篇一 :中英文年终总结





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篇二 :做年终总结的方法(英文)


The Right Way To Give A Year-End Job Review


Up and down the chain of command, year-end performance reviews fill people with dread or with resentment, and very rarely with joy. Both the givers and the receivers spend a lot of time on the reviews, yet they generally see them as an empty exercise. After all the procedural T's are crossed and the I's dotted, it takes people skills to get a real return on investment from this important, labor-intensive process. Leaders need to set an example by turning a ritual into a productive effort.


This column addresses giving a review. In a subsequent article I'll tackle how to get the most out of receiving a review. Both articles aim to challenge you to shift your focus to the emotional experience on both sides of the table, and to increase the payback from year-end reviews by developing some key psychological skills.

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篇三 :20xx年终工作总结英文版范文

The ye end is ing, befe e ve n he ne ye, i’s high ie f ll f us d evie f he ye T e, ding his nnul evie is like geing ep d I’s n diffeen ih y nnul evie – exep hese esuls en’ f y sudies –hey’e bigge They’e f y life


Ipne f Ye End Revies


S hy is i ipn d ye end evie? Thee e 4 siple esns:


1 D lessns f he ye


Wh hve yu expeiened his ye? Wh hve yu lened f he? Wih evey expeiene e fe, hee e ipn hings len We n eihe le hese inidenes pss us by, e n sp undesnd, inenlize he, nd d lessns f he Life is yu shl, nd he lessns e dessed up s yu eveydy inidenes Yu dn’ n be living ye fe ye ihu lening f yu expeienes Th’s jus sleeplking yu life y


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篇四 :20xx年英文版的年终总结

英 文 写年终 总 结

个人的年终总结和工作的年终总结会有所区别,一起来看看该怎么写、要包含哪些内容吧! Year-end is a good time to review your programs to get them ready for the next year. Typically, this time of year things slow down due to the holidays you might have some time to focus on the recommendations below.

Year-end Recap

It is critical that you develop a year-end recap and send it out to as many people as possible. This will let then know your successes as well as challenges in the past year. You can use this to brag about the successes, which can lead to more support as well as budget.

In addition, by outlining the challenges you may be able to motivate others to help and or make appropriate changes within their teams that will help you prevent these problems. Annual Traffic & Sales Review

Reviewing your inbound traffic and conversions across the year to look for trends or new phrases is a great opportunity to identify new markets, keywords or countries that may have been overlooked in the monthly reviews.

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篇五 :英文版的年终总结



Year-end is a good time to review your programs to get them ready for the next year. Typically, this time of year things slow down due to the holidays you might have some time to focus on the recommendations below.

Year-end Recap

It is critical that you develop a year-end recap and send it out to as many people as possible.

This will let then know your successes as well as challenges in the past year. You can use this to brag about the successes, which can lead to more support as well as budget.

In addition, by outlining the challenges you may be able to motivate others to help and or make appropriate changes within their teams that will help you prevent these problems.
Annual Traffic & Sales Review

Reviewing your inbound traffic and conversions across the year to look for trends or new phrases is a great opportunity to identify new markets, keywords or countries that may have been overlooked in the monthly reviews.

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篇六 :个人年终总结(英文版)

Annual Personal Summary

The new year is around the corner and in the soon-to-last 2010, there are so many memorable moments.

Annual Summary

I take up new work as a sales, which is both familiar and strange to me. Much difference from translation, this position is not only interesting but also full of challenges. Because things are not in your hands and

sometimes out of control, while if you could try to grasp buying point of customers, you would gain the upmost accomplishment. This is totally what I have felt and my eternal pursuit.

One year's accumulation(with colleagues’ help) makes me more mature both in attitude and personality. Every success would bring me a little more confidence; every encouragement would make me happy all day long; every positive smile in leader's eyes would make me more staunch. I would like to face the challenges and I am pleasant to conquer any

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篇七 :个人年终总结(英文版)

Annual Personal Summary

The new year is around the corner and in the soon-to-last 2010, there are so many memorable moments.

Annual Summary

I take up new work as a sales, which is both familiar and strange to me. Much difference from translation, this position is not only interesting but also full of challenges. Because things are not in your hands and sometimes out of control, while if you could try to grasp buying point of customers, you would gain the upmost accomplishment. This is totally what I have felt and my eternal pursuit.

One year's accumulation(with colleagues’ help) makes me more mature both in attitude and personality.  Every success would bring me a little more confidence; every encouragement would make me happy all day long; every positive smile in leader's eyes would make me more staunch. I would like to face the challenges and I am pleasant to conquer any obstacles in work, in which process my potential seems to be unleashed. I like this kind of sensation and also I hope to win the friendship of all the colleagues.

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篇八 :公司年终总结大会主持词


今天,窗外阳光明媚,室内暖意融融!在新春佳节即将到来之际,我们在这里欢聚一堂,召开度公司总结暨表彰大会,主要目的是为了总结一年来的工作,总结经验,吸取教训,共商公司未来发展大计,并对为公司各项工作的发展做出贡献的员工、施工队进行表彰和奖励。 首先我代表力大公司对市美术馆对我们会议的大力支持!感谢工作人员提供的帮助! 为保证会议的有序进行,在会议正式开始之前,我提几条要求:
















第11项:毛占动代表郑州项目部做工作总结 本文来自那一世范文网http://www.nayishi.com,转载请保留此标记。 (10分钟)






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