefits:

(1) Release people from hungry, cold, and thus help them to concentrate on their works

(2) The conveniences of contemporary life to a great extent enhance the productivity and effectiveness of people.

(3) Advanced technology in communication improves the relationship among people and thus keeps people in good mood.

2. On the other hand, however, they do bring about some side effects:

(1) Human‘s born deficiencies such as selfishness, laziness, idleness...

(2) People‘s increasing reliance on the technology prevent them from developing into strong and independent individuals: independent thinking and calculating, unwilling to remember things, unwilling to go into the embrace of nature.

3. Nevertheless, it is often the inferior factors, rather than the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life that prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals. It is because these people‘s lack of resistance of luxuries that obstructs their development.


① I concede 有些时候有些人在得到安逸生活以后就不思进取了。Davy, 晚年没有什么成


② 但是追求安逸的生活是科技发展和人类进步的动力。人们追求更多的休闲时间,从而有


③ 如果缺乏现在高科技所提供的舒适条件,有些研究成果出不来。 如:生物学领域、军

事领域 都要求sophisticated apparatus

Without modern facilities, we could hardly do anything.

While, without such modern facilities, can we become truly strong and independent individuals? It is important for us to realize the limitation of modern facilities and that potential danger which will be aroused if we lost our domination over modern facilities and too rely on them.


Topic:奢华和便利是现代生活的一种表现,也是推动人类社会前进的动力,其本身是没有坏处的但是但不可否认,奢华和便利又让人们失去了一些品格,which 能让人们成为真正强大和独立的个体。

奢华和便利是现代生活的一种表现,也是推动人类社会前进的动力,其本身是没有坏处的, 。 Unlike our ancestors, who had no advanced science and technology, we are equipped with all the knowledge to make various kinds of rather complicated tools, including airplanes, telephones and computers. These implements are of great help to us in that they aid us in almost all the fields and to some extent, they replace, maybe strengthen, us in doing different works. We sit and read a newspaper while the plane carry us to they destination; We may lay down and watch TV while the washing machine deals with our clothes. We can even leave a complex math problem to the computer.正是这种奢华和便利推动着我们这会向前的步伐,其本身是没有坏处的

但不可否认,奢华和便利又让人们失去了一些品格,which 能让人们成为真正强大和独立的


1,坚韧性格的缺失;physically:人类的体质弱了,一些小病也讲求处于现代医疗 ;汽车代替了步行,越来越多的人因为缺乏锻炼而肥胖,而我们的祖先们则在大自然的风雨中练就了一身健壮和体魄;and mentally:越来越多的奢华和便利使得 人们所处的逆境越来越少,没有了生存的压力,也就缺失了挑战的勇气;而我们的先辈们在时时刻刻与大自然的搏斗中塑造了顽强勇敢的品格,而事实上,真正的强者都是在压力和逆境中产生的eg In fact, people often think that bad living conditions often contribute to form a strong character. Like a saying goes "genius often comes from the adversities" Those who confront with adversities often strive to find new ways to overcome the adversities, and then train themselves as brave and

self-confident person .For example, Lincoln,a great American former president, live as a beggar in his childhood. Perhaps just the poor surrounding mould his character of bravery, ntegrity, probity and fortitude. On the contary, the luxuries and conviences of today's life is often looked up as a root of vices.

2,独立性的缺失:随着文明化程度的提高,人们越来越多地依赖于技术,而不愿意去思考。Eg电脑技术的发展给人类社会带来了巨大的进步,但在欣喜的同时,我们也看到:越来越多的学生在利用电脑进行十年前与他们同龄的笔算的四则算术题;越来越多的学生和办公人员把写完的文档贴到word上去差错而不是自己查;在internet 无限便利的今天,更多的人愿意当网上去搜集他们需要的观点而不是自己独立的思考。不可否认奢华和便利的生活正在世人们变得越来越懒,这不知道是人类的进步呢还是人类的悲哀?! 3 ) 坚持靠教育。

The key to this problem is our education to our young generations.How does a society

cultivate our teenagers?what should a society apply educational methods towards young people?The parental education is part-and-packle of their germinal phase,they should teach them many virtues ,such as bravery, diligence, honesty, ect, which would build a solid ground in character's forming of our children,and then as they grow up teachers' inculcations are also play an important role in their latter life.In addition young people should warn themselves not to indulge into extravagant things.if they are well-educated,inculcated in a good atmosphere and have a sense of self-conscious,thereafter their strong characters come into being

180 ―Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behavior cannot be legislated.‖现代社会的许多问题是法律和司法系统不能解决的,因为道德行为无法立法。


观点:The speaker asserts that many laws are ineffective in solving society‘s problems because moral behavior cannot be legislated. I agree with this assertion insofar as it relates to… (constraints on personal freedoms). However, when it comes to …(the conduct of business), I think that moral behavior not only can but must be legislated for the purpose of alleviating societal problems.

1. 许多社会问题通过法律和司法系统很难解决,它们通常受多方面的因素影响。 比如


2. 但对于某些方面,对道德行为进行立法是有必要而且可以的。比如,当一个人的行为对


3. 另一个例子,when it comes to the conduct of business,the behavior of businesses can be and

must be controlled through legislation. (韦小宝)



1. The legal system of a nation establish laws and force people to conform to them by punishing those who commit crimes, and in this way maintain the stability of the society. In this sense, laws and the legal system do solve many problems of modern society.

2. On the other hand, however, many problems cannot be solved by laws and the legal system.

(1) For one thing, while people‘s behaviors are confined by laws, their nature may remain unaltered.

(2) Moreover, many problems are out of the range where laws are efficacious. (The racial discrimination, the morality and the spirit of people)

(3) Even more mistakes made by people are not so serious that they are not supposed to be punished, but only to be condemned by morality. In this case, law system loses its function. (Give help to the old, the young and the handicapped, though there exists no law that obliges people to do so.)



1、 法律的重要性

2、 然而当牵扯到道德问题,法律就很难解决,如安乐死、同性恋婚姻和克隆技术

3、 法律不能加入道德因素,而不考虑道德仅仅考虑法律很可能会犯错

4、 道德教会人们价值观,让人们知道对错,而法律仅仅是施加压力。因此有的事情法律做不到,比如说让人们了解错误而不在犯罪

The proposition asserts that the laws and the legal system cannot resolve many problems problem of the modern society since moral behavior cannot be legislated. In my point of view, I fundamentally agree with the speaker, as discussed below.

First of all, I concede that the laws and the legal system are essential to the modern society and they can resolve many problems. Common sense tells us that everyone has his own position and behavior, depending on their beliefs, experiences, knowledge, professions and emotional concern. However, we cannot simply let everyone do everything that he or she wants, since this will lead to mess and may harm the stability of the society. Thus, the government has to announce the laws and build a just legal system to restrict the citizens. Only by doing this, can the society get to a balance and harmonious status? For instance, the industrial factories want to expel the polluted water into the river without making it clean. If there is not a law or a legal system to restrict the factories from expelling the polluted water, the poisoned water may get into the river, even the sea. This will be really harmful. It may firstly kill the animals living in the river, it may also further harm the human beings if they have drunk the water or eaten the polluted fish. It may bring damage to the environment as well. Considering this, we have to establish laws to prevent the

factories from expelling polluted water and other detriments. From this case, we can see how important laws and legal systems are.

However, we have to admit that the laws and the legal systems cannot resolve many problems in the modern society as well, such as the usage of euthanasia, the homosexual marriage. When the Watson and Crick found the double-helix structure of the gene and the scientists further found the way to clone. It brings many social problems that the laws and legal systems cannot resolve. Should the scientists clone human beings? If yes, then what is the relationship between the two? Do the cloned people have the same right with the other human being or even whether they are human beings or not? Though the legal systems in many countries ban the scientists from cloning people, some scientists still do this secretly. All these questions cannot simply be resolved by the laws as it is related to the morality.

Additionally, the laws can not involve the moral behavior. If the laws consider the moral behaviors too much, it will lose justice. Nevertheless, only considering the laws without morals may cause mistake. For instance, in India, their law is statutes given by the government and the judge can only his judges on the bases of the existing laws. Once, a mother in India killed her son, who is a murderer and did lots of bad things. The police in India tried to catch him for years without any result. He committed so many crimes that even death cannot atone for the offence. His mother knows that her son will kill many more people if she does not kill him. Thus, when her son came back to see her one day, she killed him with the poison. In this case, to kill the mother is probably not the best choice, since this may make people think that being just is wrong. But according to the present law, the judger had to sentenced the mother to death, and this brought a widely debate thought out the country.

Further, only the morality can make people to understand what is right and what is wrong, and to restrict people with morality will be a good way. Under the pressure of laws and legal systems, many people just do the bad thing secretly because they do not know that they are wrong. And many people may even think that the laws are wrong and disobey or even resist the law. They may commit crimes again after they are punished. Only when a people have known the morality and find the right measurement to distinguish right and wrong, they can find their mistakes and become a better person. A statistics involving many prisons in China find that the prisoners who learn morality and know their mistakes have a much lower rate of committing crime again.

In the final analysis, we can see that the laws and legal system cannot resolve all the problems in the society and therefore we should agree with the author.


①法律已经解决了很多社会问题。如:商业犯罪,破坏民主、夺人私有财产等。人们都照法律来行事是社会和谐、稳定的前提。The legal system is intended to force people to abide by certain social rules and to commit no crimes, which is the precondition of any stable and orderly society.


③有些法律已经把道德的内容规范化写入条文中。如:帮助他人。Moral encourages people to

do good or at least motivate them to consciously act in accordance with law.

① 把法律过于细化并不好。过于僵硬以致大多数人都不接受他就不能算作法律了。正确的


C. A harmonious society necessitates the joint efforts of legal restraint and moral admonition.


1)法律是从人们的道德标准和价值体系中衍生出来的,是对道德标准的regular definition和反映, 在法律出现之前,就已经有道德了(Hammurabi's Law.本身就是两河流域一些流传着的零散的道德规定和契约的集合;尊重他人,生命权,财产权;人人平等,反对种族歧视)


3)但涉及到一些威胁到人类价值体系根本的道德问题,就必须用法律来界定了(克隆 反对克隆人体)

190 "As long as people in a society are hungry or out of work or lack the basic skills needed to survive, the use of public resources to support the arts is inappropriate -- and, perhaps, even cruel -- when one considers all the potential uses of such money."




1. 承认政府必须把一些公共资源着重于解决那些紧急的社会问题。 如果国内发生了重大


2. 但是我们要明白艺术也是需要支持。因为艺术的发展没有很强的市场规律,并不是所有

有天赋的艺术家都能赢得与天赋相关的舒适生活,甚至正常生活都有问题,但是他们能为社会创造永恒的价值。比如 Samuel Johnson 为了写作那本著名的 a dictionary of the English language ,四处乞求经济支持,最后被很多人拒绝了,特别是Lord chesterfield ,最后他多花了比预计的时间多了5年的时间完成了。但是如果他能够得到适当的支持,那么完成时间可以大大缩短。有时候,必要的经济支持,会给艺术的发展带来巨大的推力,因此也能对整个人类文明也是有巨大作用的。

3. 有时艺术也可以帮助解决社会问题。第一:艺术作品可以给人精神动力,比如革命时期




1. First of all, we cannot deny the great contribution of arts to the development of human race.

They are the spiritual wealth of the entire human race so that we must do our best to support their development. The arts are also sometimes the spiritual power to ignite the will to survive, to overcome the obstacles, and the eagerness to persist.(The Shawshank Redemption, Andy)

2. However, people‘s spiritual lives are based on their material lives, that is to say, no one can fully enjoy their spiritual life when they are still dealing with the problems of staying warm and eating enough to avoid stravation.

3. However, sometimes the arts can help people out of the plight of hunger and the lack of the basic skills.

4. 总结: Balance. Either of them is really indispensible.


① 按照Marslow 的观点,hierarchy of needs在生存和安全不能保障时,人们是不会有更高

层次的需求的。The implicit rationale behind the speaker‘s statement seems to be that cultural enrichment pales in importance compared to food, clothing, and shelter. That the latter are more fundamental is indisputable; after all, what starving person would prefer a good painting to even a bad meal?

② The second argument that public support for the arts is desirable in that by allocating public

resources to the arts we actually help to solve these social problem.实际上,艺术可以为政治服务。如:法国大革命期间的油画;又如:解决就业问题

③ 艺术可以帮助整个社会变得更为和谐Last but not least argument has to do with the

function and ultimate objectives of arts. Arts contribute to a more charitable society—more willing to give help to those who are in need in the ways that the speaker is concerned.。如:使得我们others-oriented, less self-centered, more giving of ourselves, a more charitable society.




1)governments should maintain the neutrality toward the arts, people in the visual and performing arts should always have a wide range of freedom in their pursuit of full self-expression 政府的介入会影响艺术的自由

2)Any support that's given, however, is unfair to somebody and results in a misuse of public funds.因为资助的来源有其经济、市场目的

3)We feel guilty about artists who were ignored in their own time, but they could continue to fall through the cracks in a system of Federal support.因为would get them in trouble with the government bureaus who administer support to artists


1) culture makes us a better society; Federal support is needed to prevent our decline into

cultural barbarism(野蛮不文明)

2) many highly talented artists lack commercial aptitude, and this leads to an argument that the

public has a responsibility to support them

3) the free market fails to provide outlets(销路) for the higher forms of art.

63 ―To truly understand your own culture — no matter how you define it – requires personal knowledge of at least one other culture, one that is distinctly different from your own.‖为了真正地了解你自己的文化,不管你怎样定义它,你需要了解至少一种其他的文化,并且这种文化和你的文化完全不同(类似于论述对立与同一之学习)



1. In my opinion,了解其他不同的文化可以使自身看问题更加深入和全面,有助有了解自

己的文化。A)学会从不同的角度看待问题,不是简单的right or wrong、good or bad B)加深理解in details,不仅了解了与其他文化的不同,还促使我们找出为什么不同,即探索文化的根源 C)认识到错误的东西

2. In contrast,如果只了解一种文化,会让人们产生自大骄傲情绪,眼光狭隘。认为自己民


3. However,我们很难找到与自己的文化完全不同的文化,每种文化之间都是相互联系的。



1. Staying within one culture makes one take for granted everything that the culture provides.

2. However, a truly understand of one culture must include the recognition of both its merits, limitations and even deficiencies, which could only be obtained through the comparison or contrast between it and another culture. Other cultures enable us to view our own cultures from more aspects.

3. In an age of globalization, one should learn to tolerate cultural differences. Through realizing the distinctions between different culture, one can really respect and understand others.


①Staying within one culture makes one take for granted everything that the culture provides.

②Knowledge of another different culture provides one with an opportunity to compare alternative ways of life and make choices.



Just think of a well-trained parrot which can echo human-language fluently and clearly. It does not follow that the creature understands what that means in that it is rather a reflection than intentionally reaction.

Knowledge of other cultures also makes it possible for one to understand his/her culture from an abstract view rather than the original substantial one, or in other words, to build up a systematical perspective of the dissolute congruents of the culture.

In fact, all kinds of culture, in a sense, are similar.

One of the key factors that differentiate human beings from other animals is the processing of culture.

Tim: I would emphasize on the fact that COMPARISONS help us to understand, but minimize the comments on the fact that there are merits and shortcomings in every culture.

Nearly every adjective in a language bears no meaning in the absolute sense. It is usually relative. Take for example the adjective, "ugly". A female ape is ugly, when she is compared with a young woman (by us human beings). But to Tarzan, who was brought up in the jungle by an ape and had never seen any other beings, his motherly ape was neither beautiful nor ugly.

Had I lived in Chinatown in San Francisco throughout my life, I would not have understood the meanings of "dirty, rowdy, and messy". If, by "understanding", we mean that we have acquired a sense of relative-ness for a collection of adjectives, such as good, bad, fair, rich, etc., then only via

comparisons, are we able to acquire such a sense.



1) 有比较才能看出特点(优点与缺电),才能更好的取长补短。

Everyone living in his/her own region, they will form their particular culture. Since people around u have the same custom with you, you can‘t conscious of the superior or inferior things of your own culture.

Things are different when an individual has some knowledge of a different culture. The key factor of this ability lies in our inborn tendency of comparison. By intentionally or subliminal telling the differences and generalizing similarity between the peer phenomena of two different culture, one is capable to look through the superficial patterns of his/her own culture and arrive at the essence of it.

After knowing the other cultures, you can find out your culture‘s advantage and disadvantage. Eg。美国文化与中国文化的比较:前者崇尚冒险,探索;后者趋于保守。为什么获诺贝尔奖的美国人远远多于中国人?前者在科研领域更善于创新,这是中国科学家所欠缺的。与此同时,美国每年从事冒险运动而丧生的年轻人远远多于中国的同龄人,高手又是带来更多的安全与稳妥。由此可见,通过比较,我们看到了各自文化的优缺点,从而相互借鉴。

2) 了解其他文化提供给我们更多看问题的视角。

If you have knowledge of another culture,you can view your culture from more aspects.


3) 仅仅局限于自己的文化中容易产生偏见。

One of the key factors that differenciate human-beings from other animals is the processing of culture. Nothing can help to preserve a culture better than good understanding of it, not only the facile representations, but the profound meaning and links. A limited mind cannot do this, though. And anyone needs some knowledge of at least one different culture to assist his/her true

understanding of his/her own one.比如上个例子中的保守,会盲目的认为,只有这样才是好的,而不会认识到自身的缺点。

138 "Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress."



Begin: 反对。承认,在成功的道路上势必会遇到mistake,但成功与错误本身是没有关系的,而是我们面对错误的心态和对这些错误的改正导致了成功。

1. 很多时候,错误会使我们陷入很不利的局面。一个学术上错误的想法会使我们误入歧途,

可能会使我们白白浪费数十年的时间而一无所获。商业上一个错误的决定可能导致失败,Bill Gates 的windows想卖给IBM,IBM不要,… , 是自己丧失了IT界的霸主地位; 政治上一个错误的政策可能使人民陷入困境,如Hitler。

2. 很多发现都是从错误中来的。比如(诺尔尔发明炸药Nobel invent explosive,做了400


3. 取得进步的关键是你面对错误的心态。对待错误我们应总结失败的经验和教训,对其改

正,从而获取成功。(很多人知道自己错了,但是放弃了。真正成功的人是从失败中总结教训,继续前进的人。林肯 Abraham Lincoln 一生中遭受竞选失败,爱人去世;IBM


End:我们不能一概而论,很多成功是从错误中得出的,但也有很多不是。我们需要的是一种面对失败不灰心, 总结失败的经验和教训,对其改正,从而获取成功。


The arguer claims that the discovery or progress only can be carried out through mistakes. As far as I am concerned, I concede that sometimes someone could have discovery or progress through mistakes. However, in my view, mistakes neither the necessary nor the sufficient way to discovery or progress, which means I can hardly agree with the speaker‘s opinion.

1. Admittedly, it is true that there might be some discoveries or progresses which came from mistakes, so we should not be afraid of making mistakes but should learn from them. Mistakes help us find out what is unworkable and hence we can approach the right solution. The great inventor Thomas Edison might give us a good lesson that sometimes a series of failures is really a precursor to success. Faced with approximate 1000 times of failures, Edison found out the very way to invent the bulb at last. Suffered from numerous failures and mistakes, even lost of his relatives, Nobel finally invented the dynamics, which has already changed the world. Paul Ehrlich called a drug discovered by him 606 owing to that the 605 trials before the success all failed.

