


俄罗斯方块是一款风靡全球的电视游戏机和掌上游戏机游戏,它曾经造成的轰动与造成的经济价值可以说是游戏史上的一件大事。究其历史,俄罗斯方块最早还是出现在 PC 机上,而我国的用户都是通过红白机了解、喜欢上它的。对一般用户来说,它的规则简单,容易上手,且游戏过程变化无穷,而随着游戏的发展,现在已经有单机作战与两人在线对战两种模式,用户可任选一种进行游戏。网络模式还增加了积分制,使用户既能感受到游戏中的乐趣,也给用户提供了一个展现自己高超技艺的场所。 2.游戏规则联众俄罗斯方块可以联网运行,也可以单机运行,下面就两种模式分别进行一下介绍:单机模式:不用联网就可以运行,可单独游戏也可在本地进行双人对站,此种模式不能计算积分。






19xx年6月,在俄罗斯科学院计算机中心工作的数学家帕基特诺夫利用 1








短短二十年不到的时间,游戏产业已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。当年玩红白机的日子如今仍然是记忆犹新,可是现在人们对电子游戏的品位已经越来越高,不单单是追求游戏好不好玩,还要求音效要好,画面要真实,游戏内涵要 2




游戏是人们活动中一项非常重要的内容,有人认为如果哪一天人类对所有的游戏都失去兴趣,恐怕世界的末日就要到了。电脑对游戏的贡献有目共睹,现在摸过电脑的人很少有没玩过电脑游戏的,喜欢游戏的人也很少有不玩电脑的。 随着越来越多的人接触计算机开始,人们对游戏的要求也越来越高,网络游戏占据着计算机游戏非常大的市场,但是很多人同时也特别喜欢玩单机游戏,单机游戏(ConsoleGame),指仅使用一台计算机或者其它游戏平台就可以独立运行的电子游戏。区别于网络游戏,它不需要专门的服务器便可以正常运转游戏,部分也可以通过局域网或者战网进行多人对战。游戏玩家不连入互联网即可在自己的电脑上玩的游戏,模式多为人机对战。为其不能连入互联网而互动性稍显差了一些,但以通过局域网的连接进行多人对战,而不需要专门服务器也可以正常运行的游戏。所以一个好的单机游戏会受到世界上非常多人的 3



俄罗斯方块游戏是一款风靡全球的电视游戏机和掌上游戏机游戏,目前在QQ游戏和很多的游戏平台上都能见到俄罗斯方块的身影。这款游戏最初是由苏联的游戏制作人Alex Pajitnov制作的,它看似简单但却变化无穷,令人上瘾。相信大多数用户都还记得为它痴迷得茶不思饭不想的那个俄罗斯方块时代。究其历史,俄罗斯方块最早还是出现在PC机上,而我国的用户都是通过红白机了解、喜欢上它的。现在联众又将重新掀起这股让人沉迷的俄罗斯方块风潮。对一般用户来说,它的规则简单,容易上手,且游戏过程变化无穷,而在"联众俄罗斯方块"中,更有一些联众网络游戏所独有的魅力――有单机作战与两人在线对战两种模式,用户可任选一种进行游戏。网络模式还增加了积分制,使用户既能感受到游戏中的乐趣,也给用户提供了一个展现自己高超技艺的场所。而它曾经造成的轰动与造成的经济价值可以说是游戏史上的一件大事。无可争议,《俄罗斯方块》是有史以来最伟大的游戏之一?它是永恒的娱乐经典,但它实际上又和那些传统的经典娱乐方式不同,因为它的本质是电子化的,所以它的确属于现代产物?《俄罗斯方块》举世闻名的游戏性,在该游戏新鲜出炉时就显得非常直观?某些与坠落的玩具碎片和它们的形状有关的东西,使得哪怕新手也会很自然地企图把它们排列起来,并加 5

以适当组合,就好似《俄罗斯方块》触动了我们某些内在的感官,java 开





很多人把.NET平台看作先前所说的Windows DNA的实际实现,也有人把它看作是改进先前技术和语言的结果。然而,这些仅仅说明了.NET是对Microsoft以前技术的重大改进。其实.NET平台是从头开始设计的,包括许多内在目标,如安全性、可升级性、可靠性、灵活性和互操作性。为了使.NET平台适合于企业和开发者,所有这些目标从一开始就被考虑到了。

