篇一 :《诺丁山》观后感


也许爱情原本就是说不清楚的坏东西,成全了一些人必定要伤害一些人,可是爱情依旧那么让人着迷,试想一个人拥有很多房子数不清的财富唯独他没有爱情,这是不是他人生的悲剧,或者一个人除了拥有一份真挚的爱情以外其他一无所有这是不是他人生最幸运的事? 当命运把那种美好突然之间安排在你身上时一切都来得那么的不自然。 是想说,即使我们真的是在做一个荒诞的梦,或者只是暂时体会到了原本不属于自己的美好,即便一旦醒来,或者是回到了原来的轨迹,我们会显得失落,不好受,不想从那曾经回到现在。 但是又怎么样呢,真的曾经拥有,即使来的不现实,起码有些回味的资本。

真的越发相信缘分或者说是命中注定。不要把缘分这种东西看作是我们这群毫无闪光点的人逃避追求爱情的借口,但有时您真的会越来越信这种东西。在她出现后,一切的自然或不自然似乎也成了已安排好的东西,契机就在那一刻引爆,真的很美好,想想都觉得好。 好久没有细细的看一部感人的爱情电影,随着年龄的增长,感情越来越变得仿佛是一种礼貌的交往,忘记了曾经那些一触即动蜻蜓点水般的青春式爱情,那里面的纯真和羞涩到现在还令我难以忘怀。可能是这一辈子最为美好的时刻吧!


安娜.斯科特(茱莉亚·罗伯茨饰)是美国的电影明星,她的玉照出现在各个杂志的封面上,一举一动都受到全世界的关注。在好莱坞呆腻了的她,来到异国他乡的伦敦寻求刺激。 一个平淡无奇的星期三,安娜走进威廉的书店里,她优雅的姿态给威廉留下了深刻的第一印象,同时他也意识到,这位优雅的女士正是那位家喻户晓的好莱坞女影星安娜。在安娜离开书店后不久,威廉在帮同事购买饮料返回的路上再次遇到了安娜,他把一杯饮料泼在了安娜身上,深感愧疚的威廉希望安娜能够到他家里把衣服清洗干净,两人便由此展开了一段如童话般美秒的爱情之旅。

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篇二 :诺丁山读后感 英文版

Notting Hill is a romantic film by Roger Michell. It was written by Richard Curtis (one of the top screenwriters in the UK) in 1999. As regards the plot, if we summarize it, we can say that a very famous Hollywood movie star, Anna Scott, falls in love with the owner of a bookshop, a normal fellow, in the charming London district Notting Hill. Apart from the fact that I like the actors very much, Julia Roberts (Anna Scott), and overall Hugh Grant (William Thacker), I think that this is a good film, because I also like comedies, and Notting Hill has, in particular, an original plot, and it's a very entertaining film. There are quite humourous notes, among them the way in which Anna and William meet, because he spills orange juice on her T-shirt. William's flatmate, Spike (Rhys Ifans), provides comic gags for the film. He's absurd, funny and indiscreet, but he also tries to help his friend. Even though the love at first sight between Anna and William is immediate, when the ending is close, he rejects her because he heard her speaking dismissively of him to her co-star. So, the excitement is kept until the end, when he realises his mistake and runs after her. The leading role in the film is shared between the main actors and the Notting Hill district itself. It is the centre where a lot of cultures and people from different worlds come together. This film poses a very

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篇三 :诺丁山英文读后感

Music so obnoxiously intrusive it ruins romance between starlet, shop owner in 'Notting Hill'

I think I might have really enjoyed "Notting Hill" -- an unlikely, light and lively romance between a Hollywood superstar (Julia Roberts) and a the owner of a tucked-away London book shop (Hugh Grant) -- but for one huge obstacle that I just couldn't get past:

Every time it starts to get really good, every time it reaches a romantic or emotional high, the soundtrack chimes in and ruins the scene with invariably intrusively and often downright awful songs, many of which sound like the

producers dug up John Denver and forced an acoustic guitar into his decaying hands.

Yes, that's not a pretty picture. Sorry if I brought up your lunch with that analogy. But the music really ruined this movie for me, and I just wanted to drive the point home.

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篇四 :Notting hill诺丁山

Notting hill film critic

15旅游管理 37号 吴琼

Notting Hill tells the story of the famous movie star Anna Scott in her acting career was in the ascendant, in Notting Hill a bookstore, fall in love with the boss William Thacker.

