








                Image scene classification

      关键词:场景    分类

              Scene    classification




因为场景图像分类是计算机视觉领域中的一个基本问题, 在期刊上应该有所反映。

2, 检索词: 场景分类






  1. 王宇新郭禾等;用于图像场景分类的空间视觉词袋模型大连理工大学计算机科学与技术学院 大连理工大学软件学院20##

以传统的词袋模型为基础,根据同类场景图像具有空间相似性的特点,提出了一种用于图像场景分类的空间视觉词袋模型。首先将图像进行不同等级的空间划分,针对对应空间子区域进行特征提取和k均值聚类,形成该区域的视觉关键词,进而构建整个训练图像集的空间视觉词典。进行场景识别时,将所有空间子区域的视觉关键词连接成一个全局特征向量进行相似度计算。最终的场景分类结果使用V1滤波器和PACT两种特征在支持向量机LIBSVM上获得。 更多还原

 2. 徐侃杨文等;利用主题模型的遥感图像场景分类 武汉大学电子信息学院


 3. 秦磊高文;基于内容相关性的场景图像分类方法 中国科学院计算技术研究所智能信息处理重点实验室 中国科学院计算技术研究所20##


4.佟强;图像区域粗糙分割情况下的区域物体分类 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 2010.22(7


5王宇新,用于图像场景分类的空间视觉词袋模型  大连理工大学计算机科学与技术学院大连116023


6.王同刚,基于中层语义的图像场景分类算法研究  北京交通大学


[1]Dongjin SongBiologically Inspired Feature Manifold for Scene Classification  IEEE Transactions on Image Processin

Many real-world data sets exhibit skewed class distributions in which almost all instances are allotted to a class and far fewer instances to a smaller, but usually more interesting class. A classifier induced from an imbalanced data set has, characteristically, a low error rate for the majority class and an undesirable error rate for the minority class. This paper firstly provides a systematic study on the various methodologies that have tried to handle this problem. Finally, it presents an experimental study of these methodologies with a modification of Decorate algorithm and it concludes that such a framework can be a more valuable solution to the problem. Our method seems to permit improved identification of difficult small classes in predictive analysis, while keeping the classification ability of the majority class in an acceptable level.

[2]CHENG-JUNG TSAI,CHIEN-I LEE.A Multivariate Decision Tree Algorithm to Mine Imbalanced Data[J].WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications,2007,4(1)

The class imbalance problem is an important issue in classification of Data mining. Among the proposed approaches, some of them modify the class distribution of the original data which would worsen the computational burden or might throw away some userful information; some are limited to specific dataset or only applicable to the dataset with numeric attribute; some would take a lot of training time due to the natural property of core techniques such as neural network; and some suffer from determining a proper threshold while the user is unfamiliar with the domain knowledge. In this paper, we proposed the Hierarchical Shrinking decision Tree (HIS-Tree) algorithm to solve these problems. HIS-Tree uses the multivariae test derived from geometric mean measurement as splitting criteria to group minority examples together. By this way, HIS-Tree can avoid discovering rules dominated by the majority examples. Finally, as shown in the experiment, HIS-Tree can predict minority/interesting examples more accurately.


Resampling methods are commonly used for dealing with the class-imbalance problem. Their advantage over other methods is that they are external and thus, easily transportable. Although sueh approaches can be very simple to implement, tuning them most effectively is not an easy task. In particular, it is unclear whether oversampling is more effective than undersampling and which oversampling or undersampling rate should be used. This paper presents an experimental study of these questions and concludes that combining different expressions of the resampling approach is an effective solution to the tuning problem. The proposed combination scheme is evaluated on imbalanced subsets of the Reutcrs-21578 text collection and is shown to be quite effective for these problems.

[4]Zhao,XM,Li,X.Protein classification with imbalanced data.[J].Proteins,2008,70(4)

Generally, protein classification is a multi-class classification problem and can be reduced to a set of binary classification problems, where one classifier is designed for each class. The proteins in one class are seen as positive examples while those outside the class are seen as negative examples. However, the imbalanced problem will arise in this case because the number of proteins in one class is usually much smaller than that of the proteins outside the class. As a result, the imbalanced data cause classifiers to tend to overfit and to perform poorly in particular on the minority class. This article presents a new technique for protein classification with imbalanced data. First, we propose a new algorithm to overcome the imbalanced problem in protein classification with a new sampling technique and a committee of classifiers. Then, classifiers trained in different feature spaces are combined together to further improve the accuracy of protein classification.

