


便条 ............................................................................................ 3

启事 ............................................................................................ 4

会议记录 ..................................................................................... 4

备忘录 ......................................................................................... 5

协议备忘录 .................................................................................. 5

建议报告 ..................................................................................... 6

工作进度报告 .............................................................................. 7

例行报告 ..................................................................................... 7

问题报告 ..................................................................................... 7

述职报告 ..................................................................................... 8

说明报告 ..................................................................................... 8

总结报告 ..................................................................................... 9

可行性报告 ................................................................................ 10

评估报告 ................................................................................... 10

市场调查报告 ............................................................................ 10

内部调查通知 ............................................................................ 11

调动通知 ................................................................................... 11

会议通知 ................................................................................... 12

面试通知 ................................................................................... 12 1

业务通知 ................................................................................... 12

新任命通知 ................................................................................ 13

团体通知 ................................................................................... 13

活动通知 ................................................................................... 13

集会通知 ................................................................................... 14

拜访通知 ................................................................................... 14

扩张营业通知 ............................................................................ 14

建立新公司通知 ........................................................................ 15

收购通知 ................................................................................... 15

展销会通知 ................................................................................ 15

问卷调查 ................................................................................... 16

晋升公告 ................................................................................... 16

感谢信 ....................................................................................... 16

抱怨信 ....................................................................................... 17

祝贺信 ....................................................................................... 17

介绍信 ....................................................................................... 18

接受信 ....................................................................................... 18

道歉信 ....................................................................................... 19

推荐信 ....................................................................................... 19

告别信 ....................................................................................... 20 2

慰问信 ....................................................................................... 20

通知信 ....................................................................................... 20

鼓励信 ....................................................................................... 21

探病信 ....................................................................................... 21

吊唁信 ....................................................................................... 21

加薪申请 ................................................................................... 22

申请调动工作 ............................................................................ 22

申请辞职 ................................................................................... 23

晋升申请 ................................................................................... 23

下订单 ....................................................................................... 23

投诉货物未寄达 ........................................................................ 24

投诉货物质量 ............................................................................ 24





_______(人名) called from_______(地名), wanted you to call him today before_______(时间) or any time_______(其他时间) on_______(电话号码).


taken by:






_______(启事的标题) Notice

As a result of_______(搬迁原因), our company has decided to move from_______(原来地址) to_______(新地址) on_______(日期). The changes in_______(搬迁后的变化) are as follows:


Post Code:_______(新邮编)


Tel. of Front Desk:_______(新的前台电话号码)

Tel. of HR Dept.:_______(新的人事处电话号码)

Tel. of Account Dept.:_______(新的财务处电话号码)

Tel. of Sales Dept.:_______(新的销售部电话号码)






Meeting Minutes

Minutes of_______(会议性质)Meeting_______(会议名称)

Time:_______(会议日期), _______(会议起止时间)






Presided by: _______(主持人)

Taken by: _______(记录人)

Summary of the meeting:

The_______(主持人)opens the meeting at_______(时间)and he/she announces

that_______(宣布的内容)and all the people present discuss the details to make



●They think it’s better to_______(发言总结1).

●As the Blue Restaurant is fully reserved, they decide to_______(发言总结 4


●In the Exhibition Summary at_______(时间)as scheduled, all the

participants are

required to_______(发言总结3).

Any other business:



The _______(主持人)thanks all participants for their presence and demands

that_______(对与会者提出要求) and concludes the meeting at_______(宣







In response to (备忘目的)I have drew the outline of the communication contents as the following:

1. In favor of 1), should be informed 内容1).

2. Furthermore, we should also notify of 2).

3. The last but not the least, (备忘内容3)should also be communicated with (相关方). Obviously and undoubtedly, (备忘理由).

It is no secret that I am weak in , so I would like to seek your suggestions. If there’re things not included above, please let me know and you can reach me at any time.


Memorandum of Agreement


Between 1) and (协议方2)


1)and (协议方2)are engaged for (协议工作)方1)is responsible for (协议方1职责), and (协议方2)is responsible for (协议方2职责).

