篇一 :英语专业自我介绍



我毕业于xx大学英语专业.对英语比较偏爱,具备较强的英语听、说、读、写、译等能力;擅长撰写和回复英文商业信函,熟练运用网络查阅相关英文资料并能及时予以翻译。对国贸易事务有所了解,并熟悉国贸单证的制作。通过学校日常培训和寒暑假的社会实践活动, 熟悉办公室软件的操纵;精通办公自动化,熟练操作windows xp能独立操作并及时高效的完成日常办公文档的编辑。


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篇二 :英语专业应届毕业生面试自我介绍


I am an english graduate of 2014 in hunan university of science and engineering. throughout my campus life, i have devoted myself with sincerity and motivation to the learning of english language. i have got strict training and grasped the five basic skills of foreign language quite well.

As an english major, i have a good command of english in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation. being proud of my fluent oral english, i can express myself precisely. i also possess some certain abilities of translation and interpretation. at the same time, i am very interested in computer and can operate word, powerpoint, typesetting and windows system very well.

During my four years college learning, i have got full training of occupational skills. however, i still pay more attention to improve myself in all aspects. when i was in the university, i participated in the english association of our college (tee) actively and was elected the president of tee and association minister of foreign language department, well-praised for my hard-working. i think i have got a lot of strength from this experience, such as the ability of communication, expression, and the attitude towards life and work. optimism, calmness, diligence and innovation strive to be my characteristics

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篇三 :英文专业毕业生自我介绍


General Introduction

Good morning my name is xx it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview i would like to answer whatever you may raise and i hope i can make a good performance today .

I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program.

Education background

In 1995 I entered the Nanjing University of Science &Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester and my overall

GPA(89.5/100) ranked No.1 among 113 students. In 1999 I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test. I selected the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue my study for its best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization and Network Scheduling where my research interest lies.

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篇四 :毕业生英语面试自我介绍and面试时自己我介绍技巧




杨小姐介绍说:"关于我的情况简历上都介绍得比较详细了。在这我强调两点:我的英语口语不错,曾利用假期在旅行社做过导游,带过欧美团。再者,我的文笔较好,曾在报刊上发表过6篇文章。如果您有兴趣可以过目。" 最后,人事经理录用了杨小姐。

当应聘到外企或其他用人单位时,求职者往往最先被问及的问题就是"请先介绍介绍你自己"。这个问题看似简单,但求职者一定要慎重对待,它是你突出优势和特长,展现综合素质的好机会。回答得好,会给人留下良好的第一印象。 回答这类问题,要掌握几点原则:

——开门见山,简明扼要,一般最好不要超过三分钟。 ——实事求是,不可吹得天花乱坠。



——善于用具体生动的实例来证明自已,说明问题,不要泛泛而谈。 ——说完之后,要问考官还想知道关于自己的什么事情。




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篇五 :英语专业面试自我介绍



(首先对自己的姓名 专业 毕业学校进行自我介绍)

本人稳重,工作踏实勤奋,具有较强的团队合作精神,好学,能吃苦耐劳,能够服从上级的命令听从指挥.以高标准的质量完成上级交给的各项任务。在校期间积极参加各项活动,连续三年当任学习委员,就业协会编辑部部长,有良好的沟通能力和组织能力,有较强的团队精神。曾获得优秀学生干部、学院三等奖学金、优秀教学信息员及优秀寝室长,商务英语写作能力强,熟悉外贸进出口流程,有外贸业务网上平台操作经验,擅长利用internet进行各种网际信息交流,具有一定网站建设、规划经验,对电脑办公软件操作相当熟悉。 请考官给我一次学习的机会,期待能加入到贵公司的团队中去贡献自己的一份力量!

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篇六 :英语专业自我介绍



我毕业于xx大学英语专业.对英语比较偏爱,具备较强的英语听、说、读、写、译等能力;擅长撰写和回复英文商业信函,熟练运用网络查阅相关英文资料并能及时予以翻译。对国贸易事务有所了解,并熟悉国贸单证的制作。通过学校日常培训和寒暑假的社会实践活动, 熟悉办公室软件的操纵;精通办公自动化,熟练操作windows xp能独立操作并及时高效的完成日常办公文档的编辑。


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篇七 :英语专业英文自我介绍

Dear xxx:

It’s greatly appreciated that you can share your time to read my self-recommendation letter. My name is XXX, majoring in English, I will graduate from XXX college in June 2013. After four-years’ hard study, I have possessed the quality to be a qualified graduate. Four-year’s hard working arms me with solid specialized knowledge. Now, I have mastered the basic English skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation; and also have a good knowledge of grammar, phonetics, linguistics… Moreover,extensive reading has broadened my mind. It acquainted me with western countries’ culture and custom. Hard-working also rewards me with high scores in examination.

With a perfect mastery of specialized knowledge, I also developed myself in all-round way. I have been paying special attention to foster my managerial ability, coordinate ability and cooperative ability. So I have done lots of jobs in my college life,such as working as a branch secretary of the group,an English teacher of an English Training School, I have not only dong a good job but also have leant a lot from such experiences.

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篇八 :20xx年最新的英语专业自我介绍



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