2. However, mistakes is not sufficient to yield discovery or progress, which means not every mistakes can make discovery or progress. It is only when the mistake maker owns a prepared brain and can draw useful lessons from it, then maybe he or she can make some discoveries and progresses from the mistakes.

3. Moreover, some other factors might also contribute to discovery or progress, such as curiosity, caution, deligence, devotion and so like, thus mistakes is not the only way. I can give two examples to illustrate this point. The first one is about Watt, a British engineer. Stream washed up the cover of the kettle is such an ordinary phenomenon that no one would pay too attention to. However, Watt, when in boyhood, was curious about this ordinary phenomenon which brings his attention. And he made fundamental improvements in the steam engine at last. Another instance is about Alexander Fleming, discover of the magical material--penicillin. In 1928, Fleming found a mold was all over the unwashed plates which ever contained bacteria and all the bacteria were dead at that time. It cannot be the first experience that other scientists have not met before. Fleming was so cautious about this abnormal phenomenon and he finally proved this amazing mold is penicillin which can inhibit the growth of many lethal bacteria.

4. 总结: In conclusion, despite the fact that mistakes can sometims lead to discovies and progresses at some extend, it cannot lead to discoveries and progresses automatically. Actually, they can only provide an opportunity and direction. If we want to obtain progresses or discoveries from mistakes, we must analyze every mistake to find its cause, face mistakes honestly and never use failure as an excuse for not trying again. Besides these, there are also some virtues we should have, such as curiosity, cautiousness, deligence and so on to finally get discoveries and progresses.


① 每个人有合适自己的领域,错误让我们找到合适自己的领域Everyone has one‘s own

compatible domain, mistakes can help us discover it.

② 找到合适的方法Mistakes help us find out what is unworkable and hence we can approach

the right solution. 爱迪生Edison,实验灯泡bulb/filament灯丝

③ 不可以为只有错误中才能前进,不可盲目的犯错误。其它方法也可以是我们进步。如:


错误后从错误中学习Fearing making mistakes prevents us from trying new things and taking risks. The right attitude toward mistakes is not to avoid them, but to learn from them.


1、errors serve two useful purpose; (1) mistake can inspire creative ideas, although they may also produce failure as well. As a player said: ―If you want the hits, be prepared for the misses.‖ If one are more concerned with errors, he or she would by-pass the germinal phase of the creative process and thus miss the final innovative ideas. (2)mistakes tell us when to change directions. Negative feedback means that the current approach is not working.. Thomas J. Watson, the founder of IBM, has similar words ― the way to succeed is to double your failure rate

2. From practical view, ‖to error is wrong‖ make sense. Human beings‘ survival in the world need to carry out thousands of tasks without errors.

3、Still, there is a definition should be clear that it is the lesson we learn from errors leads to discovery or progress, not the error itself.


1. 不可否认,任何人都不可能避免失败。那些历史上在我们看来为社会作出过伟大贡献的科学家,艺术家,哲学家philosopher,这些成功人士都经历过无数的失败。然而,事实证明错误并没有阻止他们迈向成功。甚至可以说,正是一次一次的错误让他们渐渐找到正确的方向,并在今后的道路上尽量避免重复这些错误,才让他们最终到达成功。回想一下我们学习的过程。我们从懵懂无知ignorant到渐渐掌握扎实的well-knit知识,经过了多少次错误-纠正correct,再犯错-再纠正的过程,老师们发现我们的错误并给我们指出,然后我们进行思考,发现错误的原因,在以后的时间记住它并且避免类似的错误。所以,可以说,通过错误我们发现了通往正确的道路。

2. 错误并不等于失败。错误仅仅是在发现和进步的过程中稍微偏离了一点方向,或者说,在这个过程中遇到了些许阻碍。很多年轻人并不能以积极的态度面对自己的错误,在发现错误之后,过分的沮丧depression,自暴自弃abandonment,过早的下定结论认为自己的能力不行,这样的想法和行为是对错误的一种偏见prejudice,也是一种能够没有自信的表现。同样的,不能以积极的态度面对他人的错误也是一种常见的偏见。… 体育明星Iverson

3. Still, there is a definition should be clear that it is the lesson we learn from errors leads to discovery or progress, not the error itself.

108 ―In many countries it is now possible to be turn on the television and view government at work. Watching these proceedings can help people understand the issues that affect their lives. The more kinds of government proceedings—trials, debates, meetings, etc—that are televised, the more society will benefit‖



1. 首先,使用电视这种相当普及的媒体让公众了解和参与到政治中来是有好处的。一方面,

能够增加政府的透明度,让人们更了解政策的制定并自动遵守这些规定;同时,加强了政府与公众的交流,政府能够从群众那里得到最直接的反馈,从而制定更符合民众意愿的政策。There are certain amount of merits can lend credible support to publish most of the proceedings of the governments and its officials. For one thing, make the common people

possible to watch the procedurals may contribute to the communication between public and the government, thereby make common persons more willing to accept the measures and other regulations which brought by the governments.

2. 公众的监督会促使政府的工作更加有效率,防止政府腐败和不公正。Under the

surveillance of an informed populace, governments are encouraged to operate more efficiently and avoid corruption and unjustness

3. 但是,有的信息涉及到国家安全,如果公开会造成灾难性的后果

4. 正确的对待信息公开的态度应当是,尽可能的将涉及到人们生活的信息和政策公开,而



With the development of democracy and technology, more and more countries are allowing government proceedings to be shown to the public. Television broadcasts make it possbile for people, especially adolescents, more aware of political matters. With the widespread availability and use of media such as television, radio, and especiallly the internet, it is easy for people to stay informed about what the government does. With the spread of democratic thinking, more and more governments are willing to let the public become informed of what are the issues their countries are confronted with, how the issues may be analysed, and where the solusions may lie. The speaker claims that the more society will benefit as the more kinds of government proceedings are televised. As far as I am concerned, watching these proceeding really can help people understand some issues that affect their lives. However, the conclusion drawn here is inconsiderate and the arguer overstates the benefits that people might obtain as the more televised government proceedings

1. . There is no doubt that access to government proceedings via television carries several significant benefits. With the broadcast of the government proceedings, the government would be more responsible for what they are doing or planning to do, and more serious about the response of the public. The society knows more about what are happening and knows much better what they should do to cope with and cooperate with the policy. Under the surveiliance of an informed populace, governments are encouraged to operate more efficiently. Showing government proceedings to the public can help governments slove problems more efficiently and avoid mistakes in policy. Through watching TV programs about government, people feel the obligation to join in the proceedings and contribute their intelligence and ideas, which can make the government run more efficiently.

2. However, through the television, people only can see the superficies but can not know the essence of government‘s actual work. In addition, the broadcast might be in the control of the government, what it exposes to public might be orientated and misleading. If so, the government would lose its people‘s credit and confidence

3. Moreoverm absolute transparency is not advisable for govenments. Although there exsit so many advantaages, there are also some objections to such a program. For one, we should aske ourselves seriously whether this transparency might have the disrupting the normal proceedings of political life. At times the material governments deal with have critical implications for national security and it may be essential that they be kept a secret.


① 好处A能够增加政府的透明度,让人们更了解政策的制定并自动遵守这些规定,有助于



② 有的信息涉及到国家安全,如果公开会造成灾难性的后果。如:战争时期。

③ people might come to believe that they are seeing everything when in fact, a television camera

can only see part of what is happening no matter how many cameras there are. undermine the democratic process

On the other hand, television of the day-to-day workings of government in action provides direct insight into how a government actually works.

One of the problems with stating that the more governmental proceedings that are televised, the better of a society is, is that people might come to believe that they are seeing everything when in fact, a television camera can only see part of what is happening no matter how many cameras there are.

Another problem with the statement that the more televised governmental proceedings, the better, is that it assumes that people actually watch the proceedings when they are broadcast.


在很多国家中,现在通过电视来观看政府的运作已经成为可能。观察这些过程有助于人们了 解那些影响他们生活的决策。可以供转播的政府运作越多 审判、辩论、会议等等 对社会的 好处就越多。


the mass deliberate

Money often costs too much. It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer. One man\'s word is no man\'s word; we should quietly hear both sides.

Democracy substitutes election by incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few. Money is not required to buy one necessity of the soul

政府 监督 越多越好


1)使人民了解这些影响他们的决策,从而更清楚地了解自己的权利,而人民对于自己的权利的了解,将会使人民和社会都受益。Thmas Jefferson once said:"The people may safely be trusted to hear everything true and false, and to form a correct judgment, Were it fall to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers of newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.‖这说明了人民在社会决策中的重要作用

2)有了这种监督,可以提高政府的效率,并且更重要的组织政府官员滥用权力(Power will intoxicate the best hearts, as wine the strongest heads. No man is wise enough, nor good enough to be trusted with unlimited power. Charles C. Golton)(水门事件council of judgment 电视直播 华盛顿邮报 两个记者 民主党 伪证 竞选 辞职)


119 "When research priorities are being set for science, education, or any other area, the most important question to consider is: How many people's lives will be improved if the results are successful?" 当确定一些领域的优先权时,比如科学、教育等,最需要考虑的问题是:有多少人会从中获益?


1. 能够解决现在最urgent 社会问题的学科理所当然的应该给予优先权。如:通信,经济,


2. 有一些看起来没什么用的长期看会很有用。哲学、文学、历史、数学、物理(其它科的


3. 在研究成果没有出来之前,我们很难判断哪些是能给最多人带来利益的。因此,让其平



1. It surely and must be regarded as one of the criterion: for the purpose of research is to improve people‘s life. (gene technology, for example)

2. While it is not so undemanding and effortless to judge the benefits that the research would bring about.

3. Some benefits is so potential that would be of great significance under the seemingly unimportance, or might be the impetus for other further development. (Serves as the headstream, without which there could not be surfy rivers.)

4. Further, pure concerning of the improvement of people‘s lives would cause some side effects. (The industrial revolution at the cost of the worsen of environment)


I agree insofar as areas of research certain to result in immediate and significant benefits for society should continue to be a priority. Yet, strictly followed, the speaker‘s recommendation would have a harmful chilling effect on research and new knowledge.

1. Admittedly, scientific research whose societal benefits are immediate, predictable, and profound should continue to be a high priority.

2. However, this is not to say that research whose benefits are less immediate or clear should be given lower priority. First of all, if we strictly follow the speaker‘s suggestion, who would decide which areas of research are more worthwhile than others? Researchers cannot be left to decide.

3. Secondly, to compel all researchers to focus only on certain areas would be to force many to waste their true talents.

4. Thirdly, it is difficult to predict which research avenues will ultimately lead to the greatest contributions to society.


In this technologically advanced era, much emphasis is put on researches in science, education or other area. And there are millions of researches in the world, therefore, there comes an increasingly hot debate on how the research priorities should be set? (这两句感觉连贯性不够强,而且很生硬)The speaker's recommendation is that the most important question to consider is the benefit people may gain from the results of the researches. However, in my opinion, giving the beneficial researches the priorities is infeasible and unnecessary, and it would even do more harm than good to both to(去掉这个to) the society and the researching fields. All the researches should be given equal priorities.(researches本身就是一个负数名词吧?如果没有几错的话 )

First of all, if we strictly follow the speaker's suggestion, who would decide which areas of research are more worthwhile than others? Researchers cannot be left to decide. Given a choice,

they will pursue their own special areas of interest, and most of them tend to think that what themselves researches on are certainly the most useful and significant. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that all researchers could reach a fully consensus as to what areas are most likely to help the most people.(这句语法错误) Nor can this decision be left to legislators and regulators. Lacking the professional knowledge and recognition of the researches in question, the regulators or legislators are likely to make totally wrong prediction of how the results and their impacts would be, hence their decisions would be absurd or fantastic, which may hinder not only the progress of the researching fields but also the improvement of people's lives. Similarly, the decision made by the citizens may also be worthless. In short, it is a tricky problem to ascertain which areas should be the most significant and worthwhile ones.(老是用researching 很单调,换换其他的词)看着看着觉得很面熟,好象是老外280里的,或者在哪里见过.这样不好哦,一定要有自己的看法,而且会引起懒惰的.我建议,就当成是中文写,想到什么就写什么,再润色

Secondly, it is difficult to predict which research avenues will ultimately lead to the greatest contributions to society. Many of the research results may have little practical significance, but they may turn out to be the greatest discovery in years or decades. A telling example involves Newton's classical dynamics. In the time when this theory came into being, people just regarded it to be a great talent's achievement, which seemed to be useless in one's daily life. However, nowadays, astronomer‘s designs of satellites and rockets are based on this great theory. (两个例子之间最好有点过度,而且牛顿这个例子优点牵强,可以举些理论性的例子更充分地说明这个分论点)When roentgen ray was firstly discovered no one, the discoverer himself include, would imagine that this magical ray could be used in diagnosis. Therefore, because of the unpredictable influence the research result may put on the human being, to give priorities only to those researches having immediate benefits would be unadvisable.

However, it should be admitted that the result of researches should be harmless to the society and people. The ultimate aim of any researches in all the fields should be sever(笔误) human being, which should be regarded to be the guidance of all the researches(研究和研究人员没写对,上面也有类似错误). Although it may be difficult to determine the effect of the research result, the researchers should stop the research immediately when the discovery the result would be no good for the world. (这个转折有点怪,你想表达什么呢?)And the government should legislate to prohibit any harmful researches, which may threaten the peace, security and health of people in the world. For example, the researches on biochemical and nuclear weapon are totally forbidden by most countries.(这个狸子太简短了吧,刚开始就结束了,作为一段,例子应该充分一些才饱满)

To sum up, it is unlikely and unadvisable to set priorities only for these researches whose results would be useful and significant, for it is difficult not only to find arbiters to make decision, but also for they to predict the effect in advance. All the researches, which is harmless to the people and society, should be give equal opportunities to gain the priorities


127 "Facts are stubborn things. They cannot be altered by our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions."





1. 对于真理,我们是不能改变的。从科学的角度,真理是客观的,是永恒的(Newton-three

theories of physics),尽管有些科学论断可以在当时被认为是事实,后来被证伪,但这些绝非真理,只是当时被普遍认为的一个事实。(the Earth center theory, Copernicus disprove it by his theory-the revolutions of the heavenly spheres)。再者许多妄图改变真理的活动也都被认为是可笑的,不可能实现的——永动机。

2. 回到我们的现实生活中,如果事实意味着那些已经发生的事,如历史。我们也是无法改


3. 但如果事实意味着那些现在存在的现象,我们的确是可以通过我们的努力而改变的。个

人而言,尽管有些人出身贫困,但通过自身的努力,一样可以取得很大的成就。但丁 (Dante 1265-1321) 参考事迹:童年父母双亡,后拜当时的著名学者拉丁尼为师,之后勤奋自学,从而获得了渊博的知识,音乐绘画都很有造诣。就社会而言,社会的发展本身就是一个不断改进社会现状的过程:工业革命不仅是一次技术革命,也是一场深刻的社会变革,对人类社会的各个方面都产生了深刻的影响;先进通讯设备的出现改变了传统的书信联系这种耗时的联系事实;太阳能,核能的出现改变了消耗能源就会污染环境的这一事实;Internet—图书馆……。


a) 从个人角度来讲,有些事情是可以通过自己个人的努力来改变的。比如贫穷

poverty,性格personality,身体状况等,这些虽然是事实,但是可以改变。比如一个人他的身体不好,通过规律的锻炼exercise和健康的饮食习惯,便可以慢慢改变。 b) 从社会来讲,有些事情也是可以改变的。比如某个地区的经济状况,可以通过制定


c) 从科学来讲,真理是客观存在的,是不可以被改变的,比如两条平行parallel直线

是不可能相交intersect的。企图改变真理的事情都是徒劳的,比如永动机,18,19世纪,科学家们投入了大量的精力研究永动机perpetual motion machine,一种可以不借助外力,永远运动下去的机器,但是后来的研究表明,永动机是不可能实现的,因为它违背了能量守恒定律Violates the Law of Conservation of Energy


The arguer claims that facts are stubborn things which cannot be altered by our wishes, our inclinations or the dictates of our passions. As far as I am concerned, I should concede that facts in past and in the universe can‘t be influenced by any form of acting, however, on the contrast, we can alter the facts which are in front of us now by hard-working or some diligent action. So I don‘t agree with the arguer so much that facts are absolutely stubborn wholly.

1. when it comes to history, none of us can alter the facts however desired or diligent we are.

2. when it comes to science, the laws and principles of the physical world, our desires and wishes ultimately give in to the stubbornness of facts. No matter how desired we want to produce the perpetual motion machine, obeying the laws of the physical world it can not be into reality.

3. However, to some extent, current facts are not static but dynamic and they could be influenced by different aspects of different factors, and also by different attitute and actions of people.


① on the individual level, 可以通过个人努力改变一些东西。Lincoln 贫穷、幼时丧母, Dante

神曲Divine comedy

② on the society level, 人们可能刻意引导事情向某个方面发展,由于大众难以了解到事情

的全貌,或者由于政府拥有统治权,导致改写了历史。Cultural Revolution

③ on the natural science level, 事实不可更改。正面:布鲁诺 Bruno 出了宇宙无限的思想。

太阳并不是宇宙的中心,无限的宇宙根本没有中心。反面:永动机when it comes to science our wishes and desires ultimately yield to the stubbornness of facts—by which I mean empirical scientific evidence and the laws and principles of the physical world.


A. In some circumstances, facts cannot be altered even we all engage in futile attempts to change them. Some facts exist in the universe, independent from human mind. Although psychologists from the past try to explain the phenomena with the inner thoughts, yet it is vain. An individual from birth is doomed to die, though the present technology could prolong his or her life. As time goes by, no one can hold it even for a second. Also no one could know any particular past that he or she did not experience. Being a historical event, it can not be altered, no matter how we illustrate or attest it, Facing with the dilemma and the like, human beings sometimes feel depressed and helpless.

B、.Still, when it comes to science no one could never deny that all the theories based on the objective fact could become laws of truth. In fact, it is difficult to judge one theory reflecting the truth or not. With retrospect to the history, so many obsolete theories were from the subjective observation, wishes, and inclinations of humans. For example, In the Middle Ages, science was at the service of the power as the Church. They advocated the notion of an Earth-centered universe and linear time and space in order to strengthen their authority. But ultimately these theories gave way to the facts as the development of human civilization.

