


Unit 1   (P6)


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Alice and Alan, Gina, Tony, and Julie are friends. But they have different problems. Alice is tired. She should go to bad early, and she shouldn't go to the party tonight. And Alan may cut his knee, so he should put a bandage on it, and he shouldn't play soccer. Gina has a nosebleed, she should put her head back, and she shouldn't jump up and down. Tony hurt his leg playing basketball so he should go to the hospital and get an X-ray, but he shouldn't walk to the hospital. Julie has a toothache so that she should brush her teeth every day ,and she shouldn't eat candy before sleep.

Unit 2   (P13)

你们学校将要与一所贫困地区的学校(a school in the poor area)开展手拉手活动,学校团委提出了以下几种活动方案:1捐款学习用品2假期去做志愿者3邀请他们来学校参观并到家里做客4通过书信的方式交朋友 请从中选择你最喜欢的一种活动方式,并说明你将怎么去做?

Helping others is great

Recently, our school has carried out(提出)activities hand in hand with a school in the poor area. Our headmaster called on each of us to give the poor a hand, all the teachers and students take part in the big activity, everyone did their best to offer their help to the poor.
   Different people use different ways. Some of them gave away their school things, but most of them joined the school volunteer project to help the students in the poor school. What's more, some students even invited the poor students to their home and showed them around their school, the rest students make friends with the poor by writing letters.
Generally speaking, each of us has given help in our own way. We all hope that we can make the poor's lives better, we are happy because we helped them, And at the same time we also got great happiness.

Unit 3   (P19)


We did a survey about doing chores in our class. Here are results.

Frank and Lucy like doing chores. Frank often sweeps the floor and take the dog for a walk at home. And he thinks doing chores can develop children’s independence. It can also helps us to understand the idea of fairness. Lucy usually folds the clothes for herself and make the bed. She thinks we can learn to look after ourselves by doing chores.

But Bob doesn’t like doing chores. Sometimes he helps her mother takeout rubbish. So he thinks there is no need for us to do chores and we should spend time on our study.

   I agree with Frank and Lucy. And at home I often do the dishes after meals and clean the living room. I think we should do more chores t our spare time. It can help us to understand our parents and it also give us a good chance for proper communication with our parents.

Unit 4  (P26)

E: Hey, Alice.  What’s wrong?

A: I had a fight with my best friend. What should I do?

E: Well, you could write him a letter.

A: I don’t think so, although it’s a good idea. I’m not good at writing a letter.

E: Maybe you could call him up.

A: No, I don’t want to talk about it on the phone.

E: But you really should say sorry to him.

A: Yes, I should. But it’s not easy.

E: Oh, there is going to be basketball game tonight. Why don’t you take him to the ball game?

A: Yeah, you are right. Thank you!

Unit 5  (P32)


When the light went out at eight o’clock yesterday evening, my family were doing different things. My father was watching a basketball game on TV. And he’s going to watch the news on his mobile phone later. My mother was read a book about animal on the sofa. And she’s going to call her good friends. My sister was playing the piano in her room. But then she had to stop to play with her pet dog. What about me? Oh, at that time I was playing computer games. But I had to stop and have a rest.



My Weekend

Last weekend was busy for me. On Saturday I went to the old people’s home. I helped the old people do chores. And I chat with them happily. Then we went to the Children’s Hospital to visit the sick kids. We told stories to cheer them up. They laughed and laughed and we all felt happy.

Last Sunday I went to play football on the playground at our school with my classmates. But it suddenly rained heavily. I hurt myself playing soccer. Then we went to the hospital. Luckily, it was not bad. The doctor gave me some medicine and they brought me home. And I felt a little sad.







Jack is my friend. He likes playing computer games very much. He often sits in the same way for too long without moving. Now he has a headache, sore eyes and a sore back. He doesn’t sleep well at night, so he feels tired every day.

I think he should take breaks away from the computer. He shouldn’t use the computer for a long time. He should do eye exercises to relax his eyes and go to bed early at night.

I think if he has a good rest, he will feel well soon.







Dear Josh,

  Thanks for your e-mail. I have ever had the same experience. I even had a fight with my parents. But now, I understand them. We are growing up, but often, it's hard for our parents to see this. To them, we are still children and they want to protect us.

    Sometimes, it's hard for you to talk to your parents. Here's an idea: Write your mother and father a letter. In the letter, tell your parents what you are thinking about. Then maybe they will understand you better. After your parents read the letter, try to talk to them. In your free time, you'd better do something you can to help your parents. For example, you can help your parents with some housework.

What's more, you can describe your friends to your parents and tell them more about you and your life.

  I hope this helps!





