

秋天的诗句 1、湖光秋月两相和,潭面无风镜未磨 - 刘禹锡 (唐) - 《望洞庭》

2、停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花 - 杜牧 (唐) - 《山行》 3

4、春花秋月何时了,往事知多少 - 李煜 (唐) - 《虞美人》

5、风定小轩无落叶,青虫相对吐秋丝 - 秦观 (宋) - 《秋日·其二》

6、君问归期未有期,巴山夜雨涨秋池 - 李商隐 (唐) - 《夜雨寄北》


天高云淡 大雁南飞 秋高气爽 山河壮美 五谷丰登 瓜果飘香 秋收冬藏 一叶知秋 层林尽染 秋意深浓 秋色宜人 秋兰飘香 秋雨绵绵 秋风萧瑟 春兰秋菊 春花秋月 春种秋收 秋风过耳 枫林如火 秋风习习 秋高气爽 瓜果飘香 秋雨绵绵 春华秋实 金秋时节 景色宜人 层林尽染 叠翠流金 五谷丰登 平分秋色 秋风瑟瑟 春花秋月 春华秋实 落叶枯黄 秋雨绵绵 秋风萧萧 秋风萧瑟 秋风瑟瑟 金风送爽 秋月春风 秋月寒江 霜天红叶 枫林尽染 一叶知秋 霜叶知秋 秋风红叶 秋高气肃 秋高马肥 稻谷飘香 无边落木


一年之际在于春,一日之际在于晨。 ——萧绎

思念易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻。 ——朱熹

时间给勤奋者以荣誉,给懒汉以耻辱。 ——高士其

时间就像海绵里的水一样,只要你愿挤,总还是有的。鲁迅 莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。 ——岳飞











刻舟求剑 叶公好龙 狐假虎威




1、爱迪生孵小鸡 2、列宁打碎花瓶之后

3、华盛顿和樱桃树 4、达芬奇画鸡蛋














形容九寨沟,不是单单一个“美”字所能表达清楚的——那儿,古朴的栈道,斑斓的彩林,青蓝色的湖泊,缭绕的云雾,壮丽的雪山,还有或别致,或与众不同的瀑布……哦,对,还有那充满了民族风情的藏族寨子……或许,拥有这其中的任何一样,都是至美的一道风景线。 之前,我们就听说藏族人把这儿的湖泊称为海子——大海之子,一点不假,当我第一眼看到九寨沟的湖时,还真就把它当成了大海之子——青蓝色的湖水,与蓝色的大海的颜色比起来,真可谓是有过之而无不及。只是,毕竟是湖泊,总是比无边无垠的大海小的多,难怪,藏族人会把这里的湖泊称为海子!走在水边的栈道上,放眼望去,青蓝色的湖水与四周山上的彩林的颜色形成强烈的层次感,树的颜色有青翠的绿色,耀眼的红色,古朴的墨绿,淡雅的黄色……看到湖水与彩林的颜色的搭配如此美妙,我不禁感恩大自然,感激大自然的恩惠,感谢大自然带给我们这么美妙的视觉享受!

海子除了青蓝色的水色外,还有一个特点——清澈。湖水很深,甚至最深的地方达到了103米,但是,给人的感觉却是只有一米深——因为,你很容易就能看到湖底,看到湖底的鱼或是“佁然不动”,或是“俶尔远逝”。甚至有人嘟哝道:“都说水至清则无鱼,可为什么这儿的鱼还这么快活?”更有甚者吟起了毛主席的诗词:“江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。”是啊,到了九寨沟,有谁会不为大自然的创造而折服呢?又有谁会不感恩大自然呢? 走在木栈道上,我不禁被这群顽强的芦苇折服了。在我的眼里,它们不仅仅是一群芦苇——在我眼里,它们更象征了今天的人们所不可缺少的勇于面对现实的精神和顽强的意志。或许,如果一个人能像这片芦苇荡一样,不屈服于恶劣的生存环境,能够面对现实,能有顽强的意志,那么,他将一定会像这高原上的芦苇一样,是成功的!

有了这番感悟之后,我不禁更加感恩大自然,不仅因为它带给了我们视觉上的享受,更因为大自然给予了我人生的启示。 凤凰古城






上有天堂,下有苏杭。在这风景优美的杭州有一个举世闻名的旅游胜地----西湖。 春天柳树抽出了新的枝条,长出嫩绿的叶子,春风吹来,细长的枝条飘动着,好像在抚摸着西湖的小脑袋,。桃花更是千姿百态,有的含苞欲放,有的躲在绿叶下悄悄地开放,像一个个害羞的小姑娘。夏天,西湖里满是绿色的荷叶像一把把翠绿的小桑荷花也开了粉红色



长 城






桂 林
















A Summary of the English Literature

Part I The Anglo-Saxon Period: the old English literature.