C、Having said this, however, human beings never give up to change the world, without concerning whether the facts could be altered. Actually, great human beings have created so many wonders that seem to be impossible and incredible. For example,

With the enthusiasm and intense, human would keep exploring the unknown areas in which facts appear to be unchangeable


1. 在一些场合,事实往往是不能被我们的主观意识所改变的,尽管一直以来人们一直希望通过努力去改变。因为,在这个世界上,一些事实是独立于人类意识的,例如自然界的客观规律law,以及各种事物的客观存在。尽管一些心理学家试图阐释一些内心的精神力量inner spiritual power,但事实上这是徒然的,尤其面对那些无法改变的事实。就像人必须要面对出生birth和死亡,就像时间就这样匆匆流去而任何人都不能阻止哪怕一分一秒一样,再聪明的人抑或再高明的技术,都不能改变这些事实和规律。

2. 另外,历史也是不能被改变的。无论后代对历史上发生过的事件有着怎么样的喜好和评价,都无法改变事实。我们经常谈及历史上的某些英雄或者狗熊baddie,他们的功绩achievement或者犯下的罪行commit a crime都是存在于我们的评价之前的,换句话说,是他们的行为引来了我们的赞赏或唾弃conspue,而不是反过来。我们再怎么恨Hitler, 也无法改变他的错误以及为世界带来的灾难。

3. 但是,当问题涉及具体的material科学领域的时候,谁都不能否认那些建立在客观事实基础之上的理论都是经过主观的观察和研究得到的。虽然,科学本身是客观的,但当问题摆在科学家和学者们面前的时候,他们多少都带有强烈的愿望和明显的倾向,倘若不是这样的话,科学家和学者们将不再有热情去探索真理。理论形成后,科学家再将这些科学技术应用到

make use of these scientific technologies into生产中去,并且发明了很多有价值的产品,大大提高了人们的生活效率。这个改变的过程在很大程度上要归功于owe to科学家们主观的愿望以及在研究过程中那种强烈的倾向。

4. Human beings never give up changing the world, without concerning whether the facts could be altered. Actually, great human beings have created so many wonders that seem to be impossible and incredible. For example, with the enthusiasm and intense, human would keep exploring the unknown areas in which facts appear to be unchangeable 在以前,登月是无法想象的,却在最近有着突飞猛进的发展。现在有很多绝症incurable disease也开始研制出了疫苗bacterin。但是,一些人太相信主观的力量,甚至不惜挑战自然界的客观规律,也酿成了很多悲剧。 25Anyone can make things bigger and more complex. What requires real effort and courage is to move in the opposite direction—in other words, to make things as simple as possible. ( 每个人都能把事情搞大搞复杂。而真正需要努力的却是相反的—----即要把事情越简单化越好



1. 事情确实是越变越复杂了。原因:全球化、通信工具都使得人们之间的距离拉近,要解


2. 我们在努力的使复杂的事情简化。一部分工作由电脑取代,如复杂的计算、存储和数据


9月4日,微软亚洲研究院院长,沈向洋(Harry Shum-----the manager director of Microsoft Research Asia)在HUST的讲座中指出, ―KISS‖原则:Keep It Simple and Stupid .这是计算机应用科学的初衷. A 一部分工作由电脑取代,如复杂的计算、存储和数据分析。B 对工作进行分类,每个人只做一部分,专攻。

3. 不能盲目的简化,否则会带来许多问题。



C 汽车保险装置,简化—危及生命。

4. 因此,简化是要合理的简化,表面来说容易,实际很难,需要付出努力。因为对事情合

理的简化,需要对整个事情有通盘的考虑,并能分清主次。have profound understanding of the whole matter, to discriminate between essence and peripherals。



The world is the recurrence of complication and simplification. To make things as simple as possible does require effort and courage, while sometimes to make things bigger and more complex requires effort and courage as well that not everyone could do so.

1. It is human natural to make things bigger and more complex (The more convenience today‘s vehicle has provided for us, the more destinations we want to get to; the more time-saving devices that come into being, the more tasks we want to finish in given time; the more information we could find, the more we have to assimilate each day). In that case, to make our life simpler and easier does ask for effort and courage. It requires clear mind to tell apart the central and the peripheral, the essential and the accessorial.

2. In scientific research, however, not everyone has the ability to make things bigger and more complex—in other words, to gather the necessary information for further study. Yet it requires more effort and courage to abstract simple conclusion out of the mass information (Statistics, for

example, original data provided, and conclusion of whether several factors are relative, or what the relationship is among them could thus be made)(the simple formula).

3. In other areas, nevertheless, to make things bigger and more complex is of equal importance which demands for effort and courage (to set up a database) (to design a robot). Sometimes, it is the prerequisite of further simpler results (The ancestor of calculator is a far more complicated device which could only do the operation of addition and abstraction).


① 事情确实是越变越复杂了。原因:全球化、通信工具都使得人们之间的距离拉近,要解

决一个问题要牵扯到很多人。现状:政府机构越来越庞杂Lending even more credence to the statement is the so-called ―big government‖ phenomenon.、学科分类越来越多。

② 人们的解决方法是:简化复杂的事情。A 一部分工作由电脑取代,如复杂的计算、存储

和数据分析。B 对工作进行分类,每个人只做一部分,专攻。

③ 把事情简单化从表面来说容易,实际很难,需要对整个事情有通盘的考虑,并能分清主

次。to make things simple means to have profound understanding of the whole matter, to discriminate between essence and peripherals, and ultimately to refine the big and complex body of knowledge into principles

114 "Humanity has made little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War, violence, and poverty are still with us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity." 人性在上个世纪并没有多大的发展,技术取得了革命性的发展,但是整个世界的人性并没有得到改善.战争、暴力、贫穷一直困扰着我们.技术的发展并不能带动人性的发展。


Begin:The past century witnessed unprecedented war and violence as well as unprecedented technological progress. I agree that T can not ultimately prevent us from the enduring problems of war, violence and poverty. However, the speaker‘s assertion fails to account for the significant positive impact that the modern-industrial and computer revolutions have had on the quality of life.

1. With the innovation of T, the problems of war, p and V are still with us. T 不仅没有消除他

们,at the even worse,还加剧了these problems. 核武器,生化武器;easy access to some violent movies by internet result in the hazard that some children and teenagers attempt to translate the scene of a movie onto reality.(不够的话再写对环境的污染)

2. Nevertheless, we should not lose sight of the fact that T not only improves the quality of our

lives, but also reduces human suffering.

核能发电---- 取之不尽的能量

Telephone ---- 方便的沟通交流,在哪里都可以感受到家里的温馨。

Internet ---- 网上购物,方便的比较,足不出户就可以买到最称心的商品

Also, few would disagree that we humans have benefited a lot from the innovations in medicine and medical technology—from organ transplants to genetic decoding, from… to …

3. In my opinion, to improve the condition of humanity, 关键在我们自己,我们可以用先进的

武器来发动战争,同样,我们可以用它们来维护和平;Internet尽管有暴力、色情内容,但经过我们严格的管制,it could also be used as the means of 宣传和平,鼓励救助穷人。 End:In sum, whether T could change the condition … depends on ourselves. Only through our ceaseless conscious efforts as well as our firm belief in the dignity and the goodness of humanity, can we essentially improve human conditions.


1. The last century has witnessed unprecedented war, violence as well as unprecedented technological innovations.

2. Technological advancements do have improved the physical conditions as well as the humanity to some extent:

(1) Improvements in the physical conditions as well as the social security system, which help to reduce the thefts and robberies.

(2) Release people from arduously laborious work and set up the equality between men and women.

(3) More opportunities to be educated. Though not everyone could become virtuous, at least education provide more chance to help develop a wholesome personality as well a right value of individuals.

3. On the other hand, though, these changes are not essential, it is human person that could change the humanity: Regard the changes as the chemical reactions, then the improvements of technology serves as the catalysts.



① 制度建立上:A完善的法律体系建构起来,歧视消除。B社会保障体系建立,使得穷人


② 社会层面:A 优良的传统品德得到了发扬,如:尊老爱幼,女士优先;B 随着经济的发


③ 也有一些人性方面的问题始终没有得到解决。如:暴力、战争、贪婪。新的技术知识使



Take a brief glance at the history of the humanity over the past century or so, we may be proud at(proud of,没有proud at这种用法吧?)the tremendous technological progresses made by human beings. Whereas it is true that technological innovations have brought great impact towards the whole society, the fact remains that some tough problems, like war, violence and poverty, still exist or, to some extent, become tenser and tenser. In my opinion, technology cannot essentially improve the condition of humanity, as it is not the technique that truly determines human's behaviors.开头不错

First, it is sometimes the high technique that endows terrorism the approaches to powerful destruction. Nuclear weapons, biochemical experiences, and clone-man technique, which are the horrible results of technique, are threatening us everyday. No one can imagine what would happen to us if these techniques were one day acquired by some evil people for their ill intentions. Take the nuclear weapon for example, it is the chief criminal (这里有点逻辑错误吧,主要的罪行不是原子蛋,而是evil humanity!不过我个人挺支持美国投原子蛋的,要不遭殃就是的咱们了)that brought the calamity to Fukuoka during the World War Two, leaving the whole Japan in grief and indignation.( 这里应该有个联词比较好moreover之类)And some assaults are taking place day and day. Like hackers' attacks, which would be the most familiar one of all, have run risks towards the information safety and brought great loss to either individuals or the nation. For example, the CHI virus, created by Chen Yinghao in Taiwan, had once almost paralyzed the whole Internet. Another famous virus called "The Blast", is still dynamic in Internet at present. They both partially result from the abnormal development of the technique and are made use of by the malefactors who, maybe initially just want to show their proficiency in computer science. 例子挺合适的,但是结尾最好能够在点一下ts,

Another reason why I dispute the given statement is that,(这里为甚没要有逗号?) the technological development has never cured of the internal evil of the human beings, not alone to make real progresses in spiritual civilization.―Human may found cure for most of their illnesses, but they have found no remedy for the worst of them all--the apathy of human beings.‖ What Helen Kelly said is just a profound admonition to us. The indispensable tasks we need to accomplish to prompt the progress of a society are not only fast technological innovations, but also the ways to rescue people from walking towards an apathy and cruel trap. The latter one would be more significant and urgent according to the phenomenon existing among the human beings now.我觉得这段才是反驳题目的中心段应该多写些,而且这段你的论证没有展开,你说的是tech并没有找出治疗人们内心的evil的方法,后面说的是我们应该寻找这些方法,没有展开。我觉得可以写校园枪杀案之类的,虽然技术给我提供了很好的生活环境,但还是不能改变这些悲剧的发生

Finally, the development of technique has based on the sacrifice of some precious moral characters of human beings, such as love, amicability, sympathy and so on. As we know, the real progress is measured by both material and spiritual civilization, rather than only by the technological development. But the fast pace of technique has always reduced(减少?为甚没用这个词?快速的发展) the whole society to a disorder that,(又是逗号呵呵不用加逗号吧,没见过这样的定语从句,还是我孤陋寡闻?) everyone there squeezes themselves into pipelines and machines, missing their valuable virtues when confronted with money and reputation. It is known to all that there always some instances showing people intriguing against each other on account of his own behalf, regardless of others' feelings and conditions. How could the society make a real progress under this kind of atmosphere?我觉得这段也可以作为主要反驳题目的论点。科技的发展导致人性的丧失。

In sum, with respect to the fact that there are still many problems existed in accelerating the essential progress of our society though the technique innovates rapidly, the condition of the whole humanity has not be improved much until one day, we attach more importance on some radical issues.

85 "Government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts."



1. 承认政府会限制艺术的发展。因为政府总是它自己的一定立场,是维护自己这个国家利

益的。比如过去苏联 The soviet Union 过去甚至让他们的艺术家按照party line 去创作作品。在这种情况下,艺术家就没有办法按照自己对艺术的理解去创造艺术。虽然不是所有政府都会像苏联那样明显,但是这种影响总是暗藏着的。

2. 虽然政府一定程度上会影响艺术,但是政府的支持对于艺术的发展还是非常重要的。一

方面资助有利于艺术的发展。如庞大的建筑艺术,更需要政府的资助才能得到发展。比如 Samuel Johnson 为了写作那本著名的 a dictionary of the English language ,四处乞求经济支持,最后被很多人拒绝了,特别是Lord chesterfield ,最后他多花了比预计的时间多了5年的时间完成了。但是如果他能够得到适当的支持,那么完成时间可以大大缩短。有时候,必要的经济支持,会给艺术的发展带来巨大的推力,因此也能对整个人类文明也是有巨大作用的。

3. 另一方面,国家对艺术的资助有利于艺术的传播。艺术家们,受种种影响,如资金缺乏,


4. 就艺术家而言,他们应该学会保持自己的艺术创作风格,不受其他的力量而左右。As we

all know, art is the product of the artist‘s authentic passion, a manifestation of the artist‘s unique creative impulse, and a creation of the artist‘s spirit. If art were shaped by integrating the concern of the governments, it would cease to be art.


a) 如果政府不对艺术进行扶持,艺术家完全可以凭借自己本身对艺术的酷爱来创作艺


b) 政府对艺术的资助和扶持有助于艺术的发展,也有利于其它人去从事艺术创作。比


c) 当政府把过多的精力放到艺术上的时候,或者过多的放到某一类艺术的时候,就会





The arguer asserts that government funding of the arts indeed threatens the integrity of the arts. This assertion might imply that government should not fund arts. As far as I am concerned, It is possible that government funding harms the integrity of the arts, however, government support is still necessary for the flourishing of the arts.

1. First of all, it is hard for government to decide which kind of art should be funded so that its funding might not be so impartial and justicial. consequently, it might threaten the integrity of the arts. Government funding might directly or indirectly influence artists‘ decisions and choices. Misleading the direction, some others who are not interest in or talented in art might interlard the artistic area. In addition, some kinds of really valuable and original arts might be undeveloped and even wane in lack of attention and support. In order to have the funding of the arts may threatens the integrity of arts, in that artists may strive to meet the need or taste of government.

2. However, artists are mundane beings who need sustenance for living and objective things to foster and propagate their products. Moreover, quite a few geniuses and great artists are too concentrative on their loved art and usually lived in a bad living condition so it had best that the government keep an eye on them and support their work. Mozart firstly came into my mind. The great Austrian composer could play piano three years old and even write score four years old. But he was treated coldly and mercilessly by the realistic world, and his fate position is miserable. If government supported him and his works, it is possible that Mozart could live a long and well life and leave us much more magical artistic works. In addition, Franz Peter, Monet, Cervantes and so on, shared a similar fate like Mozart. If those great artists were all supported by the government, they might contribute more valuable artistic works to the world.

3. The government should call for a balance between fund genuine artist then contribute to the prosperity of arts and avoid to threaten the integrity of the arts.


① 艺术家也是普通人,艺术活动需要物质基础。但这种物质基础并不等同于政府资助,个


② 苦难有时更能激发高层次的艺术。 A 社会大环境 文艺复兴 B个人小环境 Vincent

Gogh, Dante童年父母双亡,青年时候被流放,在以后近二十年的流放生涯中,写出了《神曲Divine comedy

③ 政府的资助可能使艺术家的作品变形。如:一味的歌功颂德。

④ 政府的资助还可能使并不热爱艺术的人混进艺术家的行列。 ―It is impossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth all the time. Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician.‖有效力的政治领导者在任何时候都告诉真相是不可能的。对于政治家来说,太坦白不是美德


观点:agree to some extent; however, not too excessive

1. 诚实坦白对每个人来说都是美德。对于政治家,能够树立良好的公众形象,赢得公民的

赞赏和支持。例如Lincoln家里很贫寒,他在竞选的时候丝毫没有掩饰自己的贫穷,赢得了下层阶级people from low class的支持

2. 然而,在某些时候,尤其涉及到国家安全及社会稳定时,有所隐瞒还是有好处的。A)

国防(national defense)信息,不暴露弱点 B)SARS病在全国造成恐慌,政府为了安抚公众情绪,会多报道些积极的信息

3. 但就长远来说,领导者应该tell the truth,而且the government he leads应该办公透明化。

A) 正直的人品才能真正获得民众的支持和信任如:Gandhi, Martin Luther King B) 利于领导者与公众的交流,听取民众的意见和建议 C) 政治家们过分的欺骗民众会导致人民不相信政府并导致不满,并最终导致灾难性的后果。


1. 诚实坦白对每个人来说都是美德。对于政治家,能够树立良好的公众形象,赢得公

民的赞赏和支持。例如Lincoln家里很贫寒,他在竞选的时候丝毫没有掩饰自己的贫穷,赢得了下层阶级people from low class的支持;

2. 为了保证国家的利益和安全,也应当说谎。如:使民众安心。不能complete forthright

3. 但就长远来说,A 正直的人品才能真正获得民众的支持和信任如:Gandhi, Martin

Luther King B政治家们过分的欺骗民众会导致人民不相信政府并导致不满,并最终导致灾难性的后果。



1. 大部分时候的确需要诚实

2. 然而有些时候不诚实是更理智的选择: 国家机密, 引起恐慌的情况

3. 但不代表领导者可以随意欺骗群众


① 政治家们为了让人们对他们的领导有信心,会说谎,尤其是竞选的时候。Politics 有时

就是政治家之间的博弈。要施展自己的才华必须首先登上统治的平台in order to be effective a politician must gain and hold onto political power, which means winning election.。因此,如果人们普遍相信的东西是错误的,也要说谎。

② 为了保证国家的利益和安全,也应当说谎。如:使民众安心。不能complete forthright ③ 但就长远来说,A 正直的人品才能真正获得民众的支持和信任如:Gandhi, Martin Luther

King B政治家们过分的欺骗民众会导致人民不相信政府并导致不满,并最终导致灾难性的后果。although in the short term being less-than-truthful with the public might serve a political leader‘s interest in preserving power, would-be political leaders who lack requisite

integrity ultimately forfeit their leadership


To be or not to be, as an ambiguous question, it has puzzled many people for a long time. For political leaders, there is a similar problem badgers them deeply -- to be honest or not. In my point of view, a politician‘s job is to build, maintain, and expand the wealth, prosperity and political influence of his nation; district, county and state. A political leader‘s achievement should be evaluated mainly by his/her attribution to the nation‘s economic, political and cultural progress, and if honesty should also be considered, it has less importance. Furthermore, it is impossible for everyone to be honest absolutely, not to mention politicians, but it is also undeniable that honesty is definitely a necessary virtue in the appropriate degree.

1. To begin with, as far as everyone know, one of the unavoidable duties of politicians is to run the monster巨大的 country machine work normally, and then benefit the public actually, thus it is impossible and unnecessary for them to tell the truth all the time. That is, politicians are not born as liars, but the environment forces them to learn that ploy策略. In many occasions, a politician has to lie or take something as secrets for the behalf of his/her nation and people. For example, the politicians can never leakage泄露 the military secrets to any irrelevant不相关的 person for fear of menacing威胁的 safety of the country, or explore any immature policy to the public to avoid unnecessary anarchy政治混乱, or tell the real aims of some actions before they achieve their goals, and so on. Hence, it is sure that an effective political leader cannot tell the truth all the time, and the public should not ask them to do so.

2. Additionally, for ones who devote themselves to politics, the promise to do something for the nation and public is the status they hold in political struggles. Therefore politicians often play as different personages in different needs to surpass their antagonists对手 and climb to the highest power apex, and then run the country systematically and smoothly with their great ambitions, intelligent minds and all passions. No one can ensure to make no mistake, yet for a politician, even a little mistake may be a sharp sword handed by his/her antagonist to defeat him/her. In fact, it is the complicated and relentless无情的 political struggles that compel迫使 politicians to become cunning狡猾的, prudent谨慎的 and even fraudulent欺骗的.

3. On the other hand, honesty is a definite virtue deserving respect. Politicians should also be as honest as possible. For one thing, an honest leader can gain more trust, respect and espousal拥护, which will help him/her carry out the policies more smoothly. For another, because too much work will make politicians feel burdensome烦累的,难以承担的, it is a good way for them to lessen their psychological pressure. Maybe this can explain that why so many politicians would like to write autobiographies after retirement. 这个角度比较好

[end]To sum up, for a political leader, it is of more importance to be effective than to be a moral personification化身, thus although honesty is a traditional virtue, if it be useless or even harmful in some special situations, a politician should dear to lie or close the mouth. Nevertheless, honesty is surely a respectful virtue in spite of its little flaw in some specific occasions. Thus the most appropriate attitude towards honesty that politicians should take is that being shrewd精明的 enough when it is necessary, and then honest in the remaining time.


extraordinarily serious。因此,即使大众有知情权,政府也有这个义务obligation和责任responsibility去保守一些秘密,这种保守guarding对大众有利in behalf of the public,对社会有利。

54"History teaches us only one thing: knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today." 历史只教会我们做一件事:了解过去并不能帮助今天的人们在重大的事情上做决定。


The arguer claims that knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today and implies that there is no need for us to learn history. On the other hand, as the saying goes: those who do not know the past are condemned to repeat it. So quite a few people hold the view that learning history is very important to almost every individual and every nation. As far as I am concerned, I don‘t agree with the arguer‘s point.