 [5]Gilles Cohen,Melanie Hilario,Hugo Sax et al.Learning from imbalanced data in surveillance of nosocomial infection[J].Artificial Intelligence in Medicine,2006,37(1)

Objective: An important problem that arises in hospitals is the monitoring and detection of nosocomial or hospital acquired infections (NIs). This paper describes a retrospective analysis of a prevalence survey of NIs done in the Geneva University Hospital. Our goal is to identify patients with one or more NIs on the basis of clinical and other data collected during the survey. Methods and material: Standard surveillance strategies are time-consuming and cannot be applied hospital-wide; alternative methods are required. In NI detection viewed as a classification task, the main difficulty resides in the significant imbalance between positive or infected (11%) and negative (89%) cases. To remedy class imbalance, we explore two distinct avenues: (1) a new resampling approach in which both oversampling of rare positives and undersampling of the noninfected majority rely on synthetic cases (prototypes) generated via class-specific subclustering, and (2) a support vector algorithm in which asymmetrical margins are tuned to improve recognition of rare positive cases. Results and conclusion: Experiments have shown both approaches to be effective for the NI detection problem. Our novel resampling strategies perform remarkably better than classical random resampling. However, they are outperformed by asymmetrical soft margin support vector machines which attained a sensitivity rate of 92%, significantly better than the highest sensitivity (87%) obtained via prototype-based resampling.

[6]Wu, G..KBA: kernel boundary alignment considering imbalanced data distribution[J].IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,2005,17(6)

An imbalanced training data set can pose serious problems for many real-world data mining tasks that employ SVMs to conduct supervised learning. In this paper, we propose a kernel-boundary-alignment algorithm, which considers THE training data imbalance as prior information to augment SVMs to improve class-prediction accuracy. Using a simple example, we first show that SVMs can suffer from high incidences of false negatives when the training instances of the target class are heavily outnumbered by the training instances of a nontarget class. The remedy we propose is to adjust the class boundary by modifying the kernel matrix, according to the imbalanced data distribution. Through theoretical analysis backed by empirical study, we show that our kernel-boundary-alignment algorithm works effectively on several data sets.

[7]Vegard Engen,Jonathan Vincent,Keith Phalp.Enhancing Network Based Intrusion Detection For Imbalanced Data[J].International Journal of Knowledge-Based in Intelligent Engineering Systems,2008,12(5/6)

The application of machine learning to intrusion detection has been researched for several decades, however, with varying degrees of success. This paper focuses on two common techniques: Multi Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) and Decision Trees (DTs). Previous research on these techniques has produced contradictory results concerning their ability to detect particular classes of intrusion. Some of these contradictions are argued to be a result of properties of the data set used for empirical study, the KDD Cup '99 data set, which poses several challenges to learning algorithms. One particular challenge is considered here, learning from imbalanced data, which is an intrinsic problem to intrusion detection. Empirical results show that both the DT and MLP trained with back propagation obtain very poor classification rates of the minor classes, particularly U2R (User to Root) intrusions; the MLP often being unable to detect this class. An evolutionary neural network is employed, in which several evaluation functions are examined. Two general fitness measures are used, which lead to similar behaviour to training an MLP with back propagation. However, when employing evaluation functions that calculate the fitness proportionally to the instances of each class, thereby avoiding a bias towards the major class(es) in the data set, significantly improved true positive rates are obtained whilst maintaining a low false positive rate.

[8]Hong, X.,Chen, S.,Harris, C. J..A Kernel-Based Two-Class Classifier for Imbalanced Data Sets[J].IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,2007,18(1)

Many kernel classifier construction algorithms adopt classification accuracy as performance metrics in model evaluation. Moreover, equal weighting is often applied to each data sample in parameter estimation. These modeling practices often become problematic if the data sets are imbalanced. We present a kernel classifier construction algorithm using orthogonal forward selection (OFS) in order to optimize the model generalization for imbalanced two-class data sets. This kernel classifier identification algorithm is based on a new regularized orthogonal weighted least squares (ROWLS) estimator and the model selection criterion of maximal leave-one-out area under curve (LOO-AUC) of the receiver operating characteristics (ROCs). It is shown that, owing to the orthogonalization procedure, the LOO-AUC can be calculated via an analytic formula based on the new regularized orthogonal weighted least squares parameter estimator, without actually splitting the estimation data set. The proposed algorithm can achieve minimal computational expense via a set of forward recursive updating formula in searching model terms with maximal incremental LOO-AUC value. Numerical examples are used to demonstrate the efficacy of the algorithm

[9]Su, Chao-Ton.An Evaluation of the Robustness of MTS for Imbalanced Data[J].IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,2007,19(10)

In classification problems, class imbalance problem will cause bias on the training of classifiers, and will result in the lower sensitivity of detecting the minority class examples. Mahalabobis-Taguchi System (MTS) is a diagnosis and forecasting technique for multivariate data. MTS establishes a classifier by constructing a continuous measurement scale rather than directly learning from the training set. Therefore, it is expected that the construction of an MTS model will not be influenced by data distribution, and this property is helpful to overcome the class imbalance problem. To verify the robustness of MTS for imbalanced data, this study compares MTS with several popular classification techniques. The results indicate that MTS is the most robust technique to deal with the classification problem on imbalanced data. In addition, this study develops a "probabilistic thresholding method" to determine the classification threshold for MTS, and it obtains a good performance. Finally, MTS is employed to analyze the RF inspection process of mobile phone manufacture. The data collected from the RF inspection process is typically an imbalanced type. Implementation results show that the inspection attributes are significantly reduced and that the RF inspection process can also maintain high inspection accuracy.

