篇一 :勇敢的心英文影评


Review of Braveheart

The film entitled Braveheart,which tells of the story of Sir William Wallace ,a Scotland’s hero in 13th century to protest against the cruel king of England, Edward I.

Although the reason is seemingly a romantic revernge for his fiancée who was killed by an English landlord.The struggle was so fierce ,bloody and magnificent that any spectator can not come to himself or herself after seeing a series of campaigns that were shown in the movie and we are most touched by the desire for freedom of Sir William Wallace on the last scene of his execution ,in which William’s sky blue eyes were shone as bright as the sky ,a metaphor for the freedom which is hopeless but the determination was never abandoned in pursuit for it.

However,one cannot stand the spiteful rebellion of the Scottish nobles and just imagine Wallace’s disbelief and shock when he got to know that the knight of Edward I,who is most willing to kill him in the battlefield,is the one who is most likely to become the king of Scotland,the man who swore to stand alongside with Wallace from the majority of the Scotland’s aristocrats who suspected Wallace and kept looking down upon him.Wallace had presumed that he was his companion but the reality just showed the just opposite side of Wallce’s naïve dream and both the hero and the audience cannot bear this betrayal from the bottom of their heats.

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篇二 :勇敢的心观后感英文

Good morning,everyone. My speech content is about Brave heart.

Brave heart this movie not only let me know the brave,kind-hearted Scotland hero William Wallace,but also make me deeply intoxicated with Scotland bagpipe music in the background of the accompaniment.

In the movie, Wallace as leader of the uprising troops has won many battles. Such as the Green bridge battle broke the infantry conquer cavalry superstition and captured the England important city Yorktown. This let me see the dawn of victory, but it's not the end. When Wallace was defeated in the battle of Faure Kirk, in which a British army fighting in unraveling the helmet, that moment, he didn't think that was once very trusted noble leader Robert Bruce. He didn't put a sword to Bruce, but the choice of forgiveness.Then lay on the ground,you can see what he’s chilling and sad.Bruce regreted again and said he would never again betray cooperation.For the sake of peaceful reunification ,Wallace sill agreed to go .However, Edinburgh designed to seize Wallace sinistery and sent him to the king.Bruce’s farther tricked Bruce ,Wallace was finally sentenced to death. In this moment ,Ifeel very sad,I really want to see Wallace back instead of ending in death.Is this really is a tragedy? No, Wallace’s spirit has aroused numb people ,they will fight for freedom.

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篇三 :勇敢的心观后感



主人公William Wallace是个血气方刚,大义凛然的真男人,但也不仅仅是个只会舞刀弄枪的粗人,他心思细腻,善于用脑,更是每个女人仰慕的痴情专情的好男人。面对丧父之痛,他握紧小拳头,不让自己留一滴泪,心里默默地积蓄着一股力量。。Murron一直在关注着他,当众人都离开的时候,小女孩挣脱了母亲的手,从平静的土地上摘下了一朵紫色的蓟花送给小Wallace。当他接过花的时候,那是我在电影中唯一一次看见他的眼泪大滴大滴地流淌在眼眶之外。他的眼泪可以忍受看到被吊在房顶上扭转着苍白面容的尸体时恐惧,可以忍受失去至亲时的莫大悲痛,却承受不住一朵野花的关怀。说是宿命也好,长大后的他们在曾经的小村庄重逢,在教父的见证下秘密地完婚,在月色树林中完成了人生中重要的初夜,一切顺理成章而无限平静。正如Wallace所希望的那样,他希望过着平静的生活,成家、娶妻、生子。本来我以为他们的爱情会更加长久和轰烈一些的,没想到却因为Murron被英国的军官割喉而死,他们的“在一起”戛然而止。