1. A common misconception is that what happened in the past has nothing to do with present society. Actually, this assumption runs counter to facts. History always is very similar and we can avoid to repeat the same mistakes as our ancestors did or make less false decisions from learning the history. As the Italian philosopher Machiavelli wrote,‖ whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past, for human events ever resemble those of preceding times.‖ (Robert Owen‘s Utopianism tells us that ideal should not be detached from reality.) (The destruction of world war help to prevent the similar situations in the future.)

2. Relevant antecedents can help us fully appreciate our present state. Understanding past successes and study of great figures can inspire us.

3. Admittedly, there are some new problems we meet today that we cannot get experience from the history. What we only can do is to cope with them by our own wisdom and creation, then what we do becomes a part of history and our experience will help our descendants to make their decisions in the future



1. 在作出某些重大决定时历史给了我们很大的帮助,无论从哪个角度来说(个人的角度、


2.1 At the individual level,我们的决定往往会受历史人物及故事的影响

例:a student inspired by the courage and tenacity of history‘s great explorers might decide as a result to pursue a career in archeology, oceanography, or astronomy;林肯(Abraham Lincoln)的奋斗经历会激励我们不向命运低头,通过奋斗改变兹己的命运;哥白尼(Copernicus)同学故事告诉我们要勇于质疑别人的理论,并坚持自己的想法;达尔文(C·R·Darwin)放弃学医从而创立了生物进化论(The Origin of Species),告诉我们―兴趣是最好的老师‖

2. At the nation level,从历史中吸取经验和教训。

例:三次经济危机的爆发告诉我们,资本主义(capitalism)的市场经济(market economy)也需要政府的调控;中国建国初期的发展历史告诉我们,社会主义(socialism、social democracy)的计划经济(planned economy)同样需要借鉴资本主义的市场经济;

3. 从科学技术的发展来看,现在的成就无不是建立在前人的成就之上的。

例:没有开普勒(Johannes Kepler)的三大定律,就没有今天的航空;没有列文虎克(Antoni van Leeuwenhoek)的发现,就没有我们今天的显微镜;牛顿在微分领域的贡献,我们至 今还在应用。


① 在现代社会,科技的进步导致传统观念和过去人类积累的经验都面临挑战euthanasia;

nuclear warfare

② At the individual level, 从历史中得到鼓舞,吸取经验教训。如:Edison; perpetual motion


③ At the nation level, only seek into history can we learn how events cone into being.如:苏联解


④ 尽管表面上看来,现代社会的新型和复杂性是古代社会不具备的,但是本质上,都是人

类社会发展中的各个台阶,应当符合历史发展的客观规律。Learning history has taught us to perceive and analyze the problems with historic perspective. Admittedly, there are entirely new problems that we have to cope with on our own without any precedents in history to refer to, but this does not prevent us from making right choices, since learning history has taught us perceive and analyze the problem with historic perspective.

History is a part of our development, and provides relevant information of present problems. History also serves as a source of precedent and predication, which guide us to avoid or less making false decisions when in face of hard task in present.


Topic:It‘s unfair to say历史只教会了我们一件事:了解过去无助于人们今天作出重要的决定,一位哲人说过:―忘记历史的人没有未来‖而事实上历史对于今天的人们作出决定有重要的借鉴价值。

1) 我们能从历史事件中吸取教训,不重蹈覆辙。Eg第一和第二次世界大战给全世界的民众


2) 历史上的重大成功能给人们带来激励和提供思路。Eg瓦特改进蒸气机,为后来蒸气火车


3) 历史的学习对于人们传承文化,延续社会习俗和道德标准有重要意义。Eg 美国当今社

会最重要的精神之一就是american dream 他的传承有悠久的历史渊源,哥伦布的创新精神发现美洲新大陆,,―五月花号‖上那匹最勇敢的欧洲人最初开拓了美洲大陆,而美国西进的探索的精神便是传承了这种冒险探索创新的精神,从而进一步发扬,现代美国人在生活的方方面面仍然崇尚创新,从而在社会生活的各个领域取得了成就。现今学生教育中这种创新精神也被寄予很高的重视,所以通过历史,社会精神和道德标准得到了延续。

72One can best understand the most important characteristics of a society by studying its major cities. 人们可以通过研究一个社会的主要城市来了解它最重要的特点。



1. 主要城市的确能否一个国家的主要特点:主要城市往往都是历史比较悠久的,它们可以


2. 但是,我们也应该看到一些国家的地区差异。如中国的北京和上海与西部的省份就完全


3. 而且,我们知道随着世界全球化趋势的增强,各国的大城市越来越像,我们很难从他们


4. 因此,研究一个国家时,也应该研究中小城市或农村的主要特征,尤其对于发展中国家




a) 在发达国家,地区发展相对均衡,研究大城市可以直观的了解整个社会的特征。毕

竟大城市是一个国家经济政治文化的中心。如美国纽约,文化的多样性,社会经济的高度发达,崇尚自主和个性。中国古代的西安是唐朝的首都反应了中国的文化 b) 而在发展中国家,情况就不同了,发展中国家相对来说地区差异很大。如中国的北


c) 而且,我们知道随着世界全球化趋势的增强,各国的大城市越来越像,我们很难从


d) 实际上,通过研究一个社会中小城市或农村更能反映一个社会的主要特征,因为一



1. The major cities could provide much information to understand the society:

(1) Major cities are usual the center of the politics, economics, industry, culture, education, etc.

(2) People from all over the country; serves as the miniature of the whole society.

2. However, it may be unilateral to understand the most important characteristics of a society only by understanding its major cities: with the globalization, major cities all over the world have become increasingly similar to each other.

3. However, as far as culture and art are concerned, lots of traditions and natianal characteristics exist in rural areas.

4. 总结: In order to understand the overal characteristics of a society, we should studay not only the major cities, but also rural areas. Only by exploring society thoroughly, can one really reach a deep understanding.


1. Major cities always are the central of politics, economics and culture of one society, from them, people can know them the past and the future.

2. Major cities are always full of all kinds of people, and it seems reasonable to call a major city as a small society according the whole society.

3. Despite that major cities can be the main factor when considering, but it can't be the solo factor. Because the different development level in different place of the society result in different culture, education, living standard, and so on. So much more detailed information should be considered when someone want really understand the whole society.

4. Major cities would be a best way for one to understand one society, especially when the spirits or fund is limited for the process of understanding, but, more details should be present when to understand the whole society.

5. Nowadays, however, due to the influence of globalization, major cities throughout the world look more or less the same. By contrast, the rural areas of a society maintain more of its cultural




1、城市由可感知的、有形的各类基础设施构成,包括城市的布局、建筑、道路、通讯设施、公共住宅、、市场上流通的各色商品以及行道树、草地、花卉等人工自然环境等等所构成,体现了它的历史文化内涵和一种文化价值观念。比如,北京的四合院与上海的里弄,就是不同文化风格的民居;纽约的摩天大楼与上海的摩天大楼,虽然都是现代化建筑,具有不同的文化韵味(lasting appeal );北京的紫禁城(Forbidden City)与巴黎的凡尔赛宫(Versailles),虽然都曾经是皇宫(basilica),但却具有东西方的不同气派。


3、一个城市的知识、信仰、艺术、道德、、习俗以及作为一个城市成员的人所习得的其他一切能力和习惯,往往是一个社会的民俗民风以及居民的精神风貌和道德水平的表现。纽约的大都会博物馆(the Metropolitan of art),埃及的金字塔,莫斯科(Moscow)的红场(red square),北京的故宫(the Imperial Palace)


64 Many people know how to attain success, but few know how to make the best use of it.




许多人知道如何获得成功,但很少人懂得充分利用成功;it指―success" 强调成功后如何利用

1. The conception of "success", relatively, is one of narrow sense, not wide-sense.

2. Limited personal ability result in failing to make best use of the succuss furtherly.

3. Further success is related to how to make the use of other concerning resource.

许多人知道如何获得成功,但很少人懂得充分利用―如何获得成功‖it指how to attain success(成功过程方法)

1.Many people know how to attain success; But those who are successfuly should have learned to make the best use of all kinds of factors. Main factor result in success are listed as followed:

2. The ability of personal, first: intelligence,special knowlege in the concerning field; Second, emotion and other socail ability,how to make all the factors into a system group.

3. Dificiency of resource.




1. 获得成功的人有很多。成功的定义有很多,找到一个满意的工作,甚至上一个好的大学,


2. 但是这些成功并不难,要学会利用现有的成功取得更大的进步。暂时的成功只是给人下


3. 承认,有时能否最好的利用成功不是个人能左右的。像一种新的化学元素的发现,理解


4. 最高限度的利用个人成功在于用个人的成功造福社会。成功的人很多,可是真正被历史

记载,受人们爱戴的人却总是很少的。后者才能说是最好的利用了自己的成功。诺贝奖的获得者属于这种,他们的贡献让这个社会发生了巨大的变化,解决了很多社会问题,他们的名字永远在历史上闪光。美国的总统有很多,但是为什么总还是哪几个少数的名字让人们念念不忘,比如Gorge washington, Abraham Lincoln , 因为他们,才有现在这个民主,平等的美国。

End: 最后我想说暂时的成功并不值得骄傲,关键是要学会利用现在的成功实现更好的自我完善,最终目标是让自己的成功让整个社会都受益。 ,


① 总体而言成功的人是少数。若大多数人都成功,那哪里还有成功可言。

② 虽然是少数,从历史上来看,总量还是很多的。在各个领域都有卓越的贡献。

③ 有的人固步自封。Davy发现了法拉第Faraday,并收为学生。却不断压抑oppress, 不给与


④ 也有成功后成为慈善家philanthropist的,关心人民疾苦。或者是促进科学事业,如Nobel,



The speaker points out that people usually do not know how to make the best use of their success even though they know how to attain it. Ifundamentally agree with the speaker that, in

contemporary world, most people define success as material success but fail to consider the cost of their success such as declining in morality standard or harmony environment.

The contemporary society concerns most about how to attain success. In school, student are taught to get a higher grade in examination such as the college entrancing examination when a large

percentage of students is due to fail the exams as there are usually more candidates than those who would get a addmition. Fierce competition force children to spend more time on school work and thus limited the time of playing or communicating with others. Need less to say the business man whose ultimate goal of their career is to obtain maximized profit for their boss; most of them care about nothing beyond profit as the definition of success is commonly defined as material success. Even the health of themselves is ignored, many managers are to busy to take rest and the pressure of work is the major cause of several severe illness. Without paying attention to them self beyond earning profit in the form of material, it is not good for them.

What‘s more too many people are concerned about only their personal success while ignoring the interests and needs of others. I concede that some manufacture tycoon or new technology maga sometimes give money to poor people or fund a benefactor foundation for public health and education. But this does not tell the whole story. As their business grows the problem cause by

their rapid growing rate is growing too. For example, the raw material collecting in tropical rain forest is reducing the area of forest at a terrific speed while the rain forest is called as ‖the lung of earth‖. Heavy power burns coal which produces much green gases destroyed ozone layer in the sky which protects us from x-ray of the sun. Even the new technology produces some unknown pollution in the air and water and we would know the result of these pollution until they caused a disaster which attract our attention from profit of economic grows.

However, success does not make people happy. Even if the student gained a high grade and the manager gained the maximize profit, they would not be happy as they suffer some horrible lose form the society or personal health. The business grows destroy our beautiful earth, with air and water polluted people suffer from unknown diseases, It is hard to say that any one is happy with these success too.

In sum, success is not just about material thing, to help and share happiness with other people is important too. The contemporary world concerned too mush about attaining success but ignored those disadvantages of these success and significant behavior which might help with constructing the peaceful hamoney of society, to attain this goal it is better to care more about others.

D、 I agree that business has some obligation to the community and society in which it operates. As it stands, however, the statement permits one to conclude that this obligation should take precedence over the profit objective. By allowing for this interpretation, the speaker fails to appreciate the problems associated with shouldering business with an affirmative duty to ensure the publics well being.

The primary reason why I agree business should have a duty to the public is that society would be worse off by exonerating business from social responsibility. Left entirely to their own self-interest, businesses pollute the environment, withhold important product information from consumers, pay employees substandard wages, and misrepresent their financial condition to current and potential shareholders. Admittedly, in its pursuit of profit business can benefit the society as well—by way of more and better-paying jobs, economic growth, and better yet

lower-priced products. However, this point ignores the harsh consequences—such as those listed earlier—of imposing no affirmative social duty on business.

Another reason why I agree business should have a duly to the public is that business owes such a duty. A business enters into an implied contract with the community in which it operates, under which the community agrees to permit a corporation to co business while the business implicitly promises to benefit, and not harm, the community. This understanding gives rise to a number of social obligations on the part of the business—to promote consumer safety, to not harm the environmental, to treat employees and competitors fairly, and so on.

Although I agree that business should have a duty to serve the pubic, I disagree that this should be the primarily objective of business. Imposing affirmative social duties on business opens a Pandoras box of problems—for example, how to determine. (1) what the public interest is in the first place, (2) which public interests are most important, (3) what actions are in the public interest, and (4) how business duty to the public might be monitored and enforced. Government regulation

is the only practical way to deal with these issues, yet government is notoriously inefficient and corrupt; the only way to limit these problems is to limit the duty of business to serve the public interest.

In sum, I agree that the duty of business should extend beyond the simple profit motive.

However, its affirmative obligations to society should be tempered against the pubic benefits of the profit motive and against the practical problems associates

225 "People often look for similarities, even between very different things, and even when it is unhelpful or harmful to do so. Instead, a thing should be considered on its own terms; we should avoid the tendency to compare it to something else."



1. 寻找相似点的原因。A世界上事物纷繁复杂,寻找相似点并进行分类有助于我们更好的

认识世界、描述世界。如:动物分成amphibian, mammal, fish等。B把事物归类有助于我们在短时间内迅速把握事物特征。如:Muslin

2. 虽然从哲学上说,事物之间都是有联系的,但过分注重相似之处还有害处。

1) by focusing on similarities among all big cities, we overlook the distinctive character, architecture, ethical diversity, and culture of each one.

2) Without evaluating an individual company on its own merits and performance before buying stock of the company, only because this company is in a prosperous industry, the investor risk of choosing a poor performer

3) Education ;

4) Racial discrimination: each individual should be evaluated on the basis of his or her own merits.

3. On the other hand, looking for similarities between things is the only way that humans can

truly learn something and communicate with one another- Developmental psychologists agree that we come to understand each new thing we encounter by comparing it to something with which we are already familiar. For example, if a child encounters a blue ball, the child recognizes as blue only by way of its similarity to the sky. Furthermore, without this association and a label for the concept of blue the child cannot possibly convey the concept to another person. Thus looking for similarities between things is how we make sense of our world, as well as communicate with one another.

C. To sum up, I agree that finding false similarities and drawing false analogies can be harmful. Nevertheless, human must look for similarities between things in order to learn and to communicate.


①寻找相似点的原因。A世界上事物纷繁复杂,寻找相似点并进行分类有助于我们更好的认识世界、描述世界。如:动物分成amphibian, mammal, fish等。B把事物归类有助于我们在短时间内迅速把握事物特征。如:Muslin

②虽然从哲学上说,事物之间都是有联系的,但把两个相差很大的事物放在一起是无益甚至有害的。我们可能会忽略他们根本上的不同而关注细枝末节上的相同点。如:尽管都是小公司职员such as accounting,但美国和非洲南部国家的人想法可能就很不一样。

③过分注重相似之处还有害处。A是我们忽略事物本身的特性而注重共性。如:去同一个教堂的教友conversus, 可能实际情况就很不一样,要寻求的心理安慰都很不相同。B我们还可能从一个种类的共性来匆忙的推测一个个体个能有某种行为,这是很不恰当的。如:某一个club 的人都怎么样了,来推测一个个体也会怎么样,而完全不顾其本身特质是要不得的。


In this statement, the speaker claims that it is unhelpful and harmful for people to turn too often to similarities as yardstick of judgment and evaluation. Instead, it is more sensitive to consider a

thing on its own terms and thus avoid hasty and unfair consideration. I fundamentally agree with the speaker insofar as the deleterious consequence of frequent peer comparison is considered, but the speaker overlooks the compelling force behind this phenomenon.

It is true that looking for similarities has become a deep-rooted tenet as soon as we come to make judgment for thing that we encounter. By focusing on the similarities of big cities, we overlook the distinctive character of their unique cultural diversity, ethnical feature and national identity. In the area of business investment, an investor who are lack of the cute sense of seeking out uniqueness would result in entrust capital with poor performers who apparently has no abilities to make the best of his investment. What is more, in today‘s educational system, schools tend to group students according to their class performance, grades and so on which is based on the assumption that similarities among them would act as catalyst of facilitating communication and quick learning. Those are just part of the numerous examples that we find in our daily life that distinctiveness is quenched and similarities is cultivated.

Another example that best illustrate this is when it comes to the judgment of people. Admittedly, no matter from psychological or sociological research, we human being has formed a tendency to form group according to common shared superficial similarities such as gender, religion, ethnic, etc. and to cater for this group identity by maintaining these shared values. If we run contrary to the original tenets that enable us to be a member of this group, we run the risk of being prejudiced and misjudged and thus suffer the fate of being an outsider again. This is harmful since the sensible and judicious evaluation should be based on innate characteristics such as personalities and accomplishment.

Yet, in another sense the speaker goes too far by overlooking a fundamental, even philosophical reason why we look for similarities between things. By seeking similarities among daily occurrence is the only way that our human being can truly learn anything and communicate with each other. Developmental psychologist and epistemologists all agree that children form ideas, concepts by imitating what happens or uttered around them and after these basic concept-building process, they make judgment on the base of how similar a thing is to their concept. This is also the way that children communicate with peers and schoolmates, which the safest and most comfortable way of communication is what they are already familiar with.

To sum up, I agree that false analogy and seeking false similarities would be harmful since this ideology bears the danger of undistinguished assimilation and unfair exclusiveness, especially when it comes to the hasty judgment of people. Nevertheless, from a philosophical point of view, humans must look for similarities between things in order to learn and







2:事物之间也存在联系,很好的找出它们之间的相同点,有助于我们更好抓住事物的本质。 3:然而,我们不能盲目的将一切事物进行对比。


As the old saying goes: ―exactly, there are not the same two leaves in this world‖, everything, mostly, is different from other things. Whereas, the philosopher has said: ―every thing, more or less, collects with each other‖, which means things also have the similarities. The differences and similarities are the inevitabilities of things, it is, therefore, very important to rule out differences, such as the distinctive characters of each, and similarities of things.

Everything has interconnection with others to some extent. The fact that even two quite independent objects have subtle connection or similar regulation makes comparison of similarities essential for people to utilize the interconnection and intersection to develop new ideas and explore novel discoveries. For instance, without calculus, economics would never have seen the booming growth of its last thirty years. Mathematics converted economics from a qualitative, speculative field to a quantitative, definitive one, which enables economists gain more in-depth views about the regulation of economy and even construct modeling to give prospect of the future. Also, without supporting advances in calculus, neither classical physics nor quantum physics could reach today‘s resplendence, let alone quantum cosmology, which will lead us to solve the mystery of the cosmos.

