

假条: ? 1. I am awfully sorry that I cannot ?.

? 2. I beg to apply for a week’s leave from ?.to?.

? 3. Owing to a bad cold / fever /cough /headache, I shall be unable to attend?.

? 4. Please excuse my absence from?.

? 5. Because of ?. I should very much like to have a leave of?.

? 6. On account of an attack of the flu, I want to ask for leave tomorrow. ? 7. I shall be much obliged if I can get your permission.

? 8. I hope my request will be given due consideration.

? 9. To support my application, I submit / enclose the doctor’s certificate.

? 10. I will resume my study/work if I feel better.

? 11. I trust my absence will not cause you any serious inconvenience. ? 12. Please favor me with an early reply.

? 13. Hoping that the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible. ? 14. Please give an extension of leave for three days.

? 15. The doctor advised me to keep the bed for 3 days.

留言条: ? 1.我来找你,你恰巧不在。

? You’ve happened to be out when I called on you.

? 2.我有急事要向你咨询。

? I have something urgent to consult you.

? 3.请速回话:5687007。

? Please call me at 5687007 ASAP.

? 4.请你今晚7点到11:30给他打电话。

? You are wanted to ring him up tonight any time from 7:00 to 11:30. ? 5.你看到这张留言条时,请速到我家。

? When you see this note, please immediately come to my home. ? 6.今早我去你办公室,但你不在。

? This morning, I came to your office, but you were out.

? 7.您能告诉我您什么时候在吗?我的电话号码是5678345。

? Would you please let me know when you are in? My phone number is 5678345.

? 8.Y你妈妈要你尽快给她打电话。

? Your mum asked you to give her a call as soon as possible.

? 9.你的朋友张林打电话来说他明天下午来拜访你,希望你能在寝室等他。

? Your friend, Zhang Lin, called to say that he would come to pay you a visit tomorrow afternoon. He wished that you could be in your dormitory then.

? 10.一个叫刘冰的先生今天上午给你打电话,但是你不在。

? A Mr. Liu Bing called you this morning but you were not in.

? 11.她今天下午4点给你打电话。

? She will call you at 4 this afternoon.

? 12.他想约你这个星期六上午9点在学校大门口见面。

? He wanted to meet you at 9 this Saturday morning at the university gate.

? 13.如果你不方便,请尽快给我打电话:12345678。

? If it is not convenient for you, please give me a call at 12345678 as soon as possible.

? 14.请来之前给我打电话。

? Please give me a call before coming.

? 15.我乘MU345航班昨晚到达。现住在山东宾馆234房间。

? I arrived last night by the Flight MU345. I am staying in at Shandong Hotel (Room 234).


? IOU $200 for value received for buying??(今借到200美元整,用以买......) ? IOU 500 Yuan to be paid back within 6 months

? Borrowed from ?. a Chinese dictionary.

? I. O. U. one thousand US dollars, to be paid within one year from this date with annual interest rate of 10%.(今借到1000美元,即日起一年内还清,年利率为10%。)

? Borrowed from?? the following things.


? Received from?. a Chinese dictionary.

? Received from Peter Johnson $ 106,000 in full payment of the loan lent to him on 3rd Jan, 2008, plus interest.

? Received of Professor Wang Ming $ 4000 for ??


? 1.热烈祝贺你成功通过哈尔滨工业大学入学考试。

? Warm congratulations on your success in passing the entrance examination to Harbin Institute of Technology.

? 2.请接受我们真诚的祝福,祝你??

? Please accept our sincere wishes for your?

? 3.对你的成功表达我最美好的祝愿。

? I extend my best wishes for your success.

? 4.祝贺你!我们对你杰出的成绩都感到自豪。

? Congratulations!All of us feel proud of your remarkable achievements! ? 5.对你的??我致以最热诚的祝贺。

? I offer you my warmest congratulations on your?

? 6.祝愿你取得进一步的成功。

? I wish you still further success!

? 7.我听说你被提升为你们部门的经理,祝贺你。 I got the news of your promotion to director of your division. Congratulations.

? 8.祝贺你!希望你一切顺利。

? Congratulations! I wish everything will be going well with you.



I am writing to express my thanks for...


I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt

thanks to you for...

·3.非常感谢您送的礼物,这是我收到的最好的礼物之一。 Thank you so much for the gift you sent me. It is one of the most wonderful gifts I have ever got. ·4.我愿借此机会向您深表谢意,感谢您帮助了我。

I would like to take this opportunity to express my great appreciation for your help and assistance. ? 5.我代表我的全家深深地感谢??

? On behalf of my whole family, I would like

? to extend my sincere gratitude for... ? 6.对您的帮助,我们每个人都不胜感激。

? Your help is very much appreciated by each one of us.

? 7.对您的真诚感激是难以用词汇来表达的。

? My true gratitude is beyond any description with words.

? 8.请接受我真诚的感谢,感谢您的及时帮助。

? Please accept my cordial thanks for your timely help.

? 9.非常感谢您和Harden先生在我在西雅图期间 给予我的热诚关照。

? I was so grateful to you and Mr. Harden for your kindness and attention to me during my stay in Seattle.

? 10.非常感谢你能为我送行。

? Thank you so much for seeing me off.

? 11.非常感谢你送给我们的精美礼物,这是我们收到的最好的结婚礼物之一。

? Thank you so much for the pretty nice gift you sent us. It is one of the nicest wedding gifts we have received.


? 1.请接受我真诚的道歉。

? Please accept my sincere apologies.

? 2.很抱歉我错过了您的??