There has never been an agreement between 1)and 2)on the roles and responsibilities of each respective team in terms of 达成的协议). (协议方1) and 议方2).

Some of what is set below reflects work that has already begun, and this document memorializes those actions.


1)and 2)share a single objective of , in a timely and efficient manner.


To achieve this objective, both 1) and 2) agree that (达成协议).


In order to (协议目的), (协议方1) and 2)agree to work together to:


As partners, 1) and 2) recognize the need to collaborate on . As individual teams, each has specific responsibilities in all parts of this agreement to ensure that . Collectively, the two teams have the capability and expertise to ensure that all contracting actions are done properly, in compliance with law, regulation and policy and in the best interests of both 方1)and (协议方2).

Acceptance of Agreement:


Proposal Report


Our company has recently_______(发生了什么事,即写作背景)._______(何人,多是上级) has asked me to write a report to_______(写给何人)on_______(何时). This report_______(关于何事)and is to_______(为了什么,即写作目的).


After looking into all the complaints, _______(指出问题都出现在哪些方面). ● _______ (问题1)

● _______ (问题2)

● _______ (问题3)

● _______ (问题4)


In a word, there are_______(需要改进的地方)that are in need of improving. RECOMMENDATIONS

Based on those findings mentioned above, the following_______(解决方法)are firmly recommended:

● _______ (方法1).

● _______ (方法2).

● _______ (方法3).

● _______ (方法4).

_______ (报告撰写人签名,职务)




Progress Report

To:_______(向谁报告), _______(该人的职务)

From:_______(写报告的人), _______(职务)



Period: From _______to_______(起止时间)


Last month, as you_______(要求), I was_______(背景介绍). They were reported to_______(出现什么情况).


●During the last month, I’ve been_______(完成的工作1).

●After observing other machines for several days, I find that_______(完成的工作2). ●I have also been to_______(地点), and find that_______(完成的工作3).


●I’ll_______(采取的措施)and try to_______(计划1).

●If the problems remain the same or can’t be solved, I have to_______(计划2).

●If that’s the case, I have to ______(计划3)


Routine Report

I am writing to report to you on (报告主题). Up to now, the following steps

have been taken.


2.A careful study of (研究内容) (开展研究的时间). As a result of the investigation, I believe that a noticeable saving can be achieved by adopting

the following recommendations:


In closing, I’d like to report that my next step is to to (下一步工作目标). I shall be glad to further discuss this matter with you if you wish.


Problem Report

I received a complaint from (投诉者). He claimed (投诉内容). In view of the present condition of the goods, he asks for (相关赔偿).

.Unavoidably, the damages were caused.

Considering , I suggest (提出解决问题的



I look forward to receiving (期待对方回复的内容).


Work Report

To:_______(报告写给谁), _______(该人的职务)

From:_______(写报告人), _______(职务)



Being promoted as_______(职务名称)_______(时间), I have been in charge of_______(主要职责) for_______(工作部分) in_______(地点), including_______(管辖的工作). Conclusions of work done so far:


●In order to make more clients know and use our_______(产品名称), I have_______(具体完成情况1).

●I have managed to_______(具体完成情况2). Our slogan is“Client is the

answer”and their satisfaction is our goal. Through personal, emotional and effective communication, we have_______(做了什么), so as to_______(取得的效果).


●By the end of the year_______(年份), our Section has_______(具体完成情况). While at this time of the year 2008, the sum of_______(具体名称,如产品等) has_______(用具体数字来说明).

●During the year 2008, more than_______(具体数字)are being opened and_______(具体数字)are added to our account.

Problems and Obstacles:

●Due to the lack of_______(问题出现的原因1), despite the rise in_______(具体名称,如销量), it hasn’t_______(具体问题1).

●Due to the new system’s failure to_______(问题出现的原因2), some big clients_______(具体问题2).

Plans for the future:

●To attract_______(工作设想1).

●To enhance_______(工作设想2).

