优势暑期赴美带薪实习项目 Summer Work & Travel


优势?暑期赴美带薪实习项目 Summer Work & Travel





赴美带薪实习是基于美国政府在1948年通过的信息及教育交流法案(Smith-Mundt Act)而设立的一项旨在促进国际青年文化交流计划。该法案于1961年被纳入并扩展为美国联邦教育及文化平等交流法案(Fulbright-Hayes Act)。此项目在中国大陆推广之前,已经在欧洲、美洲及亚洲其他国家和地区成功运作了30余年,每年都有数万年轻人持J-1签证进入美国企业进行为期3·个月的实习,并利用实习之余的时间,在美境内旅游或实地体验美国生活,了解美国风土人情。 项目的特点在于为全世界大学生提供了一个踏上美国国土、体验美国生活文化、提高英语能力、进入美国企业,与美国同事以及来自其他国家实习生并肩工作的机会。此外J-1签证让每个实习生在完善的美国劳动制度保障下进行实习工作,与美国同事同工同酬,也可实际的减低赴美实习生的经济压力。



2、实习时间:6月15日至9月15日,实习期为三个月 ;

3、性格开朗,有责任心 ;

4、通过语言选拔考试(SLEP考试)及面试 。


































ISIC网络有 4万家的合作伙伴为学生提供全球多个国家的打折优惠服务,遍及酒店、机票、零售业、博物馆、餐厅、酒吧、音乐节等多个领域。ISIC卡目前已经成为年轻人国际交流、学习及旅行时的时尚品及必需品。优势项目办为学生免费提供ISIC卡,可为学生在海外的生活及工作提供更多帮助,更多优惠。



◎主题公园 --- 门票销售、游客接待、快餐小吃外卖、游戏表演、收银员等;

◎酒店/度假村 --- 服务生、客房服务、保洁人员、前台服务等;

◎快餐店/餐厅 --- 收银员、后厨、服务生等;

◎超市/卖场 --- 收银员、货架整理员、仓库保管员、销售人员等;

◎特色岗位--- 阿拉斯加鱼场、美国农场、校园等。




















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合作方       天津市教育国际交流协会      学校        学生及家长

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第二篇:Travel for Work

Travel for Work

You can see them in every airport in the world. They are businessmen and women who have to travel for their work. When they first applied for the job, they may have thought of good food and hotels, huge expense accounts and fashionable cities. Now they have to sit in airport lounges, tired and uncomfortable in their smart clothes, listening to the loudspeaker announce “The fight to Tokyo, or Berlin, or New York is delayed for another two hours.” Some people say to me, “How lucky you are to be able to travel abroad in your work! You can go sightseeing without paying any money by yourself!” They think that my job is like a continual holiday. It is not. There are advantages, of course, and I do think I am lucky, but only because I can go to places I would never visit if I was a tourist.

Why Some People Are Poor

The poverty line is the minimum income that people need for an acceptable standard of living. People with incomes below the poverty line are considered poor.

As the general standard of living rises, the poverty line does, too. Therefore, even with today’s relatively high standard of living, about 10 percent of the people in the United States are below the poverty line. Economists suggest several reasons.

For one thing, more than half of the poor people are not qualified to work. By law, children less than 16 years old can not work in many industries; many companies do not hire people over 65 years old,which is considered the normal retirement age.

Some poor adults do not look for jobs for a variety of personal reasons. Other poor people look for a job but can’t find one. Many poor adults never went to high school. Therefore, when they look for jobs, they have few skills that they can offer

Israeli and Palestinian leaders have launched their first direct peace talks in nearly two years. American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met at the opening ceremony. The two leaders joined Secretary Clinton for opening statements Thursday at the State Department in Washington. Mr. Netanyahu said a lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians would require painful sacrifices from both sides. He said Israel is demanding security agreements from the Palestinians. It is also demanding along recognition of Israel's right to exist. Mr. Abbas said Palestinians want a fair peace. He called on Israel to end all settlement activity. He also called for the end of Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip.


Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence developed by our environment and our experience?

Strangely enough, the answer to these questions is yes. To some extent our intelligence is given us at birth, and no amount of special education can make a genius out of a child born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring environment will develop his

intelligence less than one who lives in rich and varied surroundings. Thus, the limits of a person’s intelligence are fixed at birth, whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment. This view, held by most experts now, can be supported in a number of ways. As is easy to show that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people is, the closer they are likely to be in intelligence.

We are in the computer age today. The computers are working all kinds of wonders now. They are very useful in automatic control and data processing. At the same time, computers are finding their way into the home. They seem to be so clever and can solve such complicated problems that some people think sooner or later they will replace us. But I do not think that there is such a possibility. My reason is very simple: computers are machines, not humans. And our tasks are far too various and complicated for any one single kind of machine to perform. Probably the greatest difference between man and computer is that the former can do things of his own while the latter can do nothing without being programmed. In my opinion, computers will remain nothing but an extension of our human brains, no matter how clever and complicated they may become.

It is well-known that there has been a drastic increase in world population. But it is probably less well-known that the extinction rate of wildlife species is experiencing a parallel trend. Take the United States for instance. In 1990, U.S. population reached an unprecedented level of 250 million, which is approximately 250 times of that of 1800. On the other hand, wildlife species are disappearing from the country at an alarming rate. By 1900, about 70 wildlife species would never be seen in the U.S.. We are fully justified in declaring that the explosive population growth has had an adverse effect on the survival of wildlife species and will be a constant threat to the wildlife resources if no immediate actions are taken. Nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world. It has been demolishing the environment we are living in.

