篇一 :【托福】北京朗阁托福TPO综合写作:生物和考古话题考点



备考误区: 大多数参加新托福考试的考生在备考的时候仅仅是把TPO套题做个几遍,不做任何总结和归类就进了考场,但最终成绩往往并不令人满意。从写作科目来说,综合写作听力的得分会直接影响分数的变化,除了词汇资源和语法多样性这些要求外,学生对于听力细节的把握也是至关重要的。今天朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家将分析一下新托福综合写作中的两个主流话题-生物话题和考古话题,相信能够帮助考生们在有效的时间内去科学地突破它们。 ? 生物话题考点:

在TPO的题目中,最具有代表性的生物类话题分布在TPO 4, TPO 10, TPO 15, TPO 17, TPO18和TPO 26, 它们分别研究的是恒温动物,海獭,蟾蜍,鸟类,某种常青树的濒危灭绝和某类淡水鱼的入侵。从研究的内容来看,考生们觉得它们之间绝无内容的相似性,更无从谈及什么相关性,但事实上并非如此。

——TPO 4: 阅读和听力争论的焦点是恐龙是不是恒温动物,基于三个方面:climate change, leg position and movement and Haversian canals

——TPO10: 这篇谈及的是:whether does the number of sea otters decline attributes to the pollution, their predators and survival location

——TPO15: 讨论的是来自北美的cane toads本来到了澳洲是消灭那里的害虫的,但是入侵之后带来了许多害处,人们想了诸多方法减少它们:包括设置篱笆,志愿者参与和病毒侵害。

——TPO 17: 辩驳了某种鸟数量下降的原因(人类的增长,频繁的农业活动和大量杀虫剂的使用)。

——TPO 18: 为了挽救某种常青树,人们实施了很多措施:选择适合它生活的环境;迁移到别处(其实这里就有物种入侵的意思了)或在研究中心这个所谓的“温室”环境里成长。 ——TPO 26: 介绍某种淡水鱼是否难以阻挡其入侵到别处,及其将会带来的潜在威胁。 从上面的考察点结合阅读与听力的内容,朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家给考生们总结了这类话题的考点设置:

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篇二 :托福 tpo26 综合写作范文

In terms whether the zebra mussel will exert negative influence on North American, the passage and lecture are contradictory to each other. The author believes that zebra mussel might do harm the local species as they arrived while the lecturer holds a different opinion.

First of all, the author makes a point that the history events suggest the zebra mussel's invasion is unstoppable. In the past, human transportation makes it possible for zebra mussel spread around the whole Europe and it is likely to happen again in North American. However, the lecturer demonstrates a different idea that a change made in the "ballast water" will prevent the invasion of zebra mussel from continuing. He says that if we refill the "ballast water" with ocean water, the mussel will no longer survive because the saline water might probably kill them all.

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篇三 :新托福模考tpo28综合写作范文

In the reading, it mainly talks about that Rorbot E Peary has been to north pole because it has three striking evidneces. However, in the lecture, the professor thinks that the points provided in the reading are not convencing.

First of all, the reading points out that at the end of the investigation, the committee has concluded that Rorbot E Peary has been to the north pole. Nevertheless, the professor believes that the committee was not objective at all. Firstly, it was writed by his friends. What’s more, the investigation only msintained for two days and they can get precise conclusion in such a short time. So the committee is biased.

In addition, the reading states that the English explorer Tom Avery has proved the truth that the Rorbot E Peary could reach the north pole within 37 days. On the contrary, the professor argues against that there are many distinguishment between the Rorbot and Tom, because at that time, Rorbot had no food and met the most server weather, which will make them late to reach the north pole.

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篇四 :托福综合写作 tpo29 范文

综合写作 tpo29 范文

In the reading, it mainly talks about that the edmontosautus in order to survive would migrate south to more suitable place. Nonetheless, in the lecture, the professor thinks the arguments provided in the reading are not convincing.