●To intensify_____(工作设想3)


Introduction Report




Overview of the product:


The_______(公司名称)Corporation has launched its latest brand-new product _____(产品名称). This set makes it possible for you to_______(产品用途). It’s_______(描述总体特征1) for the home, for the office or for the business trip. It’s easy

to_______(总体特征2). All you need is_______(总体特征3), and neither a computer nor any special software is required. It’s also very_______(总体特征4), as easy as making any normal telephone call.

Main features:

●_______ (特点1): With this, you can_______(给您带来的好处). You can get_______(给您带来的好处)and_______(给您带来的好处)is guaranteed by_______(保证措施).

●_______ (特点2): This means that you can_______(给您带来的好处).

●_______ (特点3): It’s an important treat which means that you can_______(给您带来的好处).

How to use:

See the attached_______(文件名称).


●Make sure that_______(注意事项).

●Do not use_______(设备名称)with_______(其他设备), for_______(原因、理由)


Final Report





This year’s_______(活动或事件名称)was held in_______(举办地点) from _______to_______(活动的起止时间). The_______(活动或事件名称)

attracts_______(人数)from all over the world, _______(对此活动或事件做简单介绍). We feel_______(感受、体会)and at the same time, _______(感受、体会). Findings:

Since this is the first time for us to_______(做了什么事), we find that_______(产生了什么想法).




During_______(活动), we feel it’s so_______(描述你的体会)to participate in such fairs, so as to_______(以期达到的效果). Recommendations:

Based on_______(提出建议的依据), we’d like to make the following suggestions: ●_______ (建议1). We should_______(给出具体理由或做法).

●_______ (建议2). The promotion campaign should_______(给出具体理由).



Feasibility Report





_______ (时间)ago, I_______(背景介绍)to see whether we could_______(项目名称). This report is to_______(此报告的目的)and to make recommendations about_______(与项目有关的活动).


The information was mainly achieved by_______(调研方法).


_______ (对方名称)is already working on_______(对方已经在做的工作). They are very positive about_______(对方的态度).

They propose an idea of_______(对方提出的合理化建议)


The_______(方案类型)program is very_______(对项目前景做简单描述). This project looks_______(可行与否), and it shows a_______(成功率高还是低)possibility for success. RECOMMENDATIONS

Thus, we should_______(对后续工作的建议)and_______(对后续工作的建议)as soon as possible, and_____(对后续工作的建议) with their manages.


Appraisal Report


Due to_______(评估发生的背景), _______(何人,上级) has asked me to investigate and check out_______(评估对象) and_______(评估结果) should be taken to handle them.


I, therefore, _______and_______(调研方法)for_______(调研时间段), from

_______to_______(调研起止时间). After a thorough and careful examination, I got the most common problems and gave my suggestions accordingly below.


●_______ (调研结果1). _______should_______, so that_______(评估建议1). ●_______ (调研结果2). This should _______ so as to _______(评估建议2). ●_______ (调研结果3). We should _______ to _______(评估建议3).

● _______(调研结果4).The technical department should ____(评估建议4).


Investigation Report



As_______(原因), more and more people_______(现象). As a result, _______(调查背景介绍). _______(时间), _______(颁布规定单位) launched_______(新颁布的规定的名称), and as reinforcement, this regulation is approved to continue for another period this year. What will this regulation impact_______(调查对象)here? METHODOLOGY

From _______till_______(调查起止时间), we have been_______(调查方法)investigation on_______(调查对象), by_______(调查方法), through

_______and_______(调查方法), with people in_______(调查范围)to see_______(调查意图).


●The impact on_______(主体名称): the survey result shows that_______(调查结果). They argue that_______(原因分析).

●The impact on_______(主体名称): as the survey suggests, _______(调查现象)in the surveyed people. Most of them choose to_______(采取的对策), _______(给出原因).


From the above findings, we tend to_______(总结上面得出的结果). Therefore, it’s safe to come to the conclusion that_______(给出结论).


Internal Survey Notice


Dear ,

We are pleased to announce that we will (开展的活动).

As we all know, .

In general, .

Additionally, (活动的细节的补充).

What I should mention here is that, (对参与者的影响).