Through the changes in the ways of making a living in a family over several generations, the cartoon aims at sounding a warning against man’s wasteful use of natural resources and emphasizing the urgent need to preserve these resources.

Ever since man appeared on the earth, man’s survival has been heavily dependent on nature. Almost everything we use in our everyday life comes from nature, ranging from the food we eat, the water we drink, to the wood which is turned into furniture. With the development of technology and population growth, the amount and range of materials used has increased at an alarming rate.

However, natural resources are not inexhaustible. Some reserves are already on the brink of exhaustion and there is no hope of replacing them. The widespread water shortage is an example in point. If man continued to squander natural resources with no thought for the future, the whole world would be in a mess.

As big cars cause many problems, such as pollution, shortage of parking space, crowded traffic, scientists are now trying to design some small cars that may some day replace today’s big automobiles. If more people begin to drive such cars in the future, there will be less air pollution. There will also be more space for parking cars in cities, and the streets will be less crowded. Three such cars can fit in the space that is now needed for one car of the usual size. The little cars will cost much less to own and to drive. Driving will be safer as these cars can only go 60 kilometers per hour.

The cars of the future will be fine for driving around the city. However, they will not be suitable for long trips, because these cars by petrol can only go 450 kilometers before needing to stop for refueling.

Gardening is one of the oldest of the arts./The Chinese with their deep sensitivity to beauty/laid the foundations for a form of garden art/which was later to have great influences upon other lands./The Greeks gave to the world a new concept of gardening./Their homes were decorated with flowers,/but it was in their civic design that they most skillfully applied their garden art./Their temples were surrounded by rows of trees,/and trees lined the important streets and market places in their principal cities./The Romans acquired much of the knowledge and skill in garden craft from Greeks./In the second century AD the Romans began to build gardens of great scale,/inspired by the vast palace gardens they had conquered./They brought water from great distances to supply the ornamental fountains/which decorated their villa gardens./Later these great villas were to inspire the Italian garden architects to follow the Roman style.

Water is very important to us. Factories and plants need water for industrial uses, and large pieces of farmland need it for irrigation. Without water to drink, people die in a short time. Today most water sources are so dirty that people must purify water before drinking. Water becomes dirty in many ways: industrial pollution is one of them. With the

development of industry, plants and factories pour tons of industrial wastes into rivers very day. The rivers have become seriously polluted, and the water is becoming unfit for

drinking or irrigation. The same thing has also happened to our seas and oceans. So the problem of water pollution is almost worldwide. Scientists of many countries have done a lot of work to stop pollution. The polluted water in some places has become clean and drinkable again. Perhaps one day, the people in all towns and cities will be drinking clean water. That day, we believe, is not very far off.

Unit 2 World News: International Relations

Part I Warming up

1. What is the summit's statement expected to call on UN members?

To make commitments to eradicate poverty, promote democracy and education, and reverse the spread of AIDS

How many heads-of-state attended the summit?

More than 150

2. What has the former American Defense Secretary William Perry recommended?

A radical change of policy towards North Korea, from undermining to co-existing

3. Which three countries are admitted by ASEAN on Saturday?

Burma, Cambodia, and the Laos

4. What is the purpose of "Million Mom March"?

To push for tougher gun control laws

5. What happened inside the Macedonian border with Kosovo?

There's been further fighting between Macedonian forces and Ethnic Albanian guerrillas.

6. What happened on Friday about ten miles south of Pearl Harbor?

A U. S. nuclear submarine tore through a Japanese fishing vessel, sinking it within minutes.

How many people were on the vessel? And how many were missing? 35/9

7. How many casualties were there in the U.S. navy's bombing in Kuwait? Killed: 5 Americans + 1 from New Zealand

Injured: 5 Americans

8. What happened in the West Bank and Gaza?

Gun battles between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunmen have been raiding overnight.

9. What is NATO trying to do?

To allay growing disquiet about the possible health risks from ammunitions containing depleted uranium

How many former peacekeeping soldiers are reported to have died from cancer? About 20

10. What are the problems with the nuclear facilities and nuclear plants in Japan? Nuclear facilities. Some have breached many health and safety laws.

Nuclear plants: More than half failed some basic tests, such as checking radiation measurements.


1. With the final declaration on its role in the 21st century, the summit's statement is expected to call on UN members to make commitments to eradicate poverty, promote democracy and education, and reverse the spread of AIDS. More than 150 heads of state and government attended the summit, the largest gathering of world leaders in history.

2. The former American Defense Secretary William Perry has recommended a radical change of policy towards North Korea. In the State Department policy review he said the United States and its allies should try to co-exist with North Korea rather than undermine it.

3. The Association of South-East Asian Nations has decided to invite Burma to join its ranks, shrugging off western denunciations of the military regime in Rangoon. ASEAN foreign ministers voted on Saturday to admit Burma, Cambodia, and the Laos.

4. Hundreds of thousands of mothers from across the United States gathered here in Washington Sunday to push for tougher gun control laws. Organizers of the so-called "Million Mom March" are hoping to harness growing outrage at the number of children killed by handguns in the United States.

5. There's been further fighting between Macedonian forces and Ethnic Albanian guerrillas inside the Macedonian border with Kosovo. The fighting followed an earlier clash in which guerrillas ambushed a police patrol in Macedonia killing one policeman.