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篇四 :勇敢的心观后感英文版

When the plain Scottish bagpipe music rings, a vast heroic epic pulled open heavy curtain. With Scottish bagpipe, the end of the movie has nearly three hours. Scottish bagpipes and Scotland skirt, Scottish scenery, this about Scottish hero, William Wallace's films from the beginning I was deeply in love with it.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. When a people oppressed by a certain amount of time, there will always be so a person or a group of people in right time right place, then make a breathtaking world on fire.Stringer bridge battle, when the soldiers to life but to quit the war, when the Scottish nobles to concessions to the British, Wallace appeared, this culminated should be one thousand people, the impromptu speech, let those who oppressed Scots against heart light,”you`ve come to fight as free men,And free men you are.What will you do with that freedom?Will you fight?Aye.Fight,and you may die.Run,and you`ll live…at least a while.And dying in you beds many years from now,would you be willing to trade all the day from this day to that for one chance…just one chance … To come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives ,but they`ll never take our freedom?”That is a what a battle blood boiling, nation's sense of honor, the nation's spirit of solidarity, the power of the nation may only when has been foreign clearer .Falkirk battle because the betrayal of Scottish nobles,Wallace failed.People with brave rushed forward, there will always be people who will retreat to escape, perhaps shouldn't blame them, noble and civilian is two classes, the different experiences of life, in the face of war does choose is different.

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篇五 :自由的执着 电影《勇敢的心》观后感






看完这部影片后,我深思良久,华莱士的勇敢,无畏,执着,信任和对自由的追求,化作一颗闪亮的心,驰骋在广阔的天空中。我们也应相信,在浴血奋战中想获得的也许才是最重要的,自由,如今的我们所谓的拥有又掺杂多少束缚,欲望就是一根绳,有它的牵制,我们永远得不到自由找寻不到幸福的方向。 不如像华莱士一样,身边拥有一群朋友,拥有一位最爱。他曾说过他一无所有,但她却拥有梦想并将自己的一生付诸了行动。用血液化作世界的最强音,响彻了整个国度,他其实才是最富有的人哪。

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篇六 :勇敢的心英文影评

Film Review:Brave Heart The movie named Brave Heart was first released on May 24, 1995 , in the United States. This movie is directed by the famous director Mel Gibson who was the starring actor in the film.The film starring were Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau, Patrick McGoohan This movie tells the story about a national hero--William Wallace and he national uprising under his leadership in the late 13th century.In the real history, by the end of March 1296, king Edward I rate army capture Scotland business town Berwick. At the end of April, the England troops in Dunbar annihilated Barry ORR’s forty thousand army. Barry ORR surrendered, as well as more than two thousand Scottish nobles were imprisoned. After that, Scotland was ruled by Edward I(called “Longshanks” in the film), so Scottish people started to fight for their national independence, they fight for their freedom. Director Mel Gibson is not filming history here. The film is not about the whole historical events, it’s adapted from history (1296-1305). The film mainly mentioned Stirling campaign and Falkirk campaign. In fact, Stirling battle occurs in September 11, 1297, the first battle in the film. On this day, the farmer soldiers with rotten equipment, bad training, extremely beat the arrogant royal army. But in Falkirk campaign, in July 22,1298, Edward I led the army personally, William Wallace’s forces was defeated like they in the film. In August 1305, William Wallace was arrested by an Anglomania Scottish nobles John. On August 23, Wallace was cruel executed outside in the iron field of London. William Wallace is the main character,a national hero in the film. When he was a child, his farther sacrificed in the battle of England. Then he grew up with his uncle, studying culture and martial arts. When he was grown up and came back to his hometown, he fell in love with a girl and they married secretly. His rural dream was broken when his wife were killed by England soldier. In order to revenge, he began fighting. More and more oppressed people attend his fighting. The onlything Wallace fights for is freedom, his revolution was set in motion, with great obstacles from his countrymen. Many Scottish nobles lent him only grudging support. His revolution is not smooth. Longshanks let his son married The French princess Isabella to relax the relationship with France. But in the film Longshanks sent Isabella to Wallace two times in order to beat Wallace, all the plots were found by Isabella and sent to Wallace. Thanks for Isabella’s warning Wallace was alive. That because the princess admire his wisdom and courage and fell in love with him. But good luck is not always come with Wallace. After the Falkirk campaign, Wallace began to take hidden guerrilla tactics against the British. Then his noble Bruce’s father betrayed him. At the end of the film, the noble Robert Bruce led Wallace’s troops continue fighting against English, and won their freedom finally.