NET平台呈现了Microsoft思想的重大转变。建立.NET平台时,Microsoft表现出对开放标准极大的支持,如XML、SOAP和UDDI,而不是建立自己的标准和技术。而且.NET平台的核心部分(Common Language Infrastructure, CLI)和C#规范都已提交给ECMA,并通过了标准化。

C#来源于C和C++,是一种简单的、现代的、面向对象和类型安全的编程语言,由Microsoft的Anders Hejlsberg专门为.NET平台开发的语言,继承了许多语言的特征,如C、C++和Java。C#是为了综合Visual Basic的简单和C++作为面向对象语言的功能强大的优点而写的,对于开发者来说,C#使企业应用程序的创建、调试和配置变得很容易。有人预言,C#将成为在.NET平台上开发应用程序最受欢迎的语言。

作为Visual Studio IDE的下一个版本,Visual Studio.NET也是.NET战略的关键组成部分。Visual Studio.NET IDE也已经被整合并装入了大量的 6


C#.NET Web开发指导的重点不是教你C#语言的核心内容,而是提供代码实例来帮助你使用.NET框架类库的功能。基础类库的.NET框架集合覆盖了大量API。尽管不可能在一本书中包含所有的特征,但是本书中包含了其中的关键思想、类库和.NET框架的API,希望本书能够帮助你容易地使用C#创建新的应用程序。







.NET平台的所处的背景是:世界正在从个人电脑连接到一个服务器(比如互联网)中改变到一个地方的所有职能设备、电脑和服务协同工作中能为用户提供更丰富的体验。.NET平台是微软为软件开发人员给这种改变提供的解答。.NET平台到底有几个组成部分,每个人都会给你不同的答案。比如微软的商务对话和结构化查询语言以及.NET中的我的服务,它们中的第一个可见组件.NET通行证通常被视为.NET平台的有机组成部分。然而,对很多人来 7 微软.NET平台的介绍


下面来看.NET的整体结构,它由这几个个主要部分组成: ■ .NET框架 一个全新的应用开发平台。 ■几个.NET产品 多重基于.NET框架的应用,包括新版本的并由可扩展标■几种.NET服务 它是由微软为在.NET框架开发应用程序使用的。微软的■公共语言库 托管执行环境,处理内存分配,捕获错误,并与作业系统■基类库 对组件的编程和应用程序接口(API)的广泛的收集。 ■两个最高发展目标 一个用于Web应用程序 (ASP.NET),另外一个用于由.NET框架提供的好处包括:缩短开发周期(减少代码重用,减少编程意记语言(XML)在.NET平台上的集成交互和结构化查询语言(SQL)服务器。 Hailstorm实际上是一个囊括了微软品牌的最重要网站某些服务的计划。 服务进行交互。 普通的Windows应用程序(Windows 表格) 。 外,多种编程语言的支持),更简单的配置,由于整体式安全性而导致更少的数据类型相关的错误,由于垃圾回收器的存在而引起内存泄漏的减少,而且,具有一般的更具可扩展性、可靠性的应用程序。



Windows DNA的是一种技术规范,重点是对微软服务器产品的基础建设,利用多种技术和语言(ASP,HTML,JavaScript,MTS,COM等等),其中有相当多是与开发无关的。这些服务器和语言包括不同的API和系统,使互操作性达到最好。.NET与其有很大的不同:它不只是一个规范。在它的好的产品中,它包括语言所需要的工具和发展,使n层应用这些类型更容易,整齐地作为一个单一的连贯和全面的API封装。

微软 .NET体系结构


从本质上讲,根据公共语言规范,.NET语言编译的种类和微软中间语言(MSIL,或者只是IL)的输出是不同的。应用程序开发的主要类型是Web窗体,Web服务和Windows窗体应用程序。这些应用程序使用XML和简单对象访问协议(SOAP)进行通信,从而使得他们能在基类库中继承并能在公共语言中运行。 Visual Studio.NET不仅是为了发展需要.NET Framework应用程序,而且它还提供了可扩展的架构,从而使之成为发展.NET软件的理想选择。 .NET平台的特点

.NET平台的核心是在公共语言库,基类库,和公共语言规范中发现的。 .NET的基类库用相同的方法揭露了公共语言库的功能,这样,Windows API允许你利用的Windows作业系统的特点的共同语言运行库的功能。而且,它也提供了许多更高级别的功能,促进代码重用。


这种新的编程模型大大简化了那些需要编写Windows DNA应用程序的工作或为了完成应用程序的几乎所有Win32和COM项目的工作难度。开发人员不再需要有一个对GUIDS、调用、释放、HRESULTS等等有着深入了解的Windows或COM的大师。.NET也不是隐藏在开发这些之中,在新的网络平台上,这些概念根本不存在的。