Please use the link below to .

To through the website, please clink:


, please click:


I am expecting all of you to participate in this meaningful program so your voice can be heard.

Many thanks.



Transfer Notice

I’m glad to inform you that you are officially appointed as at (薪酬标准)时间). In your new post, you will (新岗位职责).

We do appreciate your loyal service in for 位任职持续时间). We are sorry that we have to move you from a department you are

so familiar with due to .In your new post you will find (新岗位优势).

Wish you more success in your new post!


Meeting Notice

I am informing you of which will be held (会议时间). 参会人员) are requested to attend the meeting to (会议内容).

At the meeting you are expected to give . Please let me know if you will need . (附件内容)is attached. Please send me a reply to confirm the attendance of .

I am looking forward to hearing from you.


The Interview Notice


Thank you for applying for a job in our company. Your_______(知识、经验等)gave us a good impression, in order to our further understanding of each other, please come

to our company_______(时间日期)to take part in_______(参加的项目).

If you aren’t convenient in time, please contact with_______(人名) beforehand.

Hereby notified.

Yours sincerely,

Ministry of Personnel


Tel.: ______


Business Notice



______(现象)has made_______(结果)in the membership of the firm and it is with much pleasure that we announce the admission of the_______(姓名) as a partner.

_____(人名) has been_______(身份)for the past years and is well acquainted with every aspect of the firm’s policy. His expert knowledge and wide experience will continue to be of great value to the firm.

The firm’s present name will remain unchanged and we shall continue to do business and to sign ourselves as:_______(公司名称).

We look forward to continuing with you the happy business connection that has been so much to our mutual advantage in the past.

Yours sincerely,



Newly Appointed Notice

Company headquarters,

Research by_______(由谁决定), the new appointed relevant personnel as follows: Appoint_______(人名) as_______(职位、工作). Appoint_______(人名)for_______(职位、工作).The above appointments decided on the date of issuance that is beginning to be implemented.

Hereby appoint.





Groups Notice


______(通知主题)will be held on_______(时间). All staff must observe the following procedure:





If anything is unclear, inform_______(号码).



Activity Notice

I am writing to inform you of the celebration we will hold . (活动类型)will be held (活动地点). The regular bus of our company will take us to the hotel at . You can also drive your own car there. All of you are kindly requested to be present on time. To mark the special occasion ,the board of directors has decided that (节目表演部门名称) is to .Please get well prepared for that.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact 人).

I look forward to seeing all of you at the celebration.


Gathering Notice

I am writing to inform you that we will hold a in 会地点) (集会时间).You are welcome to attend it if you feel convenient. There will be (集会活动内容).

(集会目的).I’d like to thank you for your smooth cooperation with us during the past year. I’d also like to thank you for your contribution to the development of our company. I look forward to seeing you at 称).


Visit Notice


We have manufactured a range of_______(产品名称).

Would you be interested in_______(产品名称)? I would very much like to brief you on this great opportunity. Could we make an appointment? The products are_______

(产品优势). We will undercut our retail price by at least_______(百分数). I shall be in_______(地点) from_______(日期) to_______(日期).

If you would like to know more, just fax or call me.

Yours sincerely,



Business Expansion Notice

Dear ______,


To meet the growing demand for _______(产品名称) in this area, we have decided to extend our business by opening a new department. The new department will _______(新部门的工作介绍).

In order to demonstrate the range of merchandise that will avail, we are arranging a special window display _______(日期).

We hope you will visit the new department during opening week and give us the opportunity to show you.

Yours sincerely,



Establishing a New Company Notice

Dear ____,

We respectfully inform you that on account of _______(建立新公司原因), we have recently established a new branch at_______(领域名称)to _______(建立新公司目的). We have entrusted the management to_______(人名).

Yours truly,



Purchase Notice

Ladies and gentlemen,

_____(公司名称)is pleased to announce the acquisition of_______(另一公司). We are immensely proud of this marriage of two important_______(公司性质)—_____(两公司名称).