Besides the intersection of every subject, there is another side of things called difference that every field has its own objective disciplines, internal regulation, potential rules and established logic frame. As we know, difference exists in all the things and comparisons of difference make possible improvement in our intelligence, social advancement and endless other areas. Ever since primitive ages, people have ceaselessly and enthusiastically made comparisons with each other. An outstanding instance occurred in 1869,Dmitry Mendeleyev, a Russian chemist, put sixty three chemical elements which had been discovered at that time together and carefully compared, finding differences among them, finally, drew up a periodic table of the elements arranged to illustrate patterns of recurring chemical and physical properties. Mendeleyev used this table to predict the existence and describe the properties of several elements unknown in his day, and when the elements were discovered several years later, his predictions proved to be correct. And it is through this process that human beings have become rational and intelligent, with the highly refined technology and sciences as this process‘s by-products.

However, we should avoid compare things blindly. On one hand, insisting on finding similarities between things can result in unfair comparisons. For example, by focusing on similarities among universities, we may overlook their distinctive characters, architectures, and cultures. Without analyzing the prerequisite and difference of a discipline from another field before using it directly, one will probably find it false or inefficient. On the other hand, blindly finding differences among thing leads to ignore some valuable similarities which may contribute to a breakthrough.

To sum up, there are always differences and similarities among things, which is an objective regulation of the world. Only through that we figure out the differences and similarities of things insightfully, avoiding the meaningless and blind comparison, can one make breakthrough and the society progress.

61High-profile (a. 引人注目的、高层的、高调的)awards such as the Nobel Prize are actually damaging to society because they suggest that only a few people deserve such recognition.




1. 高额奖金主要是用来奖励对社会做出突出贡献的人。(比如诺贝奖每个获奖人都是大大

推动了社会的发展,从研制出新的药解决人类的病痛,到martin Luther king 领导的争取平等自由的活动。 每个获奖人要么是把自己的一生都献给了自己的研究,要么甚至付出了自己生命的代价。这个社会必须要用这些奖金来承认他们对社会做出的贡献,虽然这些钱根本就比不上他们所付出的。)尽管只有少数人享受奖金,但大多数人都能够享受到他们的贡献所带来的益处。

2. 这些最高荣誉在精神上鼓励获奖者继续追求,是社会对其贡献的认可、肯定。同时也鼓


3. 认为这些奖一般人得不到所以它们是在damage to society得说法ridiculous,一方面,每个

人都有获得此奖得平等得机会,另一方面,这个奖不是人类得终极目标,许多laureates of Nobel Prize 的成就被后人所超越。

4. 高额奖金本身不会伤害社会,是人们对待奖金的错误的方式会伤害社会。(比如社会过




a) Nobel Prize and Pulitzer等荣誉是为了奖励那些在某领域有突出贡献的人才的,一

方面是对他们成就或贡献的肯定,另一方面激励其它人做出进一步的研究,从而推动社会的进步. 比如诺贝尔和平奖,通过肯定那些为世界和平做出过杰出贡献的人,来推动世界的和平

b) 这些荣誉是社会进步的推动力,也是无数scientists, artists, journalists奋斗的目标。


c) 认为这些奖一般人得不到所以它们是在damage to society得说法ridiculous,一方面,

每个人都有获得此奖得平等得机会,另一方面,这个奖不是人类得终极目标,获得 Nobel Prize 的人都只是把对知识的追求作为自己奋斗的动力而不是为了获得奖才去研究的。

d) Nobel Prize 象里程碑,记录着人类一百年来在各个领域的进步,但它不是完美的,


e) 5 总结:荣誉是社会进步的象征,肯定了个人成就,推动了社会的发展,而人类的



The arguer asserts that high-profile awards only give to a few people deserve such recognition so that they are damaging to society actually. However, as far as I am concerned, those high-profile

awards usually contribute to society and benefit the majority rather than damage to society so there is no need to worry about it.

1. Admittedly only a few people have the opportunities to get the high-profile awards. There are many realistic limitations such as individual‘s capability, intellect, ambition and, of course, opportunity.

2. Though only a few people deserve such recognition they usually make great contributions in their areas and benefit the majority. High-profile awards will motivate people to do their best in their fields then make great contribution to the society. And we can see that those high-profile does not damage our society but make great contribution to our society.

3. To make sure that high-profile awards serve the right purpose of society, it is imperative that the rules of the awards be fair and strictly adhered to.


① Undoubtedly, high-profile awards suggest that only a few people deserve such recognition,有


② 尽管只有少数人享受奖金,但大多数人都能够享受到他们的贡献所带来的益处。Actually

any adult is well aware that those few deserve the great awards they win since they have done great contribution in their area, which are often relatively not well profitable。1987 罗伯特·索洛(Robert M. Solow),对经济增长理论做出贡献,提出长期的经济增长主要依靠技术进步,而不是依靠资本和劳动力的投入

③ Most of these children farewell these dreams给小孩指明了方向。

④ To make sure that high-profile awards serve the right purpose of society, it is imperative that

the rules of the awards be fair and strictly adhered to


1. 诺贝尔奖金是颁发给那些为全球做出伟大贡献的人,一方面为是对其他人树立远大的目标,另一方面是对获奖者做出贡献的一种肯定,更是对获奖者的一种激励,激励他们更好的做科研,为人来造福。

2. 诺贝尔将不像其他的奖,不是每一个人都能够轻易拿到的,这个还由个人的机遇有关,还和个人的一些realistically limitation such as capability,Intel lecture,aggression有关。

3. 不是因为只有少数人才能得到诺贝尔奖就说High-profile是对社会有害的,太武断。其实每一个人都有可能获得这个奖项并且只要一个人获奖了就对大多数人有好处的。 Because of only a few people can achieve High-profile such as Nobel Prize the author asserts that High-Profile awards are actually damaging to society. I am not in favor of author‘s opinion since the assertion is too haste. Although few people can gain the honor but it has deep influence to our life and our society. So I think High-profile awards is(are) not only useful but also beneficial to human beings

As is known to all(as well known), High-profile such as Nobel Prize was awarded to those who made great contributions to our society and our life. It can be received by expert in various fields such as physics, economy, chemistry, peace. Now take Einstein and (Francisco注意人名拼写准确哦) for example. The former one is the famous physics expert who had created significant Theory of relativity. With the theory, fast had been newly defined?. The fast we often say is relatively and absolutely fast does not exist in the word. The latter expert was famous in his discovering of DNA two spiral structures. Because of DNA‘s structure, study of gene has gained much importance(important) progress. After all, they were awarded Nobel Prize. I think there are

several aspects about establishment of High-profile awards. On the one hand, the awards are to set up a target for those who have the capability to achieve it. With the goal and determination researcher can do their reach better. On the other hand, the accord of the High-profile awards is the highest affirmation of what they have done. Furthermore it is a stimulus, (stimulating) every people to make great effort to bring benefit to us.

Unlike other awards, High-profile awards such as Nobel Prize can not be given to every experts or researchers who just do a little research. Besides Nobel Prize was(are注意时态哦) not the social welfare which give most people who need but the inspiration and affirmation (on who deserves). Even if there is no 合适的(right) people it can not be give to those who are not worth getting it, the same as Oscar praise. So all these (confessed) that the High-profile awards should be given to those who well worth getting it and whose works are appreciated an irrefutable. Such as the Olympic medal, it can only be given to those who won the first(奥运奖牌也有银牌铜牌啊~~应该确切地表述为golden medal,如果说是只奖励前三名而不是所有选手还全面贴切些吧). From the old era to modern times, there is no circumstance that Olympic medal was awarded to the athlete who win the second, unless the the first one (has broke) the competition regulations.( Even if the expert is so famous, he is not necessarily get the Nobel Prize. There are many realistically (limitation单复数) such as capability, intel lecture,(aggression?侵略?) to determine.

The reason the speaker believes so is because so few people could get the high- awards such as Nobel Prize, it seems that these prizes are useless and meaningless to the common people. In fact, every person has the chance to get the awards as long as his work is conceived as(and) meaningful to the society. Teresa, the owner of the Nobel Prize, is a common person while she has helped so many people. Only the people considering serving the society (selfishness 是selflessness) can get the awards and to them the awards are the (addendum可用这个?). (Furthermore the high-profile awards outcome is benefit to each person especially the awards of Nobel Prize of medical and chemical fields这一点提得比较好,应再多说几句). So I think it is unfair to say High-profile awards such as the Nobel Prize are actually damaging to society.

In sum, every person has the right(机会比较好吧) to get the prize, but it seems that it is not reality for student or formal(normal) people to achieve. So we can not say it is doing damages to our society. To some extent, it (do) beneficial to our society and our life. What we should do is to set up different sorts of prize to make every person(who deserve to) get their corresponding rewards

196 "Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life."



Begin: Whether T enhances or diminishes our quality of life depends mainly on the means by which we humans utilize them. It is unjust for T to assert that it provides more problems that it solves, or even may do damage to our lives.

1. 科技发展的本质是为了让社会变得更美好,可以让人类生活的更加舒适。(Nobel 造

explosive, 是为了让在矿场的工人更加方便,发明汽车是为了让人们的出行更加方便,发明网络是为了信息的交流更加畅通,还有各种药物之类的,这些科技初期的适当使用,都是给人类的生活带来了明显的改观,大大提高了人类的生活质量)。

2. 但是人们过于依靠这些科技,或者滥用这些科技,给这个社会带来了很多前所未有的复

杂问题(人们利用炸药做成武器,比起以前的剑之类,杀伤力增强。人们过分依赖汽车,以至于一点远的地方都要开车,不仅缺少锻炼,而且汽车排放的废气进一步引发温室效应,破化臭氧ozone,而且车祸成了世界上第一杀手。 网络的滥用让人们迷失自我,与自己生活中的亲人,家人生疏,且网络上一些有害青少年的信息太多,其实因科技引发的各种问题都有违背它的发明初衷,这不能怪那些科学家,是人类自己对待这些科技的心态,和利用的方式导致了这么多的问题)

3. 科技还是需要进一步发展,因为很多问题还要靠科技的发展才能解决。因为科技发展到

现在,很多问题不是回头看看历史就能解决的,而且很多迫切的问题使很多人们痛苦着,比如世界人口不断膨胀population explosive,需要进一步研究出高产量的粮食Yield。而且汽车尾气的问题无法通过限制汽车排放尾气的数量来降低,因为基数太大,必须发明一种新的无污染的新型燃料。我们不能停止科技进步的脚步,因为很多问题除了新的科技,已经无法缓和了。)

End: To summarize the issue, technology would cause continuously difficult problems while at the same time, if utilized correctly and efficiently, would also provide better tools to solve these problems. 最终是我们的生活更加美好。


可分为两个方面来看。第一个claim: 其实是不可比的。第二个claim: strongly agree ① 科技可能威胁人们的生活质量。如:核战争的威胁、工业革命以来的环境污染 ② 科技使得人们的伦理道德观念空前的混乱。Euthanasia\clone

③ 但科技确实造福了人类。提高了经济assembly line manufacturing\streamline production

technique、提供了便利instant communication



A. technology is a double-edged sword, which, if misused or overused, might undermine the quality of our life and even threaten our existence.

Inefficient--- telephone disturb personal privacy, traffic jam

Automation—unemployment, Detroit heavy industry. Machine replaces human labor Weapon— increase the killing ability, nuclear weapon jeopardize the safety of all nations.

B. Technology improve efficient.

Transportation-- Marco Polo, in the 17th century, exploring Asia, took 17 years out and home. Communication---TV, internet, phone(以前只有 beacon, wolf smoke)

automation – disentangle from onerous works,

C. Technology has dramatically improved the living conditions of human beings.

The spices imported from China through the silk road.


As we review the history ,we can see how significantly technology and science have changed our lives,however,we can also see the problems as the speaker says"Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life."

The development of science and technology has enhanced the overall standard of living in both developing and developed countries.In agriculture,with the advent of mechanization and automatization to promote the production of produce,the burdens of mankind to survive were lessen.In industry,with the introduction of so many inventions,such as steam engine,which inaugurated to the industry revolution,emancipated humans from burdensome labor. Besides,living in the era of information makes us more convenient to communicate with each other.

Admittedly,the technological innovation has emancipated humans from arduous labor,and made our working more efficient and efficacious.However,meanwhile,many problems are also brought into our society,especially those relating to ethic and environmental.For example,the breakthroughts of bioengineering technology are helping to discover the mysteries of life,serving new methods to cure some of our most deaded disease. Meanwhile,the possibility of cloning human raises many new social issues.How will the cloned child feel if others compared him with his genetic donor? A clone will never be completely same to the genetic donor because the different environment will influence one individual's development to a large extent.Still,a clone created from scientist Einstein's genetic material,for example,could suffer considerable criticism if he decided to pursue literature instead of physics.

Moreover,since the industry revolution, environmental pollution, the most harmful byproduct of industrial progress was also introduced to our society.The industry,such as chemical plant and power plant expand on a large scale and these result in many serious problems of environment and ecology: forests and grassland disappeared;many kinds of animals and insects extinct;even the rivers and the air around us are being polluted.All the above will certainly have detrimental effect on human life.9 t8 i S7 t0 Q n& c% I

V5 t, ?8 r1 O" |) j* y8 C7 D

Throughout human civilization,it seems that mankind has to face problems that looks insurmountable all the time.Besides,the problems become more complicated as human knowledge become more complicated.However, increased technology has provided better tools to solve these problems at the same time of causing continuously more difficult problems.For example,we can use chemistry methods to resolve the chemistry problems.And that we must also set corresponding laws to limit human activities especially those which will certainly have bad effect on our environment.

' Q7 W; Y& _7 B

In sum,the technology is merely tool making.How does it changed our lives is all depend on how we use it.Without the technology,we will be set back to the E-era.Without the correct use of technology,we will finally be destroyed by what we created and what we used to pride of. E、

Technology , the process and innovation by which human beings regenerate and create tools and machines so as to increase their control and understanding of the natural force, tends to transform traditional social and culture frequently with unexpected consequences. Almost every technology is designed to help humans, although sometimes they fail to do so.(感觉上第一段应该表明自己的观点,这样比较符合美国人的直线思维。第一句话写得好,什么时候我才能写出这样的长句子呢?)

Admittedly, it seems natural that technology has created all the newborn social and cultural problems .On the one hand, human‘s life seems to be more inefficient since the modern technique has penetrated through everyday life: the increasing number of cars leads to more traffic jams which wastes much of our time on the road; the telephone call improves our ability to communicate in the meantime threatens our personal privacy. On the other hand, technology in some extent (这个用法有点奇怪,不能确定是否有问题,大家怎么看?)damages our life quality: The spread of television has caused a large number of couch potatoes with beer belly;

human‘s eyesight is also in danger of declining when computers take up large part of our time. Therefore, with technology the society seems to have annoying problems all around and even be swamped into chaos.


Nevertheless, it is unwise to blame technology for the problems it has caused, since technology is born with the aim to solve the temporal troubles. For example, to settle(settle 的这个用法没见过,但感觉用在这很不错,能否给我讲讲) the traffic jams, man has devised a city navigation system to direct cars to avoid jams; to help keep secret, scientists are trying to adopt a newly ―quantum communication‖ which is proved to be never decoded by spies; also some advanced exercise equipment has been produced to resolve obesity problems. (Therefore, human society is developing and will develop with the co-existence of diversity of problems, which are the direct motivation to drive man to pay great effort to find a way to improve the actuality and thus develop the new technology.)(个人觉得这得因果关系有点小问题,感觉很生硬和不连贯) Without such advanced techniques, man would probably still live a poor life or even be primitive.

Moreover(more 太口语化了,应该避免), as it is said, "Everything is a double-edged sword‖, so is the technique. Being the creator of every technology, man has the final option to decide how to use it. So it is unadvisable to criticize the technology itself, which is born with a virtuous heart, for causing(逻辑有点问题?是否应该是solving) the very problem, rather than deny the fact that those who abuse the technology is (are) the behind-the-screen murders--just like the parents who do not take on their obligations to instruct their children to be a educated person. If we unknowingly, or even deliberately misuse it, which means we use the technology far beyond its proper bound or see it as an implement to achieve some evil goals, more problems would be created definitely. An instance of the use of nuclear would best prove that. As it is known to all, nuclear has a striking power. If this power is driven to offer energy, human beings will sure to acquire great profits. However, if such a double-edged sword is used to produce nuclear weapon, millions of lives may be killed in just a few seconds. So only by using the technology rationally can we benefit from its real advantages and then create a better life quality.

74 The most effective way to communicate an idea or value to large groups of people is through the use of images, not language.(55+2)和一大群人交流想法或者价值观的最有效方式是图像而非语言。



1. 画面在于传达观点时,有自己的独特之处。(视觉上的刺激能够牢牢抓住人们的注意力。

比如很多人看报纸都喜欢看照片,而忽略文字。大段文字看起来很费时,而且很累。而画面中真实 场景,漂亮的色彩就显得多彩。画面在表达某些事物时比文字更有效,比如想传达战争的残酷,大段文字比不上一张平民的照片,废墟,恐惧。)

2. 但是语言也有很多优点是画面没有的。(语言非常的明确,而同样的画面,不同的人不

同的理解,就达不到宣传的效果。语言表达意思的精确,而画面就不一样了。最典型的例子就是老师上课,如果不说话,只是不停的给学生看图片…… 蒙娜丽莎的微笑Mona lisa 。关于很多时候过于抽象的事物,画面是表达不出来。比如讲述形而上学之类,文

字都难说清楚的东西,紧靠画面更是天方夜谭。语言如果适当加工,也会有很好的效果。Martin Luther king 的演讲,抑扬顿挫。)

3. 最好的表达效果往往是语言和画面结合起来。( 这点很好理解,让你在报纸,广播,和


End:这两者各有各的优点,complement each other。具体使用时,我们应该结合使用,从而达到最好的表达效果。


The arguer asserts that the use of images rather than language is the most effective way to communicate an idea or value to large groups of people. As far as I am concerned, the use of images sometimes is an effective way to communicate an idea or value to large groups of people, however, the arguer ignores the magical power that the words have. Therefore, in my view, both the use of images and language are the effective ways to communicate an idea or value to large groups of people, and they are not conflict with each other.

1. On the one hand, language can be divided into speaking, listening, reading, writing and most of the information in the world is communicated by those four manners. Words are so powerful that they can bring either the greatest happiness or deepest despair to the receiver; can arouse the strongest emotions, can help the speaker to sway the audience, can prompt man‘s actions. And they also can transfer knowledge from teacher to students, from forefather to descendant.

2. On the other hand, images are more vivid and easier for the largest audience to comprehend the straight presentation and deep impression. Chaplin, Map, chart, artistic painting

3. However, that only image no language tends to cause ambiguities. And when it comes to some abstract ideological ideas or values, or to the necessity to attain further understanding, language is indispensable

4. 总结: Thus, the most effective way of communication is combing the use of images and language, each of them is indispensable.


