

Is working western holidays a sign of a modern china or of traditions sacrified to commercial interests.

People in foreign countries prefers to changes and diversity of live.and they have more money and more time to spend their diversity life,with the programming of the opening and reforming the Chinese people became more open and more eager to see the outside world,experience the different culture.Take the Christmas and the valentine’s day as example, we buy gifts to our friends ans relatives. We also buy sweets, candies, chocolates to out sweetheart. And this means people have changed their mind of cousuming which, some how can illustrate wive is entering mordern society. Therefore, warbing the western holiday is a sign to mordern china.

Should linguistic diversity be preserved even at the expense of effective communication.

Points:linguistic diversity should be preserved.

Reason:language is the carrier of a specific culture and history.and it’s the identification of who we are and why we are different from others.

In the days of globlization,language tends to be a single form because the people from different culture want to communicate with each other effectively is to enrich the culture with sth different.so the diversity of language plays vital part is globlization.

Are we becoming too susceptible to advertising?

Point:we do become susceptible to advertising.

Reason:you can not deny the ad has melted in our daily life, when you open a book ,turn on a tv and your computer, ad is everywhere. This is something we can not escape. AD is not just the market of phenomena. It has become a culture logic. And we have eternalize the culture logic into everyday thinking.

Should bargaining be outlawed and traders be required to advertise a

fixed price for what they sell?


First, it will reduce the joy bargaining itself is a joy, when you get the agreement with the sellers you will feel fulfilled.

Second: the fixed price will made travelers can not feel the customs of a country.

Should it be left to university students themselves to balance their private lives and their studies?

Point: the right to balance their private lives and studies should not be left to university students.

Reason: 1. they are much too younger though they have passed the legal eighteen . But we spend all these 18 years in schools which is quite isolated from the society. And the marriage is more than romance. students is two young to handle this.

Can the sacrifice of modesty in the interests of achiving success be justified. Points: modesty and success are not contrast. In china, modesty is a traditional vitual.

What do you think is more important for a child, a happy childhood or top

marks at school.

Point: Top marks is important because in china you can not have a happy childhood without high marks, take himself as an example: top mark student have privilege in china when you get these privilege. When you attend the extra classes. You can have quite a lot time with yourself to read a lot to thing a lot to watch lot to choose what I am interested in. In these way,you feel yourself get a happy childhood. If you can not change things change yourself.

Is it right for major cities to lift the ban on firecrackers?

No .we should not lift the ban

1. big threaten to our environment.

2. hurt the children ,the future of our country. Dangerous.

3. try to get use to the ban on firecrackers.

Is a dependent husband a role model or a cause of embarrassment?

It is a cause of embarrassment.

1.from the point of the husband,it deprive the husband of his possibility to pursue his career,support the family.he couldn’t find some friends to form his own habit ,interest and hobby.the embarrassment of the husband.

2.from the view of the wife,when people talk about her husband ,he could never won people’s respect,can never for his value in the society. the embarrassment of the wife.

3.the foundation of a good family is that the two people share the equal chance to pursue their careers,that will bring a solid foundation for the family and the coming children.

Should Beijing introduce a congestion charge to encourage drivers to use public transport and leave their cars at home?

Yes it should .

1.beijing has so many cars. The traffic is so serious.we have many rush hours and even for two hours long.

2.using public transport can save energy.it’s a good way to solve the energy crisis problem.

3.using public transport can advocate.such kind of charge,and reduce private cars. Who should take responsibility for the poor diet of children,fast-food restaurants or parents?

Fast food restaurants.

1.fast food use millins of dollars for their ads and experts try to grab the children’s attention.

2.the children can go the fast food restaurants with the pocket money.they can go there with their friends on their way home.

Is the Olympic ideal still relevant today?

Yes .

1.the city compete for the olypic games.if the city get the chance to host that,it would encourage the people in this city to improve the house.

2.the company put more money on commercial.and reward for the players.it would attract the players to play harder.

3.as a common people,we take part in as volunteers,it was a kind of benefit. Should china introduce a complete ban on smoking in restaurants and bars? Yes should

1.everyone knows that smoking is harm to smokers.it destroys smokers’body.and it also a harm to indirect smokers.

2.smoking destroys our living condition and environment.sometimes I can’t breathe freely in some places full of smokers.

Is Beijing a better or a worse city, as a result of the disappearance of the hutongs?

Worse city without any of these hutongs.

1.hutongs are traditional constructions.it’s unique to Beijing city,just like the great wall.they should be protected.

2.high rises are everywhere.however,hutongs are limited.they should be protected as culture hostage.

3.for those residents who live in hutongs,they are generations from year by year,hutongs are their homes.

Are retirement homes the answer in caring for

china’s ageing population? Yes

1.young people won’t have much time to stay with their ageing parents.so there is no difference for parents living alone.

2.they would take care of the oldness,and provide medical sevice,balance diet,and they organize activities.

3.they can get communication with the same age.sharing their experience, and have fun together



此次活动本着“公平,公正,公开”的比赛原则在文科楼隆重举行,多数外语专业老师担任此次比赛的评委,比赛在主持人的开场语中正式拉开帷幕,参赛选手依次上场进行演讲,比赛中参赛选手准备很充分,演讲也很投入,并且充分表现出了自我的特色,让观众深深地领略了他们潇洒的口语风采,有的选手还在自己演讲的同时进行了配乐,得到了评委的好评,我系参赛选手在比赛中段依次登场并有出色的发挥,优美流利的演讲得到了全场观众和评委的掌声,各位选手比赛过后,由评委老师进行现场点评,老师们给予了参赛选手高度好评,并激励他们再接再厉,取得更大的进步,最终此次“心的触动,心的沟通”英语演讲比赛取得圆满成功,我系参赛选手在他们不懈的努力下取得了两个二等奖,一个三等奖的优异成绩! 此次演讲比赛诣在提高规范同学们的口语,与此同时,也锻炼了同学们的英语表述能力,使同学们积累了演讲比赛的经验,为此以后的大型演讲比赛提供了可能,通过这次比赛,不仅仅让同学们发挥了自己的潜能,向所有人展示了自己,而且为今后的专业性比赛奠定了基础。

这次英语演讲比赛促进了我系学生学习英语的积极性,丰富了大学生在校的课余生活。同时,我也从这次英语演讲比赛中发现了我系学生学习英语所存在的一些问题。如:学生的英语底子薄弱;学生学习英语的积极性不够高。有些学生的胆量不够大上台有些胆怯。但相信经过他们不断的努力和奋斗,一定会让自己变得越来越好,这些问题在今后的活动中逐步解决 。 信息科学技术学院





英语演讲比赛 演讲稿(中英版)





