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篇七 :勇敢的心影评(英文版)

Brave Heart film review

The director of movie is Mel Gibson.He’s a really a good director and actor. I really like his movie brave heart .It’s a successful epic .I think it is grisly,but it is also moving.I really like the actor Mel Gibson .Do you know why?Because he’s handsome .Haha,may be is.And he’s also like a hero.He’s the leadership.All the farmer and other Scotland people Take refuge in him.He makes England Feel fear.He doesn’t very strong,but he is very smart .He just like ZhuGe Liang,but he also can use knife and sword , so he is better than ZhuGe

Liang.In this movie ,I hear more about feelings .I know Unity is strength ,though the Wallace is die in the England.But his heart is forever,bright the Scotland people’s heart.He believes:free is the most important.All this movie tells us:free,brave,unity. It’s a really successful movie,I like it.I want see it again.

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篇八 :勇敢的心观后感


学院:地质学院 班级:勘查技术与工程2011-1班

姓名:相光辉 学号:201101171230



这部电影以英国的民族解放战争为背景,讲述了苏格兰民族英雄威廉姆,为了给爱妻复仇而卷入抗击英格兰殖民者的战争中 ,最后一发不可收拾,华勒领导起让爱自由的民众,为解除英格兰的奴役而战,最后英雄之子——威廉华勒以牺牲自己挽回了战争的格局,苏格兰人民获得了自由,最终获得了永远的解放。在威廉.华莱士还是孩子的时候,他的父亲,苏格兰的英雄马索.华莱士在与英军的斗争中牺牲了。幼小的他在父亲的好友的指导下学习文化和武术。光阴似箭,英王爱德华为巩固在苏格兰的统治,颁布法令允许英国贵族在苏格兰享有结婚少女的初夜权,以便让贵族效忠皇室。王子妃伊莎贝拉是个决断的才女,她知道这道法令会让英国贵族有意于苏格兰,但更会激

起苏格兰人民的反抗。年轻的华莱士学成回到故乡,向美丽的少女梅伦求婚,愿意做一个安分守已的人。然而梅伦却被英军无理抢去,并遭杀害,国仇家恨使华莱士终于爆发了,他孤身一人闯进英军驻地,杀死了多名英军。在广大村民高呼“英雄之后”的呼喊声中,他们揭竿而起,杀英兵宣布起义。苏格兰贵族罗伯想成为苏格兰领主,在其父布斯的教唆下,假意与华莱士联盟。华莱士杀败了前来进攻的英军,苏格兰贵族议会封他为爵士,任命他为苏格兰护国公。华莱士却发现这些苏格兰贵族考虑。的只是自己的利益,丝毫不为人民和国家前途担心。爱德华为了缓和局势,派伊莎贝拉前去和谈。但由 于英王根本不考虑人民的自由和平等,只想以收买华莱士为条件,和谈失败了。伊莎贝拉回去后才发觉和谈根本就是幌子,英王汇合了爱尔兰军和法军共同包围华莱士的苏格兰军队,她赶紧送信给华莱士。大军压境之下,贵族们慌作一团,华莱士领兵出战,混战一场,短兵相接中,他意外发现了罗伯竟与英王勾结,不禁倍受打击。英王爱德华为了缓和局势,派儿媳伊莎贝拉前去和谈,但是伊莎贝拉却为华莱士的豪情倾倒,来到驻地向他倾吐了自己的真情,两人陶醉在爱情的幸福之中。英王再次提出和谈。华莱士明知是圈套,但为了和平着想,他依旧答应前去。在爱丁堡布斯设计了阴谋抓住华莱士,并把他送交英王。罗伯对父亲的诡计感到怒不可遏,华莱士终于被判死刑。伊莎贝拉求情不成,在英王临死前,她告诉英王她怀的不是王子的血脉,而这个孩子不久将成为新的英王。华莱士刑前高呼“自由”震憾所有人。华莱士,已经不仅仅代表一个人,而是一种精神,一种信念,已经转换成

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