① On the one hand, images are more vivid and easier for the largest audience to comprehend deep impression, straight presentation. Chaplin,British-born actor, director, and producer who gained fame for his role as a tramp in baggy trousers and a bowler hat. His productions include The Kid, The Gold Rush, and City Lights

②On the other hand, images tend to cause ambiguities.拥有不同的背景。女孩和老妇 ③语言也有很强的力量 Words have a magical power. Words are capable of arousing the

strongest emotions and prompting all man's actions Sigmund Freud, German Psychiatrist Martin Luther King I have a dream

④when it comes to some abstract ideological ideas or values, or to the necessity to attain further understanding, language is indispensable


警句: Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepest despair; can transfer knowledge from teacher to students words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions .Words are capable of arousing the strongest emotions and prompting all man's actions , Do not ridicule the use of words in psychotherapy. Sigmund

Freud, German Psychiatrist

言辞具有不可思议的力量。他们能带来最大的幸福,也能带来最深的失望;能把知识从教师传给学生;言辞能使演说者左右他的听众,,并强行代替他们作出决定。言辞能激起最大强烈的情感,促进人的一切行动。不要嘲笑言辞在心理治疗当中的的用途。 德国精神分析学家 弗洛伊德 S


平衡观点 the use of images is not always more effective than that of language.

1. On the one hand, images are more vivid and easier for the largest audience to comprehend. Compared with language, images are always full of abundant colors and hence become more solid and intuitionistic立体的,直观的. On the contrary, language is a kind of nonfigurative tool of communication. It demands higher capability of ideation and logic.

2. On the other hand, images tend to cause ambiguities. Take artwork for example. The pictures of artwork always left much imaginary space for us and each of us would have an absolute comprehension that different from others. Lots of scholars are still arguing the meaning of the Mona Lisa's smile. And none of us could find out the exact signification of the works of Picasso. This more or less produces a block to communicate an idea or value to large groups of people only through the use of images. 语言可以弥补fetch up图像的缺陷blemish。因为语言能够准确的表达express演讲者的意图intention,不容易造成误解和迷惑puzzle。

3. The most effective way of communication is combing the use of images and that of language. 教育是交流想法和较直观的一种很有效的方式,而我们知道当代的教育几乎全都离不开图像和语言的配合cooperate。没有图像的教育只可能是一种枯燥bald的教唆abet,既抽象abstract又难以理解,学习也变成了一种痛苦anguished的被动passive的过程process。没有语言的教育也很难达到教育的目的,我们会整天生活在充满想象空间和无限infinite可能性的世界里。不仅仅是教育,任何一种交流方式都不可能缺少语言和图像。很难想象公司开会的时候只放PPT而无人演讲,天气预报员weather forecaster面对镜头cinematograph不停地说却没有卫星云图nephogram。事实上,这在现实中都是不存在的。


I strongly agree with the author on the claim that image generally serves to be a better means of communication than language, and this is no exception when the audience is a large group. Though everyday we speak one or several languages to express ourselves, the Achilles' heel of language makes it incompetent in certain critical case.

That Achilles' heel is "misinterpretation", a characteristic of language, particularly conspicuous when it comes to multi-language situations. Among countless misunderstandings in this way ever since people begin to speak, one heartbreaking tragedy can effectively support this claim. The story begins with one American boy who fell in love with a Japanese girl, but neither expressed their feeling for each other at that moment. One day when the boy was to leave the girl for a period of time, he left her a note with the word "shine" on it. The word "shine", initially indicating her shining beauty as the boy later said, shocked the Japanese girl when she see it, and so despaired at the note that she committed suicide three days later. The reason, later discovered, is that the girl with poor English interpreted the word as "shi-ne", which is "go hell" or "die" in Japanese. In the case nobody can deny the crime of language, since the young girl would not have perished were it not for this grievous misinterpretation. Therefore we see the harmful, in this case fatal, consequence that may be brought about by the Achilles' heel of language.

Not only for individual. When it comes to the communication to a large group, as especially indicated in the statement, misinterpretation can be equally disastrous. As a result of globalization, groups of complex constitution are common nowadays. For example, in corporations we can often see people from different nations or cultural backgrounds working together. Therefore misinterpretation becomes inevitable when an idea is expressed in the form of language. For people of different native language, translation is necessary yet possibly deviant, sometimes erroneous. Even for those of the same native language, misinterpretation is still possible in that they may have distinct interpretations of the same word according to their childhood, when their cultural background instilled them with such distinct explanation to their subconscious. The more the people, the more diverse the translation. In this sense, language is hardly capable of carrying ideas or values with no distortion. Thus, especially to large groups, language cannot be recognized as an effective means to communicate.

Now it is time to pay attention to the more favorable method, that is, the use of image. Referring to the love tragedy written above, I believe the result joyful if the boy had drawn a "red heart", the universally acknowledge sign of love, on the note instead of the "shine", or "shi-ne". As a matter of fact, the differences between cultural backgrounds are irresistible, yet image is little restricted by such differences and better accepted by the world. Another compelling example is the universally applied "skull" which stands for "poisonous". It does not matter if a child know nothing about the English on a chemical-containing bottle, as he/she will learn precisely that the bottle is filled with poison the moment he/she sees the "skull". Comparing with language, image is advantageous in this manner. Moreover, with the development of technology, televisions are already widely used for communication. The use of image is promoted by this use itself, as television is one modern form of organizing image. Hence image becomes more influential and fathomable universally comparing with language, by which image is proven to be more effective.

In conclusion, I believe image is better than language when communicating to a large group as misinterpretation of image occurs much rarely. It is advisable for all of us to frequently use image in order to express our ideas explicitly.

164."Sometimes imagination is a more valuable asset than experience. People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible and thus can approach a task without constraints of established habits and attitudes."




1. 想象力是非常重要的。只知道积累经验、知识,不知道想象,推理,是死读书。是不会


2. 知识、经验是想象的基础,Without 经验, imagination is nothing more than a beautiful dream.

Perpetual motion。永动机,想法多美好,不切实际;对世外桃源的向往,使得脱离现实,不去奋斗,一事无成。

3. 只有当两者结合起来时,才能迸发出成功的火花。多举几个例子。


I fundamentally agree with the speaker‘s assertion. However, we should also not understate the essential significance of experience.

1. It is true that imagination is a valuable asset, sometimes even more valuable than experience.

(1) Thomas Edison

(2) The idea of outer space exploration and flying only existed in fictions before their realization.

2. Moreover, People who lack experience are freer to imagine without constraints of established habits and attitudes.

(1) Children are more likely to produce pictures full of impossible incidents than adults.

(2) Lots of inventions in the world are made by those neophytes who do not have lots of

experience but are full of the capabilities of imagination.

3. However, experience is actually of equal importance as imagination.

(1) It is the foundation and touchstone of imagination, while imagination without experience is like tree without roots, which means that without experience, imagination is bound to fail in fallacy and fancy.

(2) People with abundant experience could also be free to imagine and the experience might promote our imagination to some extend.(Edison‘s creativity did not stop till very late in his life)

4. As a result, a proper combination of imagination and experience is indispensable to success. When imagination is combined with experience, the improvement to human society can be immense.


① imagination 为科学提供新的发展和新理论的演绎creating。有的人会说贡献都是实验室


② 即使是纯粹的imagination也能给我们带来stunning feelings.如:如果说Mozart这个天才

带来的纯粹是艺术上的享受,Harry Potter则不仅带来了happiness, 还有无限商机

③ 但大多数情况下,Without 经验, imagination is nothing more than a beautiful dream.

Perpetual motion, 欧文 ( Robert Owen)

④ 经验其实是以前经验和想象的结果。experience is raw materials needed to actualize



Could the imagination be more worthy than experience?

I concede to the speaker′s allegation insofar as that the imagination which is bred by inexperience is more important than experience sometimes, at least where the artistic creativity is at stake. Nevertheless, in my point of view, when it comes to the realm of science, the speaker′s claim is

Admittedly, I agree with the speaker′s assertion in one important respect, that in the realm of art under the basis of ample artistic theories and technologies , creative compositions usually spring from the imagination that do not entrench in our --- so-called experience. The creative expression in art is the marriage of the cognitive abilities and the expression of one′s emotions and feelings,

both of which are attributable to the subjective develop their imagination and not entrench in the established rules and conventional theories, which could be responsible for sublime masterpiece. Taking a look at the history, a myriad of striving examples immediately come into my mind, ranging from Monet to Picasso. There is no exception that their palmary accomplishments are all ascribed to the imagination unfettered by conventional experience. Accordingly, imagination indeed plays a more important role in the progress and development of art than experience.

Aside from the foregoing reason, whereas, when it comes to the scientific innovation in my point of view the speaker′s assertion is simply wrongheaded. What we are pursuing in the scientific research and study is how to take advantage of the objective order of nature to benefit our human beings, and hence any kind of scientific study and research cannot depart from the objective rules,- whether in mathematics ,in physics, or astronomy. The experience is just the objective rules which the precursor generalized for us. As a result, just as the preeminent physicist-Newton once said:"If I can see a bit than others, it is because that I am standing on the shoulders of giants ", all the inventions and innovations should be build on the basis of established theories, inasmuch as our ultimate purpose is to realize them and render them realistic to serve to address our practical problems- whether in our daily life or in the industrial production. It can be aptly exemplified by the case of Albert Einstein, the outstanding theoretical physicist whose special and general theories of relativity was just built on the basis of Newton′s Classic Mechanics, and was burn up through enormous calculation by using fundamental mathematics theories. Nobody would doubt that it is the fundament disciplines such as algebra, physics, and geometry that spur his creative theories.

Furthermore, some opponents may refute that the special methods and means for transporting people to outer space emerging in Jules Verne′s science fiction 100 years ago are striking the same as today′s actual methods and means for space flight which was settled on by scientists through extensive researches and trial-and-error. However, I would just to say that they confuse the conceptions of real science and fictional novel. On the one hand, I do not deny the pivotal place of the imaginations in the scientific research, which are responsible for the spirit of the scientific innovation or discoveries. Yet compared with imagination, it can only be inferior at best. One the other hand, Jules Verne is just a novelist and his works mount to little more than a fiction which do not need to conform to certain rules, rather than real science which has to hew to the objective rules, our previous experiences. It is fortunate that the methods and means that was portrayed in his novel was substantiated to be feasible by the scientists′ trial-and-error, however, it is entire possible that Jules Nerve′s proposal was disproved since these methods derived from pure imagination without any basis of experience.

In sum, it behooves us to take into account the topic which of the imagination and experience is

more important separately, that in the scientific realm, any imagination should build upon the basis of the precedents′ experience, while when it comes to art, imagination should not be fettered by experience, and any palmary masterpiece is bred by the courage of challenging the existing rules.

94. "Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study because acquiring

knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated."



University is an important place in a youth’s life. To a significant extend this kind of education students receive in university determines what kind of person they will be. Taking the courses outside the student’s fields of study may expand him a wide spectrum of vision. Therefore I fundamentally agree with the speaker that the real “truly educated” should be based on the learning a wide scope of knowledge. However, close scrutiny reveals that overstate either the importance of the professional knowledge or the information outside will lead into jeopardized situation.

1. In the first place, requiring students to take couses only in their major field of study can cause some serious problems. Actually, not every student knows with certainty which professional field they are truly interested in and can do well in at the beginning of their college life. If universities allowed their students to choose related coureses freely, it would be a good opportunity for them to find their interests. Exploring subjects outside their own major may help students to find new academic fields in which their real interest and potentials lie. Fortunately, in recent years, many universities have begun to change their education policies, and set up series of minor courses for students to study. Now there are more and more students taking minor courses in what they can truly interested in and this gives them another opportunity to develop their interests where they can make full use of their spare time to expand their knowledge and enhance their capabilities.

2. Since various disciplines are related, the study of courses outside a student’s own field may benefit the study of their majors. As we know, every subjects does not exist independently. They relate to other subjects to one extend or another. For instance, philosophy is the foundation of all subjects, which provides a foundamental approach to thinking about every problems. Whatever your major is, you can benefit from learning it. Mathmatics is a useful tool for us in solving problems. If you major is economics or accounting, you will find that the knowledge of mathematics can help you a lot in your research or your work. Therefore we can see that students with varied knowledge would have a great advantage in competing with those who have only limited scope.

3. If a person want to be a successful man in the society, the knowledge just from his or her major is not sufficient at all. He or she should learn lots of things cause those

things are really important for their future success.

(a) Science: logic, critical thinking, common sense

(b) Art: the cognition of natural

(c) Philosophy: critical thinking and better understanding of the world

(d) Psychology: help to grow mentally healthy.

(e) Sociology: the essence of society and human being.

4. Of course, despite all of these advantages of learning various disciplines, the most important disciplines for a student is still those lessons which is related to his or her major. Overemphasizing the various discipline will adversely influnce the student’s learning of his or her major.

5. 总结: Take a balance. A university should offer various disciplines to students while ensure that the students can learn their major well.


观点:基本同意,但对“truly education”的认识不够全面

1. 对学好本学科有帮助,因为知识在逻辑体系上是互通的,各个学科之间的相互交织。Since

various disciplines were interrelated, the study of courses outside the students‘ own field may benefit the study of their own major.如:力学中的理论可用于美术;如:公共行政学生需要了解心理学、管理学、政治学的发展

2. 在全球化进程的今天,只学习某个专业内的知识已经不能满足需要了In today‘s

technologically advanced society it is impossible for those who focus their attention on the concerning fields to satisfy the needs for the future society. 首先,广泛的学习各种知识能够拓宽视野。(broaden our vision | cultivate full-blown market of ideas | a broad spectrum of opinions | get closer to the truth | come to the best judgment.) True education amounts to far more than gaining the knowledge and ability to excel in one‘s major course of study and in one‘s professional career.其次,可以让学生发现她真正感兴趣的研究方向。By exploring subjects outside their own major, students may find new academic fields where lie their real interest and potential gift.

3. 然而,truly education并不只是传授知识(无论是本专业还是其他专业),还有其他很重

要的方面。培养学生独立学习并思考、创新的能力;与他人交流沟通、合作的能力等。苏格拉底“真正的教育”:Genuine education, as Socrates knew more than two thousand years ago, is not inserting the stuffings of information into a person, but rather eliciting knowledge from him; it is the drawing out of what is in the mind.


In so far as the take the courses outside the student’s fields of study may expand him a wide spectrum of vision, I fundamentally agree with the speaker that the real ―truly educated‖ should be based on the learning a wide scope of knowledge. However, close scrutiny reveals that overstate either the importance of the professional knowledge or the information outside will lead into jeopardize situation.

a) Since various disciplines were interrelated, the study of courses outside the students’

own field may benefit the study of their own major.如:研究经济学的适当学习数学知识有

利于对经济学的更深理解,如达芬奇Da Vinci即是科学家也是艺术家,他对人体解剖anatomy的深入了解,才使得他的油画十分优美,传神。

b) 首先,要解决一个问题,可能同时需要多方面知识,比如要编出一个很优秀的程序,仅仅懂得

编程语言是不够的,还需要对软件工程,数学等方面知识的了解。比如,一个复杂的科研课题可能需要很多人共同合作完成,不但需要在专业知识上精通,如果具有管理学的知识可以更使工作更有效。其次,可以让学生发现她真正感兴趣的研究方向。比如德布罗意De Broglie开始是文学专业毕业的,后来接触了量子学才发现物理才是他的兴趣所在,后来提出了phase wave理论最后,广泛的学习各种知识能够拓宽视野

c) 过分强调学习其他学科的重要性可能会导致学生忽视专业的学习,毕竟社会需要对某方面有专


d) 只有在自己专业上有很深的理解,才能有所成就。对一些理论的理解,不是肤浅的了解就能得



In so far as the take the courses outside the student‘s fields of study may expand him a wide spectrum of vision, I fundamentally agree with the speaker that the real ―truly educated‖ should be based on the learning a wide scope of knowledge. However, close scrutiny reveals that overstate either the importance of the professional knowledge or the information outside will lead into jeopardize situation.

① 对学好本学科有帮助,因为知识在逻辑体系上是互通的,各个学科之间的相互交织。Since

various disciplines were interrelated, the study of courses outside the students‘ own field may benefit the study of their own major.如:力学中的理论可用于美术;如:公共行政学生需要了解心理学、管理学、政治学的发展

② 在全球化进程的今天,只学习某个专业内的知识已经不能满足需要了In today‘s

technologically advanced society it is impossible for those who focus their attention on the concerning fields to satisfy the needs for the future society. 首先,广泛的学习各种知识能够拓宽视野。(broaden our vision | cultivate full-blown market of ideas | a broad spectrum of opinions | get closer to the truth | come to the best judgment.) True education amounts to far more than gaining the knowledge and ability to excel in one‘s major course of study and in one‘s professional career.其次,可以让学生发现她真正感兴趣的研究方向。By exploring subjects outside their own major, students may find new academic fields where lie their real interest and potential gift.

③ 过分强调学习其他学科的重要性可能会导致学生忽视主要知识的学习

unduly emphasize the importance of studying the course outsider may lead the students neglecting the knowledge of certain fields of study, and thereby have no capability to engage any realm of employment or research work. On the other hand, compel student to place most of the attentions on the professional fields also may falls into another extreme and eventually make the students impossible to catch up with the development of the science and technology

59. "Too much emphasis is placed on role models. Instead of copying others, people should learn to think and act independently and thus make the choices that are best for them."



In this conclusion, the arguer proposes two points: first, we should place less emphasis on role models since we have placed to much on them; secondly, people should learn to think and act independently and thus make the choices that are best for themselves rather than copying others. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the conclusion to some extent, especially to the second point I strongly agree with the arguer. However, in my view, it seems that learning from role models does have some advantages for people and actually learning from role model and thinking and acting independently does not conflict with each other, but be compatible and complemental to each other.

1. From role models, no matter real persons or fictional ones, individuals especially children can really learn a lot.

(1) Help us to set up our goals in life.

(2) Provide impetus for people to overcome the obstacles along the way.

(3) Encourage people to think independently and strive for what he desires and cherishes.

2. However, it will bring out many problems if people merely imitate role model rather than think and act independently by themselves. Blindly copying and followig the model’s experience, overlooking individuality might be also detrimental to people.

(1) Everyone is unique, and thus no one could make any achievements from blindly copying.

(2) Lose the sense of self identification and thus be misled.

3. Thinking and acting independently is a very essential capability for every person who wants to be successful. We can see from our history that almost every successful person are the ones who do not blindly copy other’s thoughts or behaviors.

4. 总结: Actually, learning from role models and learning to think and act independently does not naturally conflict with each other. We can make a good balance between them and make the best choices for ourselves.


