篇一 :大学英语读书报告格式及范文



Reading Report

Name:    Class:                         

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篇二 :英语读书报告范文


There is no standard form for a book report. However, every book report should contain the following four parts:

1.     Identification. Give the title and author’s name. If the book is one with which your readers may not be familiar, identify it further. Give the name of the publisher, the place and year of publication, the price, and the number of pages.

2.     Classification. A word or phrase early in your report helps the reader keep in mind the type of book on which you are reporting; mystery, biography, humor, adventure, and so on. Your reader can then mentally compare it with similar books he has read.

3.     Description. A skillful book report gives an overall view of a book without giving away its outcome. Your description of a book may include quotations or brief sketches of scenes or action that you think are representative of the book. Take notes while reading. It will save you the time and trouble of thumbing through the book later to relocate quotations or other information.

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篇三 :英语读书报告


20xx年01月23日 星期六 10:17

1. 简爱

Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens’, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century.

The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London.

The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. He suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse. While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver, I was shocked by his sufferings. I felt

for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill. To my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness

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篇四 :英语阅读读书报告格式

Reading Report

for Extensive Reading Course

(Times New Roman一号加粗居中)

(分两行,Reading Report单独一行,中间空一行)



Term: 2010-2011-2

Name: Li Ming ()

Date: Apr. 21, 2011

(Times New Roman, 四号,居中,两端对齐,段前0.5)


(Times New Roman, 四号,居中,加粗)

(title 与body之间空一行)


(正文每段缩进四个字符,小四,行距1.5,Times New Roman)


班级 英语1103班 姓名 田小星 学号 1101901307 成绩

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篇五 :英语课读书报告格式

Book Report Styles and Other Forms

Style 1 -- Summary/ reaction

Style 2 -- Draw a picture. Artistic/kinesthetic/visual.

Style 3 -- Your own questions. Analytical skills. Also encourages learners to preview the book.


Style 4 -- The book and you. Intrapersonal.

Books Read Summary Sheet

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篇六 :英文读书报告格式范文

英文读书报告(BOOK REPORT)的格式

1. Introductory Paragraph

The first sentence should state for which instructor and class the book-report is being written.

The second sentence should state the title of the book and the author's name.

The third sentence should tell how many pages the book has and the name of the publisher.

The fourth sentence can state basic bibliographic information about the book.

Bibliographic information means not only the author and title but also what company published the book, what year it was published in and any other relevant information such as the edition and if the book has been translated, simplified or abridged. (see copyright page and the back of the title page.)

The next sentence should state the reason(s) you decided to read this book. Why did you choose this particular book? Typical reasons might be:

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篇七 :英文读书报告撰写格式

1.字体均为Times New Roman








4. 报告字数为1000---1500字。



The Book report

Book reports may be required by teachers who want to know whether their students have read the books assigned and how well they understand those books. If they are not required, students may as well write one or two for themselves, for writing book reports helps students to improve their reading comprehension and their ability to analyze and evaluate books. Moreover, it is very good written practice.

1. Three Main Parts of a Book report

Generally speaking, a book report consists of the following three main parts: ? Information about the author and his times

? A summary of the book

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篇八 :book report-The island英文小说读书报告范例《岛》



Title __________The Island____________________________

Author _________Victoria Hislop________________________

Write the new vocabulary words you learned from this book.

leper麻风病     hold in grip紧握     numbness麻木     jetty码头    crone干瘪老丑婆     cargo货物   bob浮动   lurch倾斜   mooring停泊处   unfurl展开   intricate复杂的   quay码头   shudder战栗   fortification设防   overpowering无法抵抗的   conjure想象chaperone女伴    impeccable无瑕疵的    woo追求   escort护卫   antic滑稽动作dampen潮湿    involuntarily不自觉的    backdrop舞台背景     effervescent欢腾euphoria精神欢快感    courtship示爱    halo晕轮   plaited编成辫的   bashfully羞怯地deflower使失贞    disgrace使丢脸    smolder郁积    catharsis宣泄   inexorably无情地confide吐露秘密    halcyon平静的    vivacious快活的    anguish痛苦    bluster咆哮snobbery势利    be suffused with充满    cauldron大锅    nausea晕船     gnaw at侵蚀refurbishment翻修    daunt使畏缩    brew酝酿     exuberance感情洋溢     wade跋涉

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