6. The missing, four of them teenagers, were among 35 people aboard a high school fishing vessel from Japan. On Friday, a U.S. nuclear submarine tore through the ship, sinking it within minutes. The USS Greenville, which was not seriously damaged, was performing an emergency surfacing drill when the collision occurred about ten miles south of Pearl Harbor. Coast Guard rescue teams plucked all but nine of the victims from the rough seas.

7. A bomb dropped by the United State's navy aircraft during training in Kuwait has hit a group of military observers, killing six of them. Five of the dead were American, the sixth was a special force's major from New Zealand. The 500pound bomb landed near an observation post during a live-firing training exercise in the desert. It was dark at the time. Five other American military personnel were injured.

8. Gun battles between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunman have been raiding overnight in the West Bank and Gaza. The upsurge in violence comes after Israeli attack helicopters targeted and killed a member of an elite Palestinian security force.

9. NATO is taking a number of steps to allay growing disquiet about the possible health risks from ammunitions containing depleted uranium, which it used in Kosovo and Bosnia. A special committee will be set up to handle the issue. About 20 former peacekeeping soldiers are reported to have died from cancer after serving in Kosovo or Bosnia.

10. Some nuclear facilities in Japan have breached many health and safety laws. Government inspectors checked 17 nuclear plants. More than half of them failed so

me basic tests, such as checking radiation measurements. Japanese nuclear regulators have been ordered to crack down following the country's worst nuclear accident in September. Sixty-nine people were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation in the accident.

Part II News reports


This news report tells us that the United Nations General Assembly has elected Columbia, Ireland, Mauritius, Norway and Singapore as its new non-permanent members of the Security Council.


1. Columbia, Ireland, and Singapore won their seats as nonpermanent members of the Security Council on the first round of balloting while Mauritius and Norway won their seats on the fourth ballot.

2. Sudan and Mauritius are two candidates of the Organization of African Unity.

3. There were three countries contending for the two seats allotted to the western industrialized group of nations.

4. The Security Council is made up of 15 members, including five permanent members -- China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States--and 10 non-permanent members.


The United Nations General Assembly has elected' Columbia, Ireland, Mauritius, Norway and Singapore as the new non-permanent members of the Security Council. The vote follows several weeks of haggling and maneuvering.

Columbia, Ireland, and Singapore won the required two thirds majority on the first round of balloting. But it took another three rounds of voting to decide on the remaining two regional seats.

Contention marked the voting for the second seat for the African and Asian group. The United States lobbied intensely against Sudan, the candidate of the Organization of African Unity. Mauritius, the candidate supported by Washington, won on the fourth round of voting.

Ireland easily captured one of the two seats allotted to the western industrialized group of nations on the first ballot. But Norway and Italy campaigned vigorously for the second spot. King Harald of Norway came to New York last week to press the case for his nation's representation on the Security Council for the first time since 1982. Norway also won on the fourth ballot. The new members begin their two-year terms in January. The Security Council is made up of a total of 15 members, including five permanent members -- China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States -- and 10 non-permanent members. Five non-permanent members are elected to two-year terms each year.


This news report is about Mr. Annan's view on the change of the nature of UN peacekeeping missions.

A New Peacekeeping Unit

Name: High Readiness Brigade

Countries involved. Austria, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, Poland

Purpose: To provide credible and effective peacekeeping troops

Reasons for the setting up of this unit: Some critics of UN peacekeeping missions have said the troops Often take too long to arrive and are often of insufficient number to do the job.


Mr. Annan says the nature of UN peacekeeping missions has changed in recent years from trying to end fighting between nations to attempts to end more complicated armed conflicts within nations.

"We are rarely faced with inter-state violence any more. But, in truth, we are rarely dealing with Irately internal conflicts either. Rather, conflicts today are often a complex mix of the two. Their roots may be essentially internal, but they are complicated by cross-border involvement, either by state or non-state factors.'

Mr. Annan spoke to a meeting of representatives of 20 nations that have committed a portion of their armed forces to be available for immediate deployment in UN peacekeeping operations anywhere in the world. Defense ministers from five of the nations that are participating in the so-called "High Readiness Brigade," including Austria, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands and Poland, were present at the meeting.

Some critics of UN peacekeeping missions have said the troops often take too long to arrive and that when they do, are often of insufficient number to do the job. The UN Secretary General says the High Readiness Brigade is essential in providing credible and effective peacekeeping troops.

"If we show up looking small and weak, we are inviting trouble and I think we have learned that. If, on the other hand, if we arrive quickly with strength and obvious determination, we will invite and earn respect."

Mr. Annan says the nations that are participating in the standby brigade are making a major contribution to the military capacity of future UN peacekeeping missions.



This news report tells us that the United Nations Human Rights Commission was going to hold an emergency meeting to deal with the crisis situation between Israelis and Palestinians.

Answers to the questions:

1. 53

2. 48


4. The United States

5. Canada

6. October 18th

7. No more than three days

8. To get the Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table

9. 4 / Bosnian war / genocide in Rwanda / violence in East Timor


Forty-eight of the ( United Nations Human Rights Commission's) 53 member nations voted to hold the emergency meeting. The United States cast the sole dissenting vote and Canada abstained. Three other countries did not vote.

The special meeting will begin October 18th and will last for no more than three days.

UN spokeswoman Marie Heuze says one purpose of the meeting is to try to learn how the cycle of violence between Israelis and Palestinians can be stopped.

