


编制:董建国/20##-12-31                 审批: 林杰 20##-12-31            

第二篇:20xx-20xx学年度八年级英语第二学期质量调查卷(二) 人教新目标版


Unit 3-4



( ) 1. Where did Bob live at the age of five?

A. In New York. B. In a small town. C. In China.

( ) 2. What was Bill doing when the teacher came into the classroom?

A. He was reading a storybook (故事书).

B. He was listening to music.

C. He was talking with Tim.

( ) 3. What did Mary say?

A. She said Linda wasn’t beautiful.

B. She said Linda was lazy.

C. She said Linda’s new dress wasn’t beautiful.

( ) 4. What is the boy doing?

A. Watching TV. B. Listening to music. C. Talking with his friend.

( ) 5. Who saw the alien?

A. The boy. B. The girl. C. Neither(两者都不) of them.

B)请听下面2段长对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并将其填到试卷的相应位置,听每段对话前你都有40秒钟的时间阅读各小题,对话读2遍。 请听第1段对话,回答第6-7小题。

( ) 6. What was Jim doing when the earthquake happened?

A. He was watching TV. B. He was reading. C. He was playing computer games.

( ) 7. What was Kitty doing when the earthquake happened?

A. She was shopping. B. She was feeding her dog. C. She was taking a walk.


( ) 8. Where did Ted and Alice plan to meet?

A. Near the supermarket. B. On the beach. C. In front of the park.

( ) 9. Why didn’t Ted go there on time?

A. Because there was something wrong with his bike.

B. Because he forgot the time.

C. Because he got up late.

( ) 10. How did Alice find Ted at last?

A. She called him with her own mobile phone.

B. She called him with Jack’s mobile phone.

C. She met him on her way home.


11. People were having a ____________ in the house at Christmas.

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12. The host asked him to have a ____________ when the man came into the house.

13. The man stayed at the party for about ____________ .

14. ____________ invited the man to the party.

15. The man wanted to find out who stopped the car______________________ his gate.



( ) 16. Do you know_____?

A. what he happened B. what the matter is with him.

C. what happened to him D. what did he happened

( ) 17. They arrived____ Paris ____ a winter evening.

A. at, in B. to, on C. in, on D. in, at

( ) 18. Mr. Green told us____ too much time____ reading novels.

A. don’t take; on B. not to take; in C. not to spend; in D. don’t to spend; on

( ) 19. ____ useful invention the computer is!

A. What a B. What an C. How a D. How an

( ) 20. You go to see a doctor in a hospital. When he asks you, “What’s your

trouble?” You should say“_____.”

A .I’m feeling terrible B. Don’t trouble me.

C. Give me some medicine, please D. Please take care of me

( ) 21. My mother was cooking while I____ the radio.

A. listened to B. have listened to C. was listening to D. is listening to

( ) 22. Grandma is now at _____.

A. the doctor’s B. the doctors C. the doctor D. a doctor’s

( ) 23. —The earth goes round the sun.

—What did he say? I couldn’t hear him.

— _____________.

A. He says the earth goes round the sun. B. He said the earth goes round the sun.

C: He said the earth went round the sun. D. He says the earth went round the sun.

( ) 24. I’m afraid there_____ a heavy rain this afternoon.

A. will be going to B. will C. will have D. will be

( ) 25. I didn’t know she_______ play_______ guitar(吉他) when she was four.

A. can, \ B. could, the C. could,\ D. can, the

( ) 26. Can you______ this word______ English?

A. say; in B. speak; in C. speak; with D. say; with

( )27. She fell into trouble and felt upset. She didn’t know how to ____.

A. get it over B. get over it C. give it over D. get out it

( )28. —I got an “A” in the math exam.

—Oh, it’s a good ____.

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A. subject B. time C. start D. end

( )29. When the alien ______ out of the restaurant, Tom ______ the pizza.

A. came; was eating B. come; was eating C. come; ate D. came; ate

( )30. The plane will _______ soon. So please be quick, driver.

A. take on B. put on C. take off D. take out



A generous gap(代沟) has become a serious problem. I read a 31 about it in the newspaper. Some children have killed themselves after 32 with parents. I think this is because they don’t often have a talk with each other. Parents now 33 more time in the office, 34 they don’t have much time to stay with their children. As times passes, they both feel that they don’t have the __35 topic(题目) to talk about. I want to tell parents to be more with your 36 , get to know them and 37 them. And for children, show your 38 to your parents. They are the people who love you. So 39 them your thoughts. In this way, you 40 have a better understanding of each other.

( ) 31.A. message B. call C. report D. letter

( ) 32. A. talk B. argue C. fight D. play

( ) 33. A. spend B. stay C. work D. have

( ) 34. A. because B. if C. but D. so

( ) 35. A. interesting B. same C. true D. good

( ) 36. A. business B. children C. work D. office

( ) 37. A. get on well with B. look after C. understand D. love

( ) 38. A. interest B. secret C. trouble D. feelings

( ) 39. A. tell B. ask C. answer D. say

( ) 40. A. can B. should C. must D. would




Mr. Green asked a lot of questions about the buses. But Sam couldn’t answer them. Here’s a timetable. Friends, after you read it, can you answer Mr. Green’s questions?