I am a person of no reason, has no resistance for a fairy tale love. I like Anna’s words very much:The frame is not real,don't forget I am just a girl,standing in front of a boy,asking him to love her...She is like an innocent girl standing in the bookstore door to tell him the best wishes. When she was sleeping on a bench in the park, the sun in her belly to disturb the beauty of painting. Who said this is not a perfect love, it is so romantic.

It is a very simple story, but the interpretation of warmth in Julia Roberts's eyes beaming between overflowing.I Admire William with a circle of friends,they are so good. The most attractive thing in the film is not the poor boy fall in love with the beautiful princess, but the details inside , both humorous and warm. At a certain moment, each person will feel so unlucky and unhappy, we will need a little applause, a hug, and then learn to smile. They don't have too much language to express, but left thousands of words in the heart of everyone .

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篇五 :影评 诺丁山




3、影片简介:片中男主William Thacker 由“永远的英伦情人”Hugh Grant 来饰演,而女主Anna Scott 则更是由大名鼎鼎的奥斯卡影后“大嘴美女”Julia Roberts来担任,个性温柔善良 William 住在伦敦西部的诺丁山,拥有一家生意惨淡的旅游书店,在一个平淡无奇的星期三,著名的好莱坞影星Anna来到了这家书店,并邂逅了William 。平凡的William到底能不能与影星Anna最终走到一起呢?这个问题留给大家一起回答。

小贴士:如果你喜欢标准的英式口音,那么 Hugh Grant的伦敦“牛津腔”会玩爆任何“玩家”。




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篇六 :Notting hill英文影评


“Don't forget I'm also just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her”. This classical lines entirely reflect the fact that you are just an ordinary person in front of the true love no matter how famous you are ,and no matter how ordinary you are.

The main character Anna Scott who is a famous and extraordinary Hollywood movie star falls in love with William Thacker who is an ordinary man at the first sight .The distance between them is so far that it is little possible that they can get together .However ,Anna wins the true love from William by means of her courage to express her voice from the bottom of her heart .

She really is an ordinary person with kindness ,bravery and the desire to be loved when she gets away from the flash of camera . As a famous movie star, she can accept the invitation to a little party of William’s sister with no hesitation and has a happy dinner with William’s friends .After the party when they pass by a secret garden ,she bravely climbs into the garden which is difficult for William to climbs into .In order to pursue his love ,she asks his forgiveness and express her voice from the bottom of her heart that she is eager to be love to be cared just as other girl.

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篇七 :【看电影学英语】分享一篇关于《时空恋旅人》的观后感想



If time travel were possible, what would you do? Visit a deceased family member? Correct past mistakes? Perhaps even change history a little bit?

Tim Lake (Domhnall Gleeson), the protagonist in the new romantic comedy About Time, uses his ability to travel back in time to find the love of his life.

The element of time travel in romantic dramas is certainly not new. Movies such as Kate & Leopold (2001), The Time Traveler's Wife (2009) and Midnight in Paris (2011) are all based on premises taken right out of sci-fi fantasy. Only these films, in spirit, aren't science-fiction — they're closer to sweet fables of destiny.

About Time is also a film in that tradition. Tim comes from a nice, comfortable British family, and he has no serious worries, except for his luck with women. On his 21st birthday, his father (Bill Nighy) reveals a major secret: The men in their family have the ability to go back in time.

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篇八 :感悟《诺丁山》中的 音乐之美


——08新闻班 杜楠




英文片名:Notting Hill


更多外文片名:The Notting Hill Project .....(UK) (working title)

影片类型:爱情 / 剧情 / 喜剧

片长:124 min

国家/地区:英国 美国







环球音乐公司为了打造该片的插曲音乐花费了不少功夫,歌手阵容强大,公司旗下的不少大牌歌手都加入的献声的行列。两支男孩团体“Boyzone”和“98度”以年轻人特有的直露和朝气,演绎了R&B曲式的情歌,相当动听。美国著名乡村女歌手仙尼亚吐温唱的那首《You’ve got a way》在经过特别混音处理后更显女性的温柔妩媚。除了当红艺人激情演绎之外,活跃于60、70年代的前辈人物图艾尔.格林、比尔.威尔斯等等也有佳作,强大的歌手阵容共同谱写出新时代的爱情罗曼史,是现今不可多得的情歌大全。


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