"When you have such a high-profile for a crisis which is so dangerous, not only for the people in Palestine and in Israel, but in the region, there is a fear -- and this is probably why there was a large consensus on this meeting to discuss the issue -- because the situation in this part of the world is so volatile, so dangerous, so important to control that everybody thinks that they have something to contribute." Ms Heuze says she thinks the United Nations and the international community as a whole can play a constructive role in the present situation and in trying to get the Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table. Officials from the UN Human Rights Commission will discuss the agenda toward the meeting on Wednesday. This is only the fifth time the commission has gone into emergency meeting to deal with a crisis situation. Previous sessions dealt with the Bosnian war, the genocide in Rwanda, and the violence in East Timor.


1. How many members are there in the UN Human Rights Commission?

2. How many of them voted to hold the emergency meeting?

3. How many of them didn't vote?

4. Which country cast the dissenting vote?

5. Which country abstained?

6. When will the meeting begin?

7. How long will it last?

8. What's the purpose of this meeting?

9. How many emergency meetings have been held before this one? What were the three crisis situations that they dealt with?

Unit 3 World News: Economic Developments

Part I Warming up


1. Who have been meeting in Hong Kong today to discuss the outlook for the global economy?

Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries

2. What does UNCTAD say about the worldwide total of foreign investment? It grew by 40% last Year to more than 600 billion dollars.

3. Who has approved a cut in income tax rates?

The United States House of Representatives

4. Who has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products? Intel What is its plan?

To reduce 5,000

5. What decisions have been made by EU, the U.S. and Canada after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France?

EU has imposed further restrictions on the movement of livestock.

The U.S. and Canada have issued temporary bans on the import of animal produce from EU.


1. Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries have been meeting in Hong Kong today. One subject they likely discussed is the outlook for the global economy because of the U. S. slowdown and Japan's struggling recovery. Another topic, how to strengthen financial markets in emerging economies in Asia and elsewhere.

2. A United Nations' report says the worldwide total of foreign investment grew by nearly 40% last year to more than 600 billion dollars. The report by the UN Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD says most of it took place between developed countries as big companies took one another over.

3. The United States House of Representatives has approved a cut in income tax rates, the first part of a package of tax cutting measures put forward by President Bush. The income tax reductions will amount to nearly 1 trillion dollars over ten years.

4. The world's largest maker of computer chips, Intel, has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products. Intel said it expected its revenue in the first quarter of this year to fall .by a quarter on the same period last year. The California-based company plans to reduce its 85,000-strong work force by 5,000.

5. The European Union has imposed further restrictions on the movement of live-stock after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France. The United States and Canada have issued temporary bans on the import of all animal produce from EU countries.



1. The dollar is trading at one German mark seventy-three point three and at 126.9 Japanese yen. The pound buys one dollar sixty-two point four. In New York, the

Dow Share Index closed 45 higher at 6,783. Earlier London's 100 Share Index ended 20 higher at 4,390. In Tokyo, the Nikkei Share Index is closed for a holiday.

2. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 96 points at 10,116. The Standard and Poor's 500 Index gained 6 points to close at 1,254. But the NASDAQ Index lost 1.5% as high technology and lnternet stocks were battered.

3. Right now the Dow is down another 66 points at 8,094; the NASDAQ Composite down 3 points at 1,662. Turning to Europe's major markets: London stocks were hit by a wave of profit taking after five straight record closes; the FT 100 Index down 36 points; Paris seeing losses as well, the CAC quarante down 33 points or 1%; and Frankfurt's DAX also fell 1% after briefly moving into record territory.

4. The Hang Seng Index closed down 89 points at 3,521. The turnover was 7.71 billion dollars. Now look at the ten most active stocks. Cable and Wireless HKT up 45 cents, HSBC holdings down 50 cents, Hutchison down 50 cents, Shanglongkai Property up $2.25, and China Telecom down $1.50, Changh0ng up 25 cents, Pacific Century Cyberworlds down 10 cents, CCT Telecom down 27.5 cents, New World Cyberspace down 7.5 cents, and Hanong Holdings down 25 cents. The Hang Seng Index future for November and December were all down. Hong Kong gold closed at 2,670 Hong Kong dollars, and London gold is trading at 289 U.S. dollars.

5. Consumer electronics maker Philips Electronics reported a lower than expected profit for last year. The company made about $2.4 billion, more than $300 million below estimates. Oil company Royal Dutch Shell posted its earnings. It made roughly a $3.6 billion profit for its fourth quarter. That was essentially in line with Street expectations. Electronic Data Systems also reported its fourth quarter numbers last night. It posted a 70-cent profit per share, two cents better than expectations.

Part II News reports


This news report is about Forbes's "Super 100 Global" list.

Answer the questions:

1. Which of the following corporations are the top five on Forbes's list? Mark their ranks.

2 Citigroup

4 HSBC Banking Company

-- BP-Amoco

5 Daimler-Chrysler

1 General Electric Corporation

n Anglo-American Oil Company

n Microsoft

3 Bank of America

2. How are the companies ranked?

The companies are ranked with a composite formula, which includes total sales, profits, assets and market capitalization, or the total value of their stock.

3. How are the 100 companies distributed?

46 in the United States, 54 in Europe and Japan

4. Why were none of the Internet-related firms included in the list?

Because most of the Internet-related firms have little or no profits so far


For the second year in a row, the General Electric Corporation is ranked number one in an annual survey of the 100 most powerful corporations in the world.