另一个为.NET开发人员带来极大的好处是其错误异常处理模型。为Windows开发平台软件始终意味着你会出现错误的地方,特别是在错误的方式会返回值。有些函数会返回错误的Win32代码,一些返回HRESULTS,还有的则比较例外,所有要求程序员编写错误处理代码的不同类型。 .NET中,所有的错误报告都会通过这个模型,从而大大简化了书写,阅读和维护代码。由于公共语言规范和通用类型系统,.NET也可以在跨模块和跨语言的界限工作 多国语言的发展



Microsoft公共语言规范描述了其他开发工具,作者必须为他们的编译器输出IL代码,使它们能很好的融入.NET语言。微软目前针对.NET公共语言运行库的几个编译器提供了IL代码:C + +的托管扩展的C#,JAVAScript和Visual Basic中。此外,微软和其他几家公司正在生产用于语言的编译器。这些编译器也针对.NET公共语言运行库。目前支持为COBOL,Eiffel,Fortran语言,Perl,Python和Scheme。供应商还公布了其他不同的许多语言。这是一个当前供应商的列表:



跨语言继承的另一个特点是可以使用IL。现在您可以创建源代码,而且无需再为新类中的基本成分编写其他的语言。例如,您可以创建一个C++的类,从Visual Basic中实现了一个派生类。.NET可以实现这一点,因为它定义和类型系统都提供了一个共同的.NET语言。



Tetris is a popular global video game console and handheld games, it has caused a stir with economic value can be said to be a major event in the history of the game. The history, the earliest or Tetris appeared in the

PC machine, andthe user is through the red and white

machine understanding, love it. For normal people, the rules are simple, easy to use, and the game process with countless changes, along with the gsame

development, now has a single combat with two people online against two kinds of smode, users can choose any of the game.The network model also increased the points system, the user can feel the fun,but also to provide users a show their superb skills place. 2 the rules of the game

Lianzhong Tetris can network operation, also can run, the following two modesare briefly introduced: single mode: no network can run, can separate the gamecan also be double station in local, this model can not calculate the integral.

We do in this experiment. The stand-alone mode, relatively simple one play Tetris game, the game player can score mode. How to play

Blocks in different shapes will fall down, move and transform the box full of each line, with a row, it will eliminate, scoring. How to win

When the box filled with the whole game interface layer, even failure.

A square consisting of different shapes of the plate after falling from the top of the screen, the game player position and direction adjusting plate, make

themcomplete one or several spell at the bottom of the screen. These

complete barwill immediately disappear, to the new fall plate space, at the same time, game player score award. Not to be eliminated the box kept piling up, once the stack to the top of the screen, game player will lose, the end of the game. [3] 11

One of the casual games -- Tetris which is the most popular in the world. Its inventor Alexei Pakytnov and its partners, USA blue planet software company president Henk Rodgers announced in June 2nd, to start the 25 anniversary of the birth of Tetris celebration held in Losangeles American electronic entertainment expo. Pajitnov and Rodgers recently accepted an interview with Xinhua, tells the story of Tetris over the past 25 years, and revealed thedevelopment plan for the future.

In 1984 June, working in the computer center of the Russian Academy of

Sciences mathematician Pajitnov using spare time to write a game program, used to test the performance was a computer. Pajitnov loved puzzles, drew inspiration from the puzzle game, designed tetris. In 1985, he took the procedure into a personal computer, Tetris and began to spread.

In 1988, a Rodgers exhibition at the American Las Garth saw Tetris, feel very fun, and that he asked people also like to play. As the one in

Holland, in USAeducation, engaged in the video game

industry professionals in Japan, Rodgers immediately smell great

opportunities. He reached a verbal agreement with the Japanese game

manufacturer Nintendo, then headed to moscow.

Pajitnov put the Tetris authorized gave him the job of computer center, make it become public property, so Rodgers to negotiate on behalf of the government of the Soviet Union is. The negotiation process is full of culture, values and way of work, Rodgers finally made Tetris on consoles in

1989 Nintendo authorizedrepresentative.

Rodgers and Pajitnov for the talks and met, and became good friends, which laid the foundation for many years after they were closely around the Tetris based. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Pajitnov moved to America under Rodgers's help, to continue to engage in game development. In 1996, he tookthe Tetris intellectual property, and Rodgers founded the blue planet


softwarecompany, sole agent of the company granted copyright to the Tetris game manufacturer affairs.