_____(公司名称) was founded in_______(年份) by_______(人名), _______(创始人的身份). _______(经营年限), ______(公司名称) has been_______(享有的声望). Its current president is_______(人名).

We welcome_______(公司名称) into the_______(公司名称) family. _______(人名) will continue as President.

Yours sincerely,



Trade Fair Notice


We should like to invite you to attend the , which will be held from (展销会开始时间)to (展销会结束时间).Full details about the fair are as follows.

(展销会名称) will be held (展销会举办地点). 销会名称) will be (展销会重要性). You can share information with various (参加展销会的行业类型). For the latest information, please visit our .

I look forward to seeing you at .


Filling Out Questionnaire

To maintain high quality products and services to you, I hope you will take a few minutes to complete . In appreciation of your time and energy, we shall be pleased to send you (礼物名称)upon receipt of your completed questionnaire.

(公司名称)is committed to providing high quality 型), so we’d like to keep informed of (公司欲知信息). We hope that you will enjoy participating in this survey. Your answers will be an important part of our market research.

We look forward to receiving your reply, and assure you of in the future.


Promotion Announcement

We are delighted to announce the promotion of (晋升人员姓名)to the position of (晋升后的新职位).... has been our 的职位) for (晋升人员过去职位持续时间)and has done (出色的工作).


The new position of commences on 员新职位任职起始时间) .Please join me in congratulating (晋升人员姓名) on his/her new promotion and in wishing him / her continued success in the future.


Thanks for

Dear ,

It is with great pleasure that I write to thank you for . With 供的帮助), we have fundamentally (帮助对我们产生的作用1).

If it was not for 1)and d 2), as well as 3), there is no way that 帮助对我们产生的作用2)would have been possible. You have an amazing ability to (赞誉对方1). There’s no doubt that it is your 16


Thank you for helping our .

Thank you again for your generous assistance.




Complaint Letter


Dear ,

I am writing this letter to you to express my dissatisfaction with your . So far, all our complaints by phones and to online customer servicer remain unsolved. which we found could not keep working properly was

purchased from on (购买时间), and it was delivered on (提供产品或服务日期).

Since July 28, we have found the (产品问题). For your reference, 型号或服务信息).

(产品或服务的目的). So, it is very important 用). However, except for the first three days, (产品或服务的问题).

Before we decided to complain to you, we have already described our trouble to your customer servicer by the service hotline to ask for help on July 28. Consequently, we were told to wait patiently for the reply from your service engineer. However, till now, we are still on the status of waiting. Furthermore, on August 1, we reported the problem of again to your online customer servicer and required an immediate feedback. who answered the phone asked for and recorded our contact information, and promised a timely resolution before this Wednesday. But contrasting with the fact, so far the promise seems just a fairy tale.

Of course, we are very disappointed with your promised timely service, which is an important part of your product, and also a necessary part of the value of your company. I hope that I do not have to explain that the above leads to quite some frustration to us.

Could you please assure us the exact time the printer can be checked? On the other hand, if a timely service is not possible, would you be so kind as to inform us? Then we’ll know at least where we stand.



Congratulations Letter


Dear Dorothy,

On behalf of everyone here in /团体)China, I would like to sincerely congratulate on your recent success of . I must say 17

that I am not surprised to read the news of your success. 描述对对方的印象1); (描述对对方的印象2); (描述对对方的印象3)…

On the occasion of your successful , on behalf of the /团体), I wish you more success. I believe the success has come from your collective efforts, as well as your individual leadership. Congratulations again and we are looking forward to collaborating with (祝贺方) in the near future.


Letter of Introduction


We are pleased to introduce_______(人名), our_______(被介绍人职位). _______(人名)_______(事由).

We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him/her to_______(介绍单位或人)and give him any help or advice he / she may need, and will always be happy to


Yours sincerely,



Acceptance Letter


Dear ,

On behalf of (代表团体/公司), I am writing this letter to express our great pleasure to accept your invitation. We quite appreciate your friendly trust and the offer you have made.

. And I hope that we will have a happy cooperation and everything goes smoothly.

As noted previously, . And, of course, we completely understand your serious consideration and situation.