The survey, compiled and published by Forbes business magazine, shows General Electric of the United States ranked number one, followed in second and third place by the U.S. banking and financial services giants Citigroup and Bank of America. In fourth and fifth place are the British-based HSBC Banking Company and Daimler-Chrysler, the German-American auto-company. The companies are ranked with a composite formula, which includes total sales, profits, assets and market capitalization, or the total value of its (their) stock. What the magazine calls its "Super 100 Global" list are 46 companies based in the United States and 54 in Europe and Japan.

Mike Ozanian, the Forbes editor who compiled the list, says there is a growing trend of international mergers and acquisitions, citing companies such as Daimler-Chrysler and BP-Amoco, the Anglo-American Oil Company. Mr. Ozanian says that despite the huge capitalizations of many Internet-related firms, none were included because most have little, if any, profits -- at least not yet.


This news report tells us that economies in the Asia-Pacific region have rebounded from the 1997- 1998 financial crisis.


1. (F) 2. (T) 3. (T) 4. (F)

5. (F) 6. (T) 7. (T) 8. (T)


Economies in the Asia-Pacific region have rebounded from the 1997 - 1998 financial crisis. That's according to the annual survey by the UN Conference on Trade and Development. The survey says economic growth in Asia is expected to exceed six percent this year.

The report says developing countries in the Asia and Pacific region performed significantly better last year than was forecast. Their collective economies grew by five-and-one-half-percent, which it says is a remarkable turnaround from the virtually zero growth experienced in 1998.

Senior UN economist, Bill Choa, says the turnaround in growth in Japan is particularly noteworthy. He says striking improvements also were made in developing countries.

The report says the resurgence in growth was particularly outstanding in South Korea. But impressive gains also were made in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Singapore. The report notes higher growth has been achieved without causing inflation to rise. It says the flourishing economy of the Asia-Pacific region is largely due to a combination of greater foreign investments and buoyant exports. Despite the optimistic prospects for the region, Mr. Choa warns against complacenc

y. He says there are both external and domestic downside risks. He says the region could be adversely affected by a slowdown in the U. S. economy, by a lack of sustained recovery in Japan and higher oil prices.

The United Nations report says that more emphasis must be placed on structural reforms. It recommends improved surveillance and the establishment of early warning systems to monitor the international financial system. The report says social safety nets of the Asia-Pacific region have to be strengthened and expanded so that poor people are protected in the event of another financial crisis.


1. There was a financial crisis in Asia from 1996 to 1998.

2. Economic growth in Asia is expected to be more than 6 percent this year.

3. Economies in the Asia-Pacific region grew by 5.5 percent last year.

4. Economies in the Asia-Pacific region grew considerably in 1998.

5. High economic growth in Asia was accompanied by high inflation.

6. The flourishing economy in the Asia-Pacific region is largely due to a combination of greater foreign investments and increasing exports.

7. The economic growth in the region could be adversely affected by a slowdown in the U.S. economy and higher oil prices.

8. According to the UN report, improved surveillance and early warning systems are needed to monitor the international financial development.



This news report gives us a general picture of some major U.S. stocks. It also presents some analysts' views on the market.


1. The Dow Jones Industrial Average went up less than one percent, to 10,546.

2. An analyst said that sales growth at Intel could be stronger than expected.

3. Retail stocks gained on stronger-than-expected sales because of the Thanksgiving holiday shopping season.

4. Sales of existing homes fell a steep 3.9% in October, their second monthly decline.

5. According to investment strategist Alan Skrainka, this is a very good entry point for a long-term investor to get into the market.


U.S. stock prices were mixed on Monday, with the "bluechips" in a rally mode. But volume was only moderate after a holiday-shortened week last week, showing lingering uncertainty among investors.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average went up 75 points, less than one percent, to 10,546. The S & P 500 Index gained 7 points. But the NASDAQ Composite backed off an early rally, taking a loss of almost one percent on weakness in selected technology stocks.

The Dow Industrials actually got a boost from their technology components. Shares of Intel traded higher after an analyst said sales growth at the leading computer chip-maker could be stronger than expected. Microsoft stock also edged higher.

Retail stocks gained on stronger-than-expected sales over the Thanksgiving weekend, as the holiday shopping season got underway.

However, analysts caution the retail picture is still clouded because many stores offered bargains to attract shoppers. Experts worry that higher oil prices and interest rates will make this a less than merry Christmas season for U.S. merchants.

The latest on the U.S. economy points to slower growth. Sales of existing homes fell a steep 3.9 percent in October, their second monthly decline.

Many analysts think uncertainty over the economy makes it increasingly likely that the major stock averages will close lower for the year. But investment strategist Alan Skrainka says the longer-term looks better.

"No one can guess what will happen to the market over the next month. But over the long-term, we think the market looks very good. If you're a long-term investor, this is a very good entry point for getting into the market because this is what you've been waiting for. All the fear and uncertainty in the marketplace is setting us up for some very good values in the market."

Part III China and WTO

1. After six days of grueling talks, Beijing reached an agreement with the United States on China's entry into the WTO.

2. At 4 p. m., top U.S. trade representative, Sharline Baschevsky, and Chinese foreign trade minister, Shi Guangsheng, put their signatures on paper to confirm China's entry into the WTO.

3. The agreement marks the end of thirteen long and often painful years of negotiations between China and the United States.


Anchor: Good evening. China has cleared a major obstacle to becoming a member of the World Trade Organization. After six days of grueling talks, Beijing reached an agreement with the United States on China's entry into the WTO. President Jiang Zemin says the deal will give a much-needed boost to Sino-U. S. ties, while Bill Clinton says it will be good for world trade.

