篇一 :电影《马达加斯加的企鹅》英语观后感影评

The movie Penguins of Madagascar is hilarious! It is the funniest movie I have seen in a long time.

This animated movie is about three penguins that grow up together, find another penguin that hatches from an egg and they all become best friends. They go on all their adventures together as a team. The youngest one, Private, tries his best to become an important part of the team. An evil villain named David captures them for revenge. He's jealous because he used to be the main attraction in zoos until the penguins come along and stole his glory! The penguins are rescued by a new elite team called the North Wind who claim they are the best at rescuing helpless animals.

My favorite character is Private (Christopher Knights) because he is cute and he finds his purpose in the end which makes him an important part of the team. The other characters are equally fantastic. The writers have created a wonderful comedy script and I think this movie will keep you laughing. The moral of the story is that your appearance on the outside shouldn't matter, it's who you are on the inside that counts.

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篇二 :《马达加斯加2》观后感




其实说真的,这部电影并不是第一流的,比起《功夫熊猫》《WALL-E》等一流的电影,从头到尾都在恶搞,故事平坦没有曲折的《马达加斯加2》实在没法吊高我们的胃口,但其体现的亲情、友情、爱情却让我们回味十足?? 艾力克是一只活泼可爱、讲义气的狮子,他由于儿时的一场意外,而成为“纽约之王”从而结识了好朋友——斑马马蒂、长颈鹿迈尔曼、河马格罗瑞亚。他们四个来到非洲大草原,艾力克找到了他的父母——草原之王,但艾力克只会跳舞,而又被对王位虎视眈眈的狮子马昆卡算计,在成年仪式上被迪氏打败,父亲不忍心亲自驱逐艾力克,丢弃了王位??危险慢慢逼近了,由于人类修建的大坝,保护区内的水源干涸了,四位好朋友为了大家毅然去保护区外寻找水源,经历了诸多坎坷,艾力克和他的父亲终于炸掉了大坝,找到了水源,让保护区里的动物得救了。大家又幸福的生活在一起??


其实这部电影可看性还是蛮高的啦!几个老角色一如既往的性格鲜明,虽然不算有多可爱,但都很容易给人留下深刻的印象。四个主角:艾力克舞跳的很帅、马蒂面部表情丰富、 迈尔曼感情细腻、格罗瑞亚笑容迷人??配角里,四个企鹅有抢主角的嫌疑。动作干净利落,判断及时准确而且永远从容不迫,简直?简直就是普京!艾力克的妈妈温和慈爱;爸爸属于那种有点老派但是很疼儿子的;牟头牟头真的是很英俊(以河马的标准);狐猴三人组很好的完成了搞笑的任务;普通猴两人组永远非常淡定的在下棋;人类,就是人类啦,那个老太太很象周星驰《百变金刚》里那个杨婆婆:小碎步倒着,小眼镜戴着,小毛衣穿着其实是绝世高手!唯一的反面角色,那个想篡位的狮子,长得很象《好汉两个半》里面的查理。

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篇三 :马达加斯加观后感(英文)

人文与法律学院 社保112 刘畅 112366

In the Central Park Zoo of New York City,there were a group of animals living without anxiety and sorrow.The lion Alex,the zebra Marty,the giraffe Melman and the hippo Gloria.They were so optimistic and outgonig that they enjoyed their life in New York City.Till one day,Marty occassinally found four penguins who were digging a hole to the Antarctica.Marty produced an audacious idea that he had a desire to go into the wild ,which meant a whole new world compared with human society.So,with this strong desire,Marty set off on his birthday at midnight,but without telling his friends.For looking for their best friend,Alex,Melman and Gloria set on their journey to the wild.Finally, they intercepted Marty at the train station.However,their escape alarmed the people of New York City.They intercepted the animals at the station,too.Four friends together with other animals were sent to Kenya,Africa,by sea.In the process of sailling,four peguins use kung-fu to hijacked the ship.Meanwhile,Alex and his friends dropped into the sea by accident.Then,the ocean current brought them to their new home—Madgascar.

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篇四 :《马达加斯加的企鹅》中的“萌态”解读









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篇五 :《马达加斯加企鹅》的台词



老大:1、卡哇伊,选项!2、卡哇伊,分析!3、装可爱,兄弟们!4、别着急,我有办法!菜鸟:1、他好可怜哦,老大,我觉得我们应该帮助他。卡哇伊:1、我的外婆!2、如果我的计算没错, 第二部的开头

Well done, boys. looks like ice-cold sushi for breakfast.



That has to be the second biggest slingshot I`ve ever seen.

这肯定是我见过的第二大的弹弓了。 But it`ll have to do.Attention. 不过没办法啦,全体注意 This is your captain speaking. 我是机长!

In the event of an emergency, place the vest over your head,then kiss your... good bye. 一旦发生紧急情况,请穿上救生夹克,然后和这个世界说再见。

Pray to your personal God this hunk of junk flies.

请向各路神仙祈祷这破烂能飞起来吧。 If cabin pressure is lost, place the mask over your face to hide your terrified expression. 如果机舱失压,请戴上面具,别让人看见你吓得要死。

起飞后企鹅当上了机舱奴隶 Can I help you,Mr. Mankiewicz? 您有什么需要,马克维茨先生? Sorry. Been a little backed up. 对不起,人手不够。 驾驶舱

We`ll go out for pineapple, my bobbly- headed boobily-boo.

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篇六 :马达加斯加3观后感





5.7学生 廖明伟

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篇七 :马达加斯加的企鹅

斑马:- Marty? - Marty?




马蒂:What the heck is going on?


狮子:You're not? Oh! He was... I thought he... You're not him.He's... Oh.

你是不是?哦!他是…我想他…你不是他。他..哦。 马蒂:You thought that guy...was me?


狮子:No. I mean, yes, you... Guys, come on.


马蒂:You thought I was him?


狮子:You guys kind of do look a little...


狮子:You look a lot alike. Marty, you look a lot alike. 你们看起来很像。马蒂,你们看起来很像。

狮子:You laugh alike. Talk alike. He has the same speech pattern.


狮子:It's a little weird, really. I mean, come on. Marty. 这有点奇怪,真的。我的意思是,来吧。马蒂。

马蒂:So you're saying there's nothing unique about me. 所以你说我没有什么是独特的

马蒂:I'm just like any other zebra.


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篇八 :马达加斯加的企鹅 台词

1:Seriously?Does anyone even know where we are marching to?

甲:Who caress?I question nothing.

乙:me too.

丙:me too.

1:well fine!we‘ll just fly to the front of the line and see for ourselves.Kowalski,Rico!engage aerial surveillance.

Here we go!doing it.come on.

3:skipper.we appear to flightless.

1:well.what‘s the point of these?wow,I like it.hey,this could be our thing.what are we gonna call it?let’s call it the …‘high one’.hey,anybody see that?that’s an egg!is someone gonna go get it?

丁:we can’t do that.

1:why not?

戊:well,it’s a dangerous world out there,and we are just penguins.you know nothing but cute and cuddly.

己:yeah,why do you think there are documentary crews filming us.

庚:well,sorry kid.you know we lose a few eggs every year.it’s just nature.

1:oh,right.just nature.i guess that make sense,but…something…something deep in my gut tells me that it makes no sense at all.you know what?I reject nature!who’s with me?! 3:the old ship.no one‘s ever returned from there alive.

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