? I am sorry I missed your ?

? 3.我为??向您表示道歉。

? I would like to give you my apology for...

? 4.我对我所说的非常抱歉,但请你相信我没有恶意伤害你。

? I am indeed very sorry for what I said, but believe I had no intention to insult you.


? 5.对这件事我感到非常抱歉,也想让您知道所发生的事情。

? I feel badly sorry about it and want you to know what happened. ? 6.请允许我再次表达歉意。

? Please allow me to say sorry again.

? 7.我真诚的希望您能接受我的道歉,也能理解我的处境。

? I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.

? 8.很抱歉,你昨天来找我的时候我恰巧出去了。

? I was terribly sorry that I happened to be out last night when you called on me.

? 9.我非常抱歉把你借给我的那本书弄丢了。 I regret very much that I lost the book you’d lent me.

? 10.我非常抱歉昨天下午由于??没能去上课。

? I was absolutely sorry that I wasn’t able to come to the class yesterday afternoon owing to ?


n 1.诚挚地邀请您参加晚宴。

n You are cordially invited to the dinner party.

n 2.承蒙光临,真是蓬荜生辉。

n We should be very pleased if you could honor us with your presence. n 3.如您能接受我们的邀请,我们将感到非常荣幸。

n It would be an honor to me if you would accept our invitation. n 4.我想如果您能参加?. 将会是不错的主意。

n I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in...

n 5.您能写信告诉我你能否参加??吗?

n Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come to...? n 6.如果您能来,我和我的全家将感到非常荣幸。

n My family and I would feel much honored if you could come.

n 7.我非常希望您能来。

n I really hope you can make it.

n 8.我们将高兴地期待您的到来。

n We would be looking forward to your coming with great pleasure. n 9.我们将在那会面,请尽快告知你的决定。

n I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision soon. 约会: ? 1.不知??(时间)您是否方便。

? I wonder if you are available at ?

? 2.如您方便,我将在??与您见面。

? If it is convenient for you, I will meet you at?

? 3.希望你会方便在??见面。

? I hope it will be convenient for you to meet at ?

? 4.不知在?... (时间/地点)见面您是否方便。

? I wonder whether it is convenient for you to meet at ?

? 5.他将在10月7日拜访您及贵公司。

? He would like to visit you and your company on October 7.

? 6.他希望下午3点在您的办公室与您见面,希望您会方便。

? He hopes it will be convenient for you to meet him at 3:00 p.m. at your office.

? 7.我想跟您订下约会时间以讨论??

? I would like to make an appointment with you to discuss ?

? 8.不知是否可以在11月12日(周一)上午与您见面。

? I wonder whether I can meet you on the morning of November 12 (Monday).

? 9.我想可能要占用您大约1个小时的时间。

? I guess it will take you about an hour.

? 10.如果这一时间您不方便,请定下合适时间通知我。

? If you aren’t available at the time, please inform me of a suitable time for you.

? 11.如有变化,请打电话5687003通知我。

? Please call me at 5687003 for any changes.

? 12.期待您的及时回复。

? Looking forward to your prompt reply.

? 13.如能尽快回复,将不胜感谢。

? Your prompt reply will be greatly appreciated.


? 1.如果当天没有航班,请告知我最早的航班。

? If no flights are available on that day please let me know the first available flight.

? 2. I should like to book a tourist class passage to Sydney on the “Sunnyside” sailing on Oct. 1st.

? 我想预订一张十月一号开往悉尼“Sunnyside”号客轮的经济舱票。

? 3.如果没有这种铺位的票,望告知其他可选铺位。

? If this accommodation is not available, please let me know what alternatives you can offer.

? 4. Please reserve two seats, first class in a nonsmoking compartment on the 10:35 a.m. train from?to?on August 21st (Friday).

? 预定两张八月二十一日(周五)上午10点35分的从??开往??的一等非吸烟车厢的火车票。

? 5.预订一张青岛飞往北京的机票,山东航空公司,航班号SC4567,起飞时间:1月23日下午2:15。

? Please reserve a seat with Shandong Airlines Flight SC4567 from Qingdao to Beijing on the 23rd of January, at 2:15 p.m.

? 6.我计划去西安,如您能推荐一家宾馆我将非常感激。 I am intending to visit Xi’an and would be grateful if you could recommend a hotel.

? 7. 能否告知贵酒店能否在5月9日至13日期间容接我团18人五天的住宿(单间或双人间均可)?

? Would you please let us know whether your hotel can accommodate 18 members of our staff in single or twin-bed rooms for 5 days from the 9th of May through the 13th?

? 8. If you cannot accommodate all of them, will you please tell us how many you could take?

? 如果可以容接一部分,请告知具体可容接人数。

? 9. ??向我推荐贵宾馆,请您帮我预定一间带电脑的单人间/双人间。

? Your hotel has been recommended to me by?and I would be glad if you will reserve me a single /double room with a personal computer.

? 10.我的朋友Smith先生给了我贵宾馆的地址,他去年展览会期间就住在您那里。 ? I have been given your address by Mr. Smith, a friend of mine who stayed with you during the exhibition last year.

? 11.您能否从??到??(时间)帮我预留一间房间? Could you let me have a room from? until ??

? 12.请为我们的主任Tyler先生预留一个房间,时间是4月17日至21日。

? Please reserve a room for our Director, Mr. Tyler for the nights of 17th to 21st of April.

? 13.请尽快确认我的预定信息。

? Please confirm my reservation as soon as possible.

? 14.如预留成功,请回信确认。

? Please send us room confirmation.















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