Reporter: The historic moment came at 4 p.m. when top U. S. trade representative, Sharline Baschevsky and her counter part, Chinese foreign trade minister, Shi Guangsheng, put their signatures on paper to confirm China's entry into the World Trade Organization.

Sharline: On behalf of the President of the United States, who has worked very hard with President Jiang and Premier Zhu Rongji on this agreement, may I just once again express my thanks and gratitude to Minister Shi, my old-time friend, to President Jiang, to Premier Zhu Rongji, and the many others on the China side.

Reporter: It's taken 13 years for the two countries to come to the deal. Both sides attribute the success to their leaders.

American official: I applaud President Clinton, President Jiang, Premier Zhu for putting the long-term interest of U.S. and China over short-term political expediency, and putting a 21st-century vision of a freer world economy over old, outdated 20th century divisions between us.

Reporter: The United States says the agreement is likely to bring about enormous

changes to the world, not only economically, but also politically.

Translator of Chairman Jiang: I think today we meet in a very pleasant atmosphere. Sharline: May we shake hands today?

Reporter: Today's events come after six days of dramatic development. The American delegation repeatedly extended this day after initially describing the talks as disappointing.

Anchor: Tcklay's ceremony marks the end of 13 long and often painful years of negotiations between China and the United States. China will become the 135th country to join the World Trade Organization. Before then, it will first have to get another 27 countries to agree to its accession.


The two governments have reached agreement on:

-- Terms and conditions of access to China's market with specific commitments on industrial goods, agricultural products and services

-- Provisions relating to rules on market opening

-- China's reducing its average import duties from 22 to 17 percent

-- China's opening its market for U.S. banks, insurers, telecommunications firms and even film exporters

-- China's joining the WTO as a developing nation


Anchor: U.S. President Bill Clinton described the deal as good for the United States, China and the world economy. He says he will work to ensure China's bilateral trade relations with the U.S. are also upgraded.

Reporter: Full details of the WTO deal have yet to be released, but the agreement stresses the mutual benefits that will result from China's entry to the WTO. The document gives terms and conditions of access to China's market with specific commitments on industrial goods, agricultural products and services. It also says the two governments have reached agreement on provisions relating to rules on market opening. And it says the two sides will jointly notify the WTO about the agreement so it can be incorporated into the negotiations on China's accession. A U. S. statement said China agreed to reduce its average import duties from 22 to 17 percent and that the deal opens the China market for U. S. banks, insurers} telecommunications firms and even film exporters. U.S. firms will also be granted access to China's distribution networks. The deal will see China joining the WTO as a developing nation. That means market opening will be phased in, enabling state industries and other struggling firms to prepare for the arrival of foreign competition.

Clinton: President Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji have shown genuine leadership in committing China to open its markets and abide by global rules of fair trade. And opening the economy of China, the agreement will create unprecedented opportunities for American farmers, workers and companies.

Part IV UN business conference

Title of the conference: Aid and Trade

Conference venue: Javits Convention Center in New York

Features: Four major seminars and more than 150 exhibits

Number of attendees: More than 500

Aim of the conference: Encouraging partnerships in the global economy

Attitudes of the attendees:

-- Having some level of interest in working with the UN

-- Showing some skepticism about the mixing of business with the world organization

Column A Column B

1. Reinhart Helmke a. Head of Imnarsat, a British-

based voice and data transmis

sion company

2. Kofi Annan b. Former vice president of the

Boeing Aircraft Company, now

a consultant

3. Michael Storey c. Director of the UN Office for

Project Services and chief or:

ganizer of the conference

4. Larry Clarkson d. UN Secretary-General

1-- c 2-- d 3-- a 4-- b


The first conference on business and the United Nations opened Wednesday in New York. It's part of an effort to encourage partnerships designed to bring more of the world's people into the global economy.

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has said many times that the world organization will remain relevant only if it involves other institutions _ universities, non-governmental groups and private businesses -- in its mission. The two-day conference on business, titled "Aid and Trade," features four major seminars and more than 150 exhibits sponsored by both nations and private companies.

Significantly, the conference is not being held at a UN facility but at New York's Javits Convention Center, the scene of numerous business and trade fairs.

While some of the more than 500 attendees from business and government listened to speeches, others mingled with representatives of the various businesses and countries that had set up booths.

Reinhart Helmke, Director of the UN Office for Project Services and chief organizer of the conference, says the main purpose of the event is to demonstrate that globalization is for everyone.

"Globalization is the best opportunity that has been given to mankind in a very long period of time. Let's make the best out of it that we can. Let's use the free flow of information, the potential of large-based participation (to) carry this out in a cooperative fashion which includes as many segments of the civil society, obviously including the business sector that hasn't been as much included in the past."

Mr. Helmke says the partnerships can involve direct UN participation or private sector investment in countries. One outstanding UN project, he says, is the world organization's partnership with Ericsson, the Swedish telecommunications company. The company maintains an emergency response team that provides telecommunications

capabilities at the scenes of natural disasters such as the recent flooding in Mozambique.

One of the conference participants is Michael Storey, head of Inmarsat, a British-based voice and data transmission company. He says the work that his firm and other communications companies are doing in developing nations provides a catalyst for greater economic development.

"I believe that telecommunications and particularly information technology and the Internet is going to be ... is the great factor for economic development into this next millennium."