一、每个人都不可能没有烦恼。当你有烦恼时, 请试着控制你的

情绪, 因为情绪可以影响你生活中的很多方面。所以生活中我们应当相信自己, 笑对人生, 多与父母、朋友沟通。

提示词语:feel happy, mirror, the best, help others in need, believe, have a nice day, express, feelings, talk with ...

Nobody can be happy all the time. When you become unhappy, you should try to control your feelings. Because bad feelings can make you lose your friends and give you other bad effects. Here are some ways to make you feel better.

(1)Look in the mirror and speak to yourself, “I’m the best in the world. I can do anything.”

(2)Do something for others. You will feel happy if you always help others in need.

(3)Smile when you get up in the morning and believe you will have a nice day.

(4)Write down your thoughts, dreams or anything you want. Writing always helps you express your feelings.

(5)Stay with your family. You may talk with your parents, relatives, friends and so on.


参考词汇:directly or indirectly(直接或间接地);arrange(安排);based on(根据);besides(而且);indoors(室内)。

Weather affects all of us in one way or another, directly or indirectly. For example, good weather makes people happy. Bad weather makes people sad or sick. Besides, on a fine day, one can go out for a walk or play a game in the open air. On a rainy day, however, he can only stay indoors. In a word, weather is a part of life for all of us.

The first thing that many people do after getting up is to see what the weather is like. With a knowledge of the weather, people can arrange(安排) work and life of the day. If it is fine, he may decide to go on a picnic. If it is cloudy, he will have to take an umbrella. One plans his activities very well based on it.

三、为自己设计一个旅行计划,要包括下列问题:1. 想去哪?为什么?2. 想在那儿待几天?3. 怎么去?4. 打算什么时候开始旅行?5. 在这次旅行期间,打算做些什么。

提示词语:countryside, air, food and vegetables, environment, fresh, quiet, poor, give, the school things ...

A Plan for a Trip

1. I’d like to go to the countryside for a trip because the environment there is quite good. The air there is fresh, and I can enjoy a quiet life. The food and vegetables are good, too. 2. I’m going to stay there for a week. 3. I’ll go by bike. In this way, I can take exercise as well. 4. I’ll go tomorrow morning. 5. When I go, I’ll take some school things, like books, pens, pencils and so on. I decide to give them to the poor students in the countryside. And I’ll try my best to help them with their study. 6. I think I’ll be very tired but I’ll enjoy myself.

四、根据以下中文提示,以“Travel”为题写一篇60—80词的短文。 提示词语:be tired of doing sth., enjoy the beauty of nature, breathe, prepare yourself, companion, cause accident ...


Travel is a very good activity. When you are tired of working or studying, or when you have time, you can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of nature. You can breathe fresh air, make some new friends, relax yourself and so on.

But sometimes it may cause trouble. The weather often changes. You may get wet in the rain and may have a cold. You should prepare yourself carefully before your trip. You should know something about the weather. You’d better find a companion so that you can help each other to avoid accidents. In this way, you’ll have a wonderful trip.

五、随着人口的增长和家庭轿车的普及,交通安全问题已成为千家万户关注的焦点。作为初中生的你是怎样去上学的呢?围绕下面的几点要求展开思考,写一篇60—80词的短文。1. 乘什么交通工具去上学?是公交车,小汽车还是自行车?2. 乘车时应注意哪些交通规则? Do you like riding a bike? I like it very much. I am a student in a middle school. I often go to school by bike, because it is good for our body. It makes us healthy and saves energy. But we must obey the traffic rules. We should ride a bike slowly and ride it on the right-hand side of the road. If the traffic lights are red, we must stop. Now let’s leave cars and buses, and just cycle.

六、你所在的地区要举办一届服装节,你要负责传统服装的介绍。中国的服装有着悠久的历史,最具代表性的有唐装、旗袍……请你对自己熟悉的传统服装作个介绍,词数在60—80之间。 Ladies and gentlemen,

It’s my honor to introduce Chinese traditional costumes to you. First, let’s look at the Tang costume. The Tang costume stands for Chinese history and fashion culture. It has a long history. It became known to other countries during the Han and Tang dynasties. People can wear it on casual or formal occasions. It expresses both the wearer’s personal style and China’s rich traditional culture. Now let’s see another Chinese traditional costume—cheongsam. People usually call the cheongsam “qipao” in most parts of China. It came into history in the Qing dynasty and began to become popular in the 1920s. Now more and more people like it. Many foreign women like it, too.

That’s all. Thank you for listening.


I don’t like our school uniforms because I look ugly in them. I like to look cool. I like to wear my own clothes. But I have to wear uniforms on weekdays. It makes me bored. If I can design my own school uniforms, I will choose a blue T-shirt, a pair of dark jeans, and a pair of running shoes. Oh, the shoes must be white. It is my favorite color. Maybe I can have a sweater and a windbreaker in winter.
