The enduring charm. As of 2009, Tetris sold 125000000 copies, from more than 50 countries and regions like the game player, there are more than 50languages, run on dozens of game platform, from

the console, arcade, personalcomputer, the mobile phone and PDA. Rodgers said, mobile devices have become the main platform for the

new Tetris, sold the field has more than 75000000 copies, and is still growing fast. In Tetris online version of the North American and European official website, every day more than 1000000 people to play this game.

Tetris won many awards, in a number of named one of the most classic game. It also created a number of world records, such as it is running in the most platform video game, game player is directly involved in the longest game. In 2002, abeing obsessed British game player to the crew to play Tetris, using a mobile phone on the plane, the result was sentenced to 4 months in prison.

Tetris successful mystery where? Its creator, Pajitnov thought, may be that this game is very simple, and process of the puzzle "looking for order" from the chaos in the sense of achievement. Rodgers said, Tetris is a constructive game, this point and China go similarity, "chess is kill, go attach importance to the building of territory, is constructive, Tetris is"

Within less than twenty years, the game industry has undergone changes in turn the world upside down. When playing NES day today is still fresh in my memory,but now people taste for electronic games have become increasingly high, not only is the pursuit of the game fun, also requires sound better, the screen should be true, rich game content. Electronic game machine constantly update,configuration requirements of computer oriented PC platform game is more and more high. If the game is driven by the development of computer hardware, this is not an exaggeration.

As a game developer, we must first understand the game you, also, tounderstand the characteristics of this type of game, because the game can play sex is the key 13

whether the popular, can survive. With the China continuous increase of economic strength, game development companies are constantly emerging, the others game engine, directly apply the traditional software engineering developed the theory of games. But China 3D technology is still in the embryonic stage, so there is no good game, cannot form the South Koreagame industry scale, after all the people engaged in this industry or rarely. I chose this subject is because I am very concerned about Chinese game industry,very much hope that China in game industry strong, do not lose to otherdeveloped countries.

Writing small game is a shortcut to complicated procedures. Chose to writebecause it is a WINDOWS based programming tool, its function is very powerful.Very suitable for the preparation of a simple game. But after all, is the first contact with it, or has the certain difficulty for me. Leafing through books and the Internet to find information, I now have to VC++ have a preliminary understanding, but only this is not enough. To write a more complex procedures,must master the more esoteric knowledge. To understand the message mechanism of Windows (callback) and callback function principle, to understand the structure of the document view structure type, window class, message flowetc.. To learn the knowledge, by writing the game from the shallower to the deeper, step by step. I believe that through this graduation design can make theirknowledge in the field of computer has been greatly improved.

The game is a very important part of people's activities, some people think that if one day people are losing interest in all of the games, I am afraid the world is going to end. Be obvious to people with the computer game, it touched acomputer person rarely have never played computer games, like the gameseldom do not play computer games. Making making with more and more people access to computers, people on the game is getting higher and higher,the network game plays computer games very big market, but many people alsolike to play PC game, stand-alone game (ConsoleGame), means using only one computer or other game platforms can electronic games run independently. The difference in the network game, it does not require a dedicated server to the normal operation of the game, also can through LAN or battle.net for multiplayer.Game player is not connected to the Internet can be on your computer to playgames, mode as the war machine. It can not be connected to the Internet and interactive slightly worse some, but through the network connection formultiplayer, without the need for dedicated server can also the normal operation of the game. So a good game will be very 14

much of the world's people pursued.

Making making Tetris game is a popular global video game consoles andhandheld games, currently in the QQ game and a lot of game platform can seeTetris figure. The game was initially produced by the game producer PajitnovAlex Soviet, it seems to be simple but it with countless changes, addictive.Believe that the majority of users still remember the Tetris era tea don't think rice don't want it crazy. The history, the earliest or Tetris appeared in the PCmachine, and the user is through the red and white machine understanding, loveit. Now the community will reopen this addictive Tetris agitation. For normal people, the rules are simple, easy to use, and the game process with countless changes, and in the "Lianzhong Tetris", the unique charm of some Lianzhongnetwork game to single combat with two people online against two kinds of mode,users can choose any of the game. The network model also increased the points system, the user can feel the fun, but also to provide users a show their superb skills place. And it has caused a stir with economic value can be said to be a major event in the history of the game. Indisputable, "Tetris" is the history of one of the greatest games. It is the eternal classic entertainment, but it actually andthose of traditional classic entertainment in different ways, because its essence is electronic, so it really belongs to the game. "Tetris" modern product be known to all the world, in the game fresh when released is very intuitive. Some of the toys with falling debris and they are related to the shape of things, make even the novice will naturally attempt to rank them, and the appropriate combination, like"Tetris" touched some of our inner senses,Java developer's Guide


In the history of computer software, rarely have a positive response todevelopers and the industry so strong. The world has millions of developers to download the Microsoft.NET software development kit, a lot of information about.NET platform and related technology and language teaching materials,websites and news organizations have emerged.

