

商务英语 / 对公众说话 / 11

主持会议 A Business Meeting Introduction


Good morning everyone. I'll be your chairman for the quarterly meeting of Action Appliances, third quarter, 1991. The meeting is now called to order.

According to the agenda, the order of business is as follows:

1. A reading of the minutes from the last quarterly meeting. 2. A report from Sales Director, Sam Liang, on this quarter's domestic sales. 3. An overview of Action's proposed U.S. 1992 public relations campaign. PR Director, Jane Tsai, will lead the discussion. 4. A demonstration by the Design Team of Action's newest washer / dryer combination unit, with a Q&A to follow. 5. The last order of business is my presentation of the projected outlook for Canadian sales.

So, if there are no questions, let's get started. Miss Teng, will you please begin with the minutes from the last quarterly meeting?


call to order 宣布开会


The chairman called the meeting to order.


order of business 会议进行的程序


The first order of business is to elect a President for this assembly.


Q&A (会议之后的)问答时间

这个字是"Question and Answer"的略语说法。一般演讲或会议之后会保留一至二十分钟,让听众或与会者提出问题。

The President gave the reporters 15 minutes of Q&A after his speech to the nation. 总统发表对全国演说之后,保留15分钟的问答时间给记者。

projected outlook 预定的前景


The projected outlook is good for the new line of trucks we want to sell. Consumers seem to want trucks.



● 问候大家

1. Good morning everyone.

2. Welcome everyone.

3. I'd like to welcome each of you to this morning's meeting.

与会者到齐之后,主持人(最先发言者)应向大家问候一声。"welcome"、"good morning"都是实用的问候语。

● 宣布会议开始

1. The meeting is now called to order.

2. I'd like to call this meeting to order.

3. We will now call the meeting to order.

问候与会者之后,应立即宣布会议开始。"call to order"是正式场合中‘宣布会议开始’的惯用词,有引起注意的作用。

● 宣读议程

1. According to the agenda, the order of business is as follows:

2. Referring to the agenda, the order of business is as follows:

3. As the agenda lists, the meeting's order of business is as follows:

此段的关键在于根据议程,宣布今天开会讨论的事项及其次序。"according to"或"referring to"意思是‘根据…,参照…’,指出讨论的事项是以什么作根据。

● 请演说者上台

1. Ms. Teng, will you please begin with the minutes from the last quarterly meeting?

2. Ms. Teng, would you like to begin with the minutes from the last quarterly meeting?

3. Let's begin with Ms. Teng. Will you please read the minutes from the last quarterly meeting?

宣布预定的议程之后,礼貌上应该问大家有无其它问题。若没有,你便请下一个程序的负责人开始,算是交出‘话棒’。请他人做事时,"will you please…"是个客气的说法;若要更客气,则可以用"would you please…"。


实用商务英语 16:主持会议 : 主持会议 Starting & Controlling a meeting 音频试听: 音频试听:


Grace: OK, let's call the meeting to order. You've all looked at the reports given to you a few days ago. I've asked Sam, as marketing director, to lay out the main points of the agenda today. Sam?

Sam: Thanks Grace. Well, let me bring your attention to what I see as the main issues. First are the laws in Central and South America. Will they make it hard for us to do business there? Second is how to sell in that market. Should we try to sell by ourselves? Or should we get people there to sell for us? Yes, Grace?

Grace: As you know, we've asked a law expert to come today. He isn't here yet, so I think we should get the show started with the second issue, how to sell in that market.

Sam: Good idea. Does everyone agree? Good. The main problem in the market is poor health conditions. We all know what happened to Nests when they sold their powdered milk in Africa. And we don't want that to happen to us.To address this issue, I'd like to call upon our medical expert, Dr. Vincent Davis, to take the floor. Vincent?

Vincent: In Africa, people had very little clean water. So they put dirty water in with the powder. Many people got sick, and Nests got in trouble because of it.

Grace: Can we find a way to prevent this? Isn't it also very hard to find clean water in Central and South America?



1. Let's call the meeting to order. 2. Let's get things under way. 3. Let's get things started. 4. Shall we begin?

"order"在此是指‘会议的程序与规则'; "call"有‘宣布'的含意, "call (a meeting) to order" 为开会时的惯用语,是‘会议开始'的意思。此句型适用于主席宣布讨论要开始时,示意与会 者安静,遵守会场的秩序。在此"call"亦可 以"bring"代替。此词组适用于正式场合中。


1. Let me bring your attention to (what I see as) the main issues. 2. Let's focus on the main issues. 3. Let me tell you what I believe to be the main issues. 4. Allow me to set out the main issues for you. "bring one's attention to..."的意思是‘让某人注意 (听、 ...‘。 看) 此句的"bring"可用"call" 代替;"main"为‘主要的';"issue"是‘争论 点;关键;议论'。这句话是表示自己要宣布几 个重要事项,请与会者注意所要说明及提示的要点;这是正式的表达用语,语气中带有权威 感。


1. To address this issue, I'd like to call on... 2. To discuss this matter, I'd like to call on... 3. To shed some light on this, I'd like to call on... 4. To provide us with more detail, I'd like to call on...


"address"为‘提及;陈述';"call on someone"这个词组的意思是‘要求某人(做某事)', "on"之后的受词为被要求的人。此句型是在正式的场合中用以介绍下一位发言人。由于句 首使 用"To address this issue,"--‘谈起这个问题',显示特别强调这位发言者的意见值 得采纳、尊重或听取;有时亦暗示主席或高阶人士也同样支持此人的意见。

● More 宣布开会 当您站在主席位,各部门的与会者皆已坐定后,如何以一句话宣布会议正式开始,正是您学 习‘开会英语'的第一课。在本课文中 Grace 所使用的 〝Let's call the meeting to order.〞即是一个普遍常用的说法,尤其这句话的口气充份表达身为‘主席'的权威。为使您 能熟悉多种正式宣布开会的句型,特别举出以下例子供您参考:

与会者中有公司以外的人 Well, ladies and gentlemen, I think we should begin. 半正式的说法 Perhaps we'd better get started / down to business. All right, I think it's about time we get started / going. Right then, I think we should begin. 较口语的说法 Let's begin /get going, shall we? Shall we start? 重点提示

A. 开会时尽量选择靠老板的位置坐 开会时除非座位已事先安排好, 否则宜选择靠近老板或有实权者的座位。 此举并不是势力眼 的表现,而是您若故意保持距离,在他人眼中看来,是有欠团队精神的表现。这种不愿参与 (成为一份子)的姿态,尤令高阶主管不悦。

B. 开会时避免选择靠门的座位 除了尽量靠近老板坐之外,莫忘了要远离门边的座位。因为门口是出入必经之地,人来人往

难免会干扰到您的发 言,并会转移他人对您的注意。况且会议上的一般习惯是:权力愈高 者说话,他人愈会注意听。因此,发言时愈易遭到他人打断者,愈是人微言轻的人。为避免 造成 这种没有份量的尴尬场面,应避免选择靠门的座位。

C. 开会时避免选择靠窗的座位 同样地,美景如画的窗口、名画或令人感兴趣的物品旁边,皆不是好位子,宜避而远之;否 则发言时自己将容易成为红花旁的绿叶,他人关爱的眼神也亦将投射在您身旁的物体上






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商务英语会议的 开场白 演讲 结束语















