篇一 :4AUnit4Icanplaybasketball 课堂实录

4A Unit1 I can play basketball (period1)

( 执教:海门市三厂小学 薛琳瑛 )

Step 1.Warming up& Pre-reading

T: Class begins. Good afternoon, boys and girls

Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Xue.

T: Sit down ,please. Now, children, first ,let’s enjoy a song ,OK? Ss: OK!

T: Enjoy it and then tell me : What sports can you hear? S1: Run!

T: Can you run? Show us. Good! Anything else?

S2: Jump!

T: Wonderful ! Can you show us?

T: Can you spell it? /d3/ /∧ / / m/ / p/

Ss: Jump.

T: Nice. What else can you hear?

S3: Skate .

T: Can you skate? Show us. Look at this name?

Ss: Kate(凯特)

T: Good ! So this word--skate

Ss: Skate .

T: Follow me: skate

Ss: Skate .

T: Spell it together.

Ss: S-K-A-T-E .

T: Any other sports?

S4: Swim!

T: Do it ,please. Good! Let’s spell it! /s/ --/w/ --/i/-- /m/ Ss: S-W-I-M!

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篇二 :四年级英语上册Unit4Icanplaybasketball第一课时教案

Unit 4 I can play basketball 第一课时Story time


《义务教育教科书?英语?四年级上册》Unit 4 I can play basketball 第一课时Story time



2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写词组:play basketball,have a try,



I can...我会……


—Can you...你会……吗?

—Yes,I can. 是的,我会。

—No,I can’t.不,我不会。



Nice!Very well! Cool!Great!Yeah!

2、当你想让别人尝试一下时会说:Have a try.




Step1、Warming up

Greeting and free talk

T :Good morning,class.

Ss:Good morning,Miss An.

T :Nice to meet you,class.

Ss:Nice to meet you,Miss An.



(1.) I can read and act the story.

我能阅读并表演story time的内容。

(2.) I can use “Can you...? ”to ask questions.

我能用“Can you...?”提问。

(3.) I can use “Yes, I can./No, I can’t.” to answer the questions. 我能用“Yes, I can./No, I can’t.” ”回答问题。

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篇三 :4AUnit4 I can play basketball 第一课时






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篇四 :Unit 4 I can play basketball


Unit 4 I can play basketball


本单元主要学习如何询问他人是否会做某项运动,要求学生会说一些体育运动及一些表示动作的单词basketball, football, jump, skate, swim等。本课通过Mike,Wang Bing, Liu Tao在学校篮球常上的活动及对话要求学生能够能够运用句型Can you...? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. Can he...? Yes, he can. No, he can’t. 并理解What about you? Have a try. I can play basketball well. 能够运用各种不同的表达如Nice! Cool! Great!等来赞美。通过Fun time文字的趣味排版的形式,让学生能够通过趣味阅读,根据内容来说一说,巩固本课句型。通过Cartoon time又为巩固句型提供了一个富有趣味的场景,激发学生的学习兴趣,其中要让学生理解Don’t be sad. I can’t fly either. 要让孩子学会像Sam一样,会安慰他人。本单元的语音是学习字母f在单词中的读音。


1.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用单词:basketball, football, jump, skate, swim。

2. 能听懂、会说、会读、单词:well, can’t, have a try, yeah, quack, tweet, fly, ouch, sad, either。

3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型I can...Can you...? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. Can he/she/...? Yes, he/she can. No, he/she can’t.

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篇五 :Module 6 unit2 I can do it very well教学设计及反思

Module 6 unit2 I can do it very well教学设计及反思

五年级二班 张丽


学会can表达能力的,用在肯定、疑问及否定形式,并能谈论自己能与不能做的事情。 评价自己和他人, 培养学生学会评价事物。


Can you run fast? Yes, I can./No, I can’t.

You can play football well.


control, really的发音。

Can you play football well. Can you run fast

四、Teaching steps:


T:Good morning biys and girls.How are you today?

Ss:I’m fine,thank you.And you ?T:I’m fine ,too.Now,let us sing the song.<I can’t do it> Can you sing?Ok,let ue sing together.


T: You can sing well。All the students did a good job. I can play basketball well,what can you do well?(问一学生)

S:I can dance /sing /draw/swim very well

T:Good!but I can’t swim at all.What about you?

Ss:I can’t swim at all.

T:What can you do well?(问刚才那学生)

Ss:I can draw very well.

T:What about you ?

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篇六 :英语作文 play basketball

Experience a basketball experience a life

I like basketball because basketball likes our lives is full of competition. when the players are on the basketball court, all of them want to win the game, so they will try their best to fight with competers.

Playing basketball means you must keep moving on the basketball court all the time. Our body can get enough exercise through running and jumping. So,we will became more healthy.

There will be a lot of setbacks in our life. So,when we are unhappy,we can play basketball to release our pression.We can make it by running, jumping and shouting in the game. you will forget those unhappy soon.

For example.once.I have failed in an exam.so,I was very sad.then I went out to play basketball with my friends. In the game,we are all running and jumping,we often shouted to our teammates "move ,move,move or pass, pass, pass or shoot shoot,shoot” .When we scored, we will shouted "nice". We enjoy ourselves in the game and i forgot the unhappy quickly.

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篇七 :4A Unit4 I can play basketball 教学反思1

4A Unit4 I can play basketball教学反思㈠


本节课是新教材4A的第四单元Ican play basketball的story time部分的教学,我利用普通家庭小朋友用的小道具,一个小篮球和小篮球架贯穿于整个课堂,用小道具巧妙地融入到整个情景中。在这个仿真实的情景中,学生更乐于进行交际活动,提高自身的语言交际能力,整个课堂气氛十分活跃,学生学习英语的积极性很高。趣味操练中他们轻轻松松的掌握了单词和句子,增强了学生的自信心和成就感,同时培养了学生的合作精神和创新能力。

整节课我运用了任务型教学法,设计了三个任务sports time,story time,show time,让他们完成三个任务后就会加入我的super kids club,学生积极性很高,学的轻松愉快,另外我还编了chant来练习本课中的新单词,学生能很好的掌握。








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篇八 :译林版四上Unit4 I can play basketball. (Period3)公开课教案

课题 4A Unit4  I can play basketball.   (Period3)

Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:

1.能通过 Cartoon time 的趣味阅读,体会Bobby 的滑稽可笑之处。

          2.能熟练运用:Can Tom/Lucy…?及回答:Yes, he/she can.或No, he/she can’t.来回答。



Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

教学重点:1.能通过 Cartoon time 的趣味阅读,体会Bobby 的滑稽可笑之处。

          2.能熟练运用:Can Tom/Lucy…?及回答:Yes, he/she can.或No, he/she can’t.来回答。


Teaching aids教学准备:PPT,本课单词图片,头饰。(含板书设计)

Teaching procedures教学过程:

Step1 Learn independently自主先学

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