[10]Khoshgoftaar, T.M.,Van Hulse, J.,Napolitano, A..Supervised Neural Network Modeling: An Empirical Investigation Into Learning From Imbalanced Data With Labeling Errors[J].IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,2010,21(5)

Neural network algorithms such as multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) and radial basis function networks (RBFNets) have been used to construct learners which exhibit strong predictive performance. Two data related issues that can have a detrimental impact on supervised learning initiatives are class imbalance and labeling errors (or class noise). Imbalanced data can make it more difficult for the neural network learning algorithms to distinguish between examples of the various classes, and class noise can lead to the formulation of incorrect hypotheses. Both class imbalance and labeling errors are pervasive problems encountered in a wide variety of application domains. Many studies have been performed to investigate these problems in isolation, but few have focused on their combined effects. This study presents a comprehensive empirical investigation using neural network algorithms to learn from imbalanced data with labeling errors. In particular, the first component of our study investigates the impact of class noise and class imbalance on two common neural network learning algorithms, while the second component considers the ability of data sampling (which is commonly used to address the issue of class imbalance) to improve their performances. Our results, for which over two million models were trained and evaluated, show that conclusions drawn using the more commonly studied C4.5 classifier may not apply when using neural networks.


随着多媒体技术和计算机网络技术的发展,人们接触到的图像数据以前所未有的速度增长。面对海量的图像资源,如何有效地分析、组织和管理图像数据,实现基于内容的图像检索成为多媒体技术的研究热点。场景分类(Scene Classification)任务就是在这种背景下产生的。场景分类根据给定的一组语义类别对图像数据库进行自动标注,为指导目标识别等更高层次的图像理解提供了有效的上下文语义信息。其研究的难点在于如何使计算机能够从人类的认知角度来理解图像的场景语义信息,有效辨别图像场景类内差异性和场景类间相似性。本文在场景的中层语义表示的基础上,着重讨论了如何从场景图像中提出有效的视觉特征,弥合图像低层特征和高层语义之间的语义鸿沟。围绕该问题,本文取得了以下研究成果:提出了一种构建类别视觉辞典的场景分类算法,该算法使用互信息作为特征选择方法来构建类别视觉辞典。根据视觉单词对给定类别的贡献度,从全局视觉辞典中选择对给定类别贡献度高的视觉单词,组成该类的类别视觉辞典,进而生成类别直方图。最终的融合直方图由基于全局视觉辞典的全局直方图和基于类别视觉辞典的类别直方图通过自适应加权合并生成,这种加权合并方法可以使类别直方图和全局直方图通过互相竞争的方式来描述图像。融合直方图不仅可以保留全局直方图的的区分能力,而且通过类别直方图加强了不同类别的相似场景的区分能力,以克服不同场景类别间的相似性问题,提高分类正确率。提出了一种基于不同特征粒度的多尺度多层次场景分类模型(Multi-Scale Multi-Level Generative Model, MSML-pLSA)。该模型由两部分组成:多尺度部分负责从不同尺度的场景图像中提取视觉细节,构建多尺度直方图;多层次部分将对应不同数量语义主题的场景表示线性连接生成最终的场景表示一多尺度多层次直方图MSML-pLSA模型可以在一个统一的框架下整合了不同粒度的视觉信息和语义信息,从而得到更加完善的场景描述。提出了一种使用无监督学习方法提取上下文信息的场景分类算法,该算法将局部视觉单词扩展到上下文视觉单词。上下文视觉单词不仅包含了当前尺度下给定感兴趣区域(Region Of Interest, ROI)的局部视觉信息,而且还包含了ROI相邻区域和相邻粗糙尺度下与ROI同中心的区域包含的视觉信息。通过引入ROI的上下文信息,上下文视觉单词能够更加有效地描述图像场景的语义信息,从而减少了图像场景语义的歧义性,进而减少了场景分类的错误率。研究了基于词包模型(Bag of Words, BoW)表示的特征点的数量对分类正确率的影响。在构建词包模型的过程中,如何选取特征点,以便能更好地表征图像的视觉信息是一个非常重要的工作。在场景分类领域中有一个普遍认同的观点,即较大数量的特征点可以获得较高的分类正确率,但是该观点却没有被验证过。在词包模型的框架下,本文做了大量的实验来验证这个观点,本文采用了四种特征选择方法和三种不同的SIFT特征(Scale Invariant Feature Transform)来改变特征点的数量。实验结果证明特征点的数量可以明显影响场景分类的正确率。






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