Another thing I want to tell is something about .

Our unremitting effort to enhance our business operation has led to the adoption of (采用该工作程序的必要性). As you may agree, without corrective action it could result in substandard performance.

If there is any question about (相关工作程序), please feel free to contact me anytime.

I will contact you for agreement issues on . If there’s any change, please let me know.

Thank you again. I’m overwhelmingly excited about this opportunity and eagerly look forward to being your partners.




Sincere Apology



. I entirely understand your concern (向对方表达过失对对方的影响). As (描述自己的职责和产生过失的原因). Once again, please accept my wholehearted apology for my indeliberate and unprofessional behavior.

Relating to , as the responsible person of , I think I am in duty bound to show you the background.


As this is the first time of (具体工作), we do not have full knowledge of the environment. This might cause inconvenience and confusion at times, which we apologize for. If you are able to assist us on .

I hope the above has clarified the current situation and cleared some of your frustrations. Please feel free to contact me if you have further queries and have a nice day.

Yours sincerely,


Recommendation Letter


To Whom It May Concern:

推荐的对象) was employed by (推荐对象所在部门和公司)as (推荐对象的职位) in (推荐对象入职时间), and worked under my supervision during this period.

From the time that (推荐的对象) started within this 和公司), I was impressed with his . 荐对象的优秀品质).

Indeed, many of (推荐的对象)体工作). Consequently, (推荐的对象)ranked top in (获奖事件). (推荐的对象)did an excellent job in this position and was an asset to our organization. . And I am pleased to say that meets or exceeds our expectation each year (推荐的对象) is with us.

It should be clear from the above that, on behalf of , we really uphold that endeavors to enrich his work experience and seek for the bigger challenge.

I have been privileged to work with (推荐的对象) and it is with great pleasure 19

that I commit this recommendation on paper, knowing fully that will be an asset to (推荐对象将要工作的职位/公司). I am willing to answer any question you may have.

Yours truly,


Farewell Letter

It’s Time to Say Goodbye

Dear ,

Perhaps a number of you have already know, I have recently , and will be leaving at the end of . Please consider this to be my sincere goodbye to each and every one of you for my absence.

As those close to me know, I am not good with goodbyes so I do apologize to those who feel offended that I have left having written only this farewell letter, without personally shaking their hands and exchanging best wishes.

I want you all to know that I am truly leaving here with mixed feelings: 的喜与悲).

I am truly honored to have worked with .

Thank you all so much for making my time at a truly enjoyable one. (具体描述与告别对象一起工作取得的收获)

. My very best wishes for the future go out to each and every one of you. I wish you all a Healthy, Safe and Prosperous Year.

Let’s keep in touch:

Thanks and regards

Yours sincerely,


Letter of Sympathy

I was very sorry to learn from (获悉不幸消息的渠道) (对方遭遇的不幸). I was (获悉不幸消息的心情).

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you. I expect to have an opportunity to visit you if (相关条件)permits.

Meanwhile, please accept my best wishes for (良好祝愿).


Letter of Advice


I am writing to inform you that we have assigned (姓名) as (职位名称).

(姓名)has been with our company (工作年数)and

extremely experienced in (工作业务范围). He will be coming to (地点) (日期)and will be calling on you that day if it doesn’t conflict with your schedule.

If there is any problem with (问题内容), please let us know as soon as possible.


Letter of Encouragement

With great pleasure, I am writing to welcome you as a new (对方的职位或职务) to (公司名称).

(公司名称)is a place where (公司创造的条件) are provided to every employee for his or her (公司文化)are highlighted in our company culture. Therefore, no matter what background and experiences you have in the past, you will find an environment full of (公司氛围).

(对方的职位或职务)is (公司现状). But on the other hand, we need to make more efforts to have an even brighter future.

Once again, I am delighted that you have chosen to accept our offer of employment and hope that this will be the beginning of our mutually beneficial association. I am confident that you will be doing very well in the days to come.


Letter of Consoling the Sick

When I called at (时间), I was very sorry to learn that you were (病情状况).I am writing this letter to extend my best wishes for your quick recovery.

