篇一 :德伯家的苔丝读后感(英语)

The Impression of Reading Tess of the d’Urbervilles

In most works of Thomas Hardy’s ,he almost entirely concerns his native West Country—Wessex . For Hardy, nature was the primary fact in life. He felt that nature was good because it represented free life in its honest, basic form. Nature was also harsh and demanding, punishing those who did not live in tune with it. For most of his major character, life is a struggle to regain the simplicity and truth of natural living. Most of them are sensual women like “Tess” in Tess of the d’Urbervilles , they are the common villains in Hardy’s novels .The Wessex novels are similar in mant other ways. All of them rely heavily on sensational incidents and their plots are overloaded with exciting climaxes.

Of all the Wessex novels, Tess of the d’Urbervilles is one of the most typical one. The other one is Jude the Obscure. Wessex raised a storm of controversy because of their “indecent” subject matter. Today, their subjects would be considered harmless, even dull, but the Victorians were outraged by his gloomy outlook and lack of sweetness.

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篇二 :德伯家的苔丝英文读后感

This is a book of grievous mood. A beautiful young girl’s life was destroyed gradually and really---not by her energy, but by the people who said love to her. What kind of this love is? What make the love destroy its lover? Tess could be a happy girl though her family was very poor. But “noble, status, and money” were strongly in her father’s mind, just because of the discovery that a parson said to him. Without their horse’s carrying load, life became rather difficult. Tess blamed herself completely, and she wondered what she could help her parents. Then Tess obeyed her mother’s idea, to work at the d’Urberville’s home, and met her cousin, Alec d’Urbervilles. This then was the beginning. Tess had to meet the wrong man, and one who was so strongly attracted to her. Yet to the right man, she was only a half-forgotten impression from an evening’s dancing party in a country field. This mistake was to have tragic results. Alec used his clever brain to help Tess’s parents, and this made Tess feel grateful to him. Because of her slackening vigilance, Alec’s intention came true ---Tess would be maiden no more. As the people of her village said, “It was to be.” And from now on, Tess’s life was to be completely different. Tess left Alec’s home, returned her village. But all had changed, Tess wouldn’t be happy, people in village wouldn’t see her as before. After her baby’s death, she had to leave her home, went to a far place. Perhaps at that time we should thank Alec, thank baby’s death, or Tess wouldn’t leave her home and met Angel Clare, her right man in the dairy. Tess was a so lovely girl that Angel was soon crazy for her. At last, they conquered many difficulties and got married. But Tess’s experience was still her mortal wound, Angel couldn’t accept the truth and left her. The story came to its turning point again. When Angel realized his mistake and went back to look for Tess, all was too late, the poor girl again dropped into Alec’s trap. With the intertwine of love and hatred, Tess had to end herself with a tragic results. God played with Tess so much. When her right man appeared, God yet didn’t give her happiness. Tess’s parents loved her, but it was just an instinctive love; Alec said love to her, but it was a evil love; Angel said love to her as well, but it was a immature and selfish love. He wanted Tess to forgive him, but he couldn’t forgive Tess. Tess didn’t make any mistakes, but at last, she born all punishments and sufferings. At first, God had let the two persons miss each other. A tragedy was

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篇三 :德伯家的苔丝读后感(英文版)


She was seduced by a so-called gentleman—Alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respected her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of men. She was just a girl when she first met that terrible man.

She was forced by the gossips and the church to blame herself for this

accident, so she thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past she decided to go to a distant dairy farm but was still saying to herself that she was wrong. Maybe God didn’t aGREe with that, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart and life—Angel Chare. Angel popped the question to her but she refused him without saying why. She said she loved him deeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more than she did but she could not marry him for some unspoken reason. Angel wasn’t satisfied with this vague answer and did his best to win Tess. Somehow she agreed and they soon fixed the wedding day. Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess’s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave Angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess.

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篇四 :德伯家的苔丝片段读后感英文版


I have just finished some parts of the book called ‘Tess of the d’Urberville’, so I just talk about the characters appearing in these chapters which I have read.

In these chapters, I think that Tess, a kind and beautiful girl, didn’t want to rely on her “relative”, Mrs.d’Urberville. However, because of her responsibility,she still stood for her family to ask d’Urberville for help. As for her parents, her father wasirresponsible and foolish about the vanity of family honor. What’s more, her motherwas like a child sometime and eager to claim relationship with herrelative who had a great fortune. And then, in my view, Alec never cared about others what they thought,otherwise,Tess`s chastitywould not lose away.

I was impressed on a paragraph: in life, the right man to love hardly ever comes at the right time. Nature doesn’t often answer a call for love, until the caller is tired of calling. In this case, as in millions, it was just one of stories about encounters which were erroneous. A missing half wandered somewhere else, arriving much later. This

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篇五 :《德伯家的苔丝》读后感





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篇六 :德伯家的苔丝的英文书评

Tess----a tragedy of the times

Tess Durbeyfield, a tragic character was created by Thomas Hardy who was deeply impacted by the tragic view of Arthur Schopenhauer, Greek tragic view and Shakespeare’s tragedies. He held the idea that no matter how great the human civilization developed, we can do nothing when fate wants to play tricks on us. Due to this kind of believe, all of his novels have such a character: when the hero are going to access the happiness, the adversities befall them inevitably, like the destiny has settled and make fool of people, and so does Tess Durbeyfield’s fate.

In this novel, it reveals the shackle of convention explicitly, and Tess Durbeyfield was the victim of that era though she had courage to pursue the true love and rebel the decadent ideology. However, it was not enough for her to break the fetters of traditional moral standard. When she was raped, she was extremely guilty that she felt she did not pure anymore; she even dared not to go to church. However, when we consider about this, is it really her fault? Does she have to bear the catastrophe by herself? The answer is definitely no. She always in a state of auto- accusation ascribed to the traditional idea of chastity, she measured herself whether decent and pure only according the very concept, it was this that made the “humiliation” was engraved in her heart. The feudal ethnical code at Tess Durbeyfield’s time was just like the Three Cardinal Guides and the Five Constant Virtues at ancient China, which forfeited many ladies’ happiness, and became a heavy yoke upon all the people (especially women) at that time, but there were a few people to go against it.

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篇七 :德伯家的苔丝Tess of the d’Urbervilles 英文读书报告 经典

Tess of the d’Urbervilles

In Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Thomas Hardy has directly satirized nature. This novel revealed the tragedy of lower classes’ destiny and flayed hypocritical gentlemen and morals. In this novel, Hardy demonstrated his deep sense of moral sympathy for England’s lower classes, particularly for women. The novel, which indicated the tendency of anti-religious sentiments, against feudal morality and the laws of capitalists, was warmly received by the reading public though British upper class was bitter against it.

In the novel, Thomas Hardy succeeded in portraying an artistic image- Tess. There were sensitivity and beauty to her that have nothing to do with looks. Her beauty is not kind of stunning beauty, but the more you approach to her, you will be more likely to indulge in her beauty. Although she is not an orthodox believer, she has her own pure pursuits of life and living criteria. Her integrated image of kindness and tenderness, tough-minded and plainness should own her a happy life. But it seems that God leaves her out.

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篇八 :德伯家的苔丝读后感

11英语师范 肖娟娟 20110451115







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