First of all, the reading mentions that the edmontosaur’s diet support the migrating idea because in the winter, the cold weather prevent plnats from surviving in the north. Nevertheless, the professor concludes that there is no relation between the magration and food supply by giving the fact that long ago the weather in summer was warmer than today’s and even if at the approach of the winter, there did existed enough nurients to feed animals like edmontosauts.

Additonally, the reading states that the many edmontosaur skeletons have been unreathed in the same site which means that the edmontosaur were in herd and there are some similarities bewteen the edmonsaurs and modern migrating animals that find food by migrating. On the contrary, the professor claims that though the enmonsaurs can live in herd, the propose of living in herd is not migrating but aginasting the predators.

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篇五 :tpo19 综合写作 参考

Both the passage and the speaker mention a kind of social phenomenon—buzzing. The lecture refutes the reading’s points by stating that buzzers provide true information, consumers won’t buy the product until the buzzers anwser all their questions, also it might have a good effection on social relationships.

The speaker first says that buzzers tell the truth of a good to their costoms for many companies hire the users who feel very good about the products as the buzzers. Contrarily,the author holds that buzzers always provide incorrect information as they try to advertise the goods and to increase sales.

And then, the speech points out that most consumers don’t believe the buzzers easily. They often ask a lot of questions, such as the price, the service and how long can they use, and require all the answers before buying. However the passage disagree with it. It argues that buzzers pretend to be the users while working. In this way, consumers tend to be less critical and may easlier to accept the claims from buzzers.

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篇六 :托福 tpo7 独立写作范文

I agree with the statement that it is more vital for our individuals to learn ideas than those specific facts. Although some people claims, Learning new things or doing scientific research without facts or specific knowledge can be very difficult, thus students should stick to facts rather than concepts. However, those people haven't noticed all facts or knowledge are based on concepts raised by human. Thus, putting concepts aside isn't a wise choice. There are several specific reasons.

First of all, We have been learning facts from texts books all the day since primary school, but seldom of us ask "why''. Basically, nobody cares because teacher or the whole education system stress too much on facts. As we all know, facts genesis from ideas and concepts. Before doing something, we'd better build a concept, or a more specific plan for what we are going to do next. Only in this way can we had everything under control. It is the same for students or scientists. For instance, Newton probably did not know the whole facts or the theory about G Force at all before he finished his research. But newton must have realized that the existence of a special force, thus a concept came into his mind. Then, all have to do is follow the concepts and start his science research. In a word, we should study ideas and concepts first and it will lead us to facts in the end.

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篇七 :tpo33 综合写作

TPO 33 Writing - Integrated Writing

Reading Part

Carved stone balls are a curious type of artifact found at a number of |locations in Scotland. They date from the late Neolithic period, around 4,000 years ago. They are round in shape; they were carved from several types of stone; most are about 70 mm in diameter; and many are ornamented to some degree. Archaeologists do not agree about their purpose and meaning, but there are several theories.

One theory is that the carved stone balls were weapons used in hunting or fighting. Some of the stone balls have been found with holes in them, and many have grooves on the surface. It is possible that a cord was strung through the holes or laid in the grooves around the ball. Holding the stone balls at the end of the cord would have allowed a person to swing it around or throw it.

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篇八 :TPO11 综合写作final version

In the lecture, the professor casts doubt on the reading passage’s idea that it is unfortunate that people especially young people are reading far less literature novels, plays, and poems than they used to. The professor disagrees with the opinion of the reading material.

To begin with, according to the reading passage, while there has been a decline in book reading generally, the decline has been especially sharp for literature. So, by reading less literature, the reading public is missing out on important benefits. The professor argues that although the population of reading literature are lesser and lesser, people can gain a lot of benefits from other books. For example, science writing, history, political analysis and so forth are not literature perhaps, but they are often of high quality and these kinds of books can be just as creative and well-written as a novel or a play.

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