篇一 :新视野大学英语第二册unit1文章读后感

第一册 learning report

Gains: 1 学习单词要注意paraphrase,要查词组及例句,要注意派生词 2 学习课文要梳理文章结构,要注意文章的连贯性,常见的有时间结构,现象→定义→解释→解决办法等 还有像think for yourself中的现象→原因→叙事 3 口头作文或其他口语练习时要注意逻辑,一般为总分结构 4 作文中可以引用一些名言

Confusions: 如何更有效的练习听力: 精听还是泛听,使用那些听力材料?

Plan: 重点加强听力和口语,每天早上有10分钟听力练习和10分钟口语练习。

第二册 Unit1Are You a 1960s Type Student?

A 1960s type student is very different from students nowadays. Their main purpose to get into colleges is as far apart as heaven and earth.

A 1960s student is committed to freedom and justice.However, college students nowadays are utilitarians, what they truly want to do is to increase their chances on the employment market.

As an utilitarian and a college student myself, I can fully understand why they focus on employability prospects. Financial pressure and high employment pressure play a main part. An increasing number of people get higher education, thus a position which needed a B.S. in the past, demands M.S., even though a B.S. can handle it quite well. Then the employment market becomes competitive. And they will spent more

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篇二 :Spring sowing现代大学英语课文读后感

A simple life is a true life

Spring sowing, a simple but meaningful story, describes the first day of the first spring sowing of a newly-wedded couple against the background of a traditional agricultural country. Although the development of the story is flat without any suspense, just describing a whole day of spring sowing, but their life and dreams are fully revealed by the detailed description, such as their talks, behaviors and thoughts.

The story can be divided into four parts. Part one was the description of the setting of the story and the introduction of the two main characters of the story. The next part mainly told us about the young couple’s preparation for the work of spring sowing after their breakfast. The third part was the detailed description of their first day of spring sowing work. They worked very hard and were hopeful with their future. In addition, the author also described the different thought between the couple, especially the feelings of Mary. The last part described that they finished the work of the first day of the first spring sowing.

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篇三 :大学英语课程读书笔记格式模板

Reading Notes

Course: College English: Intensive Reading III Term(学期): 2014-2015-1

Name: Wang Tao(王涛)

Class(班别): Chinese13 , Group B

Student ID(学号):

Date: 2014.12.22

请在“Name”处填写真实姓名;在“Class”处补充班级号,如 “Chinese 131”;在“Student ID”处填写学号。

Reading Note 1

The Title of the Article or Book(文章标题或书名): The Great Trial The source of the material(文章出处):



Reading Note 2

The Title of the Article or Book(文章标题或书名):

The source of the material(文章出处):




Reading Note 1

The Title of the Article or Book(文章标题或书名): The Great Trial

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篇四 :新标准大学英语综合教程3Unit1 active reading2的读后感

We are all dying

This article was talked about our life, our time; we must make the best of every day, every second. We can’t wait for tomorrow, all day is today. Otherwise we’ll have nothing to do but regret. Don’t put back-burner stuff away, stop waiting and meet providence halfway, just do what you want to do. Filling your life in your finite time, cause we’re all dying.

Everyday have people start their new life, also some people have to say goodbye to their life. We can’t change it, all we can do is make the meat of our life more colorful. Time is elapsing; it will not wait for us to determine whether we “could to do”, “should to do”, and “would to do” or “not to do”. Time is limited, so, just do it now or you’ll be sorry to yourself on the bottom of your life.

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篇五 :大学英语视听阅读Bird Girl读后感

Name:Jesse Number:201192127


“Bird Girl” is referred to an 13-year-old American girl,named Mary Lou Robertson,who is an experienced bird-watcher at a very young age. In fact,she?s so knowledgeable about birds that she has written a children?s book about them. The little girl first became interested in bird-watching just because her family had moved to a new neighborhood and she felt lonely at times.

Every morning Mary Lou takes her binoculars and heads out to look for birds. Mary Lou usually uses her binoculars to identify all different types of birds around her home. Up to now,she is quite an expert on the different types of birds. Mary?s mother seems to be really pleased that her daughter is interested in bird-watching,and encourage her to develop this special hobby.

Many birds are easy for Mary Lou to identify,but she can?t always name every bird she sees,she learns new lessons everyday. When she was writing her bird book for children ,she studied hard by searching the Internet. Many Lou has written a book about birds,she also interprets something for younger children. Although it?s unusual for a young girl to feel so strongly about a hobby,this hobby doesn?t change this little girl a lot,it just tells her how to get to know the beautiful world and something new.

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篇六 :新视野大学英语第四单元读后感


班级: 姓名: 学号:

It would be a national standard of living standards, it is telecommunications technology.Some state information isolated place also quickly get the latest communications technology, which will promote their absorbing domestic and foreign investment. likeMany countries of Asia, Latin America and eastern Europe may need a long time to improve their lives.But with a fiber optic cable can will be able to do it.

A spider web and wireless communication networks have been developed to most parts of Asia and parts of eastern Europe. All these developing regions see advanced communication technology as a kind of across the way of economic development. Modern communications "will make country such as China, Vietnam than those who were trapped in the old country a huge advantage". But there will be errors in the development of. Do the do not conform to the strategic development of their country. As Vietnam need phone cases at present, it is requiring that all mobile phones must be expensive phone number type, this kind of practice is too advanced. One expert said: "these countries lack experience in cost estimation and selection techniques." But Russia's case, due to the scientific education base, it should has a prosperous development in the information age. The problem is that its telecoms sector failed to good development. The problem is that its domestic phone system already very old. , meanwhile, Hungary also hopes to jump into the modern world to build and operate a is said to be the world's advanced digital mobile phone systems. Build and run a is said to be the world's advanced digital mobile phone systems. Thailand are also turning to wireless communication mode, so that the Thai people to better use of our time in a traffic jam.

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篇七 :reading report form3大学英语泛读课程读书笔记

Reading Report 3

Name: 祁少欣                    Class: 英师3班               Student Number: 20120201159

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篇八 :张丽 大学英语课程改革之感想


张 丽





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