( )41. How many stops are there between the Ferry and the Market?

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A. Five B. Six C. Seven D. Eight

( )42. How often does the bus get to the New Street?

A. Every half an hour B. Every twenty minutes C. Every ten minutes D. No answer

( )43. At what time does Bus Four leave the Hotel?

A. Seven fifty-five B. Eight o’clock C. Five minutes past eight D. No answer

( )44. I work in the hospital. It is quite near the bus stop. Only three minutes’

walk. I must reach the hospital at eight o’clock. Which bus should I take?

A. The first bus B. The second bus C. The third bus D. The fourth bus

( )45. I start my work at 8:00. I have breakfast at 7:30. Before breakfast, I

must get to the market. Which bus should I take?

A. The first bus. B. The second bus. C. The third bus. D. The fourth bus.


A Hard-working Student

This story is about a young student. She worked very hard at her lessons. She was too busy to have a rest. At last, she became ill, and couldn’t go to sleep. Every night, when she went to bed, she closed her eyes and tried to sleep. But the more she tried, the more she stayed awake.

After a while she went to see a doctor, “I just can’t go to sleep at night. What should I do?” “I have a suggestion (建议),” said the doctor, “Try counting numbers. By the time you reach one thousand, you will be asleep. I’m sure of it.” The next day the student returned to the doctor’s office. “Well,” said the doctor, “How are you today? Did you try my suggestion?” The student still looked tired. “Yes,” she said, “I tried counting one, two, three...up to one thousand. But when I reached five hundred and sixty-nine, I began to feel sleepy. I had to get up and drink some coffee so that (以便) I could go on counting up to one thousand. But then I still couldn’t fall asleep.”

( )46. Why couldn’t the young student go to sleep?

A. She was worried about her lessons.

B. She hadn’t finished her homework.

C. She had worked too hard and became ill.

D. There was a lot of noise.

( )47. What did the doctor ask the young student to do while she was lying in bed?

A. To take some medicine.

B. To count numbers while she was lying in bed.

C. To count numbers before she went to bed.

D. To read some books on the bed.

( )48. The underlined word “awake” in paragraph 1 means “______”.

A. asleep B. not asleep C. sleepy D. sleeping

( )49. What did she do after she felt sleepy?

A. She fell asleep. B. She stopping counting.

C. She got up and drank some tea. D. She got up to have some coffee.

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( )50. The coffee made her ______, so she still couldn’t fall asleep.

A. tired B. sleepy C. hungry D. excited


A city is a very big place. Sometimes it’s a lonely place, too. There are thousands of people in a city, but some of them don’t have any friends.

How about you? Do you have a lot of friends? If you don’t, make friends today. If you do, make another friend today.

Pick a stranger at your job or school. Walk up to him or her and say, “Hello. My name’s....What’s your name?” Start with a conversation(谈话). Smile, listen carefully, and show interest in your new friend’ s answers. Ask “Where are you from?” and “Do you like this city?” That’s a good way to start.


( )51. A city is a very big and noisy and lonely place.

( )52. Everyone in the city has many friends.

( )53. The paragraph tells us not to make friends in a city.

( )54. When you wanted to make friends with someone, please say at first,

“What’ s your name? How old are you?”

( )55. It’s a good thing to make friends with others.

五.句式转换(每空1分,共10分) 56. We were listening to the teacher carefully when she came in.(对划线部分提问) __________ were you ____________ when she came in?

57. Tom had a traffic accident yesterday.(改为同义句)

A traffic accident____________ ___________ Tom yesterday.

58. This little girl is very clever. (改为感叹句)

___________ ___________ the little girl is!

59. I hope that my parents are well. (改为同义句)

I hope that my parents are ____________good_____________.

60. “Don’t shout at the old people”, mother said to her son.(改为同义句) Mother told her son__________ __________ shout at the old people.


61. Tom does well in Chinese; however Lucy does Chinese_______ (good) than Tom.

62. We are___________ (luck) enough to have bought the last tickets for the World Cup

63.She_________(copy)my homework every day.

64.Everybody is_________(suppose)to know the dancer.

65. My history result is _________(disappoint).


66. What s________ clothes you’re wearing today! You look so funny.

67. My son is washing in the b_________.

68. He is doing some cooking in the k_________.

69. What’s the m________ of this sentence?

70. Don’t s_________. I can hear you.



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I had a happy Saturday night last week. After supper, ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



1-5 BCCAC 6-10 ACBAB 11.party 12.drink 13.an hour 14. Nobody 15. in front of


16-20 CCCAA 21-25 CABDB 26-30 ABCAC


31—35 CBADB 36—40 BADAD


41-45. BADAA 46-50 CBBDD 51-55 TFFFT


56.What doing 57.happened to 58.How clever 59.in health 60.not to


61.better 62.lucky 63.copies 64.supposed 65.disappointing


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66.strange 67.bathroom 68.ketchen 69.meaning 70.shout


I had a happy Saturday night last week. After supper, I did some reading in my bedroom. When I came out of my room at 7, I found that my father was reading a newspaper and my brother was watching TV. In the kitchen, my grandparents were making dumplings for the next breakfast while my mother was doing some washing in the washroom. Where was my cat, Mimi, oh, it was sleeping on the chair.

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