Larry Clarkson, a former vice president of the Boeing Aircraft Company and now a consultant, told the conference it is very important to have global rules involving trade and investment to prevent businesses from exploiting people in poorer nations. At the same time, however, Mr. Clarkson says governments of developing nations must also uphold rules of behavior.

Although all the business people attending the conference have some level of interest in working with the United Nations, there was some skepticism about whether business and the world organization really mix.

Even so Mr. Storey says he admires the UN initiative and hopes it will help foster increasing business involvement in developing nations.

Part III Speeches

Extract 1 (expressing an opinion): I believe that... I believe we should...

Extract 2 (paying a tribute): He said to those he touched and who sought to touch him ...

Extract 3 (expressing an opinion) -- I have a dream...

Extract 4 (expressing an opinion). America needs a full-time President and a full-time Congress.

Extract 5 (informing): Today... I am meeting with ... to talk about...

Extract 6 (accepting a post): I am profoundly grateful ... for giving me the chance to serve you.

(making a promise) = I will do everything I can to be worthy of ... I promise you ... that I will ...


1. I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult, or expensive to accomplish... But, in a very real sense, it will not be one man going to the moon. If we make this judgment affirmatively, it will be an entire nation ... I believe we should go to the moon. (John F. Kennedy 25/05/1961)

2. As he said many times, in many parts of this nation, to those he touched and who sought to touch him: "Some men see things as they are and say 'Why?' I dream things that never were and say 'Why not?'" (Edward M. Kennedy 08/06/1968)

3. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day, even the State of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. (Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. 28/08/1963)

4. America needs a full-time President and a full-time Congress. Particularly at this time, with problems we face at home and abroad. To continue to fight through the months ahead for my personal vindication would almost totally absorb the time and attention of both the President and the Congress in a period when our entire focus should be on the great issues of peace abroad and prosperity without inflation at home. (Richard M. Nixon 08/08/1974)

5. Today in Beijing I am meeting with China's leaders to talk about the future of our two countries and a relationship between us that is essential to a peaceful, stable, and prosperous world in the next century. We talked about the United States and China's mutual interests --promoting peace in Korea; preventing a nuclear arms race between India and Pakistan; restoring economic stability in Asia; stopping the spread of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them; combating international crime and drug trafficking; preserving the environment; a

nd opening trade. (Bill Clinton 27/06/1998)

6. Thank you for opening up your minds and your hearts, for seeing the possibility of what we could do together for our children and for our future here in this state and in our nation. I am profoundly grateful to all of you for giving me the chance to serve you. I will... I will do everything I can to be worthy of your faith and trust and to honor the powerful example of Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan ... I promise you tonight that I will reach across party lines to bring progress for all of New York's families. Today we voted as Democrats and Republicans. Tomorrow we begin again as New Yorkers .... (Hillary Clinton 07/11/2000)

Part II News reports

Event: NASA's 12-year program of Mars

--Starting time: 1996

--Finishing time: 2008

First installment:

n Names of spacecraft: the Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter / the Pathfinder Lander Arrival time: 1997

Mission: To collect and analyze rocks

Second installment:

-- Names of spacecraft: the Polar Lander / the Mars Climate Orbiter

Launch time: December

Arrival time: Next December


a. To inspect for subsurface water

b. To measure the distribution of water vapor, dust and condensates

Grand finale:

-- Launch time: 2005

-- Return time: 2008

-- Mission: To return soil and rock samples to Earth


Of all the U.S. and Russian spacecraft that have traveled to Mars since the 1960s, the Polar Lander is to be the first to touch down near the planet's south pole. The Lander and a companion orbiting craft called the Mars Climate Orbiter, launched in December, are the second installment of a 12-year NASA program (began in 1996) to unlock the secrets of Earth's red neighbor.

The first installment the Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter and the Pathfinder Lander -- arrived in 1997, with Pathfinder's robotic rover collecting and analyzing rocks on a desert about half a world away from the polar landing site.

The Lander is to touch down just above the northern-most edge of the south polar ice cap, believed to be a mixture of water and carbon dioxide.

It will use retrorockets to slow its descent. Once on the ground it will employ a robotic arm resembling a child's toy construction shovel to dig in search of subsurface water. Together with the newest orbiter now on its way to Mars, the Lander will also measure the distribution of water vapor, dust and condensates in the Martian atmosphere.

While the Polar Lander descends next December, it is to release two speeding probes, each smaller than a basketball. These rugged instruments are to crash at about 640 kilometers per hour and bury themselves into the Martian surface about 100 kilometers away from the Lander's touch-down point. They, too, will be inspecting for subsurface water.

The grand finale of this series of Mars probes is tentatively set for launch in 2005. It would return soil and rock samples to Earth three years later.


This news report tells us that an ailing observatory, the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, has been forced to fall from its orbit and crash into a remote area in the Pacific Ocean to avoid deaths and injuries from the falling debris.

Answers to the questions:

1. 9 years

2. 16 metric tons

3. 6 tons

4. About 4,000 kilometers southeast of Hawaii

5. 4,100 kilometers long and 26 kilometers wide

6. Because one of its three stabilizing gyroscopes had failed in December

7. It changed astronomers' view of the heavens after showing that the entire universe is bathed in the invisible gamma rays.


Space Agency NASA forced an ailing observatory to fall from orbit and crash into the Pacific Ocean on Sunday. NASA engineers picked a remote spot to avoid deaths and injuries from the falling debris.

NASA says the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory has made a fiery plunge through the atmosphere into an isolated area of the Pacific.