1. In 55BC, Britain was invaded by the Roman conqueror.

Along with the invasion came the 2. The period witnessed a transition from the tribal society

to feudalism. 3. is the oldest poem in English language, and also

the oldest surviving epic in the English language.

4. The early inhabitants on the island now we call England were 5. In Anglo-Saxon period, the Song of Beowulf represented the


6. Prose literature did show its appearance until theth century.

7. The Anglo-Saxons were Christianized in theth

8. English literature began with the Of old English literature, Beowulf, the national epic of the English people, is an example of the mingling of nature myths and heroic legends. 9. The came from the continent and settled in the island. They composed the Teutonic tribe. The language spoken by these tribes were called 10. literature of this period is divided into two types: It was a mixture of



1. heroic

deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated. The example of epic is 2.

3. The hero of the song of Beowulf is The artistic features of the national epic the song of Beowulf are

using alliteration and metaphor and understatement.

4. a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a

sentence begin with the same consonant sound (头韵). Or two of more words in a phrase or line have the same initial sound. Example: the song of Beowulf.

PartⅡ The Anglo Norman Period.

1. invading and defeating England in the battle of Hasting.

2. The literature in this period was remarkable for its bright, romantic

tales of love and adventure. The language in this period was a combination of French and Saxon elements.

3. The most noted literature form in this period is 4. the prevailing form of Medieval English literature is

5. The theme of romance.

6. are a long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in

prose, described the life and adventures of a noble hero. It was the prevailing literature form in the feudal England. The example for romances is.

7. The story of the Arthurian romances.

8. refers to the great spirits which shown in the knight’s deeds. Part Ⅲ Geoffrey Chaucer.

1. He is regarded as the 2. In the 14th century, the most important writer(poet) is 3. Chaucer’s main contributions to English literature can be found from

language aspect.

4. It is who formally finished the blend of three languages,

Anglo-Saxon English, French and Latin to shape the early form of modern English.

5. It is who first used the London Dialect English in formal

writing, and it is due to his writing that modern English became the only national language accepted by all English people.

6. It is Chaucer who first used the (双韵体).

7. the iambic meter

8. Chaucer devoted masterpiece English

literature. Which remains a classic with sufficient heritage in both language and artistic achievements?

9. is more than a collection of true-to-life

pictures. Taking the stand of the rising bourgeoisie, Chaucer affirms men and women’ right to pursue their happiness on earth and opposes the dogma of asceticism preached by the church.

10. Chaucer died on October 25th, 1400, and was buried in Westminster

Abbey. He was the first to be buried in the poet’s Corner of Westminster Abbey.

11. Chaucer’s earliest work of any length is his love of allegory(寓言) enjoying widespread popularity in the 13th and 14th centuries not only in France but throughout Europe.

12. Tough the Canterbury Tales was never finished, Chaucer succeeded in

his purpose so well that in it he has given us a picture of contemporary English life.

13. The Canterbury Tales begins with a 总序言) where

we are told of a company of pilgrims.

14. The pilgrims are people from various parts of England,

representativeness of various walks of life and social group, with various interests, tastes and predilections

15. In the 14th, the most important writer is Geoffrey Chaucer.

16. Today Chaucer is acclaimed not only as “the father of English

poetry” but also as the “the father of English fiction”. His masterpiece is17. The fifteenth century has been traditionally described as the barren

age in English literature. But it is the spring tide of 民谣

18. After the Norman Conquest, feudal system was established in

English society.

19. The romances were usually composed for the noble, and had nothing

to with the common people.

20. The prevailing form of Medial English literature is the

21. The story of the Arthurian romances

22. After the Norman Conquest, three languages existed in England at that time. The Normans spoke

23. The theme of romances

True and False statements

1. In 1066, Alexander the Great led the Norman army to

invade England. It was called the Norman Conquest (F) Alexander the Great→William the Conqueror

2. After Norman Conquest, scholars often wrote chronicles

and religious poems in English (F) English→ Latin or French

3. The story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is the

culmination of the romances about Charles the Great (F) Charles the Great→King Arthur and his knights.

4. Chaucer adopted and attitude of opposition against

Christianity and attacked the corruption of the contemporary church government in his poems (T) Christianity→Catholicism

5. All the 22 tales in the Canterbury Tales were written in

verse form. (T)

6. Chaucer’s language, now called Old English, is vivid and

exact. He is the first great poet who wrote in the English language (F) Old English→Middle English

7. The spoken English of Chaucer’s time consisted of several

dialects, and Chaucer did much in making the dialect of London the standard for the modern English speech. (T)

partⅢ. The Renaissance

1. The 16th century in England was a period of the breaking up of feudal relations and establishing of the foundations of capitalism.