观点:Should we learn from role models or think and act independently? 作者认为应该前者,但他忽略了后者的作用。而且两者不是mutually exclusive的。

1. 我们不得不承认think and act independently在科技创新与社会发展中的巨大作用。Think and act independently 使得许多伟大的人物正是由于勇于打破常规conventional practices and conventional ways of thinking,敢于创新,才取得了成功。比如Copernicus打破“地心说”提出“日心说”;邓小平同志创造性的将资本主义的市场经济引入社会主义中,


2. However,学习成功的榜样对一个人的成长和选择也有很重要的作用。A)激发对成功

的渴望inspiration to pursue further accomplishment。比如林肯的故事能够激励我们奋发图强,不想命运低头 B)前人的经验和方法帮助我们做出best choice,避免犯同样的错误。比如:看了达尔文的进化论,引起兴趣,在大学选择生物专业。

3. 但是,两者不是相互排斥的,而是相互促进的。成功者的知识和经验是前人的积淀,有



a) 不可否认,许多的榜样(model)、模范(paradigm)具备他们独特的优点,而这是大多数人所不具

备的。通过学习、模仿(imitate)这些榜样,普通人可以迅速(immediately)找出自身的不足并加以改进,以获得属于自己的成功。比如成功的科学家都有的特质,勤奋diligence,喜欢思考,敢于挑战,和创新creativity,Newton对于苹果落地的思考,加上他的勤奋,最终发现了万有引力universal gravitation。

b) 然而,由于人们性格(character)、智力(intellect)、成长环境与经历、受到的教育的不同,每个

人都面对自己独特的问题,并拥有自己的成功方式。简单的模仿甚至是照搬(copy)榜样,有可能无助于解决自身的问题甚至使自己迷失自我(lose themselves)。比如成功的比尔盖茨Bill Gates,出生在一个律师家庭,从小就很聪明的他,很容易的考上了哈佛大学Harvard University ,他在上大学期间中途终止terminate了自己的学业,去开发操作系统的代码MS-DOS。如果我们只看到他的这一点,并单纯的模仿他,我们并不会取得成功。因为并不是每个人都在开发软件发面有很高的天赋。

c) 同时,榜样身上的不足的地方,不能也学了。比如爱迪生Edison的一生有很多伟大的发明

invention,而且被称为世界上最伟大的发明家inventor, 但是他轻视理论的研究,这就使得他错过了解释爱迪生效应effects的机会。所以我们在总结前人成功的同时也要看到他们的不足。


We have been brought up with the tales and legends of kinds of heroes and heroines, no matter whether these characters are real persons or fictional ones, these stories serve as our primary enlightened materials that instill us virtues and values the society cherishes commonly in which we are living.

Merely imitating role models may result in laziness and dependence since one does not suffer himself / herself of thinking and analyzing.

Learning to think and act independently does not naturally conflict with learning form role models.

5. "A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer.



1. the courses should not be too rigid, especially for those large countries.

(1) The difference of environment: rural areas and metropolises

(2) The difference of facilities among different schools

(3) The difference among students

2. At present, no society can guarantee all students the opportunity to go to college. It is quite necessary to provide various technical skills to students across the nation who are nt expecting a higher education. 3. Nevertheless, fundamental knowledge, social skills and moral education should be instilled in every school before university.

(1) Some course must be learned by all the students: mathematics and native language

(2) 接受高等教育前的必要准备,否则上大学以后没法教


1. 为培养一个人生存所必备的能力,使学生获得起码的知识水平与思想,国家需要制定统

一的必修课。比如统一学习国家的历史与文化,history makes people get a general view of a nation???可以can ensure all of our students be favored with the opportunity to learn all merits of the traditional values that have been created and tested for a long time by our ancestors比如学习数学,物理,化学这些学科,培养足够的逻辑思维和认知能力cognitive skill, logic ability in order to form rigorous thought

2. In addition, 使得学生能够站在相同的起跑线上the unified national curriculum can provide

the students in the different part of the nation with the equal opportunity to receive a high quality of education,而且有助于大学设置课程 provide a predictable foundation upon which college administrators and faculty could more easily build curricular and select course materials for freshmen that are neither below nor above their level of educational experience, 如果学生素质差别太大,很难找到一个合适的起点。Q保证教材的质量全国同一的教材可以请专家来编写,教材质量有保障,而一些地方可能没有条件来编教材

3. 然而,同一课程pose certain amount of detrimental effects. A)同一国家不同民族和地区的

文化、信仰可能不同,若完全同一课程会破坏这些习俗和传统。比如一个民族需要学习自己的语言和文化,就应该开设这样的课程。 B)各个地区的经济水平不同,很难采取同一的课程。经济较发达地区可以开设一些好的课程,比如游泳、计算机,但一些落后地区可能无法开展这些课程。所以采用完全同一的课程是不现实的。

4. 因此,正确的对待国家教材的态度应当是,一方面,国家教材应当专注于基本道德观念



Some common core curriculum would serve useful purposes for any nation. At the same time, however, individual part of a nation should have some freedom to augment any such curriculum suitable for distinctive situations.

A. By providing all children with fundamental skills and knowledge, a

common core curriculum would help ensure that our children grow up to become reasonably informed, productive members of society.

B. A common core curriculum would provide a predictable foundation upon

which college administrators and faculty could more easily build curricula

and select course materials for freshmen that are neither below nor above their level of educational experience.

C. A core curriculum would ensure that all school children are taught core

values upon which any democratic society depends to thrive, values such as tolerance of others with different viewpoint, and respect for other.

D. However, an exclusive common curriculum would pose certain problems, which might outweigh the benefits. Each distinct part of a nation should have the freedom to augment some curricula according to the respective particular situation.


a) 使学生获得起码的知识水平与思想比如统一学习国家的历史与文化,可以can ensure all of our

students be favored with the opportunity to learn all merits of the traditional values that have been created and tested for a long time by our ancestors比如学习数学,物理,化学这些学科,培养足够的逻辑思维和认知能力cognitive skill

b) B有助于大学设置课程 provide a predictable foundation upon which college

administrators and faculty could more easily build curricular and select course materials for freshmen, 如果学生素质差别太大,很难找到一个合适的起点。Q保证教材的质量全国同一的教材可以请专家来编写,教材质量有保障,而一些地方可能没有条件来编教材 c) 但是对于某些特殊民族和地区,统一的国家教材可能难以满足他们的需要,甚至可能破坏他们

的传统习俗和生活方式On the first place, in some special regions where local persons may possess some kind of traditions and customs totally different from the rest of the nation, unduly emphasize the application of the national curriculum may ruin their culture and value system.)。还有一些少数民族地区可以开必要的语言课程以及了解自己民族发展历史的课程。比如艺术学校的学生,就需要学习艺术类相关课程而重点不在科学知识上

d) 传输教条facilitate the dissemination of propaganda and other dogma—which because

of its biased and one-sided nature undermines the very purpose of true education: to enlighten. Might wish to suppress – as some sort of threat to its authority and power. 比如国家间意识形态不同,各自通过统一的课程来攻击,贬低彼此,不利于培养思想完善的人


① 高质量:A向学生们灌输相同的价值观能够确保所有的学生都学到传统价值观念中的优

点can ensure all of our students be favored with the opportunity to learn all merits of the traditional values that have been created and tested for a long time by our ancestors B著名专家编撰,local 可能不具备能力或实力

② 公平:A使得他们能够站在相同的起跑线上scratch line。B with the same national

curriculum, it is convenient for educationist of different parts of the nation to scientifically arrange and prepare the classes of the curriculum.

③ A nation rather than the schools in different parts of the nation determine the

national curriculum for the students, however, it does not mean that the local schools have no freedom to choose any course for local students.但是对于某些特殊民族和地区,统一的国家教材可能难以满足他们的需要,甚至可能破坏他们的传统习俗和生活方式pose certain amount of detrimental effects. On the first place, in some special

regions where local persons may possess some kind of traditions and customs totally different from the rest of the nation, unduly emphasize the application of the national curriculum may ruin their culture and value system.。如:中国宣传无神论antitheism, 但伊斯兰教徒信仰安拉Moslem believe in Allah

④ 传输教条facilitate the dissemination of propaganda and other dogma—which because of its

biased and one-sided nature undermines the very purpose of true education: to enlighten. Might wish to suppress – as some sort of threat to its authority and power.

⑤ 对学生个人而言,可能不能因材施教teach students in accordance of their aptitude

13. "Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct."



I agree insofar as a country's indigenous and distinct languages should not be abandoned and forgotten altogether. At some point, however, I think cultural identity should yield to the more practical considerations of day-to-day life in a global society. 1. On the one hand, the indigenous language of any geographical region is part-and-parcel of the cultural heritage of the region's natives. It is always said that where there is a different language, there is a unique culture. The origin and growth of each language is accompanied by the beginning, thriving, changing of a culture. As the precious legacy handed down by ancestors, a language is the key to study and preservation of a culture. 2. On the other hand, in today's high-tech world of satellite communications, global mobility, and especially the Internet, language barriers serve primarily to impede cross-cultural communication, which in turn impedes international commerce and trade. 3. Moreover, language barriers naturally breed misunderstanding, a certain distrust and, as a result, discord and even war among nations. 4. Spendng to much on preserving a language which is going to extinct may be sometimes not a rational choice for the reason that at some extend, the reason why those languages are going to extinct is just because it does not have useful valuea anymore. The government has numerous other pressing social problems to solve, which is maybe more important and urgent than preserving language--such as hunger, homelessness, disease and ignorance--that plague nearly every society today.


观点:同意,Some countries should take actions to prevent there languages that are facing extinct from dying out. So does the people themselves who own the languages.

1、 世界上鲜为人知的语言的确是在遭受灭顶之灾。Nowadays, unfortunately many minor

languages are in danger of extinction since they are used by fewer people.

1〉 在国际上,随着全球化的发展,很多殖民地国家开始放弃自己的土语,转而学习英


2〉 在国内,少数民族和汉族的通婚导致了少数民族的同化,包括语言在内的一些风俗


2、 任何地区的方言是这个地区的重要的文化遗产,对研究地区的历史文化有着重要的意

义,因此国家应该采取措施保护As the precious legacy handed down by ancestors, a language is the key to the study and preservation of a culture, which should be protected by the governments of countries。比如说:非洲部落的中口头流传的民间故事可以帮助考古学家寻找失落的古文明。

3、 同时作为这些语言的拥有者,也应当自觉主动地从个人做起保护和继承其语言。


A. In today's high-tech world of satellite communications, global mobility,

and especially the Internet, language barriers serve primarily to impede cross-cultural communication, which in turn impedes international commerce and trade.

B. Language barriers naturally breed misunderstanding, a certain distrust and, as a result, discord and even conflict among nations.

D. It is a natural and inexorable process that many languages extinct as fewer and fewer people speak them. Thus by intervening to preserve a dying language, a government might be deploying its resources to fight a losing battle, rather than to combat more pressing social problems, such as hunger, homelessness, disease that plague nearly every society today. E However, with the extinction of some languages ,we may lose the way to interpret the literature written in such language and it may be hard for us to understand it’s culture in the future since folk customs and native culture often have tight relationship with and can be reflected by that nation’s language.(本人观点)


e) 使学生获得起码的知识水平与思想比如统一学习国家的历史与文化,可以can ensure all of our

students be favored with the opportunity to learn all merits of the traditional values that have been created and tested for a long time by our ancestors比如学习数学,物理,化学这些学科,培养足够的逻辑思维和认知能力cognitive skill

f) B有助于大学设置课程 provide a predictable foundation upon which college

administrators and faculty could more easily build curricular and select course materials for freshmen, 如果学生素质差别太大,很难找到一个合适的起点。Q保证教材的


g) 但是对于某些特殊民族和地区,统一的国家教材可能难以满足他们的需要,甚至可能破坏他们

的传统习俗和生活方式On the first place, in some special regions where local persons may possess some kind of traditions and customs totally different from the rest of the nation, unduly emphasize the application of the national curriculum may ruin their culture and value system.)。还有一些少数民族地区可以开必要的语言课程以及了解自己民族发展历史的课程。比如艺术学校的学生,就需要学习艺术类相关课程而重点不在科学知识上

h) 传输教条facilitate the dissemination of propaganda and other dogma—which because

of its biased and one-sided nature undermines the very purpose of true education: to enlighten. Might wish to suppress – as some sort of threat to its authority and power. 比如国家间意识形态不同,各自通过统一的课程来攻击,贬低彼此,不利于培养思想完善的人


⑥ 高质量:A向学生们灌输相同的价值观能够确保所有的学生都学到传统价值观念中的优

点can ensure all of our students be favored with the opportunity to learn all merits of the traditional values that have been created and tested for a long time by our ancestors B著名专家编撰,local 可能不具备能力或实力

⑦ 公平:A使得他们能够站在相同的起跑线上scratch line。B with the same national

curriculum, it is convenient for educationist of different parts of the nation to scientifically arrange and prepare the classes of the curriculum.

⑧ A nation rather than the schools in different parts of the nation determine the

national curriculum for the students, however, it does not mean that the local schools have no freedom to choose any course for local students.但是对于某些特殊民族和地区,统一的国家教材可能难以满足他们的需要,甚至可能破坏他们的传统习俗和生活方式pose certain amount of detrimental effects. On the first place, in some special regions where local persons may possess some kind of traditions and customs totally different from the rest of the nation, unduly emphasize the application of the national curriculum may ruin their culture and value system.。如:中国宣传无神论antitheism, 但伊斯兰教徒信仰安拉Moslem believe in Allah

⑨ 传输教条facilitate the dissemination of propaganda and other dogma—which because of its

biased and one-sided nature undermines the very purpose of true education: to enlighten. Might wish to suppress – as some sort of threat to its authority and power.

⑩ 对学生个人而言,可能不能因材施教teach students in accordance of their aptitude

36. "The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries."



The arguer claims that the greatness of individuals can not be decided by their contemporaries, but only by those who live after them. However, as far as I am

concerned, it should be on case-by-case basic that some individuals’ greatness can be decided by their contemporaries while some of which only can be decided by those who live after them.

1. Sometimes, the greatness of individuals cannot be appreciated by their contemporaries in large part is due to their outstanding talent and their transcendental intelligence which surpass the common cognition of general public and their peers.

(1) Copernicus’s great heliocentric conjecture that the earth and other planets revolves around the sun was longtime against and unaccepted by the authority let alone the populace.

(2) Galileo challenged the infallibility of the Roman Catholic Church by altering the accepted theory of the earth position in the universe, and was burned as a heretic. This is an example, though extreme, of the natural reation to one great man’s claim. Vincent van Gogh, a famous postimpressionist painter in twentieth century, whose works like the sunflower can’t be appreciated by his contemporaries, only were admitted as a master of impressionism after he died. Monet did not receive acclaim or wealth in his life and usually suffered from extreme poverty.

2. Besides, in order to test the validity of theories, works and ideas of the great individuals, it needs a long time even centuries to prove. Only time will tell. Under some circumstance, greatness must be tested over time before it can be confirmed. Some great projects done by the great individuals don't extrude their value immediately, it needs time to testify it.

3. However, there are some problems if only decided by those who live after them as well for they can’t be personally on the scene and can’t know the historical situation in that time.

4. It can not rule out that The greatness of some individuals can be decided by their contemporaries. Bill Gates, Deng Xiaoping.

5. Along with increasing development of the society, thinking is more and more free, experimental equipment is more and more advance, communication is more and more frequent, the great ideas will be accepted more and more quick.



1. 不可否认,相当多数的人在当时的社会发挥着重要的作用。这一点对于政治家来说尤为


2. 相比之下,后人能够更加客观和准确的从历史的角度判断前人对社会的影响。首先,相



3. 对于个人是否伟大的判断是一个持续的过程,时间越久,也就越容易看出个人的伟大程



The evolution of human civilization has been replete with various kinds of influence of different persons. Some of them have effected not only to the contemporaries community but also to the future development of the human world, while others may not contributes to the society of that time, but have profound impacts on the next generations. So, both the contemporary persons and people who live after them can decide the greatness of one individual.

1. First of all, no one can deny every phase in the history possess its celebrities who have played

the crucial role in the contemporary society. This is particularly manifest in the political realm. Most of the political leaders have been delegated the right to decide most of the issues of one nation and only those who live at that era can experience the influence of those measures introduced by the politicians upon the contemporary society. In addition, some efforts made by those who live under the spotlight all day long and possess a large amount of advocators also exert an influence on the contemporary community. For example, Mark Twain as one of the most famous writers of the world has already been the best selling author of his time, most of his works have left a strong impression on people who live at that era, and even today present individuals are also likely to cited the commons made by critics of that time in order to convince their praise about Mark Twain's books.

2. Compared with the contemporary persons, people live after the great persons have several

advantages to assess the greatness of them. Firstly, people live in the next generations have more easy to undertake an objective survey in judging the greatness of those who served as the dominant figure in the prior time. Consciously or unconsciously, most of the residents have been influenced by the celebrities of that time, and their decisions or commons also impossible to avoid the influences of such kind. Secondly, some of the behaviors and measures have far-reaching impacts on the progress of human civilization and the complete commons should be made after considering the future effects. For instance, many accomplished artists and innovative inventors have been regarded as pagans and get nothing but ridicule at that time, but some of the works and inventions proved to be priceless and have profound effects on the human culture and technology.

3. Both long term effects and short term effects of the great persons' behaviors and

achievements are important in the judgments of the greatness of one individual. On the one hand, commons of contemporary people towards the celebrities have always made by their own experience. On the other hand, people live after the great persons have the opportunity to attain the more objective and complete views on the basis of all the efforts made by their forefathers.

In sum, the opinion that only those who live after one individual can they decide the greatness of

him is groundless. The long term effects and the short term effects are decided respectively by people live after the great persons and those who existed at the same era with the celebrities. Therefore, both contemporary people and the offspring‘s are have the capability to decide the greatness of those great persons.


Generally speaking, only those who are

considered to be really great.

A. When it comes to the natural science research, greatness must be

tested over time before it can be confirmed.

B. Concerning the arts and literature, the greatness lies in their enduring

influence to those of later generations.

C. In the realm of business, in some cases great achievement is

recognizable immediately, while in other cases it is not.


① The greatness of individuals cannot be appreciated by their contemporaries in large part is due

to their outstanding talent and their transcendental intelligence which surpass the common cognition of general public and their peers.如:梵高Gogh, Vincent van, the sunflower, starry night. 死后才被追认为印象派(impressionism)大师master

Dutch postimpressionist painter whose early works, such as The Potato Eaters (1885), portray peasant life in somber, dark colors. His later works, including numerous self-portraits, a series of sunflower paintings (1888), and Starry Night (1889), are characterized by bold, rhythmic brush strokes and vivid colors. His long struggle with depression ended in suicide.

② 与①相反,有一部分工程project在当时看起来很好,随时间推移显出坏处。如:政治家

的政绩achievement in one's post工程。不考虑后代的利益,留下棘手的问题跟下一任。Under such circumstance, greatness must be tested over time before it can be confirmed. ③ 当代人还可能受当时的社会意识形态ideology、舆论传播的影响。Only time will tell ④ 后代人来评说也有问题。可能不能考虑到当时的历史环境以及其他历史条件的限制。不

能be personally on the scene

73. "In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge."



1. It is true that imagination is important. Imagination is the source of creativity, and can bring about new ideas or discoveries in most professions and academic fields.

(1) In the field of scientific research.(Galileo’s imaginary experiment)

(2) Especially in the area of invention.

(3) In art.

2. On the other hand, we should not neglect the importance of knowledge. knowledge, as the prerequisite of imagination, is of equal importance, while imagination without knowledge is like a bird without wings.

(1) Knowledge is the assurance of transforming imagination to reality. (The dream of flying would not have been realized without the help of knowledge.)

(2) In art, without knowledge, imagination is only fantasies.(Literature, music and painting)

3. It is hard to tell which is more important. They are so intertwined that without any of which the society would stagnancy and even retroversion.


Without imagination, one can hardly succeed in any field.

1. Imagination in business is the ability to perceive opportunity.

2. In science, imagination leads to invention and discoveries.

3. Without imagination, there would be no art.


① knowledge 很重要。Foundation.

② Without knowledge, imagination is nothing more than a beautiful dream. Perpetual motion,

欧文 ( Robert Owen)

③ imagination 为科学提供新的发展和新理论的演绎creating。如:

④ 没有imagination, 科学will become dull.