Please accept (赠送礼物)I sent to you. I do hope you enjoy.

If I can be of assistance to you, I hope you will let me know at once. I hope that by the time this letter reaches you, you’ll be feeling much better.

I am looking forward to (期盼的内容).


Letter of Condolence

I was very sorry to learn of 逝者身份)’s death. I am now writing to express my deepest sympathy.

I had the privilege of knowing (逝者身份) very well for many years since (公司名称)(对逝者的评价).

I well recall (对逝者的缅怀). He has been greatly missed in 21

(公司名称) since (时间).

Please accept our heartfelt condolences at (逝者身份)’s death and convey our sincere sympathies to (表示慰问的对象).Please let us know whether there is anything we can do to help during this difficult time.


Application for Salary Revision


I’m grateful for the opportunity to work for you and I enjoy doing so. I hope you’ll agree that, during the years when I have worked under your leadership, I’ve

become_______(公司担任角色)and accomplished a great deal.

For example, in_______(工作期限), I’ve_______(工作、服务或重大成就). However, I’m still working for the initial salary on which we agreed_______(起薪制定时间). As I recall, we also agreed to renegotiate my salary in two years based on_______(制定薪水依据), and that time has come. In light of my accomplishments and as per our agreement, I’m respectfully requesting an immediate pay rise of_______(薪水增长幅度).

I’m willing to negotiate, as per our agreement. If you would like to meet to discuss this, please let me know.

Thanks again for the opportunity. I look forward to continuing to be a key player on your team in a mutually-rewarding relationship.

Yours sincerely,



Application for Transferring


I_______(调换工作原因);moreover, I want to gain additional experience in_______


In my new assignment I will be in charge of_______(新的工作任务).

I hope this request can be approved by you. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support and friendship you extended to me during my stay here. Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,




Resignation Letter


I regret to inform you that I decided to resign from my present position as_______(职位) because_______(辞职原因).

Thank you for giving me a chance to_______(在公司得到的帮助) during the years when I have worked under your leadership. I am sorry to leave_______(离开时间) and I hope my resignation would not cause you much inconvenience.

Thank you for your kind attention and I would appreciate it if you could accept my

letter to leave your service.

Yours sincerely,



Promotion Application

Dear Mr._______,

Please allow me to introduce myself first._______(简单介绍). I had been_______

(之前职位). The reason I am writing this letter is that I am interested in filling the

vacancy left. All these years I have performed my arduous tasks with seriousness, I

am quite confident I will do a good job as_______(晋升后的职位). Please give me a chance to prove myself.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely yours,



Placing an Order

Thank you for your timely reply of (对方邮件发送日期)to our inquiry about the (欲购产品名称). We are very satisfied with the trade terms you offer.

The prices are acceptable. Therefore, we now email you our purchase order (订单编号)in the attached file.

We will open (信用证种类)in your favor as soon as possible through (开户行), for the total value of (总价值)as stated in this order. Please inform us of the shipping date at least (提前通知装船天数)in advance after you receive our L/C.

We look forward to your confirmation of the acceptance of our order.



Complaint about Goods Arrival Failure

For the non-arrival of the goods, we are most reluctant to complain, but we must draw your attention to this matter.

According to the contract, the goods should arrive at the port on (货物寄达日期). However, even till today (发送邮件当天日期), we still have not had any news about the arrival of the products. Moreover, we have not received any information from you for explanation. Please carefully check every step of the (需核查内容)in order to find the exact causes.

We trust you will take our complaints seriously and reply to us as soon as possible.


Complaint about Poor Quality of Goods

We appreciate having received the goods on arrival of s/s “” (货轮名称)at (目的港名称).Shortly after landing, related officials checked the details

of the goods. Everything appears to be correct and in good condition except (有质量问题的产品).When we opened the cases, we found that they were (产品状况).The worst thing is that the quality of the goods do not confirm to the contract.

Please tell us the exact explanations. Additionally, we prefer to (我方提出的解决办法).

Look forward to your prompt reply.


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