篇一 :英文读写literature review范文

The influence of mining exploitation on environment and the solution of the disposal of solid waste residue

By the year of 2012, China has 8557 State-owned mining enterprises and over 200 thousands individually owned enterprises. The area of destroyed land in mining area adds up to 29 thousand km^2 and grows at the rate of 2% each year (Liao L-P, Gao.H and Yu X-J, 2012). The mining industry has scored tremendous achievements, but meanwhile it threatens the environment. Some individually owned enterprises lack the awareness of environmental protection and take no preventive measure to lower their cost. Furthermore, out-of-date equipment and poor technology cause huge waste in production, which cause serious environmental pollution.

The destruction on land resources

Strip mining and the piling of tailings and waste residue occupies and destroys large land. In china, the waste-occupied land in mining area adds up to 59 thousand km^2 and the resulting deforestation area adds up to 11 thousand km^2 (Ma X-Q, Huang B-L, 2010). Strip mining can result in the destruction of land surface and Land Subsidence and accelerate the water and soil losses. According to official statistics, by the year of 2011, in the mining area of western China, the Soil erosion area annually increases 20 km^2.

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篇二 :怎样写Literature Review

怎样写Literature Review

Write a Literature Review

1. Introduction

Not to be confused with a book review, a literature review surveys scholarly articles, books and other sources (e.g. dissertations, conference proceedings) relevant to a particular issue, area of research, or theory, providing a description, summary, and critical evaluation of each work. The purpose is to offer an overview of significant literature published on a topic.


2. Components

Similar to primary research, development of the literature review requires four stages:(文献综述分为四个部分)

· (提出问题:你将要讨论的话题是什么)

Problem formulation—which topic or field is being examined and what are its component issues?

· (查询资料:找寻所有与话题相关的材料)

Literature search—finding materials relevant to the subject being explored

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篇三 :Literature Review (翻译实践型论文文献综述示例)


The Style Equivalence in the Translation of Essays by E.B.White Based on the Theory

of Functional Equivalence

No one can deny the difficulties in the literary prose translation from English to Chinese. And essay, generally can be seen as literary prose, with its huge varieties in form, content, and style etc., is hard to single out the translation of it as a whole for evaluation. Discussions surround the translation of essay never die. Scholars, home and aboard, have done a great body of researches on it, some of them stand out for their original and comprehensive achievements. Now let’s have a check on some extraordinary theories in essay translation built by them.

First comes Hilaire Belloc, he points out that the essence of translating is the

resurrection of an alien thing in a native body, which has something of the opinion of “reaching the acme of perfection” by Mr. Qian Zhongshu in his work On the

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篇四 :literature review 的写作

literature Review的写作

首先需要将“文献综述(Literature Review)”与“背景描述(Backup ground Description)”区分开来。我们在选择研究问题的时候,需要了解该问题产生的背景和来龙去脉,如“中国半导体产业的发展历程”、“国外政府发展半导体产业的政策和问题”等等,这些内容属于“背景描述”,关注的是现实层面的问题,严格讲不是“文献综述”,关注的是现实层面问题,严格讲不是“文献综述”。“文献综述”是对学术观点和理论方法的整理。

其次,文献综述是评论性的(Review就是“评论”的意思),因此要带着作者本人批判的眼光(critical thinking)来归纳和评论文献,而不仅仅是相关领域学术研究的“堆砌”。评论的主线,要按照问题展开,也就是说,别的学者是如何看待和解决你提出的问题的,他们的方法和理论是否有什么缺陷?要是别的学者已经很完美地解决了你提出的问题,那就没有重复研究的必要了。清楚了文献综述的意涵,现来说说怎么做文献综述。虽说,尽可能广泛地收集资料是负责任的研究态度,但如果缺乏标准,就极易将人引入文献的泥沼。



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篇五 :Literature review

II. Literature Review

In the middle ages,the Grammar Translation Method was initially used to teach modern languages such as French,German and English in European countries. The Grammar Translation Method was one of foreign or second language teaching which made use of translation and grammar studies in the classroom. In other words,it was a way of studying a language through detailed analysis of its grammar rules,followed by the application of this knowledge to the task of translating sentences and texts in and out of the target language(Jack C Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers,2000.3-4).

A typical lesson consist of the presentation of grammatical rules,a study of lists of vocabulary, as well as translation exercises. It has the dominant position in China until the Communicative Approach has been introduced in China.

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篇六 :Literature Review

Literature Review

With the popularity of the novel The romance of the Three Kingdoms, people are more familiar with the characters of the Three Kingdoms times, people like the figures more, they take many of the characters as heroes. One person, exceptionally, was considered as an arch-careerist, he was Tsao Tsao. However, they made a mistake, actually, he was a hero. It made they have a misunderstanding about the historical fact. Therefore, changing people’s erroneous understanding to historical figures has become a task. Through long time’s efforts in searching, collecting and reading an abundance of scholars and professors’ literature concerning why Tsao Tsao was successful in three kingdoms times, I made a detail analysis of the literature and create the following essay.

The Incorruptible Concepts of Cao Cao by LIN Hong, LAI Hong-wei demonstrates some points about Cao Cao’s Incorruptible Concepts such as people are important, and leader should love people are fundamental thoughts. Talents are most important which are guarantee of the concepts. Country should pay attention to the rule of law, and strict in law enforcement. Government should advocate thrifty, against luxury work hard and make great progress. It helps me a lot to know about the information about Cao Cao how to rule his country and achieve the society’s progress.

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篇七 :A Sample of Literature Review(英文文献综述模板)

A Sample of Literature Review On Advertising English

Among the so many scholars who examine advertising language, G. N. Leech deserves prime attention for his thorough research of advertising in the field of linguistics in his book English in Advertising(66).

Vestergaard and Schroder, however, probe into advertising language not only in the respect of linguistics, but also in that of psychology and ideology.

The Language of Advertising (85) written by them is a revealing study of the strategies of persuasion advertisers use and of the crucial underlying assumptions advertising makes.

Focusing on magazine and newspaper advertising, the authors illustrate the range of linguistic and visual techniques advertisers use to achieve emphasis and special effects.

Apart from that, Hafer and White make contribution to the research of advertising language by writing a book titled Adverting English which is conceived as a bridge between rules and suggestions for writing advertisement that have been run or aired.

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篇八 :literature review

literature review 估计很多刚到外国读书的同学和我有一样的体会:第一次接触literature review,根本无从下笔。今日看到一篇帖子写的很好,故转给各位看看,希望有所帮助。

首先需要将“文献综述(Literature Review)”与“背景描述(Backupground Description)”区分开来。我们在选择研究问题的时候,需要了解该问题产生的背景和来龙去脉,如“中国半导体产业的发展历程”、“国外政府发展半导体产业的政策和问题”等等,这些内容属于“背景描述”,关注的是现实层面的问题,严格讲不是“文献综述”,关注的是现实层面问题,严格讲不是“文献综述”。“文献综述”是对学术观点和理论方法的整理。

其次,文献综述是评论性的(Review就是“评论”的意思),因此要带着作者本人批判的眼光(critical thinking)来归纳和评论文献,而不仅仅是相关领域学术研究的“堆砌”。评论的主线,要按照问题展开,也就是说,别的学者是如何看待和解决你提出的问题的,他们的方法和理论是否有什么缺陷?要是别的学者已经很完美地解决了你提出的问题,那就没有重复研究的必要了。清楚了文献综述的意涵,现来说说怎么做文献综述。虽说,尽可能广泛地收集资料是负责任的研究态度,但如果缺乏标准,就极易将人引入文献的泥沼。


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