4. 想象力是非常重要的。只知道积累经验、知识,不知道想象,推理,是死读书。是不会出成果的。现


5. 知识、经验是想象的基础,Without 经验, imagination is nothing more than a beautiful dream. Perpetual motion。永动机,想法多美好,不切实际;对世外桃源的向往,使得脱离现实,不去奋斗,


6. 只有当两者结合起来时,才能迸发出成功的火花。多举几个例子。

176. "The function of science is to reassure; the purpose of art is to upset. Therein lies the value of each."



1. In many cases artists set about to reassure, not to upset.

2. In other cases, artists set about to upset.

3. The final objective of science, in my view, is to discover truths about our world, our

universe and ourselves. Sometimes these discoveries serve to reassure, and other times they serve to upset.



The speaker maintains that the function of art is to "upset" while the function of science is to "reassure," and that it is in these functions that the value of each lies. In my view, the speaker unfairly generalizes about the function and value of art and science.

A. The final objective of science, in my view, is to discover truths about our

world, our universe, and ourselves. Sometimes these discoveries serve to reassure, other times they serve to upset. On the one hand, many scientific discoveries serve to reassure. For example, many would consider reassuring the various laws and principles of physics which provide unifying

explanations for what we observe in the physical world. These principles provide a reassuring sense of order, even simplicity, to an otherwise

mysterious and perplexing world.

B. On the other hand, many scientific discoveries have clearly "upset"

conventional notions of people.

C. In many cases artists set about to reassure, not to upset.

D. However, in other cases, artists set about to upset.


① 科学 reassure. A过去不了解日食solar eclipse和月食lunar eclipse是什么,以为是世界末

日doomsday .科学发达了知道是正常现象。B对地震、海啸tsunami的预测,使得伤亡casualty减少

② 科学upset. A clone 违反人类ethnic. B nuclear warfare

③ 艺术reassure.拉斐尔Raphael的圣母像Madonna,年轻young、美丽beautiful、端庄elegant、


④ 艺术 upset. it also can serve as the main avenue for the governors to propaganda their

measures and blue prints to its people and also help the public to fully understand the task or the meaning behind these regulations and legislations.


Begin: As two of the greatest realms of human society, science and art have come to pervade every aspect of people‘s lives. However, it is unwarranted to simply category the goals of these two

fields into either to reassure or to upset, while neglecting the fully scrutiny of them, as the speaker does. My contention towards this assertion is that both arts and science can perform diverse functions in the society and should not be confined in such simple words, as discussed below.(the speaker unfairly generalizes about the function of value of art, while completely missing the point about the function and value of science.)

1. 科学的确能够使人安心。

2. 但是,科学也能够使人不安

3. 艺术同样能够使人不安和安心

End:As discussed above, both of the arts and sciences play the different functions in the progress of one nation. On the one hand, they can help to reassure people's anxious feelings through disclose the unknown knowledge or propaganda the governments measures. While, on the other hand, they also can make people upset by develop the weapons of mass destruction or inspire people overthrow the contemporary world.

68. "People make the mistake of treating experts with suspicion and mistrust, no matter how valuable their contributions might be."



Expert’s opinions should be evaluated objectively.

1. Generally speaking, experts’ opinions are comparatively more trustworthy than

ordinary people’s when it comes to solving problems that require special expertise.

2. The reality of our society is that people tend to take for granted whatever experts say.

3. It is possible that sometimes experts do make mistakes which ordinary people can



A. Politicians themselves should behave morally while they engage in politics.

B. The ultimate goal of politics is to foster a good society, which is a highly ethical


C. Ignoring the moral concerns of politics could result in political corruption and




teacher follow educators' recommended teaching methods; patients follow doctors' advices; computer users follow technology professionals' suggestion on computer system configuration and installation


Eistein; Copernicus




With the technology developing so rapidly, more and more experts have been working in various fields in the morden society. Meanwhile, people's views are divergent on how to treat experts. The statement above has held that it is a mistake that people treating experts with suspicion and mistrust, however, i think we should not follow the experts' orders without any questions.

For one thing, after years of hard study in one specific field, experts would be more professional than comman citizen. With their knowledge and experience, we could handle the problems more effectively. As a result, their contribution has saved us a lot of time and money which we could use to do more things. So we really need these experts in every fields in our daily life. You may hardly fall asleep after your air condition has been broken in a night in Summer without a

electrical engineer, or you may find yourself helpless when you get ailing without a doctor. My opinion is that, at least, we should respect these experts as well as their knowledge and their contribution.

For another, we should esteem experts and their working on the one hand, on the other hand, we should not follow them like sheep. There is a proverd saying: To err is human, to forgive divine. Every human being would make mistake, even including experts. We must have adequate courage to suspict the expert, so that the new theorem could be more close to the truth. To review the history, every new fruit in the science had more or less abnegated the former one. One famous example is that Aristotle held the view that a ball ten times weight

another ball would have ten times speed when they are falling down at the same time, without suspicion, people at that time has been cheated by this expert sevaral years until the

experiment held by Glileo in the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Not only should we show our both respection and suspicion to the experts, but the same to everything. In the human society, the suspicion is always the power of advance. People use suspicion to getting close to truth and also use it for the stability and harmony of society. However, over suspicion would lead to crime and crisis and over respection would lead to blindness.

From what i have discussed above, we may safely come to the conclusion that we should find a balance between suspicion and respection so that our society could be progressed well-ordered without mess.

116. "With the growth of global networks in such areas as economics and communication, there is no doubt that every aspect of

society-including education, politics, the arts, and the sciences-will benefit greatly from international influences."



While those influences will no doubt benefit education and the sciences, the nature of those influences on the arts and on politics will probably be a mixed one-beneficial in some respects yet detrimental in others.

1. The clearest and most immediate beneficiaries of international influences are


2. The science clearly benefit from international influences as well.

3. With respect to the arts, however, the speaker’s claim is far less convincing.

4. The impact of global networking on political relations might turn out to be a mixed one

as well.


① 受益。教育:促进交流,而教育的真正目标就是对心灵的开化。政治:政府可以从其他

政府的行为中找到可学习和可避免之处。艺术:不断的交流给予艺术家更多的灵感,更促进了艺术的多样化。科学:使得不同国家的科学家能够在一个平台上对话,合作项目。 ② 这四方面的缺陷:教育:只学西方,抛弃传统文化;政治:更难保持社会的稳定,如:


③ Society as a whole, a mixed one: 经济发展,外商投资。另一方面,经济危机,失业。


1. In the realm of education and the sciences, cross-cultural communication and international

cooperation have brought in an unprecedented prosperous era in human society.

2. In the realm of politics, globalization has opened up new vistas for individual governments to

learn from each other in running their own countries and for the international community to take concerted action against global problems. 各国关系更紧密,人们不再敌视对方,而是积极对话并交换意见regard the other nations as the enemy but the cooperators who can help each other and share some interest.

3. Turning last to the realm of art and science, 不断的交流给予艺术家更多的灵感,更促进了

艺术的多样化. 科学:使得不同国家的科学家能够在一个平台上对话,合作项目。

4. Nevertheless, 全球化也有缺点:工厂开始向廉价劳动力国家转移,中国、印度尼西亚。

是发达国家失业问题严重。unemployment 一个国家发生经济危机economic crisis会影响到许多其他的国家,甚至全球的经济发展。The big company began to transfer their factory to the developing country, such as the China, Indonesia, while, increasing the unemployment of the United State and many other developed nations. 恐怖主义terrorism. End: 利大于弊。


It is .. who are most immediately awarded the benefits of international influences. 好 Far less convincing, however, is the author‘s claim in regards to the arts. 不好 The impact of … on … might turn out to be mixed one as well. 不一定。

93. "The concept of 'individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making."



1. The claim that individual responsibility is a necessary fictions has some merit in that a society where individuals are not held accountable for their actions and choices is a lawless one, devoid of any order whatsoever.

2. A correlative argument for individual responsibility involves the fact that lawless, or anarchist, states give way to despotic rule by strong individuals who seize power.

3. As for the speaker’s second claim, it flies in the face of our everyday experiences in making choices and decisions.



②这些规定是必要的。保持社会稳定、保护私有财产private property、促进人际和谐。举反面例子,若没有。。

③个人的职责,是necessary, 但不是fiction。除了特定社会所支持的以外,人们还有基本的原则。如:科学家坚持真理的原则。Bruno Italian philosopher who used Copernican principles in formulating his cosmic theory of an infinite universe. Condemned by the Inquisition for heresy, immoral conduct, and blasphemy, he was burned at the stake.


[BEGIN:] The speaker asserts that the individual responsibility in the modern world is just a necessarily fictional concept because it is always determined by the outside factors not human beings own behaviors. I agree that ensuring all the individuals to account for their own actions is very important, while it is unwarranted and ridiculous to regard the concept of 'individual responsibility' as a fiction. Besides, unduly emphasizing the role of environments in the performing of human actions may eventually threaten the stability and interest of the society.

1、 个人责任源自于人类文明的发展和理性选择

First of all, individual responsibility is an item that essentially stems from a rational choice through people's intellectual selection and deliberate consideration in the evolution of human civilization. Some of the detractors may argue that before the technology have become advanced enough to defend other savage beasts, it is the environment not our ancestors’ efforts to determine the human behaviors. I concede that in the early stage of human evolution, struggling against other animals served as the primary actions in the people's daily lives. However, even under this circumstance, human beings, unlike the other beasts, have progressively introduced a set of values and principles into the human community for the sake of maintaining and developing the early form of society and also restricting some kinds of human behavior. Therefore, people's behaviors, even in the ancient time, are formed by their own experience and reflection rather than the forces from outside. With the evolution of human world, much more progress has been achieved and many of the wildernesses have been rendered with the human colors and edifice. The concept of 'individual responsibility' appeared much more manifest in the human world. 2、 个人责任作为一个实实在在的概念,是人类社会维系其根本价值观念和持续发展的根本


In the modern world, the individual responsibility is serving as a substantial and necessary concept that used to constrain the human behaviors and assure the interest of others. For one thing, modern people began to realize that only making all the individuals naturally thinks they must accountable for their own actions can their have private interest preserved and the whole society takes its steps towards the thriving future. That is why people today seems more willing to collecting and investigating all sorts of information before they take any actions, and the outside force also become much less of a crucial element in making any decisions. Conversely, the practical experiences also make many people realize that the neglecting of the individual responsibility may ultimately plunge the human world into a state of chaos. Some detractors might states that people nowadays have to obey the law and in many cases, the force of legislation in some sense conduct the human behavior and human beings can not determine their own actions. In this circumstance, ostensibly, common people have no rights to determine their actions or other behaviors. While, underneath the surface, human beings also are the dominators of their own actions. On the one hand, most of the ethical and moral values are formed by our ancestors' experience and rational reflection as the results of accumulation, so, it also rooted in the spheres of the human decision. On the other hand, the laws are after all limited a relatively narrow range of human behaviors, and outside these forbidden regions, the elements of human race also serve as the dominant role.

3、 个人责任的范畴是随着时代发展的,而不是一成不变的

As discussed above, the individual responsibility is established in the evolution of human world, and in some sense is a continuing process. In other words, the concept of the individual responsibility is not a constant item but to be verified and advanced in the development of human society. For example, in the ancient age, the dominators have nothing worry about to responsible for most of their illegal behaviors, such as killing the civilians. While this is not the case in the modern world, every one knows that such kind of behavior may throw them into the prisons. This trend will continue in the future development of human society. [END:] In sum, from the long time evolution of human civilization, the concept of individual responsibility has been formed and served as the important foundation for the entire society on which it is rest. Therefore, the basic regulation that all the individuals must accountable for their own actions is not a fictional action but a fundamental principle of human world.

141. "Most people recognize the benefits of individuality, but the fact is that personal economic success requires conformity."



1. When it comes to the benefits through personal investment, the most successful ones are often nonconformists. The principles of investment determine that those who reap the most are among those who run the most risks. (Stock market and lottery)

2. In consumer-driven industries, where innovation, creation and originality are the key factors that contribute to lasting success, it is often those nonconformist could make the greatest achievements (Amazon’s bookstore online)

3. In those traditional service industries such as accounting, finance, insurance, etc., it is often those conformists, instead of nonconformist that are prone to make accomplishments, for the reason that they know thoroughly about the established practices, policiesm and regulations.


Agree with concession

1. Regarding the sort of economic success that results from investing one’s wealth, the

principles of investing dictate that those who seek risky investments in areas that are out of favor with the majority of investors ultimately reap higher returns than those who follow the crowd.

2. Turning to the sort of economic success that one achieves by way of one’s work,

neither conformists nor non-conformists necessarily achieve greater success than the other group.

3. However, in traditional service industries—such as finance, accounting, insurance,

legal services, and health care—personal economic success comes not to

non-conformist but rather to those who can work most effectively within the

constraints of established practices, policies and regulations.


a) 服从一直在某种程度上意味着合作,对于经济的成功有着重要作用,尤其对于复杂的经济实体,

比如大的零售商;例如,现代经济市场中强调的所谓供应链管理supply chain management,它整合和优化了供应商、制造商、零售商的效率,形成了强大的资金,信息,物流logistics的支持,可以获得更高的利润


个性意味着创新,有助于在今天竞争日益激励的经济社会里取得优势;比如福特创新发明了flow production line

在经济上,新的投资利润往往很高,但是随着知道这个投资的人越来越多,利润会逐渐变少,直到没有。只有敢于冒险,自己寻找投资机会才能获得高的利润。比如股票投资,当股价很低的时侯被市场低估,如果它很有可能上涨,那么利润是很高的,因为成本低。但是很多人发现这个股票是值得投资的并开始投资,那么投资的成本会越来越高。而股价也逐渐接近它的价值,不会有很高的上涨 b) c) d)


①个性很重要,创新精神。What is created is new, and the new opens up path that expand human possibilities.从平凡处发现生机,makes them always unconventional.

②勇于冒险。如:风险投资venture investment. Regarding the sort of economic success that results from investing one's wealth, the principles of investing dictate that those who seek risky investments in areas that are out of favor with the majority of investors ultimately reap higher returns than those who follow the crowd.

③服从obedience和合作cooperation也很重要.社会化大生产However, in traditional service industries such as finance, accounting, insurance, legal services, and health care—personal economic success comes not to non-conformists but rather to those who can work most

effectively within the constraints of established practices, policies and regulation.。



1. 承认经济的成功离不开一致。(人要生存在这个社会上,就是需要规范的行为,符合法

律,社会习俗,道德等等,在商业上,要在一定法则内办事,订了合同就要按合同办事;某项新的产品如果想打入其他地区,还必须事先进行本土化的操作,适应当地人的习俗,反之,它的功能再好,但是如果和当地人 的信仰、习惯有冲突,那也不行。如汽车驾驶座的左右摆放。)

2. 但是个人特性在个人经济成功中也很有作用。(一个人不管在哪个领域,都要发挥自己

的主动性,提出创造性的想法。如比尔盖茨,操作系统——传统的 command line user interface,需要用户记住并输入大量的指令?Windows图形界面,只需动动鼠标就可以执行任务。在追求利益的这个社会,Wal-Mart创始人Sam Walton始终坚信自己的原则“薄利多销small profits but quick turnover”最终导致一个商界奇人。

3. 真正的成功是把两者结合。(没有一致的人,不被社会认可,没有个性的人,无法出类

拔萃。所以要取得经济成功,要在道德,和基本习俗内,按照基本的规定,并且充分发挥个性,产品创新,设计,市场营销等等。没有亮点的东西是不会吸引消费者,自然也不会带来利益。如上面说的gates的windows有很大的特性,但是它符合了人们对简便操作的追求;同样,walton’s 原则迎合了人们愿意购买便宜商品的想法)


10. "Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the

financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated." 政府必须要确保主要城市发展所需的财政支持,因为一个国家的文化传统主要是在城市中得以保存和发展。



1. Subsidizing cultural traditions is not a proper role of government.

2. Secondly, subsidizing cultural traditions is not a necessary role of government.

Philanthropy is alive and well today, and so government need not intervene to ensure that our cultural traditions are preserved and promoted.

3. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the speaker unfairly suggests that large cities

serve as the primary breeding ground and sanctuaries for a nation’s cultural traditions.


The speaker's claim is actually threefold:1) ensuring the survival of large cities and cultural traditions is a proper function of government; 2) government support is needed for the cultural traditions to survive and thrive; 3)cultural

traditions are preserved and generated primarily in our large cities. I disagree.

A. Subsidizing cultural traditions is neither a proper nor a necessary role of


B. Government cannot possibly play an evenhanded role as cultural patron.

C. Large cities do not necessarily serve as the primary breeding ground and

sanctuaries for a nation's cultural traditions. Large cities may serve as centers for "high art", a nation's distinct cultural traditions—folk art,

crafts, traditional songs, customs and ceremonies-burgeon instead in small towns and rural regions.


a) 经过历史上的发展,有文化传统的积累。城市确实更可能成为国家文化交流的中心,比如,北

京的京剧,西安。因为主要的大城市往往是经济文化较发达的地区。比如,在纽约几乎每一周里都有各种游行,中国新年的游行,St. Patrick’s Day (爱尔兰的节日)游行等等

大城市作为经济文化交流的中心,文化间的交流,使得本国的文化与外来的文化互相作用,不利于原汁原味本土文化传统的保留。文化交流必然会趋于同化,相互影响,一个地区的文化传统很难在这样的冲击下独立生存下去。比如我们现在整天大吃KFC Pizza 看美国大片,听摇滚音乐,冲击了中国传统的地方戏剧和音乐。

反观乡村,也孕育和保存着一些已经被历史遗忘的文化传统,如美国乡村音乐,blues and jazz 都起源于南方小城镇,而美国的小说也大多起源于中部平原地区

关于政府的财政支持,政府的确是应该支持大城市的,如果它需要的话,毕竟大城市的发展关系着整个国家的经济发展。然而,我们应该明确的是政府绝不是因为文化的考虑而支持大城市,相反,为了保留文化传统,国家应该加大对小城镇或农村的支持力度。 b) c) d)


① 大城市有很多是由于气候温和,环境舒适,交通便利,才有人类生根发芽的。如:希腊

Athens,纽约。他们见证了民族的发展历史 美国独立、南北战争、工业革命。Stature of liberty Athenaeum

② 有的大城市是后来政府斥资兴建的。如:巴西利亚Brasilia 为了首都发展

③ 小城市和乡村应该引起重视。A他们与外界沟通不畅,风俗更有可能保留。如:丽江东

巴文化 现在还用象形字glyph B需要投资带动经济发展



1.Admittedly,对于主要城市的发展政府应该给与财政支持,因为这些城市往往是一个国家的政治、经济、文化中心(the center of politics, economy and culture in a nation)。在现代文化与外来文化的冲击(impulsion)下,本国的传统文化在大城市中似乎被淡化了。比如北京,现在的年轻人不再去茶馆(tea shop),而是去咖啡厅(coffee house)或酒吧(taproom、bar);不再听京剧(Beijing opera),而是听摇滚(rock-and-roll);。如果政府不对这些文化传统进行保护和保留,若干年后,我们可能只能在博物馆中看到这些东西了。所以政府的确应该给予这些城市财政支持

2.However,传统文化的保留只是政府资助的一个方面而已(subsidizing cultural traditions is just one small part of government‘s supporting),不能忽略了其他更为重要的方面。A)基础设施的建设,方便城市的居民 B)对医疗卫生的支持,保证居民的健康 C)绿化及减少污染,更好的生活环境 D)教育和科技的投入,促进社会发展。这些都需要政府




