Microsoft in the creation of the.NET has invested billions of dollars for many years of research. .NET is a comprehensive strategy, which consists of operating system, database server, application server and the.NET runtime library,including manipulation language running on the.NET platform.

Many people put the actual.NET platform as Windows DNA said 15

beforeimplementation, some people regard it as results improve previous technology and language. However, these only show great improvement to the previous.NETMicrosoft technology. In fact, the.NET platform is designed from scratch, including many intrinsic goals, such as security, scalability, reliability, flexibility and interoperability. In order to make the.NET platform for companies and developers, all of these goals is considered from the outset to.

The NET platform has changed the idea of Microsoft. The establishment of.NETplatform, Microsoft showed great support for open standards, such as XML,SOAP and UDDI, but not to set up their own standards and technology. But the core part of the.NET platform (Common Language Infrastructure, CLI) and the C# specification has been submitted to the ECMA, and through the standardization. C# is derived from C and C++, is a simple, modern, object-oriented and type safe programming language by Microsoft Anders Hejlsberg, specifically for the.NETplatform for the development of the language, inherited the characteristics of many languages, such as C, C++ and Java. C# is to Visual Basic simple and C++ as the advantages of object oriented language and powerful and write, for developers, C# makes the enterprises application creation, debugging and configuration easy. Somebody is fatidical, C# will become the most popularapplication development platform in the.NET language.

As Visual Studio, the next version of IDE, Visual Studio.NET.NET is key part of the strategy. Visual Studio.NET IDE has been integrated and in a number of new features. Bitmap editor, debugger, the Web forms designer, the Windows forms designer, Web service designer, XML editor, HTML editor, Web browser, the server explorer and multi language support, all of which are integrated in IDE.

Focus on guiding the development of Web C#.NET is not to teach you to the coreC# language, but to provide code examples to help you use the.NET framework class library function. .NET framework class library collection covers a number ofAPI. Although may not contain all the features in a book, but the book contains the key ideas, library and the.NET framework in which API, hope that this bookcan help you easily create new applications using C#.

Since there are so many features to learn and master, don't wait, let's begin right now!

The first chapter is the introduction of the.NET platform Microsoft



Microsoft in the creation of the.NET has invested billions of dollars and years of research, and will probably take it as a new standard. Many Microsoft partneralso announced support for NET tools and components -- you can browse thesuppliers table /vstudio/partners to view.

.NET platform can provide powerful new services, new independent binary formatto the processor, the new management language, the language extensionmanagement language, be too numerous to enumerate examples. No good operation background is not possible to effectively use these new tools to run your application. In this chapter, we look at the various components of the.NET platform. We not only introduce their technologies and concepts, but also to use the terminology to explain them. This will enable you to the.NET platform's internal work have a deep understanding of, and gain more in the next chapter.

.NET platform

The.NET platform in which the background is: the world is from the personalcomputer to connect to a server (such as the Internet) to change to a place where all the functions of the computer equipment, and services can provide richexperience for the user. The.NET platform is Microsoft for software developers toprovide answers to this change. .NET platform what has several components,everyone will give you a different answer. For example Microsoft business dialogue and structured query language and.NET in my service, the first visiblecomponent.NET of them pass is generally regarded as the organic component of the.NET platform. However, for many people, the.NET framework is when.NETmentioned in our imagination. It includes VS.NET,.NET common language runtime(CLR) and.NET base class library (BCL). Other components may be specific application requirements, but they are not all the parts of a.NET application.

The overall structure of the.NET, which consists of several major parts:

■.NET framework for a new application development platform.

■.NET products multiple application based on.NET framework, including the newversion of the extensible markup language (XML) on the.NET platform integratedinteraction and structured query language (SQL) server.

■ several.NET service which is composed of Microsoft for use in developing a.NET application program. Microsoft Hailstorm is actually a encompasses some of the most important sites Microsoft some clothing brand











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