Most of the nine-year-old satellite was to have burned up in the dive, but about six tons of hot metal were expected to have showered onto an isolated area about four thousand kilometers southeast of Hawaii. NASA had estimated that the debris would scatter over a long, narrow path 41 hundred kilometers long and 26 kilometers wide.

The deliberate crash came after Goddard Space Flight Center technicians directed the observatory early Sunday to fire its thrusters twice to dive into the atmosphere.

NASA felt this was necessary because one of the Compton's three stabilizing gyroscopes had failed in December. The Space Agency decided to bring the 16-metric-ton satellite back now in a controlled manner to prevent possible further system failures from causing it to drop on a populated area. The Compton's path took it over many populated areas, including Mexico City, Bangkok, and Miami.

Compton exceeded its original five-year mission by four years, resulting in about two thousand scientific papers.

The observatory changed astronomers' view of the heavens after showing that the entire universe is bathed in the invisible gamma rays, the highest energy form of light. It discovered hundreds of previously unknown sources of gamma rays, some streaming from black holes, exploding stars, and the sun.


1. How old is the Compton?

2. How heavy is the Compton?

3. How many tons of hot metal were expected to plunge into the Pacific?

4. What is the place that has been chosen for the crash of the Compton?

5. How big is the path that the debris of the Compton would scatter over?

6. Why is it necessary to force the Compton to fall from its orbit?

7. What's the significance of the Compton?

Part III China' s space' and aeronautics industry


This news report is about the safe and accurate return of the unmanned spacecraft after completing its first test flight.

Answer the questions:

1. According to President Jiang, what is the significance of the success of this experimental flight? a. A milestone in China's space and aeronautic development

b. The technological breakthrough of manned space flights

c. An inspiration for the Chinese people

2. What did President Jiang call on scientists and engineers to do?

a. To fully study and analyze the experimental results

b. To map out a development plan to expand the options for China's peaceful use of space c. To' improve the level of China's space and aeronautics industry

3. According to Xu Fuxiang, what is the significance of this successful unmanned flight?

a. Proving that the level of China's space and aeronautics industry is among the most advanced in the world

b. Inspiring more young Chinese scientists to work in the industry


In our top story today, President Jiang Zemin, Vice President Hu Jintao, and other top leaders, this afternoon went to Beijing's space center to see the module of the returned unmanned spacecraft which completed its first test flight recently. A ceremony was held this morning, to celebrate the opening of the module. It was transported back to Beijing from Inner Mongolia yesterday.

President Jiang Zemin was briefed on the experimental process of the flight of the spacecraft. He said he's satisfied with the result of the experimental flight. Jiang Zemin pointed out that the success of the experimental flight is a milestone in China's space and aeronautic development and has special significance in the technological breakthrough of manned space flights. He said it is also an inspiration for all Chinese people.

The President called on scientists and engineers to fully study and analyze the experimental results so as to map out a development plan to expand the options for China's peaceful use of space.

Earlier in the day, officials from China's space and aeronautics industry, along with researchers and manufacturers of the spacecraft, held a ceremony to mark the safe return of the spacecraft and opened its module. Though the module did not carry any astronauts, it did have a payload. The staff took out national flags, the flags of the Macau Special Administrative Region, and a banner with all the signatures of the scientists and engineers who participated in the construction of the spacecraft. The items will be presented as gifts by the staff of the space and aeronautics industry. The spacecraft voyage is successful and the module returns accurately and safely. However, we shall conduct more studies on concrete technical data such as temperature and humidity recorded by the module. It will provide us with more data to manufacture the manned spacecraft.

Xu Fuxiang, the President of China's Space Technological Research Institute, said that the successful flight of the unmanned spacecraft proves that the level of China's space and aeronautics industry is among the most advanced in the world. It will inspire more young Chinese scientists to work in the industry.



This news report is about China's launch of the second unmanned experimental spacecraft "Shenzhou H" Answers to the questions:

Answers to the questions

1. In the early hours of Wednesday morning / A rocket center in Gansu Province

2. A few days later / Inner Mongolia

3. To launch a space station / To put astronauts on the moon

4. November 1999

5. 14 times

6. 21 hours

7. Inner Mongolia

8. A few days

9. 1992


China says it's successfully put a second unmanned spacecraft into orbit. It's expected to re-enter the earth's atmosphere over Inner Mongolia in a few days' time. The launch is part of ambitious, long-term plans by the Chinese authorities which ultimately include hopes of building a space station.

The official Chinese news agency said the country's second unmanned experimental spacecraft, "Shenzhou II ," was successfully launched in the early hours of Wednesday morning from a rocket center in Gansu Province in northwest China. It's part of a series of tests the Chinese are carrying out before pushing ahead with a manned space mission sometime in the future. The first test flight to the unmanned module took place in November 1999, when it orbited the earth 14 times before finally landing in Inner Mongolia, 21 hours later. The Chinese news agency says this mission will last for a few days. And several technical improvements have been made to the craft. China began its manned space program in 1992, and officials have expressed the hope that one day they'll ultimately launch a space station and put astronauts on the moon.


1. When and where was Shenzhou II launched?

2. When and where will Shenzhou Il re-enter the earth's atmosphere?

3. What is China's long-term ambition'?

4. When did the first test flight to the unmanned module take place?

5. How many times did it orbit the earth?

6. How many hours did it stay in the orbit?

7. Where did it land?

8. How long will Shenzhou Il's mission last?

9. When did China begin its manned space program?

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