2. Thomas More wrote his famous work Utopia

3. during Elizabethan period, Francis Bacon wrote more than fifty excellent essays, which made him one of the best essayist in English literature.

4. Spenser is often referred to as the “poet’s poet”

5. In the Elizabethan period, Shakespeare is the greatest playwright of England.

6. The principle idea of Shakespeare’s historical plays is the necessity for national unity under one king. These ideas were of vital interest to the Elizabethan audience. rhymes, followed by a couplet. The rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef gg

1. The 16thdevoured men" 2. The old English aristocracy having been exterminated in the course of the

3. Absolute monarchy in England reached its summit during the reign of

Queen Elisabeth.

4. Together with the development of bourgeois relationships and formation of the English national state this period is marked by a flourishing of national culture known as the 5. marked the transition from the medieval to the modern world

5. was written by Tomas More, who was an outstanding humanist of 16th century. In the, he gave a profound and truthful picture of the people’s sufferings and put forward his ideal of a future happy society. Nowadays, this word has become synonym with utopian socialism.

6. At the end of the century the great English scientist and philosopher 7. refers to the poems that express the writer’s deep

emotion. In the period of Renaissance, Thomas Wyatt was the representative of lyrical poem. And he was the first one to introduce the sonnet into English literature.

8. Great popularity was won by John Lyly’s novel Eupheus which gave

rise to the term “euphuism”(华丽辞藻)

9. The greatest of the pioneers of English drama was 马洛)

10. It was who made the principal vehicle of

expression in drama

11. is a type of poetry, distinguished by having a regular

meter, but no rhyme. In English, the meter most commonly used with blank verse has been iambic pentameter. Note: Shakespeare’s poems were written in the form of 12. was the first one to introduce the sonnet into English


13. The epoch of Renaissance witnessed a particular development of

English drama. It was who made blank verse the principal vehicle of expression in drama.


15. Absolute monarchy in England reached its summit during the reign

of Queen Elizabeth

16. English Resistance was an age of 17. “Shall we compare thee to a summer’s day?” This is the beginning

line of one of Shakespeare’s P118

18. The comedies of Shakespeare include A Midsummer Night’s Dream,

the Merchant of Venice, Twelfth Night and As You like It.

True and False statements

1. Utopia is More’s masterpiece, written in the form of letters between More and Hythloday. F letter 改为 conversation

2. The highest glory of the English Renaissance was unquestionably its poetry. F poetry 改为 drama.

3. From Shakespeare’s history plays, it can be seen that Shakespeare took no interest in the political questions of his time. F

4. Shakespeare is one of the founders of romanticism in world literature.

F 把 romanticism 改为 realism

5. Generally speaking, after Shakespeare, the English drama was undergoing a process of prosperity. F prosperity 改为 decline

6. English Renaissance was an age of poetry and drama but not a time of prose. T

Renaissance period 文艺复兴时代

What is the renaissance?

The activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and leering in Europe beginning in the 14 century and extending to 17 century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.

The essence of the Renaissance? -----rebirth or revival

The great event during the Renaissance period?

1. The discoveries in geography and astrology.

2. The religious reformation and economic expansion.

3. Rediscoveries of Roman and Greek culture.


William Shakespeare 威廉 莎士比亚

The poet’s poet is Edmund Spenser 埃德蒙.史宾塞

The first one to be buried in the poet corner of Westerminster Abbey.

威斯敏斯特 The reason that Edmund Spenser becomes the poet’s poet?

1. his idealism

2. his love of beauty

3. his exquisite melody

仙后: Elizabethan Queen

Thomas More 托马斯 摩尔

One of the greatest humanists


Utopia 乌托邦 现在“乌托邦”已成为理想的代名词,

Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯. 培根

Philosopher, scientist, lay foundation for the modern science. The first English essayist.

Knowledge is power


Metaphor philosophy to man’s reason.

The advancement of Learning 学术的推进

Studies 论学习

The uses and benefits of studies and the different ways adopted by different people to pursue study.

Blank verse 无韵诗


Please define the literary term “blank verse”

The poems written in unrhymed iambic pentameter.

马耳他 Malta

马耳他的犹太人 the Jew of Malta

William Shakespeare 威廉.莎士比亚

1. historical plays: Henry VI, Henry IV Richard III Henry V Richard H Henry VIII

2. four comedies: As You Like It 皆大欢喜

Twelfth Night 第十二夜

A Midsummer Dream 仲夏夜之梦

Merchant Of Venice 威尼斯商人

3. four tragedies

Hamlet 哈姆雷特
























